Carmen Moraga
, Angélica Caro
, Mª Ángeles Moraga
, Rodrigo Romo Muñoz
and Coral Calero
Alarcos Research Group-Institute of Information Technologies & Systems, University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies, University of Bio Bio, Chillán, Chile
Department of Business Management, University of Bio Bio, Chillán, Chile
Keywords: Data Quality Characteristics, Web Portal, Data Quality Model.
Abstract: Web portals facilitate access to data on the Internet. Their use and quantity have increased, which has led to
the need to satisfy user preferences in order for them to continue on the market. One competition-based
strategy is to provide an adequate quality of service, and one of the key factors in this is the quality of the
data provided by the Web portal. Bearing this in mind, we have defined a Data Quality (DQ) Model for
Web portals. This model is composed of 42 DQ characteristics which are organized into two points of view
and four DQ categories. In this paper we present work which is based on the statistical study of users’
opinions of one of the characteristics in the model – the Intrinsic DQ category. Our objective is to determine
which characteristics in the Intrinsic category will be most relevant as regards the users’ gender, age range,
level of studies and knowledge of computing, thus allowing us to verify that, according to the
aforementioned parameters, the importance of some characteristics varies with regard to others. For
example, women place more importance upon Credibility, while men view the Accessibility of the data in
Web Portals as being more important.
Web portals have been consolidated as an
appropriate means to organize and facilitate access
to data on the Internet.
As more and more organizations use this means
as a way in which to capture followers or
‘customers’, the competition between them also
grows. One basic competition strategy is to provide
a quality customer service (Yang et al., 2004), and
one of the important factors involved in this is data
quality. In the relevant literature, the concept of
Information Quality or Data Quality (hereafter DQ)
is often defined as ‘‘fitness for use’’, i.e., the ability
of a collection of data to meet user requirements
(Cappiello et al., 2004; Strong et al., 1997). Many
DQ models have been proposed in the last few
years, and a standard was even proposed in 2008
(ISO/IEC-FDIS-25012, 2008). However, very few
works dealing with the DQ in the context of Web
portals have appeared. Examples of the few which
have are: (Caro et al., 2008; Grigoroudis et al., 2008;
Metzger, 2007; Yang et al., 2004).
Our research interest is focused on the creation
of a DQ model for Web portals.
In a previous work, we identified a set of DQ
characteristics that were organized into four
categories (Intrinsic, Operational, Contextual and
Representational), and which were divided into two
points of view (Inherent and System Dependent).
These constitute the SPDQM (SQuaRE-Aligned
Portal Data Quality Model).
In order to make SPDQM usable and applicable,
we have defined two different approaches: Static and
Dynamic. The former is oriented towards
determining those characteristics that are relevant to
certain types of Web portal users according to their
various demographic aspects. That is to say, its
intention is to determine which quality
characteristics are most important with regard to the
users’ gender, age range, level of studies, etc. The
latter is oriented towards obtaining the level of DQ
that exists in each Web portal, at a specific moment,
for a given context.
In this paper we present the results of the
empirical work carried out for the Static approach in
the Intrinsic DQ category of SPDQM.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
Moraga C., Caro A., Moraga M., Romo Muñoz R. and Calero C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003929603740379
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 374-379
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
follows. Section 2 describes our model SPQDM
which was obtained. Section 3 presents the Static
and Dynamic approaches. Section 4 focuses on the
Static approach towards Intrinsic DQ. In Section 5,
the results are shown, and our conclusions and future
work are presented in Section 6.
Web portals are increasingly more important.
However, insufficient attention has been paid to the
data quality in them. A Portal Data Quality model
has therefore been created to deal with this lack
(SPDQM). SPDQM is based on three different
elements: PDQM (Portal Data Quality Model) (Caro
et al., 2008), a set of DQ characteristics obtained
from the relevant literature (Moraga et al., 2009 a)
and the ISO/IEC 25012 standard. SPDQM will allow
the DQ level in a Web Portal to be discovered, and
will guide designers and developers in discovering
the most relevant DQ characteristics according to the
type of user, which will be determined by various
demographic aspects.
Each of the elements used to create our model
can be found in (Moraga et al., 2009 b).
2.1 DQ Characteristics for SPDQM
SPDQM contains a set of 42 DQ characteristics that
are appropriate to Web portals. The first level
corresponds with the two points of view adopted
from the ISO/IEC 25012 standard (see Figure 1a).
The second level corresponds with the DQ
categories adopted from the PDQM model (Caro et
al., 2008) (see Figure 1b):
(a) Intrinsic, which denotes that data have quality
in their own right; (b) Operational, which emphasizes
the importance of the role of systems, that is, the
system must be accessible but secure; (c)
Contextual, which highlights the requirement which
states that DQ must be considered within the context
of the task in hand; and (d) Representational, which
denotes that the system must present data in such a way
that they are interpretable, easy to understand, and
concisely and consistently represented, in a specific
The third level corresponds with the set of
characteristics in each category (see Figure 1c). Based
on the definitions of the PDQM’s categories and the
ISO/IEC 25012’s points of view (see Figure 1a and
Figure 1b). Finally, the fourth level contains the sub-
characteristics of the characteristics in the previous
level (see Figure 1d).
Once SPDQM was defined, the next step was to
define how this model could be applied in practice,
such that it would be possible to determine the set of
DQ characteristics that would be most relevant as
regards the user perspective.
This would also assist us in the evaluation and/or
improvement of the level of DQ in a Web portal.
The following section describes the two
approaches that we were defined in order to apply
This section shows the two approaches used to apply
Figure 1: The structure of SPDQM model.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
our model.
The Static approach will be carried out only once
for each category (Intrinsic and Contextual). This
approach consisted of determining the set of
characteristics that are most relevant as regards the
different types of Web portal users. These types of
users will be determined according to different
demographic aspects. These demographic aspects
are: gender, age range, level of studies, etc,
according to the category that will be analysed. The
results obtained will be used to create a tool that will
allow to guide designers and developers in what the
relevant characteristics are for each type of Web
portal user. These guidelines will also indicate
criteria with which to satisfy user preferences.
A set of measures for each of the characteristics
in the Representational and Operational categories
will be defined in the Dynamic approach. The
objective of this approach is to obtain the level of
DQ of each Web portal at a specific moment. The
results will vary depending on the Web portal that is
being analyzed, and it will not be possible to
generalize the results of the analysis. A tool which
automates the measures will be also available for
this approach. This tool will use the URL in a Web
portal to obtain the level of DQ for the characteristics
in these categories. This evaluation will then be used
as a basis to provide its designers and developers
with recommendations for its improvement.
The steps followed in each approach are shown
as follows (see Figure 2).
The following steps will be carried out in the
Static approach:
An initial set of questions will be created in
relation to the definitions of the characteristics in
each category, and to the demographic aspects.
These questions will be reviewed by a group of
experts in statistical analysis.
The questions will be modified with the feedback
obtained from the experts.
A pilot survey will be sent to a trial group who
will fill in the questionnaire. This group will be
composed of Web portal users, and will inform us
whether the questions are understandable, or
whether they will have to be improved.
The questions in the pilot survey will be reviewed,
and the feedback from the trial group will be
taken into consideration.
A questionnaire containing the final set of
questions will be created. The questions must be
written in such a way that they are understandable
to any Web portal user.
The questionnaires will be distributed, either in
printed format or via e-mail, to a heterogeneous
group of Web portal users.
The questionnaires will be collected either by
hand or by e-mail.
The results obtained will be analysed, and any
questionnaires containing erroneous data or with
questions that had not been answered will be
A statistical analysis will be carried out to
determine the most relevant DQ characteristics
according to the types of users. This will be done by
o First: The mean value of each characteristic
is obtained in order to verify whether all the
characteristics are important from the point
of view of user preference.
o Second: A correlation analysis is carried out
to verify whether there is a relationship
Figure 2: The structure of SPDQM model.
between the category itself and the
characteristics associated with that category.
This is to reinforce the idea that these
characteristics are truly correctly associated
with their.
o Third: The set of characteristics is used to
create homogeneous groups of
characteristics (denominated as factors).
These groups are formed of those
characteristics which have a considerable
amount of correlation with each other. We
also attempt to ensure that each group is
independent of the others.
o Finally: User groups (denominated as
clusters) are created, which are related to the
factors. Each user group is formed of
different types of users, according to the
demographic aspects. The DQ characteristics
which are most important to different types
of users are therefore grouped together.
Guidelines containing recommendations for Web
portal designers and developers will be created,
which would allow them to discover user
The process used in the case of the Dynamic
approach will be as follows:
A set of measures will be defined for each
The level of quality desired for each characteristic
will be determined.
Recommendations by which to improve the level
of data quality in said Web portal will be
generated for each DQ characteristic.
The measures will be automated through the
creation of a computerised tool.
The tool will be made available for direct use by
any interested parties in specific Web portals.
In this paper we shall show the application of the
Static approach to the Intrinsic DQ category.
In this section we shall use the Static approach in the
Intrinsic DQ category (see Figure 1). The questionnaire
in this survey was made up of a total of 20
questions, 16 of which were related to the DQ
characteristics in the category (also including a
question concerning the definition of the term
‘Intrinsic’), and the other 4 of which were related to
demographic aspects. We used closed questions, in
which only one response was possible.
The 16 questions were created using a 5-point
Likert scale, where 1 is “Not at all important” and 5
is “Very important”.
The questions related to demographic aspects, on
the other hand, allowed us to define the different
types of users. These types of users were obtained
according to their gender, age range, level of studies
and knowledge of computing.
The questionnaire was of the unsupervised type,
and was distributed to a heterogeneous group of 150
Web portal users. The results of the questionnaires
are analysed in the following section.
This section shows the study of the results obtained
from the questionnaires. Of a total of the 137
questionnaires received, the data from 136 were
analysed, since the questions relating to the
demographic aspects had not been answered in one
of them. This study was carried out by using an
SPSS statistical analysis tool.
The objective of our study is, on the one hand to
determine whether all the DQ characteristics in the
Intrinsic DQ category are important for Web portal
users and, on the other, to analyse whether some
characteristics are more relevant than others
according to the different types of users.
As a starting point, it was necessary to estimate
the reliability of the results. This was done by
calculating the Cronbach’s alpha. The result
obtained from this was a value of 0.856, which
indicated that the results had good internal
consistence. The information is therefore reliable.
A descriptive statistical analysis was then carried
out in order to determine whether all the DQ
characteristics are important to Web portal users.
This analysis allowed us to obtain the central tendency
(mean) and the dispersion (typical deviation) for all the
variables in the study. The variables correspond with
the characteristics that are included in the Intrinsic
category, along with the Intrinsic DQ category itself.
As a result of this, we observed that the mean value,
of all the characteristics, is approximately four. As
additional data, we obtained that the characteristics
Credibility, Accessibility, Reputation, Consistency
and Currentness have a higher mean value. The only
characteristic that was below the mean value of four
was that of Traceability. Although the value for this
category was below four, it had a mean of 3.96,
which is very close to four, and it is therefore also
considered to be important.
This proximity to the value of four indicates that
all the characteristics in the Intrinsic DQ category
are, in effect, important to Web portal users.
In order to reinforce the previous idea, we
carried out a correlation analysis between the DQ
characteristics (which were considered as dependent
variables) and the Intrinsic DQ (independent
variable). The method used was the Spearman
correlation analysis. The results showed that the
characteristics are related to the Intrinsic DQ
category at an extremely high level.
Having proved that all the characteristics are
important and that there is a correlation with the
Intrinsic DQ, the next step was to analyse whether
some characteristics are more important than others
with regard to the different types of users. This was
done by carrying out a factorial analysis and a cluster
analysis, which are detailed as follows.
5.1 Factorial Analysis
At this point, we created groups of characteristics.
Each group was independent of the others and was
denominated as a factor. This would allow us to later
relate each of these factors to the different types of
Table 1 shows the characteristics that correspond
with each of the factors obtained.
