Classification of Knowledge Representations using an Ontology-based
Ruben Costa
, Paulo Figueiras
, Pedro Maló
and Celson Lima
CTS, Uninova, Dep.ª de Eng.ª Electrotécnica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
UFOPA / IEG / PSI, Federal University of Western Pará, Santarém, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology Engineering, Unsupervised Document Classification, Vector Space Models, Semantic Vectors.
Abstract: One of the primary research challenges in the knowledge representation domain relates to the process of
formalization of document contents using dependent metadata and in particular how the classifiers are
derived. Most approaches to determining appropriate classifiers are limited and only take account of the
explicit, word-based information in the document. The research described in this paper explores the
potential classifier enrichment through incorporation of implicit information derived from the complex
relationships (Semantic Associations) in domain ontologies with the addition of information presented in
documents for unsupervised document classification. The paper introduces a novel conceptual framework
for representation of knowledge sources, where each knowledge source is semantically represented (within
its domain of use) by a Semantic Vector (SV), which is enriched using the classical vector space model
approach extended with ontological support, employing ontology concepts and their relations in the
enrichment process. The test domain for the assessment of the approach is Building and Construction, using
an appropriate available Ontology. Preliminary results were collected using a clustering algorithm for
document classification, which indicates that the proposed approach does improve the precision and recall
of classifications. Future work and open issues are also discussed.
The representation of knowledge has been an
important human endeavor since the dawn of the
human race. The creation of written and spoken
languages is the best known example of the effort to
represent knowledge in such ways as to preserve it
and to guarantee that it will be transmitted to future
The subject of knowledge representation gained
a new dimension with the advent of the computer
age. Particularly, with the creation of the World
Wide Web, new forms of knowledge representation
were needed in order to transmit data from source to
recipient in common data formats, and to aid
humans to find the information they want in an
easily understandable manner.
With the evolution of the Semantic Web,
knowledge representation techniques got into the
spotlight, aiming at bringing human understanding
of the meaning of data to the world of machines.
Such techniques create knowledge representations of
knowledge sources (KS), whether they are web
pages or documents (Figueiras et al., 2012).
Most existing information retrieval techniques
are based upon indexing keywords extracted from
KS. Regrettably, keywords or index terms alone
often cannot adequately capture the document
contents, resulting in poor retrieval and indexation
performances. Nevertheless, keyword indexing is
widely used in commercial systems because it is still
the most viable way by far to process large amounts
of text.
This paper illustrates the development of a
framework which supports the process of a
representation of knowledge sources, using a vector
space model (VSM) (Salton et al., 1975) approach
and the enrichment of such representation using
background knowledge available in a domain
ontology. The proposed work will be assessed in the
building and construction sector. The major steps of
the work include the analysis of the relations
between ontological concepts, and the KS they are
representing as well as the enhancement of such
Costa R., Figueiras P., Maló P. and Lima C..
Classification of Knowledge Representations using an Ontology-based Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004541701840191
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 184-191
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
relations with semantic associations among
concepts. Hence, the main contribution of this work
is consequently not trying to develop new or
improving any of the current classification
algorithms but to affect the document term vectors
in a way that we could and measure the effect of
such semantic enrichment on existing classifiers.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents the related work. Section 3 illustrates the
domain ontology used under this work. Section 4
describes the process of enrichment of KSs. Section
5 illustrates the empirical evidences of the work
addressed so far. Finally, section 6 concludes the
paper and points out the future work to be carried
The presented work is the continuation of the work
presented in (Figueiras et al., 2012) and (Costa et al.,
2012). In terms of the issue addressed here, Castells
et al. (Castells et al., 2007) propose an approach
based on an ontology and supported by an
adaptation of the Vector Space Model, similarly to
our approach. It uses the tf-idf (term frequency–
inverse document frequency) algorithm, matches
documents’ keywords with ontology concepts,
creates semantic vectors, and uses the cosine
similarity to compare created vectors. A key
difference between this approach and the presented
work is that Castells’ work does not consider
semantic relations or the hierarchical relations
between concepts (both taxonomic and/or
ontological relations).
Li (Sheng, 2009) presents a way of
mathematically quantifying such hierarchical or
taxonomic relations between ontological concepts,
based on relations’ importance and on the co-
occurrence of hierarchically related concepts, and
reflects this quantification in documents’ semantic
vectors. Li’s work aims at creating an Information
Retrieval (IR) model based on semantic vectors to
apply over personal desktop documents, and it has
no relation to Web IR applications, as is the case of
the presented work.
