Systematic Differences Call for Per-subject Modeling
Wolfgang Heidl, Stefan Thumfart and Christian Eitzinger
Profactor GmbH, Im Stadtgut A2, 4407 Steyr-Gleink, Austria
Machine learning, Human diversity.
While machine learning is most often learning from humans, training data is still considered to originate from
a uniform black box. Under this paradigm systematic differences in training provided by multiple subjects
are translated into unavoidable modeling error. When trained on a per-subject basis those differences indeed
translate to systematic differences in the resulting model structure. We feel that the goal of creating human-
like capabilities or behavior in artificial systems can only be achieved if the diversity of humans is adequately
Machine learning (ML) is often (or almost exclu-
sively) focused on reproducing human cognitive abil-
ities. “Learning” thus typically means “learning from
a human”. Aside from a few examples, ML meth-
ods seem to ignore the fact that individuals are differ-
ent and that this may also reflect in the ML structures
used to reproduce their behavior.
Our hypothesis is that systematic variations in
human-trained ML structures do exist and that they
correlate with individual properties such as age, sex,
education or cultural background. We feel that the
goal of creating human-like capabilities or behavior
in artificial systems can only be achieved if the diver-
sity of humans is adequately considered.
The current approach in ML is to ignore these dif-
ferences and to average over the group of individu-
als that provide training input. This is particularly
true for industrial installations of ML systems, where
training input is provided by multiple experts and
machine operators. However, there is little knowl-
edge about what is lost by “averaging” over differ-
ent (groups of) individuals and how well such average
models capture the behavior of individuals.
In the literature there are a few isolated studies
that deal with these issues. Preliminary research on a
simulated high-school task (Stevens and Soller, 2005)
has shown that when self-organizing maps are used
to cluster problem solving strategies, they are able
to identify structural differences between genders that
are not present in the outcomes, and so would not be
detected by existing methods for comparing and con-
trasting classifiers. Also, recent analyses of human
problem solving behavior (Heidl et al., 2011) re-
port that although there is no difference in the final
performance between e.g. males and females, there
are significant differences in the strategies used. In
(Eitzinger et al., 2009) individual behavior is com-
pared on a visual inspection task, where it is found
that four different experts only agree in about 80%
of the decisions and that an improvement compared
to ground truth data may be achieved by using vot-
ing procedures and other classifiers that merge the re-
sults of the single experts. Combination methods can
range from simple majority voting to optimizing the
prediction error of weighted combinations on novel
data (Donmez et al., 2010). This way, systematic dif-
ferences between individuals are reflected properly in
the resulting structures. Disagreement in the predic-
tions of multiple models can even be used as an un-
certainty measure of the overall prediction.
One should clearly distinguish this type of re-
search from approaches that try to identify individ-
uals using ML methods (Zhao et al., 2003). This is
commonly done in bio-metrics e.g. by classifying fin-
gerprints (Jain et al., 1999), capturing the dynamics of
writing (Yu et al., 2004) or typing on a keyboard (Pea-
cock et al., 2004). These approaches use ML to iden-
tify the individual based on behavioral or bio-metric
data. Instead we are looking at the structural varia-
tions of ML systems that reproduce same human abil-
ity. Another related but structurally different problem
is determining the influence of gender and other de-
Heidl W., Thumfart S. and Eitzinger C..
HUMANS DIFFER: SO SHOULD MODELS - Systematic Differences Call for Per-subject Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0003832904130418
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 413-418
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mographic properties in mined decision models that
is researched in the area of discrimination discovery
(Ruggieri et al., 2010). While this work investigates
the influence of demographic properties on decisions
over individuals, we are interested in the influence of
those properties on models trained from the individu-
In the following section we will describe a study
based on a visual inspection task that reveals signif-
icant differences in the strategies used by male and
female participants when solving the task. The re-
sults of this study provide evidence that systematic
differences between individuals exist and that it may
be worth to further investigate this topic. Once we ac-
cept that individual differences are actually reflected
in ML systems, we need analysis methods that allow
us to assess and quantify their significance. Based
on these analysis tools we may extract ML structures
that better fit to one group or another. This will en-
able us, in the long term, to have ML structures that
need less training data and generalize better within a
certain group of people.
In search for systematic variations in induced deci-
sion models we choose to conduct a visual inspec-
tion experiment, where we assume that significant dif-
ferences exist and are most probably correlated with
subject sex (Heidl et al., 2010). This assumption is
grounded in accounts from many industrial practition-
ers, stating that women are better suited for visual in-
spection and that they perform the task with higher
accuracy, and better repeatability.
In our experiment subjects had to rate a set of im-
ages according to a predefined set of rules, the so-
called inspection standard. From the images we ex-
tract characteristic features and use them as input to-
gether with the subject responses to train ML classi-
fier instances. We hypothesize that the resulting ML
structures vary systematically and that variations are
correlated with subject sex.
2.1 Stimulus Material
The stimuli consist of synthetic images inspired by
die-cast parts with a machined surface (Figure 1).
Two machine holes are present on the parts to provide
some spatial structure and to facilitate the definition
of critical zones which are located around those holes.
Each image shows the same parts, however three dif-
ferent types of faults can be present in each image:
Scratches: bright arcs.
Test image generation
Page 4
Critical zone
Figure 1: Stimuli images are based on stylized die-cast
parts. Three types of faults may be present on the parts.
The boundary of the critical zone and the labels are only
given for reference and are not present in the actual stimuli.
Cavities: dark, elliptic spots with scraggly edges.
Dirt Spots: clusters of dark discs.
Since we do not investigate the visual search task
involved in inspection (Drury, 1978), faults are de-
signed to be easily separable from the background.
Decisions are to be made concerning fault size, fault
position and fault type. The appearance of the fault
type dirt and cavities is very similar to make their dis-
tinction non-trivial.
The inspection standard used in the experiments
consists of seven rules. The relevant features for judg-
ing potential faults according to the inspection stan-
dard are size, position in relation to the critical zone
(see Figure 1), distance to closest equal-type fault and
the count of potential faults with different type. To
avoid educational bias, the inspection standard was
presented to subjects in a visual manner with exam-
2.2 Subjects
Fifty female and fifty male subjects were recruited
through bulletins placed at adult education centers.
The study was entitled “Perception Experiment” and
participants have not been informed that gender dif-
ferences are investigated. We have decided not to
recruit people who work in visual inspection since
we expect them to have a substantial preconditioning
from their work experience. Graduates have also been
excluded from the study to avoid gross mismatch to
the typical education structure in visual inspection.
The mean age of the males was 29.7 years and
the females 28.7 years. According to self-report, all
subjects were in good health and free of any medi-
cations that could potentially affect cognitive perfor-
mance. All subjects had normal or corrected to nor-
mal sight. Subjects have been compensated for travel
costs and for their time taking part in the experiment.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
2.3 Procedure
Experiments were carried out in 21 sessions with
groups of four to six subjects. A video-taped brief-
ing was used to eliminate variability due to different
instructors and changes in reading speed or intona-
tion. To ensure equal viewing conditions the video
was displayed on each station screen. After a brief
introduction consent forms have been distributed and
signed by the subjects.
The inspection standard has been introduced to the
subject by means of a six-minute slide-show with no
audio. Two pages summarizing the inspection stan-
dard and providing a reference for fault sizes and dis-
tances were handed out. The subjects were asked to
go over the cards and see if they have any questions.
After 2 minutes the instructor answered open ques-
tions, then the experiment run started.
Within 30 minutes a total of 600 images should be
inspected. An unpaced approach (Garrett et al., 2001)
with slight adaption was taken. To reach the goal of
600 images a progress bar and a remaining time bar
was displayed on each station screen. Subjects were
encouraged to keep their progress bar in line with the
remaining time bar.
The sessions ended with the completion of a ques-
tionnaire covering demographics, reflection on the
computer experiment and career and gender role at-
2.4 Machine Learning of Visual
In visual inspection tasks, ML classifiers are used for
automating the process of finding a mapping between
images and classes. This is achieved by capturing rel-
evant image features and learning a suitable model to
explain the decisions, acquired from one or several
domain experts or operators during an annotation pro-
During the visual inspection experiment subjects
rate a set of images Ψ that are generated by taking
i.i.d. samples from some distribution D
. For each
image the subjects give responses y, where
y =
1 if shown part is accepted,
1 if shown part is rejected.
Suppose we can characterize the features relevant to
subject decisions by a d-vector x R
and that these
features can be extracted from the image ψ
by some
extraction function Φ such that x
= Φ(ψ
). If we can
train a classifier f to produce predictions ˆy
= f (x
, θ)
with zero expected error on new images, the identi-
fied parameters θ can be used as a perfect surrogate
Recap: Use classifiers to model / analyze human decisions
Page 3
Feature space
Parameter space
Figure 2: Classifiers trained on responses of different sub-
jects. Each subject rates the same set of stimuli images sam-
pled from D
and represented by points x X in feature
space. Subject responses are indicated by × and mark-
ers at those points. The decision boundary in X and cor-
responding classifier parameters θ Θ represent these sub-
jects’ decision behaviors.
for the subject’s decision behavior in the given task.
The analysis of differences and similarities between
the decision behavior of multiple subjects can then be
based on the parameters θ identified for each subject
(Figure 2). For most classifier types the number of
parameters depends on the training data and may not
allow for direct encoding of θ into vectors of equal
length. To reach a fixed-length encoding and facilitate
analysis and interpretation we describe the identified
models by a set of meta-features. These meta-features
should capture the relevant properties of the identified
models and will be specific to the type of classifiers
2.5 Classification Trees and
In our study we used classification trees to model the
subject decision behavior. These trees were induced
by the CART (Breiman et al., 1993) algorithm. Such
trees are full binary trees, where every node other than
the leaves has exactly two children. Figure 3 shows a
typical decision tree induced from the responses of
one subject in our study.
As indicated in the previous subsection, trained
classifiers may not in general be encoded into param-
eter vectors θ of fixed length, which makes classifier
comparison a non-trivial task. This is particularly true
for classification trees that can greatly vary in struc-
ture and the selection of features for the splits. There-
fore, we introduce a fixed number of meta-features
describing the tree structure.
The tree size N is given by the number of nodes
including L leaf nodes, where N = 2L 1. The depth
of a node n
is the length of the path from the root
to the node, with the maximum node depth being the
tree height h. For trees that model decision behavior,
HUMANS DIFFER: SO SHOULD MODELS - Systematic Differences Call for Per-subject Modeling
x27 <327.5
x55 <0.808
x2 <4.5 x23 <106.1
x8 <270.2
rej:40 rej:36
Figure 3: Decision tree induced from the responses of one
subject. Triangles denote splits according to the criterion
given next to it. Each leaf node is marked by a filled circle
and the decision (accept/reject) associated to it. After the
colon the number of samples ending up in the leaf node is
given. The tree is displayed in terms of levels with equal
depth d, with the height h = 4 being the maximum depth.
the depth at the leaf nodes can be interpreted as effort
needed to come to a decision. In addition to L and
h, which depend on the graph structure alone, we can
also take into account how the samples traverse the
tree. If we count the number l
of training instances
traversing node n
, and denote the set of leaf nodes
|i L }, we can compute the average depth per
, (1)
where L is the set of leaf node indices. Similarly, we
define the relative depth variability
, with
. (2)
By taking the number of traversing training in-
stances into account we define the tree entropy
H =
with the entropy contributions of each (leaf)node
= p
, p
. (4)
2.6 Results
In this section we present the analysis results of
our visual inspection experiment with 50 female and
50 male subjects. As indicated before this study
was primarily targeted towards identifying gender-
differences. Clearly, any significant differences found
correspond to correlations to a “measurable” human
property and thus explain part of the variance in the
measured human behavior.
Table 1 and Table 2 report mean values for all, fe-
male and male subjects along with their standard de-
viations in braces. Additionally the effect size (and
Table 1: Overall performance of subjects.
Mean value Effect
measure (standard deviation) (p-value)
All Female Male
Accuracy 0.741
Misses 0.157
significance level in braces) of the gender differences
are given. The effect size is defined as the difference
between group means µ
and µ
, normalized by their
average standard deviation σ
(Cohen, 1988). Statis-
tical significance is assessed by running permutation
tests. In the tables significant effect sizes are written
in boldface subject to a significance level of α = 0.05.
2.6.1 Subject Performance
In Table 1 we summarize the performance of subjects
in terms of accuracy, miss rate, and false alarm rate
with respect to the inspection standard. While the ac-
curacy, i.e. the rate of correct responses shows no
significant difference between female and male sub-
jects (p = 0.340), we have observed significant dif-
ferences in the false alarm (p = 0.041) and miss rates
(p = 0.002). Male subject on average miss 35% of
nonconforming parts
while the figure for female sub-
jects is only 28%. Conversely, female subject falsely
reject 23% of conforming parts compared to 18% for
male subjects.
2.6.2 Group Response Profiles
We analyze differences in the average response be-
havior of subjects based on male and female response
profiles. These response profiles were computed by
taking majority votes on each sample from the male
and female subjects, respectively. From the 600 re-
sponses 9.2% differed between the male and female
profile. These differences were statistically signifi-
cant (p < 0.0007).
2.6.3 Classifier Structure
We analyze differences in the structure of the identi-
fied subjective classification trees and the importance
of input features by means of the tree meta-features
A miss rate of 0.173 on all parts corresponds to 34.6%
of the 50% nonconforming ones.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Structural meta-features of subjective classification
Meta fea-
Mean value Effect
(standard deviation) (p-value)
All Female Male
depth per
defined in Section 2.5. Table 2 shows that all meta-
features related to the tree structure show significant
In general, trees induced from the responses of
female subjects are larger and more complex than
those induced from male subjects, with a 29% (p =
0.002) difference in average leaf count and 31% (p =
9 × 10
) in tree height with respect to their aver-
age values. The average entropy is 2.045 bits for
trees induced from female subject responses versus
1.615 bits for ”male” trees. Most prominent is the
difference in relative depth variability (see (2)) with
(d = 0.846, p = 5 × 10
In the previous section we have established the fact
that individual differences (in this case gender) re-
flect in machine learning structures and that these
differences are significant. It is particularly remark-
able that the structural differences do not correspond
to differences in performance. It is really only the
problem solving strategy that differs. Such differ-
ences in cognitive approaches also exist in other tasks,
e.g. in problem space navigation (Stevens and Soller,
2005) or virtual maze navigation (Moffat et al., 1998).
While all those studies are focused on gender differ-
ences, we believe that correlations also exist along
other social, cultural or biological dimensions. For
example, in our visual inspection study significant
correlations exist between induced classifier structure
and subject’s self assessment on their leadership qual-
ities and intelligence.
Up to now it is not clear whether these results car-
ry over to a wider range of machine learning prob-
lems. It should be noted that the above study relates
to a comparably well-defined task, where individuals
were given clear instructions what to do. We may
assume that individual differences will be more pro-
nounced in tasks that lack clear rules and put more
emphasis on subjective behavior, such as e.g. judg-
ing aesthetics (Thumfart et al., 2011). This is clearly
an open, but promising research question. Further-
more, there is a lack of machine learning databases
that include information about how the training data
were created, in particular whether the ground truth
data were generated by one or more individuals. This
information should be included in databases to allow
an assessment of individual differences and to quan-
tify what is lost by averaging over all the individual
We believe that ideally, training of machine learn-
ing structures should be performed on a per-subject
basis. If training input from multiple subjects is
treated as a uniform data set, systematic differences
between subjects cannot be resolved. Those differ-
ences will appear as unresolvable conflicts in the data
and lead to unavoidable modeling error. We propose
training from multiple subjects should be combined
only at the output stage of individually trained ma-
chine learning structures. By making the diversity
of trainers explicit, this approach not only accommo-
dates the potentially conflicting data of individuals,
but also allows for improved system performance. In-
deed, instead of mere majority voting of individual
models for the overall system output, weighted com-
binations can emphasize reliable, consistent trainers.
The weights need not be set a-priory but can be deter-
mined automatically from estimates of the prediction
error on unlabeled and thus impartial data (Donmez
et al., 2010). The weights can either be based on in-
dividual expected errors or determined in a joint op-
timization procedure guided by the expected error of
the combined vote.
Clearly, segregating an otherwise larger data set
into smaller per-subject chunks could lead to higher
prediction error and possibly to over-fitting of the in-
dividual structures. However, the success of Random
Forests (Breiman, 2001) has shown, that the combi-
nation of classifiers trained on independent (or inde-
pendently sampled) subsets of data can rival and even
surpass other state-of-the-art models trained on the
whole set.
Once we have learned more about how such dif-
ference reflect in machine learning systems, we may
be able to judge the validity of particular models for
a particular task and (group of) trainer(s). Machine
learning methods could be biased to favor models that
HUMANS DIFFER: SO SHOULD MODELS - Systematic Differences Call for Per-subject Modeling
are more likely to reproduce the behavior in simple
structures and thus improve training efficiency and
Our main conclusion is that research in artificial
intelligence should be aware that there is no sin-
gle ‘correct’ machine learning structure for particular
task and that the results obtained may be substantially
influenced by the individual that is modeled in this
This work has been supported by the FEMtech pro-
gram of The Federal Ministry for Transport, Innova-
tion and Technology under FFG grant No. 318113. It
reflects only the authors’ views.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence