The Smart Sensor Integration Framework
and its Application in EU Projects
Johannes Wagner, Frank Jung, Jonghwa Kim, Thurid Vogt and Elisabeth Andr
Multimedia Concepts and Applications, University of Augsburg
atsstr. 6a, D-86159 Augsburg, Germany
Abstract. Affect sensing by machines is an essential part of next-generation
human-computer interaction (HCI). However, despite the large effort carried out
in this field during the last decades, only few applications exist, which are able
to react to a user’s emotion in real-time. This is certainly due to the fact that
emotion recognition is a challenging part in itself. Another reason is that so far
most effort has been put towards offline analysis and only few applications exist,
which can react to a user’s emotion in real-time. In response to this deficit we
have developed a framework called Smart Sensor Integration (SSI), which con-
siderably jump-starts the development of multimodal online emotion recognition
(OER) systems. In this paper, we introduce the SSI framework and describe how
it is successfully applied in different projects under grant of the European Union,
namely the CALLAS and METABO project, and the IRIS network.
1 Introduction
Next generation human-computer interaction (HCI) claims to analyze and understand
the way users interact with a system in a more sophisticated and smarter way than
traditional systems do. No longer should it be the user who adapts to the system, but the
system that adjusts itself to the user. This requires the system to be not only aware of the
users’ goals and intensions, but also their feelings and emotions. For this reason, during
the last decade, plenty of methods have been developed to detect a user’s emotions from
various input modalities, including facial expressions [12], gestures [2], speech [9], and
physiological measurements [7]. Also, multimodal approaches to improve recognition
accuracy are reported, mostly by exploiting audiovisual combinations [1].
To date, however, most of the systems have been developed for offline processing
and are not yet ready to be used under real-time conditions. This, of course, hampers
their usefulness in practical applications. We believe that this is due to the varied dif-
ficulties real-time capability implies. On the one hand, an online system needs to deal
with additional requirements, such as automatic segmentation, normalization issues,
or the constraint to build on low-cost algorithms. On the other hand, there are certain
implementation hurdles arising from the parallel processing of the input modalities,
e.g. sensor data must be permanently captured and processed, while at the same time
classification has to be invoked on detected segments. While for the offline analysis of
Wagner J., Jung F., Kim J., Vogt T. and André E. (2010).
The Smart Sensor Integration Framework and its Application in EU Projects.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Bio-inspired Human-Machine Interfaces and Healthcare Applications, pages 13-21
DOI: 10.5220/0002813900130021
user state
SSI Framework
Fig. 1. The left part of the figure shows the three-layered architecture of the SSI framework.
On the right side a basic configuration of an emotion recognition system implemented with SSI
is displayed. In the charts P stands for provider, T for transformer, Tr for Trigger and C for
emotional corpora a number of powerful tools are available, such as Anvil
for data an-
notation, Matlab for signal processing and Weka
for classification, only little support
is given for Online Emotion Recognition (OER) systems.
This paper reports on a framework called Smart Sensor Integration (SSI), which we
have developed at our lab in order to support the building of OER systems. Originally
designed to tune our own efforts on offline processing to the more challenging task of
online processing, we have now made it available to the public, hoping to contribute
to the implementation of OER systems in the future. In the following, we will shortly
introduce the concept and architecture of the SSI framework, followed by a description
how SSI is successfully applied in a number of projects funded by the European Union.
2 Smart Sensor Integration (SSI)
Online Emotion Recognition (OER) deals with two tasks: a learning phase, which in-
volves data acquisition and training of a model from the data, and setting up an online
recognizer, which is able to track a user’s affective state. A framework meant to support
the creation of OER systems must consider both tasks. To this end, SSI, which in the
first place is a framework made of tools for setting up an online recognition pipeline,
also includes a graphical user interface for data acquisition and training.
2.1 Building Pipelines for Online Emotion Recognition
As depicted in the left part of Figure 1 the SSI framework has a three-layered archi-
tecture. The two lower levels, called data and communication layer, are responsible for
data buffering and access. They temporarily store the processed signals. A synchroniza-
tion mechanism handles the simultaneous access to the data and enables us to request
snapshots of different signals for the same time slot, e.g. fetch video frames and the
Anvil is a video annotation tool offering hierarchical multi-layered annotation driven by user-
defined annotation schemes.
