Steven B. Kraines and Weisen Guo
University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-No-Ha, Kashiwa-Shi, Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Keywords: Knowledge Representation, Semantic Matching, Semantic Similarity, Logic Inference.
Abstract: If researchers created computer-understandable descriptors as part of the process of authoring journal
articles and other expert knowledge resources, intelligent computer-aided matching and searching
applications that are critical for addressing complex and large-scale problems in society could be realized.
The EKOSS system enables knowledge experts to create computer-understandable descriptors of their
knowledge resources using description logics ontologies as formal knowledge representation languages. The
descriptors, called semantic statements, are authored as description logic ABoxes in reference to a shared
domain ontology in the form of a TBox. Reasoners using logic-based inference can then measure the
semantic similarity between semantic statements, which can be applied in knowledge searching, mining and
integration applications. A method for semantic matching that uses logic inference based on a DL ontology
TBox to increase both the precision and recall of matching descriptors created as ABoxes is described, and
the accuracy of the method compared to matching without logic inference is analyzed between a set of 15
semantic statements created using EKOSS to describe research articles related to sustainability science.
Integration of knowledge from a wide range of
academic and non-academic domains is needed to
address the complex problems of today’s society, e.g.
related to achievement of sustainable societies
(Takeuchi and Komiyama, 2006). However, just
coming to grips with the different terminologies
used in different disciplines, e.g. resolving different
usages of the same term, is difficult (Allenby, 2006).
If the accumulating knowledge resources remain
disconnected, then soon it will be impossible to
uncover the potential interrelationships and structure
of all of that knowledge, which is necessary in order
to solve the problems that contemporary science
attempts to address (Lane and Bertuzzi, 2011).
Information technologies can be used to generate
networks of expert knowledge related to specific
areas such as global sustainability and bioscience
(Neumann and Prusak, 2007; Cahlik, 2000). Some
of these studies include semantic relationships by
using automated natural language processing (NLP)
techniques, such as keyword extraction (Kajikawa et
al., 2007). However, even the most advanced NLP
techniques today, such as relationship extraction,
cannot determine meaningful relationships between
keywords with high accuracy (Erhardt et al., 2006).
Technologies that enable creators of knowledge
resources to provide computer interpretable
descriptors of their resources themselves, rather than
relying on third-party annotators or automated
computer “bots”, could make computer-aided
knowledge sharing more effective (Gerstein et al.,
2007; Uren et al., 2006; Power, 2009). In particular,
technologies emerging in the context of the
Semantic Web, such as ontologies, could be utilized
to create an interactive knowledge sharing platform
that would act as a forum for exchanging and
integrating different forms of scientific knowledge
related to a wide range of social issues (Allenby,
2006; Berners-Lee and Hendler, 2001; for examples
see Kraines et al., 2005; Davis et al., 2009;
Kumazawa et al., 2009).
If expert scientific knowledge resources, such as
research articles or research project reports, were
accompanied with highly accurate and semantically
rich descriptors that can be interpreted by a
computer, then inference and reasoning technologies
B. Kraines S. and Guo W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003637001460151
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 146-151
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
could be used to provide a wide range of knowledge
processing services (Power, 2009; Alani et al., 2005;
Hess and Schliedera, 2006). For example, by
mapping the concepts contained in ontologies that
have been constructed as knowledge models for
different domains of knowledge, it should be
possible to translate the concepts and relationships
expressed in the descriptors between different
domains of knowledge, e.g. between chemical
engineering and macroeconomics.
Any third party effort, e.g. by a group of
professional curators, to create such descriptors for
all published research articles could not keep up
with the rate of scientific publication (Attwood et al.,
2009). However, knowledge processing based on
computer-understandable descriptors authored by
humans could be made sustainable by providing
incentives for knowledge experts such as researchers
and policy makers to author the descriptors for their
own knowledge resources, perhaps as a part of the
process of submitting research articles or project
reports. Once the larger community is engaged in
creating such descriptors of their expertise, then the
knowledge processing based on those descriptors
could be scaled up to the size of that community
(DeRose et al., 2007; Ceol et al., 2008).
EKOSS is a web-based platform that supports
computer-mediated sharing and integration of expert
knowledge resources based on computer-
understandable descriptors that are authored by
human knowledge creators (Kraines et al., 2006).
The TBox of a description logics ontology provides
a simplified, unambiguous language for describing
expert scientific knowledge with semantics that can
be interpreted accurately by a computer reasoning
engine. Expert knowledge is described in the form of
ABoxes that instantiate the TBox. Those ABoxes,
called “semantic statements” in EKOSS, are
“computer-understandable” in that a computer can
use logical inference and background knowledge
encoded in the ontology to derive new
“understanding” from a semantic statement. Each
semantic statement is made of one or more triples
consisting of a two ontology class instances and a
typed, directed property between them.
Here, we describe work to develop and test a
method for computing the semantic similarities
between a set of research articles based on semantic
statements that have been created for those articles.
By reasoning about semantic statements with logical
inference, we can identify similarities between
research articles that “tell similar stories” but do not
have any bibliographic evidence for similarity, such
as co-citation. Thus, in comparison to conventional
social networks that describe “who knows who”, we
aim to discover knowledge networks of “who should
know who” because their work is similar in a
meaningful way (Neumann and Prusak, 2007).
In Section 2, we describe the method for
calculating the semantic similarity between two
statements, and the process we used to create the
gold standard for evaluating the calculated semantic
similarities. In section 3, we present the results of
the analysis of semantic similarity calculations using
several different levels of inference. We discuss the
results and conclude the paper in sections 4 and 5.
Our hypothesis is that given a set of semantic
statements of knowledge resources authored by the
human creators of those resources, we can find more
accurate and more “interesting” matches between
knowledge resources than by using conventional
matching techniques. To test this hypothesis, we
examine the effectiveness of using logical inference
to find which pairs of semantic statements, each of
which describes the research presented in a single
research article, have the highest semantic similarity.
In the following sections, we describe the method
for calculating the semantic similarity between a set
of semantic statements, and the gold standard we
have created to evaluate the matching results.
2.1 Semantic Statement Matching
In order to study the different kinds of semantic
matching techniques described in the previous
section, we have developed a semantic matching
tool that supports three of the basic types of
matching described by Guo and Kraines (2008):
matching of classes only, matching of triples without
logical inference, and matching using DL inference.
The process flow for the matching tool is illustrated
in figure 1. All matching tasks take a set of semantic
statements together with a complete set of matching
options as inputs, and they output a list of matching
results giving the calculated matching score between
each pair of semantic statements together with the
specific bindings between triples or instances,
depending on whether or not triples are used in the
semantic matching. In addition to the matching type,
the matching options include class and property
generalization rules and inclusion of property
inverses and symmetry for triple-based matching.
The semantic matching tool generates a search
query set from each semantic statement as follows.
First, the semantic statement is decomposed into a
set of atomic search queries, which are all of the
classes of the instances in the statement in the case
of “class-based” matching and all of the semantic
triples in the statement otherwise. Because queries
are matched using class and property taxonomies,
queries containing general classes and properties
will match with many semantic statements, but
queries with specific classes and properties will
often not find any matches. In order to compensate
for this difference, we provide users with the option
to specify class and property generalization rules.
These are essentially lists of classes (properties) that
are to be substituted for any subclasses
(subproperties) that occur in the atomic search
queries. For example, the analysis described here
uses property generalization rules that include the
property “has participant”. Therefore, all of the
properties in all search queries that are subproperties
of the property “has participant”, such as “produces”,
“consumes” and “has actor”, are replaced with “has
participant”. The result of this process is a set of
atomic search queries that represent the different
semantic assertions contained in the original
semantic statement at a particular level of semantic
specificity that is specified by the user.
Figure 1: Flow diagram of the semantic matching
After the search query sets are generated, each
atomic search query in each search query set is
matched with all of the original semantic statements,
which we call “target statements”. In the case of
“class-based” matching, each atomic search query is
just a single (possibly generalized) class; property
information is ignored. Consequently, a match is
recorded between the atomic search query and each
instance in the target statement whose class is the
same as or a subclass of the class given by the query.
For “triple-based” matching, each atomic search
query is a semantic triple comprised of a directed
property from a domain class to a range class. Each
atomic search query is matched with each semantic
triple in each target statement. A match occurs if the
class of the domain instance, the class of the range
instance and the property of the triple from the target
statement are all equal to or subsumed by the
respective classes and properties in the atomic
search query. If the user has included the matching
option “use property inverses” and the property in
the atomic search query has an inverse, then the
inverse property is substituted into the search query
and the classes of the domain and range are reversed.
