X. Hou, W. J. Liu
School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001, Harbin, China
S. K. Ong, A. Y. C. Nee
National University of Singapore, 9 Engineering Drive 1, 117576, Singapore, Singapore
Keywords: Knowledge management, Information management, Ontology.
Abstract: Domain ontology is a natural approach for representing manufacturing domain knowledge. A large amount
of manufacturing domain knowledge, entities and their properties is embodied in documents. Automatic
construction of ontology from these documents is therefore essential for knowledge and information
management. A graph-based approach to automate ontology construction for fixture design is presented.
Each document in a collection is represented by a graph. The information contained in a term is estimated
from both local and global perspectives. Methods are proposed to disambiguate terms with different
meanings and group similar terms to produce concepts, and find arbitrary latent relations among them.
Domain ontology provides a common and
unambiguous understanding of the domain for both
the users and the system to communicate and share
knowledge and information with each other in an
enterprise (Studer, Benjamins and Fensel, 1998;
Kjellberg et al., 2009). Most knowledge concerning
domain entities, e.g., properties and relationships, is
embodied in document collections. Extracting
ontology from these documents is an important
means of ontology construction. Manual ontology
construction is the current dominant means to
acquire domain knowledge. However, it is a difficult
and time-consuming task that involves domain
modellers and knowledge engineers (Navigli,
Velardi and Gangemi, 2003). Present techniques for
domain ontology construction from unstructured or
structured natural language documents have a few
drawbacks (Weng et al., 2006). Concepts extraction
still mainly depends on heuristic rules provided by
the domain corpus and dictionary although the
information may not be explicitly available for some
domains. Hierarchical and taxonomic relationships
are the main objects extracted from the concepts,
although other types of relationships, e.g.,
chronological, are also essential for modelling a
domain. It is difficult to ensure that the ontology
obtained is correct, complete and meets the needs of
an application as the document collection used for
ontology construction may not encompass a domain.
This paper presents a graph-based automatic
ontology construction approach for knowledge and
information management. To the best of the authors
knowledge, this is the first work that addresses
ontology construction using graph-based methods.
Figure 1 shows the proposed graph-based approach
for automatic construction of domain ontology.
Document pre-processing converts domain
documents into the correct format that can be used in
the subsequent steps in ontology construction. It
removes stop words that are irrelevant to the text
meanings, reduces inflected words to their stems,
tags part of a speech for each remaining term
(Toutanova and Manning, 2000), and counts the
Hou X., Liu W., Ong S. and Nee A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003053903310334
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 331-334
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
frequency and adjacency information of the terms
and the term units, which are the basis for further
operation. This step results in the extraction of terms
with their frequency information and adjacency
information. They reflect how important a term or
term unit is to the documents to some degrees.
Structural information is captured by the structures
of the document graphs created based on the
adjacency information obtained.
The normalized frequency representation (Chow,
Zhang and Rahman, 2009) is adapted and used to
generate a graph for each document. An undirected
weighted graph with the vertices and edges
describing meaningful terms and connections
between the terms is used. Each vertex is labelled
with the term it represents, and only one vertex is
created regardless of the number of times it appears
in a document. The edge connecting two terms
indicates that they are adjacent in a document, and it
is labelled with the labels of both vertices connected
by it. Every vertex and edge is labelled with a
frequency measure that represents the total number
of occurrences (vertices) and co-occurrences
(edges). The frequency of a vertex or edge in a
large-size document will be larger than the same one
in a small-size document, even if the importance of
this term or relation is almost identical for both
documents. Therefore, the frequency is normalized
to reflect the actual importance of a term or relation
to the document size, by dividing each vertex
frequency either by the maximum vertex frequency
that occurs in the graph or the total frequencies of all
the vertices in the graph; a similar procedure is
performed for the edges.
Concept extraction consists of two steps, namely,
weighting terms based on random walks to measure
how informative a term is to the domain corpus and
using the Markov Clustering (MCL) algorithm
(Dongen, 2000) to cluster the weighted terms so as
to extract the candidate concepts.
In the random walk weighting process, the score
of each vertex is updated in each iteration with
regards to the new weights that its adjacent vertices
have accumulated, until all the vertices converge at a
pre-defined threshold. Since an undirected graph is
used, the score of each vertex (node) is calculated
using Equation (1) to estimate the importance of a
term to the domain corpus. After this step, the
weights of the nodes represent the estimates of how
informative the terms are to the domain corpus.
Neighbour( )
eighbour( )
() (1 ) ()
i j
WS V d d WS V
From Equation (1), it should be noted that the
edges incident to the vertices are used to derive the
similarity measures for the vertices using the
adjacency information. The vertex similarity is
estimated based on the structural properties of the
graph. Thus, it is domain independent and no further
knowledge is needed during this term weighting
step, making this ontology construction approach
suitable for other domains.
Figure 1: Graph-based ontology construction.
To cluster nodes, an edge should be weighted
with regards to the vertices it is connected. Equation
(2) assesses an edge based on the nodes that it is
connected, where
V and
V are two nodes connected
e . The edge weight is within the interval [0, 1].
() ()
() ()
WE e
Next, the MCL algorithm is used to cluster the
nodes of the graph with the new weights, and only
single-word terms are considered as candidate
concepts. However, there exist many multi-word
concepts in reality. Hence, after the candidate
concepts have been extracted, a post-processing step
is used to reconstruct the adjacent terms into multi-
word concepts. During post-processing, all candidate
concepts are marked on the nodes of the graph. If a
path exists that connects a sequence of adjacent
nodes, the candidate concepts represented by these
nodes are collapsed into a multi-word concept.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Intuitively, a general and important relation in a
domain would appear frequently in the documents of
this domain, and this corresponds to a frequent sub-
structure of the graphs representing the documents.
Therefore, relation extraction for domain ontology
construction can be converted into discovering
frequent subgraphs within graphs describing the
domain-related corpus. Semantics should be
considered during the mining procedure since
relations discovered should have practical meanings,
rather than just combinations of terms. Thus, relation
extraction in this research is formulated as: given a
dataset of labelled-graph representations (each graph
representation corresponds to a document), a
taxonomy of concepts (concepts are outcomes of the
concept extraction step), a mapping from the labels
to the concepts, and a minimum support threshold,
find all the frequent informative subgraphs and
interpret them as relations.
The gSpan algorithm is used to discover the
frequent subgraphs (Yan and Han, 2002). An
information function defined in Equation (3) to
estimate the information contained in the subgraphs
is integrated into the gSpan algorithm to determine
the importance of the subgraphs.
is the frequency
that the subgraph g appears in the graph database.
The factor
g of the information related to the
subgraph g is the sum of the information carried by
the vertex
()vVg of weight
and the edge
()eEg of weight ()
:( , ) ( )
ir r
sg Ig
() ()
() () ()
vV g eEg
Information associated with a vertex or edge
weight are given in Equations (5) and (6)
{| ,()()}
dDvdlv lv
 and
{| ,()()}
d D e dle le
are the subsets of graph
database D respectively.
() log
() log
 
Besides the information function, three
constraints are considered in relation extraction,
namely, (1) the concepts obtained from the prior step
are used to determine whether the current vertex
should be discovered as an element of one relation
when mining the frequent subgraphs; (2) for relation
extraction, the part-of-speech attribute of a term is
considered, i.e., each subgraph discovered must
contain at least one noun and one verb or adjective;
and (3) if the subgraphs mined contain vertices that
are not in the list of concepts, these vertices can be
added as concepts with respect to their term weights,
which can be regarded as the feedback from the
relations to the concepts.
After the frequent subgraph mining, the
subgraphs obtained will be interpreted as relations
between the concepts. A relation is described as a
triple {concept1, relation, concept2}. A general way
is to first locate the node labelled with a verb, and
find the adjacent nodes. If both adjacent nodes are
labelled with a noun, a relation between these three
terms is established. If one or both nodes are
labelled with a verb, these nodes are connected to
form a new node labelled with the union of the verb
labels. The new node will be used as the middle
word for the next iteration. This process is iterated
until two nodes labelled with a noun are connected
by a node labelled with a verb. Next, the two nouns
and the verb are interpreted as concept1 and
concept2 and the relation, respectively. This process
is applicable to a few nouns that are adjacent. A few
typical situations encountered in subgraph
interpretation are illustrated in Figure 2. It should be
noted that more than one relation may be extracted
from one subgraph; the number of relations
extracted from one subgraph depends on the number
of verb concepts in this subgraph as the core of a
relation is a verb term. Figure 3 shows an example
of frequent subgraph mining and the interpretation
of a subgraph as relations.
This section presents the construction of fixture
design ontology using the proposed approach. A
snippet of the ontology on “fixture design” is shown
in Figure 4. The new ontology created is compared
with a fixture design ontology FIXON to
demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
Since the sources from which the two ontologies are
constructed are different, only the common parts of
the two ontologies are compared. From Table 1, the
performance of the proposed method as compared
with FIXON is as follows: the concept precision is
70.8%, the concept-location precision is 71.4%, and
the concept recall is 76.8%.
Figure 2: Mapping between subgraphs and relations.
Figure 3: Two relations extracted from a subgraph.
Figure 4: Fixture design ontology on “fixture design”.
A graph-based approach is proposed for automatic
construction of domain ontology for knowledge and
information management. The graph-based approach
simultaneously considers the frequency and
structural information of the domain corpus. The
major contributions are (1) a graph-based document
representation, where an ordered and structural
description that can preserve the inherent structure
of the original document can be obtained for concept
and relation extraction; (2) a concept extraction
method based on the random walk term weighting
scheme and graph clustering; (3) an arbitrary
relation extraction method based on frequent
informative subgraph mining instead of only
extracting predefined or hierarchical relations; and
(4) this proposed approach is unsupervised, flexible
and highly portable to different domains, genres, or
languages. In future work, abstract relations and
individual relations will be categorized to build up a
more complete relation hierarchy.
Table 1: Performance of proposed approach.
Concepts/relations (C/R)
Concepts/relations benchmark
defined not defined
produced by approach 63 26
in right
in wrong
47 16
not produced by approach 19
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development