An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy
P. B. L. Klavdianos
, M. Parente
, L. M. Brasil
and J. M. Lamas
Centre Universitaire Condorcet, uB – Université de Bourgogne, Le Creusot, France
Gama College (FGA), UnB - University of Brasília, Brasília, Gama, Brazil
Clínica Janice Lamas Radiologia (Radiology Clinic), Brasília, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology modeling, 3D graphic modeling, Female breast anatomy, Methontology.
Abstract: The science of ontology has been widely used in knowledge management, either to define and organize
concepts for the purpose of future preservation or to provide more efficient information processing by our
computers. From this, the use of ontology in medical field has become increasingly consolidated, either to
simply describe the correct meaning of technical terms or to completely depict the anatomical structure of
the human body or medical procedures. In addition, the use of ontology has been associated to artificial
intelligence and virtual reality in order to provide simulation of medical environments with the aim of better
understand the complexities of the human anatomy and the medical procedures. Accordingly, this article
presents the elaboration of an ontology and a 3D graphic model of the female breast anatomy to be used in a
virtual reality environment containing an intelligent tutor system which will eventually be able to assist
learners in the practice of the core needle biopsy. This article reports our experience so as to share
information about the process used, the artifacts generated and the systematic involved in the structuring of
such unified model.
Information Technology (IT) has played an
important role in the process of improving medical
education by intensively using resources from
virtual reality, computer graphics, intelligent
tutoring systems and knowledge management
techniques and tools. The combination of conceptual
models which express the meaning of things and
graphical models which fulfill the need of a visual
representation for the objects being learning makes it
possible to completely replace the deteriorating
human anatomical parts from medical labs.
Moreover, models that were built by applying the
aforementioned computational techniques are easier
and cheaper to maintain. Such models, besides being
extremely reusable, are also likely to undergo
changes, or even a complete overhaul, if need be.
With regard to knowledge management, one of
the most relevant and complex goals of the area is
the appropriate transformation of implicit knowledge
into explicit, which implies ensuring that knowledge
about a specific subject must be correctly identified
and disseminated in order to preserve it. Knowledge
management is not different when applied to the
medical field. Expressing a concept or idea accepted
by different experts in a single way is not a trivial
matter, even when those concepts have an extensive
bibliography and dictionaries to address issues of
specific interest, as in the case of medical terms.
Another aspect that contributes to the difficulty of
expressing a concept of the real world through
written language involves the way one concept
relates to others. A concept is often not simply
defined by a word or word etymology. For a better
understanding of its meaning, it is necessary to
identify associations with other similar,
complementary or antagonistic idea, outright
concepts or even complete learning objects (videos,
images, sound, texts, animations, etc). The science
of Ontology acts in this context, and it has been used
as an alternative to define, organize and share
knowledge in a standardized way so that is
susceptible to be processed easily by a computer. As
a result, a more automatic process for extracting or
derivate meaningful information is created.
Nevertheless, the main issue of building ontology
models lies in the definition of the concepts under a
B. L. Klavdianos P., Parente M., M. Brasil L. and M. Lamas J..
ONTO-MAMA - An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy.
DOI: 10.5220/0003796401060116
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 106-116
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
coherent, complete and utterly understandable
fashion. After all, this is what will guarantee the
usability of the model and its connection to other
complementary resources such as a graphical model
or learning objects used for tutoring.
Hence, this article presents the elaboration of an
ontology model in conjunction with a 3D graphical
model for the anatomy of the female breast. Such
models are intended to be used in a virtual reality
environment having an intelligent tutor system
which aims at assisting the future doctor in the
practice of core needle biopsy. We aim to describe
how the two worlds (conceptual and visual) can be
constructed together in order to fulfill the
requirements of a virtual reality environment
idealized for tutoring purpose. The article is
structured as follows: section 2 presents a brief
review of the concepts associated to the science of
ontology, section 3 presents the work developed,
with emphasis on the construction process, the
artifacts generated and the internal structure of the
model. The article ends in Section 4, where we state
our conclusions and share our experiences and
difficulties in the carrying out of the task.
Ontologies define terms or concepts, the
relationships among them, the rules for the most
complex definitions and some extensions accepted
for purpose of vocabulary completeness and
understandability (Neches et al., 1999).
It refers to an abstract model of some
phenomenon or something that can be identified in
the real world. It is a formal technique, an explicit
specification of concepts that is intended to be
shared. It is formal because it is expressed in a
language which allows for easier processing through
a machine or computer. It has the characteristic to be
explicit, since the type of concepts expressed and the
rules and restrictions imposed must be categorically
defined. Finally, it is supposed to be shared because
it aims to capture and disseminate knowledge to
everybody, i.e. it should not be restricted to a few
individuals, but accepted and used by a group or
community (Studer et al., 1998). Ontology can be
manifested in several ways, but must necessarily
include a vocabulary of terms and specifications
detailing its meaning, which includes definitions of
rules and records of how concepts are interrelated
(Uschold and Jasper, 1999).
By providing a systematic framework to record
information, an ontology model creates enormous
possibilities for associations among concepts, which
broaden understanding on specific areas of expertise.
Consequently, new information can be extracted
from the model so that the initially imagined horizon
of knowledge is extended. For this reason, the
science of ontology highlights two types of models:
the conceptual model and the inference model. The
conceptual model is the one originally envisioned by
the creators of ontology. The inference model, on
the other hand, is that one which is generated by an
intelligent agent, i.e. a piece of software that
captures and extracts information not easily
identified during the idealization of the conceptual
In the health field, ontologies have been
developed to translate texts related to medical
oncology (ONCOTERM), connect biomedical
vocabulary from various sources (UMLS - The
Unified Medical Language System) and to equalize
medical terms used in studies of anatomy,
physiology and pathology. Regarding to our project,
the creation of an ontology model was needed
because the existing ones couldn’t fulfill the
requirements of our project. The next sections will
present the process and methodology used to build
the ontology model (conceptual and inference
models) and the 3D model (visual model) in a
unified manner.
3.1 Contextualization
The Onto-MAMA is part of a wider scientific
project called "3D Anatomical Atlas Applied to the
Breast". Such project is an initiative of the National
Laboratory of Scientific Computing of Brazil
(LNCC) and with the participation of the University
of Brasilia (UnB), the current co-executor of the
work. The project has the scientific and financial
support of the National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq), an agency that
is connected to the Brazilian Ministry of Science and
Technology and has as its goal to promote scientific
and technological research and to create human
resources for research in Brazil.
The building project of a 3D Anatomical Atlas
Applied to the Breast began in July 2009, and its
goal is the search for new proposals for training
students in areas related to the anatomy of the
human breast, in opposition to the teaching of
classical anatomy using the dissection of cadavers.
ONTO-MAMA - An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy
As a practical and more comprehensive result of
the project, it is expected that a web-based
educational environment can be established,
allowing for the practical-morphological learning of
the internal and external structures of the female
breast. By using artificial intelligence and virtual
reality techniques, we aim to seek new approaches to
the teaching of students of Health Sciences and
Human Biology, as well as to benefit teachers and
health professionals interested in receiving
continued education in teaching the anatomy of the
human breast. Another goal is to provide guided
surgical training to students and health professionals
interested in mastering the core needle biopsy
Figure 1 illustrates the major components of the
project and identifies the key role played by the
ontology model for anatomy of the female breast,
which is the main subject in this paper.
Figure 1: 3D Anatomical Atlas Applied to the Breast.
3.2 Methodology
The construction of an ontological model comprises
the following steps: (a) the adoption of a working
methodology, (b) the study of the field of action, (c)
the formal representation of knowledge and (d) the
distribution of the model for validation and use.
The elaboration of the ONTO-MAMA model
started in 2009 with a systematic study of existing
methodologies for the building of ontologies. The
project team defined five criteria for selecting a
methodology which could best adapt to the
characteristics of the project (Table 1). Additionally,
studies of the following existing and widely used
methodologies were conducted: CYC, USCHOLD
Table 1: Criteria for adoption of a working methodology.
Criteria Description
Scope of work
The methodology must describe the
complete creation cycle of an ontological
model (planning, creation and
The methodology must provide the
capacity to create intermediate models
throughout the development cycle
The methodology must be easily
adaptable by the team so as to
incorporate peculiarities inherent to the
The methodology must provide sufficient
documentation for its understanding.
The methodology must be well renowned
and highly reputed among scientists.
The methodology which best suited the
requirements of the project was
METHONTOLOGY, since not only does it meet the
established criteria relatively well, but it also had the
advantage of having a cycle of evolutionary
development, based entirely on prototyping.
Prototyping was a requirement of great importance
in the context of our work, because we planned for
other sub-projects to use the models generated since
the beginning, either with the aim of experimenting
ideas and concepts, or as a simple mechanism of
immediate feedback to the ontology team.
