PlayBug: Discovery by Software-knowledge Rules
Iaakov Exman and Shuri Hazani
Software Engineering Department, Jerusalem College of Engineering
POB 3566, 91035, Jerusalem, Israel
Abstract. Regression testing of software packages is useful to eliminate stub-
born remaining bugs. But one often obtains relatively long sequences of com-
mands needed to reproduce software failures and pinpoint bugs. A systematic
approach to reduce these command sequences is essential for efficient bug dis-
covery. This work proposes the use of rules expressing specific knowledge
about the given software application. Rules are grouped in rule classes, which
enable their application by a generic engine. The approach was validated by de-
sign and actual implementation of a PlayBug engine and its extensive testing on
application families of software dealing with interactive GUI commands.
1 Introduction
Regression testing is commonly used to discover new or recurring bugs when a soft-
ware package is revised during development, leading to a new package version.
Usually when a bug is spotted, analyzed and fixed, a sequence of test commands
that exposes the bug is recorded and retested after subsequent program changes.
An important problem is that the command sequences may be quite long, in fact
longer than needed to expose a certain bug. Thus regression may be very inefficient.
This paper proposes reduction of long command sequences by using a priori
knowledge about the software application. This knowledge is expressed as applica-
tion specific rules which are input to a generic sequence reduction engine. In this
work we refer to testing of interactive applications, such as usage of a text editing
program. Often these applications are used by non-deterministic sequences of com-
mands, thus different testing sequences of varying lengths may lead to the same bugs.
In this introduction we shortly review regression testing concepts and related
work dealing with the command sequence reduction problem.
In the remaining of the paper we introduce command sequence reduction tech-
niques (section 2), present the software architecture of a command sequence reduc-
tion module in the PlayBug engine (section 3), deal in detail with the software know-
ledge embedded in command sequence reduction rules (section 4), describe the vali-
dation experiments for our approach with PlayBug (section 5) and conclude with a
discussion (section 6).
Exman I. and Hazani S..
PlayBug: Discovery by Software-knowledge Rules.
DOI: 10.5220/0003699500480056
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2011), pages 48-56
ISBN: 978-989-8425-82-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1.1 Software Regression Testing
Software regression testing is a modality of testing used again and again along the
development process of a software package.
Whenever one adds code to software under development, or a bug is spotted and a
patch added to fix the bug, the package must be regression tested to check whether
the bug was indeed fixed and new bugs were not introduced. This is typically done
automatically, for several bugs in the same run. Commonly the regression testing
suite is run every night or once a week.
Some general references on regression testing are [1], [9] and [10].
1.2 Related Work on Command Sequence Reductions
In the technical literature the problem of the efficiency of regression testing has been
attacked from several points of view.
An example is the granularity of regression testing suites, which can be reduced
by various techniques (see e.g. Rothermel et al. [8]). Granularity in this sense usually
does not refer to isolated commands, as in the present work.
A more closely related topic is the choice of path in programs – either to isolate
bugs or to maximize bug occurrence – as in Lal et al. [2].
There are a variety of works on testing of GUI (Graphical User Interface) applica-
tions. Marchetto et al. [3] deal with state-based testing of AJAX Web applications.
They refer to the semantic implications of command sequences. Among others, the
issue of whether semantically interacting commands can be commutative.
Memon and collaborators published papers on regression testing of GUIs. Ref. [4]
deals with test sequences as tasks in an Artificial Intelligence planning context. In
Ref. [5] a DART environment for automated regression testing is described.
Orso et al. [6] deal with regression testing of components, using their metacon-
2 Command Sequence Reduction
In this section we deal in detail with the command sequence reduction problem and
some possible solutions.
2.1 The Command Sequence Reduction Problem
Whenever a change is made in a package with the intent to fix a bug that was pre-
viously located, various testing outcomes may occur:
a) either the bug is fixed or not;
b) either new bugs are introduced or not, with/without eliminating the old bug.
These possibilities may occur in distinct software paths taken by different runs. These
may fail at the same bug, but in command sequences of various lengths.
Thus one can define the command sequence reduction problem as follows:
Given command sequences of various lengths, find a command sequence of mi-
nimal length that exposes a given bug.
2.2 Command Sequence Reduction Techniques
One can broadly classify command sequence reduction techniques as follows:
a- probabilistic – one selects by probabilistic criteria a certain fraction of sequences
of given lengths – among all the command sequences that fail in the chosen bug – for
further reduction;
b- knowledge-based – reduction is done according to knowledge-based rules.
In our work we have used techniques belonging to both classes. In this paper we
focus on the knowledge-based rules.
3 Command Sequence Reduction within PlayBug
A software regression engine containing a command sequence reduction sub-system
– PlayBug – was designed and implemented to enable validation and actual utilization
of our approach. A software regression engine has various functions, viz. running
tests, analyzing run outcomes and recording command sequences. Again we focus on
the command sequence reduction capabilities.
Here we describe the command sequence reduction sub-system within PlayBug.
3.1 Reduction Sub-system Architecture
A schematic diagram of the PlayBug reduction sub-system software architecture is
seen in figure 1.
Fig. 1. PlayBug Architecture with Reduction Engine – schematic module diagram showing the
command sequence reduction sub-system. Generic Rule classes are embedded in the system.
The KB (Knowledge Base) containing Specific Rules is read as input for each kind of SUT
(Software Under Test).
The PlayBug command sequence reduction sub-system contains two modules:
a) Reduction Engine – the engine actually performs reduction on the input com
mand sequences;
b) Rule Classes – this is an interface containing generic classes of rules embedded in
the sub-system;
The reduction sub-system also receives as input a knowledge base (KB) containing
specific rules that are only relevant to a given kind of SUT (Software Under Test).
3.2 Reduction Sub-system Implementation
The PlayBug reduction sub-system was actually implemented in the Java Language.
The Rule Classes is a Java interface implemented by Java classes, each one stand-
ing for a generic rule class. Classes have double meaning: a Java class for a rule class.
The KB (Knowledge Base) is a CSV file – comma separated value – file format,
containing one textual specific rule in each row. The number of rows in the file is the
number of specific rules for a kind of SUT. It is read as input into the "Parsing &
Instantiation" sub-module of the Reduction Engine.
The overall functionality of the Reduction Engine is as follows:
1- The "Parsing & Instantiation" sub-module parses each specific rule of the KB and
instantiates a corresponding object of the Rule Classes. This object will perform the
necessary reduction actions for the given rule. The number of objects equals the
number of rules in the KB.
2- The "Loop: Rules' Application" sub-module sorts rules by priority and actually
applies the specific rules to the test command sequence. Its logic is quite sophisti-
cated: for instance, it does not immediately delete superfluous commands; it rather
marks them for additional passes of the Loop. This will be described in detail else-
4 Command Sequence Reduction Rules
We have grouped command sequence reduction rules into generic classes, to enable
easy reuse of these generic classes.
We first describe the generic classes and then give examples of specific rules for
each class.
4.1 Generic Rule Classes
We currently use four generic rule classes:
1) Anchor – this class indicates that all commands preceding the “anchor” command
can be deleted;
2) PreSequence – this class indicates a sequence of repeated commands, without
other intermingled commands; all the commands in the sequence, except the last one,
may be removed.
3) Itself – this class indicates that a given command itself may be removed, because
it has no semantic consequences;
4) Ignored Preparation – this class indicates a command type that may have seman-
tic consequences, but in the given sequence it was ignored, i.e. remained without
semantic consequences;
4.2 Specific Rules
We give specific rules in the context of an interactive GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Sample rules are given for each class:
1) Anchor – a “reset” operation is an anchor: all the commands preceding it may be
deleted; other anchor examples are: “load”, “reload”, “unload”;
2) PreSequence – a series of consecutive “clicking on a table row” operations is an
example of a sequence; one may delete all clicks except the last one, since the pre-
vious unused clicks do not make any difference.
3) Itself – an “increase window size” operation may be removed; it has no semantic
consequences on the window contents; other itself examples are: “help”, “change
4) Ignored Preparation – a “sorting” operation on a table, without using the resulting
table is an ignored preparation; similarly “filtering”, “grouping” and “search” are
types of preparations.
It is important to stress that “semantic consequences” are application dependent. The
same operation can have semantic consequences for a given application and no con-
sequences for a different application.
5 Validation
In this section we describe the validation technique and experimental results.
