Principles to Borrow from Biology
Dragana Laketic and Gunnar Tufte
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Sem Saelands vei 7-9, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Adaptation, Homeostasis, Endocrine system, Hormones, Cybernetics, Living systems organisation.
Man–made systems, just like their biological counterparts, need to operate in a fluctuating environment. Living
systems survive despite these fluctuations. Their viability is made possible due to the ability to adapt to
environmental fluctuations. Such ability the living systems possess is due to the organisation of these systems
and processes performed in response to uctuation. Therefore, deeper understanding of those aspects of
the living systems which make them adaptable may be beneficial for human designers when faced with the
demands for the design of adaptive systems. This paper presents current state of our investigation and some
interesting postulations about how adaptation process may be sustained until adaptation is achieved in the
system under consideration. Further, we discuss some aspects of the living systems’ organisation which may
offer useful guidelines for adaptive systems design.
No environment is static and all systems which are to
survive or maintain functionality, must adapt to the
changes and fluctuations imposed. From the first au-
tocatalytic cycles which exhibited basic characteris-
tics of life onwards, the living systems have been co-
evolving with their environment into more and more
complex systems characterised by particular organi-
sation. This organisation has enabled them to survive
and further procreate despite incessant environmental
changes and fluctuations. The viability of the living
systems is therefore due to their organisation which
makes it possible for the systems to perform some
structural or functional change as a response to en-
vironmental fluctuation so as to survive despite this
It is recognised that adaptations result from more
than one kind of adaptive processes which take place
at different levels. On a larger time–scale, co–
evolution of whole populations with their environ-
ments has produced living systems which are en-
dowed with inherent mechanisms for performing
adaptive processes. At individual level these mech-
anisms are activated once the fluctuation in environ-
ment is detected so that the actual process of adapta-
tion is performed at a much smaller time–scale. This
coarse distinction related to the time scale at which
the adaptive processes occur, can serve as a basis for
further investigations into adaptability.
Adaptations are results of processes happening at
different hierarchical levels of the living systems, as
has been widely recognised and investigated (Belew
and Mitchell, 1996). At the level of the individ-
ual genotype, adaptations take place during evolu-
tionary processes or, to be more precise, during co-
evolutionary processes with the environment. Ac-
cording to natural selection laws, those individuals
which possess such genotypes which develop into the
fittest phenotypes within the population environment,
will pass their genetic heritage to their offspring with
greatest probability. At the phenotypic level, differ-
ent forms of plasticity are exhibited by various sys-
tems, such as learning in neural system or certain be-
haviours, and they are all made possible thanks to
the organism’s organisation and accordingly inherent
adaptive mechanisms it possesses.
Out of the many facets of inherent mechanisms
in the living systems, processes which help organism
preserve its internal environment within the state of
equilibrium are prominent. This preservation, termed
homeostasis (Walter, 1967), is vital as it makes phys-
iological processes, the essence of life, to occur at the
right point in time and in the right order so that the life
Laketic D. and Tufte G. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 254-259
DOI: 10.5220/0002335702540259
is preserved. In keeping internal environment within
certain limits, a whole plethora of different processes
occur performed by a number of different systems in
a human body (Guyton and Hall, 2005). Such pro-
cesses exhibit remarkable characteristics with respect
to the usage of various mechanisms employed at dif-
ferent organisational levels. Not only are these mech-
anisms intertwined so as to achieve common goal
adaptation, they also do so with the efficient use of
The question naturally posed for a human designer
when faced with the task of designing a system to op-
erate in a fluctuating environment, is: what can be
learned from living systems and what principles of
adaptiveness can be adopted in a man–made system?
This question has been asked by manyresearchers and
some of the results of such investigations are genetic
algorithms (Koza, 1992; Mitchell, 1999; de Jong,
2006), cybernetics (Wiener, 1948; Ashby, 1957) and,
if ’the first notions of adaptation come from biology’
(Holland, 1992), then it can be said that any adapta-
tion in any man–made system is biologically inspired.
In this paper, we present the state of the ongo-
ing investigation into adaptation process inspired by
preservation of homeostasis and, in particular, en-
docrine system within homeostatic processes. Some
results regarding the adaptation process in a modular
system are commented in section 2. Further, direc-
tions for possible continuation of the work in this area
are discussed and some ideas for experiments are in-
troduced in sections 3 and 4. Finally, section 5 draws
a conclusion on the presented material.
