Vladimír Bartík and Radek Burget
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Božetěchova 2, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Web Page Categorization, Visual Block Classification, Term Weighting, TF-IDF, Page Segmentation.
Abstract: The number of pages on the World Wide Web is permanently growing and there is a need to process pages
efficiently and obtain some useful knowledge from them. Web page categorization is a very important issue
in this area. The method proposed here takes both visual and textual information into consideration. It
consists of two phases. In the first phase, web page areas obtained by segmentation are classified based on
their visual properties, and in the second phase, pages are classified, based on information from the first
phase and textual information. Several experiments with web pages taken from news web sites are presented
in the final part of the paper.
Due to the fact that the amount of data on the web is
still increasing, it is necessary to find some
interesting knowledge on the web by means of web
mining techniques. Web page categorization (or
classification) is a process of assigning some of pre-
defined class labels to a web document.
There are two basic types of information
contained on each web page – textual and visual
information. In the contemporary methods, only the
textual information is usually used to classify the
page. In our categorization method, both visual and
textual information are reflected in a document
representation. Therefore, the process of document
categorization is divided into two phases.
In the first phase, the web page is rendered and
information about visual blocks of a page is obtained
via a page segmentation algorithm. The information
about visual blocks is stored and classification
algorithm is applied.
For each visual block, also text contained in the
block is stored to perform text-based categorization
of pages.
In the method proposed here, the second phase
includes creation of modified weight vectors. The
modifications are based on an assumption that some
parts (referred to as content blocks) of a page are
more important for page content representation than
others (non-content blocks). In these vectors, both
textual and visual information are reflected. It is then
used for the whole web page categorization.
In the following chapters, some related work in this
area is introduced. Then, the whole process of two-
phase categorization of web documents is described.
In the final part, several experiments with both
phases and the whole process are described.
There are two basic approaches to segmentation of
web pages. The first one is based on a Document
Object Model (DOM) representation of page
content, while the second one is based on visual
properties of web page blocks.
The first segmentation method proposed in (Lin
and Ho, 2002) divides a page according to HTML
tags, where the entropy is computed for each content
block. This method is limited to pages using the
table HTML tag. The segmentation method based on
a DOM tree structure analysis, is proposed in (Chen
et al., 2003). Here, in the first step, the DOM tree is
used to find top-level content blocks, which are
divided in the smaller ones in the next steps by
finding the separators between the blocks.
The use of both methods is limited, because it
does not reflect visual properties of web page
blocks. The VIPS algorithm (Cai et al., 2003) uses
page rendering and then, visual properties of
rendered page are used to find visual blocks.
The method proposed in (Xiang et al., 2006)
combines both approaches. It takes both visual
Bartik V. and Burget R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003096204580462
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 458-462
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
properties and the most reliable properties from the
DOM tree into consideration for segmentation.
Regarding page categorization, most of recent
methods for web document classification is text-
based. For basic text-based method, a set of text
terms is extracted from the document and
preprocessed. Then, each term is represented by a
weight, while the most used are TF (term frequency)
and TF-IDF (Salton and Buckley, 1999) weights (TF
multiplied by inverse document frequency).
Several methods, which try to enrich TF-IDF
weighting with some web page properties, have been
proposed. In (Kwon and Lee, 2003), the information
from HTML tags is reflected in the term weights.
HTML tags are divided according to importance.
In some web page classification methods, graph
representation instead of weight vectors is used. This
allows to keep also the structural information about
the document (Schenker et al., 2004).
As mentioned above, the process of web page
classification consists of two separate classification
phases. In Phase I, web page is rendered and visual
text blocks and their visual properties are obtained
by means of segmentation. The blocks are then
classified according to their visual properties.
In Phase II, the text content is extracted from
visual blocks and weight of each term is computed
with respect to its frequency and importance of
visual block, in which it is contained. The resultant
weight vectors are input of the final classification.
Figure 1: Outline of the method.
3.1 Phase I – Visual Block
In the beginning of the process, to obtain a suitable
representation of a document, it is necessary to make
page rendering. This includes interpretation of the
document’s HTML code and creation of document
representation in a form of a set of boxes. A box in
this set represents a unit of the document content
placed on some place of the page. This is a result of
page rendering. Because these visual boxes can be
nested, a tree of boxes is obtained.
This model contains all the information
necessary for classification. This includes the
content of the document (mainly text content) and
visual style of each part of a page.
After rendering, page segmentation is performed.
Its task is to obtain visual blocks contained in the
document and their organization. A visual block
represents a rectangular region in the page that is
visually separated from other parts of the page.
Our segmentation algorithm (Burget, 2007),
works in a bottom-up manner. Each block is
represented by the coordinates of top-left and
bottom-right point of a box. The task is to find the
blocks that are visually separated from others by one
of the following means:
It contains a text or an image (represented by
leaf block of a tree).
It has some background color that is different
from the background color of its parent block.
It is separated by a visible frame.
The resultant tree is created recursively: if a
block is visually separated, a new corresponding
block is added to a tree. Then, the same is applied to
the child boxes.
In the next step, the blocks are clustered – we
find all visual blocks that are placed in the adjoining
cells and are not visually separated from each other
by the means mentioned above. Such areas are
joined into a single area. This step corresponds to
the detection of content blocks (for example text
paragraphs) that consist of several boxes.
Lastly, we look for areas that are not separated
but they are delimited with the visually separated
areas around. These blocks are also clustered.
As we know, various visual blocks of a page
have different importance for representation of the
whole document. Therefore, we need to classify
each block into one of categories from Table 1
according to visual properties shown in Table 2
obtained by the rendering machine.
If we have necessary information about visual
properties and position of a block on a page, we can
use arbitrary classification method to assign some of
these categories for each web page block. As already
mentioned, the visual properties are obtained with a
web page rendering method.
Table 1: Categories of web page blocks.
Category Description
The main heading and subheadings
of a page (with higher font size).
Main text The main text content.
Link area
Links to other related web pages
some of them may be irrelevant.
Links to other sections of the web
site – typically at the top of a page.
Information about date and authors
of a page – typically small font size.
Other contents
Other unimportant parts, such as
advertisement, caption etc.
Table 2: Visual properties used to classify visual blocks.
Property Description
Size of text in the block, expressed
as percentage of average fontsize in
the whole document.
Weight, Style
Dominating text weight / style in
the block.
Above, Below,
Right, Left
Number of visual blocks located
above/below from the actual block
or right/left from it.
Length, Digits Text/digit characters in a block.
Lower, Upper,
Count of lower case / upper case /
space characters that appear in the
text inside the visual block.
Average luminosity of the text /
background of the visual block
Contrast of the text – difference
between luminosity of text and
luminosity of background.
3.2 Phase II – Classification of Whole
Web Pages
The knowledge about classes of visual blocks
obtained in the first phase can be used in the second
phase to improve the representation of text content.
This is ensured by modifications of TF-IDF weights.
At first, two standard pre-processing procedures
are applied on the text obtained from a web page.
Stop words removal is performed to reduce the
number of words in vectors. After that, stemming is
executed to reduce the words into their stems.
Then, according to the knowledge about visual
block categories, there are several possibilities to
modify TF-IDF weights.
The basic idea is to set different weights for
different page block categories by multiplying the
weight by an importance coefficient, which is set for
each category of visual block. Moreover, some non-
content blocks (e.g. date/authors or navigation) can
be omitted from representation.
Let us denote an input set of web documents as
D = {d
… d
} and a set of terms (words) T = {t
}, which are appearing in documents from D.
It is possible to divide each document into
several visual blocks, each of which can be
classified with some of pre-defined label. Let us
denote a vector of all class labels as C = (c
, …, c
Each class is evaluated by a coefficient according to
its importance for representation of page contents.
We can represent it as a vector of coefficients V =
,…, v
), where v
is the coefficient of a class label
assigned to visual block c
Then, a modified document frequency of a term
T in a web document d
D is defined as:
where F(t, d, c
) is a frequency of term t in all
blocks with class label c
in a document d. The
resultant term weight is obtained as a summarization
of all weights for component visual blocks, in which
the term is present. The modified inverse document
frequency (IDF) is computed as:
tMIDF +=
where t is a term from the set of terms T, n is the
count of documents, k
is the count of documents, in
which content blocks at least once contain the term t.
The resultant modified TF-IDF weight is
obtained as a multiplication of MTF and MIDF.
If the two-phase classification is used, it is
important to decide, if the blocks of different
categories are content or non-content.
Another task is to set the importance coefficients
for each block class. According to experiments, we
have found a suitable setting described later.
Some experiments showing the classification
accuracy are presented here. We have used the
WEKA tool (Holmes et al., 1994) for experiments.
A dataset with web pages from 5 news web sites
and has been used. This dataset
contains almost 500 web pages, which have been
manually annotated. Each of the web pages belongs
to one of six possible categories: politics, business,
sport, art, health and science.
For Phase I, the classification accuracy depends
on a condition, if all pages from the dataset are from
one web site or from various web sites. Best results
are provided by one of lazy classification methods
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
(k-nearest neighbours) and by two decision tree
based methods (J48, based on C4.5, and
RandomTree method). The results of classification
accuracy for this experiment are shown in Table 3.
The table shows that classification achieves good
accuracy above 90%; it is slightly lower for the
whole dataset of pages from 5 different sites. If we
perform classification only for one web site only
(, the accuracy is above 95%.
Table 3: Results of visual blocks classification.
Method All web sites One site only
J48 92.4% 97.5%
k-NN 90.5% 94.9%
R_Tree 91.1% 96.0%
From these results we can see that the visual
blocks classification can be a good foundation for
successful two-phase classification.
For the second phase, best results are provided
by a Bayes Net classifier, a tree-based classifier
(Functional Trees) and SMO method (Sequential
Minimal Optimization). We will take the results of
J48 algorithm in the Phase I as input for Phase II.
The setting of coefficients for individual content
visual block categories is following: for links, the
value is 1; for main text: 2; for heading: 5. Detailed
experiments with different setting of coefficients and
detailed description of possibilities to modify
weights are presented in (Bartik, 2010).
The classification accuracy is compared with a
classical text-based classification (extracted text
weighted by TF-IDF). Again, results on dataset of
pages from one web site and from all five web sites
are compared.
The results in Table 4 lead to a conclusion that
using modified weights causes better web page
classification accuracy, even if all the visual blocks
are not classified correctly in the first phase.
Table 4: Results of the whole two-phase categorization.
All sites
One site
Bayes Net
93.3% 94.7%
91.8% 92.9%
91.9% 93.9%
We have presented a method of two-phase
classification of web pages. The basic idea is that the
text, which is extracted, is represented by modified
term weights. They are modified according to
importance of a visual block, in which the term is
present. The information about category of visual
blocks is obtained by classification in the first phase.
The second phase makes classification of whole
web pages with use of vectors of modified weights.
The experiments with data from news sites
showed that the accuracy of two-phase classification
exceeds 90%.
In the future research, it is possible to try using
results of visual block classification and modified
term weights in some other web mining problems,
for example finding similar documents within some
dataset or in some information retrieval tasks.
This research was supported by the Research Plan
No. MSM0021630528 – “Security-Oriented
Research in Information Technology” and by the
BUT FIT grant No. FIT-10-S-2.
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KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval