The Case for Ontologies in the Rail Industry
J. M. Easton, J. R. Davies and C. Roberts
School of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.
Railways, Data exchange, Domain ontology.
As the demand for rail travel grows amongst the travelling public, capacity on the largely Victorian infrastruc-
ture is becoming an important issue. High construction costs and the need for environmental responsibility
mean that simply building more lines is not necessarily a viable option, and therefore the rail industry is be-
ginning to look for ways in which their current assets can be used more intelligently. In the first wave of this
process, a number of new projects have been started that monitor the condition of vehicles and infrastructure,
but the greater challenge of integrating that data and using it to support business operations is still largely
unaddressed. This paper outlines a number of data handling and data sharing issues that face the rail industry,
and presents the argument for the adoption of an ontology-based data standard across the sector.
As rail transport becomes an increasingly attractive
option to the travelling public, offering a fast, reli-
able means to beat traffic jams and travel straight into
major urban centres, issues of capacity on the largely
Victorian railway network in Great Britain are of ever
greater importance. A recent report has shown a 7.3%
increase in passenger kilometres between 2007-08
and 2008-09 (Office of Rail Regulation, 2009). The
huge costs associated with alterations to infrastructure
mean that increasing capacity through the large-scale
construction of new lines is not always a viable op-
tion, and as a result the railway industry acrossEurope
is beginning to look at ways in which the railways can
be made smarter.
As part of the move towards a smarter railway,
Network Rail (the owner of Britain’s rail infrastruc-
ture) has started two complementary new initiatives
- Intelligent Infrastructure (IIS) and LiveTrain. The
Intelligent Infrastructure project, currently being tri-
aled on a stretch of line between Edinburgh and Glas-
gow, monitors the condition of fixed assets such as
track circuits, points, and signalling systems, pro-
cessing the data and raising alarms for operators via
a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
system. The LiveTrain project by comparison, will
see hundreds of older passenger and freight trains on
the British railway network retrofitted for condition,
power and location monitoring. In the first instance
it is hoped that these projects will improve the re-
liability of existing assets, leading to more efficient
maintenance practices and reduced delays across the
The data that will be collected by projects such as
IIS and LiveTrain is an important step towards im-
proving performance on the smarter railway; how-
ever, the greater tasks of storing, processing and pre-
senting the information remain to be addressed. In
the British railway industry these tasks are made more
complex by a number of key factors, includinga range
of legacy systems, a large number of competing stake-
holders, and historical working practices. When look-
ing further afield to the European, US and Asian rail-
way networks, the situation is further complicated
by differences in nomenclature and units of measure-
ment. In order to properly put forward a case for an
ontology-based data standard in the sector, we must
first elaborate on these issues.
M. Easton J., R. Davies J. and Roberts C..
RAILWAY MODELLING - The Case for Ontologies in the Rail Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0003092102570262
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Legacy Systems
Data logging in general, and the monitoring of the
condition of assets in particular, is not a new idea on
the British railway network (although IIS and Live-
Train will perform these tasks on a much larger scale
than was previously the case). Both the infrastruc-
ture operator, and various train operating companies
have some ability to monitor the condition of their as-
sets. Network Rail for example, has the WheelChex
system, which records the impact force that a trains
wheel makes on specially instrumented sections of
track, and hot axle box detectors, which can moni-
tor the temperature of the axles on passing vehicles in
order to identify potential problems. These systems
provide useful information and represent a significant
amount of previous investment. Certainly, for man-
agement reasons if nothing else they must form an
important part of the smarter railway. Unfortunately,
many of the current monitoring systems were devel-
oped and installed in isolation, and may also be oper-
ated by third-parties. The raw data, if available at all,
is in proprietary formats, greatly increasing the com-
plexity of any attempt to combine it with data from
other sources.
