Supporting the Collaboration of Computer Science Teachers
Peter Hubwieser and Marcus Bitzl
Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany
Keywords: Ontology, Design of Lessons, Computer Science Education.
Abstract: The planning of lessons and courses is a very complicated work. Unfortunately many teachers tend to pre-
pare their lessons without profiting from the experiences of their colleagues. In this paper we show how the
collaboration of teachers could be supported by a community software that supports the collaboration focus-
ing on the knowledge elements that form the topic of the lesson that is to prepare. Starting from the didac-
tical model of Heimann, Otto and Schulz, we have designed an ontology that comprises most of the infor-
mation that is necessary to design a lesson in computer science.
Every teaching person has to realize that the concep-
tual design of courses and lessons is a very compli-
cated and difficult task. There is a large variety of
influencing factors that have to be considered and
many decisions have to be made. It is nearly imposs-
ible to keep all these circumstances in mind while
designing a course of lessons. Thus teachers tend to
make many of these decisions more from the heart
than based on rational deliberations.
On the other hand it would be very helpful for a
teacher if she/he could share the experiences that
other colleagues have made with similar topics. To
this purpose the teachers would have to describe all
the circumstances of these experiences very closely,
which might be quite annoying. In order to enhance
the exchange of experiences between teachers, the
information from other colleagues would have to be
presented “just in time”, exactly at the point of a
specific lesson planning process where it is needed
and only in the case that most of the circumstances
are similar. This requires a theoretical framework
that offers suitable structures and categories on the
one hand as well as properly defined terms, concepts
and notions on the other, allowing to describe a
specific teaching situation as precisely as possible.
After many years of deliberations about semantic
systems that might support the collaboration of
teachers (Hubwieser and Schlichter, 1998), based on
the experiences we have made during the design and
implementation of a new mandatory subject of in-
formatics in Bavarian secondary schools (Hubwies-
er, 2006) and stimulated by the rapid evolution of
the semantic web, we have developed an ontology
that is based on the Berlin Model, which was one of
the first rational decision-making models that was
suitable for everyday teaching (Uljens, 1997). Addi-
tionally we integrated three different (so far quite
separate) theories, as described already by Staller
(2006): (1) Prerequisite analysis of Instructional
design following Smith and Ragan (2005), (2) two
taxonomies of learning objectives (Anderson and
Krathwohl, 2001, Fuller et al., 2007), and (3) the
ACM Computing ontology (Cassel et al., 2007).
The final goal of our research process is to de-
velop a software system (called PrepSpace) that
supports teachers in the collaborative design of
courses and lessons. Besides that, there are many
other application areas of our ontology as well, e.g.
the retrieval of teaching materials, the design and
automatic evaluation of student assessments, the
comparison of courses of lessons.
Meanwhile our ontology has become quite stable
and PrepSpace has reached the first prototype state,
thus we decided to publish the state of our work
right now in order to put it up for discussion.
Hubwieser P. and Bitzl M..
MODELING EDUCATIONAL KNOWLEDGE - Supporting the Collaboration of Computer Science Teachers.
DOI: 10.5220/0003088602290234
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 229-234
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 The Berlin Model
The Berlin Model was developed by Heimann, Otto
and Schulz, see Uljens (1997). We have chosen this
model as the theoretical framework for the teacher
education courses in informatics at the Technische
Universität München (Brinda and Hubwieser, 2009).
Following the Berlin model the design of educa-
tional lessons has to start with the consideration of
the preconditions in two different areas: firstly the
socio-cultural preconditions, which comprise e.g.
the legal requirements for school education, didactic
approaches as well as IT infrastructures in schools.
Secondly, the anthropogenic preconditions describe
the attributes of the students like age, gender, prere-
quisite knowledge or social status.
In a second step the teacher has to make his/her
decisions about the four main aspects of a lesson:
intentions, content, methods and media.
Finally the consequences of the course or the les-
son have to be considered, regarding the (anthropo-
genic) learning progress of the students as well as
more global (socio-cultural) consequences like the
improvement of the educational level of a region or
of the whole country.
Our system is designed to support this strategy of
planning by a maximum of information that is of-
fered to the teacher exactly at the right time he/she
needs it during the design process.
2.2 Learning Objectives
We will refer to the definition of (Smith and Ragan,
2005, p. 96): “A learning objective is a statement
that tells what learners should be able to do when
they have completed a segment of instruction.”
Concerning the granularity of the objectives,
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001, p. 15f) suggest
three categories:
Global Objectives: “Complex, multifaceted learn-
ing outcomes that require substantial time and in-
struction to accomplish;”
Educational Objectives: derived from global
objectives by breaking “them down into a more
focused, delimited form;”
Instructional Objectives, with the purpose “to
focus teaching and testing on narrow, day-to-day
slices of learning in fairly specific content areas.”
2.3 Taxonomies
Our starting point was the the taxonomy of Ander-
son and Krathwohl (2001), shortly called AK from
now on. Following AK, we regard learning objec-
tives as a combination of a certain type of knowledge
and an observable behavior specification (called
cognitive process) concerning this type of know-
ledge, together forming the two dimensions of the
(1) The knowledge dimension is partitioned into A.
factual, B. conceptual, C. procedural, and D. meta-
cognitive knowledge,
(2) the cognitive process dimension contains the
following levels of behavior: 1. remember, 2. under-
stand, 3. apply, 4. analyze, 5. evaluate, and 6.
A certain cell of the AK-taxonomy is specified by a
combination of a letter (for the knowledge dimen-
sion) and a digit (for the cognitive process dimen-
sion), e.g.: A1, B3, D6 (see figure 1).
Recently a working group of the ACM Special
Interest Group on Computer Science Education
(SIGCSE) elaborated a specific taxonomy for com-
puter science (Fuller et al., 2007), which splits the
cognitive process dimension of the AK-taxonomy
into the two subdimensions producing and interpret-
ing. The producing subdimension represents the
more active part of the learning process and contains
the steps none, apply, and create. The remaining
activities of the cognitive process dimension are
arranged on the interpreting subdimension: remem-
ber, understand, analyze, evaluate. This results (in
combination with the knowledge dimension) in a
three-dimensional taxonomy, which we will shortly
call SIGCSE-taxonomy.
2.4 Learning Objective Analysis
In order to illustrate our theoretical considerations
through this paper, we present an exemplary learn-
ing process P1, specified by a “final examination”
task T1. Once the students have finished P1, they
should be able to solve the following task T1:
Write a method of a suitable Java class that calcu-
lates and prints (on screen) the values of a square
function f(x) = ax
+ bx + c for a given set of equi-
distant arguments {x
, ..., x
}. The following parame-
ters should be set by the user of the program:
a, b, c: double (parameters of the function f),
x_min, x_max: double (borders of the x values),
n: int (number of arguments x
to calculate f(x
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The students have to learn certain knowledge ele-
ments in order to solve this task. Some of them are
shown in the graph of the learning objectives in
figure 1, represented by the denominators of the
learning objectives, e.g. “conditional repetition”).
Additionally the corresponding cell of the AK-
taxonomy is indicated at the lower end of the nodes.
2.5 Prerequisite Relations
The prerequisite analysis of learning steps is a very
important part of the instructional design process, as
described by Smith and Ragan (2005). Although the
prerequisite concept is not suitable to enhance con-
structivistic learning, obviously many situations in
educational work and research require such an anal-
We transfer the concept of prerequisite analysis
to sets of learning objectives in order to find prere-
quisite relations. We regard a prerequisite relation P
as a set of pairs of learning objectives:
P = {(O1, O2)| O1 is prerequisite of O2}. Instead of
(O1, O2) P, we shortly write P: O1 O2.
As pointed out in (Hubwieser, 2008), we suggest
two different types (PH, PS) of prerequisite relations
that might connect learning objectives in pairs O1,
The hard prerequisite relation (PH) is forced by a
substantial or logical dependency, e.g.: concept2
contained in objective O2 is logically based on con-
cept1 contained in objective O1. This means that it
is not possible to understand concept2 without hav-
ing understood concept1.
Figure 1: Prerequisite structure of task T1.
The soft prerequisite relation (PS) is suggested by
didactical deliberations: It is not necessary, but ad-
visable to reach objective O1 in order to ease or to
improve the learning process towards O2, e.g. to
apply teaching or working methods that support
didactical principles.
Whereas PH often can be derived from logical rela-
tions, PS needs empirical research. Using learning
objectives as nodes and prerequisite relations as
edges, we can draw prerequisite graphs representing
PH or PS or a combination of both. In this paper we
will restrict our deliberations to PH. Applied to our
example of the task T1, this leads to the prerequisite
graph that is shown in figure 1.
2.6 Subject Domain Knowledge
The most important aspect of the design of courses
is the description of the knowledge that the students
should gain during the lessons. We decided to
represent it in the form of knowledge elements
(shortly KE), similar to the proposal of Pedroni and
Meyer (2010). The granularity of these KEs should
be approximately about the learning content of one
single lesson.
Figure 2: Knowledge elements in grade 6.
The knowledge elements are connected by associa-
tions that are induced by the logical structure of the
subject domain. The ACM Computing Ontology
(Cassel et al., 2007) proposed the following associa-
tions: is_a (generalization), part_of (aggregation)
and uses (unspecified relationship). Figure 2 shows
(partly) the result of a curriculum analysis of grade 6
of the subject of informatics in Bavaria, using these
Figure 3: Notation of the following figures.
The following figures 4 and 5, that show parts of the
ontology, are drawn manually (using the graphic
editor yEd) in order to produce more readable fig-
ures compared with Protege plugins like Jambalaya.
MODELING EDUCATIONAL KNOWLEDGE - Supporting the Collaboration of Computer Science Teachers
Additionally we have simplified the graph in some
parts by restricting ourselves to some exemplary
individuals and properties.
The core part of the ontology of PrepSpace is
dedicated to the concepts that are the most important
for the design of courses and lessons (see figure 4):
learning objectives, connected by prerequisite
subject domain knowledge elements, con-
nected by the associations is_a, part_of, uses
(especially implements).
Figure 4: The central area of the ontology.
The lesson to be planned is represented by an exter-
nal object (outside of the ontology), called learning
unit (LU). A second type of external objects is used
to represent the tasks that are designed to test the
intended learning objectives.
We represent our ontology using the Web Ontol-
ogy Language OWL 2.0. In order to operate on the
prerequisite graphs automatically, we have to per-
form logical reasoning on it, e.g. chaining a se-
quence of transitive relations or applying predicate
calculus. Thus we want our ontology to be decida-
ble, therefore we use OWL DL (Description Logics).
The external elements for tasks and learning
units are connected by the association has_context
with the application context of the course which
represents the most important preconditions follow-
ing the Berlin Model, e.g. grade, school type, sub-
ject, state or direction of study.
The cognitive process dimension of the AK-
taxonomy is implemented by a subclass hierarchy
following AK p. 67f (see figure 5). The extended
SIGCSE taxonomy is integrated in our system a
similar way. The implementation of the knowledge
dimension offers the docking slot for the subject
domain ontology, e.g. the ACM Computing Ontology
(Cassel et al., 2007). Similarly to the cognitive
process dimension, we constructed a hierarchy of
subclasses with the root class Knowledge that fol-
lows the major types and subtypes of the AK-
taxonomy (p. 46), see figure 5.
The remaining decision fields methods and me-
dia following the Berlin Model are covered by the
classes and individuals of the two areas Methodolo-
gy and Media in the ontology, which are connected
to the learning units by suitable properties (e.g.
has_media). These areas offer specific didactical
knowledge, e.g. proposals for teaching strategies like
team work or partner work or schemata for time
Figure 5: The knowledge dimension of the ontology.
Let us assume that a certain teacher aims to enable
her/his students to solve the task T1 that is described
above (see 2.4). She/he might specify the following
learning objective for the lesson: “apply the method
concept in an object oriented programming lan-
guage”. We regard this as an instructional objective,
belonging to the cell B3 following AK. In the case
that our ontology contains the information shown in
figure 1, the reasoner (we use HermiT, see Motik,
Shearer, Horrocks (2009)) will produce a tree of
prerequisite objectives that might look as (partly)
shown in figure 6.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
To describe these general dependencies between
knowledge elements we define an object property
has_dependency with is_a, has_part (inverse of
part_of), uses and implements as its subproperties.
Figure 6: Part of the prerequisite tree.
As we are interested in dependencies between learn-
ing objectives, we can define the PH
has_direct_prerequisite as follows:
:has_knowledge :has_direct_dependecy
Often one is interested in the overall dependen-
cies of a learning object (e.g. what has a student
learned if he has reached this learning object?). This
is a more general case than direct dependencies:
Further, general dependencies without restric-
tions to the next dependent learning objective are
:has_prerequisite ).
Let us assume that a teacher wants to prepare her/his
lesson following the Berlin Model. Thus, the prepa-
ration will start with the consideration of the pre-
condition areas. We will support some of them by
offering a specific part of the ontology for the con-
text of a lesson: grade, school type, teaching subject,
state/country and direction of study.
Now the decisions concerning the four areas in-
tentions, content, methods and media have to be
made. All these decisions are connected to the (ex-
ternal) LU-object by references to the corresponding
objects of the ontology, e.g. to learning objectives.
Regarding the content decision, the teachers will
start to use our system by picking certain knowledge
elements (KE) that represent the central topics of the
lesson. PrepSpace will be able to present a certain
part of the graph of the subject domain knowledge
that surrounds the picked KE, showing all the other
KEs that are linked to the concerned one by one of
the properties is_a, part_of or uses. By this way the
teacher is able to inspect the knowledge area that is
relevant to the intended learning process.
The next step might be to specify the intention of
the lesson by fixing the learning objects the students
should achieve by adding a cognitive process opera-
tor to the KE, e.g. explain. PrepSpace will present a
prerequisite graph of learning objectives, enabling
the teacher to assess quite precisely, which objec-
tives the students have to achieve before the in-
tended learning step might take place.
After exploring the knowledge and objectives of
the intended lesson, the teacher starts to think about
the teaching methods, strategies and media she/he
wants to apply in the lesson. As much didactical
knowledge about these areas is represented in Prep-
Space, the teacher can get many hints and proposals
directly from the system. This is the point where the
user will profit mainly from the collaboration with
other teachers that is mediated by PrepSpace. The
teacher might look in the (web based) system after
the methods or media that other teachers have used
(and assessed) in lessons to the same KE or similar
learning objectives.
In their prophetic paper Mizoguchi and Bourdeau
(2000) proposed a framework for ontology-based
intelligent systems and elaborated a roadmap to this
goal. This proposal triggered a lively discussion
about educational ontologies and intelligent systems
that were built upon these, which was particularly
productive at the workshops of the SW-EL (Applica-
tions of Semantic Web technologies for E-Learning)
The heavy-weight OMNIBUS ontology (Mizo-
guchi, Hayashi, Bourdeau, 2007) is built to support
all the concepts necessary for understanding learn-
ing, instruction and instructional design. For our
purpose it is too general on the one hand, but misses
the close description of the subject domain know-
ledge structure and of the learning objectives on the
other hand. Dicheva, Sosnovsky, Gavrilova, Brusi-
MODELING EDUCATIONAL KNOWLEDGE - Supporting the Collaboration of Computer Science Teachers
lovsky (2005) produced an ontological overview of
the Ontologies for Education field and offer an on-
tology-driven web portal in order to compare and
combine different proposals for educational ontolo-
Pedroni and Meyer (2010) have developed the
concept of trucs (testable, reusable units of cogni-
tion) to describe knowledge elements and their de-
Kasai and Yamaguchi (2005) presented a Seman-
tic Web System for helping teachers plan lessons
that is based on some specific ontologies, particu-
larly on a goal ontology.
Recently an ACM SIGCSE working group (Cas-
sel et al., 2007) continued the ongoing work on the
ACM Ontology of Computing and proposed a new
ontology that served as a starting point of our con-
siderations concerning the subject domain area of
learning processes.
Currently we are preparing a close empirical survey
on how teachers prepare their lessons. After devel-
oping a questionnaire based on expert interviews, we
will perform a survey using this questionnaire,
searching for different types of preparation strate-
gies. Finally we will adopt our tool to the results of
this study, before we will roll it out for public usage.
Further we prepare to use the ontology as well to
manage research results that concern learning paths,
learning difficulties or the comparison of different
teaching approaches for the same knowledge ele-
Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A taxonomy
for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of
Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. New
York: Longman.
Brinda, T., & Hubwieser, P. (2010). How to teach didac-
tics of informatics to informatics student teachers. In
IFIP (Ed.), New developments in ICT and Informatics
education. To appear.
Cassel, L. N., Davies, G., Fone, W., Hacquebard, A.,
Impagliazzo, J., LeBlanc, R., … (2007). The compu-
ting ontology: application in education. In ITiCSE-
WGR ‘07: Working group reports on ITiCSE on Inno-
vation and technology in computer science education
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Dicheva, D., Sosnovsky, S., Gavrilova, T., & Brusilovsky,
P. (2005). Ontological Web Portal for Educational On-
tologies. In L. Aroyo & D. Dicheva (Eds.), SW-
EL’05: Applications of Semantic Web Technologies
for E-Learning. (pp. 19–28). Amsterdam.
Fuller, U., Johnson, C. G., Ahoniemi, T., Cukierman, D.,
Hernán-Losada, I., Jackova, J., (2007). Developing a
computer science-specific learning taxonomy. SIGCSE
Bull., 39(4), 152-170.
Hubwieser, P. (2006). Functions, Objects and States:
Teaching Informatics in Secondary Schools: Invited
talk. In R. Mittermeir (Ed.): Informatics Education -
The Bridge between Using and Understanding Com-
puters (pp. 104-116). Berlin: Springer.
Hubwieser, P. (2008). Analysis of Learning Objectives in
Object Oriented Programming. In R. T. Mittermeir &
M. M. Syslo (Eds.): Informatics Education - Support-
ing Computational Thinking (pp. 142–150). Berlin:
Hubwieser, P., & Schlichter, J. (1998). HyperCons: Inte-
grating and structuring school relevant information on
the internet. In C. L. Fulmer, B.-Z. Barta, & P. Nolan
(Eds.), The Integration of Information for Educational
Management. Whitefield, MN: Felicity Press.
Kasai, T., & Yamaguchi, H. (2005). A Semantic Web
System for Helping Teachers Plan Lessons Using On-
tology Alignment. In L. Aroyo & D. Dicheva (Eds.),
SW-EL’05: Applications of Semantic Web Technolo-
gies for E-Learning. (pp. 9–17). Amsterdam.
Mizoguchi, R., & Bourdeau, J. (2000). Using Ontological
Engineering to Overcome Common AI-ED Problems.
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Edu-
cation, 11(2), 107–121.
Mizoguchi, R., Hayashi, Y., & Bourdeau, J. (2007). Inside
Theory-Aware and Standards-Compliant Authoring
System. In D. Dicheva, R. Mizoguchi, N. Capuano, &
A. Harrer (Eds.), SWEL’07: Ontologies and Semantic
Web Services for Intelligent Distributed Educational
Systems. (pp. 1–18). Marina del Rey, CA.
Motik, B., Shearer, R., & Horrocks, I. (2009). Hypertab-
leau Reasoning for Description Logics. Journal of Ar-
tificial Intelligence Research, 36, 165–228.
Pedroni, M., & Meyer, B. (2010). Object-Oriented Model-
ing of Object-Oriented Concepts. In J. Hromkovic, R.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development