Weka is an open source software, which offers a large collection of machine learning algo-
rithms for data mining tasks.
according portion of audio. An internal clocking mechanism takes care of data syn-
chronization and restores it if necessary.
A developer, however, only has to deal with the top layer of the framework, called
service layer. It allows the easy integration of sensors, processing algorithms, triggers,
and output components to a signal processing pipeline capable of live input. The advan-
tage for the developer is that he is not struggled with the usual problems online signal
processing involves. To build the pipeline he can either integrate own code, or choose
from a large number of available components.
Available components fall into three categories: Components related to data seg-
mentation responsible to automatically detect chunks of activity. Components, which
apply necessary pre-processing and extract from the detected chunks meaningful fea-
tures that express the changes in the affective state of the user. And finally, the models,
which are used to map from a continuous feature space to discrete emotion categories.
The right part of Figure 1 shows the basic configuration of an emotion recognition
system implemented with SSI. A further advantage of using a generic framework like
SSI is the great amount of flexibility and reusability that is gained. Since the process-
ing units work independently of each other, they can be easily re-assembled in order to
experiment with different kind of settings or to fit new requirements. In an earlier paper
we show examples, how a basic OER system can be stepwise extended to a more com-
plex one, e.g. by fusing information from multiple modalities [11]. The SSI framework
has been published under LGPL license and can be freely obtained from https://mm-
2.2 Data Acquisation and Classifier Training
The model that a classifier uses to map continuous input to discrete categories is initially
unknown and has to be learned from training data. This task falls into two main parts.
The first part, referred to as data acquisition, involves the collection of representative
training samples. Here, representative means that the picked samples should render the
situation of the final system as accurate as possible. The second part concerns the actual
training of the classifier. Basically, this is related to the problem of training a model that
gives a good separation of the training samples, but at the same time is generic enough
to achieve good results on unseen data.
Offline classification is usually evaluated on a fixed training and test set collected
under similar experimental setting and by tuning the model parameters until they yield
optimal recognition results. In contrast, the success of an online system depends on
the ability to generalize on future data, which is not available to evaluate the classifier.
Hence, special attention has to be paid that the training data is obtained in a situation,
which is similar to the one it will be used in. To this end, we have developed a graphical
user interface (GUI) on top of SSI, which gives non-experts the possibility to record
emotional corpora and train personalized classifiers, which can be expected to give
considerably higher accuracy than a general recognition system.
The GUI will be introduced by means of a concrete application within the CALLAS
project in Section 3.1.
3 SSI in Practical Applications
A main motivation for building the SSI framework has been our participation in dif-
ferent EU projects, which are concerned with the analysis and development of novel
user interaction methods. They all require to some extent online detection of the user’s
affective state. In the following we explain how SSI is applied to this task.
3.1 The CALLAS Project
(Conveying Affectiveness in Leading-edge Living Adaptive Systems)
project aims to develop interactive art installations that respond to the multimodal emo-
tional input of performers and spectators in real-time. Since the beginning of the project
a various number of showcases have already been created, such as the E-Tree[4], which
is an Augmented Reality art installation of a virtual tree that grows, shrinks, changes
colours, etc. by interpreting affective multimodal input from video, keywords and emo-
tional voice tone, or Galassie[6] by Studio Azzurro, which creates stylized shapes sim-
ilar to galaxies depending on the users’ emotional state detected from the voice.
One of the research questions raised by CALLAS is the interpretation, understand-
ing, and fusion of the multimodal sensor inputs. However, since multimodal data cor-
pora with emotional content are rather rare, effort was made to create a setup, which
simplifies the task of data acquisition. In one experiment, which targets the mapping
between gestures/body movements and emotion, and their relation to other modalities,
such as affective speech and mimics, user interaction is captured with two cameras, one
focused on his head and one on his whole body, and a microphone near the head. Ad-
ditionally the users interact with different devices, such as Nintendo’s Wii Remote or
a data glove by HumanWare
. To elicit the desired target emotion a procedure inspired
by the Velten emotion induction method is used: first, a sentence with a clear emotional
message is displayed and the user is given sufficient time to read it silently. Then the
projection turns blank and the user is asked to express the according emotion through
gesture and speech. It is up to the user to use own words or to say something, which is
similar to the displayed sentence. Figure 2 illustrates the setting.
