Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant
and Generalized Semantic Association Rules
Rafael Garcia Miani
IBM Brazil Software Laboratory, 04753-080, São Paulo, Brazil
Cristiane Akemi Yaguinuma, Marilde Terezinha Prado Santos and Vinícius Ramos Toledo Ferraz
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of São Carlos, P.O. Box 676, 13565-905, São Carlos, Brazil
Keywords: Data Mining, Generalized Semantic Association Rules, Redundant Rules, Fuzzy Ontology.
Abstract: This paper proposes the NARFO* algorithm, an algorithm for mining non-redundant and generalized
association rules based on fuzzy ontologies. The main contribution of this work is to optimize the process of
obtaining non-redundant and generalized semantic association rules by introducing the minGen (Minimal
Generalization) parameter in the latest version of NARFO algorithm. This parameter acts on generalize
rules, especially the ones with low minimum support, preserving their semantic and eliminating redundancy,
thus reducing considerably the amount of generated rules. Experiments showed that NARFO* produces
semantic rules, without redundancy, obtaining 68,75% and 55,54% of reduction in comparison with
XSSDM algorithm and NARFO algorithm, respectively.
Many approaches on mining association rules are
motivated by finding new ways of dealing with
different attribute types or increasing computational
performance. In the mean time, a crescent number of
approaches have been developed concerning
semantics of mined data, aiming at improving the
quality of obtained knowledge. In this sense,
ontologies have been widely employed to represent
semantic information defined by knowledge experts,
and can also be applied to enhance association rule
mining. Some researches, like (Srikant and Agrawal,
1995) and (Hou, et al., 2005), have extended the
process of mining association rules in order to mine
association rules that represent relation between
basic data items, as well as between items at any
level of the related taxonomy (is-a hierarchies) or
ontology, resulting in the so called generalized
association rules.
The use of traditional ontologies based on
propositional logic is a common point in approaches
to generalize association rules. Such restriction
becomes inappropriate to represent some concepts
and relationships of the real world. Therefore, some
researches have used fuzzy ontologies in order to
extract semantically richer association rules, such as
(Chen, et al., 2003), extended SSDM (Escovar, et
al., 2006) and NARFO algorithm (Miani, et al.,
2009). However, in cases, by adopting either crisp or
fuzzy ontologies in generalized association rule
mining, the process of extracting association rules
usually brings to users a great amount of rules.
Many of these rules represent the same information
and are considered redundants. Therefore, it is
interesting to avoid mining unnecessary rules that
express redundant knowledge, while focusing on the
semantic richness provided by fuzzy ontologies.
Considering this context, this paper proposes the
NARFO* algorithm to mine non-redundant and
generalized association rules based on fuzzy
ontologies. The main contribution of this research is
the introduction of minGen (minimal generalization)
parameter. This works on generalizing rules,
especially with low minimum support, preserving
their semantic and eliminating redundancy.
Garcia Miani R., Akemi Yaguinuma C., Terezinha Prado Santos M. and Ramos Toledo Ferraz V. (2010).
NARFO* ALGORITHM - Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant and Generalized Semantic Association Rules.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002968803200325
Many researches have been employing taxonomies
and ontologies as background knowledge in mining
association rules in order to enhance the knowledge
discovery process. (Hou, et al., 2005) uses domain
knowledge to generalize low level rules discovered
by traditional rule mining algorithms, in order to get
fewer and clearer high level rules. In (Brisson, et al.,
2005), domain knowledge is used in pre and post-
processing steps. The preprocessing step uses
ontology to guide the construction of specific
datasets for particular mining tasks. In the post-
processing step, mined rules are interpreted and
filtered, as terms are generalized based on the
“However, in many real-world applications, the
taxonomic structure may not be crisp but fuzzy.”
(Chen, et al., 2000, p.47). For this porpose, (Chen, et
al., 2000) developed an algorithm to mine
generalized association rules with fuzzy taxonomic
structures. The algorithm considers the R-interest
measure, which is used to eliminate redundants and
inconsistent rules. Fuzzy association rule mining,
developed by (Farzanyar, et al., 2006), is driven by
domain knowledge in order to make the rules more
visual, more interesting and understandable.
(Escovar, et al., 2006) have proposed another
approach that uses fuzzy ontologies to represent the
semantic similarity relations among mined data. In
this case, the mining algorithm (XSSDM algorithm)
considers a new measure, called minimum similarity
(minsim). If two itens have the similarity degree
greater than or equal the minsim, fuzzy associations
are made and can be expressed in the association
rules extracted by the algorithm. For example, if
and item
have the degree of similarity greater
than or equal minsim in the fuzzy ontology, a fuzzy
association is made and a fuzzy itemset is created
(represented as item
Although generalized association rule mining
approaches based on fuzzy ontology express
semantically richer information, they may result in a
great amount of extracted rules and redundant rules.
Then, redundancy treatment has been an interesting
research topic. In (Han and Fu, 1999) a multiple
level association rule was proposed to reduce the
number of generalized association rules. This
consists in defining different minsup values for each
level of a given taxonomy. Higher levels have bigger
minsup values. Other approaches like (Kunkle, et al.,
2008) implement its method to reduce the amount of
generalized association rules and redundant rules
during the pattern extraction process. (Kunkle, et al.,
2008) implemented the MFGI_class algorithm based
on maximal frequent itemset theory (Bayardo,
1998). (Chen, et al., 2000), and (Oliveira, et al.,
2007) are some approaches that treat the problem
after the processing stage. The first one does the
generalization process based on the R-interest
measure. This measure prunes redundant rules, only
considering the rules which degree of support or
confidence is R times the expected degree of support
or confidence. (Oliveira, et al., 2007) generalizes
only if the descendents of an ancestor generate rules,
and the rule of the ancestor has support value x%
greater than the descendent that generate a rule with
the biggest support among its siblings. (Miani, et al,
2009) proposed NARFO algorithm, which decreases
the number of redundancy rules by its generalizing
and redundancy treatment.
NARFO* and NARFO have the same features,
but NARFO* reduces the amount of NARFO’s rules
by the introduction of minGen parameter, with more
semantic and no equivocated information.
This section explains the NARFO* algorithm. The
introduction of minGen parameter is the main
contribution of this work. MinGen works especially
generalizing rules with low minimum support,
without semantic lost. If X% of descendents is
included in rules, the generalization is done, and the
items that are not part of the generalization are
showed to avoid wrong information. Considering the
fuzzy ontology of figure 1, if minGen value is 0,6
and rules like Apple
Turkey, Kaki
Turkey are
generated, the algorithm generalizes these rules to
Turkey, since Apple and Kaki are more than
60% of Fruit’s descendents (minGen value is 0,6).
The rule are showed as Fruit(-Tomato)
Turkey, indicating that the item tomato did not
compose the generalization.
Besides minGen parameter, the algorithm also
eliminate redundant rules, preserving their semantic.
If both Apple~Tomato
Chicken and Apple
Chicken are extracted, NARFO* only considers the
first one, exhibiting with a plus (+) the item more
relevant in the fuzzy itemset of the rule
3.1 Data Scanning
This step identifies the items in the database
generating itemsets of one size (1-itemset).
Considering the fuzzy ontology of figure 1, this
NARFO* ALGORITHM - Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant and Generalized Semantic Association
Figure 1: Example of Fuzzy Ontology with fuzzy similarity degrees between items.
step identified the following items: Apple, Kaki,
Tomato, Cabbage, Chicken, Turkey and Sausage.
3.2 Identifying Similar Items
The similarity degree values between items are
supplied by a fuzzy ontology, which specifies the
semantics of the database contents. This step
navigates through the fuzzy ontology structure to
identify semantic similarity between items. If the
similarity degree between items is greater than or
equal to the minsim parameter explained in section
2, a semantic similarity association is found and this
association is considered similar enough. A fuzzy
association of size 2 is made by these pair of items
found and are expressed by fuzzy
items, where the
symbol ~ indicates the similarity relation between
items, for example, Kaki~Tomato.
After that, this step verifies the presence of
similarity cycles as proposed in (Escovar, et al.,
2005). The similarity cycles involve only sibling
items. The minimum size of a cycle is 3, and the
maximum is the number of descendents that the
ancestor of its items has.
3.3 Generating Candidates
The generation of candidates in this algorithm is
similar to Apriori algorithm. However, in NARFO*
algorithm, besides the items identified in the step
described in section 3.1, fuzzy items, which
represent fuzzy associations, are added to generated
itemsets candidates.
At the end of this step, the algorithm has all
itemsets candidates of size k that are sent to calculate
the weight of itemsets candidates.
3.4 Calculating the Weight of
If a candidate itemset is fuzzy, the weight of
candidates is calculated based on the Fuzzy weight
equation proposed in (Escovar, et al., 2005). This
equation was created due to the presence of fuzzy
logic concepts.
The weight reflects the number of occurrences of
an itemset in the database. In this step, the database
is scanned, and each of its rows is confronted with
the set of candidate itemsets, one after one. For each
occurrence of a non-fuzzy candidate itemset in a
row, its weight is incremented by 1. Otherwise, it is
incremented by the fuzzy value, obtained by the
Fuzzy weight equation.
Finished this step, the itemsets candidates are
ready to be used in next step.
3.5 Evaluating Candidates
In this step, the support of each itemset is evaluated.
If the item set is fuzzy, the algorithm divides the
fuzzy weight to the total of transactions. If a
candidate itemset is frequent, its support is greater
than or equal minsup.
However, during the process, besides verifying if
each candidate itemset is frequent or not, the
algorithm also verifies the non-frequent itemsets, as
implemented on NARFO algorithm.
In the end of this step, we have all frequents
itemsets of size k, where k is the size of the itemset.
The algorithm return to the step explained in section
3.3 to generate the candidate itemsets of size k + 1.
If k is equal to the number of domains, NARFO*
algorithm goes to step 3.6.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.6 Generating Rules
In this step, the association rules are generated for
each itemset of the set of frequent itemsets. All
possibilities of antecedents and consequents are
generated for each itemset of the set of frequent
itemsets. The rules containing the confidence value
greater than or equal minconf are considered strong.
Then, the algorithm verifies these rules in order
to check if a fuzzy item can be generalized. A fuzzy
item can be generalized if all descendents of an
ancestor are contained in the fuzzy item. If the rule
Turkey exists, then the rule
Turkey is generated, since Vegetable
comprises Tomato and Cabbage as descendant
3.7 Rules Generalization Treatment
After all rules have been generated by the previous
step, they receive generalizing and redundancy
treatment. The generalization here is different from
NARFO algorithm in resulting of minGen
introduction. The pseudo-algorithm of these
treatments is showed in table 1.
Table 1: Pseudo-algorithm of rules generalization
for each rule generated
if rule can be generalized considering minGen
//generalization on both antecedent and/or consequent
generalize rule
end if
add rule to v // v is a vector of rules
end for
end for
For all rules, the algorithm verifies if the antecedent
/ consequent of each rule can be generalized (lines 1-
8 in table 1) considering minGen parameter. For
example, if the algorithm generated the rules Kaki
Sausage and Apple~Tomato
Sausage, then the
algorithm does the generalization to Fruit
Sausage because all descendants of Fruit occurred in
rules (including fuzzy items) with the Sausage
concept as consequent. The generalization process
happens not only if all descendents of an ancestor
are in a fuzzy item, but also if all descendents of an
ancestor are in different rules that have the same
correspondent antecedent or consequent. This can
happen at the antecedent or consequent of a rule.
Besides that, NARFO* algorithm included the
minGen parameter on the previous algorithm.
MinGen performs on generalizing rules, especially
the ones with low minimum support. It generalizes
rules if a minimal percentage of descendents of an
ancestor appears in different rules containing the
same antecedents and consequents, except by the
descendent. For example, consider minGen value 0,6
(60%). Suppose the rule Apple~Tomato
was generated. This rule contains two items of the
ancestor Fruit and, as they are sufficiently similar,
they can be considered the same. In this way,
66.67% of Fruit’s descendents, approximately, are
included. So, the rule is generalized to Fruit (-
Sausage. Kaki was showed between
parentheses, after a minus symbol, to indicate that
this item do not make part of the generalization.
Consequently, the introduction of minGen
reduces the amount of rules, generating semantically
richer rules, without erroneous information.
3.8 Redundancy Treatment
In the redundancy treatment, the algorithm deals
with two redundancy issues. The pseudo-algorithm
for this treatment is described in table 2. The first
kind of redundancy is when a rule is sub-rule of
another one (lines from 1 to 8 in table 2). A sub-rule
is a rule that has the same items in antecedent and
consequent considering another rule r
, except that r
has at least one item
that is descendent of an item in
, in the same side of the rule (antecedent or
consequent). Then, r
is eliminated.
Fuzzy redundancy is also treated by NARFO*
(lines 9-15 in table 2). This kind of redundancy
occurs when a rule is fuzzy sub-rule of another rule
that contain a fuzzy item in the same side, in r
Table2: Pseudo-algorithm of redundancy treatment.
Verify = false / verifies sub-rules
for each rule from v // vector of table 3
verify = sub-rule(rule, v)
//verify if rule is a sub-rule in v
if verify == false
add rule to v1 // another vector of rules
end if
end for
for each rule from v1
verify = fuzzy_sub-rule(rule, v1)
//verify if rule is a sub-rule in v1
if verify == false
add rule to v2 // another vector of rules
end if
end for
NARFO* ALGORITHM - Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant and Generalized Semantic Association
Figure 2: Fuzzy Ontology of IBGE2.
This section shows some results of NARFO*
algorithm and compares NARFO* to XSSDM and
NARFO algorithms.
In these experiments, data from the Brazilian
Demographic Census 2000, provided by IBGE
(Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics),
were used. This database contains information about
demographic characteristics of the Brazilian
population, Years of study and Marital status
information, called IBGE1.
The tests were done considering the fuzzy
ontology IBGE1, which is illustrated in figure 2.
The tests were done with constant minconf and
minsim, whose values are, respectively, 0.2 and 0.6.
The minsup value varies from 0.05 to 0.5, increasing
it by 0.05. MinGen value is 0.6 (60%).
Figure 3 presents a comparative between the
generated rules extracted by NARFO* and XSSDM
algorithms. Figure 3 shows that the number of rules
reduced approximately 68,75%. This is the result of
rules generalization and redundancy treatment.
0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05
m ero de Regras
red uc t ion
Figure 3: Comparison between NARFO* and XSSDM
using IBGE2 database.
If only NARFO* and NARFO algorithm is
considered, the reduction is 55,54%. The results are
illustrated on figure 4. Note that between 0,1 and
0,05 minsup values, NARFO* decreases the amount
of rules. This is an effect of the generalization
process through minGen parameter. NARFO
generates rules like Less_then_three_years
Single, Four_to_ten_years
Single and Eleven-
Single but does not generalize
them. Instead, NARFO* generalizes these rules to
Single, once the antecedents of
those rules are more than 60% of Years_of_study
descendents. In this way, not only NARFO* reduces
the amount of rules but generates more semantic
association rules.
Both algorithms generates the same number of
rules until minsup value 0,15. After that, minGen
parameter has much effect, generalizing rules that
were not generalized before. The first two rules are
generalized to Less_then_three_years
Marital_status(-Married) on NARFO*.
By the results, it could be observed that
not only NARFO* reduces the number of
0,5 0,45 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05
mero de Regra s
reducti on
Figure 4: Comparison between NARFO* and NARFO
using IBGE1 database.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
non-redundant and generalized association rules, but
also generates semantically richer rules., without
erroneous information.
This paper proposed NARFO* algorithm, an
algorithm for mining non-redundant and semantic
generalized association rules based on fuzzy
ontologies. The main contribution of this work is the
introduction of minGen parameter in the latest
version of NARFO algorithm.
The experiments proved that NARFO* generates
semantically richer rules, with no erroneous
information, reducing the amount of rules in 67,05%
and 55,54% in comparison to XSSDM and NARFO
algorithms, respectively.
It is being developed a method to automatize
minsup and minconf values, without the need of final
user know what these parameters means. A fuzzy
membership degree, which considers how much an
ancestor belongs to one or more ancestors, is also
being added to NARFO*, so the generalization
process can be improved.
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NARFO* ALGORITHM - Optimizing the Process of Obtaining Non-redundant and Generalized Semantic Association