Tefen Lin, Jie Wang
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA 01854, U.S.A.
Pei-Yu Huang, Yan-Ping Tung, Hsiao-Yun Huang, Kai-Wen Yu
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taoyuan Country, Taiwan
Keywords: TMA, Mosaic art image, Dithering algorithm, FWD-FSD, Ajax, Web service, XQuery.
Abstract: This paper presents Tile Mosaic Art (TMA), an e-commerce Web application system for making mosaic art
images from regular pictures. TMA makes it possible for ordinary users to produce high-quality mosaic art
images with tiles without special training. We describe how TMA resolves color bandings caused by current
technologies of tile industries, where only a limited color palette for tiles is available. In particular, TMA
uses the FWD-FSD error diffusion algorithm (Lin and Wang, 2011) to maintain the original structure of the
input image and produce high-quality mosaic images. TMA also develops Ajax, Web Service, and XQuery
technologies to save and modify mosaic images and obtain the effect of what-you-see-is-what-you-get
mosaic picture. Our experiments show that TMA not only produces high-quality mosaic images but also is
efficient in terms of response and request time.
Becoming an artist of mosaic art may be a dream of
many people. Realizing this dream, however, would
require extensive training. This paper presents a
Web application system that allows ordinary people
to become seasoned mosaic artists using tiles.
Traditional mosaic artists create mosaic arts with
small pieces of colored glass, stone, china, or other
materials. Mosaic art today provides sophisticated
decorations for floors, walls, and ceilings. Mosaic
art images are composed manually by artists.
We design and develop an e-commerce Web
application system called Tile Mosaic Art (TMA) to
produce mosaic art images from regular pictures,
where a mosaic art image consists of a grid of small
square tiles of one square centimetre. In particular,
the user uploads the original picture to TMA, which
then converts it to a mosaic art image using a given
color tablet. Users can obtain a what-you-see-is-
what-you-get mosaic art image, modify it, and
display it in their blogs and other places. Users may
also choose to a sheet of grids for a mosaic image
produced by TMA, where each cell has a unique
number corresponding to a specific tile (see Figure 1
(c)), making it easy to piece the tiles together to
form the image. TMA combines techniques of
digital photographic image (as shown in Figure 1
(a)) and mosaic image (as shown in Figure 1 (b))
together to produce a mosaic image (as shown in
Figure 1 (d)). The mosaic art can be framed and
hung on the wall. The size of a typical frame is 50
cm wide, with its height determined by the
width/height ratio of the original image.
Listed below are two major problems in creating
a mosaic art application:
1. Confined by current tile making technology,
there are only limited colors available for tiles.
For example, the tile manufacturers we work
with can only make tiles with 48 different colors.
2. Both of the user request and system response
time must be reasonable to make the system
user friendly.
Applying graphic dithering algorithms to enlarge
original image is a common technique in the field of
graphic design and graphic art. We devise a fast
dithering algorithm to produce mosaic images using
a given set of tiles with limited colors while
maintaining high quality. The final output of our
Web application is a sheet of grids (as shown in
Figure 1 (c)) for a mosaic image, where each cell is
appropriately numbered, which corresponds to a
Lin T., Wang J., Huang P., Tung Y., Huang H. and Yu K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003483706410644
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WSPA-2011), pages 641-644
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
particular type of tile (as shown in Figure 1 (c)).
Using this printout and a supply of tiles, everyone
can assemble the tiles to produce, with little artistic
talent, a nice-looking mosaic art image (shown in the
Figure 5).
We use a number of Web technologies to shorten
the request and response time in our system,
including Web Service, DOM, XML, Ajax, and
XQuery, in addition to the fast dithering algorithm
we developed. In this paper we will describe how to
convert the original image to a digital tile mosaic
image and how to transfer each pixel in an image
between the browser and the Web server.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we will describe how to produce a mosaic
image with high quality from a given photo provided
by the user. In Section 3 we will present our mosaic
image editor using several Web technologies, which
allows users to modify their mosaic images. In
Section 4 we will explain the architecture of the
TMA system. We will conclude the paper in Section
5. In Appendix we will provide a number of
examples of mosaic art images.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 1: Our procedure of making a mosaic image: (a)
Image uploaded by the user. (b) The mosaic image
produced by our dithering algorithm. (c) A sheet of grids
for putting tiles to produce a mosaic image. (d) The final
mosaic art product.
