On the Strategy to Follow for Skeleton Pruning
Sequential, Parallel and Hybrid Approaches
Maria Frucci, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Carlo Arcelli and Luigi P. Cordella
Institute of Cybernetics “E.Caianiello”, CNR, Via Campi Flegrei 34, Pozzuoli (Naples), Italy
Keywords: Shape Representation, Skeleton, Pruning.
Abstract: Pruning is an important step in a skeletonization process and a number of pruning criteria have been
suggested in the literature. However, the modality to be followed when checking the pruning criterion is not
generally described in detail. In our opinion, two main pruning modalities can be envisaged and in this
paper we discuss their impact on the performance of pruning. Moreover, we introduce a third modality,
which we regard as able to provide a more satisfactory pruning performance.
The skeleton of an object is one of the most popular
medial representations and is useful for shape
analysis. A number of papers exist in the literature
proposing skeletonization methodologies or dealing
with the use of the skeleton for practical
applications, e.g., see (Siddiqi and Pizer, 2008).
However, a factor limiting the use of the skeleton for
applications is its sensitivity to deformations along
the boundary of the object. In fact, even negligible
noise along the boundary may cause spurious
branches in the skeleton. Thus, proper techniques
able to remove scarcely significant skeleton
branches, or to prevent their creation, are of interest.
In general, skeleton branches are expected in
correspondence with regions of the object that are
perceived as individually meaningful. In particular,
peripheral branches are expected in correspondence
with limbs and smooth boundary convexities.
However, the structure of the skeleton may be very
complex, especially if continuous skeletonization
methodologies, such as those based on the Voronoi
diagram (Ogniewicz and Kubler, 1995), are used.
Thus, a one-to-one correspondence between skeleton
branches and object regions may not be satisfied.
Pruning is aimed at removing scarcely significant
peripheral branches so that the previous
correspondence can be established.
The most commonly employed criteria to
evaluate the significance of skeleton branches and
accordingly perform pruning were extensively
discussed in (Shaked and Bruckstein, 1998) and deal
with propagation velocity, maximal thickness, radius
function, axis arc length, and the boundary/axis
length ratio. More recently, new pruning
methodologies have been suggested in (Bai et al.,
2007) and in (Shen et al., 2011) dealing with contour
partitioning via discrete curve evolution and with
bending potential ratio, where pruning can be
accomplished during a post-processing phase, or can
be integrated into the skeleton computation process.
Generally, any significance criterion aims at
establishing a strict relation between a skeleton
branch and the relevance of the object part the
branch represents. Branch removal caused by
pruning modifies the skeleton in such a way that the
object it represents turns out to differ from the
original object for a smoother boundary or for the
number of protrusions. A pruning process is
adequate if these differences are negligible in the
framework of the specific application.
An aspect that has not received enough attention
in the literature is the modality that is followed when
pruning is seen as a post-processing phase, after the
skeleton has been computed. Another aspect that is
not taken into account is that, due to branch removal,
branches that were internal in the original skeleton
are likely to be transformed into peripheral branches.
Since the new peripheral branches may be not
significant, pruning may need to be iterated. Thus,
the problem of establishing how many times pruning
can be iterated has to be faced to avoid that the
structure of the skeleton be excessively simplified.
In this paper we discuss the performance of
pruning methods by taking into account both the
Frucci M., Sanniti di Baja G., Arcelli C. and P. Cordella L. (2013).
On the Strategy to Follow for Skeleton Pruning - Sequential, Parallel and Hybrid Approaches.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 263-266
DOI: 10.5220/0004193302630266
above aspects. We do not introduce new criteria to
evaluate the significance of skeleton branches, but
investigate how the application of a given pruning
criterion may condition the obtained results.
Reference to a specific criterion will be done only to
exemplify the different modalities of pruning.
The skeleton S of a digital object P is a subset of P
consisting of the union of curves symmetrically
placed within P and characterized by the same
topology of P. Each point of S (a pixel in 2D and a
voxel in 3D) is labeled with the value of its distance
from the complement of P. A point p of S is an end
point if it has only one neighbor in S, a normal point
if it has two neighbors in S, and a branch point if it
has more than two neighbors in S.
A skeleton branch is a curve of S entirely
consisting of normal points, except for the two
extremes of the curve that are end points or branch
points. The only case in which a skeleton branch can
be delimited by two end points is when the skeleton
consists of a single branch. Such a simple case of
skeleton structure is not of interest in the framework
of pruning. A skeleton branch delimited by one end
point and one branch point is a peripheral branch. A
skeleton branch delimited by two branch points is an
internal branch.