The modified atomic search query is then matched
once again with all of the triples in the target
statement. Similarly, if the user has included “use
property symmetry” and the property is declared in
the ontology to be symmetric, then the classes of the
domain and range are reversed and the modified
atomic search query is matched again with all of the
triples in the target statement.
In “DL-based” matching, once again each atomic
search query is a semantic triple. First, all instances
and properties of one target statement are loaded
into the knowledge base of the DL reasoner (we use
RacerPro here) as the ABox, together with the
ontology which comprises the TBox. Then each
atomic search query is evaluated by the reasoner
against the knowledge base. If the reasoner finds an
answer set to the query, then all pairs of instances in
the ABox that can be bound to the class variables in
the search query are recorded. The ABox of the
knowledge base is then cleared, and the next target
statement is loaded into the knowledge base.
In both “triple-based” and “DL-based” semantic
matching, multiple pairs of instances in the target
statement may match with a particular atomic search
query. Also, it is possible that more than one search
query may match with a particular pair of instances.
To obtain the score of a match between a search
query set and a target statement, we calculate
weights for each atomic search query using inverse
document frequency (IDF) (Spark Jones, 1972):
weight of atomic query =
ln[(total # of statements)/
(# of statements having at least 1
match with the atomic query)]
Receive matching parameters:
- matching type, generalization rules, etc.
Generate search query sets from each semantic
- Decompose statement into triples or instances
- Replace properties and classes according to the
generalization rules
Calculate matching score from IDFs of each atomic query
Match each atomic query in each search query set
with each target statement
- Class-based: match atomic queries to instances
- Triple-based: match atomic queries to triples
- DL-based: query DL reasoner for bindings to atomic
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
The matching score is then just the normalized
sum of the weights of the matching atomic queries:
s, t
(weight o
matched atomic quer
(weight o
atomic quer
Where n is the total number of atomic queries in
the search query set s, and m is the number of
atomic queries that have at least one match in target
statement t.
2.2 Creating the Gold Standard
In order to evaluate the precision and recall of the
matching results using each of the semantic
matching techniques, we have created a gold
standard that gives the “correct” matches between a
set of 15 semantic statements that were created using
the EKOSS system to describe research articles on
topics related to sustainability science. The semantic
statements were authored using the SCINTENG
ontology implemented in OWL-DL, which makes
extensive use of the logical constructs provided in
the DL framework such as domain and range
restrictions on properties, logical characteristics of
properties such as being transitive or functional, and
universal, existential, and cardinal restrictions on
classes (Kraines and Guo, 2011). All of these
constructs can be used for semantic inference.
We have chosen to focus on a small set of the
semantic statements in order to be able to thoroughly
investigate all of the matching results. The 15
semantic statements were selected for research
articles that are recent, published in internationally
recognized journals, and are representative of the
coverage of the SCINTENG ontology: five articles
focus on experimental studies in material science,
four articles focus on modeling studies of energy
devices, three articles focus on studies of natural or
agrarian ecosystems, and three articles focus on
analyses of economic systems. Each semantic
statement contains on average about 40 semantic
triples, so there are over 500 triples, not including
the triples in the TBox and the triples obtained
through logic inference.
We created the gold standard by examining the
actual semantic similarity between pairs of semantic
statements that had non-zero scores when DL
inference was used for semantic matching. This set
of matches necessarily includes all of the matches
generated using triples, both with and without
property inverses and symmetry. However, many of
the matches generated using class matching will not
be in this set, and these will all be treated as negative
matches. We discuss this issue in section 4.
Figure 2 shows the results of matching the 15
research articles using DL inference. Each of the
articles appears on both axes, so the diagonal
consists of 100% matches of the semantic statement
for a research article with itself. The matrix is not
diagonal, however, because the semantic matching
techniques are based on logical inference matches
from the search query sets (on the X axis) to the
target statements (on the Y axis).
Figure 2: Results of matching semantic statements using
DL inference. Labels on the X axis are short versions of
the article titles. Target statements are on the Y-axis and
search query sets for each of the semantic statements are
on the X-axis. Shades of gray show match scores: a white
cell is a zero match and a black cell is a match with a score
of 20% or more. The gold standard scores are shown as
circled numbers from 0 to 9 overlaying the shaded cells.
Black circles are used on cells where the actual matching
score using DL inference was less than 8%, and white
circles are used where the match score was 8% or more.
We examined each of the 81 non-zero matches
off the diagonal to evaluate the actual semantic
similarity. There are 210 pairs of different semantic
statements, so this gives a coverage of 39%. We
manually assigned a semantic similarity score to
each of the matches based on our knowledge of the
matching domain, as
shown in figure 2. The
occasional disagreements between the match
scores and the gold standard scores, e.g. the black
cell in the first column that is labelled with a “1”,
are indication that even matching using DL
inference does not give perfectly accurate matches.
We ran the semantic matching process using class-
based matching (classes), triple-based matching
without inverses or symmetry (triples), triple-based
matching with both inverses or symmetry (triples+),
and DL inference (DL). All of the matching
techniques include inference over class and property
hierarchies defined in the ontology. We used a set of
property generalization rules but no class
generalization rules for all of the semantic matching.
To calculate precision and recall, we treat all of
the matches in the gold standard having scores
greater than or equal to 5 as true positives. We
calculated PR curves by adjusting the cut off for the
semantic matching results. Only 9 matches were
greater than 15% in the DL semantic matching case,
as shown in figure 2, so we have evaluated the
number of true and false positives and negatives for
cut off values of 1%, 2%, 5%, 8%, and 10%.
The resulting PR curves are shown in figure 3.
Except for the last point for the 10% cutoff,
matching with DL inference outperformed all other
matching techniques. While class matching tended
to have high recall, the large number of matches that
did not fulfil our criteria for the gold standard (at
least one matching triple) meant very low values for
precision. Even at the 10% cut off, the precision for
the class matching case was just 60%.
The PR value for the DL inference case at the
10% cut off is clearly a low performance result,
having both lower precision and lower recall than
the previous cutoff at 8%. The reason for the
simultaneous decrease in precision and recall is as
follows. The number of true positives decreased
from 18 to 13 when the cutoff was raised from 8% to
10%. However, the cut off did not actually result in
the removal of any false positives because already at
8% cutoff there were only 5 false positives. A
decrease in true positives with no change in false
positives resulted in a decrease in both precision and
recall. In comparison, the triples+ case at 8% cutoff
had one less false positive than the DL inference
case at 10% cutoff with the same number of true
positives, so although the recall is the same, the
precision is slightly better for the triples + case.
The simultaneous decrease in precision and
recall for the triples case from 5% cutoff to 10%
cutoff occur for reasons similar to the DL inference
case from 8% cutoff to 10% cutoff.
Figure 3: PR curves for the four semantic matching runs
described in the text.
The approach we have used for creating the gold
standard favors the DL matching results. Therefore,
the comparison of PR curves in the previous section
should be viewed as a measure of the degree to
which simpler forms of semantic matching can
reproduce the results given by the DL inference
based semantic matching. However, we believe that
this is a useful evaluation because it is reasonable to
think that the manual (rather than computer-
extracted) addition of rich semantic information
should result in more semantically accurate matches.
Ontologies formalized in logic have well known
limitations in regard to expression of fuzzy concepts
and uncertainty. Furthermore, the logical formalisms
provided by OWL-DL do not allow us to express the
propagation of a relationship from one property to
another (Horrocks et al., 2006). For example, we
might want to infer that if a particular instance of
activity, such as “driving”, is identified to be located
in a particular city “Tokyo” and have a particular
participant “diesel truck”, then we know that the
“diesel truck” has location “Tokyo” (at least for the
duration of the activity). This function is supported
in the new OWL2 protocol (Grau et al., 2008). The
propagation function could also be implemented by
defining Horn clause rules that create new properties
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
every time a propagating combination is detected.
For the example given above, the Horn clause would
have the head “A has location B and A has
participant C” and the implication “C has location
B”. We plan to examine the effect of adding rules
such as this on semantic matching in future work.
We have described a method and tool for matching
semantic statements that represent the expert
knowledge reported in research articles based on a
DL ontology. The precision and recall of matching
using DL inference versus matching triples or
classes directly without inference were measured
using a gold standard prepared specifically for this
study. The results indicate that the non-inference
matching techniques were significantly less accurate
than matching with DL inference.
This work has been supported by funding from the
Japan Office of the Alliance for Global
Sustainability and the Office of the President of the
University of Tokyo.
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