A New Local Adaptive Mass Detection Algorithm in Mammograms
Ehsan Koozegar
, Mohsen Soryani
and Ines Domingues
Iran University of Science and Technology(IUST), Narmak, Tehran, Iran
INESC TEC (formerly INESC Porto) and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Mamograms, Masses, Detection.
Abstract: Mammography is the most effective procedure for an early detection of breast abnormalities. Masses are a
type of abnormality which are very difficult to be visually detected on mammograms. In this paper an
efficient method for detection of masses in mammograms is introduced and tested. The algorithm is inspired
by binary search and was evaluated both on mini-MIAS and INBreast databases. Mini-MIAS results show
that our algorithm outperforms other competing methods. For INBreast database there are no other
published mass detection results for comparison, but we believe that our algorithm has good performance.
Breast cancer is one of the most lethal diseases in
various parts of the world especially in western
countries. Several reports about the outbreak and
severity of breast cancer are published by different
organizations (Oliviera et al., 2011). According to
some reports, breast cancer is the second most
common disease after lung cancer (10.9% of cancer
incidence in both men and women) and the fifth
most common cause of cancer death (Oliveira et al.,
2009). The National Breast Cancer Foundation has
estimated that 200,000 people suffer from the
disease and 20,000 die every year. Furthermore,
according to American National Cancer Institute,
every three minutes one woman is diagnosed with a
cancerous case and every 13 minutes one woman is
killed by the disease (Oliveira et al., 2009).
Among various modalities, mammography is the
most popular method to detect different
abnormalities in breasts. During the last two
decades, many scientists have been attempting to
help radiologists in the detection and diagnosis of
these anomalies. It is however important to note that
Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems are
designed to assist radiologists only as a second
interpretation and never as a substitute.
Masses and microcalcifications (MCCs) are two
most frequent findings in mammograms. Detecting
masses is more difficult than detecting MCCs
because mass features can be ambiguous or similar
to breasts’ parenchyma. Masses are usually located
in the dense regions of the breast. Furthermore, they
have smoother boundaries than MCCs and more
various shapes as well. These factors make mass
detection a challenging problem both for humans
(radiologists) and machines (CAD systems). It has
been reported that most abnormalities missed by
radiologists are related to cancerous masses
(Malagelada, 2007). Most of the available
commercial CAD systems for detecting MCCs have
reached 100% of detection rate, but the detection
rate of masses is still below 90%.
Mass detection has a vital role in full CAD
systems and many studies have been made during
the last two decades. A good review was published
in (Oliver et al., 2010) that covers mass detection
algorithms until 2008. Some of the more recent
works are worth mentioning. Martins team (Martins
et al., 2009) presented a methodology for detecting
masses in digitized mammograms using the growing
neural gas algorithm for image segmentation and
Ripley’s K function to describe the texture of
segmented structures. Growing neural gas is an
incremental and non-supervised clustering algorithm
while Ripley’s K function is a second-order tool to
analyze completely mapped spatial-point process
data. Using the digital database for screening
mammography (DDSM), the methodology reached
an accuracy rate of 89.3%, with 0.93 false positive
(FP) and 0.02 false negative (FN) per image.
In 2010, Gao (Gao et al., 2010) proposed two
concentric layer criteria to detect different types of
suspicious regions. After mammograms are
Koozegar E., Soryani M. and Domingues I..
A New Local Adaptive Mass Detection Algorithm in Mammograms.
DOI: 10.5220/0004218201330137
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 133-137
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
separated into multi-intensity layers by using
different intensity thresholds, the real mass regions
should contain some concentric layers on different
intensity layers. If one of the following criteria is
satisfied, the region is deemed as a suspicious
region: Multilayer Criterion (focal regions with
concentric layers 1 are considered as mass regions
and the confidence increases with the increase in the
number of layers) and Single-Layer Criterion (focal
regions without concentric layers in their adjacent
lower intensity layer are considered as mass regions
only if their morphological features satisfy stricter
threshold conditions and the additional contrast
condition at the same time). The combination was
evaluated on DDSM, resulting in a sensitivity of
99% in malignant, 88% in benign, and 95.3% in all
types of cases.
Mencattini and Salmeri (Mencattini and Salmeri,
2011) developed a suspicious mass detection
scheme where, after smoothing images with a
Gaussian filter, it evaluates them with a Gradient
and Hessian matrix. FP rejection is achieved by
comparing three features against a threshold:
condition number, mean eigenvalues intensity map,
and Area. For a sensitivity of 0.9, results on DDSM
images exhibit a False- Positive per Image equal to
0.6 for cancer cases and 0.2 for normal cases.
Sampaio’s team (Sampaio et al., 2011) proposed
to use a cellular neural network to segment regions
that might contain masses. Two templates were
used: Textural template (is able to separate the mass
candidates but inserts pixels that do not belong to the
candidates) and Blur template (does not insert extra
pixels, but might remove several pixels from the
candidates). Images resulting from the use of these
templates are aggregated using the binary OR
operator. Sensitivity of 80% with rates of 0.84 FPs
per image and 0.2 FNs per image, and an area under
the ROC curve of 0.87 were obtained in the DDSM
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: section 2 covers all the technical details like
used databases, mass detection algorithm description
and evaluation methodology; in section 3 results of
our method are shown and compared with those of
other competing methods. The paper closes in
section 4 with some final remarks and future work
In this section we detail on the set of mammographic
images used, the mass detection algorithm and the
methodology used to evaluate the results.
2.1 Databases
Two mammogram databases were used, mini-MIAS
and INBreast. Mini-MIAS (Suckling et al., 1994)
consists of 330 images in which every image is of
1024*1024. These 330 images include 209
normal images, 56 images with at least one mass,
and the remaining have other types of anomalies.
One of the images (mdb059) was discarded in our
experiments because there is no information about
the center of the mass present in the mammogram.
INBreast database (Moreira et al., 2012) has a total
of 115 cases (410 images) of which 90 cases are
from women with both breasts (4 images per case)
and 25 cases are from mastectomy patients (2
images per case). Several types of lesions (masses,
calcifications, asymmetries, and distortions) are
included. In this work 107 images were used (all
images with at least one mass) with a total of 116
Note that, while mini-MIAS is a well-known
database, with the advantage of being already used
in several published works, it is a small database of
digitized mammograms having only the center and
radius information about the findings’ location.
INBreast, however, is a recent database having the
disadvantage of not being used by many works yet
making it more difficult to compare among different
algorithms. It has, as advantages, the fact that all the
images are Full-field digital mammograms and
accurate information on the form of detailed
contours on the shape and location of every finding
is available.
2.2 Detection
Our mass detection algorithm is a local adaptive
thresholding method which has been inspired from
binary search to determine an appropriate threshold
related to each local region (called cell).
The flowchart of the mammogram mass
detection algorithm (applied to each cell of the grid
respectively) is shown in Figure1.
Each image is first divided into equal non-
overlapping cells (a grid). In each cell of the grid,
the pixel with maximum gray level is found. The
location of the maximum pixel is shown as Index
and its value is named m.
First and Last are the bounds of the range which
is being explored and TH is the proper threshold.
First and Last are initialized to 0 and m respectively.
Figure 1: Flowchart of the mammogram segmentation algorithm.
In the first iteration, TH is assigned with the
middle value of the range [0;m] and then the
threshold is applied to the whole mammogram. After
that, the circularity measure is extracted from the
region that contains index (index is the location of
the maximum value):
Circularity =P
/ 4πA (1)
In Equation 1, P is the circumference of the region
and A is the area. In this equation, maximum
circularity is 1 and the less circular the region, the
bigger the circularity value will be. If the area or the
circularity of that region exceeds the corresponding
upper limit (Area
max, Circmax) then we should search
within the upper half of the previous range (i.e.
[TH;Last]). Else, if the area of the region is lower
than a threshold (Area
min), then the TH is too high
and we should search the proper TH in the range
[First;TH]. These operations are iterated until a
region with the area between Area
min and Areamax
and also less circularity than Circmax is found (if it
exists). In fact, masses generally have a radius
between a lower limit and an upper limit and are
also not very irregular. Although spiculated masses
are irregular in shape, their circularity can be lower
than a predefined limit and the irregularity occurs in
the margins of those masses and has a fairly small
effect on the whole circularity of those regions.
Moreover, we defined another measure as:
= Area / Circularity (2)
to filter curve-linear structures such as blood vessels
and milk ducts in mammograms. If a region has a
value lower than a predefined threshold, it is
considered as a curve-linear object and discarded.
2.3 Evaluation
We combine three typical rules to create a very
strong tagging rule. These rules are as follows:
: if |Y
| < max(R
,LY/2) and |X
< max(R
: if (X
+ (Y
: if exists 50% overlap between biopsy-proven
mass and suspicious region
Where (LX, LY) are the length and width of the
detected ROI bounding box, (Xcad, Ycad) is the
region’s center of gravity and (Xb, Yb);Rb are center
and radius of the biopsy-proven mass. An extracted
ROI is labelled as True Positive (TP) if all the above
rules are true. Otherwise, that ROI is labelled as FP.
All images were scaled to 512*512 pixels and the
parameters needed for the mass detector were
empirically set as: Areamax = 8000 pixels, Areamin
=155 pixels and Circmax = 7. Some detection
examples are given in Figure 2 for mini-MIAS and
in Figure 3 for INBreast database.
In Table 1 some detection methods are shown for
comparison. From Table 1 it can be seen that only
the sensitivity of Density-Weighted Contrast
Enhancement (DWCE) filter is comparable with the
sensitivity of our mass detection algorithm. But,
with almost the same sensitivity, our method results
in fewer FPs per image (4.77) than those of DWCE
filter (12).
Figure 2: mini-MIAS mass detection examples. Left
column: original mammograms; right column: regions
obtained after segmenting the original mammograms.
Region growing (Eltonsy et al., 2007), Adaptive
thresholding (Kom et al., 2007) and Difference of
Gaussians (DoG) filter (Oliver et al., 2010) have
lower sensitivity and also more FPs in comparison
with our method. Although Template matching
(Nguyen et al., 2010) results in less FP, its
sensitivity is very low, making it unreliable.
By using the proposed method, the detection of
masses in 261 mammograms lasted 388 minutes,
i.e., one minute and 48 seconds for each image.
As far as we know, this work is the first
published work presenting mass detection results on
INBreast database. We have achieved a sensitivity
of 87% on INBreast (the algorithm missed 15
masses) and FP rate per image is 3.67.
Figure 3: INBreast mass detection examples. Left column:
original mammograms; right column: regions obtained
after segmenting the original mammograms.
Table 1: Results of different detection algorithms.
Detection method Sensitivity FP rate
Template matching (Nguyen et al., 2010) 0.38 2.9
Region growing (Eltonsy et al., 2007) < 0.6 > 8.5
Adaptive thresholding (Kom et al., 2007) < 0.65 > 9
DWCE filter (Petrick et al., 1996) < 0.9 > 12
DoG filter (Oliver et al., 2010) < 0.72 > 10.5
Our proposed method 0.91 4.77
In this paper, we tested a mass detection algorithm
on two public mammogram databases. The
algorithm, inspired by binary search, reached a
sensitivity of 91% with false positive rate per image
of 4.77 in mini-MIAS database and a sensitivity of
87% with a false positive rate per image of 3.67 in
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