Preservation of homeostasis occurs thanks to the in-
terplay of several systems within the human body.
Within homeostatic processes, the role of communi-
cation and control is performed by endocrine system
and it can be said that homeostasis, as we know it to-
day, would be impossible without this system. En-
docrine system is responsible for secretion of hor-
mones, special substances which play the role of mes-
sengers. Hormones transmit information about the
change which has occurred in the body’s internal or
external environment. Hormones are secreted into
the bloodstream by special glands and tissues as a
response to some stimulus a signal carrying infor-
mation about the change. They reach all the cells
via bloodstream and yet affect only the cells which
possess the matching receptor. The amounts of se-
creted hormones vary during their lifetime. In gen-
eral, these amounts are regulated through mechanisms
of positive and negative feedback. One of the remark-
able characteristics exhibited by hormones, is that the
small amounts of these substances can cause reac-
tions, or avalanche of reactions, which can have a
huge impact on the organism’s physiology and be-
haviour. In that sense, the hormones exhibit very effi-
cient use of the resources available within the body.
The principles enabling the preservation of home-
ostasis have been studied by many researchers from
a more technical standpoint. In (Ashby, 1960), the
achievement of adaptation based on homeostatic prin-
ciples is related to the achievement of stability. There,
the environment is described through a set of param-
eters and the environmental fluctuations are repre-
sented by the change in some of these parameters.
The state of the system is described by variables out
of which the set of essential variables is identified
whose preservation within certain limits is equivalent
to the preservation of homeostasis. The homeostatic
equilibrium within the system is, therefore, charac-
terised by the system finding itself in one of the ultra-
stable states.
Further, in (Neal and Timmis, 2003) artificial
homeostatic system is considered. Within such frame-
work, special attention has been paid to immune and
endocrine systems (Vargas et al., 2005; Moioli et al.,
2008), their mutual interaction and interaction(s) with
nervous system. Endocrine system has been further
studied for its many characteristics which are also
desirable in man–made systems. Examples come
mostly from the field of evolutionary robotics (Paolo,
2003; Suzuki and Ikegami, 2008; Asada et al., 2008;
Moioli et al., 2009), but can be found also in self–
reconfigurable and swarm robotics (Shen et al., 2002)
and multiprocessor systems (Greensted and Tyrrell,
2.1 System under Investigation
In order to examine system adaptation to an environ-
mental fluctuation, a model has been designed to meet
the simulation needs of such processes. Here we pro-
vide only its basic characteristics to enable easier un-
derstanding of the presented results for further dis-
cussion while details may be found in (Laketic et al.,
Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the model’s
architecture. It is modular where the modules – cells
are placed in a grid formation. Each cell is assumed
from Biology
Figure 1: Schematic view of the system’s architecture.
to possess a sensor which provides information about
the fluctuation in some environmental parameter. In
this way, the measure of the fluctuations in the cell’s
local environment is provided. It is further assumed
that each cell communicates via direct lines to its four
immediate neighbours to the north, east, south and
west. Such assumptions lend the model to the study
by the formalism of cellular automata (CA) (Sipper,
1997). Also, each cell possesses a set of tuning pa-
rameters which determine its functionality.
Figure 2: System configuration under simulation and hor-
mone flow loops between functionally related cells
The cell is identified by two kinds of identifiers,
similar to (Macias and Durbeck, 2004), one corre-
sponding to its physical placement in the grid and an-
other to its functional relatedness. Figure 2 shows one
example of such cell identification. This configura-
tion was used in the experiments for which the results
are further presented. The cell marked with i is as-
sumed to receive functional input from the cell i 1
and produce functional output for the cell i+ 1.
2.2 System Behaviour and Hormone
Flows Sustaining Adaptation
Hormone secretion is initiated dependent on the
sensed fluctuation in the environmental parameter un-
der consideration. By the term hormone we assume
some kind of message which is transmitted around
the system architecture because of the sensed envi-
Figure 3: Finite state machine diagram which determines
the cell’s behaviour.
ronmental fluctuation. The hormone secreted by the
cell which senses the fluctuation is further transmitted
around the architecture in the manner the signals are
transmitted around CA. The cells are changing their
state according to the state diagram given in figure 3,
details being omitted for the sake of clarity. In this
way a hormone can reach all the cells within architec-
ture, as it does so via bloodstream in a living organ-
ism. In this case, it is only functionally related cells
which will recognise the incoming hormone, func-
tional relatedness, therefore, being analogous to the
receptors in their biological counterparts. It is further
assumed that adaptation process is conditioned by the
presence of the cell’s hormone and the hormone com-
ing from its functionally related cell.
The state of the system is monitored with respect
to the hormone flow, functionality and environmen-
tal parameter under consideration. In (Laketic et al.,
2009) we have described how hormone secretion is
realised in the assumed architecture and investigated
the values for the parameters which determine the
hormone lifetime so that the presence of hormones is
ensured until adaptation is achieved.
Figure 4: System state machine diagram.
If the states of the system are considered in which
it can be while the cells are behaving according to the
state diagram presented in figure 3, it can be noticed
that the system may find itself in one of the two states
it is either adapting to new environmentalconditions
or it is adapted to these conditions. The case when the
system fails to adapt is disregarded for the reason that
IJCCI 2009 - International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
parameters which determine amounts of secreted hor-
mones are chosen so that the presence of hormones
is secured until adaptation is achieved, as presented
in (Laketic et al., 2009). Therefore, the system be-
haviour can be described by a state diagram as given
in figure 4.
When the system is in state 0, i.e. adapted to its
environment, all its cells are in either of the two states
marked with thicker borders in figure 3. These states
correspond to the cell being adapted to its local envi-
ronment. There, the values of the tuning parameters
are such that the cell performs desired functionality
under the local environmental condition.
Such view on the system’s behaviour draws anal-
ogy with the somewhat mechanistic approach to
the achievement of adaptation presented in (Ashby,
1960). When the system is in state 0, it is in one of
its ultrastable states, while the system state 1 refers to
the states through which the cells are passing while
performing adaptation process i.e. while rearranging
its tunable parameters so as to reach corresponding
ultrastable state thereby achieving adaptation.
Further, in (Laketic and Tufte, 2009) it has been
shown how formation of hormone flow loops may
sustain adaptation processes until system adaptation
is achieved. There, the sensed fluctuation in some en-
vironmentalparameter initiates secretion of hormones
whose recognition by functionally related cells fur-
ther initiates secretion of different types of hormones
thereby leading to the formation of the hormone flow
loops. Such loops are closed between functionally re-
lated cells and, upon it, the adaptation process is ini-
tiated. It is sustained by the existing hormone flow
loops until adaptation is achieved at the system level.
Figure 5: Hormone flow loops which sustained adaptation
process until adaptation was achieved
Figure 5 shows the loops of hormone flows which
are formed between functionally related cells. The
cells which sensed the fluctuation in their local envi-
ronments were 52, 32, 23 – see figure 2, and the loops
were formed between them and their functionally re-
lated cells 53, 31, 22 respectivelyas shownin figure 5.
These loops sustained adaptation process until adap-
tation was achieved.
As said, the adaptiveness of living systems to envi-
ronmental fluctuations is due to the inherent mech-
anisms they possess as a result of the co–evolution
with the environment. However, a more general ques-
tion of the organisation of living systems might pro-
vide a more general answer so as to offer more use-
ful principles for adaptive systems organisation. Or-
ganisation of living systems has become the focus of
the study of many researchers. Among the existing
theories, those which underline its autonomous and
self–referring nature are of particular interest when it
comes to addressing properties of adaptable system.
Investigation into the living systems organisation
is presented by the theories of the minimal system
which can be said to be alive. The model presented
in chemoton theory (Ganti et al., 2003) provides the
basic principles which define life. Within it, the
cyclic nature of the chemical reactions is recognised
and quantitatively studied so that the transition to the
emergence of life within such system can be distin-
guished. There, three different subsystems are recog-
nised according to the role they perform within the
system model. Similar ideas are presented in the
theory of hypercycles (Eigen and Schuster, 1979).
Again, the cyclic nature of reactions is prominent and
recognised at different hierarchical levels.
The theory presented in the seminal work on au-
topoiesis (Maturana and Varela, 1973) distinguishes
itself. The ensuing work pertaining to such Chilean
school of thought has resulted in the view on the liv-
ing systems’ organisation as an autonomous and self–
referring in its self–creation (therefore the term au-
topoiesis self–creating’, coined by F. Varela to de-
note such organisation). These theories offer a frame-
work for studying dynamics of adaptive behaviour
and many models have been created to represent au-
tonomous and self–referring nature of the processes
taking place within such systems (McMullin, 1997;
Hutton, 2002).
It can be further investigated how systems of such
organisation adapt to environmental fluctuations. In
order to do so, a suitable model for simulations would
be advantageous. The field of artificial chemistries,
AChem, (Dittrich et al., 2008) offers the tools flexible
enough to accommodate for this purpose, particularly
from Biology
when AChem models are applied for the information
processing task.
The results of our investigation into the aspects of
the organisation of living systems which provide their
adaptivenessto fluctuating environment, have demon-
strated how a simplified control and communication
principles borrowed from endocrine system in the hu-
man body can be used to initiate and sustain adapta-
tion process until adaptation is achieved. The simula-
tions show the adaptation which is in agreement with
the theory of preservation of homeostasis as presented
in (Ashby, 1960). Moreover, we have postulated that
the loops formed by the hormone flows can make up
the control part for adaptive mechanisms, as well as
realise communication within the assumed system ar-
chitecture. However, further investigation into the or-
ganisation at different hierarchical levels is expected
to provides solutions with the improved efficiency of
the adaptation process.
4.1 Adding Functionality
Present simulations do not consider which function-
ality is performed by a single cell or by a system. It
has only been assumed that some functionality is per-
formed and that it needs to be maintained despite en-
vironmental fluctuations. Enhancement of the present
model with some functionality is advantageous for
the proof of principle of the existing findings. In
this respect, several AChem models have been ex-
amined and the current investigation revolves around
such simulations.
We begin with enhancingthe cell model within the
assumed architecture with some kind of metabolism.
The metabolism is affected by environmental fluc-
tuations and so is the functionality within the cell.
The healthy metabolism is defined and the goal of the
adaptation process is to keep the metabolism healthy
despite environmental fluctuations. For the problem
at hand, such adaptive system can ensure the achieve-
ment of adaptation when the cell metabolism is re-
placed with the actual cell functionality.
4.2 Hierarchical Organisation
Presently considered model refers only to one hier-
archical level i.e. an architecture resembling tissue
formed of cells which follow the same rules of be-
haviour. It is our belief that further examination of
the presented control and communication principles
for adaptive processes at different hierarchical lev-
els of organisation, may result in findings which can
improve efficiency of achieving adaptation. The ef-
ficiency may be measured in time needed for the
system to achieve adaptation, the resources used to
achieve it or the complexity of the stages through
which the system achieves adaptation, if such stages
can be identified during adaptation process.
In the first place, the formation of the tissue out of
the cells of the same type should be considered. Intro-
duction of different sets of rules which guide the cell’s
behaviour may determine different types of cells and
therefore different types of tissues. Further, organs
as units with some functionality may be assigned. Se-
cretion of control messengers can then be initiated at a
higher hierarchical level. Such models would further
allowfor the implementation of some of the endocrine
system characteristics which present model does not
support. Primarily, it refers to a whole avalanche
of reactions initiated by small amounts of hormones
once they reach the matching receptor.
This paper has presented some considerations regard-
ing the adaptiveness in biological systems and how
the underlying principles of this property of living
systems could be used for the design of adaptiveman–
made systems. Our investigation has tackled the prin-
ciples of homeostatic processes for the achievement
of adaptation within the assumed modular architec-
ture. In particular, endocrine system control and com-
munication role has been used to guide and sustain the
simulated adaptation process.
In the discussion section, some ideas have been
presented on what directions our future investiga-
tion may take. On one side, further development of
the model for simulations is considered with respect
to adding the functionality to the simulated system.
Such enhanced model is planned to serve for proving
the principle of the proposed adaptive technique. On
the other hand, hierarchical organisation of the living
systems need be further investigatedfor increasing the
efficiency of adaptation process.
Lastly, let us mention the challenge which remains
for the time beyond the completion of the investi-
gation to design a unit in some technology which
would exhibit properties of the cell considered in our
simulations and with it lend itself to the construction
of an adaptive system based on the investigated adap-
tive principles borrowed from living systems. Sili-
con? Microfluids? Or, ....?
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from Biology