Decision Support for Application Migration to the Cloud
Challenges and Vision
Vasilios Andrikopoulos, Steve Strauch and Frank Leymann
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Application Migration, Decision Support, Cloud-enabling Applications.
The success of Cloud computing has encouraged many application developers to consider migrating their
applications to the Cloud. Given the early market dominance of the IaaS service model, many existing works
focus on selecting the best service provider for a set of criteria related to the virtualization and hosting of the
application. In this work, we aim to progress the State of the Art by formulating a vision of a decision support
system that incorporates multiple dimensions and different analysis tasks in feedback relationships with each
other. The research challenges that need to be addressed towards this direction are identified and related to the
different aspects of migration of applications to the various Cloud service models.
The steadily increasing domination of Cloud comput-
ing in the software market means that existing appli-
cations may need to migrate to this environment in
order to reap the benefits of reduced infrastructural
costs and dynamic access to computational resources.
While software has already started being developed
specifically for the Cloud (forming Cloud-native ap-
plications), existing systems must be adapted to be
suitable for the Cloud, requiring to make them Cloud-
enabled (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013). Existing work,
e.g. (Li et al., 2010; Khajeh-Hosseini et al., 2012;
Menzel and Ranjan, 2012), focuses on the IaaS ser-
vice model (Mell and Grance, 2011), building on the
success and early market dominance of infrastructure
virtualization solutions like Amazon Web Services.
In this context, providing decision support for the
migration of applications to the Cloud is reduced to
the selection of the appropriate IaaS provider that can
support the best application performance for the least
Beyond this VM-based migration of applications
to the Cloud however, new PaaS and SaaS offerings of
Cloud providers enable alternative migration options
for applications. Data stores like the Amazon Rela-
tional Database Service (Amazon RDS), and business
logic executing environments like the Google App
Engine allow for partially or fully migrating the ap-
plication. Decision support in this case needs also to
include different options for segmenting and distribut-
ing the application in the Cloud, figuring out which
parts of the application should scale, and how multi-
tenancy can be implemented to maximize the return
of investment for application developers.
The position that this work takes is that migrat-
ing to the Cloud is a multi-dimensional problem with
multiple decision points that may create feedback
loops with each other, and with various analysis tasks
related to them. The contribution of this paper is to
identify these decision points and analysis tasks, and
define their dependencies. Based on these results,
a vision of a Cloud migration decision support sys-
tem considering these aspects is provided. In order
to reach this point however, a comprehensive analysis
of the challenges related to migrating to the Cloud is
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 summarizes the State of the Art in decision sup-
port systems for Cloud migration. Section 3 discusses
the issues in migrating applications to the Cloud and
identifies the research challenges for supporting the
decisions related to them. Section 4 presents our vi-
sion for how a decision support system can address
these challenges; Section 5 concludes this paper.
Existing work on decision support for application mi-
gration to the Cloud identify a number of criteria to
be considered, with the cost being the most impor-
Andrikopoulos V., Strauch S. and Leymann F..
Decision Support for Application Migration to the Cloud - Challenges and Vision.
DOI: 10.5220/0004407001490155
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 149-155
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tant one. The work presented in (Khajeh-Hosseini
et al., 2011) discusses two decision support tools im-
plemented as spreadsheets: a cost calculation one,
and a risk-benefit analysis one. The former is geared
towards IaaS solutions, and allows users to calculate
the cost for their infrastructure when virtualized and
ran in one or more VMs on the Cloud. The latter sur-
veys and categorizes a number of benefits and risks
identified in the literature (also for IaaS solutions),
and informs about potential consequences, mitiga-
tion approaches and indicators for each risk. The
two tools are then combined in the Cloud Adoption
Toolkit (Khajeh-Hosseini et al., 2012) that supports
decisions on technology suitability, cost, energy con-
sumption, stakeholder impact and operational feasi-
The (MC
framework (Menzel et al., 2011),
later incorporated in the CloudGenius toolkit (Menzel
and Ranjan, 2012), also focuses on IaaS solutions and
provides a multi-criteria approach in decision sup-
port for application migration. Both approaches al-
low users to define multiple quantitative and quali-
tative requirements that are then matched against a
knowledge base of Cloud service providers. Various
criteria to evaluate the possible alternatives are iden-
tified, and a series of cost categories are considered.
Beyond the emphasis on the IaaS service model, the
main criticism of all of the above works is the lack
of connecting the outcomes of each analysis step with
the particular decisions to be made. In this sense, sys-
tem users are able to evaluate their design, but they
do not have any insight into how each design decision
affects the overall system.
In particular with respect to selecting appropriate
Cloud service providers for the migration, Brebner
and Liu (Brebner and Liu, 2011) report on the costs
of running applications with different work loads in
various Amazon, Google and Microsoft offerings. A
similar calculation is reported in (Li et al., 2010)
and (Suleiman et al., 2011) for anonymized Cloud ser-
vices. The benchmarking of (Li et al., 2010) takes
into account storage and networking costs, while the
analysis of (Suleiman et al., 2011) focuses on the elas-
ticity options of the offerings. While these works can
be used as part of the decision support process, they
do not consider the characteristics of the application
itself it terms of how it needs to be adapted to operate
in the Cloud environment.
As the first step towards a decision support system
beyond the State of the Art, in the following we use
the issues and concerns identified in previous work on
application migration (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013) as
the basis to identify the research challenges affecting
decision support for Cloud migration.
Application Distribution. Logically and physi-
cally distributing the data and the computational as-
pect of applications over the Cloud creates a series of
economic, performance, and legal issues. The calcu-
lations in (Armbrust et al., 2009) illustrate the trend
of computational power becoming cheaper faster than
disk storage, which becomes cheaper faster than net-
work bandwidth in turn. It is therefore in principle
good practice to keep data and computation close to
each other. The actual physical proximity of the mi-
grated application components and their data is how-
ever beyond the control of the application developer
except from the location of the Cloud provider data
Similarly, it becomes very difficult to ensure com-
pliance to legal and regulatory requirements, concern-
ing for example the privacy of users. EU regulations
for instance require the physical location of the stored
data to be inside the EU borders (Reese, 2009). Even
if it is possible to define the region for deploying the
application, the cost of using them can vary due to dif-
ferent charging policies (Suleiman et al., 2011). Fur-
thermore, previous work has shown that Cloud ser-
vices performance varies significantly for different re-
gions (Schad et al., 2010), or even for different data
centers inside the same region (Li et al., 2010).
It is important to notice that distributing the appli-
cation may be necessary in order to address the need
for business resiliency (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013),
while aiming to minimize the risk (both in terms of
security and QoS assurances) of the application mi-
gration to the Cloud. This requires backup solutions
and use of multiple Cloud providers as alternatives
(see also (Badger et al., 2012)), translates into a mul-
tiplication of the costs, and may require application
Research Challenges. How to estimate the effect of
distributing logically and physically the application
in terms of performance and cost? How to address
compliance across different jurisdictional domains?
What is the trade-off between business resiliency and
additional incurred costs?
Elasticity. Elasticity provides the means for opti-
mizing resource usage in case of fluctuating and/or
unknown application work loads. Ideally, the con-
sumer perceives an infinite number of resources avail-
able in any quantity, at any time. Existing works
like (Brebner, 2012; Suleiman et al., 2011; Vaquero
et al., 2011) however connect the benefits from elas-
ticity mechanisms not only with the Cloud solutions
themselves, but also with the particular characteris-
tics of the application in terms of its work load. Two
types of scalability are identified in (Vaquero et al.,
2011): horizontal, i.e. addition of more application
instances where required, and vertical, that is, addi-
tion of more computational resources to the applica-
tion. While vertical scalability is possible in principle
for all applications, it largely depends on the service
provider to offer the mechanisms to implement scal-
ing dynamically. Horizontal scalability on the other
hand mostly depends on the application components
and the application as a whole to support it as an op-
tion. Scaling a stateful component like a database, for
example, requires additionally the choice of an ap-
propriate data replication mechanism (Andrikopoulos
et al., 2013).
Different elasticity strategies can be implemented
depending on the decisions to be made on a) what
part of the application to scale, b) how much it is nec-
essary to scale taking also into account issues related
to licensing costs for multiple VMs, c) which scaling
type to use and, d) when and how fast is it necessary
to scale, considering the observed effect of scaling la-
tency (Brebner, 2012) for starting new images in the
Cloud. Furthermore, the choice of the Cloud deploy-
ment model also imposes limitations to the benefits of
elasticity, as identified by (Badger et al., 2012). Pri-
vate Cloud solutions, for example, impose essentially
the same limitations in maximum capacity as in the
case of traditional data centers.
Research Challenges. How to decide which elasticity
strategy to implement for a given application? What
is the effect of this decision to the operational costs of
the application under different work loads?
Multi-tenancy. The multi-tenant model of serving
multiple consumers from a common pool of comput-
ing resources, including storage, processing, mem-
ory and network bandwidth, is one of the essential
characteristics of Cloud computing (Mell and Grance,
2011). There are two fundamental aspects of multi-
tenancy awareness (Strauch et al., 2012a): commu-
nication, i.e. supporting message exchanges isolated
per tenant, and administration and management, i.e.
allowing each tenant to configure and manage individ-
ually their communication endpoints at application or
service level. Tenant isolation is further decomposed
into data and performance isolation between tenants
of the same system. Existing approaches on enabling
multi-tenancy typically focus on different types of
isolation in multi-tenant applications for the SaaS de-
livery model, see for example (Guo et al., 2007); most
of the work however, especially for performance iso-
lation, remains an open research challenge (see for ex-
ample (Alexandrov et al., 2012; Krebs et al., 2012)).
Furthermore, as discussed in (Andrikopoulos
et al., 2013), the three Cloud service models differ
significantly in the granularity of the functionality
provided to the consumer, and the required capabil-
ity of the consumer to manage and control the under-
lying Cloud infrastructure. The result is a trade-off
between the effort required by the consumer to enable
multi-tenancy on application level (especially in the
IaaS model), and the responsibility of the provider to
offer the suitable mechanisms for this purpose (as ex-
emplified in the SaaS model).
Research Challenges. Which Cloud service model
(IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) to choose when considering the
multi-tenancy needs of the application? What is the
effort required to implement multi-tenancy for the
chosen service model?
QoS. Migrating an application to the Cloud entails a
loss of control over the QoS characteristics of the ap-
plication due to the reliance on the QoS levels offered
by the service provider. As a result, the QoS charac-
teristics offered by a Cloud service provider appear to
have a greater importance to application stakeholders
than hosting the application in a non-Cloud environ-
ment. The most obvious case of this dependence is
the effect of service provider outages to businesses
hosting their applications with them. As discussed
in (Badger et al., 2012), availability is usually cal-
culated in practice on the basis of the billing cycle,
which may vary from minutes to hours, and not on
the total up-time of the service. Furthermore, failure
to provide this availability is typically compensated
with service credit in future use of the services. In
any case, the overall availability of a migrated ap-
plication can actually vary significantly with respect
to the availability of the used services, depending on
the actual behavior of the application. Safely predict-
ing the availability of such an application is largely an
open issue.
Beyond availability, application QoS levels in the
Cloud are also affected by two major factors: the
performance variability of the Cloud providers, and
the network latency between the Cloud service con-
sumers and the service (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013).
While performance variability may be (partially) ad-
dressed by benchmarking Cloud service providers to
select an appropriate one in the manner of (Li et al.,
2010), network latency is in the general case beyond
the control of the application provider. SLAs with ex-
isting application consumers are therefore difficult to
be enforced in this environment.
Research Challenges. What is the acceptable level
of Cloud service availability and performance vari-
ability for an application with respect to existing and
future SLAs? How to factor and address network la-
tency in the performance analysis? How does the
choice of service provider affects this analysis?
Migration & Operation Cost. As discussed in
Section 2, the focus of existing work on decision sup-
port systems is on selecting the best provider in terms
of costs for a given application (Hajjat et al., 2010;
Khajeh-Hosseini et al., 2012; Menzel and Ranjan,
2012), and under different work loads (Li et al., 2010;
Brebner and Liu, 2011). Beyond provider selection
however, cost analysis should also consider a num-
ber of other aspects. Firstly, different providers offer
different pricing models, see for example (Suleiman
et al., 2011), and combinations of these models, e.g.
subscription to a service like Windows Azure offer-
ing a discount on the per-use charging for given us-
age quotas, beyond which regular per-use rates ap-
ply. More complicated models have also starting aris-
ing, with Amazon Web Services for example allowing
customers to bid for unused EC2 capacity by means
of Spot Instances (Amazon Web Services, 2012).
Furthermore, software licensing is often based on
the number of CPUs which does not fit the dynam-
icity of the solutions offered by the Cloud (Reese,
2009). For example, scaling a system may easily re-
sult in unintended license agreement violations. In
practice, some Cloud providers offer different licens-
ing options to their consumers. In Amazon RDS
for example, consumers can bring their own license
for MySQL, Oracle or IBM DB2, get charged for
a per-hour license using Oracle DB, or pay a one-
time charge per Amazon RDS instance to get reduced
hourly charging rates (Suleiman et al., 2011). Some
companies include licensing fees for free with each
The cost analysis for the migration of an applica-
tion to the Cloud requires also to compare the costs
of operating in the Cloud versus operating in a local
data center. The discussion in (Armbrust et al., 2009)
illustrates the factors that allow Cloud computing to
be more profitable than on-premises hosting: pay per
use only, avoid data center power, cooling and build-
ing costs, out-sourcing of the operational costs to the
provider. Existing works identify a relation between
the type and work load of the application, and the ben-
efits by migrating the operation to the Cloud. In (Tak
et al., 2011) for example, the authors conclude that
complete application migration is beneficiary only for
small or stable organizations, while partially migrat-
ing some of the application components to the Cloud
is too expensive due to the high costs of data transfer.
Reese posits that, in principle, significant cost savings
due to the transfer from capital expenses (CAPEX) to
operating expenses (OPEX) incur only as the variance
increases between peak, average and low capacity of
the system (Reese, 2009).
Finally, cost analysis should additionally consider
the effort required for the adaptation of the applica-
tion in order to operate in the Cloud. In (Andrikopou-
los et al., 2013), the authors identify four types of ap-
plication migration to the Cloud: replacement of ex-
isting application components with Cloud offerings,
partial migration of some of the application function-
ality to the Cloud, migration of the complete software
stack, and cloudification of the application by replac-
ing all of its components with Cloud services. De-
pending on the type of the application, and the ar-
chitectural layer that is affected by the migration, the
authors conclude that different degrees of adaptation
effort may be required.
Research Challenges. How to decide on the best
provider in terms of costs in the presence of different
pricing models? What is the trade-off between cost
and performance? How to decide which deployment
option (completely locally, fully on the Cloud, combi-
nation of the above) fits better the application work
load profile in question? What is the additional effort
required for adapting the application to operate in the
Security & Data Confidentiality. Security and
confidentiality of data are major concerns and ob-
stacles for many enterprises to migrate to the
Cloud (Armbrust et al., 2009) and for this reason they
need to be addressed separately from the other QoS
concerns. Security entails both the communication
and data aspects, but also the physical/digital one, i.e.
the risk of losing or compromising data due to data
center failures or other physical attacks. In princi-
ple, security is a shared concern between Cloud ser-
vice providers and consumers (Andrikopoulos et al.,
2013). On one hand, service providers are required
to offer security-enabling mechanisms like encrypted
communications. On the other hand however, appli-
cation developers are the ones responsible for adapt-
ing the migrated application accordingly to use these
mechanisms and further configure it appropriately.
Ultimately, it is also the responsibility of the appli-
cation users to interact with it in a secure manner
following for example the security recommendations
discussed in (Badger et al., 2012).
In addition to security, confidentiality of Cloud-
migrated data is an important concern for all kinds of
organizations. Confidentiality refers to keeping criti-
cal data private and secure. Critical data may be busi-
ness secrets, personal data, health care data and so on.
(Strauch et al., 2012b; Andrikopoulos et al., 2013)
provide a number of techniques like pseudonymiza-
tion and anonymization that can be used to ensure
the confidentiality of migrated data. However as they
point out, these techniques are not sufficient to avoid
data breaches due to e.g. attacks from inside the Cloud
environment, and the leaking of information while
processing these data in the Cloud. Data retention
policies beyond contract terms are also not explicitly
defined for most of the existing providers, creating
possible sources of data breaches.
Research Challenges: What is the effort to
(re-)engineer the application to incorporate security
mechanisms like encryption of data? Which part of
the application data can be characterized as critical,
and under which conditions can it be migrated to the
Cloud securely?
What becomes obvious from the previous discussion
is that migrating an application to the Cloud requires
making a number of decisions related to the how the
application is to be refactored for the Cloud, how it
is supposed to scale, an so on. In this sense, cost
analysis and performance prediction, which has been
the focus of the SotA as discussed in Section 2 pro-
vide only partial support for these purposes. Address-
ing these concerns, Fig. 1 provides an overview of
the concepts required to implement a decision support
system to support the migration of applications to the
Cloud. This conceptual view defines our vision for
what constitutes a complete solution for application
developers and stakeholders alike that are consider-
ing whether and how to migrate their application to
the Cloud.
More specifically, two types of concepts are iden-
tified: decisions that need to be made (and therefore
are the focus of the system), and tasks that need to be
performed in order to support these decisions and
that in turn affect their outcome. The key decision
that the system supports refer to:
1. How to distribute the application across service
providers, and between the Cloud and the lo-
cal data center. Different application topolo-
gies based on the various identified migration
types (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013) may be con-
2. How to select a (Cloud) service provider and of-
fering that fits the application needs in terms of
cost, expected performance, compliance require-
ments and security concerns.
3. What are the requirements of the application in
terms of multi-tenancy, i.e. to what extent the
existing application is required to support multi-
tenancy, to what degree it is designed for this pur-
pose, and how it should be (re-)engineered to sup-
port multi-tenancy.
4. Which is the elasticity strategy that the applica-
tion needs to implement in order to cope with its
demand in the face of SLAs and expectations of
its users.
Each of these decisions has a direct or unintentional
influence on the others, illustrated with transparent ar-
rows in Fig. 1. Deciding on the appropriate elastic-
ity strategy for example is meaningless without the
Cloud service provider supporting it. The selection of
service provider includes the decision which service
delivery model to use. As a result, both the options
in distributing the application and how multi-tenancy
can be implemented is directly influenced by it.
In addition to the decisions and their relationships,
the following tasks are also identified:
Work Load Profiling: Defining or estimating the
expected work load profile of the application is
prerequisite for both other tasks to be performed
(performance calculation and cost analysis), as
well as input for any decision on how to distribute
the application, and which elasticity strategy fits
this profile.
Compliance Assurance. Ensuring the compli-
ance to regulations regarding, e.g., privacy of per-
sonal data, affects directly both the selection of
the provider (especially in terms of location of the
data service), as well as how the application is to
be distributed so that e.g. personal data may need
to be retained on premises.
Identification of Security Concerns. Defining
which data and communications are critical to be
protected drives the selection of an appropriate
service provider that fulfills these security con-
straints. Delivering the application in a multi-
tenant manner imposes further constraints with re-
spect to data isolation that need to be considered
for this task.
Identification of Acceptable QoS Levels. Based
on existing and planned SLAs, acceptable levels
for QoS characteristics like availability of the ser-
vice provider can be inferred. Beyond service
provider selection, this task also drives the defini-
tion of an appropriate elasticity strategy to ensure
Select Service
Work load
of security
of acceptable
QoS levels
Figure 1: Decision Support System for Cloud Migration: conceptual view.
these QoS levels (for the given work load profile)
and constrains the options for application multi-
Performance Prediction. Depending on how the
application is distributed across different service
providers, which providers where selected for this
purpose, and which elasticity strategy was de-
fined, this task creates projections about the non-
functional behavior of the application after it is
migrated to the Cloud. These projections can in
turn be used to change any of the previous deci-
sions, starting a new feedback loop between them.
Cost Analysis. Similarly to performance predic-
tion, cost analysis both affects and is affected by
the application distribution, elasticity strategy and
service provider selection decisions. Furthermore
however, this task should also consider the effort
estimation for adapting the application to operate
in the Cloud.
Effort Estimation. This task focuses on provid-
ing an estimate related to the amount of work re-
quired to adapt the application depending on the
type of migration that is considered, and the ar-
chitectural layer that is affected. As a result, this
task requires input from the application distribu-
tion, service provider selection and multi-tenancy
requirements decisions, and may result in changes
to them in turn.
As shown in Fig. 1, decisions and tasks form a
network of relationships, providing multiple points of
entry to the decision making process of migrating an
application to the Cloud. A Cloud migration deci-
sion support system should therefore support this pro-
cess not in a structured hierarchical manner, but rather
in a networked fashion, allowing application design-
ers to provide different answers for each decision that
needs to be made, ask them for the appropriate input
required to perform the identified tasks, and demon-
strate the effects of their decisions to concrete goals
like the cost and performance of the application. Such
an approach is missing from the current State of the
Art and constitutes our future work in the area.
The position we took in this work is that support-
ing the decision making process in migrating the ap-
plication to the Cloud is a multi-dimensional prob-
lem with multiple decisions to be taken: how to seg-
ment and distribute the application, which Cloud ser-
vice provider and offering to choose, which elastic-
ity strategy fits better the application, and what are
the requirements in implementing application multi-
tenancy. These decisions influence each other, and
depend on a number of tasks like cost analysis and
performance prediction that need to be performed in
order to support them. Related to these decisions and
tasks are a series of research challenges stemming
from the need to adapt the application to operate in
the Cloud environment that also need to be addressed.
Our vision for a decision support system for migration
of applications to the Cloud as discussed here consid-
ers all of the above points in order to advance the State
of the Art in the field.
The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from the 4CaaSt project (http:// part of the European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement no. 258862.
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All links were last followed on March 12, 2013.