A main challenge regarding the experimental design is the proper synchronization
between the different modalities. This, however, is an important requirement for the fur-
ther analysis of the data. To obtain synchronized recordings we use the SSI framework.
SSI already supports common sensor devices, such as webcam/camcorder, microphone
and the Wii Remote, and can also record from multiple devices of the same kind. To
connect more exotic devices, such as the data glove, SSI offers a socket interface, which
can be used to grab any signal stream and feed it into the processing pipeline. SSI takes
care of the synchronization by constantly comparing the incoming signals with an in-
ternal clock. If a sensor breaks down or does not deliver the appropriate amount of data,
SSI compensates the lack in order to keep the stream aligned with the other channels.
If it is not possible to capture all sensors with the same machine - which was actually
the case with the two high-quality cameras, due to the vast amount of data they produce
cameras microphone stimuli userdata glove
Fig. 2. The Figure shows the setting of an affective gesture recognition experiment carried out
in the CALLAS project. Users are recorded from two cameras, one microphone, and additional
interaction devices such a data glove.
- SSI offers the possibility to synchronize recordings among several computers using a
broadcast signal, which is sent through the network.
For the accomplishment of the experiment we use the graphical interface of SSI,
called SSI/ModelUI (see Figure 3). It works on the top of SSI and allows the experi-
menter to display a sequence of HTML documents, which contain the according instruc-
tions or stimuli. When the recording is finished it is added to the database. However,
the functionality of the tool goes beyond this. During the recording SSI already tries
to detect the interesting parts in the signals, e.g. when a user is talking or performing
a gesture. These events are stored and can be reviewed together with the videos and
the other raw signals. An annotator can now crawl through the events and adjust these
pre-annotations. Finally, the tool automatically extracts feature vectors for the labelled
segments and uses them to train a model for online classification. This way, the tool
combines the tasks of recording, annotation and training in one application.
At the moment, we have conducted the presented experiment in two countries:
Greece and Germany. We have recorded 30 subjects (10 Greek, 20 German) of which
half were male and the other half female. The total length of recorded data sums up to
almost 9h. The study will be repeated in Italy and possibly in countries of other partners.
The analysis of the corpus has recently started and first results can be soon expected.
The corpus will also allow us to analyze similarities/differences between individuals
and between cultural groups in terms of selected features, recognition results and use
of modalities.
3.2 The METABO Project
is a European collaborative project with the aim to set up a platform for
monitoring the metabolic status in patients with, or at risk of, diabetes and associated
record datauser
stimuli video label
anger joy
final annotation
2..3 A
5..7 B
8..9 A
raw data
The hike was
fantastic! You
won't believe it!
But we made it
to the top!
Fig. 3. The Figure shows two screenshots of the graphical interface we have developed on top
of SSI. It helps the experimenter to record the user interaction (left image) and let him review
and annotate the recordings (right image). It also leads through the other steps of the training
procedure. The GUI uses a DLL to communicate with SSI (see sketches below the screenshots).
metabolic disorders. The platform serves as bridge between physicians and patients to
exchange information, but at the same time also provides recommendations for their
clinical treatment. Recommendations are generated individually based on the patient’s
metabolic behaviour model, which is learned from the patient’s history, and the current
context derived from the patient’s physiological state. An essential requirement for such
a system is the online acquisition and the prompt analysis of user data measured from
different sensor devices. For this purpose a special case study is carried out, called the
in-vehicle hypoglycemia alerting system (IHAS).
IHAS is an emotion monitoring system, which analyses a driver’s behaviour and
emotional state during driving. Based on the measurements the system predicts hy-
poglycemia events and alerts the driver. The setting is motivated by the critical role
fluctuant emotions play for diabetic drivers [8]. To derive the emotional state, the driver
is equipped with several biosensors, including electromyogram (EMG), galvanic skin
response (GSR), electrocardiogram (ECG), and respiration (RSP). The captured data is
analyzed using an online recognition component implemented with the SSI framework.