Our Tile Mosaic Art Web system (TMA) consists of
the following four major components:
1. Resize the original image.
2. Apply the FWD-FSD error diffusion dithering
algorithm [LW11] to the resized image and
produce a mosaic image with high quality.
3. Edit the mosaic image.
4. Print the sheet of grids for placing tiles.
2.1 Resize the Original Image
After the user uploads the orignial image, TMA first
resizes it to fit in a standard picture frame (see
Figure 1(d)). A typical picture frame is 50 cm wide
with its height determined by the width/height ratio
of the original image. In particular, TMA first
resizes the original image of size w × h pixels to the
desired size of w’ pixels wide and w’h/w pixels high,
where w represents width and h represents height.
For example, the original image of a little girl (see
Figure 1) is 413 × 523 pixels . TMA resizes it by
retrieving its own embedded thumbnail and scales it
to the size of 50 × 63 pixels .
2.2 Color Mapping
After the original image is resized appropriatly,
TMA analyzes the color of each piexl and maps it
to the cloest color in the given pallate of limited tile
colors. The tile manufacturer we work with can
only produce tiles with 48.
TMA allows the following four image formats to
be uploaded:GIF, JPG/JPEG, PNG,, and BMP. The
GIF format supports up to 8 bits per pixel, allowing
a single image to reference a palette of up to 256
distinct colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color
space. The JPEG files embed an ICC color profile
(color space). Commonly used color profiles include
sRGB and Adobe RGB of 24 bits, resulting in 16
million colors. The PNG and BMP formats support
32 bit colors, resulting in about 4 billion clolors.
Every input image needs to reduce its colors to 48
colors. After color reduction, the resulting output
image will lose image quality and detail information,
and color banding will appear (see Figure 2 (b)). We
use the FWB-FSD Error diffusion dithering
algorithm (Lin and Wang, 2011) to achieve a nice
visual quality of the image.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Size of these images: 50 pixels wide and 55
pixels high. (a) Input image. (b) The image with reduced
colors using the limited color palette of 48 colors. (c) The
image produced by the FWB-FSD dithering algorithm.
FWB-FSD is a better algorithm on mosaic art
images and other types of images that require
enlargement of pixels. For the sake of completeness,
we will briefly describe in Section 2.3 the FWB-
FSD dithering algorithm. After running FWB-FSD,
the system produces a mosaic image as shown in
Figure 2 (c).
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2.3 FWB-FSD Dither
FWB stands for “Four-Way Block” and FSD stands
for Floyd-Steinberg Dither. FSD is a effective
dithering error diffusion algirithm. In an error
diffusion algorithm, each pixel in the original image
will disffuse its quatization error to its neigboring
pixels. It was shown that FWB-FSD is a better
algorithm on mosaic art images and other types of
images that require enlargement of pixels (Lin and
Wang, 2011). In particular, FWB divides the input
image into blocks of an equal size with each block
consisting of four sub-blocks such that the size of
each sub-block is suitable for an underlying FSD
error-diffusion algorithm. Scanning blocks from left
to right and from top to bottom, for each block being
scanned, FWB starts from the center of the block
and diffuses errors along four directions on each
The quantization error of each pixel, which is the
difference between the RGB value of the pixel in the
input image and the closest color in the limited color
palette, will be distributed to its neighbour pixels by
the coefficient error diffusion matrix when system is
scanning the sub block. FWB uses the coefficient
matrix developed from Floyd and Steinberg
dithering (FSD). The FSD method diffuses a pixel’s
quantization error to its four neighbour pixels with
the coefficient error diffusion matrix shown in (1),
where x is the pixel being processing.
We have developed a useful Web tool to allow users
to modify mosaic images with the effect of “what
you see is what you get” efficiently. This tool is
based on AJAX, XML, Web Service and XQuery
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a
powerful Web development mode for browser-based
Web applications. Technologies that form the AJAX
mode, such as JavaScript, HTTP, and XHTML, have
each been widely used and well known. AJAX
combines these technologies to allow Web pages to
retrieve small amounts of data from the server
without having to reload the entire page. This
capability makes it possible to update Web pages
between the server and the client smoothly and
interactively (Lei and Duan, 2007).
For raster images, Languages like XHTML
which does not have such a structural feature in their
environment. Instead, XML provides image
elements’ means such as pixel and RGB for the
incorporation of raster images in text-based files
(Hur, Lee and Kim, 2006). In the TMA, we
developed the XML (see Figure 4 (b)) to present
mosaic image which is raster image and presented
by XHTML to display the mosaic image. Converting
a raster formatted image into XML enables the user
to utilize the information residing in the image and
select, read and manipulate the parts of the XML file
or the file as a whole in a number of ways in
accordance with the pixel and its color space
(Antoniou and Tsoulos, 2006). This section
elaborates on the technological environment, which
can be utilized for the XML encoding of raster
mosaic images and the transmitting information to
the existing datasets using Ajax and web service
methods. In the TMA system, mosaic images,
formed by the XML (see Figure 4 (b)) and saved in
the database, are useful for editing, researching,
retrieving and copyright checking the copyright.
XQuery, an XML query language, a query
language that uses the structure of XML intelligently
can express queries across all these kinds of data,
whether physically stored in XML or viewed as
XML via middleware. The XQuery is designed to be
broadly applicable across many types of XML data
sources (W3C, 2010). Mosaic image editor
developed the XQuery to access the mosaic image in
the image database and return the XML data of
mosaic image.
The mosaic image editor, one of application in
the TMA system, allowing users to modify mosaic
image in the browser (see Figure 3), retrieved the
mosaic image which XML formatted in the database
by the XQuery. In Figure 3, there are three images
are displayed. Image (a) represents the current
mosaic art image, formed as a table of XHTML and
CSS that retrieves the RGB values from the image
database. The user is allowed to choose the colors in
the color palette (shown in Figure (c)) to modify
each cell’s color in Figure (a). Simultaneously, the
icon in Figure (b) will be changed according to the
modification in the biggest image to get the overall
image. When the user saves the modified mosaic
image, the system will send the modified coordinate
values and the RGB values to the server. AJAX and
Web Service are used to store the image into
Figure 3: (a) The largest image, which is the current
mosaic art in the main page. (b): The smaller portrait icon.
(c) The last one is the color palette.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) The architecture of mosaic image editor;
(b) XML data in (a).
After mosaic image process, the mosaic image is
saved both the bmp format and formed XML data in
the database. The amount of disk storage required
for any bitmap is easy to calculate, given the bitmap
dimensions (N
M) and colour depth in bits (B).
The formula for the file size in KBytes is
M B / 8 1024. We set up the mosaic
image width size 50 cm and high with the ration of
original image. The size of a mosaic image should
be less than 19 Kbytes (we use the image 50 × 100
and color depth is 32 bits). By the way, the TMA
system was built on an Hp Proliant ML150 G5 Hot
Plug Server with Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor
E5502 and 16 GB memory using an SQL Server
2008 database system. The C# programming
language in the .NET
framework was used to
implement the system. As an experimental, the
response and request time of mosaic image is fast, it
means mosaic image is very easy to transmit.
This paper presents design and implementation of a
feasible mosaic image solution. It uses an effective
dithering algorithm and these technologies of Ajax,
Web services and XQuery. TMA system provides
mosaic image developers with sense to create their
own mosaic art used by tiles. In order to let user to
modify their own mosaic image, we used the Ajax,
web service and XQuery to transmit the modified
RGB values only portion of image data will be sent
to web service and modify the mosaic image saved
in the database. Total solution is feasible. Author not
only can get high quality of mosaic image, but also
fasten to finish the creation of mosaic image. We
present two examples of mosaic art images using
FWB-FSD (see Figure 5).
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Papers VI, 36—37.
Terfen Lin and Jie Wang, 2011. Producing Automated
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Byron Antoniou and Lysandros Tsoulos, 2006, The
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raster images to XML and SVG, Computers &
Geosciences Volume 32, Issue 2, March 2006, Pages
Lihui Lei and Zhenhua Duan, 2007, Integrating AJAX and
Web Services for Cooperative Image Editing, IEEE
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Wonchang Hur, Jaebum Lee and C. Young Kim, 2006,
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Demonstration of Mosaic Art and e-Commerce
We present two examples of mosaic art images
using FWB-FSD (see Figure 5).
(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) A retired professor. (b) The process of
piecing tiles together to create the mosaic art.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies