Reflection and Transmission Properties
of Light in Chiral Liquid-crystalline Photonic Structures
with Pitch Gradient and the Phenomenon of Nonreciprocity
H. Gharagulyan, H. Grigoryan, M. S. Rafayelyan, A. H. Gevorgyan and R. B. Alaverdyan
Yerevan State University, 1A.Manoogian, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
Keywords: Chiral Photonic Crystal, Cholesteric Liquid Crystal, Nonreciprocity, Selective Reflection, Inhomogeneous
Pitch, Photonic Band Gap.
Abstract: In frame of this paper we have investigated reflection and transmission properties of light in chiral liquid-
crystalline photonic structures with inhomogeneous pitch. We have experimentally confirmed and
theoretically justified the existence of the phenomenon of nonreciprocity in the mentioned above systems.
The liquid-crystalline cells through the contact of two and more cholesteric liquid crystals with different
pitches and chiralities were prepared. The problem was solved by Berremann 4x4 matrix method. Our
results can be used in optical diodes, transistors and logical elements, as well as for expansion of Bragg’s
reflection range, namely in the systems as a broadband mirrors for circularly polarized light and in spatially
tunable liquid-crystalline lasers with a pitch gradient.
During the last decade photonic crystals and various
photonic structures became one of the most
interesting objects of physics due to their unique
physical properties and their relevance for
development of new electro-optical and photonic
devices. The main peculiarity of PCs is the fact, that
they exhibit photonic band gaps (PBGs), namely
they prevent light propagation in certain frequency
ranges, which can be suitably tuned modifying their
structure (Joannopoulos et al. 1995); (Sakoda,
2001); (Johnson and Joannopoulos, 2002);
(Soukoulis, 2001). Chiral photonic crystals (CPCs),
namely cholesteric liquid crystals (ChLCs) are
classic examples of PCs. The main difference
between CPCs and usual photonic crystals lies in the
fact that the photonic band gap in CPCs exists only
for one polarization (in case of normal light
incidence) coinciding with the chiral medium helix
sign. ChLCs are particularly interesting one-
dimensional materials because of their spontaneous
self-assembly into periodic structures and the fact
that the photonic band gap can be tuned over a broad
range of frequencies. In terms of their optical
properties, a prominent feature of cholesterics is the
helical structure of their director axes. This helicity
gives rise to selective reflection and transmission of
circularly polarized light (Kolomzarov, et al., 1999);
(De Gennes and Prost, 1993). As we mentioned
above, the periodic structure of ChLCs leads to a
polarization sensitive photonic band gap. Its location
and width depend on the pitch p and the ordinary
) and extraordinary (n
) refractive indices of
cholesteric material. For ChLCs the reflection band
is defined by n
p. Within the stop band only
circularly polarized light that has the same
handedness as the ChLC helix is selectively
reflected. Light polarized with the opposite
handedness and light with wavelengths outside the
stop band are both transmitted through the ChLC
cell. Maximum reflection efficiency at normal
incidence for ambient light is 50%. Therefore, ChLC
systems, that can reflect both right- and left-
circularly polarized light simultaneously, attract
scientists’ attention. For example, M. Mitov et al.
have obtained a way to exceed the 50% reflectance
limit (Mitov et al., 1999); (Dimitrios et al., 2006);
(Belalia et al., 2006). It is worthy to mention about
nonreciprocal photonic crystals, which are also of
special interest, the more so given that some new
mechanisms of nonreciprocity have been proposed
in recent years (Scalora et al., 1994); (Poladian,
1996). The importance of nonreciprocal photonic
crystals is related, in particular, to the possibility of
Gharagulyan H., Grigoryan H., S. Rafayelyan M., H. Gevorgyan A. and B. Alaverdyan R..
Reflection and Transmission Properties of Light in Chiral Liquid-crystalline Photonic Structures with Pitch Gradient and the Phenomenon of
DOI: 10.5220/0004340101150120
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2013), pages 115-120
ISBN: 978-989-8565-44-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
creating optical diodes, unilateral reflectors etc.
Accordingly, a device transmitting light in one
direction and blocking its propagation in the reverse
direction (i.e., characterized by nonreciprocal
transmission) may be called a purely optical diode.
The importance of the creation and characterization
of optical devices (optical diodes, transistors, etc.)
analogous to electrical devices is related, in
particular, to the general tendency of using optical
signals instead of electrical. This trend is explained
by some advantages and extremely broad
possibilities offered by optical signals.
From applications point of view, photonic-
crystal-based devices should be important for
controlling of optical properties, because they do not
rely on the intrinsic properties of the constituent
materials. In particular, the properties of chiral
photonic crystals are dependent on the boundary
conditions, which can be engineered to suit a wide
variety of diverse applications. So, the optical
devices, constructed on the bases of chiral photonic
crystals result intelligent, multifunctional and
tunable optics, which possess such good traits, as
their compactness, small losses, high reliability and
compatibility with other devices. PCs, such as
cholesteric liquid crystals, artificial chiral-made
crystals etc., are used in switches, laser devices,
tunable filters, tunable optical chips, nonlinear
optical devices, colour displays, thermometers,
optical polarizers, as well as in thermal mapping and
for solar energy savings in building windows (Yeh
and Gu, 1999); (Wu and Yang, 2001); (Bahadur,
1991); (Foresi et al., 1997); (Mochizuki et al., 2000);
(Furumi and Sakka, 2006). Therefore, we can say
that ChLCs are widely used in basic research as well
as in commercial purposes.
The pitch change is caused as a result of the
molecular diffusion of the chiral components into
the ChLC as shown schematically in Fig.1. The
diffusion of molecules of LC in the depth direction
of the cell has been used to create a ChLC material
with a pitch gradient. A diffusion process between
compounds and therefore, a chirality gradient may
occur in a direction perpendicular to the plane of
films. Because of deformation the helical pitch
simply followed the changes in sample thickness.
At the beginning of the process the two original
parts can still be distinguished with their small and
large periodicity, but the interface is no longer
visible. Clearly the adjacent surfaces have merged
and diffusion has occurred. Finally, redistribution of
the chiral compound might allow the material to
adjust its local equilibrium pitch. The speed of CLCs
mixing by diffusion depends on four main
parameters: temperature, size (mass) of the diffusing
particles, viscosity of the structure and pressure. The
main characteristics of diffused layers are: surface
resistance or surface concentration of mixture, depth
of doped layer, as well as distribution of mixture’s
density in that layer. The concentration gradient in
the cell with the thickness d will be determined by
the following equation:
C = (C
) / d,
where C
and C
are the concentrations
of diffusion
layers. For our sample the concentration gradient is
of the order about 2.8x10
. So, the pitch
gradient is the consequence of the concentration
gradient. As we know diffusion process is
characterized by diffusion constant, which is the
quantitative characteristic of diffusion velocity. It
should be incorporated in the model for it to be
capable of predicting the pitch change phenomena
for given experimental conditions. It is defined by
medium’s properties. The diffusion process
throughout the sample allows the concentration
become uniform.
Figure 1: The model of ChLC pitch’s profile: a) at the
beginning of diffusion, b),c) in the middle of diffusion
process and d) at the end of diffusion.
The pitch profile is represented by the following
where p
and p
are pitches of two cholesteric liquid
21 21
2( ) 3
() ( )( )
() 2
pp zz
pz p z z z
Although the pitch gradient is formed along the
one direction, the liquid-crystalline material also
diffuses flowing on the transverse plane,
consequently the total thickness gradually
diminishes as the thermal diffusion process lasts
longer. As we know concentration increases when
pitch decreases. Helical twisting power (HTP) is
expressed by the pitch and concentration of ChLC:
HTP=1/(P*C), (3)
According to this equation ChLC pitch (reflection
band) is determined based on the concentration of
So, the ChLC film with a lateral pitch gradient
was prepared by thermally activated molecular
diffusion across the interface of two films with
disparate chiral concentrations. As we mentioned
above, in order to broaden the selective reflection
band we have changed the helix pitch. The pitch of
ChLCs can be varied by adding chiral dopants, by
adjusting temperature or by irradiating with light of
a specific wavelength, namely the helical pitch can
also be altered by UV irradiation of ChLC
containing light-sensitive molecules with variable
chirality controlling the pitch (Bodrovsky et al.,
2004). So, many external stimuli, such as pressure,
electric and magnetic fields, temperature and light
can be used to modify the pitch and /or average
refractive index of the CLCs (Munoz et al., 2001);
(Funamoto et al., 2005); (Furumi et al., 2004);
(Sackmann, 1971). The spectral position of the
reflection band can be tuned throughout the visible
spectrum: but since the typical birefringence of LCs
in the optical region is n=n
0,15-0,2, the
typical reflection bandwidth is limited to 50-100nm.
This fact is insufficient for some applications. By
introducing a pitch gradient in the helix (reflection
bandwidth with pitch gradient CLCs is defined by
= n
- n
) we show that reflection may occur
of a wavelength bandwidth greater 300nm.
Therefore the spectral position of reflection band can
be controlled in whole visible spectrum. A way to
make cholesteric films reflecting in a broad
wavelength band consists in associating different
cholesteric pitches in the same film. A controlled
helix pitch modulation in the in-plane direction of a
planarly aligned cholesteric liquid crystal cell by
using photopolymerizable cholesteric liquid-crystals
is demonstrated in the work of H.Yoshida and
Masanori Ozaki et al. (Hiroyuki et al., 2008). We
proposed an interesting method to produce film with
pitch gradient based on a thermal processing and we
studied the optical properties of this film with
respect to the time of processing. Let us recall that
our intention was to make double- and multiple-
pitched specimen. The type of linear pitch gradient
for achieving a broadband reflection was analysed
and the number of chiral pitches required for
establishing the stop-band was simulated. In this
case we have to know answers of two important
questions, namely: how to adjust the pitch and how
to keep it constant when the right value is reached?
It is worthy to mention, that we considered the
helical pitch variation profile uniformly along the
two directions. This idealization has been proven far
from being valid in practice: the cholesteric films
after the heating procedure showed both transversal
and additionally, a disturbed longitudinal
3.1 Sample Preparation
For investigation of spectral properties of ChLCs,
we have used right-handed pelargonium, left-handed
oleate and E7 nematic liquid crystals.
We have
prepared cholesteric liquid-crystalline cell through
the contact of two and more cholesteric liquid
crystals with different pitches and chiralities. The
inner surfaces of glass substrates were first coated
with thin polymide layer and then they were
uniaxially rubbed with special material. As a result,
the orientation of CLCs director was parallel to the
surfaces, which means that the helix axis was
perpendicular to the surfaces of the cell. The
substrates were coated with mixtures of different
pitches and chiralities. The mixture was drop-filled
into the empty sandwiched cell and it was sealed
with glue. After this procedure the cell showed the
pitch gradient produced by the mixing process.
Polyethylene films with a thickness of 15m were
used as the cell spacers and the distance between
them was 3,5mm.
3.2 Experimental Set-up
In order to investigate the transmission and
reflection spectra for unpolarized, linear and circular
polarized lights (at normal incidence) we have
assembled the experimental set-up, depicted in
Figure 2. In our experiment StellarNet spectrometer
with optical resolution of 0,75 nm was used.
Figure 2: Scheme of experimental set-up for investigation
of discussed system’s reflection and transmission spectra:
1. Tungsten-krypton lamp. 2. CLC cell, 3.
Microrefrigerator, 4. Controller of temperature, 5.Tester,
6. Spectrometer, 7. PC.
It is worthy to mention about phenomenon of
nonreciprocity as well. It is in the centre of attention
of scientists, who are interested in the questions of
reflection and transmission.
Its experimental and theoretical justifications
were given for different liquid-crystalline systems
(Manipatruni et al., 2009); (Vardanyan and
Gevorgyan, 2005); (Miroshnichenko et al., 2010),
but in chiral photonic liquid-crystalline structures
with inhomogeneous pitch it isn’t justified yet, so
experimental and theoretical justifications of this
important phenomenon is considered one of the
basic questions of this paper. The meaning of
nonreciprocity phenomenon is that the optical
properties of liquid-crystalline system are different
from two different sides of the system, which means
that reflections of light from different sides of the
system are different. For our system the absorption
can be neglected, so for transmission coefficients the
phenomenon of nonreciprocity also takes place. The
phenomenon of nonreciprocity is widely used in
optical diodes, transistors, as well as in different
logical elements.
Figure 3 shows the reflection spectra of the cell
for different moments of diffusion process. At the
beginning of the diffusion process two peaks are
separated obviously, then two peaks come to close
each other. Finally, at the end of diffusion process
these two peaks almost can’t be distinguished.
In order to simulate our experimental results, we use
Berremann 4x4 matrix method. There are many
methods of solving the problem of electromagnetic
wave propagation through a 1D anisotropic PC layer
Figure 3: Reflection spectra of the cell for different
moments of diffusion process: a )at the beginning of
diffusion, b ) in the middle of diffusion process and c)at
the end of diffusion.
but it seems that the most applicable one has
recently become the Berremann’s method
(Berreman, 1972). According to Berreman’s
method, the Maxwell’s equations will presented as
, (4)
xyy x
is the field
generalized vector p
is the well-known
Berremann’s 4x4matrix.
The solution of equation (4) can be expressed by
the characteristic matrix
 
,zPzz z
For the multilayer structures
is defined by the
following product:
ˆˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
In Figure 4 simulation results are presented,
namely the reflection spectra of the cell are
calculated at the beginning and at the end of
diffusion process.
400 500 600 700 800
n Nanometer
700 800 900
n Nanometer
Figure 4: Reflection dependences on wavelength of the
cell for different moments of diffusion process.
As it is obvious from the graphs, the simulation
results agree with experiment. Let us not that the
absorption of the ChLC medium is neglected.
In summary, we theoretically designed the ChLC
cell with two and more cholesterics of different
pitches and chiralities, as well as experimentally
demonstrated the peculiarities of this system. Thanks
to the diffusion process, we created a gradient in the
pitch of the helix. The pitch gradient was stable for
few months. So, as a result of the sensitivity of the
helical pitch we create a new material. We also
showed that the bandwidth of cholesteric reflection
was broaden. Our studies provide important insights
into self-assembled photonic investigations to go
into details about the diffusion mechanism between
the individual films inside the cell. The comparison
of experimental results with the theoretical
predictions confirms the validity of the approach.
Work is in progress aiming to improve our sistem’s
This work was supported by Grant 11-1c194 of State
Committee of Science of Republic of Armenia.
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