Video Shot Boundary Detection using Visual Bag-of-Words
Jukka Lankinen
and Joni-Kristian K
Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition Laboratory, Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT Kouvola),
Kouvola, Finland
Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
Bag of Words, Bag of Features, Shot Boundary Detection.
Recently, convergence of techniques used in image analysis and video processing has occurred. Many com-
putation and memory intensive image analysis methods have become available for per frame processing of
videos due to increased computing power of desktop computers and efficient implementations on multiple
cores and graphical processing units (GPUs). As our main contribution in this work, we solve the problem
of shot boundary detection using a popular image analysis (object detection) approach: visual bag-of-words
(BoW). The baseline approach for the shot boundary detection has been colour histogram and it is at the core of
many top methods, but our BoW method of similar complexity in the terms of parameters clearly outperforms
colour histograms. Interestingly, an AND-combination” of colour and BoW histogram detection is clearly
superior indicating that colour and local features provide complimentary information for video analysis.
Problem settings in image and video process-
ing/analysis problems are almost equivalent, but
adopted approaches have been divergent due to per
frame processing required in many video process-
ing tasks, such as in video shot boundary detection.
For example, one hour of video contains approxi-
mately 100,000 frames, and the processing time of
one second per frame would take 27 hours in to-
tal. In this kind of tasks typically “fast-to-compute-
features”, such as colour histograms, have been used.
On the other hand, benchmark databases for image
analysis have also become very large. For exam-
ple, there are nearly 15 million annotated images in
the ImageNet
. This has set new demands for ap-
proaches, and development has not only produced
new techniques, but also more efficient implementa-
tions of the existing ones.
Thus, in this work, we adopt the state-of-the-art
BoW method for processing of massive amounts of
images: dense SIFT for feature detection and repre-
sentation, k-means clustering for codebook genera-
tion, L1-normalisation of codebook histograms, and
the Euclidean distance for code matching. Our main
contribution is to apply this method for shot bound-
ary detection. In addition, we compare video spe-
cific codebooks, generated from the local features
extracted from an input video, to a “general code-
book” generated from the ImageNet descriptors used
in (Deng et al., 2010). Moreover, we study the ef-
fect of varying the codebook size, which is the most
important parameter of BoW. The experiments are
performed using the TRECVid 2007 shot boundary
detection competition data. We compare our ap-
proach to the frame windows method (Tahaghoghi
et al., 2005) which was among the top performers
in (Smeaton et al., 2010) and can be considered as
the baseline method for shot boundary detection. Our
main contributions are:
An efficient bag-of-features method for detect-
ing shot boundaries. In the experiments, our
method performed better than the baseline (note
that colour histograms are used by many state-of-
the-art methods).
We investigate the effect of the codebook size and
whether the codebook should be video specific or
general, both being important computational con-
We show how the combination of colour his-
tograms and local feature histograms provides
clearly superior results indicating that colour and
local features provide complementary informa-
tion for video processing.
Lankinen J. and Kämäräinen J..
Video Shot Boundary Detection using Visual Bag-of-Words.
DOI: 10.5220/0004290707880791
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 788-791
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In many applications, such as in video abstrac-
tion (Truong and Venkatesh, 2007) and content based
retrieval (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003), video shot
boundary detection is the first step before higher level
processing. For analysis, the shots are usually consid-
ered as basic units and thus success of the boundary
detection affects the whole processing pipeline. The
shot detection has been studied within specific appli-
cations and as its own problem and a wide variety of
proposed methods exist.
A good introduction to the subject and an analysis
of the best approaches with the common benchmark
data were provided in a TrecVid survey (Smeaton
et al., 2010) which summarised the findings over
seven years of the TRECVid shot boundary compe-
tition. The vast majority of the best performing meth-
ods utilise colour histograms and machine learning
algorithms, such as GMM (Gaussian Mixture Mod-
els) (Kang and Hua, 2005) or HMM (Hidden Markov
Models) (Pruteanu-Malinici and Carin, 2008). It
is noteworthy, that the colour histogram difference,
which is considered as the baseline method, performs
notably well and is virtually parameter free except
the difference detection threshold (Gargi et al., 2000).
The histogram-based methods utilise some distance-
metric between the histograms of two consecutive
frames which measures how content has changed. For
example, high difference peaks on the time-line may
denote hard cuts and sequences of smaller consecutive
changes may denote fade-outs. The colour histogram
based shot boundary detectors are fast and accurate
when accompanied by heuristics for all transitions
types (Tahaghoghi et al., 2005; Joyce and Liu, 2006;
Mas and Fernandez, 2003). For experiments, we se-
lected the colour histogram variant in (Tahaghoghi
et al., 2005).
2.1 Visual Categorisation using BoW
The seminal works of the visual bag-of-features
(BoW) are (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003) and (Csurka
et al., 2004). In BoW, the salient local image features
(interest points) are extracted with a special detector
(e.g. SIFT) or fixed size patches are selected using
dense sampling on a regular grid. Then, these “key-
points” are described with a descriptor, the SIFT de-
scriptor being the most popular. In the training phase,
a codebook is generated by clustering the descrip-
tors into a fixed number of codes. In the matching
phase, for each descriptor the best matching code is
assigned. An image feature is generated by comput-
ing the histogram of codes appearing in the image.
Matching can be performed by histogram similarity
between two images (frames).
There is a huge number of variants and extensions
of the baseline method (e.g., (Lazebnik et al., 2006;
Leibe et al., 2008; Cao et al., 2010)), but often the ba-
sic method performs the best (Tuytelaars et al., 2010)
and for large scale problems the most efficient dis-
criminative methods are not feasible anymore (Deng
et al., 2010). For this work, we adopt the recent im-
plementation in (Deng et al., 2010). For feature de-
tection the method uses dense sampling on a regular
grid, which has lately replaced the interest point de-
tection methods in the most visual object classifica-
tion methods (Everingham et al., 2011). The descrip-
tor of choice is SIFT, the codebook is generated using
the k-means clustering and the feature histograms are
L1-norm normalised.
The shot boundary detection methods using local
features are only a few. (Li et al., 2010) computed
SIFT regions and descriptors, but did not utilise a
codebook. They directly searched for SIFT matches
between consecutive frames. A similar approach for
content analysis was proposed by Sivic and Zisser-
man (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003) who used a code-
book. The both techniques, however, are extremely
slow due to random sampling based matching. Sivic
and Zisserman run the matching only for key frames
of every shot as their application was content retrieval
and Li et al. did not report the computation times
for their method. To the authors’ best knowledge our
work is the first to propose the bag-of-words approach
to video shot boundary detection.
The main parts of our own implementation are similar
to the approach presented by Deng et al. This is par-
ticularly the case with a general codebook generated
from two million features extracted from ImageNet. It
is interesting to study how well the general codebook
performs as compared to a specific codebook, which
is re-generated for every input video. Specific code-
books are generated using features extracted from se-
lected frames (one frame per second in our imple-
mentation) and using the k-means clustering method.
Next, the shot boundary detection algorithm is given
in Alg. 1. It is noteworthy, that the only parameter
for our method is the detection threshold τ which is
equivalent to the colour histogram detection thresh-
old. The other inputs are video and a pre-computed
Algorithm 1: Video shot boundary detection (BoW).
1: Load codebook cb.
2: for all Frames i in video do
3: Init ~v(i) 0.
4: Extract dense interest points and form their de-
5: Search the best matches in the codebook cb for
every extracted descriptor using the fast KD-
tree search.
6: Form the code histogram
h using the codes.
7: L1-norm normalise the histogram and compute
the Euclidean distance d
to the previous
frame histogram.
8: Calculate the distance difference (derivative)
= d
9: If d
τ, then mark a shot boundary to the cur-
rent frame ~v(i) 1.
10: end for
11: Return the vector of shot boundaries~v.
The experiments were conducted with the TRECVid
2007 Shot Boundary data set which contains almost
7 hours of human annotated videos, 637,805 frames
with 2317 transitions. In our evaluation, we used
the TRECVid protocol, data and groundtruth, and the
provided functionality in the available toolkit. For our
method, the operating point is set by the difference
threshold τ. Low values result to high recall but low
precision, and vice versa. The precision-recall evalu-
ation curves were computed by iteratively testing all
possible values of the threshold τ.
4.1 Optimal Codebook Size
The size of the codebook (the number of clusters in
K-means) is one of the computational bottlenecks. In
object classification, the codebook sizes vary between
1,000 and 100k, but in our case as small as possi-
ble is preferred. The precision-recall curves for our
method and with varying codebook size are shown in
Fig. 1. It is evident that the boundary detection is a
low level task which requires only moderate discrim-
ination power from the codebook. Already 100 codes
performed very well and increasing the size did not
improve the results. The method started to collapse
with codebooks smaller than 10.
4.2 General vs. Specific Codebook
Based on the previous experiment, a generated code-
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 1: TRECVid precision-recall curves using our BoW
method and different codebook sizes.
book of size 100 performs well in shot boundary de-
tection. That does not produce significant computa-
tional burden since the local features need to be ex-
tracted anyway. However, this could be improved if
a general codebook would perform well, since the
codebook generation step could be completely omit-
ted. A general codebook was generated using the two
million ImageNet features used in (Deng et al., 2010).
The shot boundary detection results and comparison
to a specific codebook (100) are shown in Fig. 2. The
results provide a clear evidence that the general code-
book does not perform well in this application and
changing the codebook size does not help the situa-
tion. This result is quite surprising from object class
detection point of view, but for shot boundary detec-
tion, video specific codebooks should be used.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 2: TRECVid results for general and specific code-
books (right: general codebook results with varying size).
4.3 Baseline Comparison
In the last experiment, we compared our method to
the tailored colour histogram method in (Tahaghoghi
et al., 2005). We also investigated complementarity
of the two, colour histograms and BoW histograms.
This was achieved by first running the both methods
and then combining the output binary vectors (1’s de-
noting a cut and 0’s no cut). For combining the log-
ical AND and OR rules were tested. The AND rule
should mainly improve the precision and the OR rule
the recall. The results are shown in Fig. 3. For the
combinations, we tested all possible combinations of
the thresholds τ
and τ
and for a recall point se-
lected the highest precision. Our BoW method clearly
outperforms the baseline method using colour his-
tograms. However, it is evident that combining the
two still improves detection remarkably.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
RGB+BoW (or)
RGB+Bow (and)
Figure 3: TRECVid comparison with the baseline method
and with the hybrid of the two methods.
In this work, we adopted the popular approach for
object class detection, visual Bag-of-Words (BoW),
to the low level video processing task of video shot
boundary detection. To the authors’ best knowledge,
our work is the first which uses the BoW approach
in video shot boundary detection. We utilised the
available efficient implementations and our method,
which has equal complexity in terms of the number
of parameters, achieved clearly superior performance
to the baseline. This is an interesting result, since
the baseline (colour histogram difference) is at the
core of many top performing methods. Our method
runs on half frame rate on standard PC hardware and
without special optimisation. Moreover, our results
showed that the two, BoW feature histograms and
colour histograms, provide complementary informa-
tion, and their combination achieved the best perfor-
mance. In future work, we will investigate other low
level video processing tasks using the BoW approach
and optimisation of our implementation to run on at
least frame rate.
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