5.1 Experimental Technique
The experimental technique to validate our approach is to generate a large variety of
command sequences for the same set of bugs – the source sequences – and apply the
command sequence reduction to obtain shorter ones – the target sequences. These
were actually performed with PlayBug.
Given the sets of source and target sequences, we plot them to check the efficien-
cy of the knowledge-based approach.
5.2 Experimental Results
A typical graph of command sequences of a variety of sizes for a given exposed bug
is seen in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Experimental Relative Reduction Graph – reductions of command sequences for a
variety of sequence sizes. The vertical axis shows the sequence sizes in numbers of operations
(commands). The horizontal axis is sorted by source sizes.
In the next figure one can see the relative percentage change of the reduction for
source sizes.
Fig. 3. Relative Percentage Reduction Graph – relative reductions of command sequences for
various sequence sizes. The vertical axis shows the percentage changes.
5.3 Comparison with Expectations
For each set of command sequences that expose a certain bug, one expects the exis-
tence of a minimal finite sequence that can be theoretically achieved. Thus, for any
command sequence length, there is a bound to reduction, i.e. reductions of command
sequences are bounded below 100% reduction.
The next Fig. 4 displays the theoretical expected graph based on the previous ar-
gument, depicting the percentage change as a function of the source command se-
The explanation of this graph is simple to understand. For short source command
sequences, the target after reduction cannot be much shorter than the source itself
since it is very close to the minimal sequence size. With the growth of the source
command sequences, reduction grows approximately linearly with the source size.
When the source command sequences are very large the reduction is at most of the
size of the source, viz. it is bounded below a 100% reduction.
In the same figure one sees that the experimental functional behavior closely fol-
lows the theoretical expectations. Moreover, the experimental results are bounded by
70% – only 30% below the theoretical bound – showing that PlayBug’s efficiency is
very high.
Fig. 4. Theoretical vs. Experimental Percentage Reduction Graph – relative reductions of
command sequences for varying sourcesequence sizes. The vertical axis shows the percentage
changes. The theoretical (blue) graph is bounded by 100%. The experimental (red) graph is
bounded by 70%.
6 Discussion
A knowledge-based rules approach to command sequence reduction within regression
testing has been described. Experimental results show that this is a promising ap-
proach – due to its relatively high efficiency – for interactive GUI applications.
Figure 5 maps in tabular form the generic rule classes already in use, with the in-
tention to suggest degrees of freedom for possible additional generic classes. They are
mapped against two class features of importance: scope and semantic interactions.
Scope refers to the range of commands relevant to the class: preceding commands,
the command itself and succeeding commands. Generic semantic interactions can be
none, cancellation, preparation, and possibly others.
An example of a new class not used yet is “Sequence”. It was suggested by such
mapping, considering the symmetry relative to PreSequence.
One can conceivably have more complex rule classes. An example of such a rule
class is “Complementary” (row 6 in Fig. 5) which refers to pairs of mutually cance-
ling commands – e.g. expand and collapse.
Fig. 5. Generic Rule Classes mapped in Tabular Form – The class scope is marked by a bold-
italic V on a dark (orange) background. Classes are ordered from preceding towards succeeding
scope, except for the “Complementary” class in the lower row.
6.1 Future Work
An open theoretical question is whether the minimal command sequence is unique.
Another theoretical issue is the number of generic rule classes. All the rule classes
used in this work referred to commands independently of their arguments. Rule
classes that are argument dependent are more computationally expensive. Thus, to
reduce the 30% gap shown in Fig. 4 may not be cost effective.
A deeper question is the explanatory or discovery power of command sequences
exposing a given bug. Are different sequences equivalent in this sense? Even if they
have the same length?
Practical issues include the approach usability to other families of software appli-
cations, besides those inherently interactive. Extensive application of PlayBug should
also contribute to a deeper understanding of the reduction upper bounds.
6.2 Main Contribution
This work uses knowledge-based rules for command sequence reduction within re-
gression testing. Its main contribution is the grouping of rules into generic classes – a
higher abstraction level in this context – similar to software design patterns for reuse.
Shuri Hazani wishes to express her gratitude to Noam Garber and Tal Tabakman
from Cadence, Israel, for their help and participation in this project.
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