Alexandra Suzana Cernian, Liliana Dobrica, Dorin Carstoiu and Valentin Sgarciu
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, University Politehnica of Bucharest
313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Organizing Web Search Results, Clustering by Compression, Normalized Compression Distance (NCD),
Clustering Methods.
Abstract: Current Web search engines return long lists of ranked documents that users are forced to sift through to
find relevant documents. This paper introduces a new approach for clustering Web search results, based on
the notion of clustering by compression. Compression algorithms allow defining a similarity measure based
on the degree of common information. Classification methods allow clustering similar data without any
previous knowledge. The clustering by compression procedure is based on a parameter-free, universal,
similarity distance, the normalized compression distance or NCD, computed from the lengths of compressed
data files. Our goal is to apply the clustering by compression algorithm in order to cluster the documents
returned by a Web search engine in response to a user query.
Current Web search engines return long lists of
ranked documents that users are forced to browse
through to find relevant documents. Most of today's
Web search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo) follow
this paradigm, thus making it difficult for users to
find the information they are looking for.
This paper introduces a new approach for
clustering Web search results, based on the notion of
clustering by compression. On the one hand,
compression algorithms allow defining a universal
similarity measure based on the degree of common
information shared by a number of documents. On
the other hand, classification methods allow
clustering similar data without any previous
Our goal is to apply the clustering by
compression algorithm (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2005)
for clustering the documents returned by a Web
search engine in response to a user query. The
method is based on the fact that compression
algorithms offer a good evaluation of the actual
quantity of information comprised in the data to be
clustered, without requiring any previous processing.
It defines the normalized compression distance
(NCD), which can be used as distance metric with
the clustering algorithms. The most important
characteristic of the NCD is its universality.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: in
Section 2 we make a short review of some related
work, in Section 3 we introduce some thematic
aspects related to our work, in Section 4 we present
the test platform we have set up in order to
exemplify our solution, in Section 5 we present and
validate our results and in Section 6 we draw a
In recent years, link information began to play a key
role in some web applications. Nowadays, the
applications of clustering Web objects (including
web-pages, purchase items, queries, users, and etc.)
use the link information at different levels.
Traditional clustering methods ignore the link
information and cluster objects based on content
features. However, some of them treat link
information as additional features. (Su et al., 2001)
described a correlation-based document clustering
method, which measures the similarity between
web-pages based on their simultaneous visits. The
agglomerative clustering approach described in
Cernian A., Dobrica L., Carstoiu D. and Sgarciu V. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 293-298
DOI: 10.5220/0002926102930298
(Beeferman and Berger, 2000) is another approach,
which uses the "click-through data" method, forming
a bipartite graph of queries and documents.
However, it does not take into account the content
features of both query and document, leading to an
ineffective clustering.
So far, several Web search results clustering
systems have been implemented. We can mention
four of them. Firstly, (Cutting et al., 1992) have
created the Scatter/Gather system to cluster Web
search results. This system is based on two
clustering algorithms: Buckshot – fast for online
clustering and Fractionation – accurate for offline
initial clustering of the entire set. This system has
some limitations due to the shortcomings of the
traditional heuristic clustering algorithms (e.g. k-
means) they used. Secondly, (Zamir and Etzioni,
1998) proposed in an algorithm named Suffix Tree
Clustering (STC) to automatically group Web search
results. STC operates on query results snippets and
clusters together documents with large common
subphrases. The algorithm first generates a suffix
tree where each internal node corresponds to a
phrase, and then clusters are formed by grouping the
Web search results that contain the same “key”
phrase. Afterwards, highly overlapping clusters are
merged. Thirdly, (Stefanowski and Weiss, 2003)
developed Carrot
, an open source search results
clustering engine. Carrot
can automatically
organize documents (e.g. search results) into
thematic categories. Apart from two specialized
document clustering algorithms (Lingo and STC),
provides integrated components for fetching
search results from various sources including
YahooAPI, GoogleAPI, MSN Live API, eTools
Meta Search, Lucene, SOLR, Google Desktop and
more. Finally, (Zhang and Dong, 2004) proposed a
semantic, hierarchical, online clustering approach
named SHOC, in order to automatically group Web
search results. Their work is an extension of O.
Zamir and O. Etzioni's work. By combining the
power of two novel techniques, key phrase
discovery and orthogonal clustering, SHOC can
generate suggestive clusters. Moreover, SHOC can
work for multiple languages: English and oriental
languages like Chinese.