Therefore, the ontology team started using
METHONTOLOGY as the working methodology,
as well as the tool called Protégé (version 4.1) for
the purpose of prototyping the model throughout its
whole development cycle. In addition, intermediate
artifacts were produced to facilitate communication
among members of the team and the medical
experts. These artifacts will be presented in the
subsequent sections.
Once the methodology was defined, the team's
next step was to decide whether the work would be
undertaken from an existing ontology (ontology
merge approach) or whether a new model should be
created specifically for the project (ontology
creation approach). On one hand, the creation of a
new ontology implied extra research efforts and
intense dedication by the breast anatomy experts. On
the other hand, the use of existing ontologies
required well-planned strategies for merge non-
existent concepts with the existent ones, not to
mention the need of specific arrangements for future
evolution of the model. Thus, the project team
initially opted for conducting an investigation of the
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
pre-selected ontologies in order to identify whether
some of them could actually be reused or not. The
evaluated ontologies were, therefore, classified
according to six categories shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Classification used for ontologies assessment.
Criteria Description
Degree of Detail
It indicates the level of description of the
terms contained in the ontology (low,
medium and high degree of detail).
Degree of
It describes the degree of formality used
by the ontology, which are: formal, semi-
formal and informal.
Technique used
for modeling
Description of the systematic used to
construct the ontological model, e.g. first
order logic, logic description or other
more specific techniques.
It identifies the type of licensing of the
Type of
Classification of ontologies according to
the criteria defined by Lassila and
McGuinness (2001), comprising
ontologies in: controlled vocabulary,
glossary, thesaurus, formal hierarchy,
informal hierarchy, frames, value
restriction and logical constraint.
The project team also decided to verify the
adherence of the ontologies to the principles of
Gruber T. R. (1993a), namely: (a) clarity, (b)
coherence, (c) extensibility, (d) consistency in the
use of common vocabulary and (e) non-dependence
of specific symbologies. Since this assessment is out
of the context of this paper, it is sufficient to
mention that among the pre-selected ontologies the
Foundation Model of Anatomy (FMA) was the one
which most closely represented the needs of the
project. However, the project team decided to build
a new model from scratch while keeping the FMA as
a reference ontology which could be integrated to
the ONTO-MAMA in future work if the need arises.
The main reason for such decision stems from the
degree of detail desired and from the need to be in
compliance with the principles established by
Gruber T. R. (1993a). Even a quite extensive and
complete ontology such as FMA did not present, at a
high level of detail, the concepts needed to describe
the macro and micro structures of the female breast,
as required in our project. Besides, the evaluated
models provided little or no documentation in order
to clarify the concepts and its usage, making it
difficult to extend the model.
The METHONTOLOGY will be described in the
next section under the point of view of ONTO-
MAMA project as well as by considering a unified
methodology which promotes the integration of a
ontology model and a 3D graphic model.
3.3 A “Unified Ontology Model”
3.3.1 METHONTOLOGY: Building the
Ontology Model
METHONTOLOGY is a methodology for building
ontologies created by the Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid by the Ontological Engineering Group.
Figure 2 illustrates the METHONTOLOGY’s
phases and stages (or tasks). The most important
tasks or stages, located in the development phase,
are the followings: (a) Specification, (b)
Conceptualization, (c) Formalization, (d)
Implementation and (e) Maintenance. Additionally,
METHONTOLOGY describes management and
support activities, both necessary to complete the
cycle of construction, evolution and maintenance of
the ontology model.
Figure 2: METHONTOLOGY Process.
The first step of METHONTOLGY is the
specification. It defines the boundaries of the model
and clearly states, to all participants, the objectives
that are supposed to be achieved, the desired degrees
of formality, the scope of the ontology and the
desired degree of granularity.
The next step involves the organization and
capture of the knowledge, which is called
Conceptualization stage in the METHONTOLOGY
process. This step consists on the conversion of tacit
knowledge obtained from experts into explicit and
semi-formal knowledge. It is an intermediate record
of knowledge, a leveling mechanism of concepts
among all team members. Gomez-Perez A., Corcho
O. and Fernandez-Lopez M. (2004) suggest some
intermediate representations, for example, glossaries
of terms, tables and data dictionaries to be used at
this stage.
The formalization and implementation stages
ONTO-MAMA - An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy
consist of describing the model using a formal
language. In the case of this project the language
chosen was Web Ontology Language (OWL)
generated by Protégé. During the formalization and
implementation stages the ontology model can be
submitted for validation by experts as well as be
used by others sub-projects members in order to
provide immediate feedback. The implementation
stage may also include the construction of libraries
or reusable softwares which aims to use the model
so that usability, performance and portability can be
measured beforehand.
The METHONTOLOGY development cycle is
concluded with the maintenance stage which
includes the validation and the delivery of the model
for the scientific community. One may understand
this phase as a beta test of the ontology model.
3.3.2 METHONTOLOGY: Building the 3D
Graphic Model
The first multimedia model incorporated to our
unified ontology model was the 3D graphic model.
This model was chosen due to the importance of
representing the anatomical parts in a more
appealing manner, including the possibility of
interaction and animation directly performed on the
3D structure (for simulation purpose) and also
because the 3D modeling brought to us some
challenges to overcome in order to represent the
anatomic parts in a more realistic way.
Some of the challenges we had to overcome can
be summarized as follows: (a) the lack of a specific
3D modeling methodology, (b) the divergences
found among different anatomical atlases used as
reference, (c) the difficulty of setting standards for
the 3D modeling such as the size of the 3D objects,
proportionality of the model compared with a real
breast, color and texture issues and grouping and/or
linkage of the 3D objects to the ontology model.
The lack of a 3D modeling methodology was
solved by adapting the METHONTOLOGY process
to the 3D modeling tasks. This way we could
provide a better interaction between the ontology
team and the 3D modeling team which resulted in a
better validation process since the graphical artifacts
was frequently used to check the comprehension of a
concept described by the ontology model. The
divergences among the references were solved by
using the opinion of the experts and scientific
community whom were in participation of the
ontology model construction. Finally, the need of
setting standards were addressed in the beginning of
the 3D modeling process so that all the people
involved already new and understood our goals and
limitations for modeling the female breast in a more
fidelity and truthiness manner.
In conclusion, we decided to keep and adapt the
METHONTOLOGY as the working methodology
for the 3D modeling tasks.
From this, the first step of 3D modeling
consisted of planning the work. During the planning
the following tasks were executed: a) study of the
METHONTOLOGY; b) structuring of
METHONTOLOGY stages to the 3D modeling
needs; c) production of schedule; d) initial
preparation of requirements.
Next the planning phase, the stages of
METHONTOLOGY were applied directly to the 3D
modeling tasks with some adaptations.
In the Specification stage the 3D team worked
closely to the ontology team by gathering the
requirements of the model from the experts.
Consequently, the use of knowledge acquisition
(KA) techniques is imperative at this point as
defined in Brasil L. M (1994). Some of the KA
techniques applied in this project are: a) dynamic
reading of documents; b) observations; c)
interviews; d) definition of protocols.
In the Conceptualization stage the 3D team
provided support to the ontology team by initially
prototyping visual presentations of the concepts as
well as by validating such concepts with the experts
in mastology. It is also part of the work to define the
technique to be applied in the final version of the 3D
modeling. Regarding to this, the method of polygons
has proved effective due to its compatibility with
complementary techniques such as edge loops and
face projection which improved our results.
The Formalization and Implementation stages of
METHONTOLOGY represent the construction of
the 3D model for an anatomic structure as well as
the connection of such graphical object to the
ontology. At this stage, the 3D modeling team may
also need to compare graphical models constructed
by using different techniques which improves the
accuracy of the work.
It is important to point out that due to modeling
easiness and the already acquired knowledge of our
3D modeling team we have opted for using Maya
Software 2010. Maya has a system of particles and
fluids and the facility of texturization, composition,
renderization and animation which have proved to
be handy in our project. Besides, this software is
widely used in the biomedical area and was the
object of study in Gu S. (2006) and Sharpe J.,
Lumsden C. J. and Woolridge N. (2008) whom
presented it as an accessible alternative to capture
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
biomedical properties. Maya also allows the 3D
modeling by using polygons, NURBS (Non-
Uniform Rational B-Spline) and subdivisions which
provided us a way of modeling at different levels of
complexity. In our project we also opted for
applying complementary 3D techniques in order to
modify or simply polish the final 3D model (Maraffi
C., 2003).
The connection with the ontology model is done
by grouping the 3D structures (vertices, edges and
faces) according to its semantic meaning. After a
long period of research, it was found that there were
no visual ontologies for 3D models in the health
field. Therefore, this characteristic represents a great
contribution of this work. In this regard, Maya
proved to be very efficient in storing the simplified
version of the identification structure defined
primarily in our ontology model with the purpose of
tagging each 3D object. As a result, from the
generated 3D model, in VRML or OBJ format, we
were able to retrieve not only the descriptions of our
3D objects (vertices, edges and faces), but also the
metadata for their identification, which further on
could be linked to our entire ontology model or be
manipulated by the intelligent tutoring system.
The stage of Maintenance is the endpoint and is
represented basically by the validation process. At
this point, both models (ontology and 3D) and
intermediate artifacts go through a systematic
verification and validation by experts in the area of
radiology and mastology.
3.3.3 The “Unified Model”
Since our goal in the ONTO-MAMA was to
construct an ontology model to be used as a
reference for learning medical concepts related to
the female breast anatomy and to the core needle
biopsy, the primary requirement of the project
became the representation of the knowledge in
several formats or medias, not only in textual mode.
Therefore, our building process as showed before
provided the possibility for combination of the
ontology model and a 3D model. We have no doubt
that such a process can also accommodate others
digital models in a more general and unified view.
This unified view, then, will be considered the most
complete representation of the knowledge because it
will contain different points of view and also the
possibility of interchangeability among them.
From this idea of building a unified ontology
model we defined a more complete structure for
identification of the objects in our ontology model
by considering different types of media and external
resources. This same identification or linkage
structure will be used in future versions in order to
add references to a diversified set of digital media so
that an ontology engine could make the connection
among several different types of knowledge
representation. Furthermore, the linkage structure in
our ontology model serves to determine the details
of the relationship among the ontology description
and any external media resource.
The next section describes the results obtained so
far on each phase of our building process by
considering both models: the ontology and the 3D
3.4 Results
3.4.1 Stage 1: Specification
The Specification stage of the ONTO-MAMA
project, was formalized in a document called
"Ontology Requirements Specification" that follows
the pattern suggested by Gomez-Perez A., Corcho
O. and Fernandez-Lopez M. (2004).
Basically, as the goal of the ontology we’ve
defined that the model express the vocabulary of the
female breast anatomy for the purpose of performing
the core needle biopsy procedure. In the future the
description of these medical procedures will be also
incorporated to the model.
Regarding to the characteristics of the model,
we’ve decided for building a formal ontology
described in Resource Description Framework
(RDF) or Web Ontology Language (OWL) format
and doted of a medium degree of granularity which
means to say that we won’t intend to represent and
describe the very microscopic structure of the breast
anatomy, not relevant to the performance of the
medical procedure.
As we can notice the specification phase
provided the general guidelines for both ontology
and 3D graphic modeling.
3.4.2 Stage 2: Conceptualization
The outcomes generated during the
Conceptualization stage are the three types of
glossaries of terms, as well as diagrams which define
the structure of the model in a high-level view called
Model View, and intermediate visions of the model,
which were named Meta data view and
Implementation view.
Figure 3 illustrates the structure of all artifacts
that compose the ONTO-MAMA. The Glossary of
Terms and the Model View (Diagrams) can be
ONTO-MAMA - An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy
optionally used to guide the modeling of any type of
multimedia representation, for instance the 3D
graphic model. The ontology model, on the other
hand, is considered a compulsory artifact which
serves as the main guidance for the multimedia
modeling if we consider the unified ontology model
described in previous section.
In fact, it is the ontology model that will
determine which objects can be represented by
multimedia artifacts and what characteristics and
degree of detail (anatomical and visual aspect) it is
expected or accepted.
Figure 3: Intermediate Representation in the
conceptualization phase.
Table 3, in turn, illustrates the structure of the
glossaries of terms created in the project that broadly
follows the recommendations of Gomez-Perez A.,
Corcho O. and Fernandez-Lopez M. (2004). An
example of the glossary of terms and the meta data
structure for the ontology model created for this
project can be found in the appendix section at the
end of this paper.
Table 3: Structure of glossaries of term.
Sections of the document
- Term or concept name
- Term or concept description
- Source of reference for term or concept
- Copyright statement for using the term/concept
description (optional)
- Examples of multimedia representation (optional)
- Source of reference for multimedia representation
- Copyright statement multimedia usage (optional)
From the point of view of the 3D modeling, the
team provided some intermediate 3D objects for
conceptualization, understanding and future
improvements. Some examples are shown in Figure
Figure 4: a) External view of the breast: triangulated
mesh; b) Side view of the Ductal System – Current model
mammary glands Part 1; c) Side view of the Ductal
System – Current model mammary glands Part 2.
3.4.3 Stage 3 and 4: Formalization and
As stated earlier, beside the artifacts suggested by
the methodology itself, the project team decided for
building complementary diagrams which are able to
express the building block structures of the unified
model in a more understandable way.
