Policy Knowledge in an Information Wired Environment
Sylvie Occelli
IRES - Istituto di Ricerche Economico Sociali del Piemonte, Via Nizza 18, 10125 Turin, Italy
Keywords: Policy knowledge, Modelling as a cognitive mediator, Social complexity, Information wired environment.
Abstract: Societal transformation and dramatic improvements in Information Communication Technologies, are
changing the context in which policy activity and the underlying knowledge process operate. There is a need
to develop a policy knowledge representation, capable of informing the co-evolution between policy process
and knowledge contents, while itself evolving in order to steer the process. This note is a contribution to this
endeavour. The functional roles of knowledge representation, in implementing a software tool for policy
design is discussed. As the technological potential is very promising, there is a need that the socio-cultural
context does not fall behind to get hold of it.
In a seminal paper, Simon (1962) told a story about
two well-known watchmakers, Tempus and Hora,
who however enjoyed a contrasting destiny when
confronted with the event of increasing client
demand. Tempus used to construct watches
according to a design in which the many elementary
parts were assembled one by one. Being frequently
interrupted to meet the client calls, he could not
easily progress as he had often to start over again the
building process. Hora approached the task,
according to a design in which a number of
elementary parts were first assembled and then the
resulting components put together. When confronted
with the interruptions of the client calls, only a
limited number of the construction operations had to
be started again. Being able to achieve the
construction of the watches more timely than
Tempus did, therefore Hora prospered while Tempus
run out of business.
Notwithstanding a long time has elapsed since
the story was told, its metaphorical arguments help
us to elucidate a few main issues which are
becoming increasingly relevant in the today debate
concerning : a) the policy process (what in the above
metaphor relate to the watch construction and
market context), and b) the types of knowledge
which should back the policy components (what in
the metaphor stands for the design of the watch
construction process).
Actually, it is the very relationships between the
policy process and the types of knowledge – which
by the way is neglected in the story- that is at the
core of the debate.
Conventionally, the policy activity is understood
as a social process, which includes politics,
psychology and culture. It is usually visualized “as a
series of interdependent activities arrayed through
time—agenda setting, policy formulation, policy
adoption, policy implementation, policy assessment,
policy adaptation, policy succession, and policy
termination “ (Dunn, 2008, p. 45).
In addition, it is also acknowledged that in order
to support those interdependent activities a variety of
knowledge from different domains, such as
economics, geography, sociology, physics,
management, laws, computing, is required.
How the different knowledge contributions are
related to each other and how their resulting
outcome leveraged, depending on the specific issues
addressed and social context, are longstanding
questions. Recently however they are raising a
revival of interest as a result of current societal
transformations and the increasing difficulties to
deal with unexpected or unforeseen events (Lipshitz,
Popper and Friedman, 2002, Occelli, 2006a). (This
is particularly evident in innovation policy, where
the acknowledgement of ontological uncertainties
which accompany the attributions of new system
functionalities required by innovation has shaken the
conventional approaches at the roots, see Lane and
Occelli S..
RECONCILING TEMPUS AND HORA - Policy Knowledge in an Information Wired Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0003071702130217
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 213-217
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Maxfield, 2005).
The aim of this note is to sharpen these questions
and to help elucidating how policy process and
knowledge contents might co-evolve, while
ultimately improve policy action courses. The fact
that governmental bodies should also strengthen
their own management capability to carry out this
activity, is an additional aspect worth mentioning
although it will not be dealt with in this note.
There is a need therefore to develop a policy
knowledge representation, capable of informing the
co-evolution between policy process and knowledge
contents, while itself evolving in order to steer the
In the remainder, discussion proceeds as follows.
First, section 2 briefly recalls the main sources of
change in the policy context. These set the stage for
the issues addressed in section 3 concerning the
development of knowledge representation in policy
In the concluding remarks it is argued that in
order to reconcile the Tempus and Hora approaches
in policy process, ICT tools and methods should be
better appropriated and leveraged. While the current
development stage of the ICT infrastructure is well
advanced, the human organization system is lagging
In the following, attention is turned to set the stages
of the discussion. Among the many changes
occurring in socioeconomic systems three main
sources are worth being recalled, concerning the
epistemological context, progress in information
technology and socio-cultural milieu (see Umpleby,
The main aspect of change in the epistemological
context is reflected in the evolution of the concept of
model. The main differences between the various
definitions lie in the emphasis given to the meaning
and role of the description derived from modelling.
In this respect, two interpretations have been
provided (Occelli, 2002, 2006b).
