A New Approach for Detection of Host Identity in IPv6 Networks
Libor Polˇc´ak, Martin Holkoviˇc and Petr Matouˇsek
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Boˇzetˇechova 2, 612 66 Brno, Czech Republic
Computer Network Security, Host Identity, IPv6 Monitoring, SLAAC, Neighbor Discovery.
For security, management and accounting, network administrators benefit from knowledge of IP and MAC
address bindings. In IPv6, learning these bindings is not as straightforward as it is in IPv4. This paper presents
a new approach to track IPv6 address assignments in LANs. The method is based on a study of implementation
of IPv6 (mainly neighbor discovery) in current operating systems. The detection is passive for end devices and
does not require any software or hardware modifications. In contrast with current methods, our approach does
not poll routers in the network and works also in networks where IPv6 multicast is not broadcasted (active
Multicast Listener Discovery snooping MLD snooping). Moreover, our approach detects that an address is
no longer used. The approach was successfully tested in a campus network.
Users require reliable computer networks so that they
can perform their daily work. In order to achieve such
state, network operators have to monitor the managed
network and its weak points, detect misuse of the net-
work, backtrack security incidents, provide account-
ings for the offered services etc. The knowledge of
the identity of computers and their users in the man-
aged network is essential to achieve these tasks.
One possibility of user identity tracking is through
authentication. For example, RADIUS authenticates
a user and MAC address of his or her device con-
nected to a network. In some networks, such as cam-
pus network at our university, users have to regis-
ter their MAC address before they are allowed to ac-
cess the Internet and services offered in the network.
However, unlike network layer addresses, MAC ad-
dresses are not propagated outside of LANs. Hence,
the knowledge of bindings between network layer ad-
dresses and MAC addresses is crucial for network
management, security, and accounting.
In IPv4, a device usually leases an IPv4 address
from a DHCP server in the custody of the network
operator. Then, the device uses this unique IPv4 ad-
dress for all its communication until the lease expires.
As the DHCP server keeps logs of MAC and IPv4 ad-
dress bindings, it is straightforward for network oper-
ators to obtain the identity of their users at any given
time from DHCP and authentication logs.
The imminent exhaustion of IPv4 address space
was acknowledged a long time ago. Today, two of
the regional registrars (Huston, 2013) are already in
the state in which the IPv4 addresses are allocated ac-
cording to very strict policies. Even though the adop-
tion of the IPv6 is still in an early phase, it is maturing
(Dhamdhere et al., 2012). Hence, for security, man-
agement and accounting reasons, network administra-
tors of IPv6-enabled networks needs to keep track of
IPv6 addresses used in the managed network.
IPv6 guarantees at least 2
addresses allocated to
each LAN. There are several mechanisms that man-
ages the allocation of addresses. For example, State-
less Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) (Thomson
et al., 2007) allows an end device to generate as many
IPv6 addresses as it needs as long as the addresses are
not already used by another device in the network,
e.g. for privacy concerns (Narten et al., 2007a; Groat
et al., 2010). Note that the addresses are not handled
centrally but generated by end devices. Moreover, the
network operator is not able to influence the address
generation process. In addition, there is not any node
in the network that keeps track of IPv6 addresses be-
ing used by devices connected to the network. Even
more, a host does not send any specific message when
an address is no longer used by the host.
In this paper we propose a new approach for learn-
ing the MAC and IPv6 address pairing in LANs. Our
approach is based on the study of implementation of
IPv6 in current operating systems (OSes). Therefore,
it provides a solution for user identification problem
in IPv6 networks for network operators running a net-
work that is directly accessed by users with devices
that are not under direct control of the network op-
Polcák L., Holkovi
c M. and Matousek P..
A New Approach for Detection of Host Identity in IPv6 Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004608700570063
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (DCNET-2013), pages 57-63
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
erators. These networks include campus-wide net-
works, networks of companies that allow their staff
or customers to connect own devices to the network
(”bring your own device” policy), Wi-Fi and Ethernet
hot spots, and hotel networks.