This decision took into account the different
profiles of people involved in the project, which
include professionals with little or no knowledge
whatsoever of concepts involving ontology. Thus,
these diagrams facilitated communication within the
team in order to equalize levels of knowledge among
all participants. Furthermore, these artifacts were
shown to be quite useful to experts as a source of
validation and verification regarding to the evolution
of the work over time.
Figure 5 illustrates the so-called Model View
diagram that describes the high-level ONTO-
MAMA structure.
Figure 5: Model view.
From this Model view of ONTO-MAMA, it is
possible to verify that the model was constructed
from basic structures existing in the female breast.
These structures, in turn, were categorized
according to the point of view of an observer that
may be external or internal to the breast. The model
also proposes to describe some additional
anatomical structures which contribute to a better
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
understanding of the female breast, namely:
lymphatic, venous and arterial structures. Such
structures are classified in the model as
complementary structures. The Model View also
suggests that any structure in the model make use of
a documentation element which is implemented as
notes, properties, attributes, relationships, rules and
As for the annotations and properties / attributes,
they are considered elements of metadata in the
ONTO-MAMA model because they define the
detailing mechanisms of the concepts presented in
the model. For these elements, the project team has
defined a systematic representation that is shown in
Figure 6.
The systematic definition of the metadata from
the ontology model primarily defines that it must
contain annotations, which we called "Ontology
The conceptual elements that represent the
anatomical parts of the female breast, in turn,
receive annotations and also other specific attributes
which were defined by medical experts.
Additionally, a special structure based in
annotation or notes is also provided to fulfill the
need of identifying the multimedia objects in others
associated models.
Figure 6: Meta data view.
This identification structure takes into account
that a metadata for identifying one object can be
expressed basically according the following formats:
URI locator, text-based and coded-based which
matches a predefined pattern. This way we provide a
flexible mechanism for identifying an object of
interest in particularly any type of media.
After defining the metadata structure, the project
team opted for direct prototyping (implementation)
of the models on Protégé and Maya, which brought
agility to the construction and review tasks.
For future work we plan the construction of a
software library which will facilitate the use of the
ONTO-MAMA models by the scientific community.
This library will consist of a set of APIs
developed in Java with the ability to interpret and/or
reference the model and its constituent parts.
In addition, the library to be built will serve as a
basis for the building of a website in which the
concepts proposed by the models can be consulted in
order to provide a faster and easier access for
medical practitioners, students and others interested
in the knowledge of breast anatomy and associated
medical procedures.
Our experience in the project showed that the
success in the creation of an ontology depends on
the team's level of commitment, on the level of the
experts' knowledge and on the working methods
Furthermore, also deeply connected with the
working method is the team's ability to understand
the requirements of their project, plan actions, and
work on the elaboration of products, which may not
have been necessarily explicit in the methodology in
use, but that can bring agility and improvement to
the communication between those involved.
Regarding to the construction of a unified
ontology-multimedia model our project shows up
that the teams must be involved since the beginning
of the tasks and definition of goals and principals.
Also, it proved very handy to use the artifacts
produced by the multimedia team as a support for
validation and check points with experts.
Additionally, it is important to reinforce the need of
having efficient and flexible mechanisms for
concepts identification so that these can be reused in
the identification of the multimedia objects and
further yet as a complementary identification of
learning objects if we are considering the
construction of intelligent tutoring systems.
Currently, the model is defined only in
Portuguese (Brazilian), but the translation work into
ONTO-MAMA - An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy
English has already begun. The ontology model as
well as the most important anatomic parts of our 3D
model is under validation of experts working in the
area of radiology and mastology. We plan to build a
complementary ontology as part of the project with
the focus on the description of the core needle
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able to use our models efficiently and easily. Finally,
it is also important to mention that the virtual reality
environment and the intelligent tutor system are
under development in order to validate our models
with regard to its usefulness, easiness and
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de Bourgogne, Centre Universitaire Condorcet,
France who is enrolled in the second year of the
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
ONTO-MAMA - An Unified Ontology and 3D Graphic Model of the Female Breast Anatomy
ONTO-MAMA Sample of the Unified Ontology-Multimedia Model.
(ontology model associated to the 3D graphic model)
3D Object
Identification Structure
-Multimedia Inte
Simple External
3D Ob
Identification Structure
-Multimedia Inte
Simple Internal
3D Ob
Identification Structure
-Multimedia Inte
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics