Effects of Various Types of Violent Video Games on Players’ Cognitive Aggression
Younbo Jung
Nanyang Technological University, 31 Nanyang Link, Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Keywords: Video game, Violence, Aggression, Role enactment, Enjoyment, Identification.
Abstract: In this study I investigated the effects of depicted character roles and wishful identification with the main
character on aggression and game enjoyment among players in violent video games. The results (n = 36)
showed that character roles (e.g., the police, gangster, and athlete) did not have any significant effect on
post-game aggression. However, there was a significant association among depicted character roles, wishful
identification, and game enjoyment. Implications in terms of the level of aggression, identification with the
game character, and game enjoyment are discussed.
Violence pervades our daily lives, regardless of our
awareness. According to the hypothesis of innate
nature of human violence from evolutionary
psychology, it is not so surprising to see human
beings’ enjoyment of violent media because the
sensitivity to violence has evolved from the Stone
Age. That is, the innate modules of violence reside
deeply inside all human minds. Virtual experience of
violence may wake up the innate instinct of violence
(Pinker, 2002). Because the human mind still
regards violence as a rewarding activity for
reproduction and survival, human responses to this
wake-up call for violence (i.e., exposure to violent
media) could be perceived as something enjoyable,
exciting, and satisfactory. As such, the relationship
between exposure to media violence and its various
negative effects has been one of the most popular
research topics in media-effect studies (Sparks and
Sparks, 2002). Research on violent video games has
also demonstrated that exposure to violent video
games tended to increase aggressive affect,
aggressive cognitions, and aggressive behaviors
among users (Bushman and Anderson, 2002;
Carnagey and Anserson, 2005).
However, it is often ignored that there are
different types of violence in video games,
depending on the depicted role of main characters of
the games. For example, violent actions by the
police in video games may influence players
differently, compared to similar actions by the
criminal. It is possible that violent actions by a nice
character or our “guy” are perceived to be more
acceptable to players when players enact the role of
a positive character during their play. According to
Pinker (2002), violence has been historically
justified within the stereotypical dichotomous view
of a good guy versus a bad guy. Skillful violence
against animals to get food and against nemeses to
protect one’s own tribe was regarded as a sign of
being a “real man” (p. 309), and thus was adored by
people. Fellow humans who are outside the circle of
“we” are often treated like animals that do not
deserve our sympathy. Violence by the protagonist
is accepted well without any disturbance because
people tend to identify with the protagonist—the
“our guy, thus a good guy” thinking (Oatley, 1994).
To summarize, playing violent video games could
influence players’ level of aggression and judgment
of violence differently, depending on how the role of
the main character is depicted in video games and
how players identify with the character.
Therefore, the purposes of the current paper are
(1) to investigate how different types of violence in
video games could influence players’ level
aggression; and (2) to discuss a way to reduce
possible negative effects of playing violent video
games by altering the context features of violent
games. A total 36 subjects participated in the
experiment with different types of violence as a
between-subject factor (police violence vs. gangster
Jung Y..
UNDERSTANDING MEDIA VIOLENCE FROM A ROLE-PLAY PERSPECTIVE - Effects of Various Types of Violent Video Games on Players’ Cognitive
DOI: 10.5220/0003497802610266
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 261-266
ISBN: 978-989-8425-56-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
violence vs. sports violence). Findings and
implications in terms of the level of aggression,
identification with the game character, and game
enjoyment are discussed.
Despite a relatively small size of research
conducted, compared to traditional media violence
(Bushman and Huesmann, 2001, Paik and
Comstock, 1994), studies on violent video games
demonstrated that exposure to violent video games
could cause increase in aggression. The recent meta-
analysis (Anderson, 2004) confirmed a significant
effect of violent video game on aggressive thoughts,
affect, and behaviours, the association of which is
greater than the level of association in the
relationship between condom use and decreased
HIV risk, exposure to passive smoke at work and
lung cancer, and calcium intake and bone mass
(Bushman and Huesmann, 2001).
In spite that previous research showed a
significant relationship between violent video games
and aggression among players, there have been
relatively a few studies that examined specific
factors within such violent games that may influence
the degree of post-game aggression. In the following
sections, I will review the literature on factors within
game play such as character identification and role
enactment and their relationships with game-play
2.1 Character Identification
Sherry (2001) argued that despite the existence of an
association between violent video games and
aggression, the effect size is small and can vary with
factors such as types of violence contained in games.
For instance, Schneider and colleagues (2004) found
the effects of narrative on players’ emotional,
motivational and psychological responses to first-
person shooter games. Their argument is that the
presence of a storyline provides a context for
engaging in violent acts, which makes people
relatively easy to justify such violent acts.
Studies in traditional media suggest stronger
effects of justified violence on aggressive
behaviours (Berkowitz, Park, Leyens, and West,
1974; Tan, 1981). For instance, youths are likely to
be attracted to and identify with the “real heroes,”
portrayed by the media as aggressive and powerful
figures (Huesmann and Eron, 1986). When this
happens, they have the tendency to justify the
violent acts that the “real heroes” perform, which, in
turn, may result in their increased level of aggression
both in the short run (Perry & Perry, 1976) and in
the long run (Huesmann & Eron, 1986).
In contrast to several studies conducted in
traditional violent media, there are a few relevant
studies conducted in the context of violent video
games that investigated the effects of identification
with character on aggression. In an effort to bridge
the gap, Konijin, Bijvank and Bushman (2007)
conducted a video game study to examine factors
that can affect individuals’ identifications with the
attractive role model in a violent game. They made
distinction between similarity identification and
wishful identification and suggested that one’s
wishful identification, a concept close to the
vicarious learning (Bandura, 1986), was linked to
one’s increased aggression. Taken together, the
more players wish that they were main characters in
violent video games, the more likely they show post-
game aggression and enjoyment as shown in
research on traditional media effects and video
2.2 Proteus Effect and Role Enactment
The underlying framework that can further illustrate
the relationship between one’s identification with
the aggressive “heroes” in violent media and the
correspondingly increased aggression of players is
the Proteus effect (Yee & Balienson, 2007). The
Proteus effect is based on self-perception theory
(Bem, 1972, Goldstein & Cialdini, 2007) and
applied to a new context of virtual environments
Self-perception theory posits that individuals
define themselves by observing their own actions
from a third-person perspective and behave in line
with the inferred “self-concept” (Bem, 1972). In
light of self-perception theory, Goldstein and
Cialdini (2007) further contended that people would
infer their own attributes by observing the
behaviours of the “psychologically merged others”
(i.e., whom they share merged identity with) as if
they were observing themselves performing the
specific behaviour. Therefore, a sense of merged
identity with “others” is a key precondition for one
to shape the self-concept from observing others and
to behave in a way that conforms to the salient self-
In line with this, Yee and Balienson (2007)
coined the term, “the Proteus Effect” to elaborate
how an avatar that one plays in VEs can in turn
impact one’s behaviour. As individuals are
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
deindividuated in virtual environment (Mckenna &
Bargh, 2000), it is very likely that they adhere to the
identities inferred from their avatars. As such,
according to the self-perception theory (Goldstein &
Cialdini, 2007), they tend to perform behaviours that
conform to the perceived identities and stereotypes
of their avatars. For instance, Yee and Balienson
(2007) found that individuals assigned to a more
attractive avatar in VEs appeared to be more
intimate with the confederate than those assigned to
a less attractive avatar; and individuals assigned to a
taller avatars showed more confidence than those
assigned to a shorter avatar. Similarly, a study of
gender-role enactment in VEs (Jung and
McLaughlin, 2008) further proved supporting
evidence to the Proteus effect. The researchers found
that by enacting gender roles in VEs, people showed
corresponding gender self-concepts and gender-
stereotyping behaviors. More specifically,
participants assigned to a male role kept a greater
physical distance between themselves and the
computer agent than those assigned to a female role,
regardless of their biological sex.
In summary, people may show various degrees
of aggression and enjoyment, depending on the role
and visual representation of the main character in
violent video games in ways that conform to role
stereotypes. For example, the American TV drama
“Prison Break” gives a good demonstration of the
potential impact of character roles by showing how
the criminal “Michael” and his brother can become
“heroes” in the eyes of audiences. In the context of
video games, previous studies suggested games
containing human and fantasy violence (Sherry,
2001) and presence of a storyline (Schneider, Lang,
Shin & Bradley, 2004) are more likely to justify the
violent acts and thus make the players more
aggressive and enjoyable. As such, the depicted role
of a main character in violent video games, together
with wishful identification, may influence players’
post-game experience such as aggression and
enjoyment. Based on this, I propose the following
research question and hypothesis:
RQ 1: What is the effect of a character role on
the level of aggression and game enjoyment among
players in a violent video game?
H1: Wishful identification with the main
character will be positively associated with the level
of aggression and enjoyment among players.
3.1 Participants
A total of 36 undergraduate students in a university
in Singapore participated in this study (12
participants per each condition). They were given
course credits and five-dollar incentive for their
participation. Each participant was scheduled to
come to a lab to participate in a 30 minute
experiment individually. Upon their arrival, the
participants were greeted and escorted to a game
room with a comfortable chair and a 40 inch flat
screen TV to play a certain title of violent video
game assigned to them. Then, they were asked to
complete the reaction-time task and online survey
about their game experience.
3.2 Manipulations of Different Roles
Three different types of violent video games were
selected in this study in terms of the distinct role
enacted in each condition: the police officer,
gangster and athlete. In order to reduce bias caused
by different titles within each condition, six titles of
violent video games (i.e., two titles per each
condition) were used in this study. All the game
titles are rated M for mature audience in terms of the
level of violence.
In the condition of violence from a positive role,
participants played game titles such as
“Stranglehold” and “Resident Evil” that portray a
role of the main character as a police officer who has
to fight violently with criminals or monsters to
accomplish given missions. Two game titles for the
condition of violence from a negative role are “Kane
& Lynch” and “Grand Theft Auto TV.” In “Kane &
Lynch,” participants played a criminal who breaks
out the prison and fights against the police. In
“Grand Theft Auto TV,” one of the most popular
violent video games, participants played a criminal
who performs violent behaviors such as stealing cars
and killing people in the city, without being caught
by the police. In the condition of violence from an
athlete role, two sports game titles were selected
such as “UFC” and “SMACKDOWN VS RAW.”
Although they are categorized as sports games, they
are also rated M for mature audience due to their
violence. Participants in this condition fought with
other fighters to play in the context of wrestling and
ultimate fighting.
- Effects of Various Types of Violent Video Games on Players' Cognitive Aggression
3.3 Procedures
3.3.1 Pre-experiment
Each participant was assigned to one of the six game
titles and played the assigned video game upon their
arrival at a laboratory. Firstly, participants were
given a brief instruction about the experimental
process. Secondly, the participants were given a
brief narrative about the game and the character to
help them understand the background of the game
and the character. A photocopy of the storyline of
the video game was also presented to the
participants. The participants were asked to read it
carefully to ensure that they have enough time and
exposure to be familiar with the role of the main
character. Finally, the participants were given an
enlarged photocopy of the control panel to help them
understand how to play the video game.
3.3.2 Post-experiment
After playing a assigned video game for about 30
minutes, participants conducted a reaction-time task.
They were asked to read aloud a series of words
displayed on the screen, immediately after playing
the violent game. The lab was kept completely quite
during the reaction-time task in order to prevent
unintended errors from noises. At last, participants
completed an online survey about their video-game
3.3.3 Measures
For the reaction time task, a simpler version of the
Genov Modified Stroop Task (Anderson et al., 1996,
Kirsh et al., 2005) was used to measure participants
reaction times (RTs) in milliseconds to 20 negative
words and 20 neutral words. When each word was
displayed on a computer monitor, participants were
asked to read the word aloud as quickly as possible.
For the training purpose, participants first tried the
task with eight words: ROSE, CURVE, CALL,
(Kirsh et al., 2005). After the training session,
participants completed the RT task with 40 words.
The presentational order of the words was
randomized. The RT for each word was logged in
the database automatically in the unit of millisecond.
The final index for RTs was the difference in the
average RT between the neutral words and the
negative words. We took the difference in order to
control for individual differences in RTs. We used
the 40 stimulus words matched for length and
frequency in previous research (e.g., Kirsh et al.,
2005, Kucera & Francis, 1967, Sharma & McKenna,
2001). The 20 negative words were; FEAR,
neutral words were; GATE, NOTE, CLOCK,
CALL, and FOOT. Higher scores indicated faster
RTs to negative words, which meant more salient
cognitive-associative networks for aggression
(Bushman, 1998).
For game enjoyment, I used six adjectives on a
five-point scale ranging from “describes very
poorly” (1) to “describes very well” (5); for
example: “enjoyable,” “entertaining,” and “fun.:
Higher scores indicated more positive game
experience (α = .93).
For wishful identification, I used
four Liket-type
items on a five-point scale adapted from a study by
Konijin and colleagues (2007). The four items
include “I wish I were like the (main) character in
the game,” and “I wish I could do the same things
the character does.” Higher scores indicated stronger
feelings of wishful identification with the game
character (α = .87).
I used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to test mean
differences among three difference conditions. The
results showed no significant difference in reaction-
time differences among three conditions, F(1, 32) =
0.54, n.s. However, the trend showed that the
participants who played gangster games reacted to
negative words faster than the participants who
played police games. The participants who played
sports games showed the slowest reaction times to
negative words, which implies becoming less
aggressive after playing violent games. I believe that
statistically non-significant difference is due to the
small sample size in this study (see Table 1).
Table 1: Means and standard deviations of all measured
Police Gangster Sports
RT 5.75 60 18 49 -2.7 51
Enjoyment 3.91 0.64 2.97 1.11 3.29 1.02
Identification 2.25 1.0 1.29 0.54 1.35 0.47
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In addition, the results showed a significant
difference in wishful identification between the
police violence condition and the other two
conditions, F(1, 33) = 6.83, p < .01. Specifically, the
participants who played police games wished to be
like the violent character in the games more than the
participants who played gangster games and sports
games. It makes sense that people wish to be like a
good character more even in the context of violence.
In the following regression analysis, the results
showed that wishful identification was a significant
predictor for game enjoyment (standardized
regression coefficient = .4, p < .05).
In the current study, I investigated the effects of
various depicted roles in violent video games on
players’ post-game experience measured by
cognitive aggression and enjoyment of the games.
The results showed no significant difference among
three different role conditions: police vs. gangster
vs. sports. Nevertheless, the trend suggests that
future research is needed to examine the potential
effects of contextual factors on game experiences.
The participants in the police condition showed
the strongest feeling of wishful identification and
enjoyed playing games the most. As such, I found a
significant association between wishful
identification and game enjoyment. This finding
implies that the more people wish to be like the main
character in the game, the more they enjoy the game.
For the game designers, games can attract more
players if the main characters in the games have
desirable characteristics that make players wish to be
like the characters. In other words, the narrative of
games is important for players to enjoy games.
There are a few limitations in this study. First of
all, the sample size is small, which could have
resulted in non-significant results on aggression.
Secondly, the time to play games was short. Future
research needs to consider a longitudinal study for
more robust outcomes. Lastly, I only measured
cognitive aggression. Future research can measure
affective and behavioural aggression, in addition to
the cognitive dimension for a more comprehensive
understanding of post-game aggression.
As a final remark, given the results, it may not be
a bad idea to have violent games with good-guy
characters such as the police although it is rather
counter-intuitive. Such contexts may potentially
reduce the level of postgame aggression and yet can
make players wish to be like the main characters
more, which, in turn, result in more positive game
This research was supported by the Wee Kim Wee
School of Communication & Information, Nanyang
Technological University (Grant No.
RCC3/2009/SCI). The author thanks Chen Ruili and
Shi Cong Kristy for their help in data collection.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems