The GDR Through the Eyes of the Stasi
Data Mining on the Secret Reports of the State Security Service of the former
German Democratic Republic
Christoph Kuras
, Thomas Efer
, Christian Adam
and Gerhard Heyer
Natural Language Processing Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Agency of the Federal Comissioner for the Records of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic
Republic, Berlin, Germany
GDR, Digitization, Humanities, Visualization, Named Entity Recognition.
The conjunction of NLP and the humanities has been gaining importance over the last years. As part of this
development more and more historical documents are getting digitized and can be used as an input for estab-
lished NLP methods. In this paper we present a corpus of texts from reports of the Ministry of State Security
of the former GDR. Although written in a distinctive kind of sublanguage, we show that traditional NLP can
be applied with satisfying results. We use these results as a basis for providing new ways of presentation and
exploration of the data which then can be accessed by a wide spectrum of users.
As reaction to the June crisis in 1953 the Ministry of
State Security in the GDR (the Stasi) set up informa-
tion groups. Their task was to collect information and
to write “mood reports”. On the basis of these re-
ports the Leadership of the GDR wanted to be able to
react fast on future uprisings. Since 1953 the ”Cen-
tral Evaluation and Information Group” (ZAIG) of
the Ministry of State Security was compiling informa-
tion for the party and state leadership. These secret
reports were completed in different forms and with
varying frequency for more than 36 years and are
today a contemporary source of great historical value.
They reveal the Stasi’s specific view of the GDR: they
contain references to real and perceived oppositional
conduct as well as to economic and supply problems.
They also include statistics on currency exchanges,
”illegal” emigration and border violations. Trivial in-
formation is presented alongside discussions of both
minor and major ”difficulties” created by the effort to
institute and maintain SED rule and to establish ”actu-
ally existing socialism”. In order to provide an over-
all impression of the different types of sources and
their importance to scholarly research, the publication
started with one year from each of the four decades
of the GDR under the title: ”The GDR through the
Eyes of the Stasi. The Secret Reports to the SED
Leadership (dt.: Die DDR im Blick der Stasi. Die
geheimen Berichte an die SED-F¨uhrung), (M¨unkel,
09ff). At the completion of the pilot phase, the other
years will be published in irregular order. The educa-
tion and research department of the BStU
decided to
publish these documents in a hybrid edition. A year
after the publication of a volume, the respective year
will be presented online at By
now the volumes of 1953, 1961, 1976, 1977 and 1988
are available online (open access). The documents
(between 800 and 1500 pages per year) are presented
in chronological order. The texts are transcripts of
the original files, processed in Microsoft Word and for
the final publication converted in XML and published
cross media. The digital version of the documents can
be accessed by a full-text search, while no further in-
dices are provided, since their creation would cause
too much expenses in the manual editing workflow.
The edition includes annotations, explanations of ab-
breviations and an introduction to each year. Each
document contains a list of recipients (including per-
sonal names, e.g. of ministers, or departments). Due
to the Stasi Records Act personal data shall not be
published unless they are obvious, they concern em-
ployees or beneficiaries of the State Security Service.
That’s why some personal data has to be blackened
Agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Records
of the State Security Service of the former German Demo-
cratic Republic
Kuras C., Efer T., Adam C. and Heyer G..
The GDR Through the Eyes of the Stasi - Data Mining on the Secret Reports of the State Security Service of the former German Democratic Republic.
DOI: 10.5220/0005136703600365
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 360-365
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
out in the edition. At the end of the publication pro-
cess 37 volumes will be available, approximately 50
000 pages of documents, offering an inside-view of
more than three decades of the East German History
as seen through the eyes of the Stasi. The cooper-
ation with the Natural Language Processing Group,
Department of Computer Science at the University of
Leipzig is an attempt to get more, innovativeand long
term approaches to these important data.
The perspective of the BStU is mainly historical and
political aiming for the reappraisal of the past whereas
the NLP group provides methods and technical re-
sources to process text automatically and to extract
information from it. This is a result of different fo-
cuses. We see a lack of automation and use of in-
formation systems concerning the editorial process on
the part of the BStU - a lack of historical expertise and
a constant need of data available to apply classic auto-
matic language processing methods on the part of the
NLP Group. We believe, that by combining the com-
petences of each partner we are able to create added
value on both sides.
The benefit of this cooperation has effects in two
directions: on the one hand there are improvements
of the existing workflow. The introduction of automa-
tion and support systems during the editorial process
can lead to a more efficient workflow and can also re-
duce errors and redundancies. On the other hand there
are applications that would not be possible without
the use of NLP methods, e.g. when the effort is too
high to be done with human resources only. Further-
more the NLP group is able to develop new methods
and to solve new problems on real world data. There-
fore we believe, a cooperation is neccessary for ad-
vancing in the reappraising of the past as well as in
NLP. In the following we present first results of pro-
cessing these data with advanced NLP methods. In
particular, applying methods for latent semantic in-
dexing when analysing recipients yields highly inter-
esting and promising results.
As a result from the digitization process we get dig-
ital documents which does not mean that they are
structured in a way that is best for NLP. The original
documents are stored in an XML-like format which
is optimized for printing thus containing also layout
information. This format can be considered semi-
structured in the common XML-sense. The tags used
do not support the semantics of the document struc-
ture but the semantics of layout and printing. Retriev-
ing information from those documents is associated
with high search costs. In addition to the documents’
contents there are metadata stored for each document.
Those include the date, the subject, a list of recipients
of that document and other information. To create a
format that is less complicated concerning querying
and flexible to use for a wider range of applications
we parsed the original documents and designed a new
XML schema to which we transfered them. Transfer-
ring the documents to a database seems natural, how-
ever we found designing a new XML schema to be the
first step in that direction since it makes further pro-
cessing easier. The whole collection is categorized by
year. Table 1 lists the available XML-formatted docu-
ments we extracted from the original format for each
Table 1: Currently available Stasi documents by year.
Year #Documents
1953 198
1961 260
1976 320
1977 337
1988 279
Total 1394
The transformed documents are structured in a
way that the document contents, possible attachments
and the different metadata elements have their own
tags. New annotations can be added easily, for exam-
ple POS tags or named entities which then can be used
as features for advanced NLP methods. Some prob-
lems still remain after the transformation. The list of
recipients is a plain string list which can contain infor-
mation annotated during the editorial process. This
makes it difficult to split the list into individual re-
cipients which is needed for tasks like automatic in-
dexation. We extracted the recipients from the list
by applying regular expressions on the string which
works in most cases. However, it was not possible to
use exactly the same regular expressions on the docu-
ments of every volume so a more refined approach is
required to improve the quality of the extracted data.
Despite existing challenges, the transformation was a
first step to structure the data. Still, further work is
Without previous attempts to digitally analyse the
ZAIG reports, only little is known about the quan-
tity, coverage and relations of certain topics and about
the feasibility of employing certain NLP methods.
This can be illustrated by Figure 1. It shows the fre-
quency of the words ”Sozialismus” (eng. socialism)
Figure 1: Sentence occurrences of ”Freedom” (blue) and
”Socialism” (red) from 1953 to 1988.
and ”Freiheit” (eng. freedom) from 1953 to 1988.
We can clearly see patterns which need to be inter-
preted. Analyses like this would hardly be possible
without the use of information systems. Therefore it
is expedient to begin with a series of explorative and
transdisciplinary approaches. Visual Analytics (Keim
et al., 2010) provides a methodological framework for
finding abstractions from the numerical statistics, for
aiding the interpretation of its results and for the semi-
automatic extraction and refinement of knowledge in
an interdisciplinary context.
The transformation process described above focused
on the generation of the raw material which can be
handled by classic NLP applications. This section fo-
cuses on the further processing. As the result of the
transformation described above we are now able to
process the content of the documents themselves. We
process all documents in the same way defined by our
chain of tools. At first, each document is segmented
into sentences. After that we tokenize the sentences
After tokenization it seems natural to do POS tagging
as it is a good basis for more complex tasks, such as
4.1 POS-Tagging and NER
For POS-tagging we use the Stanford POS-Tagger
described in (Toutanova and Manning, 2000) and
(Toutanova et al., 2003). We use a pre-trained ger-
man model that comes with the tagger. The accuracy
is estimated by manually reviewing a sample of 250
words from randomly chosen sentences. It can be
estimated between 94% and 96%. For named entity
recognition we used the Stanford named entity tag-
ger described in (J. R. Finkel and Manning, 2005).
To estimate the accuracy and to see whether problems
arise we also evaluated the result on a random sam-
ple of 250 named entities. The accuracy can be es-
timated between 82% and 88% which is higher than
we expected as the data contains many specific phras-
These two steps are done by tools developed by the
NLP group in Leipzig.
ings and the model was trained on completely differ-
ent data. Table 2 shows examples of correctly recog-
nized named entities. Even MISC-entities like ”SED-
Genosse” (Member of the SED party) are recognized.
These are of particular interest concerning our data as
they could be used to extract social networks.
Table 2: NER Evaluation.
Sequence Tag
Großhennersdorf I-LOC
Potsdamer Platz I-LOC
VEB Blechbearbeitung Berlin I-ORG
Walter Ulbricht I-PER
Bischof Sch¨onherr I-PER
SED-Genosse I-MISC
deutsch I-MISC
It is characteristic for the data to contain a large
number of location and person names since most doc-
uments report about specific events or persons. This
can also be a challenge when applying NER. The next
section describes some problems we could already
4.2 Specific Problems of Named Entity
For the task of named entity tagging it is even more
difficult to validate the result than in POS tagging be-
cause expert knowledge may be required. In some
cases it is not obvious, even for human readers, to
identify the correct tag. Common problems when tag-
ging the documents are listed below.
different levels of granularity
”Staatsgrenze West” (engl. ”western country
border”) vs. ”Berlin” as locations.
street names vs. city names
incomplete sequences due to specific phrasings
only ”VEB” is tagged instead of ”VEB Blech-
bearbeitung Berlin”
anonymous entities (e.g. ”[Name 1]”) are not
being recognized yet
same names for different persons
some of the persons have identical last names
(e.g. relatives)
”Herbert Krolikowski” vs. ”Werner Kro-
likowski” (his brother), both were active politi-
cians in overlapping time periods
These challenges could be faced by adding extra
knowledge before or after the tagging or by training
the tagger on a different tagset. However, it is very
important to map the sequences to the right persons
as errors could make the data unusable. Despite that,
the recognition of entities works reasonably well and
even other tasks that make use of the tagger are pos-
sible. The next section describes an approach for tag-
ging another kind of entities.
4.2.1 Tagging Politically Motivated Phrases
Using the Stanford Named Entity Tagger it is possi-
ble extract other information than named entities. By
manually creating training data we were able to ex-
ploit the tagger to identify common phrases which are
often found in contexts where persons are accused of
acting against the regime. Some reports contain spe-
cial phrasings like ”provokativ”(eng. ”provoking”)or
”Hetze” (eng. ”agitation”) which appear in a number
of different combinations. A person can act provok-
ing as well as a pamphlet may be provoking, resulting
in ”defamatory publications”. To find many of those
combinations automatically we trained the Stanford
NE-Tagger on manually annotated training data taken
from about 30 documents. Table 3 shows the most
frequent combinations we extracted from documents
of the year 1976 automatically.
Table 3: Top 5 political motivated phrases for the year 1976.
ungesetzlichen Grenz¨ubertritts
(engl. ”illegal” border crossing)
(engl. agitation)
Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten
(engl. intervention in internal affairs)
provokatorischen Handlungen
(engl. provoking actions)
politisch-ideologischen Diversion
(engl. political-ideological diversion)
This approach enables us to access political opin-
ions directly in the documents. Such phrasings can
then be brought into context with other named entities
and recipients. Figure 2 is an example of an interac-
tive graph showing relations between political phras-
ings, documents, recipients and different persons.
This graph representation can answer many dif-
ferent questions at the same time: Which documents
contain most phrasings of this kind? Which per-
sons are involved most in documents with reference
to such phrasings? Is it possible that there may be a
protagonist-antagonist-relationship between specific
person entities and individual recipients? - just to
name a few. The interactive viewing of data can also
be considered inspiring as new research questions
may arise when exploring the graph. After tagging the
Figure 2: Interactive graph of political phrasings, docu-
ments and recipients.
named entities it may be obvious to ask which topics
the documents deal with and which documents belong
to the same topic. For this task we applied clustering
which is described in the next section.
4.3 Clustering Similar Documents
Especially after the long time period passed since
these documents were written it is impossible for con-
temporay readers to instantly overview their topics.
One way of bringing more structure to the collection
is finding similar documents. We decided to chose a
simple approach first and clustered the documents us-
ing the k-means algorithm. There are at least three
possible feature sets describing a single document.
One possibility is to use the recipients of the doc-
ument to cluster the documents. Another approach
could be to use the set of named entities that oc-
cur in a document or to combine both approaches.
In our case, each document is solely described by a
Table 4: K-means clustering of documents (1976) by recip-
Cluster Documents possible description
1 52 currency exchange
2 108 eeing, border violation
3 84 church
4 32 border traffic
5 44 catastrophes
binary-valued vector of recipients where each value
represents whether the recipient has received the doc-
ument or not. Table 4 shows the clustering by re-
cipient vectors with manually added descriptions. By
this mere example we can already get an overview of
the data and even identify different spheres of com-
petence which then could be assigned to a group of
recipients. There is, of course, a challenge of choos-
ing the right number of clusters which has to be con-
sidered in further work. As an alternative approach a
graph clustering algorithm like the chinese whispers
algorithm proposed in (Biemann, 2006) can be used
to achieve comparable results, in a more visual way.
Focusing more on the recipients, we consider it useful
to analyse their characteristics and the network struc-
tures among these. As a first step we are able examine
recipients that often appear together. The next section
describes a first approach to recipient analysis.
Since every document has a list of recipients assigned
to it we can apply different techniques to analyse the
characteristics of individual recipients or to extract
networks. For example, we determined which recipi-
ents occur together remarkably frequent.
5.1 Frequent Recipient Sets
Therefore, we consider each recipient an item of a
basket we want to analyse to get frequent item sets.
For this task we use the FP-Growth algorithm pro-
posed in (Han et al., 2000). The top five frequent re-
cipient sets with a minimal support of 0.2 for the year
1976 can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5: Frequent sets of recipients for the year 1976 with
min. support 0.2.
Rank Set
1 HA XX, Schorm
2 Mittig, Schorm
3 Mittig, Mittag
4 HA XX, Verner
5 Mittig, Verner
This is a way of detecting cohesion between dif-
ferent recipients and to reveal underlying structures
which can be expected or even new to historians. Ta-
ble 5 shows that there are HA (Hauptabteilung, engl.
main department) in the list. Further processing is
needed to split the recipients into organizational units
and individual persons. Then, the algorithm can be
applied to the group of persons and the group of or-
ganizational units individually. Again, this method
could also be applied to the named entities alone or
the sets of recipients and named entities together.
All these approaches target the fact that there are
properties describing the recipients and that individ-
ual recipients have different properties. The follow-
ing section proposes another approach to extract those
5.2 Extracting Recipient Properties
Regarding the document-recipient-matrix which con-
tains information about which recipient received
which documents, we assume that there is knowledge
about both recipients and documents encoded in the
matrix. The extraction of this information can be ac-
complished by decomposing the document-recipient
matrix. The matrix is binary-valued and has the form
·· · d
·· · d
·· · d
where n are the recipients and m the documents.
This matrix is factorized into a factor containing in-
formation about the addressees (matrix A), a factor
containing information about the reports (matrix R)
and the logistic function. This can be seen in Equation
2 where σ is the logistic function which constrains
values to lie in the range [0,1].
D = σ(A· R) (2)
We define a cost function (Equation 3) which is then
optimized. By optimization we minimize the differ-
ence between data and prediction. The cost function
is the sum of differences for every element of the pre-
diction and data matrix. In our case we set the number
of features to 5. The logistic function is chosen since
the input is a binary-valued matrix.
Cost =
(D σ(A· R)) (3)
This is similar to other matrix factorization techniques
like non-negative matrix factorization or principal
components analysis (Lee and Seung, 1999; Tipping
and Bishop, 1999).
We found that the factorized matrices contain in-
formation about specific properties of individual re-
cipients and documents. Given these properties, we
can sort the matrix along the properties axis to find
members with the highest rank in that dimension. The
semantics of those properties can be determined by a
manual analysis. However, this task may require a
high level of expert knowledge about the persons re-
viewed. Looking at the top-ranked recipients of one
property it is possible to get an idea of what is de-
scribed by that property. Figure 3 shows a cluster
resulting from the application of k-means to the re-
cipients’ property vectors. There are negative val-
ues for some recipients in dimension 5. Looking
at the individual recipients, ”KGB Berlin-Karlshorst”
(representation of the KGB in Berlin) has the lowest
value. Taking into account that ”Ungarn” (Hungary),
”Geheimdienste Polen” (security services of poland)
Figure 3: Visualization of a cluster of the addressee-matrix.
Positive values are blue, negative values are red.
and ”Abt. X” (department for international alliances)
also appear in that cluster, we may suppose this di-
mension describes the intensity of some kind of ”in-
ternational involvement”. We believe these methods
are a possibility to find latent structure in the data and
to summarize the roles of recipients and document
We believe that NLP methods yield the potential to
play an ever important role in the edition, enrichment
and publication of historical documents for scientific
and public audiences. As shown in this publication,
there are a lot of previously untapped possibilities
to process the texts and metadata entries in order to
create alternative perspectives and novel navigational
means. With all that, our work is meant to comple-
ment existing digitization and edition projects. Sev-
eral institutions are now beginning to evaluate and
incorporate (in most cases rather basic but still very
helpful) NLP methods to enrich their digital editions.
One can for example look at the thematically match-
ing portal ”DDR-Presse”
, where a viewer for OCR-
transformed newspaper articles from the GDR era is
augmented with links to norm data, editorial articles
and the like, when certain keywords appear in the text.
Lastly, it becomes apparent, that through visual
and interactive means, historians are enabled to verify
the NLP methods’ quality while understanding both,
the hidden structures in the data and the influences
of methodological choices on the results. That leads
to valuable feedback for the computer scientists and
furthermore allows to define new (and alter existing)
research questions while reviewing intermediate re-
sults. As an outlook, those visual interfaces also con-
stitute an engaging mode of presentation for the gen-
eral public since these techniques can remove entry
barriers, provide navigational guidance and improve
the overall user experience. We are looking forward
to conjointly develop such NLP powered systems and
to make tangible the nature of the ZAIG reports for a
broad audience.
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