Virtual Platform for Innovation Management in Doctoral Schools
Gheorghe Sebestyen
, Marius Bulgaru
and Laura Grindei
Department of Computers, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, G. Baritiu 26, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Department of Manufacture Engineering,
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, G. Baritiu 26, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Department of Electrotechnics and Measurements, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, B. Munci, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: eLearning, Digital Library, Innovation Management, Document Search, Information Retrieval, Patents.
Abstract: Innovation is an important goal in any doctoral study program. In order to offer support for research and
innovative developments we implemented a platform that manages information contained in patent
repositories. The platform assures functionalities for information retrieval, content harvesting, patent
repository administration and domain specific ontology management. The platform has also an eLearning
component that teaches the students the steps of patenting an innovative idea. The platform offers support
for gathering and preserving experience for research teams. This experience is benefic mainly for new
researchers and PhD students.
Education in PhD schools is mainly based on
research and innovation activities. In the initial
stage, PhD students must upgrade their knowledge
with the latest scientific and technical achievements
obtained worldwide on their field of interest.
As the information quantity is growing every
year at an exponential rate, it is difficult for the
students to retrieve relevant and quality information
and knowledge that is needed in their research. In
traditional PhD education, the PhD coordinator has a
major role in offering the starting documentation
necessary for a given research.
However, this documenting process is not
formalized and there are few tools that may be used
in order to transfer knowledge and experience from
a PhD coordinator or research team to a newcomer
(Leonard, 1998). Our goal was to develop such a
tool that can store the accumulated knowledge of a
research team on a given domain of interest.
As shown in the next chapters, knowledge is
stored in different forms, from domain ontology
(concepts, associations and classifications) toward
collections of documents gathered in time by a
research team.
In order to promote innovation in technical fields
we used as information source international patent
repositories (e.g. USPTO, EPO, etc.). The arguments
behind this decision were that patented ideas usually
have an economic potential and the information
inside the patents is highly formalized, enabling
computerized information search, extraction and
data mining (Heusch, 2006). Digital libraries with
scientific articles and eBooks (e.g. IEEE Digital
Library) are also important sources for
documentation, but usually these repositories have
different and restricted access policies (e.g. access or
download fee is needed) and they do not offer
automated services for information extraction and
document downloads.
Our project’s main objective is to provide
computational means for a new educational program
in the field of innovation management. This program
is mainly for the PhD schools, but it can be used in
any research and development activity where
patenting new ideas is an important goal.
The proposed solution is a virtual platform
named Pro-Inova with three components:
Plat-inova - a digital library application
designed for managing information contained in
patent repositories.
e-Inova - an eLearning tool dedicated for
teaching innovation and patenting procedures in the
frame of an online course entitled “Innovation
Demo-inova – a video tutorial and a user’s
manual for the Pro-Inova platform.
Sebestyen G., Bulgaru M. and Grindei L..
PRO-INOVA - Virtual Platform for Innovation Management in Doctoral Schools.
DOI: 10.5220/0003898801120117
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 112-117
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We decided to develop a dedicated eLearning
tool instead of using a better knowned one (e.g.
Moodle, Dotlrn) because in this way we had the
opportunity to adapt the on-line teaching sevices to
the specific needs of a doctoral school. We also had
the possibility to develop interfaces on Romanian
In the last years, significant research effort was
focused in order to find more efficient methods for
information search, retrieval and automated
document classification (Grossman 2004). Classic
keyword-based document search methods used by
most of today’s Internet search engines have limited
capabilities in expressing the search intention of the
users. It is difficult to formulate in a few keywords a
given interest in a scientific domain. The semantic
content of the search is also affected by synonym
and homonym words.
The research in this field is focused in the
following directions:
to find new methods for semantic representation
and storage of information (Messerly, 2000)
to implement efficient algorithms for information
retrieval, data mining, and content classification
(Fuhr, 1992); (Salton, 1975)
to develop tools for knowledge management
(Fensel, 2002)
In the Plat-Inova component, we tried to
integrate some of these research results in a digital
library type application. For instance, in order to
handle the knowledge related to a given research
domain we developed tools for defining thesauri of
concepts, relations and associations between
concepts. These elements of a domain ontology
enable semantic search and classification of patents
and information contained in them.
A typical scenario is the case when a research
group led by a PhD coordinator expresses its
knowledge and experience related to a domain in the
form of a particular ontology. Than the concepts and
relations in the ontology are used in the search and
classification phases in order to enhance these
procedures with semantic content. For instance if a
user formulates a search expression with a number
of keywords, than similar concepts or other more
general or more particular terms may be optionally
included in the expression. Navigation (browsing)
between documents is possible using the association
relations between concepts.
We also used the ontological references in order
to guide the classification of documents (e.g.
patents) based on predefined sets of concepts
(thesauri specialized for narrow domains of interest).
We implemented procedures that can compute the
similarity ratio between a patent and other patents in
the repository, or the similarity with a given
thesaurus. In this way, the search intention of a user
may be expressed through a patent given as an
example and not just as a limited number of
Another form of recording experience and
knowledge is through collections. The application
has functions for defining collections (individual or
collective ones) and associating patents to
collections. A given group or individual researcher
may define its own collection of patents that reflects
a given research interest. A newcomer in the group
may start his/her documentation by evaluating the
patents in the group’s collections or in individual
collections of more experienced group members.
Collections may be organized on different criteria
(e.g. content type, ownership, destination, etc.). The
same patent preserved in a single location may be
part in a number of collections.
For the same purpose of recording experience,
the application stores search queries and
expressions. These search strategies can be reused
later in time when it is supposed that new patents are
released in a direction of interest. PhD students can
obtain valuable updated information by reusing
search strategies defined by more experienced
members of the group.
Our solution is based on some of the latest results in
the field of digital libraries, information retrieval,
content management and semantic classification of
information. As information source, we considered
patent repositories because of their public availability
and because the information contained in patents has
a standard format, enabling automated content
In our vision, a research for a PhD thesis, in most
cases, is not an individual activity. The PhD student
is part of a research group coordinated by a PhD
conductor; a number of such groups are organized in
a doctoral school and they cover some research
domains. The application models this kind of
organization, offering specific services for PhD
students, coordinators and simple visitors in order to
handle information and knowledge in a number of
research directions. Every user has access rights and
responsibilities in accordance with their status,
experience and interest.
The goal of our platform is twofold: to provide
assistance for PhD students involved in research
activities and stimulate the innovation process by
offering quality information about their domain of
interest and to teach basic concept and procedures
used in the process of patenting.
The patent harvesting module (presented in
Figure 1) is responsible for downloading patents
from different sources available on the Internet,
based on a given search strategy defined by a user.
Figure 1: The harvesting module.
This service allows a research group to build its
own local repository of patents. The service has a
search part, which tries to find patents that fit into the
harvesting strategy and a download part that handles
the transfer of information and files associated with a
patent. As patent sources, the application is using
some very known patent repositories such as EPO –
European Patent Office, USPTO – United States
Patent Office or WIPO World Intellectual Property
In the case of EPO, the download procedure is
made through a web service offered by this
repository for automated search and download. In the
case of other repositories (e.g. USPTO and WIPO)
such a web service is not available and therefore the
download is made by simulating an access through
the user interface of theses sites. This approach is
less reliable because any change in the interface of
these sites imposes changes in the download service
of the application.
The automated patent downloading is
implemented with the OPS v2 Web services that
establish a connection with the EPO online patent
database. The specifications provided in the
harvesting policy are translated into the Common
Query Language (CQL) supported by the OPS
services and a search query is created. The
application sends a SOAP message request
containing this query, invoking the bibliographic
search service of the OPS.
Since the method presented above only
guarantees the download of textual information, we
have also integrated an alternative tool for automated
patent downloading, using a full-document patent
downloader component. This component connects to
the European publication server (EPS) via the Web
service described in (EPS-WS) and provides the
same facilities as the online interface offered by the
EPO site.
The request message sent to the EPS server
contains the metadata of a patent and a specification
regarding the preferred format of the resulting patent.
The available choices are PDF files or XML files,
with the option of requesting the drawings belonging
to the patent, as well.
