Distributed XML Processing over Multicore Servers
Yoshiyuki Uratani
, Hiroshi Koide
and Dirceu Cavendish
Global Scientific Information and Computing Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
O-okayama 2-12-1, Meguroku, Tokyo, 152-8550, Japan
Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology,
Kawazu 680-4, Iizuka, Fukuoka, 820-8502, Japan
Network Design Research Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kawazu 680-4, Iizuka, Fukuoka, 820-8502, Japan
Distributed XML Processing, Task Scheduling, Pipelining and Parallel Processing, Multicore CPU.
Nowadays, multicore CPU become popular technology to enhance services quality in Web services. This
paper characterizes parallel distributed XML processing which can o-load the amount of processing at their
servers to networking nodes with varying number of CPU cores. Our implemented distributed XML process-
ing system sends XML documents from a sender node to a server node through relay nodes, which process the
documents before arriving at the server. When the relay nodes are connected in tandem, the XML documents
are processed in a pipelining manner. When the relay nodes are connected in parallel, the XML documents
are processed in a parallel fashion. For well-formedness and grammar validation tasks, the parallel processing
reveals inherent advantages compared with pipeline processing regardless of document type, number of CPU
cores and processing environment. Moreover, the number of CPU cores impacts eciency of distributed XML
processing via buer access contention.
Web services become necessary infrastructure for our
society. Various services are being provided and they
need much resources, such as CPU power and mem-
ory spaces, to enhance their services quality. Nowa-
days, multicore CPU is popular approach to improve
processing capacity. The processing for Web services
are generally provided at only server nodes in the
current Web services. In this situation, we propose
ooading approach, which assign a part of server’s
load to intermediate nodes in network, to reduce the
load and to improve services throughput. This ap-
proach will lead ecient resource usage with eec-
tive scheduling and higher quality of services. On the
other hand, XML data is one of the basic commu-
nication format in the Web services and the servers
often processes the XML data in various situation
(e.g. collaborative services). PASS-Node (Cavendish
and Candan, 2008) had already proposed distributed
XML processing with using intermediate nodes and
had studied from an algorithmic point of view for
well-formedness, grammar validation, and filtering.
We have also focuses on distributed XML process-
ing with ooading approach and have studied their
processing characteristics (Uratani et al., 2012).
This paper augments practical distributed XML
processing characterization scope by varying the
number of CPU cores in processing nodes; using syn-
thetic and realistic XML documents; on pipelining
model for XML data stream processing systems, on
parallel model for parallel processing system. Re-
garding processing eciency, we investigate XML
processing performance relation to XML document
characteristics,as well as the impact of number of
CPU cores to well-formedness and grammar valida-
tion tasks. Our results can be summarized as follows.
Parallel processing performs better than pipeline pro-
cessing regardless the number of CPU cores, docu-
ment types and processing environment; Processing
with more CPU cores leads to faster processing; but it
also includes drawbacks, such as inecient resource
consumption, due to buer contention.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we
describe generic models of XML processing nodes.
In section 3, we describe experimental environments
and characterize XML processing performance of the
pipeline and parallel computation models on multi-
core machines. In section 4, we address related work.
In section 5, we summarize our findings and address
research directions.
Uratani Y., Koide H. and Cavendish D..
Distributed XML Processing over Multicore Servers.
DOI: 10.5220/0004947802000207
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 200-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-023-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Distributed XML processing requires some basic
functions to be supported: Document Partition: The
XML document is divided into fragments, to be pro-
cessed at processing nodes. Document Annota-
tion: Each document fragment is annotated with
current processing status upon leaving a processing
node. Document Merging: Document fragments are
merged so as to preserve the original document struc-
ture. XML processing nodes support some of these
tasks, according to their role in the distributed XML
2.1 XML Processing Nodes
We abstract the distributed XML processing elements
into four types of nodes: StartNode, RelayNode,
EndNode, and MergeNode. The distributed XML
processing can then be constructed by connecting
these nodes in specific topologies, such as pipelining
and parallel topologies. Distributed processing ap-
plications may be constructed with both parallel and
pipeline manner. So the study of pipelined approach
is to opportunistically process XML documents on ar-
bitrary network topologies, in the middle of the net-
StartNode(SN) is a source node that executes any
pre-processing needed in preparation for piece-
wise processing of the XML document. This
node also starts XML document transfer to relay
nodes and adds some annotation which are used
for distributed XML processing. The StartNode
has multiple threads for reading part of the docu-
ment and sending fragments simultaneously.
RelayNode(RN) executes XML processing on parts
of an XML document. It is placed as an in-
termediate node in paths between the StartN-
ode and the EndNode. The RelayNode has
three types of threads: ReceiveThread, TagCheck-
Thread and SendThread. The ReceiveThread re-
ceives data containing lines of an XML document,
together with checking and processing informa-
tion, and stores the data into a shared buer. The
TagCheckThread attempts to process the data, if
the data is assigned to be processed at the node.
SendThread sequentially sends data to a next
EndNode(EN) is a destination node, where XML
documents must reach, and have their XML pro-
cessing finished. This node receives data con-
taining the XML document, checking informa-
tion and processing information, from a previous
node. If the tag checking has not been finished
yet, the EndNode processes all unchecked tags, in
order to complete XML processing of the entire
document. Components of the EndNode are sim-
ilar to the RelayNode, except that the EndNode
has DeleteThread instead of SendThread. The
DeleteThread cleans the document from process-
ing and checking information.
MergeNode(MN) receives data from multiple pre-
vious nodes, serializes it, and sends it to a next
node, without performing any XML processing.
MergeNode has multiple threads for receiving
data from previous node, so as not to block pre-
vious nodes from sending data.
XML document processing involves stack data
structures for tag processing. When a node reads a
start tag, it pushes the tag name into a stack. When a
node reads an end tag, it pops a top element from the
stack, and compares the end tag name with the popped
tag name. If both tag names are the same, the tags
match. The XML document is well-formed when all
tags match. In addition, in validation checking, each
node executing grammar validation reads DTD files,
and generates grammar rules for validation checking.
Each node processes validation and well-formedness
at the same time, comparing the popped/pushed tags
against grammar rules. Details of these node dis-
tributed processing is described in (Cavendish and
Candan, 2008; Uratani et al., 2012).
3.1 Experimental Environment
We use a VM
Env, which consists of a VMware ESX 4
on a Sun Fire X4640 Server, for providing distributed
XML processing system. We use VMware ESX 4,
a virtual machine manager, to implement a total of
seven counts of virtual machines as distributed XML
processing nodes. This environment consists of two
types of virtual machine. We allocate two CPU cores
to one of them (Node06), and four CPU cores to all
Table 1: X4640 Server Specification.
Six-Core AMD Opteron Processor
8435 (2.6GHz) × 8
256G bytes (DDR2/667
ECC registered DIMM)
VMM VMware ESX 4
Guest OS Fedora15 x86 64
JVM Java
1.5.0 22
other nodes. The server specification is described in
Table 1.
3.2 Node Allocation Patterns
We prepare several topologies and task allocation
patterns to characterize distributed XML processing,
within the parallel and pipelining models. We vary the
number of RelayNodes, within topologies, as well as
the number of CPU cores in processing nodes, to eval-
uate their impact on processing eciency. To charac-
terize the performance, we use a total of four topology
types: two stage pipeline system (Figure 1), two path
parallel system (Figure 2), four stage pipeline system,
and four path parallel system. In the Figure 1 and
2, tasks are shown as light shaded boxes, underneath
nodes allocated to process them. CPU core count is
shown above the task boxes.
XML Document
first 2 lines
4core 1 or 4core 1 or 4core 1 or 4core
Figure 1: Two Stage Pipeline System.
4core 1 or 4core 2core
1 or 4core
1 or 4core
XML Document
first 2 lines
Figure 2: Two Path Parallel System.
For instance in two stage pipeline case (Figure 1),
we divide the XML documents into three parts: first
two lines (it contain a meta tag and a root tag), frag-
ment01 and fragment02. These fragments are divided
into segments of roughly the same size. Data flows
from StartNode to EndNode via two RelayNodes. Re-
layNode02 is allocated for processing fragment02,
RelayNode03 is allocated for processing fragment01,
and the EndNode is allocated for processing the first
two lines, as well as processing all left out unchecked
In Figure 2, we depict two path parallel system.
The XML document is also divided into three parts.
They flow from StartNode to EndNode via RelayN-
ode01 and MergeNode. The StartNode reads concur-
rently these fragments from the XML document and
sends them to the RelayNodes. Fragment02 and re-
lated data flow from the StartNode to the EndNode
via RelayNode02 and the MergeNode. In addition,
we can use a maximum of 4 CPU cores in node02,
node03 and node07, which are allocated for the Re-
layNodes and EndNode. We apply two types of CPU
usage patternsin this topology; i) Allocation of 1 CPU
core only to RelayNodes and EndNode; ii) Alloca-
tion of all 4 CPU cores to RelayNodes and EndNode.
These document partition and allocation patterns are
defined beforehand as static task scheduling. We also
experiment four RelayNode topology for both pro-
cessing types with the ve parted XML documents.
In the processing types, we also vary number of CPU
cores of the RelayNodes and the EndNode.
Notice that, even though the parallel model
has one extra node, the MergeNode, as compared
with corresponding pipeline model. However, the
MergeNode does not perform any XML processing,
so the number of nodes executing XML processing is
still the same in both models.
3.3 Tasks and XML Document Types
The distributed XML processing system can exe-
cute two types of processing: well-formedness check-
ing, and grammar validation checking of XML docu-
ments. Eciency of these XML processing tasks may
be related to: processing model, pipelining and paral-
lel; topology, number of processing nodes and their
connectivity; XML document characteristics. We use
dierent structures of XML documents to investi-
gate which distributed processing model yields the
most ecient distributed XML processing. For that
purpose, we create seven types of synthetic XML
documents by changing the XML document depth
from shallow to deep while keeping its size almost
the same. We have also used three types of re-
alistic XML documents, doc
kernel, doc stock and
scala. The doc kernel encodes directory and file
hierarchy structure of linux kernel in XML
format. The doc
stock is XML formatted data from
MySQL data base, containing a total of 10000 entries
of dummy stock price data. The doc
scala is based
on “The Scala Language Specification Version 2.8”
(http://www.scala-lang.org/), which consists of 191
pages, totaling 1.3M bytes. The original document in
pdf format was converted to Libre Oce odt format,
and from that to XML format. Their characteristics
are shown in Table 2, For VM
Env, we combine four
node allocation patterns, two processing patterns and
ten XML document types to produce a total 80 types
of experiments.
3.4 Performance Indicators
We use two types performanceindicators: system per-
formance indicators and node performance indicators.
System performance indicators characterize the pro-
cessing of a given XML document. Node perfor-
Table 2: XML Document Characteristics.
doc01 doc02 doc03 doc04 doc05 doc06 doc07 kernel stock scala
Width 10000 5000 2500 100 4 2 1 - - -
Depth 1 2 4 100 2500 5000 10000 - - -
Tag set count
(Empty tags)
10000 (0)
Line count 10002 15002 17502 19902 19998 20000 20001 41219 78010 72014
File size [Kbytes] 342 347 342 343 342 3891 2389 2959
mance indicators characterize XML processing at a
given processing node. The following performance
indicators are used to characterize distributed XML
Job Execution Time is a system performance indi-
cator that captures the time taken by an instance
of XML document to get processed by the dis-
tributed XML system in its entirety. As several
nodes are involved in the processing, the job ex-
ecution time results to be the period of time be-
tween the last node (typically EndNode) finishes
its processing, and the first node (typically the
StartNode) starts its processing. The job execu-
tion time is measured for each XML document
type and processing model.
