Santiago Gonz
, M.-Carmen Juan
, Ignacio Segu
, Noem
ı Rando
and Juan Cano
Instituto Universitario de Autom
atica e Inform
atica Industrial (ai2), Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
Camino de Vera, s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
AIJU, Ibi, Alicante, Spain
Escola d’Estiu, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Camino de Vera, s/n. 46022 Valencia, Spain
Mixed Reality Learning Environments, Augmented Reality, Handheld Devices, Education.
In this paper, we present a novel study that emphasizes the use of Augmented Reality (AR) as a natural
complement for the Virtual Reality Learning Environment (VRLE) model, towards a general acceptance of
Mixed Reality Learning Environment (MRLE) in the classroom. Handheld devices help this scheme serving
as general purpose computers available for use by other applications. AR has not been explored deeply enough
to have full acceptance of use in the classroom. We present an application in which a tablet PC was used to
evaluate our game, working with multimodal interaction provided by a tactile screen and an accelerometer. It
can be played in two modes: combining AR and non-AR (NAR), and only NAR. Seventy-three children of
primary school tested the system. For the learning outcomes, there were no statistically significant differences
between both modes, but the AR mode enhanced highly user satisfaction and engagement. This confirms our
hypothesis that AR can be an excellent complement to VRLE for the use in the classroom.
Education is a field of research that can benefit ex-
traordinarily from technology. The Virtual Reality
Learning Environment (VRLE) is well established as
an educational tool (Lee et al., 2010), while Aug-
mented Reality (AR) is not as spread yet. AR could
be a strong complement to this traditional approach to
education, and learners could enrich their experience
with a Mixed Reality Learning Environment (MRLE)
(Pan et al., 2006) in the classroom.
Many VRLE applications have been developed
(Yang et al., 2010; El Sayed et al., 2011). However,
while some researches in the field of education state
that VR is “extremely close to reality” (Inoue, 2007,
p. 1), such is not still the case of AR. We attribute this
to the fact that it is very modern in comparison to VR,
and to the few easy to use, low cost, updated AR tools
for educators that can be found.
Handheld devices offer excellent capabilities to be
used for education, and have a great perspective of fu-
ture (Billinghurst and Henrysson, 2006). In our opin-
ion, tablet PCs can be an excellent tool that helps AR
to have good acceptance as a complement to VRLE.
Tablet PCs are usually equipped with several sensors
Figure 1: Child playing one of the AR games, catching the
water drop main character.
and mechanisms for rich Human-Computer Interface.
They generally include a camera, a tactile screen and
inertial measure units such as accelerometer and gy-
roscope. Thus, they can be used in a wide range of ed-
ucation areas, reducing the cost of custom hardware.
As far as we are concerned, there is still too much
separation between the fields of AR research and edu-
cation inside the classroom. We believe that the latter
could benefit from the great contributions of handheld
AR applications. Our initial hypothesis is that AR can
be a good complement to VRLE for educational pur-
González-Gancedo S., Juan M., Seguí I., Rando N. and Cano J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003836304340439
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 434-439
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: Child playing one of the NAR games, starting the
game of the falling suns.
poses to improve learning. With this study, we want
to prove or reject this hypothesis.
In this research, we propose the case of use of
a game. Many computer games have been devel-
oped for learning purposes, but very few perform a
deep analysis, as several researchers have highlighted
(Connolly et al., 2011; Freitas and Campos, 2008).
Some researchers have also pointed out the lack of a
coherent theory of learning and underlying body of
research in the development of educational applica-
tions (Shaffer et al., 2004).
In this paper, we present a handheld game that
not only uses AR, but also combines it with non-AR
(NAR) parts –including video games– as a case of
VRLE. Video games are a subject widely studied in
the past. For desktop computers, different subjects
can be learnt such as volcanoes (Woods et al., 2004),
mathematics and geometry (Kaufmann and Schmal-
stieg, 2003), organic chemistry (Fjeld et al., 2007), or
endangered animals (Juan et al., 2011a). For hand-
held devices, many AR applications have also been
presented. For example, for learning heritage temples
(Wang et al., 2009), math and literacy skills (O’Shea
et al., 2009), or how to recycle (Juan et al., 2011b).
The innovate aspect of this study relies on the re-
search of a scenario with practical usability in the
classroom. We emphasize the convergence between
AR and VRLE to form a MRLE, as a very suitable
tool for educators that can improve the outcomes of
VRLE and support meaningful learning. We also be-
lieve that tablet PCs are very appropriate to put MRLE
into practice, as they are affordable, allow AR appli-
cations and provide multimodal interaction.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 com-
ments the design and description of the game. Section
3 explains the materials and methods involved in the
study. Section 4 describes the study carried out and
the evaluation measures. Section 5 analyzes the sta-
tistical results. Finally, in section 6, we present our
conclusions and future work.