In our previous studies we have mainly focused on the offline analysis of physio-
logical data, where we have tested a wide range of physiological features from vari-
ous analysis domains including time, frequency, entropy, geometric analysis, sub-band
spectra, multi-scale entropy, and HRV/BRV. When we applied these features to different
data sets recorded at our lab, we were able to discriminate basic emotions, such as joy,
anger or fear, with an accuracy of more than 90% [10, 7]. For the sake of real-time anal-
ysis, large parts of the code that has been originally developed in Matlab, were ported to
C++ and incorporated into the SSI framework and offline algorithms were replaced by
corresponding real-time versions. That recognition results do not necessarily drop when
statistics Model
user state
hp filter
heart rate
statisticslp filter
rsp rate
spectral features
statisticslp filter
statisticslp filter
Pre-processing Feature Extraction ClassificationUser Input
Feature Fusion
Fig. 4. State flow of the online emotion recognition component developed with SSI as part of the
METABO project: each sensor channel is first processed individually before features are finally
combined to a single feature vector. The combined feature vector is analyzed by the recognition
a generic set of recursively calculated real-time features is used instead of specialized
offline features has been shown by H
onig et al. [5]. Many of the new real-time features
are oriented to their proposed feature set. Figure 4 shows the state flow of the online
recognition component we have developed with the SSI framework and which has been
integrated into the METABO platform.
3.3 The IRIS Project
(Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling) project is concerned with
the development of novel technologies for interactive storytelling. Recognition of affect
is one of the novel techniques to be integrated into virtual storytelling environments.
One of the showcases developed by Teesside University, EmoEmma[3], is based on
Gustave Flaubert’s novel ”Madame Bovary”. Here, the user can influence the outcome
of the story by acting as one of the characters and their interaction mode is restricted to
the emotional tone of their voice.
In a first step, we have integrated the EmoVoice system [9] into the SSI framework.
EmoVoice has been developed at our lab as a tool for the recognition of affective speech.
It provides tools for acoustic feature extraction (no semantic information is used) and
building an emotion classifier for recognizing emotions in real-time. In total, a set of
1451 features can be derived from pitch, energy, voice quality, pauses, spectral and
cepstral information as conveyed in the speech signal. The performance of the system
has been evaluated on an acted database that is commonly used in offline research (7
- raw data
- low level features
- high level description
loggingsensor devices
signal processing
Fig. 5. In the IRIS project, which is about next-generation interactive storytelling, user interaction
is measured with different sensor devices that are synchronized and pre-processed through the SSI
framework. The recognized user behaviour is finally used by the planner to decide which path is
taken in the progress of the story.
emotion classes, 10 professional actors) and on a speech database we recorded for on-
line classification (4 emotion classes, 10 German students) and achieved an average
recognition accuracy of 80% and 41% respectively.
With the integration we have set the ground for a more complex analysis of the
user interaction as now additional sensors can be added with minimal effort. To analyze
the user’s affective and attentive behaviors, we use SSI in two ways: firstly, it offers the
possibility to collect synchronized sensor data from users interacting with the system. In
order to get realistic data the system response will be simulated at this point. Afterwards
we analyze the recordings and based on the observations we use SSI to implement a
pipeline that extracts the observed user behaviour in real-time. This information is then
used by the planner to automate the system response. The architecture of the system is
shown in Figure 5.
4 Conclusions
In the past pages, we have introduced our approach to contribute the building of OER
systems, a framework called Smart Sensor Integration (SSI). First, we have discussed
the multiple problems concerned with the implementation of such systems and how SSI
faces them. After a short introduction of the framework architecture, we have moved on
to explain how SSI is applied in a number of projects funded by the EU. SSI is freely
available under LGPL license from the following address:
Acknowledgements. The work described in this paper is funded by the EU under
research grants CALLAS (IST-34800), IRIS (Reference: 231824) and Metabo (Refer-
ence: 216270).
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