Automatic Generation of LIBRAS Signs by Graphic Symbols of
Carlos E. A. Iatskiu, Laura S. Garc
ıa and Rafael P. Canteri
Federal University of Paran
a, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Deaf People, Deaf Community, LIBRAS, SignWriting.
The Brazilian Sign Language is the natural language used by Deaf people in Brazil to communicate between
themselves and with the society, as well as it is part of culture and tradition. Providing access to communi-
cation, information and knowledge (creation) for the Deaf community are just some of the motivations for
Brazilian Sign Language writing record. This paper shows some hypotheses for the low usage of computa-
tional tools for recording sign languages and proposes a new way to generate the graphic records in Brazilian
Sign Language through the SignWriting System for assisting the Deaf individuals in the exercise of their full
Despite the latest and emerging worldwide social
transformations, people with disabilities still suffer
from several problems such as prejudice and inacces-
sibility, among others. Gradually and slowly, transfor-
mations in all knowledge areas have started to solve
some of these problems. Deaf communities were for-
merly excluded from society due to the fact of their
consideration as not “normal” (clinically originated
concept) individuals. Reports show the extreme pro-
cedures to which Deaf people used to be submitted
in order to “remove their abnormality”. Nowadays
things have changed. Nevertheless, the above ques-
tions are far from having been attended, and social
errors and misconceptions about handicapped needs
goes on generating (new forms of) exclusion (Fernan-
des, 2007).
Deaf communities (born Deaf people with proper
culture in opposition to people with acquired deaf-
ness) in the world still suffer from the lack of oppor-
tunities and, in this sense, tools that can help them in
communicating with each other and with other mem-
bers of society are necessary. Plain access to infor-
mation is one of the research challenges referring to
Deaf people, and since information systems help to
meet this goal, they are critically important. However,
these systems usually impose obstacles to access and
use. One of the obstacles is that the human computer
interaction is not natural for these populations, be-
cause communication via interface is not provided in
sign language - in this case LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign
Language), considered by linguistic experts the first
language of Deaf people, even when it is not chrono-
logically the first one.
From the observation of this reality the need for
computational tools that can help Deaf people in com-
munication and access to information becomes clear.
In conjunction with all the needs of this communities,
there is the difficulty they face with the graphic record
of LIBRAS, namely, the problem determined by the
lack of a standard writing system and of the corre-
sponding practice of its use by Deaf communities.
No language can survive without its writing system,
because languages evolve along time. Also, without
a proper record, part of them is lost. Deaf commu-
nities in Brazil use LIBRAS for communication be-
tween their members, but every time they need to use
some record of it, they are restricted to use written
Portuguese, their second language.
Human beings have different volatile ways of
communication, which passed from people to peo-
ple, with the inherent risk of their meaning modi-
fication. Writing systems remain intact. From this
the need for the written registration of sign languages
arises. According to Dulcineia Azeredo (Azevedo,
2010), “The importance of writing for history and for
preservation of the records comes from the fact that
it allows for the storage and propagation of informa-
tion, not only between individuals, but also through
generations. Through the writing, it is possible to
put the present man in contact with the man from the
Andrade Iatskiu C., Sánchez García L. and dos Passos Canteri R..
Automatic Generation of LIBRAS Signs by Graphic Symbols of SignWriting.
DOI: 10.5220/0005372200710078
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 71-78
ISBN: 978-989-758-098-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
past, rescuing facts to be discussed in a new perspec-
tive. This will certainly have benefits for human exis-
In this way, Deaf people who know a sign lan-
guage should be able to represent and record it
through writing. Additionally, one useful type of
tool to assist the Deaf in the process of maintaining
their culture and recording the knowledge produced
by them is a sign writing system. Many different writ-
ing systems for sign languages emerged trying to re-
solve sign representation, but they have produced a
new difficulty for Deaf people, since they rarely know
which system is more appropriate or, even worse, they
are not able to take advantage of the system because
of the difficulty of interacting with it.
The most well known sign language writing sys-
tem is SignWriting, a visual notation whose elements
can be easily mapped to sign languages phonological
components. Its elements allow for any sign language
to be visually represented, ie, the writing system al-
lows to represent the sign phonological structures in
graphical form.
SignWriting emerged as an evolution of an
spelling system for representing ballet movements
created by Valerie Sutton, around the 70s, at the Uni-
versity of Copenhagen in Denmark, the DanceWriting
(Sutton, 2005).
Writing systems show interesting alternatives to
assist the written record of signs. SignWriting is a
complete writing system with all the potentiality to
be used in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) to fa-
cilitate the description and the understanding of sign
language records. The writing system presents pos-
sibilities to express the majority of the sign language
resources, as well as its visual spatial modulators in-
corporated in the signs in context. These character-
istics determined our choice of SignWriting for the
development of the tool in question (Stumpf, 2005)..
In Brazil, LIBRAS has been used since 1996 in
Deaf education and in research by Marianne Rossi
Stumpf, who was the first Deaf to write LIBRAS’
signs. Then, she started researching about sign writ-
ing with Professors Ant
onio Carlos da Rocha Costa
and Marcia Campos at the Pontificial Catholic Uni-
versity in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. From there,
Marianne and Antnio translated a children’s book A
girl is called Kauana” from Portuguese to SignWrit-
ing. This was the first text written in LIBRAS in
Brazil (Stumpf, 2000).
Despite this first interest, the use of SignWriting
is still very restricted, but many authors defend that
its use could assist the target population in expand-
ing and documenting their language, LIBRAS. This
writing system is still not known by the Deaf com-
munities. One of the arguments raised by the Deaf
is that SignWriting is not used mainly because most
of information and knowledge legacy is recorded in
written oral languages, as Portuguese, and learning
SignWriting is in fact an indirection towards written
Portuguese domain. Additionally, there are few tools
that support LIBRAS recording in SignWriting.
Related literature showed some editors and/or
translators that support SignWriting, but these tools
have not obtained acceptance (considered as usage
practice) of the Deaf communities in Brazil or around
the world. From the study of these tools, we have
built a complementary hypotheses, namely that this
aversion may have been caused by inadequate in-
terfaces and especially by the adoption of incorrect
paradigms, which demand high time to generate a
single sign, making it extremely difficult to translate
extensive text from some country’s oral language to
SignWriting thus demotivating handouts, books and
others translation efforts.
In this context, the development of technological
artifacts with appropriate interfaces and interaction
models built on paradigms that encourage the use and
the legitimacy of SignWriting as a writing system for
LIBRAS appears as a sound research route.
In Section 2 describes a Review of Literature
(writing systems for Sign Languages and SignWrit-
ing, The Computational Architecture to Support the
Social Inclusion of Deaf Communities in Brazil and
Considerations of Computational Description Model
of LIBRAS), Section 3 presentes The Low (or NO)
Use of Computational Tools to Support SignWrit-
ing by Brazilian Deaf Communitty, Section 4 shows
Automatic Generation of LIBRAS Sign by Graphic
Symbols of SignWriting. Finally, Section 5 discusses
a Conclusion and Future Works.
In this section the writing systems for Sign Languages
and SignWriting (Stumpf, 2005), the Architecture
ıa et al., 2013) (Garc
ıa et al., 2010a) (Garc
et al., 2010b) and the Phonological Model (Antunes,
2011) for adequate LIBRAS treatment, cornerstones
for the present WEB service, are presented.
2.1 Writing Systems for Sign
Languages and SignWriting
As it was already mentioned, there are several writ-
ing systems for sign languages around the world that
address the graphic representation of signs. However,
this is seen as an additional problem for Deaf commu-
nities that, unable to know which is the most adequate
system to use, appeal to the written form of the oral
language of their country, not without significative ef-
fort. The present section shows some of the available
writing systems for sign languages, focusing on Sign-
Writing, which is considered the most complete one.
Stokoe’s System: Stokoe (Stokoe, 1978) cre-
ated a notation to represent sign languages based
on their observed parameters: hand configuration
(10), location (12 positions), action movements
(22) and hand orientation (4). He was also the
forerunner of the sign languages linguistic char-
acter legitimation. The goal of his notation was
to respond to the needs off the registration and
the study of sign languages. The use of the writ-
ten code by the Deafs themselves was not one of
his purposes. Stokoes System was the first nota-
tion to represent the “phonological” (by the level
of equivalence to oral languages analysis) compo-
nents of the American Sign Language by graphic
symbols. The original notation was composed by
55 symbols, but afterwards, researchers modified
this set as a consequence of the productivity of
living languages (Stokoe, 1978).
Franc¸ois Neve’s Notation: Franc¸ois Neve, a re-
searcher at the University of Li
ege (1996), ex-
panded the Stokoe’s notation complemented it.
The Franc¸ois Neve’s notation made the enumer-
ation and the computational treatment of the signs
possible. The written representation is done via
columns from the top to the bottom (in a single
column when the dominant hand signalizes or in
two columns for both hands) (Stumpf, 2005). The
phonological aspects specified up to that moment
were considered both in Stokoe’s and in Neve’s
notations. Both of them also had the primary el-
ements needed to represent non-manual expres-
sions (face, body and head, among others), sig-
nificant components of sign languages.
HamNoSys: Hamburg Sign Language Nota-
tion System (HamNoSys) (Prillwitz et al., 1989)
(R. Elliott and Parsons, 2001) is a phonological
linear transcription system with a larger scope
than Stokoes. This system defines about 200 sym-
bols for representation of parameters like hand
configuration, orientation, locations in the head
and in the body and also the movements through
iconic representations easily perceived and rec-
ognized. This model also brought, as an inno-
vation, the inclusion of the non-manual expres-
sions. A computational system for sign transcrip-
tion was developed based on HamNoSys model,
and it later helped to propose tools for Deaf peo-
ple. The SiGML (Signing Gesture Markup Lan-
guage) (Prillwitz et al., 1989) is this transcription
model, built by means of XML (the eXtensible
Markup Language) and a flexible alternative for
representing sign languages signs constituents in
a computational way.
2.1.1 SignWriting
SignWriting is a graphic written notation of sign lan-
guages. Its components allow for any sign language
to be represent visually, or, in other words, the writ-
ing system allows for representing the phonological
structure of sign languages in a graphic manner. Fig-
ure 1 shows examples of SignWriting.
Figure 1: Examples of SignWriting (Stumpf, 2005).
This writing system was developed by Valerie Sut-
ton in 1981 as an extension of a dance movement no-
tation system (Sutton, 2005), the Sutton Movement
Writing & Shorthand, that aimed at being able to rep-
resent, in a systematic way, any movement of dance,
sports, physiology among others.
In Capovilla & Raphael work (2001)(Capovilla
and Raphael, 2001), it is possible to perceive that
SignWriting has a fundamental role in sign languages
in general, since it helps the Deaf people to under-
stand efficiently each detail of the sign composition
by means of the written correspondent. Parameters
as location, movement, orientation, facial expressions
can be easily visualized in SignWriting.
SignWriting has a structure composed of four ba-
sic elements: hands, movements, facial expressions
and body that other writing systems do not include.
The elements for hand representation are the
hands configuration, their orientation and movement.
These parameters enable the distinction of types of
contact made between one or both hands and the rest
of the body. The system has about 900 symbols,
which provide more accuracy to the representation of
signs (Stumpf, 2005). Facial expressions and body
movements are indispensable for the representation
of signs. Table 1 presents groups of classification of
SignWriting symbols.
Figure 2: Integration Model of the proposed HCI Architecture with developed and in progress modules and bases. (Garc
et al., 2010a) (Garc
ıa et al., 2010b).
Table 1: Table with groups of SignWriting Symbols
(Stumpf, 2000).
<SignWriting Groups>
Orientation and Position of Hands
Contact Types
Hands Configuration
Finger Movements
Arms Movements and appointments (straight, curved, ...)
Facial Expressions
Location of Head Symbols
Head Movements
Orientations of the look
Body Movements
Symbols of Grammatical Points
Dynamic of the Movements
Even being SignWriting a graphic code for signs
writing, some important parameters such as velocity,
frequency, sequentiality marks, among others, are not
available. In socially situated use, these are perceived
in a natural and unconscious form by sign language
users. Nevertheless, for adequate computational treat-
ment, a more detailed sign phonological components
description is needed.
Further differential of SignWriting to other sim-
ilar systems refers to the fact that this system is the
only one that presents clearly characteristics related
to simultaneity and that utilizes a precise spacial de-
The writing systems presented here are seen as in-
teresting alternatives for helping in signs registration.
SignWriting, mainly, is a proper written system with
all the potentiality to be used in LIBRAS, as discussed
above. This justifies its choice as the basis for the web
service of translating our research group phonological
model to the signs writing system in question.
2.2 The Computational Architecture to
Support the Social Inclusion of Deaf
Communities in Brazil
The architecture proposed by our research group can
be described trough two main elements: the ab-
stract four general layers hierarchy and the integra-
tion model, which shows all the modules and their in-
terrelations that give support for the execution of the
abstract architecture. Figure 2 shows the Integration
Model of the Architecture.
The four level hierarchy is show in Figure 4. The
surface layer is responsible for providing adequate ap-
plications, mainly in the axes of i) giving proper sup-
port to Deaf natural language (i.e. Sign Language)
acquisition and registration (as occurs traditionally in
the written codes of any oral language); ii) support-
ing teaching-learning processes of LIBRAS itself and
of written Portuguese as their second language (i.e.
literacy); iii) supporting knowledge acquisition of ev-
ery other area, considering the hypothesis of the Sign
Language acting as the mother language for the Deaf
in any interpretation process.
The needed services refer specially to those asso-
ciated to the language itself, starting by dictionaries,
lexicon and translators. Although being themselves
applications, they are critic as tools as well, allowing
for plain applications for Deaf communities. The in-
terface between the services and the internal APIs has
as its main function providing correct frameworks for
both uppermost layers from sound different speciali-
ties bases Finally, the internal level is responsible for
the Computer Science sub-areas knowledge and tech-
nology needed to support the several tools and appli-
After presenting the overall architecture, we pro-
ceed to describe the integrating model. This repre-
sentation exposes all the modules and bases involved,
and their interrelations. Figure 3 shows it, together
Figure 3: Abstraction of the proposed HCI Architecture to
promote inclusion and citizenship for Deaf communities.
ıa et al., 2010a) (Garc
ıa et al., 2010b).
with the modules instantiated (developed/in progress)
up to the present moment.
The work described in the present paper - the
WEB service for the interpretation of the sign de-
scriptions by means of the computational model of
LIBRAS phonology to SignWriting symbols - is situ-
ated within the described architecture as indicated in
Figure 3, as part of the SignWriting Generator, since
it receives the computational phonological descrip-
tion of a sign components and produces, for the user,
the graphic representation components of the sign in
2.3 Considerations on the LIBRAS
Phonology Description
Computational Model
Other participant of the research group in which the
present work is situated developed a computational
representation model based on a compilation and
adaptation of phonological models that aggregates a
high degree of details for sign description. Such fi-
nesse in describing the signs render the model pre-
sented adequate for computational treatment of SL.
Figure 4 shows an adaptation of the basic structure of
the model with some of its main parameters, one can
see a Sign is composed by a Hold, a Non-Manual Ex-
pression and a Movement (that may be combined in
different levels to represent simultaneity and sequen-
tiality). Each element, by turn, is the roots of the tree
that expands down to the leaf level, where the actual
values of the required parameters are enumerated (e.g.
the element of quality may be defined by the exten-
sion, tension, velocity and other temporal aspects of
the movement). The proposed structure (its use and
Figure 4: Conceptual Structure of Sign Computational Rep-
resentation (Antunes, 2011).
the degree of computational details of signs) is impor-
tant to solve a series of problems thus far encountered
in SL recognition, building signs (3D), written signs,
among others.
The proposed model is a compilation of several
phonological models existing in the literature, and it
extends these models in various aspects: it allows for
simultaneity, sequentiality; non-manual expressions
etc. The model has a high degree of detailed param-
eters and values that could be attributed to such pa-
rameters. Additionally, it allows for adoption of new
expressions, parameters and values, which is a pow-
erful feature in the model to support new signs in SL.
The model is critical as a proper support for image
recognition, translation, 3D avatars generation and so
on. Additionally, the proposed model includes the
non-manual expressions, that may be used in the in-
tensity, sentence formation, semantics and in the sin-
gular characterization of a sign. This singular charac-
terization often occurs in disguised signs. These signs
aggregate facial expressions. The proposed model is
an important element of the conceptual HCI architec-
ture previously cited that takes several aspects of Deaf
needs into consideration.
Figure 5 shows the sign of Brazilian Sign Lan-
guage that represents “tree”. In this sign, the
dominant-hand takes the form of the specific configu-
ration 56 used at the point of articulation. Note the
need contact attribute, because the signal is articu-
lated on the back of the non-dominant hand contact
with the elbow. Still to make the sign it is neces-
sary to use the local movement of rotation (counter-
clockwise). Table 2 describes this sign by the Com-
putational Description Model of the Phonology of LI-
Such model is appropriate, for example, to aid
Computer Vision (CV) to better train algorithms for
sign recognition, with the correct set of representa-
tive signs and descriptions. Most CV studies rely on
the use of gloves for recognition. A glove limits the
natural signing of the SL and systems of this kind do
not consider, in most cases, very important aspects as
Figure 5: Sign Tree “
arvore” (Antunes, 2011).
Table 2: Table with the XML Description of the Movement
of the Sign Yellow “amarelo” in LIBRAS.
<sign name=“arvore”>
<hold sequence=“1”>
<handshape specific=“28” arm=“vertical” >
<location bodySide=“dominant hand” >
<hand >dorse </hand >
</location >
<orientation >
<palm hand=“vertical”>upward, forward </palm >
<floorParallel>hand base </floorParallel>
<handshape specific=“56” arm=“horizontal” >
<location bodySide=“dominant hand” >
<space >
<proximity distance=“proximal”>
<spatialRelationship loca-
tion=“stomach”i=“shoulder” >
</space >
<trunk >elbow </trunk >
</location >
<orientation >
<palm hand=“vertical”>upward, forward </palm >
<floorParallel>hand base </floorParallel>
</orientation >
</hold >
</sign >
non- manual expressions, locations, among others.
To assist CV in the recognition process, the cre-
ation of an adequate sign base (not random or iso-
lated) with descriptions of the signs according to
phonology is important. Thus, CV will receive a rep-
resentative sets of signs and their recognition will de-
termine elements of phonology. In this way it is pos-
sible to retrospectively identify any other signs not
present at the base, by recognition of their parame-
ters. Thus, it is possible to create tools that allow
for searching signs by the signs’ phonological com-
ponents and will support translation process.
This model is a core feature in the work in ques-
tion, since from its rules for sign components descrip-
tion in a high level of detail, it permits the automatic
generation of the graphic symbols.
Some results found represent the state of art for the
development of information systems for members of
Deaf communities in Brazil and worldwide. There are
some initiatives that aim to assist these communities
by the learning of sign languages and registering of
language through SignWriting.
Recent developed tools, although with the purpose
of helping the Deaf, are produced to a very specific
audience (those Deafs that are able to read and write
the official language of their country) and in this way,
they are not adopted in everyday activity by Deaf peo-
ple as communication resources, interaction or learn-
ing. Many of these artifacts do not attend in general
to the needs of Deaf people, among which reasons we
can mention language issues (i.g. the information is
presented mostly in the written language of the coun-
try, assuming that all the Deaf can read it) and inter-
action (i.g. most of the tools for users to interact with
the interface are not mediated by LIBRAS).
By analysing related work, it has been concluded
that most available tools have several problems which
can be inferred by the low usage reported. One of the
common problems is that, in general, the use of sym-
bols trees to edit a sign is a paradigm that should be
abandoned, because in order to edit a sign in a soft-
ware that uses this technique, it is necessary to drag
primitive by primitive and positioning it in the corre-
sponding place. This takes a long time, since the num-
ber of existing primitive symbols is extremely high,
being, then, unsuitable to write a long texts.
Another point that causes this low use of tools by
the community is the poor interfaces quality, some of
them still being developed in MS-DOS environment,
together with a high number of accessibility prob-
lems, hardening the user-tool interaction.
Also, the development of a new way to generate
the graphical form of the signs of LIBRAS on Sign-
Writing tools is necessary, firstly in order to provide
the Deaf community with viable edition processes to
allow for information accessing and knowledge cre-
ation and, secondly, to written the components that
will be the base for LIBRAS sign generation sign gen-
eration to provide Human-Computer interfaces writ-
ten outputs.
This automatic generation is situated within the archi-
tecture as described in Figure 3. It can be used for the
automatic interpretation of XML to the SignWriting
graphic symbols, and, also, for intelligent search for
graphic symbols.
The system reads the LIBRAS sign description
in the Phonological Model in XML and provides as
output the graphic symbols of SignWriting that corre-
spond to the input sign.
Figure 6 shows the automatic generation process.
The main difference in relation to other tools avail-
able comes from the fact that it does not make a con-
version from a sign to a unique pre-existent SignWrit-
ing correspondent symbol sequence but, instead, con-
verts each piece of XML describing the primitives
that compose the sign (dominant hand, movement,...)
to the correspondent SignWriting sign component.
Figure 6: Abstraction of the proposed system (Iatskiu,
Figure 7 displays the LIBRAS graphic sign for the
Portuguese word “pai” (father). Table I should be ob-
served in order to understand the way in which the
system interprets each piece of XML code and how it
forms the written symbols. It shows the movement in
LIBRAS Phonological Model of Figure 4.
Figure 7: Graphic sign of “pai” father in SignWriting.
As we can observe in Table 3, the service reads
each described XML chunk in an independent man-
ner for the SignWriting symbols generation. In this
way, every existent (or yet non-existent, if represented
in the Model) LIBRAS sign can be generated from its
primitives description. The systems databases stor-
age every elementary component described by the LI-
BRAS Phonological Model, instead of the correspon-
dence sign-SignWriting symbols like other available
tools do.
Table 3: Table with the XML description of the movement
of the sign “pai” in LIBRAS.
<movement sequence=“1”>
The tool is relatively simple, it shows the user the
structure of the descriptive XML for him to enter the
LIBRAS signal information, which can also have the
clean interface shown in Figure 9, if the XML is ready
for automatic conversion. Thus, the system reads the
user input, corrects any mistakes and eliminates not
required information saving each description in a vec-
After this stage, the main vector is separated into
7 other vectors respectively connected to each Sign-
Writing primitive: dominant-hand configuration, lo-
cal movement of dominant-hand, non-dominant hand
configuration, local movement of non-dominant hand,
no manual expression, movement of dominant-hand
and non-dominant hand. A scan occurs to verify if
the information is primitive, because in a sign it is
not necessary to have all of these primitives and each
primitive does not need to have all the descriptions
The final stage of the process is to check if the
vector has the description of the primitive. If so, sev-
eral searches in the database are performed to find
some primitive that has the similar characteristics to
the one inserted into the XML and if it finds it the
Service shows to the user the primitives forming the
corresponding signal. Figure 9, shows a screen of the
tool for Automatic Generation of LIBRAS Signs by
Graphic Symbols of SignWriting.
This makes the system’s managing possible and
innovative, since along the language evolution in
course, it will not be necessary to enter each new sign
created, because its elementary components will be
already storage.
The second functionality of the service presented
here acts in a similar way as other available tools do,
with the difference that it uses as input the same XML
code with the sign description in the first capacity or
use of the service described above. The output for the
user consists on the set of all the signs that have that
chunk as a component. The service is all being devel-
oped for the WEB platform in order to be available
for Deaf communities. It has been declared especially
useful as a tool for LIBRAS learning. Also, it will be
integrated to the whole working architecture within a
non-distant future.
The need of any natural language writing is critical,
so that the language is not lost along time. Deaf com-
munities needs are clear, mainly concerning access
to information without the country’s official language
indirection. In this sense, the work presented here po-
tentiality represents a step towards solving a relevant
technical problem, also having clear future social re-
sults. The service presented here is a relevant part of
an alternative output to 3D LIBRAS avatars within the
Portuguese - LIBRAS translator module under devel-
The main question to be treated in future work is
the generation of SignWriting symbols of a certain
sign in the correct arrangement (in columns, from up
to down, from left to right). This will be the last step
after the conversion of the written Portuguese ver-
sion into the corresponding XML LIBRAS descrip-
tion by the Phonological Model built within the re-
search group.
This capacity will be one of the bases for au-
tomatic translation from written Portuguese to LI-
BRAS, giving Brazilian Deaf communities the pos-
sibility of having access (in graphic written form) to
books, classroom notes, films and any other academic
or cultural content and, last but not least, to knowl-
edge creation in their natural language.
We would like to thank the students and teachers that
collaborated to this research. This work is funded
by Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior - CAPES and Fundac¸
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