In an ideal skeleton, branches should correspond
to perceptually meaningful object regions, while the
skeleton S of P includes a generally much larger
number of branches, some of which originating from
noisy convexities along the boundary of P.
Therefore, pruning can be done to remove scarcely
significant branches, so favoring the similarity
between S and the ideal skeleton.
Pruning consists in removing, partially or totally,
skeleton branches from S. It should be accomplished
exclusively on peripheral branches to guarantee that
the pruned skeleton is characterized by the same
topology as the original skeleton and, hence, the
same topology as P. Due to the linear structure of S,
pruning can be efficiently implemented by resorting
to skeleton tracing, starting from the end points.
To decide whether the peripheral branch currently
traced should be pruned, suitable criteria are
necessary to evaluate the perceptual relevance of the
object region mapped into that skeleton branch. The
pruning criterion can be checked on the whole
peripheral branch, so as to establish whether the
entire branch should be removed or should be kept
in S. Alternatively, while tracing the branch pruning
can remove skeleton points one after the other as far
as the pruning criterion is satisfied, leading to a
possibly partial skeleton branch removal.
Let N be the number of end points (hence of
peripheral branches) of S. During the same iteration
of pruning, all peripheral branches are analyzed.
Total removal of a peripheral branch may cause a
point of S, classified as branch point in the initial
skeleton, to be transformed into a normal point.
Thus, two different pruning modalities (here called
parallel and sequential modalities) can be
considered. If the parallel modality is followed,
points classified as branch points in the initial
skeleton maintain their status until all peripheral
branches have been examined and possibly pruned.
If the sequential modality is followed, the branch
point status is updated as soon as a branch point is
reached by pruning. Thus, during an iteration of
pruning according to the parallel modality, all
peripheral branches can be removed at most up to
the branch points delimiting them in the initial S. In
the sequential modality, a peripheral branch B
delimited by the branch point b
in the initial S, may
be pruned until a branch point b
, more internal than
in the initial S. This happens if the status of b
been transformed from the status of branch point to
that of normal point before analyzing the branch B,
due to removal of other already examined peripheral
branches meeting into b
Once the N peripheral branches have been
examined and those satisfying the pruning criterion
have been removed, the skeleton structure results to
be modified. Let M be the number of end points
characterizing the pruned skeleton. Obviously, it is
MN. Some of the M peripheral branches can
originate from end points already existing in the
initial skeleton. The delimiting branch points of
these peripheral branches may differ from those
delimiting the corresponding branches in the initial
skeleton. Some of the M peripheral branches can
originate from new end points that in the initial
skeleton were classified as branch points. A second
iteration of pruning can then be accomplished by
considering the M peripheral branches. Pruning can
be iterated producing at each iteration a skeleton
with a structure simpler than that of the skeleton
obtained at the previous iteration.
To our knowledge, no discussion has been done
in the literature regarding both the modality
followed when pruning the skeleton, and the number
of iterations necessary to get a satisfactory result. In
this paper, we are interested in discussing both the
above aspects. Do parallel and sequential modalities
produce the same results? If not, is one of those
modalities preferable? How could we establish the
number of iterations of pruning that sufficiently well
simplify the structure of S while still producing a
satisfactory shape representation?
Obviously, the performance of pruning strongly
depends on the goodness of the pruning criterion.
However, independently of the selected criterion, we
think that the parallel and sequential modalities are
likely to produce different results. Since we are not
interested in judging the goodness of pruning
criteria, but only in showing that the selected
modality has an impact on the results, we may use a
very simple pruning criterion. To this aim, we note
that among the points of S, a crucial role is played
by the centers of maximal balls, CMBs, (Pfaltz and
Rosenfeld, 1967). In fact, the union of the balls
associated to the CMBs of S recovers the object.
Then, we use a simple pruning criterion based on the
ratio R between the number of CMBs in a peripheral
branch and the total number of points in the branch.
The rationale is that the larger is the percentage of
CMBs in a branch, the higher is the representative
power of that skeleton branch. The proper value of
the threshold for R should be fixed depending on
the problem at hand. In this paper, we set =0.4.
Since we are also interested in finding a way to
determine the proper number of iterations for
pruning, we consider pruning that either removes a
whole peripheral branch or keeps it in the skeleton.
In fact, in order pruning can be iterated, necessarily
some initial branch points have to be transformed
into new end points and this is not guaranteed when
partial skeleton branch removal is considered.
In our opinion, pruning in sequential modality is
likely to be more conservative as far as preserving
shape information is concerned. Its main drawback
is that the result is conditioned by the order in which
branches are examined. By changing the branch
inspection order, the delimiting branch point for the
currently traced peripheral branch may be more or
less internal in S. The order also conditions the
number of possible further iterations.
As for the parallel modality, the result is
obviously independent of the order in which
peripheral branches are examined. The main
problem occurs when all peripheral branches
meeting in common branch points are pruned and
pruning is iterated. In fact, some of the end points in
the pruned skeleton were branch points in the initial
skeleton, but the pruning criterion is checked only
for the branches that are peripheral at the current
iteration. Thus, the relevance of an object region
mapped into a subset of the initial skeleton, whose
branches are pruned at different iterations, is not
correctly evaluated. As a consequence, successive
iterations may cause an additive negative impact on
the representative power of the skeleton.
For illustrative purposes, let us refer to a 2D case
and consider the object in Figure 1 left, where the
skeleton is shown superimposed on the object. The
result after one iteration of pruning done according
to the parallel modality is shown in Figure 1 middle
left. The results obtained at the end of the first
iteration when following the sequential modality,
and by selecting a different order for tracing the
peripheral branches are shown in Figure 1 middle
right and Figure 1 right, respectively. We observe
that the obtained results are different
notwithstanding the same pruning criterion based on
the ratio R and the same value for the threshold
have been adopted.
Figure 1: From left to right, the initial skeleton and the
pruned skeletons obtained with different modalities.
We think that a possible solution to the drawbacks of
sequential and parallel pruning modalities can be
obtained by following an hybrid approach that mixes
the sequential and parallel modalities in such a way
to take the benefits of both. We suggest that the
branch point status is not updated during the current
iteration. We also suggest that if all peripheral
branches meeting in a common branch point satisfy
the pruning criterion, the peripheral branch
characterized by the highest relevance is not
removed. By postponing branch point status
updating, we exploit the good feature of parallel
pruning that the result is not influenced by the order
in which branches are examined. By keeping in S
the most relevant branch, we exploit the positive
performance of sequential pruning. In fact, at the
end of each iteration some branches always exist
that originate from end points present in the initial
skeleton, so that the negative additive impact on the
representative power of the skeleton is prevented. As
an example, see Figure 2, where the initial skeleton
and the results of pruning after one iteration, when
following the parallel approach, the sequential
approach (with two different inspection orders) and
the hybrid approach are shown from left to right.
The pruning criterion involving the ratio R and the
value =0.4 for the threshold have been used.
Figure 2: From left to right, the initial skeleton and the
pruned skeletons obtained by following parallel,
sequential and hybrid approaches.
Once the current iteration is completed, end
points and branch points in the pruned skeleton are
identified and a new iteration can be accomplished.
Actually, pruning iterations are accomplished until
the pruning criterion is not satisfied by any
peripheral branch, so leading to a pruned skeleton
that, in the limits of the adopted threshold, has
simple structure and adequate representative power.
Figure 3: Initial skeletons (odd lines) and skeletons pruned
by following the hybrid approach (even lines).
We have checked the above pruning criterion on
a number of digital objects by following the parallel,
sequential and hybrid modalities. Sometimes the
results obtained by the hybrid approach were equal
to those obtained by the sequential method in a
given branch inspection order; sometimes the hybrid
and the parallel approaches provided the same
results. Sometimes the results provided by the three
approaches were all different. Though the
differences in the results are not so large to clearly
show the supremacy of one of the three modalities,
we think that the hybrid approach should be
preferred since it is less affected by drawbacks.
A few examples of the performance of pruning
involving the ratio R with =0.4, and accomplished
by the hybrid approach are shown in Figure 3.
In this paper we have discussed the performance of
skeleton pruning accomplished by following parallel
and sequential modalities. We have also introduced
a hybrid modality that, in our opinion, overcomes
the drawbacks of the parallel and sequential
We have used a simple pruning criterion since
we are interested in showing that the selected
modality has an impact on the results. Our future
work will deal with checking whether the hybrid
approach can still be seen as preferable with respect
to the sequential and parallel approaches even if
using more sophisticated pruning criteria.
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