Developing a Conceptual Framework to Structure an IT
Organization using an Ontology Engineering Methodology
Nelson Gama
, Lukasz Ostrowski
and Miguel Mira da Silva
Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Keywords: IT Organization, Alignment, Conceptual Framework, Ontology Engineering Process, Concept Definition,
Concept Maps.
Abstract: Organizations are struggling to adopt practices that allow the best results trying to achieve alignment
between IT and an organization’s concepts and dimensions, pursuing efficiency and effectiveness.
Therefore, the structure of an IT organization is fundamental. However, despite the recognized importance
of IT organizational structure and the efforts made in the development of disparate perspectives and
relationships, no relevant references about its structure are found, and the existent ones are far from
satisfactory. There is neither a single framework nor one relating to what we consider to be relevant or
clearly dominant. This paper proposes the use of ontology engineering methodology to identify and
enumerate concepts and develop a conceptual framework in order to structure and establish a relationship
among concepts within an IT organization, which will allow the definition of an IT organization.
Regardless of the type of organization, they all have
different concepts such as people, structure,
strategies, objectives, and approaches to Information
Technology (IT). The alignment between these
concepts, architectures and views is an imperative.
Considering that “having the right organization is
more important than having the right technology”
(Thompson, 2002), the pressure to define a perfect
alignment and the high inter-dependence between IT
and the organizations’ concepts increase, raising the
need to define the relationships able to meet these
demands (Zacarias et al., 2010). Moreover,
structures (such as a department, division,
directorate, etc.) and organizational concepts should
be defined to accommodate organizational needs and
IT. However, it is neither clear what the relevant
concepts are nor their relationships.
In the last years, organizations are struggling to
adopt the best approach, pursuing efficiency and
effectiveness in the alignment between IT and
organization’s concepts and dimensions.
Different proposals have been made to develop
the management of a system’s complexity and
deliver services, in accordance with an
organization’s strategies (Tiwana and Konsynski,
2010; Weill and Ross, 2004). Although there are
plenty of studies about IT structures (Cross et al.,
1997), no strong references on “how to” define an IT
Organization to be aligned with business strategy
and IT infrastructure were found. There is even less
documentation on restructuring IT Organizations in
research literature.
Due to the inexistence of approaches to structure
an IT organization (Gama et al., 2011), this paper
suggests ontology engineering methodology to
validate a conceptual framework as a proposal to
structure an IT organization and the concepts within
This paper is organized as follows: “Related
Work” gives us the theoretical background and
“Research Methodology" presents the addressed
solution. Sample design is presented in section 4
and section 5 instantiates our proposal with two case
studies. Section 6 evaluates the proposal, followed
by “Conclusion”.
2.1 Ontology Definition
An ontology provides a foundation for
Gama N., Ostrowski L. and Mira da Silva M..
Developing a Conceptual Framework to Structure an IT Organization using an Ontology Engineering Methodology.
DOI: 10.5220/0004068501740179
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2012),
pages 174-179
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
understandable knowledge, creating meaning;
aligning individuals and organizations through a
definition of concepts and simultaneously generating
new concepts while expanding existing ones (Dietz,
2006; Gama, et al., 2011). Usually ontology is
expressed by conceptual modelling grammars,
constituted by vocabulary plus meaning and
constructing a formal representation of interesting
areas (Dietz, 2006; Shanks et al., 2003). Besides the
ontological concepts reference, it is preferable to
have a graphical representation in which the
relationship is recognized among concepts (Gama, et
al., 2011; Zacarias, et al., 2010). To do this, we used
conceptual maps.
2.2 Concept Maps
Concept maps are graphical representations of
knowledge, namely of the concepts and relationships
between them (Novak and Cañas, 2008). Concept
maps are indicated to capture, represent, structure
and share tacit knowledge, in disparate domains, but
also to create new knowledge (Novak and Cañas,
2008). Beyond a knowledge representation, concept
maps are useful as an evaluation tool (Mintzes et al.,
2000). To construct a concept map, we begin with a
domain of knowledge, which diminishes difficulties
that arise in the origin of concepts. We should use an
“expert skeleton”, prepared by experts or
practitioners on a defined topic. This “expert
skeleton” concept map serves as a guide, an aid for
people with less knowledge in the domain to begin
(Novak and Cañas, 2008).
2.3 Organizational Theory
To understand organizations we should identify the
structure’s determining factors and influences, both
in the internal (technology, involving skills, tools,
applications, knowledge, and human resources) and
external environment (government, competitors,
suppliers and users). The organization’s structure,
based on functional division, aims at increasing
efficiency by combining functions and skills.
However, this functional division promotes the
presence of silos and misalignment within
organizations. On the one hand, strategy is a key
concept to consider in alignment efforts, since
different strategies require different structures
(Porter, 2008). On the other hand, internal
competencies ensure a defined strategy while
business processes guarantee the alignment between
strategy and customer’s needs (Gama et al., 2011).
2.4 IT Governance
IT Governance designates the internal mechanisms
developed by organizations to align IT with strategic
objectives and manage a system’s complexity (Weill
and Ross, 2004), focusing on decisions mechanisms
rather than on structuring (Haes et al., 2005).
However, effective IT Governance goes through a
combination of concepts, processes and relational
mechanisms (Haes et al., 2005) encompassing
frameworks with widespread use, of which one has
had major relevance: Enterprise Architecture
(Spewak and Hill, 1992; Zachman, 1987).
Nevertheless, IT Governance principles do not
offer a solution to our problem because they do not
provide any ideas on how to define and relate
disparate concepts within an organization. They do
reinforce that to enable IT Governance, we must
clarify concepts and their relationships.
2.5 Structuring an IT Organization
In our previous work (Gama et al., 2011), we
proposed a conceptual framework as an ontological
representation of a set of concepts within an
organization through a concept map. Our
contribution was to help making it clear that an IT
organization could not be a simple chart of units
from functional divisions. Instead, structuring an IT
Organization should reflect the requirements
necessary to align and meet needs and strategies.
However, the proposed framework remains untested
and the defined concepts have not been validated. As
Shanks stated (Shanks et al., 2003), the validation of
conceptual models is to generate quality, and a
suitable ontology can only make sense without
ambiguous semantics if its concepts are validated.
Moreover, we have already defined several
concepts that must be validated in accordance to a
methodology, avoiding ambiguity or omissions.
3.1 Design Science Research
We follow Design Science Research (DSR) so as to
develop and validate the proposal to solve our
problem (Oates, 2006). DSR is a typical problem-
solving paradigm, addressing research through the
development and evaluation of designed solutions in
order to meet identified needs (Hevner et al., 2004).
Over a process with interactive steps, DSR is applied
according to two processes (March and Smith,
Developing a Conceptual Framework to Structure an IT Organization using an Ontology Engineering Methodology
1995): build and evaluate. In our proposal, the build
process corresponds to defining a conceptual
framework to structure an IT organization.
Both build and evaluate processes are composed
by two stages. In the first stage of the build process
we construct the domain definition and concepts
identification. This stage requires a construction
methodology. However, although DSR methodology
became widely mentioned, its methodology
guidelines are not clear or are rarely applied (Hevner
et al., 2004). In this context, we understand a
methodology as a collection of procedures to help
the development of a new or innovative idea.
3.2 Ontology Engineering Methodology
We use Ontology Engineering Methodology (OEM)
in the construct step (Ostrowski et al., 2012) using
conceptual maps. The OEM process, as illustrated in
Figure 1, is done through the collaboration of
practitioners from the same field and through
literature review (Ostrowski et al., 2012). Applying
this technique allows us to systematize a clear
methodology, with defined steps and procedures,
and to clarify knowledge before developing a
solution to an identified problem.
Figure 1: Simplified ontology engineering process
methodology applied [based on (Ostrowski et al., 2012)].
Following the OEM process, involving practitioners
from the IT department with disparate roles and
functions, we started by defining the domain, the
terms, their properties and purposes, identifying
limitations and evaluating possible constraints.
Thereafter, we created the concepts and determined
their relations to others concepts.
After this first step, we created and generated
(construct) concepts providing the ontological
vocabulary and symbols used to define a domain’s
problems and solutions (Hevner et al., 2004;
Vaishnavi and William Kuechler, 2007).
In the second step of the build process, we
present the concept maps relating concepts
graphically, as the meta-model of the conceptual
framework in “a set of propositions or statements
expressing relationship between constructs” (March
and Smith, 1995; Vaishnavi and William Kuechler,
In the evaluation process the construct is
demonstrated with a case study and then evaluated.
4.1 Domain Definition
We characterize an organization by defining the
domain of applicability and the boundaries of
influence. After, we proceeded to the definition of
the concepts through the ontology engineering
process. Our interest boundary is our internal
domain (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993), as is
illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Boundaries of internal domain.
Internal domain involves organizational design
(including structure, roles, and relationships),
processes (defining organizational activities to
deliver product and services), and skills (which
indicate the organizational capabilities needed to
achieve the required organizational competencies).
Any organization exists to deliver a defined and
expected output to its users. We adopted the term
“user” to refer to the end point of an organizations
service delivery. We differentiate and prioritize
users, considering and relating different criteria
(Martilla and James, 1977). Thus, one of the internal
domain interfaces is with users through services
delivered. Suppliers are another domain interface as
they deliver services to the organization. We
consider suppliers, government deliberations and
competitors concepts out of this paper’s scope
(Porter, 2008).
4.2 Concepts Definition
After identifying the internal domain, the next step is
the identification of key concepts applied to the
selected domain. These concepts should be listed
and the relationships between them established,
constructing a preliminary concept map. After a
preliminary map has been constructed, a revision is
needed in an iteration process, improving the map,
clarifying all structure and preparing the final map.
One of the very first concepts definitions should
be about the services delivered, the organization’s
output. The services supplied are the focal point of
business (defined by the strategy) and must be
understood by the users. They are defined as
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
business services which are decomposed into basic
services with elementary functionality (Kieninger et
al., 2011), as illustrated in Figure 3. A technical
service identifies what is required to support a
business service, avoiding the need to know users’
needs in detail.
Figure 3: Proposed conceptual framework.
Each technical service is supported by processes as a
sequence of value-added tasks performed by actors
and by the use or consumption of resources (Ko,
2009). We use processes modulation to identify
actors, skills, tasks, information, and applications. In
addition to providing a new cross-function way of
developing activities, process modulation allowed us
to involve people, receiving their contribution to a
process reengineering and optimization as well as
knowledge sharing. Each process is evaluated in
regard to how it is related to others.
An actor is an interventional resource, usually a
person or a team, with special skills that enable them
to fulfil tasks performing three kinds of actions:
management, development and maintenance (Dietz,
2006; Zacarias et al., 2010).
Tasks are the fundamental unit of work, usually a
job function, assigned to actors (individually or
grouped) (Oh and Park, 2003). Tasks are associated
to roles indicating the skills required to execute
Roles define a set of tasks performed for a
defined organizational function that is accomplished
by the development of defined skills (Jeston and
Nelis, 2006; Oh and Park, 2003). A function can be
described by code (description), competence and
developed tasks.
Skills are a set of characteristics obtained from
the acquisition, training and development of
knowledge and abilities required to perform
assigned tasks (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993).
Information, applications and technological
infrastructure refer to Enterprise Architecture
concepts. In our research we have used the work
around Enterprise Architecture, like an “expert
skeleton”, as a basis of our concept map (Lankhorst,
2009; Spewak and Hill, 1992): Information defines
the fundamental organization data in a relevant
organizational context, focusing on the required data
for technical services; Applications are the
fundamental set of software artefacts, services, and
components, needed to fulfil an organization’s
requirements; Technological infrastructure groups
equipment and hardware, providing the support to
applications and information as well as describing
the infrastructure.
Capability defines the capacity of an actor (group
or individual), with a distinctive set of skills and the
know-how to perform and create synergies (existent
or prospective) with value to the organization.
Capability can be described as: code, skills, and
tasks, among others (Ljungquist, 2007).
Competence is a “cross-functional integration
and co-ordination of capabilities” (Ljungquist, 2007)
provided by roles, which implies a quality inherent
to a cumulative hierarchy. Competence regards
development and improvement as a primary focus,
resulting from the combination of capabilities, skills
and roles.
An organizational chart refers to hierarchical
relations and vertical divisions based on a
combination of functions to organizational
optimization. It is a structure representation of roles
competencies, reporting relationships, hierarchic
levels and authority (Daft, 2004).
4.3 Conceptual Framework
A graphical representation outlines the conceptual
definition clarifying ambiguous semantics in the
model (Shanks et al., 2003). Therefore, a graphical
depiction of an ontological representation (Figure 3)
is a model (our conceptual framework) and models
are effective artefacts to support communication and
enable understanding (Zacarias et al., 2010).
The proposed conceptual framework uses the
ontological defined concepts, providing a model for
representing the real world through the relationship
among these concepts. The defined concepts should
be characterized with as many attributes as needed
in each organization.
To demonstrate and validate our proposal, we
applied it at the IT departments of two Portuguese
Developing a Conceptual Framework to Structure an IT Organization using an Ontology Engineering Methodology
public organizations.
In the first organization there were two different
departments with responsibilities related to IT that
did not fit their purposes: subjects were
simultaneously addressed to both departments; there
was misalignment between the departments and
between strategy and IT; users did not know which
department to contact to support issues; problems in
performance, communication, among others. To
better the service level, the organization improved
the IT departments’ coordination with our
conceptual framework in order to overcome the
above-mentioned problems.
In the other organization the problems were
related with misalignment between strategic
objectives, services provided, and IT support.
Without a clear definition of business services,
activities were developed within the defined
functions. Moreover, knowledge is rarely shared and
changes are barely discussed. There was a high
turnover rate of IT professionals leading to the loss
of specific knowledge and skills. To diminish
problems, a well-defined job description is needed,
clarifying the required skills to perform expected
tasks and accomplish the defined set of goals.
In both organizations, we started by sharing the
proposal’s framework with all personnel, edifying
the issues we wanted to address and the expected
benefits, involving and motivating people. We
identified the domain of interest and from terms
enumeration to concepts creation, we followed the
ontology engineering methodology. We populate a
single and shared common repository tool to support
all concepts and their relations. We used IBM
Rational System Architect as a repository tool and
our conceptual framework as the meta-model.
We evaluated our proposal using a Conceptual
Model Quality Framework (Moody et al., 2003)
along three quality categories (syntactic, semantic
and pragmatic) and four components (domain,
interpretation, language, and model).
The model presented in Figure 3 is the endpoint
of the ontology engineering process. Along with it
we involved practitioners in the creation of concepts
from listed and enumerated terms. Therefore, the
expressed concepts and their relationships have
syntactic validity and provide the model’s validity
too. The followed methodology allows us to identify
all relevant terms and from them create our concepts
granting the model completeness. As the audience
was composed of practitioners, we can conclude its
pragmatic quality by the perfect interpretation.
Despite the quality validation of the model, it is our
intention to evaluate the proposed framework in a
wider group of practitioners from other
organizations. In the first case study we only
evaluated the proposal’s quality with the
practitioners involved in the project. In the second
one, we received criticism and contribution through
a provided questionnaire with questions about the
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic quality categories.
Moreover, we asked a group of eight professionals,
from four different organizational functions, to
separately identify concepts related to the IT
structure. After comparing the different proposals
with ours, we concluded that our proposal has high
quality. To the same professionals we gave our first
list of concepts, without relationships, and asked
them to establish those relationships, adding more
concepts if they thought needed. With them we
compared the different proposals against ours and, in
all cases, the people involved in this experiment
showed a preference for the quality of our proposal.
Therefore, we may conclude that the proposed
conceptual framework has both validity and quality.
We developed and evaluated a proposal framework
to structure an IT organization, using an ontology
engineering research methodology to define
concepts and relationships.
Our proposal to structure an IT organization ends
in a conceptual framework, which constitutes an
ontological reference. We propose a framework to
identify concepts as an organizational ontology. In
addition, our work can be used as an “expert
skeleton” to further develop or adopt in other
Our goal was not to define ontological concepts,
since we use much of the available identified
concepts. Our main contribute was a conceptual
framework developed to provide a model that
enables definition and correlation between concepts
enabling us to structure an IT Organization.
The proposal framework shows the alignment
between concepts within an IT organization’s
internal boundary. Through the identification of
concepts, the conceptual framework establishes a
relationship among them in an ontological graphical
representation providing us a reference and, thus, the
end result is aligned with this goal.
Our future work aims at applying the conceptual
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
framework in other contexts and organizations. It is
also our intention to present our work to other
practitioners to obtain critical enhancements in order
to improve the model and the development
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