The first contribution of this paper highlights the
differences in behaviour of current OSes and their
violations of RFCs concerning IPv6 address assign-
ments. The main contribution is the new approach
for user identification in IPv6 networks, which is
based on monitoringcontrol messages that are already
present in the network. It does not influence or modify
IPv6 in any way so it does not require any additional
changes in the network hardware or software. More-
over, the privacy of the users in the network, with re-
spect to the outside world, is not influenced by the
proposed mechanism. The approach was successfully
tested in a real network.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
overviews the address assignment mechanisms in
IPv6. Section 3 summarizes the related work. The
results of the study of behaviour of current OSes dur-
ing IPv6 address assignments are presented in Section
4. Section 5 outlines the proposed approach for track-
ing user identity in LANs. Our experiments are sum-
marised in Section 6. Section 7 lists open questions
in our work and sketches our plans for future work.
Section 8 concludes the paper.
This section reviews the basics of Duplicate address
detection (DAD), a part of Neighbor Discovery (ND),
and overviews common methods for IPv6 address as-
When a new IPv6 address is about to be used by
a device, the device needs to test that the address is
not already used in the network (Narten et al., 2007b;
Thomson et al., 2007). Until the new address is
proven to be unique, it is called tentative.
In order to prove that the tentative address is
unique, the device has to send Neighbor Solicitation
(NS) request to the solicited-node multicast group
(Hinden and Deering, 2006) whose address is derived
from the tentative address. In this paper, NS requests
issued during DAD are denoted as DAD-NS. If the
tentative address is already used by another device,
the other device should reply with a Neighbor Adver-
tisement (NA) to the multicast group for all nodes in
the network (ff02::1). Only if no NA is received, the
new address can be used. To avoid race conditions
in address assignments, RFC 4862 orders (Thomson
et al., 2007) that each host has to join the solicited-
node multicast group before it sends the DAD-NS.
Consequently, there is no central point in the net-
work that gathers all active addresses; the knowledge
is spread over the network and is available through the
solicited-node multicast groups.
SLAAC (Thomson et al., 2007) is a basic method
for address assignments in IPv6. In contrast to DHCP,
dominant in IPv4, SLAAC is not based on leases. In-
stead, a device itself generates its addresses. First,
the device learns the network (higher) part of IPv6
address from a Router Advertisement (RA), a mes-
sage periodically send by gateways in the network.
Then, the device generates the lower part of the IPv6
address called interface identifier (IID) (Hinden and
Deering, 2006). The original method for selecting
an IID uses modified EUI-64 IID. Later, privacy ex-
tensions (Narten et al., 2007a) introduced completely
random IIDs which may change during time.
Although there is a variant of DHCP called state-
ful DHCPv6 (Droms et al., 2003), it does not provide
the same information as DHCP since DHCPv6 as-
signs IPv6 address accordingto DHCP Unique Identi-
fier (DUID). DUID is generated by each host, mostly
during OS installation. As a consequence, DUID
is changed when a host is rebooted to another OS.
Therefore, the MAC and IP address pairings are not
stored in DHCPv6 logs. On the other hand, the as-
signed address has to be confirmed by DAD.
Finally, it is possible to assign a static address.
Whenever a new static IPv6 address is entered on a
host, it has to be validated by DAD.
As mentioned above, ND is a part of each mech-
anism for address assignments. Hence, we choose
ND as a basis for our network monitoring approach.
However, as discussed in Section 4, ND is not imple-
mented in the same way among current OSes.
Several attempts have been made to study IPv6 IIDs.
(Groat et al., 2010) proposed to use ping or tracer-
oute to monitor a location of a node that uses a static
interface identifier of any sort. (Dunlop et al., 2011)
list an example of Windows using a random, yet static
networks IIDs. However, both papers aimed at global
tracking of a movement of a specific user. In con-
trast, we want to monitor only the local network. In
addition, both Groat et al. and Dunlop et al. need to
know the address in advance. Our research is con-
cerned with unknown IPv6 addresses. Another differ-
ence is that we want to learn all addresses that belong
to every device connected to a network.
Similarly to our goal, (Gr´egr et al., 2011) are
Table 1: OSes tested for compliance with RFCs specifying ND.
Windows XP SP3, Vista, Vista SP3, Server 2008 R2, 7, 7 SP1, and 8
Linux various distributions including Debian, CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu (kernels 2.4.27–3.2)
Mac OS X 10.6.2 (kernel 10.2)
Unix FreeBSD 9.0, OpenBSD 5.0, and Solaris 5.11
also interested in learning the IPv6 addresses that
were used by a host with a specific MAC address.
They presented a campus network monitoring system
which gathers data from the neighbour cache (NC)
of the routers in the network using SNMP. However,
two conflicting requirements needs to be balanced. In
order to have sound information about the IPv6 ad-
dresses in the network, they need to poll routers suf-
ficiently often. Since routers are critical devices and
the polling results in additional workload, the polling
cannot be too frequent. As a consequence, a new ad-
dress selected by a device in the network is learned
with a delay. During a security incident, an attacker
can use an address for a limited time. Consequently,
the monitoring system can miss that the IPv6 address
was used.
(Groat et al., 2011) studied the possibility of using
DHCPv6 for monitoring the identity of users in the
network. Our approach is more general as it is not
restricted to DHCPv6.
A tool called addrwatch (Kriukas, 2012) can mon-
itor ND messages in the network. However, we iden-
tified several weaknesses of the tool. Firstly, addr-
watch just reports ND messages. They are not put in
any context. Secondly, addrwatch completely ignores
multicast messages, therefore,it cannot detect address
assignments in a network with MLD snooping (multi-
cast is not broadcasted). Finally, addrwatch does not
detect that an address is no longer used.
(Asati and Wing, 2012) deal with the same prob-
lem as we do. However, their solution involves
changes in router behaviour. Our approach does not
need any change on any critical network device.
Although we have not found a reference, we ex-
pect that some administrators use port mirroring and
parse the mirrored traffic with a sniffer to learn the
MAC and IP address bindings. Our approach does
not depend on processing all network traffic and con-
sequently it is more energy efficient. In addition, the
bandwidth of the mirroring port could be insufficient
for all traffic traversing the mirroring switch or even
one full-duplex port. Moreover, in case of only mir-
roring the port connected to the router in the network,
the learned MAC and IP address pairings are more or
less the same to these stored in the NC of the router
as discussed Section 6.
This Section describes implementation of ND in cur-
rent OSes. We studied (Polˇc´ak and Holkoviˇc, 2013)
the exact sequences of messages that are issued dur-
ing DAD after an address is assigned or automatically
generated. The main goal was to validate that OSes
follow the sequence ordered by RFC 4862 (Thomson
et al., 2007). However, the results are not positive and
some OSes diverge.
Firstly, we selected OSes (see Table 1) that we be-
lieve are the most common in current LANs. Then,
we connected hosts running these OSes into our labo-
ratory network and captured all packets that were sent
or received by each host. Performed tests included
1) SLAAC with both enabled and disabled RFC 4941
privacy extensions addresses, 2) DHCPv6, 3) static
addresses, and 4) duplicate addresses in the network.
We have revealed following anomalies:
1. Windows Vista and later (for all IPv6 addresses)
and FreeBSD (for static and EUI-64 IPv6 ad-
dresses) ignore DAD-NS if the other host has the
same MAC address.
2. Windows Vista and later use a tentative link local
address to join multicast groups before they start
DAD for the address.
3. Solaris (for all addresses), FreeBSD (for static
addresses), and Windows Server 2008 R2, Win-
dows 7 and later (for link local addresses) di-
verge from the recommended sequence of actions
during DAD because they send DAD-NS before
they join the solicited-node multicast group de-
rived from the tentative address.
4. Windows 8, Solaris, and Mac OS X send NAs dur-
ing DAD that are not mandatory.
5. OpenBSD does not join solicited-node multicast
groups at all.
In general, if a router in the network behaves as an
MLD querier, it periodically queries multicast groups
to verify that some hosts are still part of each multicast
group. Hosts that are part of a multicast group ran-
domly generate a timeout during which they wait for
reply of another host in the group. If there is no such
acknowledgement before the timeout passes, the host
Figure 1: The life-cycle of an IPv6 address A can be monitored by the Mealy FSM extended by the variable MAC to store
the MAC address of the interface that currently uses A. Binding between MAC address X and A is denoted as (X:A).
replies that the multicast group is still active. Hence,
if no address corresponding to the queried solicited-
node multicast address is used, there is no reply in the
multicast group. However, if more than one IPv6 ad-
dress in the network coincide into one solicited-node
multicast group, only one of the hosts replies.
All selected OSes that register to multicast groups
reply to MLD queries. However, we discovered that
some OSes do not meet the maximal timeout specified
in an RA. Although the RA announced maximal time-
out of 0.1 s, some acknowledgements were received
after 0.7–0.8s.
The approach for address assignment detection was
created according to the study of the behaviourof cur-
rent operating systems presented in Section 4. The
life-cycle of an IPv6 address A can be tracked by the
extended Mealy FSM depicted in Figure 1. Network
control traffic is used as the input of the FSM, the out-
put is a signalisation that the address started or ceased
to be used. The FSM is extended with a variable to
store the MAC address of the interface that uses the
tracked IPv6 address.
The FSM tracks ND messages to detect address
assignments. MLD queries and responses are used to
detect that the address is no longer used. Hence, we
recommend to enable MLD querying on a router in
the network. In addition, if MLD snooping is active
in the network (multicast traffic is not broadcasted), to
capture DAD-NSes and NA replies, we recommend
to 1) join the multicast group for all nodes (ff02::1)
and all MLDv2-capable routers (ff02::16), 2) detect
all requests to join solicited-node multicast groups,
and 3) join the detected groups.
The initial state of the FSM is the Address not
used. When a host generates the address A, it issues
DAD-NS, and the FSM shifts to Address tentative.
If everything worked according to RFCs, the only
trigger for transition from Address tentative would be
the timeout as the address would not be used in the
network. However, Solaris, some versions of Win-
dows, and FreeBSD do not join the solicited-node
multicast groups before issuing the DAD-NS. As a
consequence, in networks with MLD snooping, some
address assignments may have been unnoticed earlier
and the address can already be used. Therefore, it is
possible to receive an NA from another host. In both
cases the FSM detects the MAC address that is bind
to the IPv6 address and shifts to Address assigned.
Similarly to the NA received after DAD-NS, the
FSM may detect an NA for the address A in the initial
state (e.g. non-mandatory NA during DAD). Conse-
quently, the FSM shifts directly to Address assigned.
Additionally, the FSM shifts between these two states
in case of Windows using a tentativelink local address
as the source address to join multicast groups.
In order to detect that the address was dropped
by the host, Validation of active multicast groups is
reached after an MLD query is received. In case that
the solicited-node multicast group derived from ad-
dress A is acknowledged, the address is most likely
being used as the solicited-node multicast groups
were designed so that two hosts are not likely to be
in one solicited-node multicast group. If the MLD
query expires, the address is definitely not used any
more, and the FSM returns to the initial state.
While the FSM is in Address assigned, another
host might try to use the address. When DAD-NS
is received, the FSM shifts to Another host tentative.
Ordinarily, the address is still in use and the NA fol-
lows. If the address was no longer used but it had not
been detected (e.g. because the MLD query was not
issued, yet), the NA would not be sent. In such case,
the FSM also shifts back to Address assigned, how-
ever, the detected MAC address changes. In a rare
occasion when an NA from another MAC address is
seen in Address assigned, the FSM loops in this state
and the MAC addresses are swapped. This loop is
present in the FSM only for safety reason as the study
of OS behaviour does not suggest that it is needed.
We implemented ndtrack (Holkoviˇc and Polˇc´ak,
2013), a tool which follows the approach for IPv6 ad-
dress assignments that is sketched in Section 5. This
Section describes the experiments with ndtrack. The
first experiment was aimed at real network monitor-
ing. As most of the devices were not under our con-
trol, we could not confirm that ndtrack detected all
devices. However, we checked that all our devices
were detected. The other three experiments were per-
formed in a laboratory network; they focused on the
quality of the monitoring approach.
6.1 Real Network Deployment
The first experiment aimed at long-term monitoring
(almost a month) of SLAAC in a network with MLD
querying enabled. The network spans two buildings
and is available for all employees of the faculty (see
Figure 2). We successfully tested that ndtrack de-
tected IPv6 addresses that are being used in the net-
work and that the addresses are correctly identified as
no longer assigned after the hosts disconnect or stop
using them (see Figure 3 for the statistics).
Figure 2: The network topology of the real network moni-
toring. Some of the computers were not under our control.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
active addresses
time [h]
MAC addresses ~ computers
IPv6 addresses
Figure 3: Statistics of the real network monitoring. IPv6
addresses were successfully detected to be used (the num-
ber of known addresses rises during working hours) and
dropped (the number of IPv6 addresses lowers at night).
During the experiment, we verified that the ad-
dresses used by our devices are correctly recognized
together with other devices that were not under our
control (see Table 2). In order to make the experi-
ment more convincing, we connected a device to the
network in a different building than the one in which
our monitoring station was located. All addresses as-
signed to the device were correctly identified and later
dropped when we disconnected the device.
Table 2: A snippet of a table created by ndtrack.
IP addr time MAC addr
fe80:*:777 14/2 11:07–14:40 1c:*:77
2001:*:777 14/2 11:07–14:40 1c:*:77
2001:*:335f 14/2 11:07–14:40 1c:*:77
2001:*:aa63 12/2 14:21–15/2 0:58 00:*:84
6.2 Network with MLD Snooping
We verified the behaviour of ndtrack in the presence
of MLD snooping in our laboratory. A monitoring
station running ndtrack and a testing computer were
connected to a switch with MLD snooping enabled as
depicted in Figure 4. In the first set of experiments,
ndtrack did not follow the advice given in Section 5
and did not join the appropriate multicast groups. In
the second set of experiments ndtrack joined the mul-
ticast groups as recommended in Section 5. Several
OSes were tested on the testing computer during each
set of experiments.
Figure 4: Network topology for experoments with network
with active MLD snooping.
The results of the experiment are summarised in
Table 3. When ndtrack joined the solicited-node mul-
ticast groups, it successfully detected all OSes but
OpenBSD and static addresses in FreeBSD due to the
following reasons:
OpenBSD does not join the solicited-node mul-
ticast groups derived from the tentative address.
As a consequence, ndtrack did not know that it
should join the solicited-node multicast group. As
a result, the switch with MLD snooping activated
did not propagate the DAD-NS to the monitoring
As already stated in Section 4, FreeBSD sends
DAD-NS before it joins the solicited-node mul-
ticast groups derived from the tentative address.
Therefore, ndtrack joined the solicited-node mul-
ticast groups derivedfrom the tentative address af-
ter the DAD-NS was sent and consequently did
not learn about the address assignment. Windows
and Solaris that also join the solicited-mode mul-
ticast group late (see Section 4) send additional
NAs during DAD and therefore were detected by
Table 3: Effectivity of our approach in networks with active
MLD snooping without/with joining the solicited-node
multicast group (X= Detected).
OS static addr SLAAC
Windows 7 and earlier -/X -/X
Windows 8 X/X X/X
Linux -/X -/X
Mac OS X X/X X/X
FreeBSD -/- -/X
OpenBSD -/- -/-
Solaris X/X X/X
6.3 Network with Stateful DHCPv6
The next experiment tested stateful DHCPv6. We
connected computers running Windows 7, 8, 2008
R2, Ubuntu 12.10, and Solaris (one computer for each
OS) to a laboratory network depicted in Figure 5. We
verified that ndtrack detected all address assignments.
Hence, DHCPv6 leases are detected by the proposed
Figure 5: Network topology for experoments with network
with active MLD snooping.
6.4 Comparison to Other Methods
In the last experiment, we compared ndtrack to the
neighbour cache polling (NCP) and addrwatch (both
described in Section 3), in the network with topol-
ogy depicted in Figure 6. We ran ndtrack and addr-
watch on the monitoring station in three runs: ndtrack
was tested with MLD snooping enabled on the switch
whereas addrwatch was tested with MLD snooping
both enabled and disabled. Each experiment followed
this scenario:
1. Two Linux hosts were connected to the network.
2. Host A opened a connection to host B and the
hosts transferred a file in this connection.
3. Host A initiated an one-way UDP connection out-
side the network.
4. Host A opened a TCP session to the remote host.
5. Hosts A and B were disconnected.
Host A
Host B
Figure 6: Network topology used to compare our approach
with older methods.
During the experiment, we monitored NC of the
router, and the outputs of the monitoring tools. The
results are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4: Comparison of our approach with older methods
(X= detected).
NCP addrwatch ndtrack
MLD snooping Y/N No Yes Yes
A, B connected - X - X
Local TCP - X - X
One-way UDP - X - X
Remote TCP X X - X
A, B disconn. - - - X
An entry for the monitored hosts appeared in the
NC of the router only after a packet destined to the
host arrived from the Internet. Data transfers inside
the LAN and the outgoing UDP session were unde-
tected. In addition, the record stayed in the NC (stale
state) after the host was disconnected. Port mirroring
and analysis of the traffic traversing the router would
detect the outgoing UDP stream. However,localcom-
munication would be unnoticed.
While MLD snooping was disabled, addrwatch
detected the DAD-NSes issued by the hosts when
they connected to the network. Additionally, addr-
watch reported NS messages, issued by the hosts or
the router, during the data transfers. However, ac-
tive MLD snooping did not leak any ND message
to the monitoring computer and consequently caused
that addrwatch did not report any activity in the net-
work. Moreover, addrwatch did not report that the
hosts disconnected from the network even without
MLD snooping as no ND message was sent to the net-
Both hosts were successfully identified by ndtrack
although the tool was behind MLD snooping. In ad-
dition, ndtrack was able to detect that the addresses
were no longer assigned.
During future work, we want to focus on the open
questions identified during the study of the behaviour
of the OSes and the design of the FSM. Specifically,
we plan to study the loop in the Addressassigned state
of the FSM. In addition, we plan to evaluate more de-
vices, such us phones and tablets, to validate that the
proposed FSM does not miss any transition.
Furthermore, we want to focus on networks with-
out an MLD querier and compare the quality of the
monitoring with respect to its location in a network.
The proposed FSM does not detect that an address is
not used any more without an MLD querier. We plan
to implement a timeout that would shift the FSM from
Address assigned to Address not used when no NA
is seen for a suitable amount of time. However, the
suitable timeout value is a subject for future research.
One of the prerequisites is a study of NA in the net-
work. Another approach for dealing with networks
without an MLD querier is to use additional informa-
tion from the default gateway NC (Gr´egr et al., 2011).
The advent of IPv6 protocol unveils a need to redesign
mechanisms for user identification in LANs. Whereas
in IPv4, network administrators can extract MAC and
IPv4 pairings from DHCP logs, in IPv6, the pairing
of IPv6 and MAC addresses is not available on a sin-
gle device in the network. We studied behaviour of
implementation of ND in current OSes (Polˇc´ak and
Holkoviˇc, 2013). Based on this study, we proposed
a mechanism that deals with the problem of the iden-
tification of MAC and IPv6 address pairings in net-
works with MLD snooping both active and inactive.
The approach detects all address assignments in net-
works without MLD snooping. When MLD snooping
is active, the approach deals with all addresses and
OSes but OpenBSD and static addresses in FreeBSD.
Our approach differs to current methods in sev-
eral aspects. Firstly, it is completely passive for end
devices in the network. In addition, the approach
does not need any modification of software or hard-
ware used in the network. Moreover, for most OSes,
the proposed approach detects that a new address was
generated immediately without polling of active de-
vices in the network. Furthermore, the described ap-
proach detects that an address is no longer used. Even
more, the approach works for all common methods
for IPv6 address distribution, namely SLAAC, state-
ful DHCPv6, and static assignments.
This work is a part of the project VG20102015022
supported by Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Re-
public. This work was also supported by the research
plan MSM0021630528 and BUT project FIT-S-11-1.
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