Interactive Narration Requires Interaction and Emotion
A. Pauchet
, F. Rioult
, E. Chanoni
, Z. Ales
and O. S¸erban
INSA Rouen, LITIS, Rouen, France
e de Caen, Greyc, Caen, France
e de Rouen, Psy-NCA, Rouen, France
Dialogue Modelling, Knowledge Extraction, Narrative Embodied Conversational Agent.
This paper shows how interaction is essential for storytelling with a child. A corpus of narrative dialogues
between parents and their children was coded with a mentalist grid. The results of two modelling methods
were analysed by an expert in parent-child dialogue analysis. The extraction of dialogue patterns reveals
regularities explaining the character’s emotion. Results showed that the most efficient models contain at least
one request for attention and/or emotion.
Designing a dialogue model is a difficult and of-
ten multidisciplinary task. It involves many algo-
rithms: multi-modal inputs, natural language under-
standing and generation, dialogue management, emo-
tion, ... In particular, multi-modal and affective di-
alogue management remains inefficient in Embodied
Conversational Agents (ECA) (Cassell et al., 2000),
even though this aspect is essential for interaction
(Swartout et al., 2006). With the emergence of partic-
ipative digital storytelling systems, child - humanoid
agent interaction situations are increasing. The dia-
logue model embedded into an ECA, when dedicated
to interactive storytelling, should be designed accord-
ing to the child’s socio-cognitive and language skills.
We aim at designing a method for modelling the
dialogue between parents and children and tools to
ease the extraction of regularities from interactive di-
alogues. We therefore propose hints to guide an inter-
active narrative session as well as dialogue patterns
extracted from the corpora as a model of dialogue for
narrative ECAs.
The method proposed to model the dialogue is de-
scribed in (Ales et al., 2012). It consists in: 1) col-
lecting and digitizing a corpus of dialogues; 2) the
transcription and coding step produces raw data with
various levels of details (speaking slots, utterances,
onomatopoeia, pauses, ...) depending on the phenom-
ena and characteristics which the model must exhibit;
3) knowledge and regularity extractions are applied,
through the utterances coded during the previous step.
This knowledge consists in the regularities of the dia-
logues and constitutes the model; 4) finally, the model
is exploited for interactive storytelling.
Corpus of Narrative Dialogues
Modelling storytelling dialogues requires knowledge
extraction from a corpus of non mediated parent-
child storytelling dialogues. In this study, 30 dia-
logues between children and parents (ages: 3, 4 and
5) were recorded during emotional story telling situa-
tions. These records have been transcribed and coded
with a mentalist grid (Chanoni, 2009) to capture in-
formation about the mental states (beliefs, emotions,
...) contained by the various utterances.
Matrix Representation of Dialogues
As outlined by Bunt, dialogue management involves
multilevel aspects (Bunt, 2011). To design a dia-
logue model that supports multidimensionality, a ma-
trix representation is chosen for annotations. Each
utterance is characterised by an annotation vector,
whose components match the different coding dimen-
sions. A dialogue is represented by a matrix: one row
by utterance, one column by coding dimension.
To illustrate this two-dimensional representation,
Table 1 presents an example of encoded parent-child
dialogue, extracted from the collected corpus. Each
utterance is characterised by a line number, a speaker
(P: parent, C: child), a transcription and its encoding
Pauchet A., Rioult F., Chanoni E., Ales Z. and ¸Serban O..
Interactive Narration Requires Interaction and Emotion.
DOI: 10.5220/0004259605270530
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 527-530
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: 2D annotations of a narrative dialogue between a parent and his/her child.
Line Speaker Utterance Annotations
31 P Who could have stolen the crown? Q - F - -
32 C The crown, it’s in! A - F - -
33 P Do you believe it? Q H K - -
34 C Yes A - F - -
35 P But Babar doesn’t know that it’s in A P N O J
36 P So he says that the crown is a bomb A P N C J
The annotation grid corresponds to the follow-
ing coding scheme: Column 1: an (A)ffirmation, a
(Q)uery, a request for paying attention to the story
(D), or a demand for general attention (G). Column 2:
reference of the utterance. It can refer to the character
(P), the interlocutor (H) or the speaker (R). Column
3: an (E)motion, a (V)olition, an observable or a non-
observable cognition (B or N), an epistemic statement
(K), an assumption (Y) or a (S)urprise. The surprise is
distinguished from other emotions because of its link
with the incidental belief. Columns 4 and 5: expla-
nations with cause / (C)onsequence, (O)pposition or
empathy (M), which can be applied either to explain
the story (J), or to precise a situation with a personal
context (F).
Dialogue Pattern Extraction
With our matrix representation, a dialogue pattern is
defined as a set of annotations which occurs in several
dialogues. The method designed to extract significant
dialogue patterns consists in a regularity extraction
step based on matrix alignment using dynamic pro-
gramming and a clustering step using machine learn-
ing heuristics to group and select the recurrent dia-
logue patterns. The clustering process is applied on
a similarity graph computed during the matrix align-
The method for extracting two-dimensional pat-
terns is a generalisation of the local string edition dis-
tance. The edit distance between two string S
corresponds to the minimal cost of the three ele-
mentary edit operations (insertion, deletion and sub-
stitution of characters) for converting S
to S
. Two-
dimensional pattern extraction corresponds to matrix
alignment. A local alignment of two matrices M
, of size m
× n
and m
× n
respectively, consists
in finding the portion of M
and M
which are the
most similar. To this end, a four-dimensional matrix
T of size (m
+ 1) × (n
+ 1) × (m
+ 1) × (n
+ 1)
is computed, such that T [i][ j][k][l] is equal to the lo-
cal edition distance between S
[0..i 1][0.. j 1] and
[0..k 1][0..l 1] for all i J1, m
1K, j J1, n
1K, k J1, m
1K and l J1,n
1K. In our heuris-
tic, the calculation of T is obtained by the minimisa-
tion of a recurrence formula. Once T is computed, the
best local alignment is found from the position of the
maximal value in T , through a trace-back algorithm
to infer the characters which are part of the align-
ment. Figure 1, commented in Section 4, presents
an example of alignment extracted from the corpus.
Details about the two dimensional pattern extraction
algorithm can be found in (Lecroq et al., 2012).
The matrix alignment algorithm extracts the pat-
terns in pairs. To determine the importance of each
pattern, we group them using various standard cluster-
ing heuristics The idea is that large clusters of patterns
represent behaviours which are commonly adopted
by humans, whereas small clusters tend to contain
marginal patterns. A matrix of similarities between
patterns is computed through a global edition distance
applied on all pairs of selected patterns. This similar-
ity matrix is used as input for the clustering heuristics.
The method has been tested on the corpus of nar-
rative dialogues. During the extraction phase, 1740
dialogue patterns have been collected.
Predicting the Interaction of the Child
As our goal is to build a dialogue model dedicated to
narrative ECAs that stimulates child interaction, we
have to model the arising of the child’s interaction,
focusing on event prediction. In other words, we look
for sequences of dialogue events leading to child’s in-
teraction. We split the data over each turn of utter-
ance, in other words over each sequence of parents as-
sertion or question and child’s interaction. The prob-
lem consists therefore in predicting the end of each
The matrices that encode dialogues are considered
as sequences of features, each sequence ending with
the child’s interaction. For instance, the sequences
corresponding to Table 1, are: < (QF) >, < (QHK) >
, < (APNOJ)(APNOJ) >
The algorithm, without candidate enumeration,
mines the episodes with recursive projections, in a
greedy manner. The combinatorial explosion is lim-
ited with two anti-monotone constraints: the support
of the currently computed episode (the number of se-
quences it appears in) and the average distances (in
utterances) to the end of the sequences supporting it.
As the mining process is directed from the end of
the sequences to their beginning, not all the computed
episodes are relevant for the prediction of the end.
For instance, if each sequence begins and ends with
a (Q)uestion, the above algorithm will give < (Q) >
as an end predictor, while it is also a good predictor
for the beginning. To avoid these bad cases, the aver-
age length of each computed episode has to be taken
into account. If it is too small, the episode is not kept.
This process ensures that the mined regularities are
relevant for the prediction of the child’s interaction.
Patterns of Dialogue
Figure 1 presents an example of one pattern align-
ment appearing in two dialogues. This pattern shows
that parents firstly talked about the cause or the con-
sequence of the character’s behaviour (P, C, J), with-
out reference to any mental state. After assertions or
descriptive questions, parents insisted on the justifi-
cation of the character’s behaviour (line 6), directly
with relation to the emotional state of the character
(line 7). Finally, the parent checked if the child under-
stood, with asking questions or by requesting his/her
attention (line 8).
Figure 1: Example of dialogue pattern alignment.
This pattern perfectly demonstrates that an emo-
tion cannot only be named to be explained. The pat-
tern described the link between the character’s be-
haviour and the mental state, the later explaining the
Prediction of Interaction
Table 2 sums up the models for the child’s interac-
tions. For each age, the models are characterised by
the efficiency (average number of sentences between
the model and the child’s interaction. The more a se-
quence is efficient, the fewer sentences before child’s
interaction) and the support (the percentage of times
the model appears).
We highlight the important following facts : 1)
Regardless of the age, sequences with justifica-
tions were frequently associated with various indexes
(emotion, request for attention or question). The
child’s interaction came after 3.1 to 4.3 sentences af-
ter the model. 2) the quickness of the interaction de-
creased with the age, from 3.2 to 1.9 sentences. 3) the
number of sequences with emotion is merely equiv-
alent for all ages. Nevertheless, the older the child
is, the more different the sequences of emotion are.
Complex sequences (emotion and justification: J-E or
E-J) appear only with the oldest children. 4) except
with request for attention, the most efficient models
(in red in Table 2) contained emotion (E-Q or E-E).
ECAs are autonomous and anthropomorphic ani-
mated characters with multi-modal communication
skills (Cassell et al., 2000). Greta (Pelachaud, 2009)
and the European project SEMAINE (Schroder,
2010) provide good examples of current capabili-
ties of ECAs. With regard to dialogue systems and
models, which could be integrated into ECAs, sev-
eral approaches exist. The finite-state approach (ex:
(McTear, 2004)) which represents the structure of the
dialogue as a finite-state automaton where each ut-
terance leads to a new state. The frame-based ap-
proach represents the dialogue as a process of filling
in a form containing slots (ex: (Aust et al., 1995)).
The plan-based approach (Allen and Perrault, 1980)
combines plan recognition with the Speech Act the-
ory (Searle, 1969). The logic-based approach repre-
sents the dialogue and its context in some logical for-
malism (ex: (Hulstijn, 2000)). Finally, the machine
learning approach proposes techniques such as rein-
forcement learning (Frampton and Lemon, 2009) to
model the dialogue with Markov Decision Processes.
Most of the existing ECAs only integrates basic
dialogue management processes, such as a keyword
spotter within a finite-state or a frame-based approach
(ex: the SEMAINE project (Schroder, 2010)). They
uses regular structures that can only represent linear
interaction patterns, whereas dialogue management
involves multi-dimensional levels (Bunt, 2011). The
model we propose combines planning management
for the task resolution (prediction of the child interac-
tion) and a more reactive management when dealing
with dialogical conventions (dialogue patterns), all
along multidimensionality management through the
matrix coding of dialogues.
Figure 2: Efficiency and quantity of all sequences for each age.
We have presented a methodology and tools designed
to improve dialogue models that could be integrated
in narrative ECAs. The proposed methodology con-
sists in extracting dialogue patterns, clustering to en-
code dialogical conventions and an event prediction
approach to plan the interactions of the listener. A
matrix representation of interactions is used to encode
the multidimensional aspects of dialogues. The algo-
rithms were applied to a corpus of child-parent inter-
actions during narration. Finally, we have shown why
interactive narration requires prominent interactions
and emotion.
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