Table 1: Characteristics in each factor
Factor Characteristics
Factor 1
Compliance, Confidentiality, Currentness,
Understandability, Efficiency, Completeness,
Factor 2
Reputation, Objectivity, Credibility, Accuracy,
Factor 3 Traceability, Accessibility and Expiration
These three factors combined explain 52.9% of
the total variability (which is confirmed by KMO,
which has a value of 0.804). Factor 1 accounted for
35.1% of the total variance. Factor 2 accounted for
10.4% of the total variance, and Factor 3 accounted
for 7.4%.
All of the DQ characteristics have now been
placed in groups. However, our eventual intention
was to discover whether there is more relevance
between some characteristics and others according
to the different types of users. The next step,
therefore, was to group these factors by carrying out
a cluster analysis whose purpose is shown as
5.2 Cluster Analysis
The results obtained in the factorial analysis were
then used to carry out a cluster analysis in order to
group the factors by resemblance or similitude. The
factors were organised into two clusters, since this is
the minimum number of clusters that will allow each
factor to be differentiated in a single cluster. In the
first cluster, those characteristics located in Factors 1
and 2 are positively valued, whilst cluster 2
positively values the characteristics in Factor 3.
Finally, the clusters were related to the
demographic aspects. In this way, it was obtained
that Cluster 1 contains users who are principally
female, under 25 or over 45, with a basic level of
studies or with vocational training, and with a basic or
intermediate knowledge of computing. The designers
and developers aimed at this type of users should,
therefore, bear in mind the characteristics contained
in Factors 1 and 2.
The users in Cluster 2 are principally male,
between 25 and 45 years of age with vocational
training or university studies and with an advanced
knowledge of computing. The designers and
developers of Web portal aimed at this type of user
should therefore bear in mind the characteristics in
Factor 3.
The results obtained have been summarized in a
table (Table 2) in which it will be observed that all
the users consider the characteristics in the Intrinsic
DQ category to be relevant (R). It will also be noted
that some of these characteristics have been allotted
a higher value (R+) and others have been allotted a
lower value (R-). Each of the clusters, later gave a
greater value to different subsets of characteristics in
the Intrinsic DQ category (R+).
Table 2: Relevant characteristics.
Users in
Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Compliance R R+
Traceability R- R+
Reputation R+ R+
Objectivity R R+
Credibility R+ R+
Accuracy R R+
Consistency R+ R+
Accessibility R+ R+
Confidentiality R R+
Currentness R+ R+
Expiration R R+
Understandability R R+
Efficiency R R+
Completeness R R+
Precision R R+
This paper presents a data quality model for Web
portals, denominated as SPDQM.
The theoretical definition of the model served as
a basis for the definition of two approaches which
can be used in the evaluation of the DQ in Web
portals. One was a static approach whose objective
is to determine those DQ characteristics which are
most important for Web portal users. The other was
a dynamic approach whose objective is to obtain the
DQ level of the data contained in a specific portal at
a determined moment. All of this should enable
designers and developers to be guided in the
construction of portals, in order to make them more
appropriate for the users at which they are aimed.
In this paper, we have presented our proposal for
the development of the static approach in the
Intrinsic DQ category. To do this, we carried out a
survey and then analysed the results obtained from
the questionnaire by using the SPSS statistical tool.
The results obtained have allowed us to determine
that all the characteristics are important, and to
demonstrate that some characteristics are, in effect,
more relevant than others according to the different
types of users, who are determined by the following
demographic aspects: gender, age range, level of
studies and knowledge of computing. Finally, we
have indicated the set of characteristics to which
more attention should be paid in the DQ of a Web
portal according to the user towards whom it is aimed.
Our next step will be to create support guidelines
which will be available via a computing tool.
Our short-term future work will be to carry out
the static approach for the Contextual characteristics.
In the long term we shall develop the dynamic
approach for the remaining categories. Our eventual
intention is to make our model available to users and
developers through a free tool.
This research has been funded by the following
2010043(1-5)), PEGASO/MAGO project
(Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and Fondo
Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, TIN2009-13718-
C02-01), EECCOO (MICINN TRA2009_0074), and
VILMA (JCCM PEII 11-0316-2878).
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