A Case Study
Rosalina Babo, Carla Teixeira Lopes, Ana Cláudia Rodrigues, Mário Pinto
Ricardo Queirós and Paulo Coelho de Oliveira
IPP, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 712, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Technologies Usage, e-Learning, Higher Education.
Abstract: To understand the importance of technologies like the Internet and Learning Management Systems to
Higher Education students’ learning activities, this study characterizes the Internet access behaviour of
Polytechnic of Porto (IPP)’ students. Student’s habits were obtained through a questionnaire that was
answered by 10% of all IPP students. Our analysis is focused not only on the global Internet usage profile
under the Polytechnic of Porto, but also on the differences between the students born before and after 1980.
International trends are confirmed in this Portuguese Higher Education institution.
Don Tapscott (Tapscott, 1999) introduced, in the late
90’s, the term net generation to characterize a whole
new population born after 1980, that grew in an
environment where technological artefacts and
digital culture were a part of their everyday life.
This population “speaks” technology language,
moves naturally in a virtual world, communicates
and collaborates through electronic platforms
intuitively and uses social networks as a way to
establish professional and personal relationships
(Prensky, 2001). On the other hand, the working and
learning processes tend to develop some particular
environments, like multitasking, visual learning,
hypertext and compact information (Kenedy, 2009;
Simões, 2009).
Considering this scenario, this paper attempts to
characterize the Internet access behaviour of Higher
Education students, by conducting a survey in
Polytechnic of Porto (IPP
). The second section of
this paper focuses on the new Web paradigm and the
third section describes the research methodology
adopted in this study. The fourth section presents the
survey results and the data analysis. The fifth section
draws some conclusions and points some directions
to future researches.
In Portuguese: IPP Instituto Politécnico do Porto
The Education was one of the areas where Internet
boosted, changing the paradigm of the face-to-face
learning to distance learning. The confluence of
education with technology allows the appearance of
the concept of electronic learning (eLearning). This
concept can be defined as the delivery of educational
content via any electronic media including the
Internet, satellite broadcast, audio/video tape,
interactive TV, CD-Rom and others (Tastle, 2005).
In its first generation, eLearning systems have been
developed for a particular field of learning and had a
monolithic architecture (Harasim, 2006). Gradually,
these systems have evolved (Williams, 2005) and
become domain independent, with reusable tools
compliant with several standards (Friesen, 2005) that
could be effectively used in any virtually eLearning
course. One such case is the Learning Management
System (LMS) that aims to simplify the management
of learning within an organization (Harman, 2007).
In this type of system, students can plan their
learning and collaborate with colleagues, while
teachers may associate educational content and
monitor, analyze and report progress to their
students. Typically, these features are available
through several tools included in the system (by
default or by subsequent inclusion), such as forums,
chats, resources, glossaries, tests, and workshops.
Babo R., Teixeira Lopes C., Cl
audia Rodrigues A., Pinto M., Queir
os R. and Coelho de Oliveira P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 415-418
These tools will recreate classroom learning and
allow different types of interaction, from
synchronous to asynchronous, between the student
and teacher.
This section describes the methodology adopted in
this study.
3.1 Study
To characterize Internet usage patterns in Higher
Education students, we conducted a descriptive case
study with students from IPP.
The Internet usage patterns were analyzed in 3
components: type of Internet usage (e.g.: location,
frequency, type of use, motivation), communication
tools (e.g.: social networks, chat, e-mail: which
frequency, activities, benefits) and insights on the
role of the Internet in education (e.g.: LMS, chat, e-
mail: frequency, ease of use, perceived importance).
3.2 Data Collection
Data collection was done through an online
questionnaire distributed to students of five IPP
ISEP. In the first week of June of 2009 a pilot test
was carried out with 15 students from various
programmes and academic years of ESEIG. This test
validated the questionnaire’s objectivity,
understanding and also the web form’s accessibility.
We began the dissemination of the questionnaire
in the second week of June. The announcement was
done by news on the school website, news on the
school learning management system, e-mail
messages sent to students and teachers (so they
would ask their students to answer the questionnaire)
and requests to teachers, who used computers in
classrooms to free class time so students could
complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire was
open from June 5th until the end of July.
3.3 Population and Sample
Similar to what is done in other studies (Walker,
2007), we adopted the case study methodology.
Students from five IPP schools compose the
universe of this study. The study included students
from technological specialization programmes and
from undergraduate and graduate programmes. In
1416 answers, 1396 were considered valid (11%).
ISEP, the biggest school in IPP, got 30% of the
answers while ISCAP got 21%, ESTSP 10%, ESEIG
17% and ESTGF 6%.
Most of the students are undergraduate (94.6%).
Only 5.2% are graduate students. The remaining
0,2% are students from technological specialization
programmes. Concerning gender, 51% of students
are female and 49% male.
As expected, there are more students born in and
after 1980 (Youngest students - YS) than those born
until 1980 (Oldest students - OldS). However, there
is a significant percentage of older students (26%)
since IPP also hosts working students, which are
older than ordinary students.
The proportion of working students in the
population is 25%. From these, 32% answered the
The data analysis focused on the type of Internet
usage, communication tools and insights on the role
of Internet in education. Besides a descriptive
analysis of the sample, the association of the
students’ generation (born until 1980/born in 1980
and after) with several variables was also tested
using the Chi-square test.
4.1 Type of Internet usage
The majority of the students access Internet at home
(91%) and at school (80%). Only 24% says to
possess mobile Internet access. Most students access
Internet several times a day (65%), 32% connect
daily and the remaining 3% connect monthly,
weekly and even more rarely. In average, 52% of
students are connected to the Internet between 1 and
3 hours. It is also observable that the student’s
generation is associated to the session’s duration (p-
value0,000). Youngest students stay connected for
longer period of time. An explanation for this factor
could be the professional duties of the oldest
students, which prevent them from a more lasting
In average, 48% of the time spent in the Internet
is for personal leisure (the standard deviation is 23,
the mode is 50%). The most used Internet’s tools are
email (97%), search engines (95%) and instant
messaging (59%).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Students’ generation is related with their instant
messaging (p0,000), social networks (p0,000),
forums (p=0,009) and games (p0,000) habits.
With the two independent samples t-test, it was
also verified that YS use more Internet applications
(p-value=0,000) than OldS.
School is associated with the two main reasons
for Internet usage: research concerning class works /
study (94%) and access documents in Moodle or
another LMS (79%). The other motivations differ in
the two generations of students. YS use it to contact
with friends, download music and movies, share
information (documents, music, movies, etc.), visit
friend’s webpage in social networks, play games,
and participate in forums. OldS use the Internet
mainly to visit the LMS to obtain documents,
exchange emails, read the news in newspapers,
magazines and portals, be informed about themes
unrelated with their studies, and to shop. Unlike the
YS, they have the economic means that enable that
attitude(Kwak, 2002).
It is noticeable that YS are more enrolled in
activities of Web 2.0 like socialization and sharing
(O'Reilly, 2007). On the other hand, OldS engage in
activities of the Web 1.0 using the Internet as a mean
to obtain information. This finding is consistent with
several studies conducted in this area (O'Reilly,
2007;Kenedy, 2009)
4.2 Internet’s Communication Tools
It is observed a huge usage of social networks
among IPP’s students, mainly among the YS, 77%
of those have a profile in a social network. The
importance of social networking is minor among the
other group (46% do not have a profile).
Almost all students (91%) have a profile in Hi5,
followed by Facebook (23%). About 33% of the
students use social networks to connect with new
Although 91% of IPP students have a Hi5
account, the YS have, in the whole, more accounts
in social networks than the OldS. Among YS it is
observed a more frequent use of social networks.
In social networks, students see photos
(p0,000), find what their contacts are doing
(p0,000), do comments (p0,000), talk with other
people (p=0,003), share information (p0,000):
photos, films, music, get information about
companies (p0,000) and actualize their CV
(p0,000). Activities with p-values are statistically
related with students’ generation.
In order to connect synchronously, 98% of the
students use MSN, while Skype and Google Talk
have little shares (15% and 11%, respectively). 34%
of the students use instant messaging several times a
day and 28% use it at least daily. Again, YS are
more frequent users.
Email usage is more adopted than instant
messaging. 52% of students use email several times
a day and 39% at least once a day. Unlike the
observed with the results of Internet’s session time,
social networks and instant messaging usage, OldS
do a larger use of email (71% use it several times a
day against 48% of the YS). Professional reasons
might explain this.
4.3 The Role of Internet in Education
Concerning LMS’s usage, Moodle is used by 98% of
the students. 14% of the students visit Moodle more
than once a day, almost half the students (46%) visit
it daily and 29% only visit it on a weekly basis.
There are barely any differences between the two
generations regarding LMS’s usage, which shows
that this system is valued equally by the two
OldS visit with greater frequency the eLearning
platform (“several times a day”). When it comes to
usability, 45% of the students consider Moodle
“relatively easy to use” and 32% consider it “very
easy to use”.
More than a third of the students consider
Moodle to have a "very important" role in
education/learning, and 41% consider it "relatively
important". 42% of the OldS say LMS has an
important role in education (against 34% of the YS).
We think this may be explained by the usefulness of
Moodle to working students that have less
availability to attend classes.
According to students, IPP’s professors also use
additional Internet tools. Email usage was
emphasized (91%), followed by search engines
(38%) and forums (24%). It is noticed that some
professors also use games, social networks, blogs
and wikis. The way professors interact with students
is changing as Internet tools like instant messaging,
forums and wikis become popular.
Emailing and instant messaging with colleagues
and professors is considered “very important” or
“relatively important” in the education/learning
process. However, the exchange of emails is still
considered more important (46%) than instant
messaging (30%).
A Case Study
There are not many studies about the Portuguese
Internet usage rates and habits and even less studies
comparing Internet habits among two student’s age
groups. The described results are not a complete
surprise but are original in the population they
characterize, Portuguese higher education students.
They reveal that Internet access is made
preferentially in school or at home. The majority of
students access the Internet one or more times per
day and the average time of each session is between
1 to 3 hours. It can also be observed that YS tend to
use the Internet more frequently and in longer
sessions than OldS. They are also more enrolled in
activities of Web 2.0 like socialization and sharing
(use internet for contacting friends, download music
and movies, share information, visit friend’s
webpage in social networks, play games, and
participate in forums). On the other hand OldS
engage more in activities of the Web 1.0, using the
Internet as a mean of getting information (for
visiting the eLearning platform to look for new
documents, exchange emails, read the news in
newspapers, magazines and portals).
The data collected reveals that most students
have, at least, one profile on a social network, and
one third of respondents usually meet new people
through these platforms.
The vast majority of students use e-mail and
synchronous conversation at least once a day (91%
and 62% respectively). However, we note that YS
rely more often to chat synchronously, while OldS
use e-mail more frequently. This is a sign, perhaps,
of a shifting paradigm in interpersonal
communication, where synchronous communication
- faster and more immediate - tends to gain
relevance to asynchronous communication,
especially among younger generations.
Most students access to the eLearning system,
Moodle in IPP, at least once a day. It appears that
the majority of students do not find difficulties in
using Moodle and think that this platform is an
important tool in their learning process. It appears
that for OldS this platform has a greater importance,
probably because they work and have less physical
presence in the university.
Finally, teachers use essentially the e-mail to
communicate with students. The Web 2.0 tools such
as wikis, forums or blogs still have little importance
in supporting the teaching and learning process.
In the future, and also based on data collected in
this study, we seek to analyze the habits of Internet
use according to the gender and scientific field. It
would be also interesting to study the habits of
Internet use of Higher Education teaching and non-
teaching staff and compare the faculty habits with
the habits students state they have.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education