Node Thread Working Time is a node performance
indicator that captures the amount of time each
thread of a node performs work. It does not in-
clude thread waiting time when blocked, such as
data receiving wait time. It is defined as the total
file reading time, data receiving time, data sending
time and node buer access time a node incurs.
For instance, in the MergeNode, the node thread
working time is the sum of receiving time and
sending time of each Receive/SendThread. As-
sume the MergeNodeis connected to two previous
nodes, with two Receive/SendThreads. We also
derive a System Thread Working Time as a sys-
tem performance indicator, as the average of node
thread working time indicators across all nodes of
the system.
Node Active Time is a node performance indica-
tor that captures the amount of time each node
runs. The node active time is defined from the
first ReceiveThread starts receiving first data un-
til the last SendThread finishes sending last data
in the RelayNode or finishes document process-
ing in the EndNode. Hence, the node active time
may contain waiting time (e.g, wait time for data
receiving, thread blocking time). We also define
System Active Time as a system performance in-
dicator, by averaging the node active time of all
nodes across the system.
Node Processing Time is a node performance in-
dicator that captures the time taken by a node to
execute XML processing only, excluding commu-
nication and processing overheads. We also de-
fine System Processing Time as a system per-
formance indicator, by averaging node processing
time across all nodes of the system.
Parallelism Eciency Ratio is a system perfor-
mance indicator defined as system thread work-
ing time / system active time”.
Node Buer Access Time is a node performance
indicator that captures the amount of time a
node spends accessing internal shared buers.
As previously mentioned in section 2, threads
in each node access the shared buer while
receiving/processing/sending data. The node
buer access time includes not only the time for
add/get/remove operation, but also waiting time
during blocking. We also define System Buer
Access Time as a system performance indicator,
by totaling the node buer access time of all nodes
across the system.
3.5 Experimental Results
For each experiment type (scheduling allocation and
distributed processing model), we collect perfor-
mance indicators data over seven types of XML
document instances. On all graphs, X axis de-
scribes scheduling, processing models and process-
ing environment, for well-formedness and gram-
mar validation types of XML document process-
ing, encoded as follows: PIP
wel:Pipeline and Well-
formedness checking, PAR wel:Parallel and Well-
formedness checking, PIP
val:Pipeline and Vali-
dation checking, PAR val:Parallel and Validation
checking. Y axis denotes specific performance in-
dicator, averaged over 22 XML document instances.
These figures are only part of the experimental results
- details of other results are omitted for space’s sake.
Regarding job execution time (Figures 3 – 6), par-
allel processing is faster than pipeline processing for
all documents. Job execution time gets lengthened
in pipeline processing due to the fact that the nodes
relay extra data that is not processed locally. In addi-
tion, we can see that the job execution time speeds
up faster with increasing number of relay nodes in
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (2RelayNode: VM_Env)
Job Execution Time [msec]
doc01 doc02 doc03 doc04 doc05 doc06 doc07
Figure 3: Job Execution Time (Syn. Doc. Proc. by 2 RN).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1coreprocessing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (4RelayNode: VM_Env)
Job Execution Time [msec]
doc01 doc02 doc03 doc04 doc05 doc06 doc07
Figure 4: Job Execution Time (Syn. Doc Proc. by 4 RN).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (2RelayNode: VM_Env)
Job Execution Time [msec]
kernel stock scala
Figure 5: Job Execution Time (Real. Doc. Proc. by 2 RN).
parallel processing than in pipeline processing. The
extra data transfer time also appears in pipeline pro-
cessing. Moreover, increased number of relay nodes
reduces further job execution time of realistic docu-
ments (bigger documents), as compared with that of
synthetic documents (smaller documents) processed
with pipeline model. So, it is more advantageous
to process bigger XML document using the pipeline
model with more nodes. Regarding the number of
CPU cores, 4 core processing is better than 1 core
processing for both small (synthetic) and large (real-
istic) document processing. In Table 2, stock
doc is
the smallest document in the three types of realistic
document, and it has more XML tags than other doc-
uments. kernel
doc has more tags than scala doc but
most of them are empty tags. The empty tag process-
ing needs less time than normal tag sets because the
nodes can determine results of processing to empty
tags earlier. Job execution time is sensitive to docu-
ment types (number of tags and types of tags), node
topology and processing type. Such characteristics
also appears in other system indicators.
Regarding system active time (Figure 7 and 8),
parallel processing is better than pipeline processing
in all experiments. Regarding number of CPU cores,
system active time is better for 4 core processing than
for 1 core processing in both synthetic documents and
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (4RelayNode: VM_Env)
Job Execution Time [msec]
kernel stock scala
Figure 6: Job Execution Time (Real. Doc. Proc. by 4 RN).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (2RelayNode: VM_Env)
System Active Time [msec]
kernel stock scala
Figure 7: System Active Time (Real. Doc. Proc. by 2RN).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (4RelayNode: VM_Env)
System Active Time [msec]
kernel stock scala
Figure 8: System Active Time (Real. Doc. Proc. by 4RN).
realistic documents, regardless of document partition,
processing allocation, node topology and buer con-
tention. The system active time also depends on the
amount of processing to be executed.
Processing time is similar in both parallel pro-
cessing and pipeline processing (Figures 9 and 10).
Validation checking needs more time than well-
formedness checking. The extra activity time in the
pipeline processing is due to extra sending/receiving
thread times. Regarding number of CPU cores, 1 core
processing is better than 4 core processing in well-
formedness checking (small processing). In contrast,
4 core processing is better than 1 core processing in
validation checking (large processing) for synthetic
documents (small document). But for some realis-
tic documents (bigger document), 1 core processing
has better validation checking processing time. If
the number of tags that each node should process is
roughly the same, 4 core processing leads to more
buer contention than 1 core processing. Generally,
the system processing time reduces as the number
of RelayNodes increases. However, sometimes (e.g.
synthetic doc06) few RelayNodes are more ecient,
due to specific document partition and processing al-
location. Average processing time is greatly aected
by whether we can allocate XML data eciently. In
addition, system processing time is also sensitive to
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (2RelayNode: VM_Env)
System Processing
Time [msec]
kernel stock scala
Figure 9: Sys. Processing Time (Real. Doc. Proc. by 2RN).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (4RelayNode: VM_Env)
System Processing
Time [msec]
kernel stock scala
Figure 10: Sys. Processing Time (Real. Doc. Proc. by
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (2RelayNode: VM_Env)
Parallelism Efficiency Ratio
kernel stock scala
Figure 11: Parallel. Ecien. Ratio (Real. Doc. Proc. by
XML document structure, number of tags and depth,
which aects the amount of processing at each node.
Regarding parallelism eciency ratio (Figures 11
and 12), 4 core processing is more ecient than 1
core processing excluding few cases of 2 RelayNode
validation checking of realistic documents. In these
cases, 1 core processing is a little more ecient.
Regarding system buer access time (Figure 13
and 14), pipeline processing incurs larger buer ac-
cess time than parallel processing. In addition, most
of 4 RelayNode processing incurs larger buer ac-
cess time than 2 RelayNode processing, because the
amount of data passing through a node and assigned
for process to the node is larger in the former case.
In general, 1 core processing shows lower buer con-
tention than 4 core processing, as System buer ac-
cess time increases with more cores. Comparing the
system buer access time with other indicators, some
indicators (e.g. system job execution time) are bet-
ter for more CPU core processing but they also in-
clude inecient performance because of useless wait-
ing time caused by buer contention.
Figures 15 and 16 further show node active
time when processing doc01, for each node in the
system.Generally, parallel processing is better than
pipeline processing regarding node activity. This
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (4RelayNode: VM_Env)
Parallelism Efficiency Ratio
kernel stock scala
Figure 12: Parallel. Ecien. Ratio (Real. Doc. Proc. by
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
4core processing 1core processing
Env./Scheduling and Processing Type (2RelayNode: VM_Env)
System Buffer Access
Time [msec]
doc01 doc02 doc03 doc04 doc05 doc06 doc07
Figure 13: Sys. Buf. Access Time (Syn. Doc. Proc. by
&'&()*+ &,-()*+ &'&(./+ &,-(./+ &'&()*+ &,-()*+ &'&(./+ &,-(./+
"012*34210*55678 %012*4210*55678
>10 % >10 ! >10 N >10 " >10 O >10 # >10 P
Figure 14: Sys. Buf. Access Time (Syn. Doc. Proc. by
is because extra data transfer at each RelayNode
is reduced in parallel processing, as compared with
pipeline processing. Regarding the number of CPU
cores in these figures, 4 core processing is better for
StartNode, RelayNode and EndNode processing syn-
thetic document. For MergeNode, 1 core performs
better when processing synthetic documents. Across
all node type, realistic document processing is supe-
rior when 4 cores are used.
Figures 17 and 18 further show node thread work-
ing time for processing kernel
doc. Generally, node
thread working time is better for parallel processing
using more RelayNodes. Regarding varying number
of CPU cores, 4 core is better for StartNode when
processing synthetic documents. However, 1 core
RelayNode, EndNode and MergeNode present better
node thread working time than their 4 core counter-
parts. Roughly, 1 core synthetic document processing
is better in the following cases: less processing (e.g.
well-formedness checking) and good document parti-
tion on RelayNodes; bad document partition, which
leads to more processing for EndNode, for EndNode;
Merge node, which leads to low buer contention.
For convenience, we organize our performance
characterization results about number of CPU cores
Table 3: Distributed XML Processing Characterization Summary.
Synthetic docs (smaller docs) Realistic docs (larger docs)
Job execution time
4 core is better
1 core is better in large proc.
System active time 4 core is better
System proc. time 1 core is better in WEL Sometimes, 1 core is better in large proc.
Parallelism eciency ratio 4 core is more ecient 4 core is more ecient in most cases
Sys. buer access time 1 core is better
Node active time 4 core is better in SN, RN and EN 4 core is better
Node thread working time
4 core is better in SN;
Sometimes, 1 core is better in
RN, EN and MN
4 core is better in SN;
1 core is better in EN;
Sometimes, 1 core is better in RN and MN
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
Scheduling and Processing Type(doc01: VM_Env: 4core)
Node Active Time [msec]
Figure 15: Node Ac. Time (doc01; 2RN; 4core).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
Scheduling and Processing Type (doc01: VM_Env: 1core)
Node Active Time [msec]
Figure 16: Node Ac. Time (doc01; 2RN; 1core).
into Table 3 (WEL means well-formednesschecking).
A detailed analysis is also carried on at (Uratani et al.,
2012), our previous work.
In this paper, we focus on ooading approach which
assign a part of server’s load to intermediate nodes in
network for Web service. We here show some related
works similar with our approach which have pro-
cessing function at intermediate nodes. Active Net-
work (Tennenhouse and Wetherall, 2007) is also focus
processing at intermediate switches. The processing
manner is described to two types: type-1) be capsuled
into a packet, type-2) be assigned to the switches be-
forehand. The type-1 manner executes only simple
processing but can process faster because of hard-
ware execution. The type-2 manner, which like our
system design, can describe even complicate process-
ing. VNode(Kanada et al., 2012) also provides a pro-
cessing environment at intermediate switches. In this
research, the processing function is also provided at
customized switches and its processing environment
is provided as virtualized environment likewise using
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
Scheduling and Processing Type and Nodes (kernel_doc: VM_Env: 4core)
Node Thread Working
Time [msec]
total reading time total sending time receiving time
processing time sending time total receiving time
Figure 17: Node Th. Work. Time(kernel doc; 2RN; 4core).
PIP_wel PAR_wel PIP_val PAR_val
Scheduling and Processing Type and Nodes (kernel_doc: VM_Env: 1core)
Node Thread Working
Time [msec]
total reading time total sending time receiving time
processing time sending time total receiving time
Figure 18: Node Th. Work. Time(kernel doc; 2RN; 1core).
a virtual machine. These researches provide not only
transport function but also processing function in the
network. We address these intermediate processing
model as a platform to achieve our distributed pro-
cessing system.
Next we show current researches of processing in
networks. In transcoding (Kim et al., 2012),a con-
tent server deliver data (e.g. video data) to clients
via a transcoding server. The transcording server
fixes the original data to another data which reflects
user’s demands. For instance, the data may be trans-
formed from high resolution to low resolution at the
transcoding server to adapt a mobile devices. A cache
server(Nishimura et al., 2012; Kalarani and Uma,
2013) is a key technology of content delivery net-
work. The cache servers are allocated to wide dis-
tributed places and they stock contents as cache from
other content servers beforehand or with users re-
quest. Then the users’ content request will lead to
the nearest cache servers then the users receive con-
tents with lower network latency. (Fan and Chen,
2012; Solis and Obraczka, 2006) focus sensor net-
work. The researches propose to consolidate the large
amount of sensing data at some intermediate nodes
before the large data reach data collection servers.
Such approach can reduce energy consumption and
network load for mobile sensor devices. (Shimamura
et al., 2010) compress packets near a sender then ex-
tract the packets near a receiver during buer queue-
ing time to achieve low load network. In these re-
searches and technology, we can assume the network
provides special function such as video transforming
function, data caching function and so on for a certain
In this paper, we have studied the impact of number
of CPU cores in distributed XML processing using
two models of distributed XML document processing
in virtual environments for two types of XML doc-
ument: parallel and pipeline models, on virtual ma-
chines with multicore CPUs, for synthetic and realis-
tic XML documents. Regarding number of CPU cores
for distributed XML processing, few CPU cores lead
to less buer contention. In contrast, more CPU cores
leads to higher performance of some indicators, but
with the drawback of incurring in wasteful buer ac-
cess waiting time. In addition, appropriate number of
CPU cores depends on document characteristics. We
can enhance the processing eciency by improving
buer usage mechanism. As we have shown, pipeline
processing is inecient than parallel processing re-
gardless document types and processing environment.
The pipeline processing should treat parts of the doc-
ument that are not to be processed at them. Such a
specific node needs to be receivedand relayed to other
nodes, consuming node resources and increasing pro-
cessing overhead.
So far, we have focused on distributed well-
formednessand validationof XML documents. These
functions are a must for XML applications. The
PASS-Node system guarantees the soundness of the
XML document and it should lead to less battery con-
sumption of mobile devices because of ooading.
Moreover, other XML processing, such as filtering
and XML transformations, can be studied. Internet
routers in the future can do XML processing the same
way routers today do deep packet inspection (Liu and
Wu, 2013), as well as fast (hardware based packet)
We intend to study processing of streaming data
other than XML documents at relay nodes (Shima-
mura et al., 2010). In such scenario, many web
servers, mobile devices, network appliances, are con-
nected with each other via an intelligent network,
which executes streaming data processing on behalf
of connected devices. The type of node process-
ing is dierent than XML processing, given the less
structured nature of streaming data, as compared with
XML data.
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