On the other hand, Nagarajan et al. (Nagarajan
et al., 2007) propose a document indexation system
based on the VSM and supported by Semantic Web
technologies, just as we do here. They also propose
ways of quantifying ontological relations between
concepts, and represent that quantification in
documents’ semantic vectors. There are some
differences between Nagarajan’s work and our
approach. For instance, Nagarajan et al. do not
distinguish between taxonomic and ontological
relations, also our work doesn’t not include terms
from documents within semantic vectors, such terms
previously semantically mapped to ontology
Focusing on more recent works, Xia et al. (Xia
and Du, 2011) propose a document classification
mechanisms based on title vector based document
representations, in which is assumed that terms in
documents’ titles represent main topics in those
documents, and therefore the weights for title terms
should be amplified.
Finally, the work of García et al. (García et al.,
2010) aims to propose some new metrics to measure
relationships among classes in an ontology.
Relationships among classes in an OWL ontology
are given by the object properties that are defined as
a binary relation between classes in the domain with
classes in the range. The proposal of García et al. is
based on the coupling metric defined in the software
engineering field, adapting it to the Semantic Web’s
The domain-specific ontology used in this work was
entirely developed using Protégé ontology editor
(Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics
Research, s.d.), and it is written in OWL-DL
language (Sean et al., s.d.). The ontology
comprehends two major pillars, namely, concepts
and relations. The first relates to specific elements
(classes) of building and construction related areas
which cover for example, type of project, project
phase, and similar data. The other specifies how
such concepts are related to each other.
Several levels of specificity are given for all
concept families, as described for the ‘Actor’
concept. These specificity levels represent concepts
hierarchies and, ultimately, taxonomic relations such
as ‘Architect’ <is_a> ‘Design Actor’ and ‘Design
Actor’ <is_a> ‘Actor’. All classes, or concepts, have
an instance, which corresponds to the class, and
comprises the keywords or expressions gathered and
related to each concept, through an ontological
datatype property designated ‘has Keyword’.
All concepts are themselves keywords, because
they are expressions or terms that may occur in a
knowledge source. In addition to themselves,
concepts also possess equivalent terms that are terms
or expressions relevant for capturing different
semantic aspects of such concepts. For instance, the
‘Learning_Facility’ concept has a
‘Higher_Education_Facility’ individual, and this
individual has several keywords designated as
equivalent terms, such as ‘university’, ‘science
college’, and ‘professional college’, meaning that
each equivalent term belongs to some concept, as
shown in Figure 1. Moreover, concepts are
connected by ontological object properties called
ontological relations. Ontological relations relate
concepts among themselves and are described by a
label (property) and the relevance (weight) of such
relation in the context of the B&C domain ontology.
Figure 1: Domain Ontology elements.
In this section, we describe the justification behind
our hypothesis that background knowledge available
in domain ontologies can be used to enrich statistical
term vectors representations. Our approach mainly
focuses on knowledge representation of knowledge
sources, but there are several steps that need to be
performed before and after the knowledge
representation itself. Figure 2 gives a general
overview of our process, which consists of two main
modules, namely Document Analysis Module and
Semantic Enrichment Module.
Figure 2: The process.
4.1 Document Analysis Module
We start with a state-of-the art indexing tool, called
RapidMiner (RapidMiner, 2012), to generate
document term vectors (statistical vector) where
terms are ordered by their level of importance within
a document using a normalized tf-idf score.
There are two stages in the first module, namely
Term Extraction and Term Selection, for reducing
the dimensionality of the source document set. Both
are described here.
4.1.1 Term Extraction
The whole extraction process is as follows:
a) First of all, each document is broken into
sentences. Then, terms in each sentence are
extracted as tokens (this process is called
b) All tokens found in the document are
transformed to lower case.
c) The terms belonging to a predefined stop word
list are removed.
d) Remained terms are converted to their base
forms by stemming, using the snowball method.
The terms with the same stem are combined for
frequency counting. In this paper, a term is
regarded as the stem of a single word.
e) Tokens whose length is “< 4” or “> 50”
characters are discarded.
f) The n-Grams generation is seen here as a
creation of sequences of 1 to N words. For this
case we are considering the generation of
unigrams, bigrams (e.g. Waste Management)
and trigrams (e.g. Electric Power Product).
4.1.2 Term Selection
We understand that terms of low frequencies are
supposed as noise and useless, thus we apply the tf–
idf (term frequency - inverse document frequency)
method to choose the key terms for the document
set. Equation 1, is used for the measurement of
for the importance of a term
within a
. The main limitation of tf-idf method is
that long documents tend to have higher weights
than short ones. It considers only the weighted
frequency of the terms in a document, but neglects
the length of the document. In Equation 2, 
is the
frequency of
, and the total number of
occurrences in
is the maximum frequency of all
terms in
used for normalization to prevent bias for
long documents.
After calculating the weight of each term in each
document, those which satisfy the pre-specified
minimum tf–idf threshold γ are retained. For this
work, we consider all terms where its tf-idf score
was greater or equal than 0.001. Subsequently, these
retained terms form a set of key terms for the
document set D.
A document, denoted
is a logical unit of text,
characterised by a set of key terms
together with
their corresponding frequency
, and can be
represented by
Such representation is entitled statistical vector,
meaning that, for each document in D there is a
resultant statistical vector. An example of a
statistical vector is depicted in Table 1.
Table 1: Statistical Vector.
Key Term Weight
4.2 Semantic Enrichment Module
In this module we construct a new term vector,
named Semantic Vector (SV) for all the documents
in D. This vector comprises of ontology concepts
that are on the domain ontology and whose
equivalent terms semantically match terms which
are present in the statistical vector, (Table 2).
Table 2: Ontological Equivalent Terms.
Ontological Concept Equivalent Terms
complete sanitary
suite, complete
bathroom suite,
bathtub, shower,
service sink,
water closet, toilet,
A semantic vector is represented by two
columns: the first column contains the concepts that
build up the knowledge representation of the KS,
i.e., the most relevant concepts for contextualizing
the information within the KS; the second column
keeps the degree of relevance, or weight, that each
term has on the knowledge description of the KS
(Costa et al., 2012).
Our approach takes into account three different
but complementary procedures for building up the
semantic vector, where each iteration is expected to
add new semantic enrichment of the KS
representation: keyword-based, taxonomy-based,
and ontology-based semantic vectors. The first step
is related with the definition of a keyword-based
semantic vector.
4.2.1 Keyword-based Semantic Vector
The keyword-based semantic vector takes into
consideration only the relation between terms
existing in the statistical vector and ontology
concepts presented on the domain ontology.
In this module, we use semantic background
knowledge from ontologies as a way to augment
traditional syntactic term vectors. A fundamental
drawback behind Vector Space Model is that it treats
a document as a bag of words and ignores the
dependence between terms, i.e., it assumes that
terms in a document occur independent of each
other. Capturing dependency between key terms
within syntactic term vectors in terms of co-
occurrences has been successfully attempted by the
use of statistical techniques (Nagarajan et al., 2007).
However there are cases when terms do not co-occur
very often and are also not related in a way that such
techniques can help. For example, if terms “bathtub”
and “shower” in Table 2 do not co-occur frequently,
statistical techniques will fail to identify a possible
correlation between them.
The next iteration deals with finding similarities
between the statistical vector’s keywords and
equivalent terms which are linked to ontological
concepts from the domain ontology. The matching
process between equivalent terms presented on the
domain ontology and the keywords within the
statistical vector is done by using a similarity
measure between words (cosine similarity).
The keyword-based semantic vector is then
stored in the database in the
, where n is the number of
concepts in the vector, x
is the syntactical
representation of the concept and w
is the semantic
weight corresponding to the concept.
Table 3 depicts the weight of every ontology
concept associated to each key term within the
statistical vector, where the first column corresponds
to the ontology concepts that were matched to
describe the most relevant terms extracted from the
statistical vector, the second column indicates the
most relevant terms that were matched to ontology
equivalent terms, and the third column indicates the
semantic weight for each ontology concept matched.
Table 3: Keyword-based semantic vector.
Concept Key Term Weight
toilet, urin,
sanitari 0,132629
subcommitte 0,067880
4.2.2 Taxonomy-based Semantic Vector
Taxonomy-based vectors push one step further in the
representation of KSs by adjusting the weights
between expressions according to the taxonomic
relation among them, i.e., expressions that are
related with each other with the ‘is_a’ type relation.
If two or more concepts that are taxonomically
related appear in a keyword-based vector, the
existing relation can boost the relevance of the
expressions within the KS representation.
Definition 1: In the hierarchical tree structure of
the ontology, concept A and concept B are
homologous concepts if the node of concept A is an
ancestor node of concept B. Hence, A is considered
the nearest root concept of B, R(A,B). The
taxonomical distance between A and B is given by:
In Equation 4, depth (X) is the depth of node X
in the hierarchical tree structure, with the ontological
root concept’s depth being zero (0).
