Robot-Dog Human Interaction in Urban Search
and Rescue Scenarios
Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Teams in Hazardous Environments
Anna Bosch
, Xavier Cufí
, Josep Ll. De la Rosa
and Albert Figueras
Institute of Informatics and Applications, University of Girona, Campus Montilivi EPS-4, 17071 Girona, Spain
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Girona, Campus Montilivi EPS-4, 17071 Girona, Spain
Keywords: Robot-Dog Human Interaction, Autonomous Robot, Cognitive Systems, Improving Efficiency of Search
and Rescue Teams, Trained Dogs.
Abstract: After a natural urban disaster the interior of the rubble is often where the majority of victims are located.
Mortality rates increases and peaks after 48 hours, so it is of major importance to have fast and effective
search and rescue teams. Nowadays, the rescue and exploration teams normally use dogs as a companion to
find victims. Trained dogs are very helpful in these situations since their high mobility, speed and detection
capacity. However they need constant instructions and supervision, they can be in danger in some situations
and they are not able to collect precise data from the environment. Instead of trying to build competing
devices, the COMPANIONS project looks at cooperation between natural and artificial creatures and in
particular robots and dogs. This is rather new ground for research, where all the dog shortcomings can be
complemented with autonomous robots with cognitive abilities able to cooperate with dogs and humans in
search and rescue environments. The aim of the project is to analyse how a team of agents (robots-dogs-
humans in this case) can cooperate and interact during search and rescue. Research will be towards a new
rescue scenario composed that will allow: (i) to empower the best characteristics of all the involved agents
and to minimize the worst ones; (ii) provide the fundamental tools for enabling these three agents to work in
a cooperative and efficient way in rescue missions; and (iii) and to lengthen the human-dog link by allowing
the exploration combining mobile robots and trained dogs with more distant and safer human intervention in
the dangerous rescue scenes. The main challenge will be the dog-robot interaction: to give visual cognitive
and reasoning abilities to the robot in order to let him autonomously interact and cooperate with the dog
according its behaviour and the environment conditions; and to specifically train a dog to correctly accept
and interact the robot (in charge of an expert dog training company).
After a tsunami, and earthquake, or any big World
urban disaster only a small fraction of victims may
actually survive. The majority of survivors (80%)
are surface victims and only 20% of them come
from interior of the rubble. The interior is often
where the majority of victims are located and
mortality rates increases and peaks after 48 hours,
meaning that survivors who are not extricated in this
first period of time are unlikely to survive beyond a
few weeks in the hospital.
Nowadays the rescue and exploration teams
normally use dogs as a companion mainly to find
hidden injured persons or victims. Trained dogs are
very helpful in these situations because of their high
mobility, speed and detection capacity. However
they need constant directions and supervision
provided by the rescue team members, they can be
in danger in some situations (e.g. if there are high
levels of undetected lethal gases) and they are not
able to collect precise data from the environment.
All these shortcomings can be complemented with
autonomous (or semi-autonomous) robots with
cognitive abilities able to work in dynamic, non-
deterministic rescue and exploration environments.
Robots have a high sensorial capacity, can collect
and interpret very precise data and can operate in
hazardous zones in an autonomous way.
We propose a new rescue approach composed by
a robot-dog-human team that will allow: (i) to
maximize the favourable characteristics of all the
Bosch A., Cufi X., Ll. De la Rosa J. and Figueras A..
Robot-Dog – Human Interaction in Urban Search and Rescue Scenarios - Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Teams in Hazardous Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004117403660371
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 366-371
ISBN: 978-989-8565-22-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
involved agents in the triangle formed by humans,
dogs and robots, and to minimize the adverse ones;
(ii) provide the basics of these three agents to work
in a cooperative and efficient way in rescue
missions; and (iii) and to enlarge the human-dog link
by allowing the exploration using mobile robots,
Canine Augmentative Technology (CAT) systems
and trained dogs limiting the human supervision.
Moreover there might be some daily situations
where not all the three agents are needed so the three
agents and the system developed should be able to
work independently.
The human-dog and the human-robot links have
been studied for years and are well documented in
the literature. However, and to our knowledge, it is
the first time that it is attempted to study the
interaction and cooperation between robot-dog
through an autonomous robot with cognitive
1.1 Improving the Performance of
Heterogeneous Search and Rescue
The goal of the project is to improve the
performance of trained Urban Search and Rescue
(USAR) canine teams. Note that the goal is to
improve the performance of the team as a whole.
This means that the performance of the humans must
be improved as the dog actually does very well on
their own. A dog moves through the rubble, detects
people and indicates where they are. Problems occur
when the handler cannot go where it goes and
therefore does not experience what the dog
experiences. This is where the cooperation with
rescue robots can be very helpful. The cooperation
and interaction of dogs-robots-humans in a USAR
scenario will have several advantages:
A camera is normally used over the dog to
allow the human team to see what the dog is
looking at; however a camera over the robot
could bring new functionalities. It will allow
the human team (i) to see what the dog is
doing, (ii) to have more control over the whole
rescue scene, (iii) to interact with the dog if
he/her gets distracted or needs more
directions, and (iv) to interact with the victim.
The visual information fused with the sensor
data interpretation will allow building a much
more precise situational awareness map.
Mobility of dogs surpasses any robot mobility
(on rubble etc.) however a dog can work for a
very small period of time while a robot could
remain at the scene considerably longer.
The space over the dog is limited and they
might be heavy sensors. A robot could bring
to the team multiple sensors that enhance the
search of the dog.
There are several works that showed that dogs
are not indifferent to robots (Lawson, 2005), so with
the proper training of dogs together with the right
motivation trough rewards, a successful interaction
and cooperation with robots is possible in the
opinion of the experts in Dog training (f.i. K9Dogs
Concretely three agents are considered (i) a robot
called Link robot from now on; (ii) a trained dog;
and (iii) a human team. Brief descriptions of the
agents involved in the team and how they will
cooperate are as explained in section 2.
1.2 Specific Objectives
Dog Training and Interaction. Select and train a
dog for rescue situations. Train the dog for its
interaction with the robot(s). Study the best way for
a successful robot-dog communication. Build some
mock-ups for the Link robot so the training team can
analyse different solutions and configurations and
the dog can get used to it.
Agents Sensorization for the New Rescue
Scenario. Improve the limitations of the actual
Canine Augmentative Technology (CAT) systems
by studying a better distribution of sensors over the
dog. Investigate the best way to sensorize all agents,
dog and robot(s), and combine their sensors.
Give Visual Cognitive Capabilities to the Link
Robot. Localize and track the dog and recognize its
poses and actions. Dogs communicate through
innate responses and through learned signals. Much
can be learned about a dog’s state simply by
observing its body position and activity. Dogs have a
complex set of behaviours related to their social
position relative to other dogs and their physical, as
well as mental states. However, dogs can also learn
to communicate through barking and pose which
makes them ideal for USAR work as they can
roughly “tell” the handler what is going on when
they find something. Moreover the visual scene
interpretation could be used to build a situational
awareness map for the human team.
Build a Collaborative Map of the
Environment. Use different sensors (visual data, IR
information, sensor information) from the CAT
System, and Link robot to build a multi-layer map
useful to have complete information of the
environment from different sources. Give visual
Robot-Dog - Human Interaction in Urban Search and Rescue Scenarios - Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Teams in
Hazardous Environments
reasoning abilities for a better understanding of the
Give Autonomous Capabilities to the Link
Robot. Use ontologies, previous experiences and the
actual situation to give autonomy and decision
making to the Link robot. Design and develop
cooperative navigation and decision making
according to the information of all the agents (Link
robot, dog and humans).
Extend the Human-dog link by using the Link
Robot. Provide the communication tools and
interfaces so that the human team can control the
scene through the devices mounted over the robot(s)
and over the dog.
To Improve Performance, Safety and
Efficiency in Rescue Situations. The cooperation of
the three agents will improve on (i) performance,
each agent will use its best abilities in rescue
situations; (ii) safety, the robots will be equipped
with dedicated sensors to capture the rescue
environment and alert the dog and the humans in
case of danger; (iii) efficiency, the human team will
be able to supervise at the distance, having a global
idea of the situation so allowing them to act more
For the moment the objectives are limited to the
interaction of one dog with one Link robot and one
handler. The cognitive issues for handling crew of
several dogs, several Link robots, and several
handlers in complex rescue scenarios are out of the
scope of this initial proposal and are part of the
roadmap towards a full integration of crew
intelligence with dogs and robots presumably
affordable from 2020.
2.1 The Link Robot
Vision cameras will be set on it to observe and
follow the dog and see what he/she is doing and to
give cognitive visual capabilities to the robot (dog
poses interpretation visual scene interpretation, etc.).
Moreover a laser will be used to point and show to
the dog where he/she has to look for (as humans do
nowadays) and it will carry a reward for the dog if
he/she finds a victim. It will be sensorized with a
screen, a camera and audio devices used to
communicate the human team with the victim and
with the dog, so used to enlarge the link with the
human team. It will carry much more sensors to
have a more complete map of the environment:
vision cameras, IR cameras, 360º cameras for visual
mapping; thermal and gases sensors will be put over
it so data analysis of them will be used to alert the
dog if a dangerous situation is detected (e.g. of
presence high level of lethal gases previously
undetected by humans). A visual map with the
merging and interpretation (high level reasoning) of
all the sensor information (vision and data) will be
build and send to the human team for their
awareness and supervision. This robot will work
autonomously in two ways: by following and
interacting with the dog and by exploring the scene
itself. Moreover humans can remotely control it if
2.2 Trained Dog
A trained dog will be sensorized with Canine
Augmentation Technology (camera, audio and
wireless sent to the human team through the Link). It
will interact with the Link robot by: following orders
given by the human team, by searching where the
link robot is pointing, by obtaining a reward, by
making certain poses when a situation is done (e.g.
find a victim) so the Link robot can understand it. A
specific training of the Dog in order to be able the
interaction and cooperation with the robots will be
absolutely necessary.
2.3 Human Team
We will refer to the human team as the team on the
command area or control zone. They will have
access to the vision cameras (dog, link) to the audio
systems (dog, link), all this information will be sent
through the Link. It will have access to the map that
the Link robot will build using the link robot sensors
(visual, thermal and gases) and dog sensors (visual).
It will be able to see and speak with the victims
trough the Link robot (victims will be able to see
and speak with the human team). They will be able
to manually operate the Link and to speak and give
direction to the Dog through the Link.
Figure 1 shows the base of operations layout
defined by the International Search and Rescue
Advisory Group (INSARAG) with the new areas
and agents that will be introduced in our proposal.
INSARAG is a network of disaster-prone and
disaster-responding countries and organizations
dedicated to urban search and rescue (USAR) and
operational field coordination. Of special interest is
the Control zone that will be “improved” by giving
them more control on the rescue zone and a new
area to leave the robots.
ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: Base of Operations Layout defined in the
INSARAG Guidelines. Grey boxes indicate the new areas
and agents to be introduced.
To better understand the proposed research, we have
defined two scenarios, but more could be considered
during the development of this research:
Scenario 1 Dog Searching. Dog and Link are in
the rescue zone, where the dog uses its abilities to
search victims and the Link follows him/her while
capturing data from the environment (visual and
sensors) interpreting the data and building a visual
map. This map and all the camera images of the dog
and the Link are sent to the control zone where are
analysed by the human team. The dog finds a victim
and acts with the pose of “victim found”, so the Link
interprets it using its cognitive visual capabilities
and rewards the dog. Link turns the screen on so the
victim can see and communicate with the human
team, and some first aid pack is given to the victim.
The human team can also talk to the dog to provide
it oral and visual positive feedback. The map is
updated with the location of the victim and some
data interpretation (e.g. some gases detection and
their degree of dangerous). The human team sends
further assistance to the victim.
Scenario 2 Link Guiding. The Link points with
a laser where the Dog should go and search and they
both go there. The dog finds a void where he/she
cannot go in but the presence of a victim is detected,
so he acts with the pose “victim in the void”. The
Link recognizes the poses and alerts the human
team. The Link detects some gases that could be
dangerous, so updates the map that is sent to the
human control. Since gases could be dangerous for
the dog, Link robot alerts the dog and they both
leave for further exploration. The human team can
send assistance to the victim taking into account all
the information collected by the system (f.i. presence
of dangerous gases).
To achieve the generic intervention scenarios
presented above, it is necessary to advance in the
state of the art as it is explained in next section.
In the conventional search and rescue scenarios the
search team is composed by humans and trained
dogs. Recently, robots that are able to communicate
with humans are introduced in these scenarios,
however to the best of our knowledge there is still a
missing link: the dog-robot interaction, cooperation
and communication.
Within this research we propose to advance in
the state-of-the-art by providing cognitive abilities to
the robots so that they will be able to communicate
and cooperate with trained search and rescue dogs in
rescue context. Moreover the basis of the dog
behaviour for a correct communication with the dog
will have to be studied and researched. The new
proposed scenarios will have the three agents
mentioned above: dog, robot and humans where they
cooperate together. We will take into account all of
them in this research however special emphasis will
be given on the cognitive abilities for the Link robot
and the dog training for their cooperation.
This new workflow will require improvements
beyond the state-of-the-art on the fields of: dog
training, dog-robot interaction, dog sensorization,
dog localization and tracking, pose and action
recognition, scene understanding and object
recognition, data capture form the environment and
data fusion, high level reasoning and network
communications for sharing data between all the
agents. The advances in the technologies mentioned
will enable a new research workflow as proposed in
Figure 2
There have been other projects related to
different aspects of rescue robotics (GUARDIANS,
VIEWFINDER, NIFTI) but none of them considers
the animal-robot interaction, one of the key
objectives of this proposal. Regarding the Animal-
Robot Interaction we can find in the literature
several papers where a general interaction animal
robot has been attempted (Gribovskiy, 2010),
(Caprari, 2005), (Nanayakkara, 2008) and there are
several things to take into account for a correct
interaction between an animal (a dog in our case)
Robot-Dog - Human Interaction in Urban Search and Rescue Scenarios - Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Teams in
Hazardous Environments
Figure 2: Research areas; Dark grey boxes: strong
research; Soft grey boxes: integration; White boxes:
and a robot (Kim, 2009):
The developer should have a full knowledge of
animal’s behaviours and emotions to make
robot understand animal’s needs well for natural
interaction with the animal.
Robot should know the state of animal and
provide the service to animal by itself, as most
of animals do not know how to request a service
to robot.
The animal may have fear of the robot because
the robot is a noisy creature, which has never
been seen before. The shape and texture of
robot need to be familiar with animal to reduce
the fear.
The noise of the robot may astonish animal and
it would be a great difficulty for the robot to be
familiar with animal.
As the sudden movement of robot may also
scare pet, robot behaviours should be well
designed considering the animal ethology.
Moreover in previous cited research works the
robots have very few (if any) cognitive ability that
gives them the ability to autonomously reason and
interact with the animal.
In respect to Dog Sensorization, the Ryerson
University team started to develop Canine
Augmentation Technology (CAT) (Ferworn, 2008),
(Ferworn, 2009). The CAT system currently consists
of side-mounted, armoured, low-light cameras with
on-dog recording and the potential of real-time
transmission of video, audio and telemetry
information. The notion of dropping items from
USAR dogs was devised by one of the Patent
holders of the Ryerson University Canine Remote
Deployment System (CRDS)-Kevin Barnum who
was a canine handler with the Ontario Provincial
Police at the time. The CRDS was modified with a
different kind of underdog designed around the idea
of a discarding "sabot" that holds a robot against a
dog's chest. This system is known as Canine
Automatic Robot Deployment System (CARDS)
(Tran, 2010). They have demonstrated various
robots being deployed including their own Drop and
Explore robot (DEX). In addition, CARDS relies on
the ability to detect and interpret canine barking in
order to drop a robot (the system detects and
interprets a dog’s barking). Of course CAT and
CARDS systems represent a very interesting starting
point of our research in this field. Moreover one of
the challenges we will face is that the useable space
on a dog is limited and variable. As such, some of
this research effort will be spent on reconfiguring
the CAT and CARDS systems to better distribute
sensors between the different involved agents
It will absolutely necessary to recognize pose
and action recognition for the trained dog. We will
recognize static poses (such as sitting down”) and
dynamic poses (such as searching”). Assuming the
dog is well localized, recognized and tracked we will
first distinguish body parts and characterize those
using spatio-temporal features and template/shape
based features. A discriminative learning classifier
will be learned. Moreover since the robot can see the
pose from different point of view, 3D models will be
learned obtaining just 1 model for each pose or
action. 3D spatio-temporal models for pose and
action recognition will be studied. The scene context
will also be incorporated for a better action
recognition and understanding and to help
disambiguate similar poses and actions.
Finally a collaborative and enriched 3D map of
the environment will be built, benefiting from the
information provided by the different image
modalities and data sensors.
The starting point of the idea presented in this
position paper is the work developed in the
framework of the Spanish national project “SAN
BERNARDO” funded by the “Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia” that finished on 2010. The aim
of the project was to conduct research into control
and interactional architectures to carry out robot
cooperation tasks, whose purpose was to locate and
help people missed in emergency situations. In the
first step, these robots were used to locate survivors
and transmit their location to rescue services through
ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
wireless devices (to locate and communicate with
the rescue teams), and to render first aid kits to these
survivors. We proposed the research into awareness
in robots about their capabilities to perform tasks
entrusted to them, in order to ensure good
performance and cooperation functionalities in a
heterogeneous team of robots. In Figure 3 we show
this team of heterogeneous robots previously
developed for rescue scenarios. It includes: (i)
SmallBot. Its reduced size, small weight and high
speed (1m/s) do this robot easily transportable and
ideal for the first exploration after a catastrophe. (ii)
BigBot with a weight approx. 11kg that allows it to
evolve in more difficult lands and to avoid obstacles
up to 25cm. (iii) WaterBot is a robot thought to
operate in specific complicated lands with puddles.
Figure 3: Heterogeneous Robotic Team (Project SAN
BERNARDO). Spanish Research Agency.
Gribovskiy, A., Halloy, A., Deneubourg, J.L, Bleuler, H.,
and Mondada, F., 2010 Towards Mixed Societies of
Chickens and Robots. IEEE/RSJ International
Conferenc on Intelligent Robots and Systems, October
12-22, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 4722-4728.
Caprari, G., Colot, A., Siegwart, R., Halloy, J.,
Deneubourg. J.L., 2005. Animal and Robot Mixed
Societies, building cooperation between microrobots
and cockroaches. IEEE Robotics and Automation
Magazine, June 2005. Pp. 58-65
Nanayakkara, T., Dissanayake, T., Mahipala P., and
Sanjaya, KA.G., 2008. A Human-Animal-Robot
Cooperative System for Anti-Personal Mine
Detection. Humanitariang demining: Innovative
solutions and the challenges of technology.” February
2008, Vienna Austria.
Kim, J.H., Choi, S.H., Kim, D., Kim, J., and Cho, M.,
2009. Animal-Robot Interaction for Pet Caring.
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and
Automation (CIRA), 2009 IEEE International
Symposium on. December 15-18 pp. 159 164,
Daejeon, 2009.
Ferworn, A., 2008. Disaster Dogs.
Ferworn, A., 2009. Canine Augmentation Technology for
Urban Search and Rescue. Canine Ergonomics The
Science of Working Dogs, William S. Helton (Ed.),
CRC Press Taylor and Francis Groupp, 2009, Boca
Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4200-7991-3.
Tran, J., Ferworn, A., Gerdzhev, M., Ostrom, D., 2010.
Canine Assisted Robot Deployment for urban search
and rescue. IEEE International Workshop on Safety
Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), July 26-30,
Bremen 2010, pp. 1-6.
Lawson, Shaun 2005. interaction as
inspiration for future assistance robots. International
Workshop on Designing robot applications for
everyday use. January 13-14
Robot-Dog - Human Interaction in Urban Search and Rescue Scenarios - Improving the Efficiency of Rescue Teams in
Hazardous Environments