According to the first, which has been referred to
as structuralist, modelling is an activity through
which to understand the structure and organisation
of an artificial or human system. Modelling, allows
the identification of the relevant components and
relationships of the system, and makes it possible to
grasp significant features of its behaviour. Through
it a ‘representation’, although simplified and partial,
of the system internal dynamics and its reactions to
the impact of external events can be obtained;
According to the second interpretation, which we
call cognitivist, modelling activity is primarily a way
of testing the modeller’s knowledge about certain
These interpretations reflect the two souls of
system modelling and are intrinsically linked.
Whereas the structuralist approach was dominant in
the earlier generation of models, the cognitivist one
has progressively acquired importance as computing
power increased and become distributed web based.
The acknowledgement of the limits of rationality
and the need to adopt a new philosophy for social
action has fostered a growing interest in the
cognitivist interpretation. There exists a number of
analytic tools that can act as cognitive mediators,
between a so called internal loop, i.e. that related to
the conventional steps underlying a process of
abstraction, and a so-called external loop, i.e. that
representing the general context of a modelling
activity, see Fig.1 (Occelli, 2006b).
Action domain
Models of the
External loop
Modeling domain
Internal loop
Modeling process
cognitive mediators as
components of knowledge
Figure 1: Modelling as a cognitive mediator.
In cognitive mediator tools, in fact , several links
exist and can be leveraged between the internal and
external loops of a modelling process.
A second source of change is the progress
Information Communication Technology, as
produced by the increasing power of computing and
diffusion of Internet use. This greatly improves the
linking of activity system models with other spatial
analysis methodologies, i.e. connections between
spatial data, indicators and graphical representations
(visual images). It also broadens the scope of model
applications: increasingly, in fact, models are tools
for sharing knowledge experiences, and learning
A final source of change relates to the
transformations in the social and cultural milieu.
Since the cultural and information levels of society
as a whole are rising, the socio-cultural context is
becoming more demanding and selective in the
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
knowledge requirements (Snowden and Stanbridge,
2004). The increasing diversification of social and
economic phenomena is also acknowledged on
phenomenological grounds. Sustainability,
decentralisation of government, globalisation of
economy and impact of new information
technologies, are all recognised as important factors
in affecting novel policy issues.
Together, they concoct a radically different
policy background, also popularized as e-
government and e-governance transformations (see
Centeno, Revel and Burgleman, 2005, van Dijk and
Winters-van Beek, 2009). In particular, the
transformations associated with the responsibility
enhancement, are of outmost relevance. They in fact
urge public administration to strengthen, also by
means of Information Communication Technologies
(ICT), a twofold capacity: a) accounting, monitoring
and evaluating its own actions and b) designing,
managing and implementing policy actions in
innovative ways (see Kuhlmann, 1999, Swederberg
and Douglas, 2003).
3.1 The Roles of Knowledge
Eventually, the above discussion emphasizes a need
to address the issues of how to represent, build and
leverage knowledge for policy in a changing
Loosely speaking a knowledge representation is
a posture of mind adopted for reasoning about a
problem. In so far as policy situations are perceived
as complex, they require to adopt a complexity
approach, that is a modelling endeavour capable of
making those situations intelligible (Morin and Le
Moigne, 1999, Lerbet-Sereni ed. 2004). But this
modelling endeavour is not meant to provide a
simplified account of that situation. This, in fact, is
associated with a system as an entity of interrelated
elements (activities, individuals) organized for some
purpose in an environment. Systems, however, do
not exist in nature but through an observer’s eyes.
In an attempt to go to the basics of the notion,
knowledge representation some researchers (Davis,
Shrobe and Szolovits, 1993) contended that this can
be understood considering the roles entailed,
whenever it is applied in a certain task. In this
respect, they identified the roles summarized in
Tab.1 and underlined the fact that all of them are
important in defining the properties of a
Table 1: The roles of Knowledge Representation (based on
Davis, Shrobe and Szolovits, 1993).
Roles Contents Implications and
questions raised
A surrogate it is a stand-in for the
things that exist in
the world
intended identity
and fidelity
A set of
a view in order to
focus on the things in
the world we are
interested in
definition of the
sets of concepts
offered as a way of
thinking about the
A fragmentary
theory of
identification of the
fundamental concepts
of intelligent
all representations
are imperfect, and
any imperfection
can be a source of
A medium for
representation should
be computable
offer a set of ideas
about how to
information in
ways that facilitate
A medium
of human
the means by which
we express things
about the world and
communicate for our
how well does the
How precise and
How each role is instantiated in a representation,
and the rationale for that, reveals what the
representation would command about how to view
the world. Eventually, providing insights into these
roles turns out to be useful mostly because they can
inform a conscious choice of the properties of the
knowledge representations required in a certain task.
3.2 Knowledge Representation in
Policy Making
A claim is made that addressing the above roles can
steer the formulation of knowledge representation in
(for) policy process. To provide some evidence
reference is made to a case study (see, Boero and
Occelli, 2009), in which the discussion of those roles
provided grounds for developing a software learning
tool, using a case base reasoning approach, aimed at
collecting regional broadband and ICT projects, and
extracting the knowledge which was acquired in
RECONCILING TEMPUS AND HORA - Policy Knowledge in an Information Wired Environment
their implementation.
In particular, the study pointed out that in a field
such as policy, where the theoretical domain is
weak, compared to mathematics or the natural
science, the possibility by means of an ICT based
tool to reinforce the role of surrogate is an
extraordinary challenge in policy design and
As for the ontological commitments, the study
focussed on the relationships between the results of
a policy practice and the practice itself, this being
viewed as a set of actions accomplished by some
actors to achieve some objectives. It recognizes as
an important source of knowledge that stemming
from the situated actions, such as those produced by:
a) a variety of human competences and decision-
making involved, interacting in non trivial ways; b)
the existence of a certain organizational and
institutional context which may hamper or favour
the lawfulness of certain courses of action.
Actually the reasoning approach builds upon
findings from organizational and complexity studies
advocating that knowing cannot be assumed, only
achieved (Swederberg and Douglas, 2003).
What the approach recommended is that in order
to provide an understanding of those situations a
modelling endeavour is required (Nahapiet and,
Ghoshal, 1998, Nonaka, 1994, Orlikowski, 2002).
Two main hypotheses play an important role in
guiding this activity, and namely that: a) in most
policy situations, the decision-making activity is a
design process (i.e. it entails a problem solving
activity oriented at some socially valued objectives);
and b) the identification of the problems to be
addressed leverages a reasoning process. What this
approach sanctions is the certainty of our actions. As
Minsky put itwe can never be sure our
assumptions are right, and must expect eventually to
make mistakes and entertain inconsistencies. To
keep from being paralyzed, we have to take some
risks. But we can reduce the chances of accidents by
accumulating two complementary types of
knowledge: a) we search for islands of consistency
within which commonsense reasoning seems safe; b)
we also work to find and mark the unsafe boundaries
of those islands” (Minsky, 1994).
A main aspect clearly shown by the study, was
that the development of the software tool was itself a
challenge. In fact, it compelled the analysts to
categorize the policy questions and design a
convenient template to collect the relevant
information. It thus required to carry out reasoning
activities which in fact belong to those undertaken in
the encoding phase of a modelling process (see
As for the decoding phase, no definitive evidence
so far exists. What is apparent by now, however, is
that the tool will require to maintain an actor
network on a permanent basis. Actually, the
implementation of this function endorses a
knowledge representation (a cognitive mediator) of a
novel role. This turns out to be an important feature
for meeting the requirements of informing and
supporting the co-evolution between policy process
and knowledge contents.
The reconciliation of Tempus and Hora approaches
in policy process requires additional insights into the
knowledge representation processes, conventionally
So far attention has been paid to the cognitive
mediation role of models from the point-of-view of
the internal loop of the modelling activity. The
progress in ICT and the web endorses the knowledge
representation tools (models) of unprecedented
(Angehrn and Nabeth, 2606, Thorne,
2003, Occelli, 2008).
There is a need to improve model building
process activities. This is not only a matter of having
an accessible user friendly device, through which
operating the methodology transfer. Rather a socio-
cultural context prone to engage itself in innovative
thinking is necessary to take advantage of
modelling and of its different knowledge leverages,
i.e. recognition, guidance and capability (Occelli,
Apart from argumentative rhetoric about
Information Society, we are going through an
extraordinary periods of change in which modelling,
and namely computer supported modelling, is
opening unprecedented ways of yielding the
knowledge constitutive components of human
organization systems.
As progress in modelling is advancing at speedy
space, there is an urgent need that the socio-cultural
environment does not fall behind in appreciating its
potentials. Engaging into experimenting model
applications, i.e. involving the various collaborative
competencies in an inter-disciplinary perspective can
help avoiding that risk.
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RECONCILING TEMPUS AND HORA - Policy Knowledge in an Information Wired Environment