Characterizing Generalization Algorithms
First Guidelines for Data Publishers
Feten Ben Fredj
, Nadira Lammari
and Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau
CEDRIC-CNAM, 292 rue Saint Martin, 75141, Paris Cedex 03, France
MIRACLE, Pôle technologique de Sfax, Route de Tunis Km 10 B.P. 242 Sfax 3021, Tunisia
ESSEC Business School, 1 Av B. Hirsch, 95000 Cergy, France
Keywords: Anonymization, Privacy, Generalization Technique, K-Anonymity, Algorithm, Guidelines.
Abstract: Many techniques, such as generalization algorithms have been proposed to ensure data anonymization
before publishing. However, data publishers may feel unable to choose the best algorithm given their
specific context. In this position paper, we describe synthetically the main generalization algorithms
focusing on their constraints and their advantages. Then we discuss the main criteria that can be used to
choose the best algorithm given a context. Two use cases are proposed, illustrating guidelines to help data
holders choosing an algorithm. Thus we contribute to knowledge management in the field of anonymization
algorithms. The approach can be applied to select an algorithm among other anonymization techniques
(micro-aggregation, swapping, etc.) and even first to select a technique.
The volume of sensitive and/or confidential data
(salary, medical information, religious affiliation
may be considered as sensitive data) contained in
information systems becomes very important. In
many cases nowadays, we have to share such data.
Moreover, organizations, either public or private, are
more and more required to make publicly available
their data.
In order to ensure data anonymization,
companies remove personal identifiers, such as
social security numbers, first names and last names.
However, even without direct identification, these
data may be linked to external files and thus re-
identified. (Samarati, 2001) illustrates this risk,
using an example of medical records linked to an
electoral roll, using common attributes such as zip
code, birth date and sex.
Companies may implement specific techniques
to protect their data from disclosure risk. Most of
them are known as privacy preserving data
publishing (PPDP) techniques (Kiran and Kavya,
2012). Some of them are also privacy preserving
data mining (PPDM) techniques (Nayak and Devi,
2011). To the best of our knowledge, the most
familiar techniques for microdata anonymization
are: (1) data swapping which switches the values of
one attribute throughout the lines of a table
(Fienberg and McIntyre, 2004), (2) adding noise
(Brand, 2002) that consists in adding a random value
with a given distribution to all microdata, (3) micro-
aggregation (Defays and Nanopoulos, 1993) that
merges individual records into groups containing at
least k rows. Each merged record contains the means
of original individual values. Finally, generalization
(Samarati, 2001) replaces effective values with more
general ones (a date is truncated into a month, a city
is generalized into its related region, etc.).
Let us note that all anonymization techniques
aim not only to ensure data privacy but also to
preserve data usefulness. The latter is usually
measured using two kinds of metrics: data metrics
and search metrics (Fung et al., 2010). Data metrics
measure the difference between the quality of
original data and the quality of anonymized data.
Search metrics are used by algorithms to decide, at
each step, among several anonymization
transformations, the best one, i.e. minimizing data
Each technique led to implementation of many
algorithms. Our preliminary state of the art allows us
to conclude that each algorithm presents some
advantages but also drawbacks and may be limited
to a specific context. We are convinced that
choosing the relevant technique and the best
Ben Fredj F., Lammari N. and Comyn-Wattiau I..
Characterizing Generalization Algorithms - First Guidelines for Data Publishers.
DOI: 10.5220/0005154603600366
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 360-366
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
algorithm requires taking into account several
context parameters. Therefore, we have performed a
deep analysis of several generalization algorithms in
order to elicit such parameters. The research
question addressed in this paper is the following:
“based on literature, how can we provide data
holders with the knowledge about relevant
parameters helping them to select an adequate
generalization algorithm?”
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the preliminary concepts allowing us to
describe generalization algorithms. In Section 3, we
describe the main generalization algorithms. Section
4 proposes a comparison table synthesizing the
different algorithms and finally, we conclude our
analysis and present future research.
Microdata are usually stored in relational tables
containing tuples representing individuals. Each
tuple has a value (microdata) for each attribute. The
latter can be an explicit identifier, a quasi-identifier,
a sensitive attribute or a non-sensitive one. An
Explicit Identifier (EI) directly identifies an
individual (e.g. social security number, first name,
last name). A Quasi-Identifier (QI) is a set of
attributes which, when linked to external
information, enables the re-identification of
individuals whose identifiers were removed. For
example (sex, zip code, and birthdate) is a well-
known quasi-identifier in many data sets. A
Sensitive Attribute (SA) represents data that
individuals don’t want to divulgate, such as medical
information or salaries. Non-Sensitive Attributes
(NSA) are attributes that are not included in previous
categories. For instance, in Table 1 representing the
original data set to be anonymized, the attributes
“age” and “education” constitute the QI. The
attribute “Disease” is a sensitive attribute (SA).
Table 1: Original data.
Quasi Identifier Sensitive
Name Age Education Disease
Alice 19 10th Diabetes
Jean 19 9th Cancer
Ines 27 9th Flu
David 30 9th Flu
Bob 23 11th Cancer
Dupont 23 11th Cancer
The generalization technique can be applied on a
continuous or a categorical attribute. A continuous
attribute is numerical and may take an infinite
number of different real values (e.g. the attribute
“age” in Table 1). A categorical attribute takes a
value in a limited set and arithmetic operations on it
do not make sense (e.g. the attribute “education” in
Table 1).
To avoid possible re-identification of individuals,
several privacy models have been proposed: k-
anonymity (Sweeney, 2002), l-diversity
(Machanavajjhala et al., 2007), t-closeness (Li, Li
and Venkatasubramanian, 2007), etc. In this paper,
we focus on k-anonymity since all generalization
algorithms are based on this privacy model. Let k be
an integer. An anonymized table satisfies k-
anonymity if each release of data is such that every
combination of values of quasi-identifiers can be
indistinctly matched to at least k individuals
(Sweeney, 2002). As an example, Table 2 is a
generalization of Table 1, satisfying 2-anonymity.
Generalization technique consists in replacing data
values with more general ones (Samarati, 2001).
Therefore, data are true but less precise. The
generalization is applied on a quasi-identifier. It
requires the definition of a hierarchy for each
attribute of the QI. Each hierarchy contains at least
two levels. The root is the most general value. It
represents the highest level. The leaves correspond
to the original data values and constitute the lowest
level denoted 0. As an example, the tree at Figure 1a
represents a generalization hierarchy of the attribute
“education”. The node “Junior” is at the level 1 of
the hierarchy. Figure 1b is an example of hierarchy
for the attribute “age” where the latter is generalized
through intervals.
Figure 1: Generalization hierarchies for education and age.
The generalization technique is implemented thanks
to several different algorithms. The main ones are
described in the following paragraphs.
Senior Junior
9th 10th 11th 12th
[19, 30]
[19, 23] [27, 30]
19 23 27 30
(a) (b)
Table 2: Generalized data.
Age Education Disease
[19,23] Junior Diabetes
[19,23] Junior Cancer
[27,30] Junior Flu
[27,30] Junior Flu
[19,23] Senior Cancer
[19,23] Senior Cancer
3.1 μ-argus
μ-argus (Hundepool and Willenborg, 1996) is an
iterative algorithm. At each iteration (a) the data
holder chooses the attribute to be generalized, (b) the
algorithm replaces each value of this attribute with
the value of its direct parent in the corresponding
hierarchy, (c) it verifies the compliance of the
resulting table with the k-anonymity, and finally (d)
lets the data holder choose between suppressing
some values (i.e. replacing them with null values) in
the tuples that not satisfy the k-anonymity or
continuing the generalization process.
3.2 Datafly
Datafly (Sweeney, 1998) was the first algorithm able
to meet the k-anonymity requirement for a big set of
real data. In addition to the definition of k, it needs
the determination of the number of allowed tuple
suppressions (MaxSup). To minimize information
loss, at each iteration, DataFly (a) generalizes the
attributes having the highest number of distinct
values, (b) checks whether the resulting table
complies with the k-anonymity. If the number of
tuples which do not satisfy k-anonymity is lower
than MaxSup, then these tuples are removed and the
algorithm stops. Otherwise, the algorithm performs
another iteration of generalization. Thus, combining
generalization and suppression prevents from an
excessive generalization which would reduce data
3.3 Samarati’s Algorithm
Samarati’s algorithm (Samarati, 2001) is based on a
lattice representing the possible combinations of
generalization levels. Each node, in the lattice,
contains a list describing the generalization level of
each QI attribute (Fig. 2). Thus, each node
corresponds to a possible anonymization (genera-
lization) of the original table. For example, starting
from Table 1, the implementation of <A1,E1> leads
to Table 2. All the values of the attribute “age”
which are of level 0 in Table 1 will be replaced with
their parents of level 1 in the Table 2. The same
transformation is performed for the values of the
attribute “education”.
Figure 2: The generalization lattice of the two attributes
age and education.
Samarati argues that the best anonymization
results are the nodes satisfying k-anonymity,
potentially with suppression but limited to MaxSup
(number of tuple suppressions allowed) and located,
as much as possible, at the bottom of the lattice (that
means minimizing information loss). In order to find
these optimal nodes, the algorithm considers the
nodes at the level h/2, h being the height of the
unexplored part of the lattice (the whole lattice is
considered at the first iteration). As an illustration,
for the lattice at Figure 2, h is equal to 4. The nodes
located at h/2=2 are <A2,E0>, <A1,E1> and
<A0,E2>. Each iteration works as follows: if, at the
level h/2, at least one node satisfies k-anonymity, the
algorithm stores together all the nodes satisfying k-
anonymity. Then, it concentrates on the lower half
of the lattice and computes the new value of h/2. On
the contrary, if there is not any node satisfying k-
anonymity at this level, the algorithm targets the
upper half of the lattice. The algorithm stops when h
is equal to 0. The final result consists of the last
stored nodes.
3.4 Incognito
Incognito (LeFevre, DeWitt and Ramakrishnan,
2005) is also based on a lattice. However, the latter
is built iteratively in order to achieve more
efficiency. At each iteration i, it builds all possible
lattices of i attributes by joining lattices of (i-1)th
iteration (except for iteration 1 where lattices are
built using the generalization hierarchies). Then, in
the resulting lattices, it removes all the nodes not
compliant with k-anonymity. At the end of the
process, the resulting lattice contains all the possible
generalizations satisfying k-anonymity. The data
holder has then to choose one generalization among
those proposed in the lattice.
3.5 Bottom up Generalization
This algorithm has been proposed by (Wang et al.,
<A0, E0>
<A1, E0> <A0, E1>
<A2, E0><A1, E1><A0, E2>
<A2, E1> <A1, E2>
<A2, E2>
2004) and is dedicated to a specific data mining task
which is the classification. Like most generalization
algorithms, Bottom Up algorithm builds the
anonymized table iteratively. At each step, the
algorithm selects, among the candidate
generalizations, the one that provides the data
publisher with more anonymity while best
preserving the quality of the classification. The
information loss regarding the classification and the
anonymity gain are measured using a metric. The
process is stopped when the table satisfies the k-
anonymity. A generalization (a node in the
generalization hierarchy) is considered as candidate
regarding a table if its children in the generalization
hierarchy are also in the table. For instance, the
value “secondary” is not a candidate generalization
for Table 1 since its children (“junior” and “senior”)
aren’t in this table.
3.6 Top down Specialization
Like Bottom Up generalization, Top Down
Specialization (commonly called TDS) (Fung, Wang
and Yu, 2005) is dedicated to classification.
However, TDS is a top-down approach since it
browses the generalization hierarchy from top to
TDS assumes that a maximum generalization of
all the values of the original table will preserve k-
anonymity but can affect the quality of the resulting
table in terms of classification. Therefore it performs
iterations to find the best specializations i.e. those
that not only satisfy k-anonymity but also generate
less anonymity loss, thus enabling better quality
with respect to the classification.
3.7 Median Mondrian
The principle of Median Mondrian (LeFevre et al.,
2006a) is to divide the set of individuals (tuples)
represented in the table into groups such that each
group contains at least k individuals (to satisfy k-
anonymity). Then, the individuals which belong to
the same group will have the same value for their QI
via the generalization process. More precisely,
individuals (tuples of the original table) are
represented, thanks to the values of their QI, in a
multidimensional space where each dimension
corresponds to an attribute of the QI (Fig. 3). The
splitting of the space into areas corresponds to the
constitution of groups of individuals. It is performed
using the median.
At each iteration, the algorithm chooses a
dimension and checks the possibility of splitting a
group into two groups (splitting the area on the
median value of this dimension). A group can be
divided into two groups if in each resulting group
there are at least k individuals (k-anonymity
condition). Every group for which the division is not
allowed is marked. The splitting process switches to
another dimension when all groups are marked for
the current dimension. It stops when all dimensions
have been explored. Then the algorithm performs
the proposed generalizations, replacing the different
values in the same area with the value of their first
common parent (recoding process).
Figure 3 shows the result of the splitting process
performed on Table 1 that satisfies 2-anonymity.
Table 3 is the anonymized table generated from the
recoding proposed at Fig. 3.
Figure 3: 2-dimensional space for age and education
Table 3: Recoding of Figure 3
Quasi identifier attributes Sensitive attribute
Age Education Disease
19 Junior Diabetes
19 Junior Cancer
[27,30] 9
[27,30] 9
23 11
23 11
3.8 InfoGain Mondrian and LSD
These two algorithms extend the previous one
(Median Mondrian) (LeFevre et al., 2006a). In their
splitting process, they use a metric that permits to
choose, among a set of allowed divisions, the best
division i.e. that preserves either the classification
(Infogain Mondrian) or the regression (LSD
An extensive attention has been paid to privacy
protection by statistics and computer science
communities during past years. A large body of
9th 10th 11th 12th
Area 1
Area 2
rea 3
research works has brought techniques and
algorithms trying to ensure the non-re-identification
of sensitive information while maintaining
usefulness of these data. However, we noticed the
lack of approaches guiding data holders in the
choice of techniques and, given a technique, of an
algorithm among all existing implementations of this
technique. Thus, we conducted a detailed review,
dedicated to generalization techniques, aiming to
elicit first guidelines helping data publishers to
choose a generalization algorithm. We have
compared the algorithms according their four
constituents: pre-requisites, inputs, process and
outputs (Table 4). Some algorithms, such as
Incognito and Samarati, are restricted to small data
sets (Fung et al., 2010). All of them are limited to
categorical and continuous micro data. Moreover,
algorithms preserving the classification or regression
capabilities require correlation between multiple
target attributes (LeFevre, DeWitt and
Ramakrishnan, 2006b).
All generalization algorithms require input
parameters. At least we need to decide the value of k
(corresponding to k-anonymity), to declare which
columns constitute the QI and finally we have to
provide the generalization hierarchies. Let us note
that some algorithms can compute the generalization
hierarchy for continuous attributes. Moreover, for
algorithms including tuple suppressions, the number
of allowed suppressions (MaxSup) is also an input
parameter. Finally, all the algorithms that preserve
the quality of data regarding a data mining specific
task such as classification or regression require the
declaration of at least one target attribute.
From process point of view, we can notice that
some algorithms are completely automatic. Most of
them are iterative processes guided (Sweeney, 1998)
or not (Samarati, 2001) by metrics. Moreover, some
of them are bottom up processes (Sweeney, 1998)
where small groups of tuples are constituted and
then merged iteratively until each group contains at
least k rows (k-anonymity satisfaction) (Fung et al.,
2010). The other ones are top down processes (Fung,
Wang and Yu, 2005) i.e. they start from a group
containing all rows and iteratively split each group
into two subgroups while preserving k-anonymity.
Finally, the generalization algorithms do not all
provide the same outputs. Some algorithms deliver a
unique anonymized table while others compute
several alternative tables. Some algorithms compute
an optimal k-anonymity solution but they are limited
to small data sets (Fung et al., 2010). Others, based
on heuristics, do not guarantee the optimality.
Finally, they may provide three different
generalizations that we define as: full-domain, sub-
tree and multidimensional generalization. Full-
domain means that, for a given generalized column,
all the values in the output table belong to the same
level of the generalization hierarchy. Sub-tree means
that values sharing the same direct parent in the
hierarchy are necessarily generalized at the same
level, taking the value of one of their common
ancestors. Finally, in multidimensional
generalizations, two identical values in the original
table may lead to different generalized values (i.e.
are not generalized at the same level).
In terms of usage scenario, let us note that the
data resulting from anonymization are designed for
specific usages. Bottom up generalization, top down
specialization and InfoGain Mondrian produce data
for classification tasks. LSD Mondrian is used in the
case where regression will be performed on the
anonymized data.
Our comparative study helps us to define
patterns that capture knowledge about the main
generalization algorithms. These patterns will be
part of a knowledge base. The latter will be made
available through a guidance approach to help data
publishers in the choice of the anonymization
algorithms. We are convinced that the guidance
depends on the data publisher expertise level. We
expect several expertise levels and, for each level, at
least one guidance scenario. A guidance scenario
consists of a list of generalization algorithms (at
least one) according to the context. These context
elements are linked to the set of criteria used in our
comparative study. For instance, the size of a data
set to be anonymized and the usage scenario are the
two parameters that we consider relevant for the
definition of guidance scenarios addressed to data
publishers who don’t have technical skills in
anonymization. An example of scenario follows:
“If you don’t project a specific usage of your
large data set then you can perform Datafly, µ-argus
or Median Mondrian”.
For a data publisher having a little expertise in
anonymization, a guidance scenario could be: “If
you don’t project a specific usage of your small data
set and if you wish to have an anonymized data set
satisfying an optimal k-anonymity
and having all the
values of each anonymized attribute at the same
level of the generalization hierarchy (full-domain
generalization) then you can perform Samarati or
Incognito”. In this scenario the criteria used to select
the algorithms are respectively: “Scenario of usage”,
“Size of dataset”, “Quality”, and “Generalization
Table 4: Comparison of generalization algorithms.
Many similar surveys have been proposed in the
literature. Some of them are usage-oriented
(Ilavarasi et al., 2013; Nayak and Devi, 2011; Singh
and Parihar, 2013; Fung et al. 2010, etc.). They
usually analyze different anonymization techniques
highlighting their advantages and drawbacks and
propose research directions. Others are technique-
oriented (Patel and Gupta, 2013; Sharma, 2012; Xu
et al., 2014). To our knowledge, only (Xu et al.,
2014) and (Kiran and Kavya, 2012) are close to our
research since they focus on the generalisation
technique and its related algorithms. However they
differ from our work regarding the objectives they
serve. (Kiran and Kavya, 2012), after a detailed
description of some generalization algorithms,
focuses on data quality through metrics analysis.
(Xu et al., 2014) proposes profiles describing some
generalization algorithms for researchers wishing to
work on data anonymization.
Our comparison allowed us to derive guidelines
for data publishers helping them to choose an
algorithm given a context. The first answer to our
research question is to propose guidelines as a first
formalization of knowledge on anonymization
algorithms. Through our extensive literature study,
we found out that such guidelines must be different
depending on the expertise level of data publishers.
This is a research in progress. Starting from this
comparison, we are now defining patterns describing
these algorithms. Each pattern will contain the main
characteristics of algorithms, the use cases, an
application example, the alternative algorithms, etc.
The final objective is to propose a whole approach
characterizing the data and the context, deducing the
relevant technique and the appropriate algorithm,
and finally performing the anonymization process.
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HCO **
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