We developed our game following certain learning
theories and pedagogical background, that we explain
in this section.
2.1 Game Design
For the design of the game, the experiential learning
theory of Kolb was used, which stated that “learning
is the process whereby knowledge is created through
the transformation of experience” (Kolb, 1984, p. 38).
The experiential learning consists of the following
steps: a concrete experience (do), a reflective observa-
tion (observe), an abstract conceptualization (think),
and an active experience (plan or testing in new situa-
tions). Our game was designed based on the underly-
ing idea of using experience for learning.
In our game the player assumes the mission of
completing the cycle of water, and she has to per-
form different activities. For example, the player has
the concrete experience of collecting suns to raise the
temperature; with a reflecting observation with the
feedback of the game; creating an abstract concep-
tualization as a result of receiving all the information,
in this case, evaporation. And what is very important,
the student has an active experience using the game.
Our game also applies Gardner’s theory of multi-
ple intelligences (1983), in which at least seven types
of intelligence are considered: logical-mathematical,
visual-spatial, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical-
rhythmic, interpersonal, intrapersonal.
Some works have pointed out the importance of
considering national curricula to develop educational
computer games (De Freitas and Oliver, 2006; Law
et al., 2008). We have taken into account the na-
tional curricula for our game, as stated by the national
primary education law in the Spanish Royal Decree
2211/2007, on July the 12th.
2.2 Description of the Game
The aim of the game was to reinforce the learning of
children in the subject of water, including its compo-
sition, the water cycle and water pollution. These top-
ics were shown in the same way they had been studied
at school.
The game was divided in a series of mini-games,
several of which were for each step of the water cycle.
There were also video and audio explanations at the
beginning of mini-games that showed the rules and
goals to complete it, and at the end to show they com-
pleted them. These interludes helped linking all the
mini-games together in a story thread.
The game could be played in two modes, called AR
and NAR. Both modes were essentially the same, but
the interface and the way the users played changed.
In AR mode some mini-games were played with AR
technology –not all mini-games were appropriate for
AR–, while in NAR mode all mini-games were played
as traditional video games.
All AR mini-games shared some common char-
acteristics. Children had to collect objects (suns to
evaporate, thermometers to allow the rain, water pol-
lutants to clean the river, etc.) that could be found
in one of the ten markers disposed in the surround-
ing area, focusing on the markers with the handheld
device in a see-through configuration. As part of the
classroom decoration, markers were placed on deco-
rative pictures printed on paper. Once they pressed on
the correct object in the screen, if there were more ob-
jects to collect, they were rearranged to the markers in
the classroom in a systematic fashion.
The equivalent NAR version was developed im-
itating the behaviour and the user experience of the
AR mode. Objects were shown in the center of the
screen with one of the decorative pictures as back-
ground, and left and right arrows to pass to the next
or to the previous object in the same order as it would
in AR mode.
The game consisted on seven mini-games, includ-
ing an initial part that served as an introduction to the
game and gave the children a chance to familiarize
with the AR interface. Each mini-game represented a
step in the water cycle, and there were also two mini-
games where the children learned about the composi-
tion of water and water pollution. Three of the mini-
games could be played in AR and NAR modes, while
the rest were only NAR.
For the evaluation of our study, we needed to build
both custom hardware and software to provide a mul-
timodal interface. This section explains the hardware
built and the software developed.
3.1 Hardware
For the evaluations we used the handheld device HP
Slate 500 Tablet PC. The dimensions of the device
were 23x15x1.5 cm, and it had a weight of 0.68 kg.
Its processor worked at 1.86 GHz, and it had a 2 GB
DDR2 SDRAM memory cell. Among its interfaces
we could find a 8.9” capacitive touch screen and an
outward facing 3 Megapixel camera capturing at 30
The accelerometer board 1056 - PhidgetSpatial
3/3/3 from Phidgets ( was
used to measure static acceleration accurately in two
axes. It was connected via USB to the tablet PC. The
dimensions were 36x31x6 mm, which made it to be
easily enclosed with the tablet PC. The need for this
device was due to technical problems with the built-in
accelerometer, for which HP did not provide any us-
able driver. At the time we bought this device, it was
one of the very few available in the market. Nowa-
days there are several alternatives that are known not
to suffer from this problem, such as the iPad 2 or the
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.
We had a total of two identical devices available to
use with the children during the evaluations of colors
blue and white.
3.2 Software
To develop the system we decided to use OpenScene-
Graph (OSG) toolkit 2.9.5 to use its high capabilities
to import, animate and render 3D objects with high
performance in C++ language. The registration was
made using the OSG plugin osgART 2.0 RC 3, which
used the ARToolKit library (Kato and Billinghurst,
1999), version 2.72.1. This plugin provided simple
access to the camera, and to certain OSG nodes which
applied the corresponding transformation matrices as-
sociated to markers when they were recognized.
