Supply Chain Tracing of Multiple Products under Uncertainty and
Incomplete Information
An Application of Answer Set Programming
Monica L. Nogueira and Noel P. Greis
Kenan-Flagler Business School, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Kenan Center CB#3440, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599 U.S.A.
Keywords: Answer Set Programming, Knowledge Representation, Supply Chain, Traceability, Food Recall Process.
Abstract: Food supply chains are complex networks involving many organizations and food products from the farm to
the consumer. The ability to quickly trace the trajectory of a tainted food product and to identify the origin
of the contamination is essential to minimizing the economic and human costs of foodborne disease.
Complexities arise when multiple products traverse multiple states and/or countries and when products cross
multiple intersecting supply chains. In this paper we use the example of a recent Salmonella contamination
involving tomatoes and peppers imported from Mexico into the U.S. to demonstrate the use of Answer Set
Programming to localize the source of contamination in a complex supply chain characterized by
uncertainty and incomplete information.
Traceability of food products through the supply
chain is a key problem for public health officials
worldwide as supply chains have become larger,
more complex, and increasingly span both national
and international jurisdictions. Globalization,
international trade, and new eating habits, are
contributing factors to a reduced shelf life and a
potentially higher risk of contamination. Control of
scale and scope of a foodborne illness outbreak is
directly linked to authorities’ ability to track and
trace tainted products in the supply chain quickly
and accurately thus ensuring their removal and
disposal before further harm occurs. But even in
developed countries no single traceability scheme
has been widely adopted and adequate track and
trace methods are yet to be identified (Fritz and
Schiefer, 2008; Regattieri et al., 2007).
This paper addresses the challenge of tracing
multiple food products across complex supply
chains by extending previous work of (Nogueira and
Greis, 2013) that demonstrated the use of the logic
programming approach Answer Set Programming
(ASP) (Marek and Truszczynski, 1999) to the food
safety domain. Our contribution herein is to apply
ASP to solve other common practical traceability
problems motivated by a past multiple product
outbreak event in the United States—the 2008
tomatoes and peppers outbreak (CDC, 2008). First,
we demonstrate how to compute the effects of a food
recall and its impact on firms and states, and how to
trace products within a geographically targeted
supply chain. Second, we trace concurrently recalled
(multiple) products through diverse food chains and
identify any points of intersection between these
chains. Third, we simulate, or “probe,” the tracing of
suspected tainted products before confirmation or
any recalls are issued, and identify firms that may be
potentially involved in the outbreak.
Section 2 discusses motivation for this research
and related work. Section 3 defines a complex
supply chain and its encoding in ASP. Section 4
shows how to compute effects of a recall within a
geographic area through the use of aggregate
functions of the ASP solver DLV. Section 5 presents
our ASP-based solution to the traceability problems
linking multiple products and supply chains. Section
6 concludes the paper and presents future research.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
L. Nogueira M. and P. Greis N..
Supply Chain Tracing of Multiple Products under Uncertainty and Incomplete Information - An Application of Answer Set Programming.
DOI: 10.5220/0004627603990406
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 399-406
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(CDC) define a foodborne disease outbreak as two
or more illnesses caused by consumption of a
common food. Annually 48 million Americans, fall
ill due to a foodborne illness (Scallan et al., 2011).
The number of outbreaks reported to CDC by state
health officials for 2009 and 2010 (1,527 in total)
show that no food commodity was identified for
approximately 58% (or 892) outbreaks (CDC, 2013).
Due to delays of one to two weeks between the
consumption of a tainted food and the onset of
illness, patients usually do not remember the foods
they ate. Hence, new methods must be developed
that can deal with incomplete information yet still
generate candidate sources of contamination and
thereby reduce the burden of illness and the
economic impact to populations and businesses.
Traceability refers broadly to the ability, for any
product at any stage within the food chain, to
identify the initial source (backward tracing) and,
eventually, its final destination (forward tracing)
(Fritz and Schiefer, 2009). Tracking refers to the
ability to identify, for any product, its actual location
at any given time. Together these two capabilities
provide the functionality of a “track-and-trace”
system for the food supply chain. In this work we
tackle the traceability problem by utilizing a logic
formalism to encode and generate likely trajectories
for contamination due to a recall and to identify all
possibly affected companies and their products.
In this paper we model the recent “Tomatoes and
Jalapeño Peppers” outbreak. From May to August
2008, the CDC recorded a large foodborne disease
outbreak with 1,442 cases, counting 286
hospitalizations and possibly two deaths, affecting
43 states, the District of Columbia, and Canada.
Several case-control studies conducted to identify
the contamination source(s) produced mixed results,
pointing to jalapeño peppers as a major transmission
vehicle, and serrano peppers and tomatoes as other
possible vehicles (CDC, 2008). In July 2008
jalapeño peppers were traced by FDA to a farm in
Mexico which also grew serrano peppers. For
encoding simplicity, different types of tomatoes or
peppers are not considered here. Lack of publicly
available data on international food firms, led us to
restrict our representation to the U.S. supply chain.
In the last decade, developed countries have
approved more stringent legislation to improve the
safety standards of the food they produce (Kher et
al., 2010; McEntire and Bhatt, 2012). However, the
quality and safety of food products produced in
developing countries are less regulated and, thus, in
many cases more lax. Currently supply chains cross
developed and developing countries which
complicates traceability requirements. Hence,
traceability methods based on unique identification
schemes must work globally, and interoperability of
radio frequency identification-based and other
barcode schemes must be seamless (GS1, 2010;
Thakur et al., 2011). Our approach to the traceability
problem is independent of the availability of such
identifiers. We employ publicly available
information about food businesses, e.g. type of
products sold and company role in the supply chain,
in conjunction with food ontologies, to trace
possible trajectories paths of food distribution and
narrow down affected firms and areas.
A supply chain is the entire network connecting,
directly or indirectly, different companies that
participate in the coordinated production,
manufacture, handling, distribution and/or retail of a
specific product to fulfill a customer request.
Specifically, a food supply chain consists of all the
steps required to transform a (raw) food commodity
into a product ready for consumption.
An illustrative
example of a generic, complex supply chain crossing
national borders is shown in Figure 1.
The food
chain encompasses farmers or growers of raw food
commodities, processors or manufacturers
convert raw food into products, wholesalers that
store and commercialize products, and distributors
that deliver it to retailers who sell the product
directly to consumers, as well as brokers, importers,
and exporters. A supply chain is dynamic and there
is a constant flow of product, information, and
capital between its stakeholders. This directed flow
is represented in Figure 1 by the arrows linking the
different company types. This abstract view of a
supply chain serves as the basis for building our
ASP representation and program to solve common,
practical traceability problems.
3.1 ASP Basic Syntax and Semantics
The ASP paradigm is based on the stable models/
answer sets semantics of logic programs (Gelfond
and Lifschitz, 1988, 1991) and has been shown to be
a powerful formalism for knowledge representation
including defaults, inheritance reasoning, reasoning
about actions and their effects, and to be particularly
useful in solving challenging search problems. ASP
reduces search problems to the computation of the
Figure 1: An Example of a Generic, Complex Supply Chain Crossing National Borders.
stable models of the problem and a growing number
of ASP solvers — programs that generate the stable
models of a given problem encoded in the ASP
formalism, e.g. clasp, DLV, Pbmodels, Smodels,
etc., are available. Syntax and semantics of the
language is found in (Gelfond and Lifschitz, 1991).
Language signature Σ contains predicates,
constants, and function symbols. Terms and atoms
are formed as habitual in first-order logic. A literal is
either an atom (positive literal) or an atom preceded
by classical or strong negation), a negative literal.
Literals l and l are called contrary. Ground literals
and terms are those not containing variables. A
consistent set of literals does not contain contrary
literals. The set of all ground literals is denoted by
lit(Σ). A rule is a statement of the form:
... h
, ..., l
, not l
, ..., not l
. (1)
where h
’s and l
’s are ground literals, not is a logical
connective called negation as failure or default
negation, and symbol is the disjunction operator.
The rule head appears to the left of symbol , and
the body on its right side. Intuitively, the rule means
that if a reasoner believes {l
, … , l
} and has no
reason to believe {l
, …, l
}, then it must believe
one of the h
’s. If the head is replaced by (falsity)
then the rule is called a constraint. The intuitive
meaning of a constraint is that its body must not be
satisfied. Rules with variables (denoted by capital
letters) are used as a short hand for the sets of their
ground instantiations. An ASP program is a pair of
Σ, Π, where Σ is a signature (usually implicit) and
Π is a set of rules (a program) over Σ. A stable
model (or answer set) of a program Π is one of the
possible sets of literals of its computable
consequences under the stable model/answer set
Our encoding, the set of rules of program Π,
contains roughly 50 rules, while there are thousands
of records—in ASP, rules with an empty body, also
called “facts”—corresponding to the database of
companies, and food and geographic ontologies. The
ASP solver used is DLV (Calimeri et al., 2002). The
solver is tasked with computing the set of firms in a
target area affected by a single or multiple recalls,
and firms that could be affected when more than
one product is suspected but no recall has been
issued. Advantages of encoding the food supply
chain traceability problem as an ASP program
include: (1) ASP allows easy encoding of many
forms of domain knowledge and generating
hierarchical ontologies for diferent types of domain
relevant information, e.g. geographical, disease
(Nogueira and Greis, 2011). Encoding of heuristics
makes it possible to prune the search space and
increase the efficiency of tracking and tracing a
contaminated product in the supply chain; (2)
Modular ASP programs, where each module will or
will not be executed depending on the solution
sought, provide added flexibility for execution that
helps control innefficiency and avoid combinatorial
explosion; (3) ASP is well-suited to represent action
and change. A food supply chain is an intrinsically
dynamic environment where food products move
from one node to the next in the chain, and the track-
and-trace of contaminated products posing risk to
human lives should be highly efficient to curb a
contamination event that may spread very rapidly;
and (4) ASP is well-suited to deal with incomplete
information—an inherent problem of this domain as
food enterprises are averse to sharing information
about their supplier and customer bases which
represents competitive advantage to their business.
3.2 Supply Chain as an ASP Program
We leverage publicly available information on U.S.
food companies to build the database of entities that
form our supply chain. Since food companies may
have multiple roles in the chain and produce more
than one product, they are represented in our ASP
program by rules of form (2)-(4). A food recall by a
given company is encoded as (5). A conceptual
model for supply chains is that of an acyclic,
directed graph as illustrated in Figure 1. Knowledge
about supply chain operations provides the
semantics for the graph’s vertices and edges. Each
vertex, except for a point of origin or food source
such as the grower or importer, corresponds to a
firm A that performs a transformative step on a less
processed product to generate a more refined
product supplied to firm B located down-stream in
the chain and to whom A is directly connected by an
edge in the graph. Clearly, if A supplies B—who in
turn supplies another firm or a final consumer, then
their products are derived from the same food
commodity. Rule (6) encodes the supply functions.
Each edge of the graph represents a valid flow of
ingredients or final product(s) for resale from a firm
A set upstream in the chain and directly connected to
a firm B by an edge in the graph, i.e. a supply
operation between the two types of entities
connected in that supply chain. Figure 1 contains
17 edges with 4 dashed edges corresponding to
foreign supplying functions. The U.S. supply chain
defined by 13 solid edges is encoded by 13
individual rules of the form of (7) or (8), depending
on whether an ingredient or final product is supplied.
We omit some of the rules to avoid repetition and
save space. Tracing products forward, and similarly
backward, in the supply chain is achieved by (9)-
(14), which also compute the transitive closure of
these relations. Our knowledge base contains a
simple ontology which models the main stages of a
food product as it evolves from raw, unprocessed
food at the farmer/grower level of the supply chain
to a processed food ready for consumption at the
retail point-of-sale. The ontology is built with rules
of form (15)-(16) for each food supply chain (47) to
represent a product’s primary ingredient(s) and its
derivative products as illustrated by facts (17)-(46).
The ASP program described and below is based on
work from (Nogueira and Greis, 2012 and 2013).
firm(Idcode,Name,State). (2)
type_firm(Idcode,Type). (3)
recall(Product,Idcode). (5)
supplies(A,I1,B) :- (6)
valid_supply(F,A,B) :-
valid_supply(F,A,B) :- (8)
fwtrace(C,LC,F,A,LA) :- (9)
firm(C,_,LC),firm(A,_,LA), C!=A.
fwtrace(B,LB,F1,A,LA) :- (10)
fwtrace(B,LB,F,A,LA) :- (11)
bktrace(A,LA,F,C,LC) :- (12)
bktrace(B,LB,F1,C,LC):- (13)
bktrace(B,LB,F,C,LC) :- (14)
is_of(Product,Chain). (15)
is_ingr(Product1,Product2). (16)
is_of(ttfresh, tomatoes). (17)
is_of(ttketchup, tomatoes). (18)
is_of(ttpastepuree, tomatoes).
is_of(pepper, peppers). (27)
is_of(ppfresh, peppers). (28)
is_of(ppchili, peppers).
is_ingr(ttfresh, ttpastepuree). (30)
is_ingr(ttpreserved, ttketchup).(31)
is_ingr(ttpreserved, ttsauce). (32)
is_ingr(ppfresh, pepper). (43)
is_ingr(ppgreenfrsh, ppcrshgrd).(44)
is_ingr(ppchili, ppdrycrshgrd). (46)
supply_chain(Chain). (47)
supply_chain(tomatoes). (48)
supply_chain(peppers). (49)
Assume that a firm, identified by code “cp58” in our
firms’ database, has a dual role of produce grower
and processor and recalls its fresh tomatoes product
as denoted by fact (50) added to the program. The
solution for this traceability problem contains 4,132
atoms “fwtrace” and “bktrace,” with 3,255 possible
paths of contamination forward in the chain, and 877
backward from the point of recall. A portion of the
solution for this tracing exercise appears below.
recall(ttfresh,cp58). (50)
4.1 Track and Trace of Single Recalled
An important question for public health officials is
to determine how many firms are affected by this
recall forward in the supply chain, i.e. how many
received the recalled product. DVL authors have
extended its language to provide constructs that
enable arithmetic operations over a set of atoms, like
sum and count, and allow answering such questions.
Incidentally, other ASP solvers, e.g. Smodels,
provide comparable constructs with slightly different
semantics and syntax.
Hence, the language described in Section 3.1 is
extended by sets, aggregate functions, atoms, and
literals as defined in (Dell’Armi et al., 2003). A set
is a pair of the form {T:Conj}. In a symbolic set, T is
a list of variables and Conj is a conjunction of
standard literals. In a ground set, T consists of a list
of constants, and Conj is ground (variable free).
Aggregate functions are of the form f(S), where S is
a set and f is a function name among #count, #min,
#max, #sum, #times. An aggregate atom is formed
by aggregate functions, written as L
{=, <, , >, }, and L
and R
terms (one being possibly omitted). Atoms can be
either standard or aggregate, and literals constructed
from aggregate atoms are aggregate literals.
Rule (51) shows the use of the aggregate
function “#count{T:Conj}=N” to answer the
pending question and to compute how many N firms
are affected forward in the supply chain by the recall
of fresh tomatoes from firm “cp58”. The solution
computed by the DLV solver shows that overall 94
firms have received the contaminated product
directly from company “cp58”, or indirectly from
other firms located more than one step forward in
the chain. Rule (52) computes how many firms
received the contaminated product directly from
recalling firm “cp58”. The DLV solver finds that 56
of the 94 firms were directly supplied by “cp58”. A
natural question is how many states are affected by
this recall, i.e. in how many states are these 94 firms
located. Rule (53) performs this computation
resulting in 23 states. Similarly, rule (54) computes
the number of states where the 56 firms directly
supplied by company “cp58are located (12 states).
The solution computed by the DLV solver for this
traceability problem includes 877 atoms of type
“bktrace”. Similarly to (51)-(54), (55)-(58) count the
number of firms and states in the contamination path
backward in the supply chain to firm “cp58”.
all_ftrace_firms(N) :- (51)
dir_ftrace_firms(N) :- (52)
all_ftrace_states(N) :- (53)
dir_ftrace_states(N) :- (54)
all_btrace_firms(N) :- (55)
dir_btrace_firms(N) :- (56)
all_btrace_states(N) :- (57)
#count{S: bktrace(_,S,_,_,_)}=N.
dir_btrace_states(N) :- (58)
In supply chains with multiple products, firms may
have more than one role. Thus, the intersection of
firms computed by (51)-(52) and (55)-(56) may be
greater than zero. For this reason, we must eliminate
duplicates as computed by rules (59)-(62). Similar
rules compute the number of firms directly linked to
“cp58” upstream and downstream in the supply
chain. In fact, 98 unique firms in 25 states are
affected by this recall since 32 firms in 5 states
belong to the intersection.
total_aff_firms(T) :- (59)
firms_intersect(I) :- (60)
total_aff_states(T) :- (61)
states_intersect(I) :- (62)
4.2 Geographically Targeted Tracing
Regional and state public health officials are tasked
with the coordination of recall efforts occurring in
the geographical area within their jurisdictions.
Hence, it is important to obtain specific information
about affected companies located within the
boundaries of such areas. For this reason, our ASP
program encodes four U.S. regions, atoms (63)-(66),
and 50 states plus the District of Columbia, with 51
(ground) atoms of type (67). A more complete
geographic ontology was developed in (Nogueira
and Greis, 2011). Regions of interest are indicated
to the program by adding (ground) atoms of type
(68). Rules (69)-(70) make it possible to generate a
list of all potentially affected firms in a given region
of the country to assist the efforts of its regional
recall coordinators. Identifying firms downstream
from the point of recall, i.e. forward tracing, is
performed by (69), and upstream, or backward,
tracing by (70).
The number of states affected by a recall within
the trace region (68) is computed by (71), and those
belonging to the intersection by (72). The recall of
fresh tomatoes issued by “cp58” can potentially
affect 7 (out of 17) states in the South, 5 (out of 9)
states in the Northeast, 6 (out of 12) in the Midwest,
and 7 (out of 13) in the West; or 25 states total.
Similarly, (73)-(74) compute the number of firms
affected by the recall within the specified region.
From all 98 unique firms affected, the program
returns 16 firms located in the Northeast, 21 in the
South, 25 in the Midwest, and 36 in the West. A
complete list of supplier and customer firms sharing
a contamination path, and located within the same
region, is generated by (75)-(76). For this recall, 21
such firms are in the South, 36 in the West, 15 in the
Northeast, and 22 in the Midwest, i.e. 94 in total.
us_region(northeast). (63)
us_region(midwest). (64)
us_region(west). (66)
us_state(State,Region). (67)
geotrace(Region). (68)
ftrace_firms(R,A,LA) :- (69)
btrace_firms(R,C,LC) :- (70)
reg_states_aff(R,T) :- (71)
reg_states_intersect(R,N) :- (72)
reg_firms_aff(R,T) :- (73)
reg_firms_intersect(R,N) :- (74)
in_region(R,A,LA) :- (75)
in_region(R,C,LC) :- (76)
There are always multiple on-going cases of food
contamination and associated food recalls being
investigated in a country or region. Hence, any
proposed solutions must be able to track and trace
multiple tainted products in the supply chain. Public
health officials often seek information regarding
several outbreaks at the same time. We examine two
common situations involving multiple recalls next.
5.1 Tracing Concurrently Recalled
To demonstrate that this ASP program can be used
to trace multiple products, let us assume that recalls
have been issued for the two main products involved
in the 2008 tomatoes and jalapeño peppers outbreak,
and that the supply chains of these products closely
resemble that illustrated by Figure 1. Without loss of
generality we assume that the peppers supply chain
follows the linear structure captured by rules of type
(7) or (8) corresponding to the top portion of Figure
1. To complete this description we need only to
ensure that the food ontology employed by the ASP
program contains: a) facts (17)-(46) describing the
production hierarchy for tomato and pepper
products, and b) recall (77) of peppers issued by the
grower/processor/exporter firm “cp951”. ASP
programs that require only small changes to
accommodate new circumstances, as this one does,
are called “elaboration tolerant”. Programs
exhibiting such property are highly preferred
because they require less time and effort to be
modified to solve larger, more complex problems.
The new, augmented ASP program will now take
into account both supply chains when computing the
firms affected by these recalls. Public health
officials may be especially interested in firms that
produce both products being recalled. A quick, albeit
naive, way to list these firms can be achieved with
(78). The number of firms that produce both
products, as well as the number of states where these
firms are located, can be calculated by (79). DLV
results found 72 companies in 19 states potentially
affected by the contamination of both products.
recall(ppfresh,cp941). (77)
dir_aff_firms(C,L) :- (78)
recall_eff_totals(C,S) :- (79)
5.2 Tracing Products Suspected of
Contamination before Confirmation
An equally important but different situation faced by
health officials concerns tracing several products
suspected of contamination before clinical test
results or epistemological studies provide definite
confirmation of the tainted product. When there is a
lack of evidence due to uncertainty and incomplete
information, public safety must be ensured and
provisory warnings must alert the population to
avoid consumption of suspected products. In these
cases, a software tool that allows scenario-based
reasoning can help identify possible contamination
paths through all the supply chains involved. Thus,
we introduce disjunctive rules to our program as an
effective construct to simulate what-if scenarios—
each corresponding to a stable model of the ASP
program—and show how to interpret such models.
Assume that during an on-going contamination
outbreak, a number of patients reported consuming
both fresh tomatoes and peppers weeks before the
onset of their illness. Hence, officials may suspect
that one of these foods is the cause of the outbreak
and, until tests can prove which one, those firms
producing both products must be investigated. The
traceability problem is thus reduced to identifying
the firms that produce the suspected products. A rule
of type (80), e.g. (81), expresses the suspicion that
one of two products is tainted and specifies what
type of firms may be part of the contamination.
Since no recall has been issued, we retract any rules
of the form (5) and, to keep using the existing ASP
program, we redefine predicates “recall” and
“supply_chain” in terms of new predicates
“recalled(P,C)” and “suspect(P,T)” with (82)-(85).
Consequently, whenever a food recall is issued facts
of type “recalled(P,C)” are added to the program.
suspect(A,T1) v suspect(B,T2). (80)
suspect(ttfresh,processor) v (81)
recall(P,C) :- recalled(P,C). (82)
recall(P,C) :- (83)
supply_chain(S) :- (84)
supply_chain(S) :- (85)
The DLV solver derives two solutions, i.e. stable
models, for this program corresponding to the two
possible contamination scenarios. The meaning of
atoms “recall(P,C)” in the solutions below is that
firm C, located in the tracing geographic area(s),
produces suspected product P. For space reasons, we
omit the complete solution of affected firms traced
in the supply chain encompassing all four U.S.
regions. Lastly, the forward and backward traces are
done in two separate program runs to avoid the
combinatorial explosion that occurs when searching
for all affected firms without starting from a single
point of recall.
This paper demonstrates the utility of answer set
programming in identifying the contamination
source(s) in complex food chains characterized by
multiple products flowing through intersecting
supply chains. Using rules and aggregate functions,
we compute the effects of recalls on targeted
geographic areas to identify the affected companies
located within. Disjunctive rules are used to simulate
possible scenarios in the face of uncertainty and
incomplete information. We use the example of the
2008 food contamination event involving tomatoes
and jalapeños to show the value of this approach to
state agencies charged with managing product
recalls in the event of a foodborne disease outbreak.
Two future avenues of research include: 1)
moving to a risk-based approach by adding
knowledge extracted from publicly available data on
reported foodborne illness such as the likelihood that
a particular food has a high potential risk for
contamination, or the degree of severity of illness
attributed to a particular food; and 2) incorporating
supply chain data on international food businesses.
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