From Study of Human-human Dialogues to Reasoning Model
Conversational Agent in Argumentation Dialogue
Mare Koit
and Haldur Õim
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, 2 J. Liivi St., Tartu, Estonia
Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics, University of Tartu, 2 J. Liivi St., Tartu, Estonia
Keywords: Reasoning, Conversational Agent.
Abstract: We study human-human dialogues where one of the participants tries to influence the reasoning process of
the dialogue partner in order to force the partner to make a decision to perform an action. Our further aim is
to implement a dialogue system which would interact with a user in natural language. A model of the
motivational sphere of a reasoning subject will be presented as a vector which consists of evaluations of
different aspects of the action under consideration. Three reasoning procedures will be introduced, each of
which is triggered by a so-called input factor. We examine the communicative strategies and communicative
tactics that dialogue participants use to achieve their communicative goals. The models are implemented as
a computer program.
Several general approaches to the theory of
pragmatics of natural communication have been
used when developing models of dialogue
(D´Andrade, 1987); (Davies and Stone, 1995);
(Lester et al., 2004); (Jokinen, 2009); (Ginzburg and
Fernández, 2010). One of the main problems for
pragmatics is that of modelling the mechanisms
people use to reach their communicative goals. This
is done by manipulating the appropriate reasoning
processes of other participants. Therefore, a
pragmatic model of dialogue should include a
commonsense, naïve model of reasoning and present
the means to influence the reasoning processes that
are regularly used by people in communication.
Most of our naïve theories are and will remain
implicit. It is the task of a real science, such as
psychology or linguistics, to explicate this
knowledge (Õim, 1996).
We study communications where one of the
participants is trying to achieve the partner’s
decision to perform an action and have worked out
our versions of the concepts of communicative
strategies and tactics. Below we focus on these
concepts and the concept of reasoning model,
describing the current state of their implementation
in our dialogue system. In general, our model of
reasoning follows the ideas realized in the well-
known BDI (belief-desire-intention) model (Rao and
Georgeff, 1991).
The paper has the following structure. In section
2 we introduce our reasoning model. Section 3
examines how the reasoning can be influenced in
interaction. We introduce a communicative strategy
and communicative tactics as algorithms used by
participants in order to achieve their communicative
goals. Section 4 discusses how the dialogue model is
and can be implemented. In section 5 we draw
2.1 Human Reasoning
Let us start with considering a dialogue example
(Ex. 1) taken from the Estonian dialogue corpus. A
client (participant A) is calling a travel agent (B) and
is looking for a ski trip to Austria (action D). In the
following examples the transcription of conversation
analysis is used (Hutchby and Wooffitt, 1998).
A : .hh e sooviksin teada: natuke
´Austria suusareisi kohta. | REQUEST |
I’d like to know a bit about the ski
trip to Austria
B : jaa? | CONTINUER |
Koit M. and Õim H..
From Study of Human-human Dialogues to Reasoning Model - Conversational Agent in Argumentation Dialogue.
DOI: 10.5220/0004195902100216
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 210-216
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A : .hh et=mm (.) kui ´kaua se ültse
´kestab. | WH-QUESTION |
how long will it last
A : .hh ja (.) mis: ´hinnaklass see
tuleb kui näiteks apartemendi vari´ant
võtta.= | WH-QUESTION |
and what price category would it be for
the option with accommodation in an
A : .hh ja siis selle ´suusatamisega
seal on: (.) ´mägedes suusatamine. |
and about skiing will the skiing be in
B : jah. | YES |
A : ja: kas need´suusad ja ´varustus on
nagu ´lisatasu eest või see on: [(.)
and the skies and the equipment are
there for extra cost or is it included
in the price
A is collecting information that he needs to make a
decision about the action (here: ski trip). We do not
know exactly how the reasoning process proceeds in
A’s head. Only A’s utterances provide the indirect
signals for the travel agent to help her draw
conclusions about how several aspects of the action
are weighed by A.