The developed game described in section 2.2 was ex-
tensively played by a group of children who tested all
the possibilities offered. This section explains the par-
ticipants, the measurements and the procedure carried
out during the evaluations.
4.1 Participants
A total of 73 children from 8 to 10 years old –with
a mean age of 9.07±0.65– took part in the study: 37
boys (50.68%), and 36 girls (49.31%). They were at-
tending the Escola d’Estiu (Summer School) at the
Technical University of Valencia.
4.2 Measurements
Five questionnaires were used for the validation. The
first one was the pretest, and the other four were the
combinations of playing AR or NAR, for the first or
the second time.
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
The pretest (QPre) was composed of 6 questions
designed to evaluate the level of children’s knowl-
edge and remembrance about water (composition, cy-
cle and pollutants) from school lessons. The question-
naire also collected gender, age and the grade they had
The questionnaires QAR1 and QNAR1 were sim-
ilar. Both of them contained the knowledge questions
from QPre to be able to compare learning before and
after the AR and NAR games respectively. The rest of
the questions were about participants satisfaction with
the game. Some of them followed a Likert scale, pre-
sented as: a) Very much; b) Quite a lot; c) Somewhat;
d) Few; e) Nothing, with a numerical equivalency lin-
early ranged from 5-a) to 1-e). Other questions did
not have a possible numerical representation, as they
had to choose among several options (e.g. What did
you like the most? a) Searching objects with the cam-
era; b) Games that used the tactile screen; c) Games
that used the accelerometer).
The questionnaires QAR2 and QNAR2 were de-
signed to compare AR and NAR games preferences.
QAR2 shared the AR specific questions from QAR1.
The last question was subjective and children could
express their feelings about the game.
4.3 Procedure
The children who participated in the experience were
randomly assigned to one of two situations:
a) Children who played the AR game first and then
the NAR game.
b) Children who played the NAR game first and then
the AR game.
Both groups were counterbalanced: 38 children
were assigned to group a, and 35 to group b.
Before playing any game, every child filled in the
QPre questionnaire. Next, the first group of chil-
dren played the AR game. After completing the
game, they filled in the QAR1 questionnaire. Then,
these children played the NAR game and filled in
QNAR2 when finished playing. The second group,
instead, played the NAR game first. After complet-
ing the game, they filled in QNAR1 questionnaire.
Then, these children played the AR game and filled
in QAR2 when they had finished. Two children, one
of each group, could play simultaneously, since we
had two equal devices available.
The questionnaires were filled in in the same room
where the activities took place. Two people were in
the activities room to clarify doubts from the partici-
pants while they were playing the game.
In order to make the experience more immersive,
the room was decorated with wall posters and images
according to the subject. For the AR game, the play
area had water related prints where the markers were
placed. These prints were carefully chosen to avoid
possible false positives from the AR marker recog-
After the evaluation with the children, all data was
transcribed to electronic format and analyzed with the
statistical open source toolkit R.
5.1 Learning Outcomes
Several t-tests were performed to check if there
were significant differences in the degree of acquired
knowledge during the game. These tests were per-
formed over the knowledge variable, which con-
densed six questions about water counting the num-
ber of correct answers. This variable was compared
among the questionnaires QPre, QAR1 and QNAR1.
All tests in the text are showed in the format: (statis-
tic[degrees of freedom], p-value), and
indicates sta-
tistical significance at level α = 0.05.
From a paired t-test we obtained that the ratings
of the knowledge in QPre (mean 4.17 ± 1.21) were
significantly different from QAR1 (mean 5.83±0.45)
(t[34] = 8.09, p < 0.001
). Another paired t-test
revealed that the ratings of the knowledge in QPre
(mean 3.71 ± 1.25) were also significantly different
from QNAR1 (mean 5.74±1.25) (t[37] = 9.28, p <
). Moreover, a third unpaired t-test showed
that there were no differences in knowledge between
QAR1 and QNAR1 (t[71] = 0.82, p = 0.42). These
results mean that there was a significant amount of
acquired knowledge in both modes in relation to the
pretest, and both achieved a similar amount of it.
The factor of school year was also studied. There
were no evidences of statistical significant differences
on acquired knowledge between 3
grade students
(mean 5.87 ± 0.50) and 4
grade students (mean
5.80 ± 0.40) (t[33] = 0.43, p = 0.67). In addition,
there were no findings of statistical significant differ-
ences in the factor of gender. Males (mean 5.78 ±
0.53) and females (mean 5.88 ± 0.32) had similar
scores (t[33] = 0.68, p = 0.50).
5.2 Satisfaction Outcomes
In order to determine if the experiment influenced par-
ticipants in regard to the level of amusement expe-
rienced and satisfaction between the two modes of
game, the variable satisfaction was created. It con-
densed all information of several questions related
to fun during the game, ease of use, understanding
of the rules and goals and enjoyability of certain as-
pects of the game. The final score of the variable as-
signed each question the same weight. An unpaired
t-test showed that the satisfaction ratings in QAR1
(mean 4.73 ± 0.47) were not statistically different
from QNAR1 (mean 4.66 ± 0.63) (t[71] = 0.28, p =
0.78). The scores were very high for both games,
from what we can say participants enjoyed the expe-
rience in both cases and they were engaged to learn in
a similar manner.
The preferences for AR or NAR were measured.
After playing in AR mode first and then NAR, 65.7%
of the children chose AR over NAR, while 94.7%
of them chose the same when playing AR in second
place. The augment in the proportions was statis-
tically significant (χ
[1] = 9.90, p = 0.002), but the
difference of proportions between AR and NAR in
the worst case (AR first) was also significant (χ
[1] =
6.91, p = 0.008), which means that AR was preferred
even if we do not take into account the effects of the
order of the games. We can see that AR was preferred
over other alternatives, and this was emphasized when
it was the last technology to be used.
5.3 Interaction
The preferences of the different types of interaction
were measured considering the accelerometer games,
tactile games and AR games using the device in a
video see-through configuration. A question was
asked after playing games in AR mode. When AR
was played in first place, the percentages of preferred
technology was: AR (54.3%), accelerometer (34.3%)
and tactile (11.4%), but when AR was played the last,
the order was: AR (73.7%), accelerometer (21.1%)
and tactile (5.3%). AR was always the favorite, and
relating this to the last question in the satisfaction part,
we can see a trend in which the AR preference ratings
raised when it was played in the last place. The pro-
portions of AR in both cases were significantly dif-
ferent at level α = 0.1 (χ
[1] = 2.99, p = 0.08). We
believe this difference is due to the big impact AR
caused to the children. As a consequence, accelerom-
eter and tactile proportions dropped similarly without
significant differences.
In this paper we have presented a study that em-
phasizes the use of AR as a natural complement for
VRLE, which is MRLE. Educational AR researches
typically focuses in Human-Computer Interfaces and
usability, and the applications are frequently intended
for museums. To our knowledge, AR has not yet been
seriously studied as a complement to VRLE to be
used in the classroom for a long-term use. We believe
that MRLEs are very suitable for the classroom and
we encourage future educational researches to take it
into consideration.
Handheld devices, and tablet PCs in particular are
an excellent tool for MRLEs. They usually provide
all the sensors needed to build interactive applications
and multimodal interfaces, such as cameras, tactile
screens and inertial measure units. This makes them
to be an exceptional tool that can be used for a wide
spectrum of interactive educational applications with
more possibilities and versatility than standard desk-
top applications. Moreover, tablet PCs are usually
comparable in prize to desktop computers, both be-
ing low cost solutions.
We developed a MRLE application for primary
school children, which consisted of a game about wa-
ter that included multiple interaction forms (tactile
screen and accelerometer). It could be played in a
combined mode with AR and NAR mini-games, or in
full NAR mode.
After playing to the game, children’s knowledge
was statistically higher than in the pretest, but no sig-
nificant differences were found between AR and NAR
modes. However, the AR mode was much more pre-
ferred, and enhanced engagement highly. Further-
more, there was a high level of satisfaction in the two
games. This confirms our initial hypothesis that AR
is an excellent complement for VRLE and that it can
improve some of its outcomes. In our game, this com-
bination of AR and NAR games throughout the story
thread and the links between them like the main char-
acter was very appreciated.
Playing in AR mode caused very good impression
to the children, who improved motivation and were
encouraged to be more dynamic during the activity,
not being so perceivable in the NAR mode. We could
see the big impact that AR caused, as the underlying
interaction –AR in a handheld device as a video see-
through– was significantly more preferred than ac-
celerometer and tactile screen, specially when it was
played in second place.
With regard to future work, we believe that more
research in this direction is needed. MRLE in the field
of education is still in an early stage. It could be used
for many subjects, including Natural Science, Math-
ematics, History, Technology and outdoor activities.
In addition, more engaging games and serious appli-
cations that use different input channels (AR marker
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
tracking, tactile screen, accelerometer, etc.) could be
developed with current handheld devices.
This work was funded by the Spanish APRENDRA
project (TIN2009-14319-C02).
For their contributions, we would like to thank the
Severino Gonz
alez, M. Jos
e Vicent, Javier Ir-
imia, Patricia Limi
nana, Tamara Aguilar, Alfonso
opez, Roc
ıo Zaragoza, M. Jos
e Mart
ınez, Eloy
Hurtado, Juan Fernando Mart
ın for their help.
The children that participated in this study.
The ETSInf for letting us use its facilities during
the testing phase.
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