The PDF format is a scanned version of the
patent. Users prefer this format in case of visual
inspection of a patent. However, for automated
information search and retrieval, this format is
useless, because text parsing and search procedures
cannot be performed efficiently on scanned
documents. For such purposes, the application stores
the textual (XML) version of the patent. In such a file
tags indicate the different sections of a patent. Using
these tags, the search procedure can be directed only
to some specific parts of the patent (e.g. abstract,
description, claims, etc.).
The EPS Web service (EPS-WS) used for
downloading the PDF version offers a limited
number of facilities. The EPS-WS only provides
patents available in the European publication server
(having the “EP” index), similarly to the online
interface, which considerably reduces the number of
downloadable patents (unlike the OPS services). In
order to request a patent through this service, the
identification information (namely the patent
publication number) must be known prior to defining
the request.
Since the EPS-WS does not offer the means to
obtain the required information, this component is
used in combination with the OPS services that
include the bibliographic search service. The list of
identification information obtained through the OPS
services are used in requests for both types of
services (OPS and EPS-WS), obtaining copies of the
same “EP”-type patent in text and PDF format.
atent re
Figure 2: The patent processing module.
The Patent Processing Module. The patents
downloaded through the patent harvesting process
are used in the next step as the input data for the
patent processing module. The patent processing
procedures are using only the textual content of a
The patent processing module is composed of
several procedures, shown in Figure 2, each
responsible for implementing a given functionality.
In the first stage of the processing, patents are parsed
in order to extract relevant keywords and to eliminate
stop-words (words that have only a syntactic role and
no relevance for the content). We also disregard
words that appear in all documents or in a single
document since they provide no semantically useful
information for the search process.
The patent indexing procedure was built on the
Apache Lucene (Lucene) text search engine library.
The goal is to generate an index reference file over
the local patent repository in order to increase the
speed of the search. Each section of a patent is
indexed separately allowing keyword search on
different sections of a patent. In this way, we can
implement advanced search procedures similar to
those present in international patent repositories
through combination of conditions on different
sections. An extra facility, not present in other patent
management applications, is the search in the
description and in the claim section of the patent.
The indexing results play an important role in
computing the “relevance” score of a patent in a
search result list. The score indicates how similar a
given patent is with the search expression. The
resulting list of patents is ordered based on the
relevance score. Again, the Lucene library offers
some useful routines for the score computation.
For semantic processing of patents’ content, we
implemented the semantic analysis module that
works according with the Latent semantic indexing
(Deerwester, 1988) algorithm.
The search module contains a number of services
(Figure 3) that rely on the data structures created and
managed by the processing module.
The searching module is designed to support
index or keyword based searches, semantic searches
and it is planned to be extended with a full-
document searching facility. The semantic search is
using the information contained in the thesauri of a
domain. The user can determine the similarity of a
patent with a given thesaurus or with other patents.
Figure 3: The searching module.
A query may be formulated in terms of a
keywords expression that applies to different
sections of patents. It may also contain restrictions
that apply to the metadata associated with the patent
(e.g. period of publication, source of the patent, IPC
code, etc.). As a response to a user query, this
module returns a list of relevant patents ordered with
their relevance score.
The report generation module is responsible for
extracting relevant information from a set of
predefined patents in order to generate a synthetic
search report. The user can specify a report template
that indicates which sections and what type of patent
information should be compiled into the resulting
The report generation module is using the XML
format of a patent in order to access directly the
different sections of a patent, which will be included
in the report.
The collection administration module
implements services needed for the creation, editing
and storing of patent collections. The user can select
patents from a search result list, which patents to be
included into a personal or collective collection.
From an implementation point of view, collections
are lists of links to patent objects.
Patent processin
- Indexing
- Keyword extraction
- Semantic analysis
- Classification
Local patents
Search services:
- Indexed-based search
- Semantic search
- full document search
Patent repository
Index DB Catalogue Thesauri
List of
e-Inova is the second important component of the
ProInova platform, and its main objective is to
ensure a specific eLearning environment for the PhD
students who wish to learn on-line in the field of
Innovation Management.
This eLearning platform consists of several
eLearning Content Module designed to offer
on line modules of the Innovation Management
course including a glossary of terms and a wizard for
obtaining a patent in four national and international
patent offices;
Collaboration Module with forum and
Content Management Module for on-line
editing and administration of the entire eLearning
course, administration of the glossary, creation of
the evaluation tests, administration of students
marks, etc.;
Evaluation Management Module consists in
components for PhD students‘ auto-evaluation and
final evaluation for obtaining a certificate in the field
of Innovation Management that is offered on
Figure 4: Innovation Management course home page.
e-Inova was implemented in PHP language using
web services for integration with Pro-Inova and Plat-
The eLearning Content Module (figure 4) offers
several options for content navigation, links to
chapters, modules objectives, glossary, wizard for
patents, FAQ, etc.
The Innovation Management eLearning course is
divided in modules and each module consists in
several chapters and sub-chapters. The text of the
chapters includes links to the glossary of terms, and
each chapter is concluded with references, links to
useful web sites.
The whole course includes also links to the other
components of Pro-Inova platform , such as Plat-
Inova and Demo-Inova. The content of the course
includes the following nine modules:
Creativity in the technical domain
Intelectual property
How to innovate?
Software for innovation
Applications, patents in processing of gearing
Applications, patents in splinting material
Applications, patents in Rapid Prototyping
Applications, patents in quality engineering
The history of Romanian creativity
The chapters can be selected using links and the
navigation through the entire course site is simple
and presented explicitly.
The auto-evaluation tests conclude each module
and consist in a set of very simple questions with
true/false answers and suggestions regarding the
correct answers.
The certification tests are available only for those
PhD students who register themselves for this test
and wish to obtain a certificate for the course. These
tests are more complex, and consist in a theoretical
test that can be generated by tutor selecting
questions from a database and assigning them to
each student.
The new terms in the innovation domain can be
added in the glossary of terms and can be accessed
directly from the content by links or in the glossary
by term, definition or both.
The collaboration module includes two
the forum component that allow users to post
public messages and
the message component for the exchange of
private messages.
The Content management module consists in
several components designed for adding, editing and
erasing each unit of course content, glossary
administration (add, edit, erase terms), management
of students’ evaluation , etc.
All these facilities are available for the tutor and
administrator of the course. The content management
module was implemented as a database using
MySQL and PHP.
The content adding/editing interface integrates a
WYSIWYG application that allow tutor to format
and align the text (type of fonts, italics, underlined,
bold, bullets, numbering, etc), to include images,
hyperlinks, to insert date and time, etc directly in the
content .
Tutors can change background and fonts colours
as well. Modules, chapters and subchapters can be
renamed, modified or deleted.
The evaluation management module allows
tutor to configure auto-evaluation and certification
tests . The theoretical component of the certification
tests can be generated by the tutor selecting the
questions that are already added in the database
giving the opportunity to create new tests for new
PhD students very easily.The practical test consists in
filling the forms for obtaining a patent from one of
the four national or international organizations
In order to teach and guide PhD students in their
research and innovation activity we developed a
computer-based platform that offers the means for
information retrieval, knowledge and experience
storage and training on patenting procedures.
The platform includes a Plat-Inova application
that handles information contained in patents. The
application offers services for patent harvesting from
different international repositories, for processing of
patent content and for efficient retrieval of
information. An important goal was to develop some
functions that facilitate the preservation of
experience and knowledge inside of a research
group. Thesauri definitions, selective patent
downloading and storage, collections and query
expressions administration are some examples of
tools used for this purpose.
The E-Inova component of the Pro-Inova
platform is an eLearning tool destined for training
PhD student in the field of patenting and innovation.
The application provides useful information
regarding the process of innovation and the formal
steps necessary to protect the intellectual rights. It
contains a set of interactive tests that allow
certification of students in this area.
This work was supported by the European Social
Fund through Sectorial Operational Program for the
Developemnt of Human Resources, grant code
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Heusch, Ch., (2006) Contributions regarding the
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Knowledge in Group Innovation", California
Management Review, Volume 40 issue 3
Messerly, J. Heidorn, G. and Dolan, W., (2000)
Information retrieval using semantic representation of
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