Maintaining Context in a Changing (Virtual) World
Educators’ Perspectives for Opensim and Second Life
Athanasios Christopoulos and Marc Conrad
Department of Computer Science & Technology, University of Bedfordshire, Park Square, Luton, U.K.
Keywords: Virtual World, Second Life, Opensim, Context, Virtual Learning, Blended Learning.
Abstract: Educational activities previously performed in Second Life are now more and more move moving to other
alternatives. This study concentrates on the features of Second Life and its open-source alternative,
OpenSim that affect the results of the in-world educational activities. The need for educators to take these
features into account is another focus of this study which also aims to highlight the similarities and
differences between the contexts of Second Life and OpenSim worlds, whether internally or externally
hosted, as well as their potentials and weaknesses. The findings suggest that each one of these alternatives
gathers different positive and negative features and their suitability greatly depends on the academics’
educational needs.
Due to the availability of the OpenSim (OS)
architecture it is nowadays comparatively easy to
install and run a Virtual World (VW) that in
appearance very much resembles a ‘Second Life
(SL) environment. Such worlds can belong either to
individuals or companies, organisations and
institutions. They can be self-maintained or rented
from a dedicated provider. However, the educational
activities in OS and SL operate in a very different
context implicating upon the immersive experience.
It has been indicated that immersion is an
essential factor for achieving satisfactory learning
results within the context of a VW (Bredl et al.,
2012); (Childs, 2010). The networks of various
interactions that occur within the VWs are noted as
the most important among the various factors that
lead to immersion (Kanamgotov et al., 2012);
(Christopoulos and Conrad, 2012).
At this point, some important questions arise
when a VW is to be used for educational purposes:
what is the role of its context to the students’ way
towards immersion? How can its context contribute
to the implementation of successful educational
projects? And finally, when an educator has to
choose among SL, an OS world hosted by a
dedicated provider (OSDP) and an institutionally
hosted OS world (OSIH), which one is the best
option as far as their contexts are concerned?
This paper is focused on answering these
questions and providing clear guidance to educators
who are faced with the decision to use SL or OS
worlds –hosted either institutionally or externally–
for the realization of successful educational projects.
The student perspective concerning VWs has
been widely investigated, (for example Vrellis et al.,
2010; Kostarikas et al., 2011; Levesque and
Lelievre, 2011); we focus here on the educator’s
point of view.
In this paper, the term “context of a VW” refers to
everything that exists or takes place within the VW,
including the virtual land, the avatars, the users’
artefacts, and the interactions between them.
SL and OS have many similarities concerning
their basic characteristics (Cram et al., 2010), on the
one hand, but they have many differences, on the
other, which should be carefully taken into account
when these VWs are to be used for educational
purposes (Conrad, 2011); (Conrad, 2013).
2.1 Avatars
Avatars are the users’ virtual selves or, rather, the
users’ 3D self-representations in a VW through
which they are able to be in it, and interact with it
Christopoulos A. and Conrad M..
Maintaining Context in a Changing (Virtual) World - Educators’ Perspectives for Opensim and Second Life.
DOI: 10.5220/0004385504230428
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 423-428
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and with each other (Savin-Baden, 2010).
A common view of several scholars (Kostarikas
et al., 2011); (Bredl et al., 2012); (de Freitas et al.,
2012) is that avatars are a feature of VWs which
enhances the effectiveness of the educational
activities. On top of that, Bredl et al. (2012), de
Freitas et al. (2009), Levesque & Lelievre (2011),
and Kay Michel et al. (2011) underline that the use
of avatars contributes to the development of the
users’ immersion, which, in turn, leads to better
outcomes from the educational activities.
2.2 The Worlds’ Content
There seems to be agreement in literature to consider
the content of both SL and OS equally useful and
appropriate for educational purposes. More
precisely, Miller et al. (2010) emphasize the
importance of students’ easy access to learning
materials and the potentials for experiencing
interactive educational activities offered equally in
both worlds. Similarly, Aydogan et al. (2010)
indicate the significance of the 3D visualizations of
the educational material created within virtual
classrooms, which may contribute to a better
understanding of the lesson by the students.
Callaghan et al. (2009) also agree with the
statements above and add that the environments of
both VWs and the tools provided for creation
enhance the students’ collaborative abilities, who
work together aiming to create the world’s context
and carry out their projects. Konstantinidis et al.
(2010) partially agree with Callaghan et al. (2009).
