Gerald C. Gannod and Kristen M. Bachman
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Miami University, Oxford OH, U.S.A.
Keywords: m-Learning, Evaluation, Survey.
Abstract: We have developed an evaluative framework that can be used to place m-learning projects and technologies
within a context that associates a project with a broad learning objective. We do this through the
identification of dimensions within the aspects of FRAME, a framework developed by Koole (2009) that
looks at three different aspects: device, learning, and social. We have modified this framework to form what
we call Augmented FRAME. Augmented FRAME refines each of the aspects of FRAME into finer-grained
elements in order to gain a better understanding about the degree to which different approaches meet m-
learning goals. To illustrate this evaluation framework, we have surveyed a small but representative set of
m-learning approaches and discuss initial trends observed from using the framework.
In order to help educators address issues related to
adopting and using m-learning approaches, we have
developed an evaluative framework that can be used
to place m-learning projects and technologies within
a context that associates a project with a broad
learning objective. We do this through the
identification of dimensions within the aspects of the
Framework for the Rational Analysis of Mobile
Education (FRAME), a framework developed by
Koole (2009) that looks at three different aspects:
device, learning, and social. We have modified this
framework to form what we call Augmented
FRAME, which refines each of the aspects into
finer-grained elements in order to gain a better
understanding about the degree to which different
approaches meet m-learning goals. For instance, we
have unpacked the social aspect to account for
critical learning activities most often associated with
communication, such as reading, writing, speaking,
and teaming. To illustrate this evaluation framework
we have surveyed a representative set of m-learning
approaches and discuss initial trends observed from
using the framework.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 describes background material,
including FRAME (Koole, 2009) to provide context
for the discussion contained later in the paper.
Section 2 also discusses our evaluative framework
while Section 3 surveys a number of existing
approaches from literature and provides some
evaluation of the context of these techniques by
placing them into the framework. Finally, Section 4
draws conclusions and suggests future
m-learning brings a promise of extending the
learning experience beyond the classroom. Traxler
identified three properties that characterize effective
m-learning. Specifically, that m-learning has the
potential to provide an experience that is
personalized, authentic and situated (Traxler, 2007).
As the smart phone becomes the device of
choice, more K-12 institutions have begun to
explore how the device impacts learning while
lowering costs. While the benefits of m-learning are
intriguing, the challenges that accompany m-
learning pose barriers for adoption (Corbell and
Valdes-Corbell, 2007).
FRAME (Koole, 2009) serves as the basis for the
work described in this paper. FRAME is a model
that describes how social interactions (social aspect),
mobile technologies (device aspect), and human
learning capacities (learning aspect) all work
C. Gannod G. and M. Bachman K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003349203300333
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 330-333
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
together in forming an ideal m-learning
The device aspect focuses on the physical,
technical, and functional characteristics of a mobile
device. The learner aspect describes how learners
use their knowledge and how they encode, store, and
transfer information. Finally, the social aspect of
FRAME takes into account the processes of social
interaction and cooperation. (Koole, 2009)
In addition to the three aspects above, the
FRAME model discusses intersections. The Device
Usability (Device + Learner or DL) intersection ties
characteristics of mobile devices to cognitive tasks
related to manipulation and storage of information.
The Social Technology (Device + Social or DS)
aspect describes how mobile devices enable
communication and collaboration amongst multiple
individuals and systems. The Interaction Learning
(Learning + Social or LS) intersection focuses on
how learning is collaborative with meaning
negotiated from multiple aspects. Finally, the
Mobile Learning intersection (Device + Learner +
Social or DLS) refers to the “sweet spot” in the
FRAME model where all of the different aspects
come together to form a confluence of all of the
benefits of each concern (Koole, 2009).
2.2 Augmented FRAME
We found FRAME to be one of the few models that
attempts to catalogue different m-learning
techniques, but as is proves difficult for analyzing
current m-learning trends due to the broadness of the
categories. We have augmented FRAME in order to
facilitate a more fine-grained analysis of approaches
so that identifying where they fall in the framework
is more systematic. In particular, we have taken the
device, learner, and social aspects of FRAME and
identified different dimensions within each as a
means for differentiating between different m-
learning approaches. In this section, we discuss each
of the aspects in detail by introducing the additional
properties that we have identified.
Device. In studying different approaches, we
identified three additional characteristics that fall
under the FRAME category of device; namely type,
infrastructure support, and mobility. Type refers to
the kind of device being used in a particular
approach (e.g. netbook, cell phone, etc.).
Infrastructure Support refers to the kind of network
support required to facilitate the devices. Mobility
refers to the degree to which an approach supports
an un-tethered experience.
Learner. For this aspect we identified six
different learner-oriented characteristics that
differentiate m-learning approaches. In particular,
we were interested in whether the given approaches
facilitated certain kinds of learning as identified by
Traxler (2009) (e.g., personal, authentic, and situated
experiences as a form of information transfer). In
addition, we identified whether the approaches were
meant to facilitate authoring, content delivery
(content-oriented), or distance learning.
Social. We identified four characteristics that are
commonly associated with communication: reading,
writing, speaking/listening, and teaming (or
collaboration). In particular, the purpose of these
dimensions is to determine whether one form of
communication is being used more than others.
Since the use of mobile devices is in many ways a
visual activity, the use of the devices in the m-
learning approaches most often will involve reading,
but the more interactive activities of
speaking/listening and teaming appear to be more
interesting as they provide an ability to connect
learners that are not necessarily situated in the same
location. In regards to speaking/listening, we have
combined these skills into one area to cover forms of
one-way verbal or aural communication.
In order to organize and adequately compare
different approaches, we use a table to represent all
of the different properties described above. Section 3
contains an evaluation of twelve different
approaches that we have catalogued, with the
purpose being to support not just analysis of these
particular approaches, but to provide exemplars of
how to use the evaluation framework. In this sense,
we believe that our approach has some benefit in
that it facilitates:
Characterization – the evaluation framework
provides a high-level view with respect to basic
FRAME while also facilitating a deeper look into
more specific characteristics that are related to
each of the FRAME aspects.
Adoption – the evaluation framework facilitates a
broad understanding of different dimensions that
may encourage adoption.
Comparative – the evaluation framework shows
that not all approaches meet different m-learning
goals and thus places each approach into
discernable contexts.
One of the primary tasks when using our evaluation
technique is the identification of where a given
approach falls within FRAME. Specifically, we are
interested in identifying which of the
aforementioned intersections an approach falls (e.g.,
DS, DL, LS, or DLS).
Our taxonomy is meant to assist in providing
criterion for identifying how a particular m-learning
approach addresses the different FRAME aspects.
To do so, we arrange different approaches in a table,
with the different aspects (and their respective fine-
grained dimensions) in the columns. As an approach
is examined, the table is marked with properties that
characterize that approach (e.g., serves the
characterization role).
The information that is used to characterize
approaches provides a potential adopter with data
about the context of the approach within FRAME
and can then facilitate matching the approach with
learning goals. For instance, an adopter may be
interested in finding an approach that is heavy on the
social side (e.g., falls in the DS intersection). By
examining a table similar to the one shown in Table
1, an adopter can then view how the approach
addresses a particular aspect.
Another potential use of the Augmented FRAME
approach is as a comparative tool. The obvious
comparisons are between different approaches based
on the characterizations within the FRAME
intersections. However, another comparative use of
the framework is in the analysis of which
approaches meet certain dimensions within the
aspects. That is, as more approaches are catalogued
with our technique, identification of interesting areas
of investigation can be facilitated. For instance, if
we find that a particular dimension within an aspect
is not being adequately covered by existing
approaches, we can analyze whether that dimension
is indeed of interest for m-learning, and if it is, focus
attention on developing new methodologies that
address that particular area.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the
Augmented FRAME evaluation framework, we
analyzed a set of twelve approaches that target
audiences from K-12 to higher education.
Table 1 contains characterizations based on the
dimensions of Augmented FRAME. The Mobility
column refers to a 5-point scale, where 5 is the most
mobile and 1 is the least. In general, mobile
applications are typically in the 3-5 range, with
kiosks at a 2, and desktop or other fixed devices at a
1. An “X” in the Learner and Social columns
indicate that a particular approach addresses that
dimension. The Frame Intersection column uses the
acronyms of DS, DL, and DLS referred to earlier.
In constructing our table, we have observed
some interesting trends. While our analysis is far
from being comprehensive, we believe that these
trends are interesting enough to determine whether
they lead to new research or perhaps the
modification of our evaluation framework. One such
trend that we have observed is that most of the
approaches we have looked at involve reading as a
Table 1: Properties of M-Learning Approaches.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
primary communication (Social) aspect. On the
surface, this would lead us to say that inherently,
mobile devices are visual instruments. However, this
perhaps leads to wondering about whether other
learning modes can be facilitated. For instance, aural
learners might be more responsive to audio.
Another trend we observed was that the personal
dimension within the Learner aspect was not
addressed. The fact that mobile devices are
considered personal devices means that we have the
opportunity to provide experiences that are highly
configured to meet the needs of the individual. In
addition, writing and speaking/listening found
limited support. Considering that these dimensions
are related to interactive communication skills, this
perhaps means that m-learning approaches are ripe
for addressing these skills.
Our primary goal in developing the Augmented
FRAME evaluation approach was to assist in
understanding the current state of m-learning. We
have found other evaluation frameworks to be
difficult to use for quickly sizing up approaches as
well as for looking at a big picture view of the field.
In order to further validate our approach, we intend
to expand the number of approaches that we
catalogue. In doing so, we hope to identify whether
some of the initial trends we have observed are true
of the field.
Mobile learning has received an influx of energy
with the release of mobile technology that has
offered a significant bump in utility. Features such
as GPS, cameras, accelerometers, magnetometers,
and other capabilities believed to be only wishful
thinking during the first generation of PDA in the
early 2000’s are now commonplace. As more
educational institutions move towards using m-
learning, effective tools that assist educators in
evaluating and selecting appropriate m-learning
strategies are needed. In this paper, we described the
Augmented FRAME evaluation framework based on
the FRAME evaluation model by Koole (2009).
In order to further validate our approach, we will
be focusing on building a larger catalogue of m-
learning techniques, with the intention of studying
trends as well as determining whether the
dimensions we have identified are sufficient.
Ultimately, our work is focused on using the
framework to inform policy makers about methods
to use by providing information about potential
learning outcomes that are relevant for m-learning.
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