Computation Independent Models: Bridging Problem
and Solution Domains
Erika Asnina and Janis Osis
Department of Applied Computer Science, Institute of Applied Computer Systems
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University
LV-1048, Riga, Latvia
Abstract. Compliance between a problem and a solution domain(s) is a well-
known issue in software development. A usual way of development is focusing
on the solution, and adapting the solution to the problem domain only in case of
occurred issues. Sometimes, the cost of such adaptation is very high, and then
the cheapest way is to change operation of the problem domain. Certainly, such
ways cannot satisfy a client. This paper considers a computation independent
model as a place where overcoming of the gap must occur. It discusses ways for
overcoming a gap between a problem domain and a solution domain(s) that are
proposed within CIMs, and suggests a mathematical mechanism, continuous
mapping, provided by a topological functioning model together with its other
topological and functional properties as a formal bridge between those domains.
This mechanism is explained by an example.
1 Introduction
Software development begins from analyzing a problem and finding a solution or
solutions. In practice, developers design the solution without proper investigation of
the problem as they consider that the required solution is this problem mentioned.
Therefore, the question about what domain must be modeled at first, the domain of
today reality (“system-as-is”) or the domain of customer expected reality (“system-to-
be”), still is open.
The answer on this question is not new. [17] pointed out that the first step should
be evaluating of client’s current situation, and only after that developers should define
what the new product will be able to do. He stated that the primary goal of the
requirement phase is to notify what client needs. The same thought is repeated in [19]
and Jackson’s work [9] at problem frames used for problem analysis. System
requirements themselves are only constraints hung on real world phenomena, not vice
versa [15].
There are two ways of problem domain analysis. The first one is when developers
explore the problem domain by parts, at the beginning trying to understand each
fragment of the problem domain and only after that trying to join those fragments
together in the joined and more formal representation. The second one is the so called
system thinking, where the problem is analyzed at the whole, and only then its
fragments are separated and refined.
Asnina E. and Osis J. (2010).
Computation Independent Models: Bridging Problem and Solution Domains.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Architecture and Modeling Theory-Driven Development, pages 23-32
DOI: 10.5220/0003043200230032
In both cases mappings between the problem domain and the solution (or
solutions) must be determined. System thinking facilitates this issue as the problem
domain is analyzed the first, and the solution is defined in accordance with the
understood problem. Unfortunately, there is a lack of formal ways to map knowledge
about the problem domain into the software development process. However, if we
develop this software for some purposes in the real world, we must know how it will
affect it. It has critical importance for business, mechatronic and embedded systems,
where the cost of the fail could be human lives or vast damages.
Object Management Group’s Model Driven Architecture proposes three models for
system specification, namely, a Computation Independent Model (CIM), a Platform
Independent Model (PIM), and a Platform Specific Model (PSM). PIMs and PSMs
are dedicated for specification of solutions, i.e., systems-to-be. This paper will discuss
the first model mentioned, the CIM, where the specification domain (domains) is not
so explicit. The CIM describes system requirements and the way the system works
within its environment. Details of the application structure and realization are
assumed to be hidden or as yet undetermined. The CIM is sometimes called a domain
model and a domain vocabulary. However, domains that can be reflected by CIMs are
not clearly stated in the specification of MDA [12].
In broad sense we may assume that both problem domain and solution domain can
be specified by the computation independent model. And this assumption is correct as
it will be shown in this paper. Thus, it is interesting to understand where and how this
“gap” between the problem domain and the solution domain can be overcome and by
what means.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 overviews other authors’ research on
CIMs, and analyzes ways of the gap overcoming. Section 3 introduces a formal
holistic CIM, i.e., a Topological Functioning Model (TFM) in brief. Section 4
discusses a formal mechanism provided by the TFM and illustrated by an example for
overcoming the gap mentioned above. Conclusion summarizes main results of the
2 Computation Independent Models
By analyzing scientific publications described below, we have recognized that
scientists distinguish three parts or layers within the CIM, namely, CIM – Knowledge
Model, CIM – Business Model, and CIM – Business Requirements for the System.
Let us consider those proposed models in more detail.
The idea of CIM–Knowledge Model proposed by [5] relates to the highest level of
the CIM model levels. This model reflects an enterprise from the holistic point of
view, thus providing the general vision of the enterprise with focus on enterprise
knowledge. The CIM–Knowledge Model may include three types of diagrams,
namely, block, ontological and knowledge diagrams.
Che, Wang, Wen and Ren [3] proposed the similar viewpoint on this level, but they
called this model by Global Model. It describes function requirements of every
enterprise domain and information transmission relationships between those
requirements as well as the whole business logic and information transmission
relationships, based on which CIMs at the detailed levels could be composed. Jeary,
Fouad and Phalp [10] discussed a pre-CIM level, where business managers can create
informal models of department processes. The pre-CIM may include organizational
hierarchies, informal documentation, private process views, details of responsibilities,
any requirements relevant information, very informal concept models, etc. In other
words, the pre-CIM should hold business domain knowledge, while CIMs holds
business process models, and only after that requirements are defined. Garrido,
Noguera, González, Hurtado and Rodríguez [4] presented ontology-based CIMs.
The idea of CIM–Business Model proposed by Grangel et al.[5] and Hendryx, [6]
is a “pure” business model that is focused on the business scope and goals as well as
terminology, resources, facts, roles, policies, rules, organizations, locations and events
of concern to the business. However, it does not reflect system considerations. The
scope of the Business Model in the CIM must, at a minimum, include business
functions served by the system.
Authors in Grangel et al., Kanyaru, Coles, Jeary and Phalp [5, 11], and Garrido et
al., [4] defined three possible types of models within the CIM–Business Model. The
Organizational Model can be described in terms of goals, organizational structure,
analysis diagrams and business rule diagrams. The Structural Model includes product
and resource diagrams, and the Behavior Model includes process and service
diagrams. Authors in [8] refined them to Organization Model, Process Model, Data
Model, System Model, and Service Model. In essence, these models also can be
reduced to those three models described previously.
The CIM–Business Requirements for the System proposed in [6] contains the
contract between the business and IT about what the business people expect the IS
will automate. This model is built on and refers to the CIM–Business Model. Authors
in [7] and [18] stated that in case of ISs each requirement is a system’s obligation to
execute a business rule or rules. Hence, requirements for the system must be in
consistency with the environment where they will be implemented and as complete as
possible. Cao, Miao and Chen [2] proposed a use of feature models for developing
CIMs. In turn, Trujillo, Soler, Fernández-Medina and Piattini [20] proposed the CIM
for requirements analysis for data warehouse modeling based on an extension of the i
framework that deals only with functional requirements at the business level.
2.1 Overcoming the “Gap” between the Problem and Solution
There are two possible kinds of representing systems. The first and wide-used is
fragmental representation. This means that in order to overcome complexity of the
system under consideration, developers divide specification of the system from a
certain viewpoint into several fragments as in case of use cases, where multiple use
cases (fragments) and intuitively and weakly defined dependencies among them
constitute this entire view on the system.
The second kind is holistic representation. Holistic representation may be
described either as a single indivisible (or formally refined) model or as a view on the
system on the whole from different aspects. The latter means that there are formally
defined dependencies among elements in aspects.
We believe that only holistic models are able to overcome the gap between the
problem domain and solution domains completely. Moreover, such models must be
able to represent both domains in order to formally define relationships among them.
In order to overcome the gap between the problem domain and solution domains,
requirements must be in conformity with a business model that describes the problem
domain. The assisting model should be a business model that specifies the solution
domain and is composed in accordance with compliant requirements and reality
specified in the business model of the problem domain. In most of the propositions
discussed business requirements are stated in accordance with the business model that
reflects the solution domain.
Propositions in [5, 10], and [8] have a relation with the business model of the
problem domain. In [5] this relation is obtained by selecting those business functions
from the “pure” business model of the problem domain that are to be served by the
system, and composing corresponding structural and behavioural models. In [10] this
relating node is the business process model of the problem domain that is created
based on the Pre-CIM (an informal model of business processes, organizational
hierachies, informal documentation and very informal concept model) and on which
business reqirements for the system are grounded. In [8] the joining element is the
business context and business requirements for the enterprise integration system. This
context defines existing organization, services, processes and datas, and specifies
requirements for the integration system.
Summarizing, the proposed ways of overcoming the gap mentioned before are
rather intuitive then formal. Even if functions of the solution domain are obtained by
selection from functions of the problem domain, it is not clear how new functions
must be handled in order to keep conformity among two domains or how exclusion of
problem domain functions in the solution domain will affect enterprise operation.
In our paper we present the Topological Functioning Model (TFM), which is a
formal mathematical model for holistic (single indivisible) representation of both
problem and solution domains and provides a mathematical mechanism for
overcoming the gap between a problem and a solution.
3 The Formal Holistic CIM - Business Model: Topological
Functioning Model
A Topological Functioning Model (TFM) is developed at Riga Technical University
by Janis Osis [13]. The topological model of problem domain is the advantage for
analysis and decomposition of complex systems as described in [14].
The TFM is a mathematically formal model that describes a topology among
systems functional properties from the computation independent viewpoint. It is
independent of any modeling and implementation technique. It comes about through
the acquisition of the experts' knowledge about the complex system, verbal
description, and other documents concerning the structure and functioning.
TFM formalism is based on assumption that a complex system can be described in
abstract terms as a topological space (X, Q), where X is a finite set of functional
features and Q is a topology, given in the form of a digraph (oriented graph).
A functional feature is a characteristic of the system (in its general sense) that is
designed for achieving some system’s goal. The functional features are activities that
help the system to realize its functionality. These activities can be considered as
(specialized) functional features [13], i.e., functional features, whose further
expansion is not necessary at this stage. Functional features can be joined in a
functional feature set, representing a certain business function. Therefore, a set of
specialized functional features can be correlated with the appropriate business
function and corresponding business process.
Cause-and-effect relations among functional features (or topology) must be set. It
is assumed that a cause-and-effect relation between two functional features of the
system exists if the appearance of one feature is caused by the appearance of the other
feature without participation of any third (intermediary) feature.
The TFM has topological and functional properties [13]. The topological properties
are connectedness, closure, neighborhood and continuous mapping. The functional
properties are cause-effect relations, cycle structure, inputs and outputs.
4 Continuous Mapping: The Bridge between Problem Domain and
Solution Domain Models
This paper highlights one of TFM topological properties, namely, continuous
mapping, which together with other TFM topological and functional properties allows
overcoming the gap between the problem and solution.
Fig. 1 illustrates a use of the topological functioning model in software
development. First, a model of the problem domain is constructed by analyzing
knowledge of the system-as-is. Simultaneously client’s requirements (or desires) are
gathered. They are checked up for compliance with the constructed TFM and mapped
onto its functional features. The result is a topological functioning model of the
solution domain that implements continuous mapping into the TFM of the problem
domain. However, we should note that this is a model of the solution domain at the
business level not at the application level. The application level is specified in the
CIM – Business Requirements for the System that is a behavior model in this case.
4.1 Mathematical Foundations of the Continuous Mapping
According to the statement and corollaries of continuous mapping defined in [13], the
model with any complexity can be abstracted to the simpler one and vice verse. This
means that continuous mapping of topological models is realized. Continuous
mapping states that direction of topological model arcs must be kept as in a refined as
in a simplified model. Moreover, a lack of knowledge about the system can be filled
up with knowledge that is obtained from the continuous mapping of the same type
model to the system model under consideration.
Statement: If some more detailed functioning system is formed by substitution of a
subset of specialized properties for some functional property, then continuous
mapping exists between a detailed model and a simplified parent topological model of
the same system.
Proof: The continuous mapping of the topological space of the detailed system T*
into the topological space of the simple parent system T will take place, if
neighborhoods of T* will map into neighborhoods of T.
Fig. 1. The place of the topological functioning model in software development.
Let us assume that the contrary is the case, i.e., that neighborhoods of T* are not
mapped into neighborhoods of T. This means that T* possesses other essential
topological properties. Therefore, either the mode of functioning of the detailed
system will be different, or the detailed system will cease to exist at all. It follows that
new essential functional features are being added but it contradicts to the premise of
the statement. It’s easy to prove also the converse statement.
4.2 Discussion
Let us explain and demonstrate the theoretical foundations mentioned above by an
example of a library.
Let us assume that we have the following description of the problem domain, i.e. a
fragment of operation “as is” of this small enterprise: “The library invites people to
come. The Advertising Company gives the informational support for the library.
When a reader comes, he is serviced by a librarian. Each month and after taking back
the librarian evaluates the condition of used prints. If a print is damaged, then it is
either restored by the Restoration Company or removed by the Liquidating Company.
The removed prints are liquidated by the Liquidating Company, while the library
continues to use the restored prints. Library’s Fund Company gives the financial
support that is based on annual library’s reports. The Library’s Fund Company itself
is credited by its partners. Library’s fund gets this financial support. The library
distribute the obtained income among paying salaries to employees, restoring prints,
removing damaged prints and purchasing prints. Each three months the library
purchases prints which are published by publishing houses in order to service their
readers. Before each purchase, the library evaluates readers’ requirements as well the
condition of library’s prints. The library gives the information support by fee.”
The topological functioning model of this library illustrated in Fig. 2-a is
constructed in accordance with a method that is described in detail in [16].
Description of functional features that is a simplified form of the description in [1] is
the following <label: name, preconditions, postconditions>: a: Publishing a print; b:
Coming a reader; c: Purchasing a print; d: Servicing a reader, postcondition
income”; e: Evaluating the condition of a print, precondition “each month and after
tacking back a print”, postcondition “damaged OR undamaged condition”; f:
Evaluating the requirements of a reader, postcondition “reader’s requirements”; g:
Restoring a print, precondition “if a print is damaged”; h: Distributing income; i:
Removing a damaged print, precondition “if a print is damaged”; j: Giving financial
support, precondition “if it is a review of library’s annual report”, postcondition
“income”; k: Paying the salary to an employee; l: Giving informational support; m:
Creating a report, precondition “if it is a deadline of annual report submission”; o:
Inviting a man; and p: Crediting library’s fund company
Let us assume that a client wants to receive an information system (IS) that
supports functions dedicated to servicing readers, i.e. the following functional
requirements for the IS are set - F1: The system shall provide servicing readers
(functional feature d); F2: The system shall provide evaluating print conditions
(functional feature e); F3: The system shall provide restoring a print (functional
feature g); and F4: The system shall provide paying for print damages.
Here, F1 completely corresponds to functional feature “d: Servicing a reader,
postcondition {income}”; F2 completely corresponds to functional feature “e:
Evaluating the condition of a print, precondition {each month}, postcondition
{damaged OR undamaged condition}”; and F3 completely corresponds to functional
feature “g: Restoring a print, precondition {if a print is damaged}”.
In turn, F4 does not correspond to any existing functional feature in the TFM of the
problem domain. This means that this requirement will introduce new functionality as
in the solution domain (the IS itself) as in the problem domain (operation of the
library as an enterprise). This case requires careful investigation of cause and effect
relations among the existing functional features in the problem domain and this new
In order to introduce this new function into the TFM of the problem domain, we
have created new functional feature “r: Paying for the damage of a print, precondition
{if a print is damaged}”. By analyzing existing functionality, we can assume that the
cause is functional feature e, and an effect is functional feature d. If the cause is
evident, then the effect is implicitly stated. We may assume that if a reader has not
paid for damages done, then he/she will not be able to get library’s services next time
(Fig. 2-b).
The IS to be implemented is a subsystem of the library system. Hence, we can
separate the topological functioning model of the IS from the model of the library.
Accordingly to the rules of separation of the topological model from the topological
space that is illustrated in detail in [16], after the closuring operation we have
obtained the topological functioning model of library’s IS (Fig. 2-c).
Functionality described by functional features d, e, and g that are specified for
implementation already exists in the library as an enterprise (Fig. 2-a). But the
function that supports paying for damaged prints and that will be implemented in the
IS modifies operation of this enterprise by introducing this new responsibility,
functional feature r, as it is shown in the TFM in Fig. 2-b and Fig. 2-c.
Continuous mapping from the TFM of the information system to the TFM of the
library with the IS (“to be”) to the TFM if the library without the IS (“as is”) is
Fig. 2. The topological functioning model of the library in the problem domain without IS’s
support (a), with support of the IS (b), and library’s IS in the solution domain (c).
mathematically proved by mappings of the neighborhoods of the system functional
features, where X
** is a neighborhood of the functional feature of the IS (Fig. 2-c),
* is a neighborhood of the functional feature of the library with the IS (Fig. 2-b),
and X
is a neighborhood of the functional feature of the library without the IS (Fig. 2-
={b, d} X*
={b, d} X
={b, d}
={c, d} X*
={c, d} X
={c, d}
={d, f, h, e} X*
={d, f, h, e} X
={d, f, h, e}
={e, r, i, g} X*
={e, r, i, g} X
={e, i, g}
={h, g} X*
={h, g, k, c, i, l, m} X
={h, g, k, c, i, l, m}
={g, d} X*
={g, d} X
={g, d}
={k, d} X*
={k, d} X
={k, d}
={r, d} X*
={r, d} Ø
The mappings between the neighborhoods explicitly demonstrate that functional
feature r is not continuously mapped to the initial TFM of the library (the system “as
is”), because it is a new function for the library. However, it is continuously mapped
from the model of the information system to the modified TFM of the library, thus the
solution is in compliance with the problem domain.
5 Conclusions
Discovering gaps between the problem domain and the solution domain is an open
issue in software development. The CIM is the only model within model-driven
development that can specify both these domains and should show such issues
explicitly. Analysis of the existing proposition of CIMs shown that even if both
domains are modeled in the CIM, the relation among them is rather intuitive then
formally defined and specified. This is a cause of future issues with solution’s
inadequacy to the enterprise operation.
This paper illustrated the mathematical mechanism for such inadequacy
identification and handling. The mechanism is TFM topological and functional
properties that support continuous mapping between the system and its subsystems,
and the system and its modifications. Discovered gaps between domains are explicit
and mathematically proved, and possible changes in the system functionality are done
taking onto account already existing interrelationships among system functions. This
mechanism is planned to be implemented in the modeling tool to be developed.
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