Clustering is one of the most useful tasks in the data
mining process for discovering groups and
identifying interesting distributions and patterns in
the underlying data. The clustering problem is about
partitioning a given data set into groups (clusters), so
that the data points in a cluster are more similar to
each other than points in other clusters. The
relationship between objects is represented in a
Proximity Matrix (PM), in which rows and columns
correspond to objects. This idea is applicable in
many fields, such as life sciences, medical sciences,
engineering or e-learning.
3.1 Clustering by Compression
In 2004, Rudi Cilibrasi and Paul Vitanyi proposed a
new method for clustering based on compression
algorithms (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2005). The
method works as follows. First, it determines a
parameter-free, universal, similarity distance, the
normalized compression distance or NCD, computed
from the lengths of compressed data files (singly and
in pair-wise concatenation). Second, it applies a
clustering method.
The method is based on the fact that compression
algorithms offer a good evaluation of the actual
quantity of information comprised in the data to be
clustered, without requiring any previous processing.
The definition of the normalized compression
distance is the following: if x and y are the two
objects concerned, and C(x) and C(y) are the lengths
of the compressed versions of x and y using
compressor C, then the NCD is defined as:
NCD(x,y) =
The most important advantage of the NCD over
classic distance metrics is its ability to cluster a large
number of data samples, due to the high
performance of the compression algorithms.
The NCD is not restricted to a specific
application. To extract a hierarchy of clusters from
the distance matrix, a dendrogram (ternary tree) is
determined by using a clustering algorithm.
Evidence of successful application has been reported
in areas such as genomics, virology, languages,
literature, music, handwritten digits, and astronomy.
The quality of the NCD depends on the
performances of the compression algorithms.
3.2 Classification Methods
The goal of the classification methods is to group
elements sharing the same information.
Classification methods can be divided into the
following three categories: distance methods,
characters methods and quadruplets methods.
In order to achieve the objective of this work,
only the methods of distance and the methods of
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
quadruplets (which also use criteria based on the
notion of distance) were considered for analysis and
implementation, for the reason that the normalized
compression distance (NCD) can only be used with
methods based on distance.
3.2.1 Distance Methods
Distance methods are based on the initial calculation
of a distance matrix, which contains information
about the resemblance between the elements to be
classified. The matrix is built by using a distance
metric and by calculating the similarity distance
between all the elements, taken two by two.
Afterwards, the classification algorithm uses the
information contained in the distance matrix to build
a binary tree or to group the elements into distinct
groups. The two best known types of distance
methods are the hierarchical methods of
classification and the nonhierarchical methods of
classification (K-Means) (Delahaye, 2004). In order
to reach the goal of this work, only hierarchical
methods were of interest. The disadvantage of the
nonhierarchical methods consists in the fact that the
number of classes must be known “a priori”, which
is big inconvenient when talking about queries
launched on search engines.
The hierarchical methods of classification
generate binary trees by unifying at each stage the
two closest elements into a new partition. The
elements to be classified will be the leaves of the
resulting tree, while the internal nodes represent a
network, which models the relationship between the
elements. The closest elements are always children
of same parents within the tree.
The most popular algorithm of the hierarchical
classification is UPGMA ("Un-weighted Pair Group
Method with Arithmetic Mean") (Carrot
, 2002). It
represents the reference method against which all
new classification methods are compared.
3.2.2 Quadruplet Methods
The name of these methods comes from the
structures called topologies of quadruplets (or
simply quadruplets). A topology of quadruplet is a
binary tree with 4 leaves and 2 internal nodes. These
trees present some interesting properties which can
be exploited in the process of classification. Given a
set of 4 elements u, v, w, x there are always 3
possible distinct topologies of quadruplets which
include these four elements in various
configurations: uv|xw, ux|vw and uw|xv. A set of
quadruplet topologies can be aggregated into a tree
of quadruplets, which preserves the properties of the
quadruplet topology: n leaves and (n-2) internal
nodes, each internal node has exactly 3 neighbors,
each leaf has exactly one neighbor (its parent), the
tree is not rooted.
The methods of quadruplets are usually
implemented in two stages (Boley et al., 1999)
called the stage of inference and the stage of
recombination or aggregation. The most known
quadruplet methods are “Addtree” and “Quartet
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
method for clustering Web documents, we have
developed a Java application which automatically
organizes (clusters) small collections of documents,
namely the search results, into thematic categories.
The workflow of actions in the application is the
following. By using Google SOAP Search API, the
application retrieves the first 50 results returned by
the Google search engine in response to a user
request. These 50 Web pages are saved as text files,
which will be further processed: stopwords are
eliminated, a stemming algorithm is applied and
HTML tags are removed. The processed files are
then clustered using the Java actors we have
implemented in order to test the clustering by
compression technique. In order to assess the results,
we have used manual clustering and Carrot
1. Manual clustering. We have launched a search
on the Google search engine using the Rosetta
keyword. Then, we looked at the first 50 results to
see what was their thematic: space mission, famous
stone, Unix software application, movie etc. We
opened each link, looked at their content, and then
decided into which group they fall. In our opinion,
we distinguished the following groups: Stone (5),
Space mission (9), Proteins (4), Software (6),
Genomics (2), Music (2), Company (4), language
learning (6), Movie (3), Books (2), Bio-software (2),
Others (5).
After applying the clustering by compression
technique to the Web search results, we compared
the obtained clusters against the clusters deduced
from the manual clustering.
2. Carrot
. As described in Section 2, Carrot
is an
Open Source search results clustering engine
(Stefanowski and Weiss, 2003). It can automatically
organize documents (e.g. search results) into
thematic categories.
After applying the clustering by compression
technique to the Web search results, we compared
the clusters obtained against the clusters produced
by Carrot
4.1 Google SOAP Search API
The SOAP Search API (Google SOAP API, 2006)
was created for developers and researchers who are
interested in using Google Search as a resource in
their applications. By integrating Google SOAP
Search API Web service into their applications,
software developers can access billions of Web
pages directly from their own applications.
Communication is performed via SOAP, an XML-
based mechanism for exchanging information.
4.2 The Actors
For our current work, we have implemented in Java
the following actors: DistanceMatrixComputerActor
– depending on two parameters: (1) the compression
algorithm to be used and (2) the distance metric to
be used (Ionescu, 2005). The tests performed
focused on ZIP and BZIP2 as compression
techniques and on the normalized compression
distance (NCD) for the second parameter.
ClusterTreeConstructorActor - determining the type
of classification method to be used. In order to
conduct the tests, two classification algorithms have
been chosen: UPGMA – belonging to the
hierarchical class and MCQP (“Maximum
Consistency based Quartet Puzzling”) (Ionescu,
2005) – method based on the quadruplet topology.
ClusterTreeScoreActor - having as input the distance
matrix and issuing a value within the range 0 and 1,
describing the quality of the binary tree obtained
(Ionescu, 2005). PresentationActor – showing the
graphical representation of the obtained binary tree,
from which clusters will be identified (Ionescu,
These actors have been integrated into the Kepler
Project (Altintas et. al., 2004), an open-source
scientific system which allows scientists to design
scientific workflows and execute them. The
functionality of Kepler is based on the notion of
actors. The actors are re-usable components which
communicate with other actors through
communication channels.
4.3 Techniques of Automatic Text
The first text processing technique we have used is
the elimination of stopwords., such as articles (e.g.
"the"), prepositions (e.g. "for", "of") and pronouns
(e.g. "I", "his"). The second text processing
technique we have used is stemming (Porter
stemming, 2006), reducing different grammatical
forms of a word to their base form. When using the
entire Web pages for the clustering process, we also
use regular expressions to eliminate HTML tags and
punctuation marks, which could represent a source
of noise when identifying the informational content
of a document.
This section is a discussion regarding our experience
when we performed clustering snippets and
clustering entire Web pages.
5.1 Clustering Snippets
Since Google SOAP Search API allows launching a
request on Google and retrieving the snippets
returned by the Google search engine, the first thing
we considered was clustering the Web pages based
on these snippets (Table 1).
So, at this stage, the application performed the
following actions:
Launch a query on the Google search engine
through the Google SOAP Search API. The
keyword for our search was Rosetta (space
mission, famous stone, Unix software
application, movie etc);
Retrieve the snippets for the first 50 Web
documents returned by the search engine;
Generate thematic clusters with the clustering by
compression technique, using the ZIP and BZIP2
compression algorithms in conjunction with the
UPGMA and MCQP classification methods.