2.2 Model of Reasoning Subject
We assume that the reasoning process of a certain
type is triggered by a so-called input factor. We
distinguish between three types of input factors: (1)
the reasoning subject may wish (would like) to
perform action D (wish-factor), (2) the subject may
depart from the assumption that doing D is useful for
him (needed-factor), or (3) that doing D is
obligatory (must-factor). In short, these factors
constitute what can be called the (macro) model of
human motivational system underlying his/her
reasoning whether to take an action or not. When the
reasoning process has started, the subject considers
(weighs) the positive and negative aspects of D: how
pleasant or unpleasant, useful or harmful it is, what
punishment will follow if he does not do D, etc. If
the positive aspects weigh more, the subject will
make the decision to perform D, otherwise the
decision will be not to do D.
When constructing our model of reasoning we
assume that the reasoning subject is somehow able
to evaluate the positive and negative aspects of the
object of reasoning (in our case, action D). Here we
assume that the relevant aspects of D can be
characterized by scales that take certain numerical
values, the so-called weights. Although, in reality
people do not operate with numbers, the existence of
certain scales also in human everyday reasoning is
apparent. What would be a more adequate form for
these scales, is a problem of future research.
We use the following notation: w(pleasant),
w(unpleasant), w(useful), w(harmful) – weight of
the pleasant, unpleasant, useful and harmful aspects
of D, respectively; w(obligatory) – the value shows
whether D is obligatory (=1) or not (=0),
w(prohibited) – whether D is prohibited (=1) or not
(=0), w(punishment-do) – weight of punishment for
performing a prohibited action, w(punishment-do-
not) – weight of punishment for not performing an
obligatory action, w(resources) – the value indicates
whether the subject has resources necessary for
performing D (=1) or not (=0).
According to our present model, the motivational
sphere of a reasoning subject can be represented by
the following vector of weights:
w = (w(resources), w(pleasant),
w(unpleasant), w(useful), w(harmful),
w(obligatory), w(prohibited),
w(punishment-do), w(punishment-do-
2.3 The Three Reasoning Procedures
The model of the motivational sphere is used by a
reasoning subject when weighing different aspects
of the action under consideration. Reasoning is
triggered by an input factor. As an example, we
present the reasoning procedure WISH that
originates in the wish of a subject to do D (Fig. 1).
The prerequisite for triggering this procedure is
w(pleasant) > w(unpleasant) based on the following
assumption: if a person wishes to do something, then
he assumes that the pleasant aspects of D (including
its consequences) overweigh its unpleasant aspects.
Different aspects of D are subsequently
evaluated and the final decision depends on the
result of the comparison of different values as
outcomes of the evaluation process. For instance, if
the subject does not have enough resources for D,
then, independently of his wish, he will decide not to
do D (step 1 in the procedure). If the subject has the
necessary resources and the weight of the pleasant
aspects exceeds the sum of the unpleasant and the
harmful ones and, in addition, D is not prohibited,
then the subject will decide to perform D (steps 1, 2
and 3), etc. The same kinds of procedures, NEEDED
and MUST, are constructed for the reasoning
processes triggered by the needed and must factors
(Koit and Õim, 2004).
Prerequisite: w(pleasant) > w(unpleasant)
1) Are there enough resources for doing
D? If not then do not do D.
2) Is w(pleasant) > w(unpleasant) +
w(harmful)? If not then go to step 6.
3) Is D prohibited? If not then do D.
4) Is w(pleasant) > w(unpleasant) +
w(harmful) + w(punishment-do)? If yes
then do D.
5) Is w(pleasant) + w(useful) >
w(unpleasant) + w(harmful) +
w(punishment-do)? If yes then to do D
else do not do D.
6) Is w(pleasant) + w(useful) >
w(unpleasant) + w(harmful)? If yes then
go to step 9.
7) Is D obligatory? If not then do not
do D.
8) Is w(pleasant) + w(useful) +
w(punishment-do-not) > w(unpleasant) +
w(harmful)? If yes then do D else do not
do D.
9) Is D prohibited? If not then do D.
10) Is w(pleasant) + w(useful) >
w(unpleasant) + w(harmful) +
w(punishment-do)? If yes then do D else
do not do D.
Figure 1: Reasoning procedure WISH.
Returning to Ex. 1, we can see how A’s
utterances keep a “trace” of his reasoning process: A
is weighing the duration of the trip, its price, the
skiing location, etc. Every utterance refers to a
specific aspect of D, the action under consideration.
2.4 Discussion
We do not claim that the above three reasoning
procedures – WISH, NEEDED and MUST –
exhaustively cover all the varieties of reasoning on
which human action is based that can be
encountered in the “real life”. There are numerous
kinds of situations not accounted for by our model
so far, although we have dealt with them
theoretically. For instance, there can be situations
where a person has several simultaneously activated
and competing input factors, e.g. two competing
wishes for both of which he holds w(pleasant) >
w(unpleasant). Such situations can be partly
accounted for by certain general principles (e.g.
“From two possible pleasant situations people prefer
the more pleasant one”). There are no major
problems with incorporating such principles into our
On the other hand, these motivational factors are
not independent of each other. Thus, a useful
outcome of an action is in some sense also pleasant
for the subject, punishment is unpleasant (and can be
harmful) for the punished person, etc., but we will
not go into these details in our present model.
As said above, our general goal is to model
reasoning in communication. Our further aim is to
build a conversational agent – a computer program
that can participate in interaction with a human user.
3.1 Human-Human Communication
Both participants, A and B, have their own
communicative goals. In Ex.1, the client’s (A)
communicative goal is to make a decision about a
ski trip. B (a travel agent) is definitely interested in
A’s positive decision. Let us consider how the
communication between A and B continues (Ex. 2).
B: [neil] on ´väga=ea (.) olemas
näiteks e jaanuarikuuks ´väga=ead
pakkumised Rootsi suusakuurortitesse.
there are very good offers to Swedish
holiday resorts in January
A: mhmh | CONTINUER |
B: kus on noh ütleme ´hinnad on innad
on niuksed ´tõeliselt (.) ütleme teevad
Soomele ´ka (.) $ silmad ´ette. $
the prices are really let’s say much
better than in Finland
A: ah=nii.= | CHANGE OF STATE |
I see
B: =ja ´majutus on väga ´korralik |
and accommodation is very descent
et sis kui te saate nagu selle ´tunde
kätte et siis juba ´siis juba minna
´Austriasse. | OPINION |
and after you’ve got the feel of it
then you can go to Austria
I see
B has understood that a high price is a problem for
A. Now she takes the initiative and offers another,
cheaper trip to Sweden, trying thus to influence the
client to make a positive decision about another
action. What she can do is to stress the pleasant
aspects of D (i.e. to entice), or the usefulness of D
(i.e. to persuade), or to threaten B with a
punishment, if he does not do D (threatening is
excluded in the current situation). We will say that B
applies a communicative strategy which can be
realized by using different communicative tactics
(enticement, persuasion and threatening,
accordingly). The dialogue will continue until B
reaches her goal (i.e. the decision of A to perform
the action) or gives up.
3.2 Communicative Goal and
Communicative Strategy
In our approach the communicative strategy is
formalized as an algorithm that a participant applies
to achieve his/her communicative goal.
Two kinds of strategies are important in our case:
attack and defence. In the first case, a participant
tries to press his/her communicative goal onto the
partner. In the second case, s/he averts taking over
the partner’s goal. In the situation under
consideration, the communicative strategy used by B
(attack) can be presented as the algorithm in Fig. 2.
1) Choose the communicative tactics.
2) Implement the tactics to generate a
turn (inform the partner of the
communicative goal – to do D).
3) Did the partner agree to do D? If yes
then finish (the communicative goal has
been reached).
4) Give up? If yes then finish (the
communicative goal has not been reached).
5) Change the communicative tactics? If
yes then choose the new tactics.
6) Implement the tactics to generate a
turn. Go to step 3.
Figure 2: Communicative strategy.
3.3 Communicative Tactics
The conversational agent we are modelling performs
the role of B. In our model there are three different
communicative tactics that B can use as part of its
communicative strategy: enticement, persuasion and
threatening. Each of the communicative tactics
constitutes a procedure for compiling a turn in the
ongoing dialogue: the tactic of enticement consists
in increasing A’s wish to do D; persuasion consists
in increasing A’s belief of the usefulness of D for
him, and threatening consists in increasing A’s
understanding that he must do D.
Communicative tactics are directly related to the
reasoning processes of partner A. For instance, if B
is applying the tactic of enticement it should be able
to imagine the reasoning process of A that is
triggered by the input factor wish. When A at a
certain stage refuses to do D, then B should be able
to guess at which point the reasoning of A went into
the “negative” branch ( “do not do D”), in order to
adequately construct its reactive turn. Similarly, the
tactic of persuasion is related to the reasoning
process triggered by the needed-factor, and the
threatening is related to the reasoning process
triggered by the must-factor. Therefore, in order to
model various communicative tactics, the reasoning
model is used.
3.4 Model of Enticement
When implementing a communicative strategy the
agent B uses a model of the motivational sphere of
partner A – a vector w
– which includes its idea
about weights of the aspects of action D. The more B
knows about A the more similar the vector w
with the actual vector w
of the motivational sphere
of partner A. Here we assume that B has several sets
of statements for increasing/decreasing the weights
of the different aspects of D for partner A. All the
statements have their (numerical) weights as well
(Koit, 2011).
As an illustration, we shortly describe the tactic
of enticement that is based on the reasoning
procedure WISH (Fig. 1). The general idea
underlying this tactic is that B presents A with
statements for pleasantness of D trying to keep the
weight of pleasantness for A high enough and the
values of negative aspects brought out by A low
enough so that weighing positive and negative
aspects would lead A to the decision to perform D.
We suppose that A has a set of statements for
indicating the aspect which weight caused his
rejection. Here we assume that B when enticing uses
each statement only once.
3.5 Discussion
The communicative tactics used by the participants
are not limited to the three that were mentioned
above. Firstly, while influencing the reasoning
process of the partner a participant may repeatedly
use the same argument in order to change a specific
weight in the partner model. Secondly,
communicative tactics need to be specified for A too.
Two different scenarios are possible: (1) A and B
have opposite communicative goals (A does not plan
to do D but B’s goal is to get him do it); (2) both A
and B have the same goal and cooperate with each
other when looking for arguments that support
achieving it. However, the issue of specifying the
communicative tactics of A will be left for the future
We have implemented the described models as a
conversational agent – a DS which interacts with a
user in Estonian and tries to achieve the user’s
decision to perform an action by influencing his
reasoning about the action.
4.1 Architecture
The DS we have been developing consists of the
following functional blocks: natural language
understanding and generation modules, a planner, a
dialogue manager, and a problem solver. The
problem solver enables the system to “tune in” to a
specific problem domain. The other blocks form a
basic interaction system (Jurafsky and Martin,
The modules use a knowledge base where
different knowledge is kept: linguistic knowledge,
also knowledge about the world (in our case –
frames of actions), communication (communicative
strategy, communicative tactics, dialogue acts), and
users (partners’ models, reasoning procedures).
The natural language understanding module
analyzes the utterances of an input turn, and outputs
their representations as the corresponding
recognized dialogue acts (question, answer, request,
etc.). The task of the planner is to construct a turn of
the DS, either as a response to the user’s turn or as a
turn initiated by the DS itself. In this process, the
planner contacts the problem solver (if a domain
problem has to be solved) and the dialogue manager
to determine the communicative structure of the turn
(dialogue acts). The natural language generation
module will compose the semantic structure
underlying the planned output and transform it into a
linguistic expression.
It is the task of the dialogue manager to
determine how to proceed if the communicative goal
of the DS (to achieve the user’s decision to perform
an action) has not been attained by the preceding
turns. The reasoning model plays a crucial role in
this: the dialogue manager has to decide where the
reasoning of the partner went into a “negative”
branch and try to find new material which is
expected to lead to a positive outcome.
When comparing our reasoning model with BDI
model, then beliefs are represented by knowledge of
the conversational agent with reliability less than 1;
desires are generated by the vector of weights w; and
intentions correspond to goals in goal base. In
addition to desires, from the weights vector we also
can derive some parameters of the motivational
sphere that are not explicitly conveyed by the basic
BDI model: needs, obligations and prohibitions.
4.2 Implementation
Presently, we have implemented a program which
can play the role of B in a simple communication
situation where the goal of B is that A (user) decides
to perform action D. At the moment, the computer
operates only with the semantic representations of
the linguistic input/output. In the current
implementation, ready-made Estonian sentences
(texts) are used both by the computer and the user.
The sentences are classified according to their
function, e.g. for increasing the weight of
pleasantness, for decreasing the weight of
harmfulness, for expressing that pleasantness is too
low, etc. Every sentence has a numerical weight 1.
The work on a linguistic processor is in progress.
At the beginning of the dialogue the computer
expresses the communicative goal (this is its first
turn r
). If the user refuses to do D (after
implementing normal human reasoning which we
are trying to model here), based on the response (r
the computer determines the aspect of D the weight
of which does not match the reality and changes this
weight so that the new model will give a negative
result as before but it is an extreme case: if we
increased this weight by one unit (in case of positive
aspects of D) or decreased it (in case of negative
ones) we should get a positive decision. The
computer chooses its response r
from the set of
sentences for increasing/decreasing this weight and
at the same time it increases/decreases this weight in
the partner model by the value of the chosen
sentence. A reasoning procedure based on the new
model will yield a positive decision. Now the user
must choose his response and the process can
continue in a similar way.
4.3 Discussion
A dialogue is generated jointly by the computer and
a user. The computer uses its communicative
strategy and tactics. Let us suppose that after the
computer’s proposal to perform an action D, the user
will create a model of himself, i.e. he will attribute
values to all aspects of D and will reason on the
basis of this model. Of course, creating this model is
implicit, e.g. the user assesses that doing D would be
more unpleasant than pleasant. By implementing its
communicative strategy and tactics, the computer
has to try to influence the partner model in the way
that would cause the partner to make a positive
decision based on the changed model. The problem
is that the computer does not “know” the real
weights attributed to different aspects of D by the
user. It can only guess these values based on the
user’s negative responses.
At the beginning of a dialogue the computer
randomly generates a user model. At the moment we
have set only one restriction: we require that the
initial model should satisfy the assumption(s) that
underlie the corresponding reasoning procedure.
Thus, for enticing w(pleasant) > w(unpleasant), for
persuading w(useful) > w(harmful) and for
threatening w(obligatory) = 1. When an initial model
is generated the computer uses it as a partner model
and informs the user about its communicative goal.
It chooses a sentence (r
) from a special file of
computer sentences. A user can choose his sentences
(i=1,2,...) from a special file of user sentences, i.e.
he can “play a role” but cannot use unrestricted
texts. If a user has chosen a sentence of refusal, the
computer decides that the user model is inexact and
needs amending. The corresponding class of user
sentences of refusal will be recognized and the
aspect of D determined the weight of which in the
user model was either too small or too great, which
brought about the false decision by the computer.
Based on a valid reasoning procedure (and tactics) a
new value will be computed for this weight, which is
congruent with the negative decision (as explicated
by the user expression).
Our research has a practical aim: to implement a
communication trainer, a computer program that
would allow the user to exercise his abilities to reach
certain communicative goals: (a) getting the partner
to decide to perform an action, or (b) on the
contrary, opposing the partner (Koit, 2012).
We have examined here only a very restricted type
of dialogues where the user must play a particular
rigid role. In the future we plan to model such
situations where the computer will take the
participant A’s role. In order to do that, A’s strategies
and tactics need to be modeled.
One of our priorities will be to investigate the
possibilities of adding contextual aspects to the
reasoning model. One option is to include the
personal background of the participants, e.g. by
elaborating the notion of communicative space
(Brown and Levinson, 1999). In our case, the
communicative space is determined by a number of
coordinates, such as social distance between the
partners (far between adversaries, close between
friends), intensity of communication (peaceful,
vehement), etc. Without taking this information into
account, formal reasoning about some action can
easily run into problems such as inconsistency, due
to considering the knowledge in a wrong context,
inefficiency, when irrelevant knowledge is being
considered, or incompleteness, when the relevant
inferences are not made.
This work is supported by the European Regional
Development Fund through the Estonian Centre of
Excellence in Computer Science (EXCS), the
Estonian Research Council (grant ETF9124), and the
Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (grant
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