Design Principles and Architecture of the VNEL Cyber-training Platform
Riccardo Bettati, Lauren Cifuentes, Willis Marti, Ren
e Mercer, Youngwoo Ahn, Gaurav Yadav
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, U.S.A.
Omar Alvarez
Department of Computer Science, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexico
Case-based learning, Network engineering, Security training.
We present the Virtual Network Engineering Laboratory, which creates a high-fidelity, multi-platform, re-
motely accessible environment where students obtain hands-on experience in network engineering and opera-
tion and in cyber defense and infrastructure protection. The facility focuses on access to real equipment in a
realistic yet isolated setting. isolation allows for a broad variety of activities without danger to the surrounding
operational networks, and it allows the students to learn from mistakes on equipment that is both real and well
protected. The Laboratory supports fine-grained, detailed instrumentation of user activities and allows for
experiments on a wide variety of real networking equipment. Real equipment is emphasized over simulation
for the sake of (a) fidelity of both intended and non-intended modes of operation, (b) extendability to other
protection domains such as cyber physical systems, and (c) instrumentability of student-system interactions to
support run-time assessment and on-demand scaffolding.
We are realizing that our technical infrastructure de-
pends increasingly upon individuals and people run-
ning businesses coming to understand the cyber land-
scape and how to protect their investments and asses
as managed on computers. Such audiences are of-
ten geographically dispersed and served by instruc-
tional institutions that often cannot afford to design
or run high-value cyber security programs on their
own. Any comprehensive strategy for cyber security
requires training individuals and small businesses to
secure their own parts of cyberspace, as gaps in the
security of one group of cyber participants can be a
conduit through which other participants are attacked.
The VNEL replaces the physical contacts between
students and the machines with web-based access ses-
sions. Students focus on technical solutions in net-
work management without being distracted by less
relevant steps. The VNEL is instructionally innova-
tive in that it provides students with remote but real
time access to equipment during networking exercises
so that a large number of students can do their exer-
cises simultaneously and at their convenience. The
VNEL allows an instructor to choose the interplay
of operating system support, exercise semantics, and
network support to best meet curricular needs.
We have developed the VNEL as a case-based
learning environment to instruct learners in cyberse-
curity. The VNEL differs from conventional teach-
ing laboratories in that it does not require students
to be physically located with the network equipment
they are learning to manipulate. Instead, the VNEL
offers a technologically innovative environment for
computer engineering instruction in which students
remotely manipulate equipment in a real network and
conduct cased-based problem-solving exercises in a
controlled, high-fidelity environment via the Internet
using their web browsers.
VNEL enables instruction to be efficiently and
effectively distributed across geographic regions,
thereby reaching greater numbers of students, in-
cluding traditionally underrepresented students, than
would be possible through traditional face-to-face or
on-site laboratory instruction. The VNEL provides
for both distributed expertise and equipment needed
for hands-on experience with networks.
Bettati R., Cifuentes L., Marti W., Mercer R., Ahn Y., Yadav G. and Alvarez O. (2010).
CYBER-DEFENSE TRAINING IN THE REAL - Design Principles and Architecture of the VNEL Cyber-training Platform.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 493-496
DOI: 10.5220/0002861604930496
VNEL uses a case-based approach, where students
are given a particular problem scenario to solve. They
then work through a sequence of scenarios and exer-
cises. Within each exercise are performance objec-
tives, activities, and feedback. Activities typically in-
clude a small problem, a topology, tasks, deliverables,
and self-assessments. Once students have completed
the exercises, they should be able to perform the ter-
minal activity: solving the case in the scenario.
Case-based learning was chosen as the instruc-
tional model because novices needed to learn how to
gain and refine their expertise at solving real-world
cybersecurity problems (Jonassen et al., 1999). In ef-
fective learning environments, that experience is scaf-
folded with expert case knowledge. A case serves
as a representation of real-world phenomena and is
a safe, yet meaningful environment in which students
can develop understanding of the complexity of net-
work engineering. Jonassen and Hernandez-Serrano
(Jonassen and Hernandez-Serrano, 2002) describe the
case-based reasoning cycle as the presentation of a
new problem-case to solve. Learners apply previ-
ous experiences and general knowledge to solve the
case, suggest solutions, test the solutions, revise their
suggestions, and confirm solutions. During the cycle,
learners retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain understand-
ing until expertise is gained from the problem-case.
For the case of a Firewalls course unit, task analy-
sis indicated that network engineers need to be able to
align a network topology with security requirements,
configure network access control, and protect infor-
mation through encryption and VPNs. Once students
have mastered each of the skills, they should be able
to address the case in the problem scenario.
2.1 Remote Device Access in VNEL
The VNEL is not a simulation or an emulated environ-
ment. Rather, students remotely manipulate real net-
works and receive real-world feedback when the net-
work works or does not work effectively. It is instruc-
tionally innovative in that it provides students with
remote but real-time access to equipment during net-
working experiments so that a a large number of stu-
dents can perform their experiments simultaneously
and at their convenience. It also provides a complete
instructional system including quizzes, automated as-
sessment of simple student submissions, and oppor-
tunities for students to work collaboratively on larger,
poorly structure or unstructured, case studies.
Figure 1 describes the architecture of the VNEL.
The facility is accessed through a single publicly vis-
ible server, the Web Access Exercise System (WAES).
Actual equipment is organized into pools that can
be assigned to exercises on-the-fly. The VNEL pro-
vides a set of network devices (switches, routers, or
firewalls) from a device pool and a set of hosts and
servers from a host pool. When students start an exer-
cise, the WAES brings in devices and hosts and con-
figures the network infrastructure accordingly. All de-
vices and hosts are connected through a virtual-LAN
capable switch infrastructure that can create whatever
connectivity is required by the exercises. This infras-
tructure cannot be seen by the students. Only the
connections established for the exercises are visible.
These connections are managed by the configuration
management component of the WAES.
The WAES provides five services:
Courseware Access and Management. This com-
ponent of the WAES provides access to traditional,
non-exercise related, course material. It provides stu-
dents with descriptions of case studies and links to
reference material. It also provides the courseware
framework for students to access the “hands-on” ex-
ercises. Finally, it also offers opportunities to author
quizzes and other assessment mechanisms.
Resource Configuration. Exercises are associated
with so-called resource sets, which define the network
devices and hosts needed for the particular exercise,
together with the interconnection topology as defined
by the exercise. Devices and hosts are selected from
their respective pools and are appropriately config-
ured when the student starts the exercise.
Resource Management. Since the resource sets
represent physical resources, and there are only lim-
ited numbers available thereof, students are encour-
aged to reserve the required resource sets in advance.
Students do this by scheduling a particular exercise
for a given time, and are therefore not aware of the
detailed reservation issues. Given that the VNEL is
used by multiple institutions, it is important to guar-
antee fair access to the available resources, both at
student level and at institution level. Individual stu-
dents, or groups of students at an institution, should
be flexible in how much time they want to spend on
some exercises. They should not be able, however, to
over-reserve resource sets at the expense of other stu-
dents or student groups at other institutions. We are
experimenting with hierarchical fair-share schedul-
ing algorithms to control over-allocation of resources.
Students and institutions are allocated a guaranteed
share of resources in number of reservation slots per
time period. Whenever the number of slots in share is
reached, no additional reservations are accepted until
the end of the period. For example, an institution may
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Architecture of the Virtual Network Engineering Laboratory.
request sixty one-hour slots of a particular resource
set per day. If students reserve slots starting at some
time t, and all sixty slots have been reserved by stu-
dents within, say, the first three hours, no new reser-
vations can be made until time t + 24 if the system
is highly utilized by other institutions as well. Fair-
share algorithms do well in giving students or insti-
tutions more than their guaranteed share when excess
capacity is available, but do not handle well situations
with advance reservations. Heuristics must be studied
to allow for fair allocation of spare resources in the
presence of advance reservations.
Direct Device Access. Students operate on the as-
signed and configured devices and hosts through the
devices’ console or management interface, respec-
tively. In the case of a console access, the student’s
browser displays a telnet window, and the connec-
tion traffic is routed by the WAES to a console server,
which in turn is connected through an serial cable to
the management console input of the device. In this
way, the student establishes secure and high-fidelity
console access to network devices in a customized
configuration and an isolated setting using a very ba-
sic Web browser. The WAES maintains session in-
formation and monitors and logs student activity for
immediate feedback and for subsequent analysis.
Functional Stress Testing. After completion of an
exercise (for example after a configuration of a fire-
wall to satisfy a given set of requirements,) the student
instructs the WAES to initiate functional testing. A
testing approach that is very popular with students are
so-called “attack scripts”, where the WAES triggers
carefully authored scripts on nodes inside the config-
ured network to simulate a red-team attack. Informa-
tion about success of these scripts is forwarded to the
WAES, which in turn provides a summary of the ef-
fect of the attack to the student.
Figure 1 illustrates the VNEL architecture with
the simple case of a firewall exercise. The resource set
in this case consists of a firewall (FW ) and two hosts
and H
,) which in turn represent the internal and
external portion of the internet. The VLAN capable
switch infrastructure connects the Host H
with the
internal port on the firewall FW and Host H
with the
external port of FW . The student is then led through
a series of scaffolded activities to configure the fire-
wall. She manipulates the firewall through a browser-
provided terminal emulator, which communicates to
the WAES. The WAES in turn forwards the session
through a console server to the serial console access
on the device FW . The student triggers functional
testing by pushing a button on the browser window,
and the WAES initiates a number of scripts on both
Host H
and Host H
to test how well the inside net-
work is protected without cutting off critical services.
2.2 The VNEL in Practice
The VNEL facility was first used in support of an
upper level undergraduate course in Networks and
Distributed Processing. This course was taught with
VNEL support twice a year from 2000 to 2005.
Reaching over 150 students a year, the VNEL at-
tracted significant industry support. The lab con-
duced several trials focused on support for profes-
sionals’ continuing education. The VNEL also sup-
ported a graduate course in Advanced Network Secu-
rity, taught once a year. Part of this course included
a 3 month long scenario based exercise, where stu-
dent groups set up their own campus or e-business
and kept it in operation despite attacks by an exter-
nal Red Team. Students using the VNEL formed a
team that won the first Southwest Regional Collegiate
Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) (CCDC, 2009)
CYBER-DEFENSE TRAINING IN THE REAL - Design Principles and Architecture of the VNEL Cyber-training Platform
in 2005 and won the National CCDC in 2007.
Starting in 2007, the VNEL became a core com-
ponent of our efforts to bring cost-effective and high-
production-value cybersecurity training to commu-
nity colleges (VTECH, 2009). We are currently col-
laborating with 15 community colleges across the
U.S. to study the feasibility, the costs, and the effec-
tiveness of laboratory based cybersecurity education.
The benefits of the VNEL over traditional physical
laboratories are evident, such as the naturally com-
plementary nature of remote access and web-based
teaching or the better isolation of sensitive cybersecu-
rity exercises from the operational network. Recently,
it virtual platforms have become increasingly popu-
lar for cybersecurity training. Their advantages are
primarily cost effectiveness, improved scalability, and
simpler management of the platforms. Non-negligible
is also the interest from vendors to increase the user
base for their virtualization technologies.
The VNEL largely avoids virtualization, and does
so for several reasons:
Fidelity. Fidelity of both intended and non-intended
modes of operation Computing and Server Nodes,
such as web servers, are easy to virtualize in a high-
fidelity manner with the use of virtualization veneers
such as VMware Server or Xen. Other, operating
system-level, virtualization technologies such as
linux-VServer are less appropriate, since they do not
allow for networking-level virtualization, which in
turn affects fidelity. Network devices, on the other
hand, cannot be virtualized using simple veneers.
Instead, such devices must be emulated. High-fidelity
emulation of network-level devices is very difficult to
achieve, as both intended and non-intended modes of
operation must be emulated, and network addressing
mechanisms must remain transparent to the user.
Integration with Cyber-physical Environments.
Increasingly, the Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems of many critical
infrastructures have been moving towards open
systems solutions and the Internet. This has made
many of these systems highly vulnerable to security
attacks. SCADA systems are characterized by the
integration of traditional internetworks with physical
devices, typically at the edge of the networks. The
connection of such devices to the physical world
makes for very different security implications, and
traditional security mechanisms are not sufficient.
We envision VNEL to extend into the area of training
for cyberinfrastructure protection in modern SCADA
systems, where a large variety of physical devices
will be integrated into the platform.
Instrumentation of User-system Interaction. In
its current form, the communication between the stu-
dent and the exercise network is open to the WAES
for inspection, monitoring, and logging. This enables
the WAES to respond to student activity in real-time.
We are currently developing a Mixed-Initiative Intel-
ligent Tutor that develops and maintains student ac-
tivity models in real-time, and that guides the stu-
dents that indicate the need for help. Human instruc-
tors take over when the Intelligent Tutor indicates low
confidence. The combination of human instructor and
Intelligent Tutor will allow us to start experimenting
in so-called On-Demand Scaffolding, where students
are exposed to unstructured problems, and are imme-
diately offered scaffolding on-line if needed.
Cybertraining infrastructures that rely on virtual-
ization tend to use systems with very convenient inter-
faces but with proprietary communication protocols
(e.g. VMware Server). This makes the monitoring
of student activity very difficult. As a result, students
have very little support during exercises.
This work was supported in part by the National Sci-
ence Foundation under award number OCI-0753408.
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommen-
dations expressed in this material are those of the au-
thor(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Na-
tional Science Foundation.
CCDC (2009). National collegiate cyber defense competi-
Jonassen, D. and Hernandez-Serrano, J. (2002). Case-based
reasoning and instructional design: Using stories to
support problem solving. Educational Technology Re-
search and Development, 50(2):65–77.
Jonassen, D. H., Tessmer, M., and Hannum, W. H.
(1999). Task Analysis Methods for Instructional De-
sign. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
VTECH (2009). Virtual tools for expanding the cyber hori-
zon (vtech).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education