Table 1: Clustering snippets.
Speed 1s 1.2s 1.4s 1.5s
with the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
After this first round of experiments, using the
snippets returned by the search engine, the results
were not satisfactory. We noticed that the clustering
by compression algorithm did not seem to
distinguish very precisely the thematic of the
documents. We found that, for instance, our
platform managed to gather the pages treating the
Rosetta space mission, but, on the other hand, it
mixed web pages about the Rosetta software with
web pages about Rosette music band. Compared to
our empirical evaluation, the number of clusters did
not differ much, but the content of each cluster was
not the one we had expected.
The main difference between Carrot
and our test
platform is that Carrot
can place a Web page in
several clusters, whereas our platform places each
page in only one cluster. So, for our evaluation, we
considered that the 2 clusterings are similar if they
contain a certain Web page in clusters treating the
same subject (for instance, Rosetta stone).
The problem now is to identify the cause of this
unsatisfactory result. We considered using the factor
analysis, which provides a classification of data and
is recognized by the researchers for the relevance of
its results. Factor analysis (Morrison, 1990) is a
technique for data reduction. It tries to find a new set
of variables, which can express the "common"
information among the original variables. Widely
used in applied statistics, these techniques are
powerful tools for analysis. In our case, factor
analysis has played the role of the classification
algorithm, since it was based on the distance matrix,
which it had to "translate" and project in a plane.
The results obtained are as follows (figure 1):
Figure 1: Factor analysis for snippets.
In the above representation, one can easily see that
groups are not precisely formed, so we can now
appreciate that the problem in the clustering we have
obtained is due to the distance matrix and not the
classification algorithm. But originally, this matrix is
calculated using the sample of 50 snippets, on which
we apply the compression algorithms chosen, as
described by the NCD in Section 2. So, the problem
could be generated either by the compression
algorithm, or by the input data. Since the previous
tests (Ionescu, 2005) have shown that ZIP and
BZIP2 algorithms have good performance with the
clustering by compression technique, compressors
have been eliminated as a possible cause of the
malfunction. Therefore, at this point, we can say that
the cause of misclassification is the input data.
5.2 Clustering Web Pages
The next approach will use the entire Web page, not
just a snippet, as input for the clustering procedure.
From the textual information point of view, a Web
page consists of: HTML tags, code entities (&amp),
special characters ( #, &, %), meaningful
information and stop words.
So, our goal right now is processing Web pages
in order to keep only meaningful words. Thus, using
regular expressions, HTML tags will be removed.
Stop words are removed from text using a Java
implementation for eliminating stop words from
documents written in English. The final processing
step will be to apply the Porter stemming algorithm.
Afterwards, we apply the clustering by compression
technique on the processed files. At this point, we
expect this process to be rather time consuming, due
to the fact that the Web search results are processed
before clustering. However, for the moment, we are
interested in the clustering performances.
The results we have obtained in this case are
depicted in the following table (Table 2):
Table 2: Clustering Web pages.
Speed 2.7s 2.4s 3s 3.1s
with the
The projection in the plan of the matrix of distances
calculated using the BZIP2 compressor and the
UPGMA classification algorithm shows that specific
groups are formed by thematic criteria (figure 2).
Figure 2: Factor analysis for Web pages.
Regarding the two compressors (ZIP and BZIP2)
and the two classification algorithms used (UPGMA
and MCQP), we can conclude the following:
The BZIP2 compressor provided better results
than ZIP.
The MCQP algorithm is slower than UPGMA
and the results are very similar.
The best speed/performance ratio is provided
by the BZIP2 + UPGMA combination.
Clustering by compression produced good results
during our tests conducted in order to improve the
relevance of the results of queries launched on the
Web. The application can correctly classify Web
documents without any “a priori” information. The
NCD proved its capacity to objectively evaluate the
distance between objects of various types by
approximating the informational content. The best
speed/performance ratio is provided by the BZIP2 -
UPGMA combination. However, the results proved
that the quality and the robustness of the process of
clustering Web pages by compression depend on the
pre-processing techniques applied to the Web
documents. Consequently, as perspectives, we are
considering finding better techniques to process the
Web documents, in order to improve the speed of
the clustering process, as well as to implement a
Web interface which will allow the users to visualize
the clustered data.
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project number PNII - IDEI 1238/2008.
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies