New Two-step Motion Estimation using Adjustable Partial Distortion
Advanced Selected Search Point and Early Termination for Two Step Motion
Yonghoon Kim and Jechang Jeong
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University,
Haengdangdong, Sungdonggu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Video Coding, Fast Motion Estimation, Two-step Motion Search.
Abstract: In this paper, we proposed an advanced two-step motion estimation using adjustable partial distortion for
fast motion estimation. We improve the two-step search by using relationship between neighboring and
current block. The proposed algorithm is 187 times faster than FS and 2.7 times faster than TS-EPDS
without negligible PSNR degradation. Therefore, it is suitable for real-time video implementation.
Motion estimation is a commonly used technique in
video compression, because it can reduce temporal
redundancy between neighboring frames. All the
video standards, including H.263/H.264 and MPEG-
1/2/3 have used motion estimation. Full search (FS)
is considered as optimal block matching algorithm
(BMA), but it has computational complexity
problem which limits practical usage. To reduce the
computational burden, various methods have been
proposed to estimate motion vectors faster while
maintaining the accuracy.
Firstly, many algorithm trying to reduce the
number of search point, such as diamond search
(DS), four-step search (4SS) algorithms, Hexagon-
based search (HEXBS), and Enhanced hexagonal
search (EHS) algorithm.
Secondly, some algorithms aims at reducing the
sum of absolute difference (SAD) computation for
each candidate block by testing only part of pixels in
the block at the cost of coding quality such as
normalized partial distortion search (NPDS), and
Cheung and Po extended the NPDS to an adjustable
Recently, hybrid algorithms have been proposed,
such as dual-halfway stop normalized PDS (DHS-
NPDS), fast motion estimation based on search
range adjustment, two-step edge based PDS (TS-
EPDS), and Adaptive two-step edge based PDS
(ATS-EPDS). These algorithms attempt to combine
search point reduction (or search range adjustment)
with enhanced PDS algorithm. ATS-EPDS shows
best performance on both PSNR and speed among
four algorithms, but two-step based search method
has a problem that causes video quality degradation
on specific sequences.
In this paper, new two-step motion estimation is
proposed not only to solve quality degradation in TS
and ATS methods but also achieve further reduction
of complexity adaptive. It reduces the complexity by
control the search point and enhanced PDS
The most common BMA method for matching two
blocks use the SAD, which gives similar
performance of using mean square error (MSE), but
less computational burden. The SAD of N×N is
defined as:
(, , , )
(, ) ( , ),
SAD x y mx my
xiy j I ximxy jmy
where and represent the pixel value in the current
and previous frame, respectively, while (x,y)
represents the coordinates of the upper left corner
Kim Y. and Jeong J..
New Two-step Motion Estimation using Adjustable Partial Distortion Search - Advanced Selected Search Point and Early Termination for Two Step
Motion Search.
DOI: 10.5220/0004066400850088
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 85-88
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pixel of the current block, and (mx,my) is the
horizontal and vertical candidate component of the
motion vector.
Table 1: Offset from the upper left corner pixel of a block.
P (S
, T
) P (S
, T
1 (0,0) 9 (1,0)
2 (2,2) 10 (3,2)
3 (2,0) 11 (0,1)
4 (0,2) 12 (2,3)
5 (1,1) 13 (3,0)
6 (3,3) 14 (1,2)
7 (3,1) 15 (2,1)
8 (1,3) 16 (0,3)
2.1 APDS
The partial distortion search algorithm is terminated
early when the partial distortion is bigger than
minimum SAD, and the pth partial distortion D
M×M sub-block is defined as follow:
(, , , )
(, )( , ),
np pn p p
Ixisyjt I ximxty jmys
where (s
) denotes the pixel coordinates of the
upper left corner pixel of a block.
Table 1 represents the offset of the pth partial
distortion from the upper left corner pixels of a
block. The NPDS divide 16×16 block into 4×4 sub-
blocks, but the APDS has one more step. To find
impossible candidate early, it divides only the first
4×4 sub-block into four 2×2 block. After every
partial distortion is calculated, it is compared with
minimum SAD value which is calculated during
search process.
(1 ) ,nN
mi n
The APDS algorithm has adjustable control
parameter α, where N is block size and n is the
number of calculated pixels in the current block. If
the ε=0, then α=n and APDS gives the same
performance as NPDS. In other case k=1, then α=N
and APDS works like PDS. Accordingly, if k is
decreased, then APDS is faster, but there is quality
degradation. In this paper, α is defined as 0.4, which
shows best performance on both speed and quality.
2.2 Adaptive Two-step Search
To find best motion vector quickly, selected search
pattern is used. Adaptive two-step search consist of
two steps; First rough search, and second
concentrated search. figure 1 shows the selected
search pattern for first step, and it has dense center
area and sparse outside area. In case of search range
±16, center area is same, but outside area pattern is
just repeated. Two best motion vectors candidates,
best motion vector which has minimum SAD and
second best motion vector which has second
minimum SAD, is obtained from first step. In
second step, we use search range adjustment (SRA),
and adaptive search range D is defined as:
1 2
if MVS
Where motion vector similarity (MVS) is defined as:
(_ _,_ _) .
AX cur mv up mv cur mv left mv
MVS compares the best motion vector from first
step with motion vector of neighboring blocks. If
motion vectors of neighboring blocks are similar to
current best motion vector, then search range around
the best motion vector is decreased and second
motion vector candidate is ignored.
3.1 Advanced Selected Search Pattern
In case of search range ±16, selected search point in
first step has 161 point, and we add two points,
which is motion vector of upper and left block, and
the number of maximum search point is 163, and
figure 1 represents the advance selected pattern. The
additional points are calculated right after (0,0) and
then, rest of points are calculated. This algorithm
increases the quality, in terms of PSNR, and reduces
the average complexity.
Figure 1: Selected search pattern and additive search
3.2 Early Termination
To reduce complexity, we use early termination in
first step. The early termination threshold T is
defined as follow:
(_min)/8 4
(_min)/4 2 ,
( _ min )/2
SAD otherwise
(_ _ , _ _ ) ,
AX up mvx up mvy left mvx left mvy
min ( _ min _ min ) .
pred up left
It makes first step more quickly without quality
3.3 Overall Algorithm
New two-step adjustable partial distortion search
(NTS-APDS) has two part of search step: first rough
search and second concentrated search. Each step is
summarized as follows:
Step 1:
Find the two best motion vectors candidate, with a
minimum SAD and a second minimum SAD, Using
advanced selected search pattern in figure 1 and
APDS. If current SAD_min is less than T, ignore the
rest search point and go to step 2.
Step 2:
If D is 1 then do (a), otherwise do (a) and (b).
(a) Select the best motion vector point as the search
center. Search the points, which are not searched for
in Step 1, within a ±D search area via APDS.
(b) Select the second best motion vector point as the
search center. Search the points, which are not
searched for in Step 1, within a ±D search area via
We simulated proposed algorithm using the
luminance component of various CIF (352×288)
sequences. Akiyo, News, Mother&Daughter, and
Hall monitor have small motions compared with
other sequences whereas Coast guard, Mobil, and
Foreman have intermediate motions, and rest of the
sequences (Bus, Football, Stefan) have relatively
high motions. The spiral scanning is used as
searching method, and the search range is ±16 for
16×16 block size.
We have compared performance of our proposed
method with FS, APDS, TS-EPDS, and ATS-EPDS.
In order to compare the objective performances, the
PSNR, speed-up, and operation times are used.
Speed-up is defined as operations_of_FS divided by
operations_of_BMA. The total number of operations
is the sum of addition/subtraction, comparison,
absolution, and 8 time of multiplication/division.
The reason that multiplication has weight is it
requires more computations than others, and shift
operation has same weight as addition.
Figure 2 shows the performance of the speed-up
factor over various algorithms and figure 3 shows
the Encoding times of total frames of each sequence.
The proposed algorithm achieves highest speed-up
and encoding time reduction. From the Figure 2 and
Figure 3, we can see the number of operation and the
encoding time are closely related.
Figure 2: The Speed-up results of the APDS, the TS-
EPDS, the ATS-EPDS, and the proposed method,
Figure 3: The Speed-up results of the APDS, the TS-
EPDS, the ATS-EPDS, and the proposed method,
Table 2 represents the PSNR performance of
four algorithms. The PSNR performance of APDS
and proposed algorithm show almost same with FS,
Table 2: Experimental result of PSNR performance.
Sequence (frames)
PSNR (difference with FS) [dB]
1.Akiyo (300) 42.95 42.93 (-0.02) 42.93 (-0.02) 42.92 (-0.03) 42.93 (-0.02)
2.News (300) 36.91 36.87 (-0.04) 36.83 (-0.08) 36.83 (-0.08) 36.81 (-0.10)
3.Mother&daughter (300) 40.54 40.48 (-0.06) 40.51 (-0.02) 40.50 (-0.03) 40.47 (-0.07)
4.Hall monitor (300) 34.83 34.78 (-0.05) 34.78 (-0.05) 34.79 (-0.04) 34.76 (-0.07)
5.Coastguard (300) 30.68 30.68 (0.00) 30.67 (-0.01) 30.70 (0.02) 30.66 (-0.02)
6.Mobile (300) 25.18 25.16 (-0.02) 25.13 (-0.05) 25.13 (-0.05) 25.13 (-0.05)
7.Foreman (300) 32.33 32.34 (0.01) 32.29 (-0.05) 32.31 (-0.02) 32.35 (0.03)
8.Bus (300) 25.65 25.64 (-0.01) 24.93 (-0.72) 24.78 (-0.87) 25.36 (-0.29)
9.Football (150) 27.73 27.70 (-0.03) 27.74 (0.01) 27.83 (0.09) 28.13 (0.40)
10.Stefan (90) 24.92 24.92 (0.00) 24.73 (-0.19) 24.91 (-0.01) 25.34 (0.42)
average 32.17 32.15 (-0.02) 32.05 (-0.12) 32.07 (-0.10) 32.19 (0.02)
but TS-EPDS and ATS-EPDS have some significant
PSNR drop on Bus and Stefan sequences. The
proposed algorithm makes up for weak points, and it
show better quality on most sequences. This PSNR
improvement is from the ASSP by adding two
predicted point to original selected search pattern.
In this paper, we present an new two-step adjustable
partial distortion (NTS-APDS) for fast motion
estimation. By modifying the selected search pattern
and using early termination on two-step motion
estimation, we can extremely accelerate the
convergence speed to the best motion vector. The
experimental results show that the proposed
algorithm complements weak point of original two-
step search, and achieve better performance on both
computation reduction and encoding time than other
algorithms. The proposed algorithm is 187 times
faster than FS and 2.7 times faster than TS-EPDS on
average without video quality degradation.
Therefore, it is suitable for real-time implementation
for high quality digital video applications.
This research was supported by the MKE (The
Ministry of Knowledge Economy), Korea, under the
ITRC(Information Technology Research Center)
support program supervised by the NIPA(National
IT Industry Promotion Agency)" (NIPA-2012-
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