They suggest that the 3D representations that may be
created in OS have a positive effect on the
collaboration among students, creating a sense of
belonging in the VW and thus promoting immersion
into the developed world. In other words, it is their
common claim that collaboration among students is
enhanced within the context of VWs, but each of
them presents a different aspect as the reason of that
2.3 Interactions
Even though SL and OS offer great opportunities for
interactions among their users and between the users
and the worlds’ content (Levesque and Lelievre,
2011); (Zhao et al., 2010), very few studies have
been carried out in relation to the interactions
between the users and the context of the VWs.
However, both the interactions among the users of
VWs and the interactions between the users and the
context of the worlds significantly affect the
educational processes performed in them (Vrellis et
al., 2010).
The given opportunities for manipulating virtual
objects and interacting with the virtual environment
and other users make the educational projects that
take place in-world pleasant (Perera et al., 2010a);
(Vrellis et al., 2010), interesting (Perera et al.,
2010a); (Kostarikas et al., 2011); (Vrellis et al.,
2010) and effective (Vrellis et al., 2010). According
to Miller et al. (2010) these specific characteristics
contribute to the strengthening of the collaborative
and exploratory learning activities and ensure
student participation in them. Moreover, the
manipulation of virtual objects in the context of a
VW is less disruptive and more preferred by
students than the use of other e-learning tools, whilst
the environment enhances the interactions among
the members of a student group, thereby enabling
the effective implementation of collaborative
learning activities (Vrellis et al., 2010).
The only drawback in using these VWs for
educational purposes concerns the inability of using
the non-verbal communication channels (Childs,
2010); (Vrellis et al., 2010). On top of that, the use
of text chat may be very time consuming, disruptive,
and inefficient, a fact that complicates the in-world
educational activities and, combined with the
absence of non-verbal communication, further
complicates communication within the students’
group (Child, 2010). Hence, Vrellis et al. (2010) do
not fail to express their conviction that the
educational processes within VWs will never be able
to replace the traditional teaching methods but will
always serve as a complement and as a useful tool in
providing additional educational opportunities.
2.4 Security & Privacy Issues
An important factor in ensuring universities’ safe
operation within the VWs concerns the protection of
their virtual land against intruders. Savin-Baden
(2010) states that the best way for universities to
deal with this issue in SL is to buy isolated islands.
Perera et al. (2010b) insist that both in SL and in OS,
the academic institutions are able to allow entry to
avatars which are “marked” as their students, and
prohibit entry to unwelcome users. On the other
hand, Hu (2010) stresses superiority of the OSIH, as
far as their security level is concerned. In these
servers, the institutions can fully control which
avatars may be registered in them. Meanwhile, these
avatars can be transferred to other servers in order to
explore them and come into contact with others
using hypergriding (Korolov, 2010).
The Grounded Theory approach, as described by
Strauss & Corbin (1998), was thought to be the most
suitable qualitative analysis approaching method; the
interview questions were formed in accordance with
the indications of Strauss & Corbin (1998), whilst
the findings of the literature review also shaped their
content, in particular we asked:
1. What does a typical session of yours look like in
SL’s/OS’s virtual environment?
2. Why do you use SL/OS in your teaching? In your
opinion what are the advantages of this teaching
3. Respectively, are there any disadvantages?
4. Comparing the university classroom with the
virtual classroom, which one may have better
5. Which one of these two virtual environments do
you consider more appropriate for educational use?
During a four-month period (January to May
2012) a total of 34 academics (20 of them have used
only SL, 2 only OS and 12 both of them) from
various educational fields were interviewed via
Skype, SL, or in person. The educators were asked
to express their opinions regarding the contexts of
SL and OS, their advantages and disadvantages and
also their effects on the educational activities based
on a priori formed questions. Given the content of
the questions, not all of them were addressed to all
participants. Besides, the educators’ empirical
perspectives were what these interviews were
seeking for. Thus, questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 were
addressed to the educators who had used SL and/or
OS (the latter one either internally or externally
hosted). Finally, the participants who had used both
SL and OS were asked to answer the fifth question
and compare these two VWs.
Following the qualitative analysis of the
responses according to Strauss and Corbin’s (1998)
methodology we present our findings in the next
Both the advantages and the disadvantages of the
context of SL and OS were considered important to
be examined. Simultaneously, a summary of the
educational activities that may take place within
these VWs will be presented with the aim of
informing educators and providing guidance on how
to use them.
4.1 Critical Evaluation of the Contexts
The positive elements of the contexts of SL and OS
were emphasised whilst corresponding emphasis
was also placed on their drawbacks seen from an
educational viewpoint. Although certain positive and
negative features are unique to each one of these
contexts, several others are common to both of them.
Besides, the similarity of the OS context to the SL
context, combined with the fact that it is open-source
software, was highlighted as a very fundamental
feature of OS.
Several educators stressed that the use of VWs,
in general, is an innovation in education. As a
consequence, the in-world learning activities attract
students’ interest, engage them in the educational
processes and therefore produce better learning
results (see Christopoulos and Conrad, 2012 for
more details). Furthermore, the contexts of both
VWs were marked as user-friendly, playful,
dynamic, and plausible.
As participants stated, all these SL and OS
features are especially beneficial to the preparation
and successful implementation of various
educational activities that will be both attractive and
effective for most of the students. Students’ freedom
to take advantage of these features, interact with the
context of the worlds, participate actively in the
development of the virtual content with their
creations, and explore others’ creations contributes
towards the same goal. In both cases, the amount of
the experience they receive from their participation
in various activities increases.
The accessibility of SL, which results in the
coexistence of a wide online community which
contributes to the in-world creation of a global
context valuable for numerous educational activities,
was noted as a significant advantage of it. These
features combined with the anonymity that is typical
of SL enhance the immersiveness of this VW, as
indicated by some participants. Educators who use
SL can be benefited from its global context and
reduce the time and effort required for building and
scripting, simply by using the existing in-world
infrastructures or visiting its marketplace.
OS worlds have narrow online communities due
to the fact that they are hosted on many independent
servers. This implies that the content of OS –either
IH or DP– is very limited, compared to that of SL,
sometimes even completely non-existent. Therefore
the educators who use OS reported that the creation
of the necessary content for their educational
activities is a time and effort consuming process and
requires the possession of building and scripting
skills as well. Nevertheless, OS users can visit other
OS worlds using the hypergrid architecture in order
to explore other places and communicate with
On top of that, the OSIHs are independent,
closed and protected from intruders, and their access
control lies exclusively in the educators’ hands. In
contrast, universities in SL are confronted with
several security and privacy issues which result from
its accessibility.
It is also worth mentioning that the educators
who use OS emphasised that they have absolute
control of their world and a high degree of
independence, especially in the case of OSIHs. They
attributed these features of OS first to its open-
source nature, which allows them to develop worlds
perfectly suited to their educational needs, second to
the ability it offers them to keep backups of their
world, something which preserves the content of
their worlds invariant and available for reuse, and
finally to the fact that OS worlds have no global
online community. The last feature allows educators
to be fully aware of the users who access their
world, whether this is institutionally hosted, where
the university holds the in-world access rights
management, or externally hosted, where the
university can choose a provider which hosts an
acceptable one to the university community.
On the other hand, educators using SL depend
directly on Linden Lab: they should seek support
from Linden Lab when they encounter issues related
to their region and, on top of that, several educators
underlined the lack of support by Linden Lab in a
rather disapproving tone.
Several educators made particular reference to
the use of the plugin tools which are compatible with
SL. Some of them referred to the collaborative and
the distance learning tools which they use in the
context of SL in order to support and enhance their
educational activities. These tools are fully or
partially compatible with the OS technology as well.
However, this was mentioned by none of the
interviewees using OS.
Not only do these two VWs have many positive
features in common but they also have many
drawbacks. The use of any VW for educational
purposes presupposes that one or more sessions are
devoted to the students’ familiarization with the
context, the tools, and the navigation system of the
VW, a process usually called “orientation”.
Orientation was deemed necessary by the
educators but, at the same time, time-consuming
which is thought to be a significant drawback of any
educational practice. Students’ orientation and the
use of VWs in general, are hindered by the fact that
SL and OS are not intuitive enough to allow new
users to “feel” their contexts. Besides, the internal
communication is sometimes problematic, due to
poor VoIP quality, and face-to-face communication
is not an option.
Additionally, several participants appeared
dissatisfied with the graphical user interface of both
worlds, because it makes them even less intuitive.
Moreover, the incompatibility of MS Office and
Open Office with the SL and OS environment
(documents need to be converted to images) was
mentioned in several interviews as a significant
Due to the technical issues identified in both
VWs, the quality of the implementation process and
the results of the learning activities are degraded.
The educators raised concerns about the
considerably high technical requirements of both
worlds, since the use of sufficient computer systems
with high minimum standards is demanded for the
proper rendering of the VWs. In cases where these
requirements are not met, users face several
rendering issues, such as latencies, deficient and
problematic display of the in-world content, and the
4.2 The Effects Applying
on the Educational Activities
The interviewees, taking into consideration the
positive and negative features of the context of each
VW, concluded that both of them are worth being
used for educational purposes.
Carrying out learning activities within SL and
OS has multiple positive effects on students’
education. First and foremost, educators are given
the opportunity to pursue the so-called
“edutainment” which fosters higher levels of student
engagement with the educational activities.
Furthermore, the plausibility, the interactivity, and
the dynamic nature of the contexts of these worlds
combined with the high level of freedom provided to
users allow the realization of projects which are too
costly, or too dangerous, or even impossible to be
carried out in the physical world. Besides, the
flexibility of the contexts of SL and OS permits
complete control of the laws of physics. Moreover,
several educators consider the opportunity given to
their students to build and script and then observe
the functionality of their creations as very
constructive. This is a very useful feature of SL and
OS, especially for students involved with
Information Technology, Virtual Reality, 3D
Animation, and similar disciplines.
Apart from the highly regarded advantages of the
use of SL and OS in education, the academics did
not disregard the drawbacks that possibly arise from
the use of the two VWs under study. The
participants considered it necessary to remark that
the preparation and implementation of in-world
educational activities is a fairly complicated process,
Additionally, the rich context of VWs, with the
various stimuli, the vividness of the representations,
and its playful nature, often distracts students’
attention during educational sessions, whilst the high
level of the in-world experienced freedom quite
frequently results in discipline problems.
Finally, it was reported that some students
struggle to understand the way their avatars are
navigated and the in-world tools are used, even after
the orientation session, and it is this difficulty that
can also distract them from their activities. These
students consider VWs as non-intuitive spaces, thus
the in-world educational activities in which they
participate do not have the desired results.
4.3 The Educational Activities
The participants claimed that they use VWs in the
framework of the blended learning approach, that
the activities they design and carry out contain the
element of content creation, and that these activities
are very often simulations. Activities associated with
problem-based learning and role-playing are usually
conducted within both worlds. The educators
emphasised that all the activities related to these
modes of learning have much better quality,
structure, and results when carried out in the context
of a VW whether this is SL or OS. Moreover, in
some cases VWs are used to host presentations and
A significant differentiation between the two
VWs is that SL is frequently used for the conduct of
exploratory learning activities, such as treasure hunt,
whereas similar activities are not performed equally
often in OS. This can be attributed to the content of
SL which is much wider and richer compared to the
OS worlds. Furthermore, SL is used to cover
distance learning needs more often than OS worlds
which are not as accessible as SL.
Finally, deciding on the physical classroom is
most purposeful in cases where the educational
objectives extend beyond the simple practice of
skills and require students’ higher level thinking.
Also, when the educational project to be carried out
is very brief and fast-paced the use of the physical
classroom is preferable, since the preparation and
implementation of activities within VWs requires
quite a lot of time in order for them to be successful.
The use of VWs, in general, and of SL and OS, in
particular, is considered purposeful only when very
specific educational needs, which cannot be fulfilled
in an equally effective way with other educational
tools, are to be met. Using them without a specific
aim, just because they are considered a
contemporary trend, is not recommended. This view
is fully justified given that both SL and OS present
not solely a very positive and useful for both
educators and students context, but a negative one
too. Therefore, it is advisable that educators use
these worlds only in cases where the maximum
possible exploitation of their positive context with
minimal influence from the negative is likely.
It also seems that the ideal use of VWs can be
pursued through the use of blended learning
approaches, in which students are presented with the
course material both virtually and in the university
classroom. Thus, the educational processes derive
maximum benefits when both the virtual and the
physical classroom are employed. Activities related
to content creation, problem solving, role-playing,
simulations, and collaboration can bring the best
possible results when attempted within the VW. On
the other hand, activities, such as lectures and
presentations, that presuppose face-to-face
communication, which is absent from VWs, usually
have better results when given in the physical world.
Comparing SL to OS, it seems that the former is
more appropriate for the implementation of activities
in which the communication of the students with
non-student users, or remote student-users and the
utilization of the global context of the world are
considered as essential requirements. On the other
hand, OS worlds are believed to be the best choice
for these educators who seek closed, protected, and
flexible workspaces. These features can be found in
the OSIHs. These worlds are completely closed,
protected and the university has full control over
their context and the users who can access them.
This implies that these worlds can accommodate
only the content that the university has approved.
Meanwhile, the institutions are able to adjust the
world, its specifications, and its tools to their
students’ learning needs.
Finally, the option of an OSDP is the middle
ground between the OIHs and SL. Its context is
usually wider than the one of the OSIHs. It hosts a
limited online community that is likely, however, to
develop a network of interactions, which is not as
wide as the one of SL but it is wider than the one
developed in the OSIHs. Moreover, since its online
community is limited and the communication with
the provider, most of the times, direct and easy, the
educators are able to be aware of the characteristics
of this community. Anyhow, educators are entitled
to choose the most suitable server for their needs
depending on the community that each world hosts
as well as the appropriateness of the in-world
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