Equipment longevity on the rail network is ex-
pected to be high. In 2007 the average age of rolling
stock on the British network was around 13 years,
one of the lowest figures in Europe (Department for
Transport, 2007). On vehicles that already have con-
dition monitoring capabilities, different manufactur-
ers may have chosen to instrument different systems,
meaning that there is no standard set of measurements
that can be used as a common basis for metrics across
the network. Trackside equipment can be much older,
with some side lines still using semaphore signalling
instead of the newer electronic signals.
Similar problems can be seen with software sys-
tems, a good example being the Total Operations Pro-
cessing System (TOPS) used by the Train Operat-
ing Companies to store information on locomotives.
TOPS was created in the 1960s to run on mainframe
computers, is written in its own programming lan-
guage, and generates rather cryptic plain-text reports.
2.2 Stakeholders
The privatisation of the British railway network in the
late 1990s has led to a confusing array of different
stakeholders being responsible for different elements
of the business. Amongst these entities are statu-
tory authorities including the Department for Trans-
port and Office of Rail Regulation, standards bodies
such as the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB),
the train operating companies, rolling stock leasing
companies, infrastructure operator, passenger groups,
unions, and countless contracted maintenance and
construction companies. Each stakeholder group has
different interests in the network, operating practices,
and levels of summary at which they need to dis-
play various items of data. Some of them, such as
the train operating companies, may be in competition
with each other and be unwilling to share informa-
tion. Although the British system is more complex
than most, railways throughout Europe (and the rest
of the world) are tending to follow this trend.
2.3 Historical Practices
The safety critical approach which must be taken
when dealing with any new addition to the railway
means that there are numerous practices, procedures,
data gathering methods, and data storage systems that
must be maintained. Many of these were created be-
fore computing became main stream and present dif-
ficulties, both technical and financial, that must be
overcome to create a unified data transfer mechanism.
Particular challenges are posed by records that are
only kept on paper, and information exchanges be-
tween stakeholders that are performed over the tele-
phone. Currently, this information is essentially lost
and can not be used in the future to inform business
2.4 Nomenclature
While the use of terms within the railway industry in
a particular country are usually consistent, this is not
necessarily the case when considering railways in dif-
ferent parts of the world. The terminology used in the
British and US railways for example have a number of
major differences. In Britain a shunt is an operation
when coaches or trucks are moved from one track to
another, usually to change the formation of a train; the
equivalent US term for shunting is switching. While
ambiguity of this type can usually be overcome by hu-
mans, it can be a very significant problem when au-
tomatically exchanging data between computer sys-
tems; an XML file with a tag “shunt” generated in
Britain for example, may not have the same meaning
as the tag in a file that originated in the US.
Although not strictly an issue on nomenclature, an
important point when considering the difference be-
tween the British and European railway networks lies
in units of measure. While European railways tend
to be measured in metric units, the British system
is measured according to imperial miles and chains
for infrastructure purposes. Uncommunicated differ-
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ences in units of measurement have been known to
have catastrophic effects in the past, for example in
the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter (Mars Climate
Orbiter Mishap Investigation Board, 1999).
While it is clear that something must be done to im-
prove data exchange and sharing within the industry
in order to bring about the smarter railway, what that
action should be may be less clear. It is unlikely that
any one solution will be a magic bullet”, resolving
all the factors outlined above, but what are the op-
tions? Ruling out the replacement of current systems
on a large scale, mainly on the basis of cost and the
rigorous requirements for ensuring safety within the
sector, we are left with creating a data transfer mech-
anism that is capable of meeting the needs of all the
current solutions. From a technical perspective, on-
tologies have a number of advantages to offer: data
transferred according to an ontology retains its con-
text, making it possible for machines to reason on it
and for intelligent software agents to perform a wide
range of data processing tasks autonomously. Ontolo-
gies are also easily extended by individual companies
to meet their own needs, an important consideration
when they are in competition with each other and may
need to protect elements of intellectual property. Fi-
nally, software that communicates using an ontology
can interact with other packages as part of the seman-
tic web.
3.1 Business Case
In the British railway industry, developing a solid
business case for a major project is second only in im-
portance to safety concerns. The following sections
will discuss the potential advantages of an ontology-
based data exchange standard to the industry.
3.1.1 Condition Monitoring and Predictive
The benefits of the use of ontologies with regard to
condition monitoring and predictive maintenance in
railway vehicles has already been demonstrated in
work done as part of the InteGRail project (Lewis
and Roberts, 2010). Currently, maintenance in the
British railway industry is performed according to a
schedule; vehicles are taken to a depot and exam-
ined at specified intervals, irrespective of whether
there is an apparent problem at the time. A lack of
condition monitoring data means that failures, when
they happen, are dealt with using a firefighting ap-
proach. As part of the LiveTrain project, much more
condition monitoring data on older vehicles will be-
come available. By transferring condition monitor-
ing data according to an ontology model, ontological
inference can be used to generate a consistent set of
data items from vehicles with differing instrumenta-
tion sets. From this position it is much easier to gen-
erate metrics for the prediction of faults, since more
data of a consistent form is available to train the clas-
sifier being produced. If it can be shown that the clas-
sification algorithm can predict faults a sufficiently
long period before failure that maintenance work can
be performed, then the scheduled maintenance pro-
cesses, which are costly and potentially unnecessary,
can be safely reduced in frequency.
The ability to predict the failure of vehicles should
also lead to a reduction in the number of in-service
failures. On the British railway network train oper-
ating companies are charged by the minute for late-
running services; as approximately 20% of delay min-
utes for the year 2006-07 were attributed to fleet
causes (Department for Transport, 2007), a reduc-
tion in breakdowns has important financial implica-
tions for the train operators. These are aside from the
customer service, timetabling and logistics difficulties
that arise from a train being out of position.
3.1.2 Decision Support
While the large-scale gathering of information by
projects such as IIS and LiveTrain is an important
step towards the smarter railway, its value is never re-
alised if it is not used by an organisation to effectively
inform its business decisions. This is a complex is-
sue with many different facets that must be consid-
ered; individuals with different roles within the in-
dustry may, for example, require radically different
views of the information available to perform their as-
signed tasks. Data volume is also an important issue,
and the information must be filtered and summarised
so that humans, who are ultimately responsible for
the decision-making process, are not overloaded with
information that is not relevant. In a system where
data is transferred according to an ontology model,
the context of the data is retained. As a result of this,
the combination of elements of the data for particu-
lar tasks could ultimately be performed by software
agents, making the software applications themselves
simpler and more easily extended and maintained.
RAILWAY MODELLING - The Case for Ontologies in the Rail Industry
3.2 Interoperability
While much of the current European rail network has
evolvedas a set of national systems, the realities of the
European Union have meant that travelling across Eu-
rope is now much easier. With that in mind, the Euro-
pean Parliament has, for the last 10 years, been pass-
ing directives designed to encourage interoperability
between the nation rail networks (European Parlia-
ment, 2001). The issues of nomenclature, units of
measurement etc. outlined above make an ontology-
based data transfer standard essential here, as the
exact nature of the data is recorded in a machine-
interpretable format, allowing appropriate steps to be
taken in software to ensure that data is presented and
processed using the correct scales.
3.2.1 Capacity Planning and Timetables
Railway scheduling on a national network is a com-
plex task; among the factors that must be considered
are demand for a service, peak travel times, track and
vehicle maintenance, speed limits, load limits, con-
necting services, timings of other services on the same
line, and overall journey times. The situation is even
more involved when considering cross border routes,
here the individual responsible for scheduling the ser-
vice must have information on the railway network in
each country the proposed service will pass through.
Changes to local services in a country could easily
have knock-on effects on services passing through it,
although the way services and infrastructure are de-
scribed will almost certainly change in the various na-
tional computer systems; this presents a clear need for
a common mechanism for sharing route and schedul-
ing information in a timely and unambiguous manner.
3.3 Customer Experience
The potential effects of an ontology-based data trans-
fer standard for the rail industry on the customer ex-
perience can not be understated. While many of the
business case benefits outlined above do, of course,
impact on the customer experience (interoperability
between networks, reduced delay minutes, and im-
proved reliability), the most marked improvements
will come through the rise of the semantic web. As
part of the smarter railway, customers wishing to book
train tickets to travel to a meeting for example, will
only need to inform a software agent of their intended
destination, and it will be able to find tickets for them.
This might involvenegotiating with the customer’sdi-
ary and interpreting the timetable to find the best time
for their journey, arranging for overnight accommo-
dation in their preferred hotel, and booking a table for
dinner. As the customer travels, agents will keep track
of their progress and be able to adjust their itinerary
if they are delayed or miss a connection, updating the
time of the meeting if that fits with the diaries of the
other parties attending. Obviously the smarter railway
is only a small part of the semantic web vision, but it
is an important element nonetheless.
When considering a modelling task of this scale, there
are a number of important factors to be addressed.
These include practical issues such as the sources of
information available and compatibility with existing
initiatives, along with the more strategic questions
of how to get enough support from users to achieve
a critical mass and force large-scale adoption of the
model. The remainder of this paper discusses some
initial thoughts on these matters, before going on to
identify the key areas that should be captured in an
initial model.
4.1 Industrial Support
As any data transfer standard will require buy-in from
large proportions of the industry in order to be suc-
cessful, it is vital that it reflects the needs of as large a
group of the rail stakeholders as possible. To that end,
it is suggested that a consortium be formed, consisting
of members of rail governing bodies, operating com-
panies, developers of existing standards and industrial
partners to help guide the creation of the final model.
In order to promote a sense of ownership within the
industry, as much of the development work as pos-
sible should follow a collaborative approach, poten-
tially even to the extent of using a community-based
ontology engineering methodology like DILIGENT
(Pinto et al., 2004b; Pinto et al., 2004a; Tempich et al.,
2007). For collaborativemodelling efforts to be effec-
tive however, it is desirable to have an initial “straw
man” that can be used to guide the subsequent dis-
cussions. As such, in advance of the formation of a
consortium, work has begun in Birmingham to inves-
tigate the available sources of domain knowledge.
4.2 Sources of Domain Knowledge
A number of sources of domain knowledge, aside
from the expertise of the consortium members, are al-
ready in existence within the rail industry that could
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
be drawn on to speed the creation of an initial model.
These include, but are not limited to, existing ontol-
ogy models, XML data standards, technical reports,
and legislative guidelines.
Existing Ontologies
The InteGRail project (Fischer et al., 2009; Lewis
and Roberts, 2010) was a European FP6 programme
with a brief of “integrating current and future railway
information systems across the European nations in
an effort to achieve improved overall efficiency and
performance, particularly in future European railway
endeavours”. As part of the project, a basic condi-
tion monitoring ontology for wheel impact faults was
created, which could reason about the severity of re-
ported faults and classify a vehicle status accordingly.
The ISO 15926 standard (Batres et al., 2007) was
initially developed for the integration and exchange
of information relating to process plants including oil
and gas production facilities. ISO 15926 takes a very
“ground-up” approach to the modelling of processes,
allowing each piece of equipment to be described in
terms of its component parts as well as its tempo-
ral existence. Recently, an Ontology Web Language
(OWL) implementation of the ISO 15926 standard
has been produced, which could serve as an upper-
level ontology for the project.
Data Exchange Standards
The RailML (Nash et al., 2004) initiative provides
an XML based approach to transmitting and receiv-
ing rail related data. The proposed standard covers a
range of rail terminology, including vehicles, subsys-
tems and infrastructure, and provides not only a good
source of domain concepts and instances, but also ba-
sic hierarchies.
The Maintenance Information Open System Al-
liance (MIMOSA) are a trade association “dedicated
to developing and encouraging the adoption of open
information standards for operations and maintenance
in manufacturing, fleet, and facility environments”.
Among the family of standards they produce is the
Open System Architecture for Condition Based Main-
tenance (OSA-CBM) (Lebold and Byington, 2002),
an ISO 13374 compliant data transfer architecture al-
ready being considered for use within the British rail-
way industry. While the MIMOSA standards use their
own data model, and may therefore not be suitable for
direct use within the project, they do provide a good
model for the implementation of an ISO 13374 com-
plaint system.
Standards Bodies
In Britain there are several organisations that issue
standards (both general and rail specific). The RSSB
publish a set of safety related standards collectively
referred to as the Railway Group Standards (RGS).
These include approved codes of practice, guidance
notes and railway industry standards. The British
Standards institute (BSi) also issue a broad range of
railway-applicable standards, some specific to the rail
industry, others relating to broader topics. Many of
these standards are closely related to standards issued
by the International Organization for Standards (ISO).
RailML ISO 15926
Ontology for semantic
interoperability in the rail
Figure 1: Sources of knowledge for a rail domain ontology.
4.3 Priorities for an Initial Model
The scale of the modelling task proposed by this pa-
per should not be underestimated, and it is inevitable
that certain areas of the domain would need to be pri-
oritised during the development of any ontology. For-
tunately, within the rail industry a clear group of top-
ics exist that not only represent the minimum require-
ments for a useful data transfer standard, but would
also facilitate a significant proportion of the business
benefits discussed earlier; those being vehicles (both
as individuals and as train formations), infrastruc-
ture (track types, operating speeds, clearances, power
supply and signalling) and timetabling (including the
scheduling of services).
Although these topics still represent a substantial
implementation effort, they are all required in order
to describe many events on the railway network. As
an example consider the activation of trackside mon-
itoring equipment such as a WheelChex device. The
WheelChex system itself is part of the infrastructure,
consisting of a section of instrumented track at a par-
ticular location. The defective wheel which activated
WheelChex would be part of a particular train for-
mation, but in order to uniquely identify it reference
would have to be made to both the timetable for the
line and to the details of the train formation so the
individual vehicle (coach, wagon, locomotive etc.)
could be singled out. Once the vehicle had been iden-
tified, the tracks which it had run over since it last suc-
RAILWAY MODELLING - The Case for Ontologies in the Rail Industry
cessfully passed a WheelChex device (during which
it may have been part of a number of different train
formations) would need to be determined so that they
could be checked for damage, again requiring access
to the timetable, records of train formations, and the
details of the tracks.
As the example shows, information on vehicles,
infrastructure and timetabling are sufficient to report
the activation of lineside equipment. Information
from the same topics would also allow the scheduling
of services to be performed, where the vehicles pro-
posed for use must be checked for compatibility with
the infrastructure over which they are to run (clear-
ances to lineside equipment and other vehicles, track
gauge, availability of power), and an appropriate free
timeslot must be identified in the timetable. It would
also allow basic semantic web services to be created,
improving the customer experience.
On completion of the initial model the first phase
of expansion should include information on mainte-
nance practices, allowing the correct responses to the
activation of WheelChex and similar equipment to be
determined, and details of the various roles that em-
ployees have within the industry, enabling appropri-
ate information to be displayed for each worker. This
could be followed later by business logic, which al-
though providing the key financial benefits to the in-
dustry, would serve little purpose without the data
modelled by the earlier phases.
An ontology-based standard for data transfer would
have much to offer the rail industry, allowing existing,
largely incompatible, legacy systems to exchange in-
formation in a meaningful way, without the need for
costly changes that would potentially pose a risk to
safety. More importantly, it would provide a frame-
work on which modern, semi-autonomous processing
agents could be built, improving the efficiency of the
railway network, reducing the risk of human errors in
mundane tasks, and enhancing the experience of the
travelling public. This paper has attempted to present
the arguments for, and the challenges to be addressed
during, the creation of such a standard; along with
some initial thoughts on the methods that could be
adopted for its development.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development