Using Enterprise Ontology Theory to Improve Business-IT Alignment
Philip Huysmans, Kris Ven and Jan Verelst
Department of Management Information Systems, University of Antwerp, Prinsstraat 13, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Enterprise architecture, Enterprise ontology, Innovation, Information technology, Alignment.
In today’s economy, innovation plays an increasingly important role in the strategy of organizations. Managers
therefore need to understand and be able to manage the innovation process. The recent research efforts in the
enterprise architecture domain are very relevant in this regard. Most of these frameworks acknowledge the
importance of aligning the information technology (IT) infrastructure with the enterprise architecture. In this
paper, we focus on a case of an organization that was able to realize substantial business innovation by aligning
its IT architecture to its enterprise architecture. Notwithstanding the successful outcome of this enterprise
architecture project, the approach taken by the organization strongly relied on the heuristic knowledge of
employees, thereby limiting the repeatability and reproducibility of their approach. In addition, it remains
unclear whether the modeling technique that was used will be able to provide the required level of evolvability
in the future. It therefore seems useful to apply a systematic method to be able to recreate these results in other
organizations. We therefore take a design science approach by repeating the enterprise architecture project
using the Enterprise Ontology theory. Our results show that the model created by following the Enterprise
Ontology theory was very similar to the model created by the organization, which is a desirable result. The
main advantage of Enterprise Ontology is that it provides a more repeatable and reproducible result and that
the resulting models are more evolvable.
In today’s economy, innovation plays an increasingly
important role in the strategy of organizations. Since
organizations nowadays have to compete on a global
level, it is important that organizations are able to gen-
erate and exploit innovations at a steady pace to seek
sustainability of their business (Van de Ven and An-
gle, 2000). There is consensus in literature that in-
formation technology (IT) is an important enabler for
innovation (Brynjolfsson and Saunders, 2010). Given
the importance of innovation to organizations, it is im-
portant that managers understand and are able to ef-
fectivelymanage the innovationprocess. It has indeed
been noted that [a]t a time when so much attention is
given to innovation and entrepreneurship, it is rather
pathetic that a deep understanding of the process is
lacking. It is no wonder that firms and governments
have difficulty trying to stimulate (and manage) inno-
vation when its fundamental processes are so poorly
understood. (Teece, 1987, p. 3). Although substan-
tial progress has been made in this field, it remains re-
markable that almost 25 years later, much innovation
in organizations is still dependent on heuristic knowl-
edge of employees, and is not based on methods or
theories that explain and provide guidance in this pro-
cess. As a result, the innovation process is frequently
considered a black box in which it remains unclear
how a certain input results in the observed outcome
(Van de Ven and Angle, 2000; Aghion and Tirole,
1994; Fagerberg, 2005).
Innovation can take various forms. In this paper,
we are concerned with the improvement of organi-
zational structures to increase the efficiency and ef-
fectiveness of organizations. The recent research ef-
forts in the enterprise architecture domain are very
relevant in this regard. The ultimate goal of the en-
terprise architecture domain is to construct organiza-
tions that are able to conduct their business in a more
efficient and effective manner. Several enterprise ar-
chitecture frameworks have been proposed in litera-
ture that try to make the complexity of organizations
more manageable by the use of a systematic approach.
Most of these frameworks acknowledge the impor-
tance of aligning the IT infrastructure with the enter-
prise architecture (Zachman, 1987; The Open Group,
Huysmans P., Ven K. and Verelst J. (2010).
DESIGNING FOR INNOVATION - Using Enterpr ise Ontology Theory to Improve Business-IT Alignment.
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 177-186
DOI: 10.5220/0003033601770186
2003; Chan et al., 1997). An IT architecture which is
aligned with the enterprise architecture contributes to
diverse business goals, such as a reduced time to mar-
ket, the entering of new markets, and support for im-
proved business processes (Kazman and Bass, 2005).
Enterprise architecture frameworks are currently
faced with two important challenges. First, a short-
coming of many enterprise architecture frameworks
is that they have a descriptive, rather than prescriptive
nature (Hoogervorst, 2009). From an innovationman-
agement point-of-view, this means that these frame-
works are unable to open the black box of the innova-
tion process within the organization. Although such
frameworks are able to describe the original and the
revised structure of the organization, it remains un-
clear why the applied changes resulted in a desirable
outcome for the organization. This insight is essential
to be able to repeat the process in the future. Hence,
enterprise architecture frameworks should allow for
repeatability and reproducibility. Repeatability refers
to whether the approach would lead to the same re-
sults if it was repeated in the same context. Repro-
ducibility refers to whether the approach would lead
to the same results if it was repeated in a different con-
text (e.g., in a different organization or with different
A second challenge is that organizations are com-
peting in increasingly volatile environments. In such
environments, it is important that organizations can
quickly adapt to changes in their environment. It has
been noted that in such contexts, no long-term com-
petitive advantages can be obtained, and that organi-
zations need to strive towards realizing a succession
of short-term competitive advantages (Teece et al.,
1997; Eisenhardt and Martin, 2000). Hence, even if
organizations succeed to innovate with IT, they will
need to ensure that the IT and enterprise architecture
is flexible enough to adapt to a changing environment.
This requires that models created by enterprise archi-
tecture frameworks are evolvable. Evolvability is an
important property of an architecture. As mentioned
by Garlan and Perry: software architecture can ex-
pose the dimensions along which a system is expected
to evolve. By making explicit the load-bearing walls
of a system, system maintainers can better understand
the ramifications of changes, and thereby more accu-
rately estimate the cost of modifications. (Garlan and
Perry, 1995).
In this paper, we focus on a case of a European
organization that was able to realize substantial busi-
ness innovation by aligning its IT architecture to its
enterprise architecture. Notwithstanding the success-
ful outcome of this enterprise architecture project, the
approach taken by the organization strongly relied on
the heuristic knowledge of employees, thereby limit-
ing the repeatability and reproducibility of their ap-
proach. In addition, it remains unclear whether the
modeling technique that was used will be able to pro-
vide the required level of evolvability in the future.
Given the benefits identified in this case, it seems use-
ful to investigate whether a systematic method could
havebeen used instead, which would allow to recreate
these results in other organizations. To this end, we
take a design science approach by repeating the en-
terprise architecture project using a different method.
The only systematic method we are aware of that has
the potential to address both issues on an enterprise
architecture level is Enterprise Ontology. A distinct
property of Enterprise Ontology is that it creates mod-
els of an organization at the ontological level (Dietz,
2006b). As a result, the models are independent from
the actual implementation of the processes, thereby
providing the required evolvability. In addition, En-
terprise Ontology has a strong theoretical foundation
that ensures a more exact way of modeling and there-
fore contributes to the repeatability and reproducibil-
ity of the modeling effort.
Given the focus of our research, we followed the de-
sign science research methodology. This methodol-
ogy is suited to provide the required research setting
as it is primarily aimed at solving problems by de-
veloping and testing artefacts, rather than explaining
them by developing and testing theoretical hypothe-
ses (Simon, 1996). In this paper, we focus on an
enterprise architecture project undertaken by GFMC
(Gas Flow Manager Company). The core business of
GFMC is gas transport by handling the delivery of gas
across its network. GFMC provided better IT support
for business innovation by aligning its enterprise and
IT architecture. However, GFMC did not explicitly
use a theory or method. Instead, the successful de-
sign outcome was the result of previous experience
and knowledge of the interaction between the organi-
zation and its IT systems. An essential part of design
science is the use of relevant theories to develop new
solutions for ill-structured problems (Simon, 1996;
Klahr and Simon, 1999; Peffers et al., 2007). Repeat-
ing the design process using a theoretical foundation
is useful in this case, since it aids in achieving similar
results in a different context where such experience
and knowledge may be lacking. Moreover, the ap-
plication of a systematic method improves the under-
standing of the reasons why the use of this particular
model achieved such results.
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
Our design science process is based on the frame-
work proposed by Peffers et al. (Peffers et al., 2007).
Based on this framework, we completed three phases.
In the first phase, the objectives of the designed so-
lution were identified. Our objective was to design
an alternative model of the IT architecture of GFMC
that has a strong theoretical foundation. Therefore,
a descriptive case study approach was used to study
GFMC and its current IT architecture. Using the key
informant method, we selected two informants who
were highly involved in the development and use of
the IT architecture. Our informants were the IT ap-
plication architect, in charge of the design of the IT
architecture, and a business user responsible for for-
mulating changes in business requirements for the IT
systems. The primary mode of data collection con-
sisted of a face-to-face interview, which was digitally
recorded for future reference. Follow-up questions on
the interview took place via e-mail. Additional data
sources such as internal documents and presentations,
press releases and online information were used to
complement the gathered information.
In the second phase, which corresponds to the de-
sign and development phase (Peffers et al., 2007), the
information gathered in the case study was used to
develop a new model. Enterprise Ontology was se-
lected as the underlying theory. For the development
of the model, we followed the modeling method as
described by Dietz (Dietz, 2006b, p. 138). The ini-
tial version of the model took 8 man-hours to com-
plete by the primary author of this paper, after which
it was iteratively refined by the different co-authors.
The resulting Enterprise Ontology model was then
compared to the GFMC model, in order to identify
similarities and differences. These differences could
occur because of intrinsic differences between char-
acteristics of the modeling languages, or because of a
difference in the level of abstraction of both models.
In the third phase, which corresponds to the evalu-
ation phase (Peffers et al., 2007), the characteristics of
the developed Enterprise Ontology model were linked
to the results achieved by the original GFMC model.
For the evaluation, both intrinsic characteristics of the
Enterprise Ontology modelas well as similarities with
the original GFMC model were used as arguments to
demonstrate the contributions to business innovation.
In this paper, we use Enterprise Ontology to create
enterprise architecture models. Enterprise Ontology
is based on scientific theories and offers a system-
atic method to derive abstract, essential models of
an organization. Since Enterprise Ontology consid-
ers the organization as a social system, abstraction is
guided by the layers defined in communication theory
(Stamper et al., 2000). This background ensures that
it is well suited to describe the interaction between
an organization and its environment (e.g., the market,
suppliers, and customers). Enterprise Ontology as-
sumes that communication between human actors is
a necessary and sufficient basis for a theory of orga-
nizations (Dietz, 2006b). This statement is based on
the language action perspective (Flores and Ludlow,
1980) and Habermas’ theory of communicativeaction
(Habermas, 1984). The strong theoretical foundation
ensures a consistent modeling methodology: since the
abstraction method is founded on disjunct theoretical
layers (Stamper et al., 2000), the inclusion of a given
element in the model does not depend on the inter-
pretation of the modeler. Instead, Enterprise Ontol-
ogy unambiguously describes which elements should
be included, and which elements should be abstracted
away. Therefore, for any given situation and scope,
it is argued that only one correct Enterprise Ontology
model can be constructed (Dietz, 2006b).
Ontological models focus only on essential ac-
tions. Consider, for example, a shipper who needs
to book a certain service with GFMC. If we were to
model the request for the service, we could focus on
the form in which this request occurs. For example, in
a multi-channel context, the request could be sent us-
ing a web site, a plain e-mail message, or a telephone
call. We could also focus on the information which is
provided with such a request. In that case, the result-
ing model would contain, for example, the contact de-
tails of the shipper, the various selected options, and
the required service level. However, the essential ac-
tion is that the shipper requests the booking of a ser-
vice. Enterprise Ontology models abstract away the
form and information aspects, and focus on the onto-
logical actions. Since only the ontological actions are
represented in the models, the same model will be cre-
ated for organizationswho perform the same function,
but operate differently. Therefore, Enterprise On-
tology models are implementation-independent. For
example, consider the BPR case at Ford (Hammer,
1990). The ontological model of the processes of the
situation before and after reengineering are identical
(Dietz, 2006a). Notwithstanding the lack of change
on the ontological level, the concrete implementation
of the process had changed drastically. Because of the
focus on the essential business processes, Enterprise
Ontology models can be very concise. Research has
shown that less than 30% of the information related
to organizational processes is located on the ontolog-
ical layer (Dietz, 2006b). Hence, by only focusing on
DESIGNING FOR INNOVATION - Using Enterprise Ontology Theory to Improve Business-IT Alignment
Figure 1: Example Interstriction Model.
the ontological level, model documentation can be re-
duced by 70%. Therefore, the complete scope of an
organization can be represented in a relatively small
model. Various case studies are reported where large
organizations are described with few modeling arte-
facts without losing essential or ontological informa-
tion (Mulder, 2006).
According to Enterprise Ontology, actors perform
ontological acts in order to reach a certain goal or re-
sult. This result is represented by a production fact.
The coordination to achieve such a production fact
can be described by a universal transaction pattern.
A transaction always requires the collaboration of two
actors: the initiator actor who wants to achieve the
production fact, and the executor actor who performs
the necessary actions to create the production fact.
The following are examples of production facts which
would be achieved by completing a transaction:
Delivering a Product. The initiator actor is a cus-
tomer, who wants to receive a certain product.
The executor is the company which provides the
product. A successful transaction would create
the fact “Product X has been delivered”.
Performing a Service. Facts do not have to revolve
around physical products. In this transaction, the
executor could, for example, perform a car main-
Subscribing to an Insurance. In this transaction,
the initiator actor would request the insurance of a
certain policy. The insurance company is the ex-
ecutor. The completion of this transaction would
result in a fact which is required for the ability to
make an insurance claim.
The transaction pattern is the most important
construct in Enterprise Ontology models. In an
Actor-Transaction Diagram (ATD), the transactions
are linked to the initiator and executor actors.
An Interstriction Model (ISM) adds information-
dependencies between transactions. In this paper,
we focus on the Interstriction Model. Of all Enter-
prise Ontology models, the ISM is the most com-
pact (Dietz, 2006b). The clear boundary between the
organization, its suppliers and its customers makes
it preeminently suitable for strategic alignment dis-
cussions (Dietz, 2006b, p. 170). Moreover, one of
its original applications is being the background for
charting the existing information systems and appli-
cations in an enterprise, as the first step in studying
the overlap of these systems, and finding the blank
spots (Dietz, 2006b, p. 213). While other models
are available in Enterprise Ontology, we limit our-
selves to the ISM since it provides the organizational
overview needed for our application. Other models,
such as the Process Structure Diagram (PSD), focus
on the coordination needed to complete the transac-
An example of an ISM is shown in Figure 1. A
transaction is represented by a diamond enclosed in a
circle. The actors are represented by labeled boxes.
The initiator actor is connected to the transaction by
a line. The executor actor is connected to the trans-
action by line ending in a black square. If the execu-
tion of a transaction depends on information created
in other transaction, these transactions are connected
by a dotted line. In case such transactions are outside
the scope of the current model, they are represented
by information banks which represent the results of
these transactions. Information banks are depicted as
a diamond in an ISM. In Figure 1, a transaction is
shown where a shipper issues a request to book a new
service with GFMC. In order to be able to complete
this request, information about the grid is required
from the information bank (PB2).
In this section, we will elaborate on the enterprise ar-
chitecture project undertaken by GFMC. We will first
discuss the enterprise architecture effort conducted by
the organization and present the model that was cre-
ated by GFMC. Next, we illustrate the advantages that
were realized by GFMC as a result of the better align-
ment between business and IT and that stimulated in-
novation. Finally, we present the results of our own
enterprise architecture modeling effort using Enter-
prise Ontology.
4.1 Case Description
The enterprise architecture project at GFMC was trig-
gered in 2001 by an important change in legislation.
As a result of this change, the organization was forced
to separate from a gas trading organization, thereby
causing a drastic change in the services offered by the
organization. The new core activities are: (1) trans-
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
mission of gas from the country border to power sta-
tions, major industrial end users and distribution sys-
tem operators (transport); (2) border-to-border trans-
mission of gas destined for other countries (transit);
and (3) loading and unloading ships carrying gas (ter-
minalling). The transport of gas is supported by a grid
consisting of entry points, nodes, and pipelines con-
necting the nodes. GFMC offers services based on
this grid and negotiates contracts with gas shippers
who use the grid. Once a contract has been made,
these shippers can submit nominations that indicate
the amount of gas they transport over the grid. Based
on these nominations, GFMC can plan and execute
the gas flow. The actual gas flow is monitored and de-
termines the actual cost allocated to a certain shipper.
As a result of the separation from the gas trading
organization and the focus on new services, the en-
tire IT infrastructure supporting the organization had
to be rebuilt. Prior to this change, IT was generally
considered to be a bottleneck during the implemen-
tation of changes by business users. According to
our respondents, the increasing business complexity
and increasing rate of change requests necessitated
a new approach”. Moreover, a more structured ap-
proach to implementing changes to the IT infrastruc-
ture was needed. Given the reputation of IT being
a bottleneck for business change, the IT department
attempted to implement changes as quickly as possi-
ble. Our respondents indicated that this resulted in
quick fixes which backfired later”. For example, busi-
ness users once expressed the need to provide a new
service with additional options to an existing shipper.
The IT department implemented this change in their
IT infrastructure by allowing the addition of so-called
virtual connection points to the grid. These virtual
connections points did not exist in the physical grid,
but supported additional features compared to regular
connection points. Although this solution worked sat-
isfactory in the beginning, a problem was identified
when it turned out to be impossible to neglect these
virtual connection points during financial reporting,
thereby resulting in incorrect reports.
The new IT system therefore needed to be able to
respond better and more quickly to changing business
requirements and had to be understandable by busi-
ness users, so they could more realistically estimate
the impact of a requested change. It was decided to
align the IT architecture with a high-level enterprise
architecture model. This approach was inspired by
the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm.
In SOA, services are IT artefacts which correspond
to concepts used in the business context (Erl, 2005).
It has therefore been argued that the use of SOA can
contribute to a better alignment between business and
Figure 2: Role Activity Diagram.
IT (Erl, 2005). It is claimed that business agility can
be achieved by assembling new business processes
from existing services to meet changing marketplace
needs (Dan et al., 2008). This view would al-
low business users to implement changes themselves,
by differently orchestrating services. However, re-
search shows that SOA adoption approaches vary, and
that the selected approach impacts the resulting value
(Chua, 2009). It should be noted that GFMC did not
attempt to completely adhere to the SOA paradigm, or
implement a system consisting only of services. The
main idea that was adopted from the SOA paradigm
was to align the artefacts which make up the IT archi-
tecture with concepts from the business context.
The high-level enterprise architecture model on
which the IT architecture would be based was con-
structed using a Role-Activity Diagram (RAD). The
RAD developed by GFMC is shown in Figure 2. The
model only contains business activities that describe
the high-level operation of GFMC. In a RAD, activi-
ties are modeled within the responsible organizational
entity (actor roles). Depending on the scope of the
model, these organizational entities can represent or-
ganizations, departments or actual employees. In this
case, an abstract RAD was used, describing the in-
teraction of the organization with its partners. An
abstract RAD model describes how the organization
works, without detailing how the specific activities
are implemented (Ould, 2005, p. 234). Internally exe-
cuted activities are represented by gray boxes. Activi-
ties which require collaboration with external partners
are represented using white boxes in the collaborating
entities, which are connected by a solid line. The ar-
rows represent the process flow. The concepts used in
the RAD were defined in a glossary, which was de-
DESIGNING FOR INNOVATION - Using Enterprise Ontology Theory to Improve Business-IT Alignment
veloped iteratively with business users. This was nec-
essary to make sure that the model was interpreted
consistently across the organization. Moreover, this
ensured that business users understood at least the
concepts in the model. Based on this model, the IT
application portfolio was constructed. Every activity
of the RAD which is carried out by GFMC was sup-
ported by exactly one application. The scope of these
applications was defined so that (a) their functionality
did not overlap, and (b) their combined functionality
would support the whole RAD. Moreover, the appli-
cations needed to be as independent from each other
as possible in order to be able to implement changes
in one application without affecting another. This is
consistent with the concept of loose coupling in SOA:
in order to be able to orchestrate services differently,
they need to be independent from each other. Ac-
cording to our respondents, the common definition of
concepts as captured by the glossary was a necessary
precondition to build cooperating but independent ap-
4.2 Realized Advantages
This approach yielded several successful results.
While many technical improvements have been
achieved, we elaborate mainly on the improvements
that have a business-related impact, and on IT-related
improvements which result from the use of the busi-
ness model.
Alignment. The abstract enterprise architecture
model aided in better aligning the IT applications with
the business activities for multiple reasons. First,
the glossary ensured that IT staff and business users
shared the same concepts, and had a common under-
standing of these concepts. The glossary was used to
identify the underlying data model on which the ap-
plications operate. Since the glossary was developed
in cooperation with business people, the important
data elements should reflect the information used by
business users. Second, the model itself can be under-
stood by business users since they recognize the ac-
tors as the parties with whom they interact. Since the
applications are based on the activities in the RAD,
business users also understand the scope of the appli-
cations. Moreover, these factors aid communication.
Our respondents report that discussions concerning
change requests are much more structured and effi-
Change Assessment. Since business users under-
stand the RAD, they also understand the way the ap-
plications interact with each other. Therefore, they
can assess the impact of a change they propose to the
IT system. When a business user who is responsi-
ble for an activity in the RAD requests a change, it
is possible that this change will affect other applica-
tions. When the scope of a change is related to mul-
tiple activities in the RAD, it is straightforward for
the business user to understand which RAD activities
are affected, and therefore which departments should
be involved in the project. Moreover, when many ap-
plications are affected by the change, a phased im-
plementation may be necessary. Our respondents re-
ported that thanks to the model, business users better
understand why and how we use a phased implemen-
Reuse. According to our respondents, it was essen-
tial that no redundant functionality was allowed in
order to stimulate reuse. This ensures that required
functionality that is not in scope for a certain appli-
cation is reused from other applications. For exam-
ple, when a service is requested in the activity Book
Services on a connection point which is not present
in the grid, it cannot be created in the Book Ser-
vices-application. Instead, a business rule will check
whether the needed connection points exist, and if
this is not case, the Develop Grid-application will be
used to create the connection point. This separation
of functionality ensures that changes in functionality
have to be implemented in only one application. The
RAD model also allowed to identify common func-
tionality in the three activity areas of the organization
(i.e., transport, transit and terminalling). Currently,
overlapping functionality in different domains is sup-
ported by applications that share the same code base,
but operate on different databases. Only applications
that are domain-specific are developed separately.
Development Process. Given the scope limitations
of the applications and the desire to keep them inde-
pendent, a more structured development process was
needed. IT staff preferred to bundle changes in a fixed
release cycle, in order to be able to test the impact of
these changes beforehand. However, this was con-
sidered as an important constraint by the business,
since it delayed the implementation. Since business
users now understand and support the need to ad-
here to the IT architecture, they accept that changes
are implemented during fixed release cycles. Prior to
the alignment, business users demanded that changes
were implemented as soon as possible, which could
have negative effects in the long term (cf., the vir-
tual connection points example). Moreover, testing
application changes improved in the new IT environ-
ment. Since the applications are loosely coupled, the
impact of changes in a certain application is limited
to that application. When coupling is needed, inter-
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
faces are used. Therefore, changes regarding the im-
plementation of the interface are hidden from other
applications. Aligning the applications with business
functionality also proved beneficial in other develop-
ment areas. Our informants mentioned that “the RAD
clearly showed a business chunk which was not sup-
ported by an application. We needed to integrate that
specific business part with our ERP system. However,
this was very cumbersome, since no data concerning
that part was available. Now that we identified this
gap, and developed an application, the integration is
much easier. This example suggests that an abstract
business model aids the completeness of the IT infras-
4.3 Enterprise Ontology Model
In this section, we present the model which was devel-
oped using the Enterprise Ontology theory, and com-
pare it to the RAD model developed by GFMC. The
Enterprise Ontology model was developed by the au-
thors of this paper, in order to ensure the correct appli-
cation of the Enterprise Ontology methodology, and
to eliminate the influence of the heuristic knowledge
of the GFMC employees. We chose not to start from
the existing RAD model, but to base ourselves on the
information and insights gathered in the descriptive
case study. Based on this data, we identified relevant
production facts. These included the developed grid,
the offered services, the nominations, the flow plan,
the measurements, and the allocations. In Enterprise
Ontology, exactly one executor actor is responsible
for the creation of a production fact. Therefore, two
distinct transactions are needed to describe the acts
concerning the flow plan: GFMC creates the flow
plan itself, but the physical execution is handled by
an external actor. The same argument applies to the
allocations: while GFMC calculates the allocations, it
expects their clients to pay them. Therefore, separate
allocate and bill transactions are required. The result-
ing ISM model from Enterprise Ontology is shown in
Figure 3.
When comparing this model to the RAD devel-
oped by GFMC, it should be noted that both models
are very similar. The actors—which were important
for business users to recognize—are identical in both
models. The transactions in the Enterprise Ontology
model correspond largely to the activities in the RAD.
Only the RAD activity Define Commercial Services is
represented in the Enterprise Ontology model as an
information bank, since the list of commercial ser-
vices offered by GFMC is considered to be stable.
The development of new services was therefore not
within the scope of the ISM model. However, as a
Figure 3: Interstriction Model for GFMC.
result of the different modeling languages, some dif-
ferences can be noted. On the one hand, the process
flow between the activities is represented in the RAD,
while it is missing in the ISM. In Enterprise Ontol-
ogy, the process flow is represented in the Process
Structure Diagram, which is outside the scope of this
paper. On the other hand, the ISM represents the in-
formation dependencies between transactions, which
cannot be derived from the RAD. Since the applica-
tions in GFMC are based on the RAD activities, these
dependencies provide useful information concerning
the coupling of these applications.
Given the similarities between the RAD and the
ISM, we can expect that the use of a structured mod-
eling approach based on Enterprise Ontology would
have delivered the same results for GFMC. Previous
research indeed indicates that Enterprise Ontology
models can improve evolvability and support innova-
tion. First, Enterprise Ontology models enable com-
munication between stakeholders who are involved in
organizational changes. Since Enterprise Ontology
models are very concise, they are easier to understand
than elaborate, detailed models. Studies show that ex-
ecutives can understand and reason using these mod-
els (Mulder, 2006). Second, the integration of produc-
tion facts with their coordination acts improves mod-
ularity. Because of the cohesiveness of transactions,
it is clear which parts of the current organizational
implementation depend on each other. For example,
Op’t Land showed that Enterprise Ontology can be
used for splitting organizations (Op ’t Land, 2008).
Based on Enterprise Ontology models, suggestions
for splitting an organizationcould be made which cor-
relate with decisions taken by top managers based on
DESIGNING FOR INNOVATION - Using Enterprise Ontology Theory to Improve Business-IT Alignment
their heuristic knowledge. Third, EnterpriseOntology
provides a constructional view of the organization, in-
stead of a functional view (Dietz, 2006b). A construc-
tional view focuses on how an organization works, in-
stead of describing what its function is. Therefore,
interactions among the components of the organiza-
tional model can be identified in Enterprise Ontology
models, such as the information dependencies. Such
interactions provide insight concerning the impact of
a change. Providing this insight has also proved to be
a valuable characteristic in the case study.
The case of GFMC provides a good example of how
IT can deliver value for the organization and support
innovation. With the new IT architecture, GFMC was
able to increase alignment between the enterprise and
IT architecture by making sure that both parties un-
derstand each other and share the same goals. In
addition, the efficiency of the organization could be
improved by removing redundant parts in the soft-
ware architecture and by making sure that all parts
of the organization are properly supported by IT. The
transformation in GFMC was enabled by the heuristic
knowledge and experience of employees. It is com-
monly known that experienced and highly-qualified
professionals are able to use their heuristic knowl-
edge to create models that provide a high-quality so-
lution for organizations. As a result, much problem-
solving in organizations is based on heuristic knowl-
edge held by employees. Current methods are not
able to provide a fully-fledged alternative for this
heuristic knowledge. This is actually one reason why
methodologies in information systems development
are seldom used by experienced developers: method-
ologies provide useful background knowledge for ju-
nior developers, while more experienced developers
feel constrained by methodologies and prefer to rely
on their own experience (Fitzgerald, 1998). Heuris-
tics are considered to provide solutions that are of a
sufficiently high quality and that cannot be improved
by using methodologies.
Although the solution devised by GFMC has re-
sulted in measurable advantages, this solution is still
based on the heuristic knowledge of its employees.
The organization is in that case dependent on the
knowledge and expertise possessed by its employees.
As previously argued, it is desirable from an inno-
vation management perspective to design a method
that has the potential to ensure repeatability and re-
producibility. Otherwise, an organization will be de-
pendent on the characteristics of specific persons in
the organization for innovation. This represents a
situation in which there is a lack of a well-defined
and standardized process which is difficult to manage.
Such situations are associated with the lower levels in
maturity models such as CMMI. If some level of re-
peatability and reproducibility were to be realized, it
would facilitate innovation management. Evidently,
this does not guarantee that the organization can pro-
duce one innovation after the other. However, the or-
ganization will better understand its innovation pro-
cess and will be better able to manage and guide this
In this paper, we have shown that Enterprise On-
tology has the potential to assist organizations in en-
abling change and innovation in organizations. A first
important advantage of Enterprise Ontology is that it
does not rely on heuristic knowledge, but provides
a theoretical foundation and a clear description of a
method to develop organizational models. This al-
lows Enterprise Ontology to provide the required re-
peatability and reproducibility in its approach. It was
observed that the ISM was very similar to the RAD
model. This is actually very desirable since the RAD
model has resulted in significant advantages for the
organization. If the ISM had been significantly differ-
ent, then it would have been unclear whether the ISM
also would have had the potential to realize the same
advantages. This indicates that the Enterprise Ontol-
ogy methodology could be a valid candidate to serve
as the basis of an innovation management method.
The main advantage of Enterprise Ontology is that
it provides a theoretical foundation for constructing
models that eliminate reliance upon heuristic knowl-
edge, design decisions of the modeler, and the chosen
level of abstraction. Intuitively, the GFMC employ-
ees created the RAD model by only modeling the on-
tological processes in the organization. However, this
decision was solely inspired by their heuristic knowl-
edge and experience, and was not enforced by their
methodology. Indeed, many modeling techniques—
including RAD—allow the modeler to decide on the
desired levelof abstraction. This implies that different
models can be drawn for the same situation, depend-
ing on the aim and the experience of the modeler. This
therefore creates many degrees-of-freedom and does
not allow to make the process repeatable or repro-
ducible. Enterprise Ontology, however, ensures that
only the ontological transactions within the organiza-
tion are included in a model, and therefore enforces
that a single level of abstraction is used. Thanks to
this property, it is claimed that only one correct Enter-
prise Ontology model can be created for a specific sit-
uation (Dietz, 2006b), thereby reducing the degrees-
of-freedom for the modeler. This further enables En-
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
terprise Ontology to provide a repeatable and repro-
ducible approach in the design of organizations. It is
important to note that we do not claim that the ISM
is inherently better than the RAD model; rather we
emphasize that Enterprise Ontology has more poten-
tial for realizing repeatability and reproducibility than
RAD, which are important properties of a method to
improve innovation management.
A second important advantage of Enterprise On-
tology is that its ontological approach allows to in-
crease the flexibility and evolvability of the organiza-
tion. The ISM showed that each transaction identified
by Enterprise Ontology was translated into an appli-
cation by GFMC. As mentioned earlier, a change on
the ontological level reflects an essential change in the
business process of the organization. Such changes
will definitely have an impact on the information sys-
tems that support the business process. In this case, a
change on the ontological level can be translated into
a change to an existing application, the addition of a
new application, the deletion of an existing applica-
tion, or a combination of these. This provides trace-
ability between the enterprise architecture and soft-
ware architecture. Moreover, the underlying software
architecture can change independently from the enter-
prise architecture to improve the efficiency or service
quality of the information systems. Since ontologi-
cal models neglect the specific implementation, they
remain correct when changes are applied to the cur-
rent implementation. Therefore, such changes are not
considered to be innovative on the ontological level.
However, as shown by the benefits in the GFMC case,
many improvements are possible in the implementa-
tion of a process. In such cases, a stable ontological
model aids change assesment, stimulates reuse, and
prevents violations against the achieved alignment.
Although the implementation in GFMC was inspired
by SOA as the implementation technology, this is not
the only potential technology option. In ongoing re-
search, we are working on translating the Enterprise
Ontology level to the software level to obtain trace-
ability between between both levels and to increase
the evolvability of information systems (Van Nuffel
et al., 2010; Huysmans et al., 2010). Hence, although
Enterprise Ontology provides high-level models, they
have the potential to be aligned with the underlying
software architecture, thereby providing traceability
and evolvability.
In this paper, we have presented a case of an orga-
nization that realized business innovation by obtain-
ing a better alignment of its enterprise and IT infras-
tructure. This alignment resulted in substantial ad-
vantages for the organization. Given this success,
we were concerned with how other organizations can
recreate these advantages so that managers are given
more insight into the innovation process. Our case
study showed, however, that the organization strongly
relied on the heuristic knowledge of their employees.
Therefore, we repeated the modeling effort by using
a more systematic method that has a strong theoreti-
cal foundation. The Enterprise Ontology theory was
used to create an ontological model of the organiza-
tion. Our results showed that the Enterprise Ontology
model was very similar to the enterprise model de-
veloped by the organization. It therefore seems rea-
sonable to expect that the Enterprise Ontology model
would have been able to realize the same advantages
in the organization. The main advantage of Enter-
prise Ontology is that it provides a more repeatable
and reproducible result and that the resulting models
are more evolvable.
Our paper has two main contributions. First, we
have demonstrated that the use of Enterprise Ontol-
ogy resulted in the a very similar enterprise architec-
ture model as the model developed by the organiza-
tion. The use of Enterprise Ontology is a definite im-
provement over the reliance on the heuristic knowl-
edge of employees, since it increases the understand-
ing of the innovation process using a theoretical foun-
dation. Second, we have shown that Enterprise On-
tology can be used as a starting point to derive the IT
architecture of an organization. This increases align-
ment between the enterprise and IT architecture.
A limitation of this study is the use of a single case
which limits its external validity. Hence, we do not
claim that following the Enterprise Ontology theory
will always result in innovation in the organization.
Nevertheless, Enterprise Ontology seems a promising
approach to improve business-IT alignment in organi-
zations which has been known to lead to several ad-
vantages. It therefore appears that Enterprise Ontol-
ogy has the potential to realize IT-enabled innovation.
Our ongoing research efforts therefore focus on devis-
ing a method to directly translate Enterprise Ontology
models to the IT infrastructure of organizations to im-
prove their flexibility.
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