Definition 2: In the hierarchical tree structure of
the ontology, concept A and concept B are non-
homologous concepts if concept A is neither the
ancestor node nor the descendant node of concept B,
even though both concepts are related by kin; If R is
the nearest ancestor of both A and B, then R is
considered the nearest ancestor concept for both A
and B concepts, R(A,B); The taxonomical distance
between A and B is expressed as:
Figure 3 depicts the difference between
homologous and non-homologous concepts.
Figure 3: Homologous and non-homologous concepts
(Sheng, 2009).
The taxonomy-based semantic vector is
calculated using the keyword-based vector as input,
where taxonomical relations are used to boost the
relevance of the concepts already present within the
vector or to add new concepts. The weight of the
concepts is boosted when two concepts found in the
keyword-based vector are highly relevant, with the
degree of relevance being defined by a given
threshold. If the relevance of the taxonomical
relation between two concepts is higher than the
predefined threshold, then the semantic weight of
such concepts is boosted in the taxonomy-based
vector. If a concept already present in the keyword-
based vector is taxonomically related to a concept
than is not present in the vector, then the related
concept is added into the taxonomy-based vector.
An example of a taxonomy-based semantic
vector is depicted in Table 4. The taxonomical
similarity is calculated differently for both
homologous and non-homologous taxonomical
relations defined previously:
If , 0 and and are homologous.
If ,0 and and are non-
Table 4: Taxonomy-based semantic vector.
Concept Weight
The concept ‘Plumbing_Fixture_and_Sanitary
_Washing_Unit’ weight was boosted within the
Taxonomy-based semantic vector because it is
highly related with the concepts
‘Sanitary_Disposal_Unit’ and
4.2.3 Ontology-based Semantic Vector
The third iteration in the semantic vector creation
process is the definition of the semantic vector based
on the ontological relations defined in the domain
ontology. Our system uses human input (knowledge
experts in the building and construction domain) to
establish the final numerical weights on each
ontological relationship.
The first step is to analyse the ontological
relations among concepts found in the input
semantic vector. The taxonomy-based semantic
vector is used as input for this analysis. The creation
of the ontological-based semantic vector is a two-
step process: the first step boosts weights of
concepts already present in the taxonomy-based
vector, depending on the relevance of the ontology
associations among them; the second step adds new
concepts that are not present in the input vector,
according to ontological relations they might have
with concepts belonging to the taxonomy-based
vector (Costa et al., 2012).
Analogously to the creation of a taxonomy-based
semantic vector, the new concept is added to the
semantic vector only if the importance of an
ontological relation exceeds a pre-defined threshold,
for the same constraint purposes. The ontological
relation’s significance, or relevance, is not
automatically computed; rather, as explain before, it
is calculated by knowledge experts in the building
and construction domain, and is defined by a vector
comprising a pair of concepts and the weight
associated to the pair relation, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Ontological Relations.
Property Subject Object Weight
The equation 9 describes the process of boosting
of concepts or addition of new ones. Where 
, is
the new weight of the ontological concept, 
the taxonomy weight of the concept to be boosted, if
the concept is added then 
should be zero. 
is the taxonomical weight of the concept related to
and 
is the weight of the relation between
 
An example of an ontology-based semantic
vector is depicted in Table 6.
Table 6: Ontology-based semantic Vector.
Concept Weight
In this example, the concepts
‘Sanitary_Disposal_Unit’ and
uct’ where boosted because they are already present
in the taxonomy-based vector and are related by the
ontological relation ‘<is_part_of>’.
Our dataset for evaluation in this paper is primarily
focused in related products used in building and
construction. Figure 4 shows part of the taxonomy
that we classified the documents into. Although the
taxonomy related with product contains 16 sub-
categories, we chose a small subset (5 categories as
shown in Figure 4).
Figure 4: Categories used for evaluation.
We tested our approach with 20 scientific
publications containing on average 3.500 words
each. The reason for choosing scientific publications
was the significant amount of words in each
document, which makes the scattering of each
document in terms of key terms much higher when
compared to simple webpages or news headlines,
making the precise classification a challenge.
All our test documents were manually pre-
labeled with the support of ICONDA search engine
(IRB, 1986) and a close human evaluation.
The final goal of the assessment is to measure
into what extent, a document altered term vector
using the proposed approach, implies a more
meaningful representation of its contents. In other
words, can we affirm that, adding new concepts,
boosting the important ones and removing the less
important ones from a semantic vector leads to a
truly enrichment of KS representations? In order to
answer such, we must first verify, if classifiers can
perform better clustering analysis, by grouping
documents which are more similar within the same
category, using the semantic vectors
Our system uses the altered term vectors as
inputs to various classification algorithms -
specifically, we used an unsupervised classification
algorithm for the evaluations (K-Means clustering
(MacQueen, 1967)).
In the following sub-section, we present the
results of our approach and give details on the kinds
of classification patterns we have observed.
5.1 Results
Our metrics for evaluation of our approach are based
on the traditional notions of precision and recall.
Nevertheless, the precision of such classification
tends to be a subjective issue. As an example, the
way how ontology relations between concepts were
evaluated will deeply affect such classification. As
stated before, our system uses human input
(knowledge experts in the building and construction
domain) to establish the final numerical weights on
each ontological relationship. The importance of
relationships between ontological concepts is by its
nature, an independent and customizable component
that affects classification.
The figures below present the classification
statistics. According to such results, we will explain
in detail why some documents have been
successfully classified and why others didn’t.
Average recall and precision values for 5 categories
using all four vectors (see Figure 5 and Figure 6).
When analyzing in more detail the categories
into which KSs have been assigned to, it was
interesting to conclude that in some cases the
proposed approach brought an added value and in
other situations such added value was not so evident.
Considering the ‘Sanitary Laundry and Cleaning’
Figure 5: Overall Recall Values for 5 Categories.
Figure 6: Overall Precision Values for 5 Categories.
category, we can conclude that using our approach
there was a substantial improvement in terms of
recall metric, from 25% using the statistical-based
approach to 75% using the ontology-based approach.
In this case, the usage of ontological relations
presented in the domain ontology (as shown in Table
5), improved the recall metric from 50% to 75%.
Our results also have shown that quite a few key
document terms had no direct matching with
ontology equivalent terms instances, the reason for
that is related with the use of an incomplete domain
model (further work in extending the Ontology
knowledge base can help to solve this issue to some
extent) and also related with the lack of a proper
method for performing word sense disambiguation
during the matching process (as explained before).
It is possible for a domain Ontology to have
nothing to do with the classification. The goal is to
do no worse than the statistical-based approach
when the Ontology is relevant or irrelevant.
Our document dataset for evaluation took into
account several categories that had some similarities
among key terms present in such documents. For
example, contents in ‘Climate Control’ and ‘Electric
Power and Lighting’ categories have a lot of similar
terms that make such document classification
between the categories a non-trivial task. Statistical
term vectors that rely solely on document contents
have shown to be poor representations, when
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
compared to vectors which take into account the
ontology concepts and their relationships.
This paper’s contribution targets a novel approach
for the representation of unstructured information
(described here as KSs) which can be applied in
various areas for information retrieval, including,
importantly, the semantic web. The knowledge
representations enrichment process is supported
using a semantic vector holding a classification
based on ontological concepts. Illustrative examples
showing the process are part of this paper.
The main objective behind our approach was to
alter documents term vectors by relating them with
domain ontology concepts, turning a term vector
into a semantic vector (vector formed by ontology
concepts). The way how ontology concepts are
related (relatedness includes all possible
relationships modeled in an Ontology), enables
boosting the discriminative power of the most
important concepts within KSs. A consequence of
this process was the weakening (and sometimes the
removal) of the less important concepts.
The results achieved so far are part of an on-
going work that will evolve and mature over time
and do not reflect the final conclusion of the
proposed approach. Nevertheless preliminary results
indicate that the inclusion of additional information
available in domain ontologies in the process of
representing knowledge sources can augment such
knowledge representations. More extensive
evaluation needs to be undertaken to reach more
formal conclusions including additional metrics
(rather than the classic precision and recall) for
assessing the performance of the proposed method.
However we can conclude that Ontologies help
improve the precision of a classification.
The domain ontology itself is seen as something
that is static and not evolving over time with
organizational knowledge. One possible approach
being considered is to extract new knowledge
coming from KSs (new concepts and new semantic
relations) and to reflect such new knowledge in the
domain ontology. One possibility for accomplishing
this may be the adoption of association rules
learning algorithms, correlating the co-occurrence of
terms within the document corpus. Such measures
can be considered as an estimation of the probability
of terms being semantically related. The weights of
such semantic relations should also be updated every
time new KSs are introduced into the knowledge
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