Pierre-Emmanuel Vinand, Franck Pourroy, Guy Prudhomme and François Villeneuve
Laboratoire G-SCOP, University of Grenoble, France
Keywords: Mechanical engineering design, Special machines, Knowledge Management.
Abstract: This paper deals with Knowledge Management (KM) in the specific industrial context of special machine
design. Our purpose is to study how relevant a KM approach in such an environment is. The theoretical
background highlights the concept of crucial knowledge and the codification and personalisation strategies.
From a field study, we show the existence of recurrences and experts in special machine engineering design,
justifying a KM approach. We also put forward a condition to make this approach effective: the existence
of a device enabling experts to work collaboratively.
This paper is in line with the manufactured industrial
product design field. Manufactured products are
obtained by transforming raw material using
industrial techniques and processes. Designing such
products is nowadays a collaborative activity; this
involves all the life cycle stakeholders who have to
work together in order to define a product taking all
their constraints into account.
The design activity is composed of many
elementary activities whose goals are to propose
artefacts that model the product from different points
of view: functional, conceptual, structural…
In order to make these activities successful,
designers can rely on their own knowledge coming
from their expertise and previous projects. But they
also need information -technical, scientific,
organisational, working process…- they can find in
digital or paper resources. During design activities
designers also generate information and knowledge
which help them to solve problems they are
confronted with. It is this kind of knowledge and
information which supports designers during design
activities that we are interested in.
Studies whose objective is to manage
information and knowledge supporting elementary
design activities already exist in design literature
(Matta, 2008). Our work focuses on a special
machine context. A special machine is built to meet
the particular needs and constraints of a specific
client and only one device is usually produced.
Therefore, the questions that have to be addressed
are whether it makes sense to think about a
knowledge and information management approach
in such a context and subsequently how to make this
approach relevant.
The paper is organised as follows; we first give
some theoretical background and go in more details
on our research question. Then, we present a field
study within a company that produces special
machines, and we describe some specific
observations. Finally, we give some results of our
analysis; we show that a knowledge management
approach is relevant in the context of special
machines and we highlight founding elements to its
structuring and conditions of implementation.
Many research works deal with knowledge
management within companies. However, different
points of view are encountered about this object that
they call knowledge (Ahmed et al, 1999). Wilson,
who underlines a common confusion between
information and knowledge (Wilson, 2002), defines
knowledge as what we know: “knowledge involves
the mental processes of comprehension,
understanding and learning that go on in the mind
and only in the mind, however much they involve
interaction with the world outside the mind, and
Vinand P., Pourroy F., Prudhomme G. and Villeneuve F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 123-128
DOI: 10.5220/0002284501230128
interaction with others”. This point of view, that we
adopt here, leads us to call into question the meaning
of knowledge management.
Knowledge management is claimed to be a way
of improving the efficiency of engineering design
activities by fostering knowledge formalization and
sharing (Gardoni & Dudezert, 2005). In the SECI
model, Nonaka and Takeuchi (Nonaka & Takeuchi,
1995) argue that in engineering, knowledge is built
during projects through social interactions between
the two dimensions of knowledge: tacit (knowledge
that is linked to people or organization) and explicit
(knowledge that has been identified and formalized).
It is to be noticed that the latter is rather what we
call here “information” according to Wilson’s point
of view. The resulting dynamic relies on four modes
of knowledge conversion: socialisation,
externalisation, combination and internalisation.
Hansen et al. (Hansen et al, 1999) define
codification and personalisation approaches as the
two main knowledge management strategies. On the
one hand, the codification strategy is based on
knowledge formalisation and relies on information
repositories which enable users to access “codified
knowledge”. The codification strategy mainly
addresses the externalisation, combination and
internalisation modes of Nonaka’s knowledge
conversion model. On the other hand, the
personalisation strategy enhances knowledge sharing
through a socialisation process and is based on
knowledge networks. The underlying knowledge
conversion mode is mainly the socialisation.
Some research works try to combine both the
personalisation and the codification strategies in
associating information repositories and knowledge
networks (Mentzas et al, 2001). With the aim of
reducing the codification effort, Beylier also
proposes an approach integrating both strategies
(Beylier et al, 2008). The principle is to distribute
codification effort while fostering collaboration
between several experts. This approach proved to be
efficient, but the results have shown that a
continuous coordination effort is necessary to ensure
a satisfactory codification process. Our strategy fits
into this scheme of associating an information
repository, a knowledge network and a collaborative
In addition, engineers involved in a design
process may be considered as knowledge workers
(Petroni et al., 2008) and a large amount of
knowledge is used and created during their daily
work. Therefore, intending to account for the whole
of this knowledge would not be sensible. Grundstein
introduces the notion of “crucial knowledge” to
point at knowledge that is essential for decision-
making process and for the progress of the value-
adding processes (Grundstein, 2008). Locating this
crucial knowledge then becomes a key element in
the knowledge management approach.
Following this brief literature review, the issue
of how relevant a knowledge management approach
in the context of special machine design is, leads us
to locate the crucial knowledge, to identify among
this knowledge relevant candidates for a codification
strategy, and to characterize the knowledge network
that should complete the proposal.
3.1 Industrial Context
The study was carried out within a company which
designs, manufactures and sets up special handling
machines. These handling machines are designed to
be used in a nuclear environment. They thus meet
specific standards and are subjected to particular
constraints in terms of reliability and safety
(personnel protection, mainly from radioactivity).
The handling machines are overhead cranes for
heavy loads (from 30 tons up to 500 tons).
All the designed and produced machines are
single. They are prototypes and thus there are no
mass production effects. The company answers a
specific invitation to tender where the entire
infrastructure around the overhead crane is to be
designed. In this context, the company is usually
associated with a consortium of companies. The
design and manufacture of such a unit extend over
several months, even over several years.
3.2 Our Investigation Process
The investigation work proceeded within the design
department of the company. We stood as external
observers. Two main sources of information and
knowledge came out from this phase of
technical documents, i.e. documentary
discussions with the people handling the
technical study of the machine, i.e. human
Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of the
activities undertaken by the observer in relation to
these two information sources. These activities are
described thereafter.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
3.2.1 Documentary Resources
In order to better understand the specificity of the
industrial context, we get back to the technical
documents used by the designers for the design
phase of a new project.
A first category relates to the documents attached
to previous and in progress projects. Each project
involves one or more requirement lists, setting up
plans, overall plans, costing, detail designs,
dimensioning, calculation and testing reports. All
these documents relate to each study of overhead
crane. Each project represents many files to be
studied. We analyzed a total of 13 projects.
Figure 1: The observation system.
A second category of documents is often used by
the designers to support their activities. They are
documents transverse to the various projects, related
with the competences of overhead cranes designers.
These documents are for example standards,
calculation codes, etc.
3.2.2 Human Resources
In parallel with the analysis of technical
documentation, we worked with several actors who
are involved in these projects. Three of them will be
shown to have a special role in the design:
a manager of the design department who
validates and directs the various proposals of
the design department,
a person in charge of welding, metallurgy and
an engineering analyst.
3.2.3 The Observer’s Approach
The work we have achieved led us to stand as
observers in relation with the above mentionned
documentary resources as well as the staff involved
in the technical process.
At an early stage of our investigations, we shot a
series of interviews with the Design Office Manager
- amounting to a total of 10 hours. Our goal was to
build an overall vision of how the Design Office
Manager addresses the study of a new handling
machine. More specifically, we aimed to identify the
various stages the Manager considered as key issues
in processing a project study as well as the main
features to take into account when starting to design
a crane. At that stage, using the video enabled us to
keep record of all the critical information we might
have missed otherwise, and to go back with further
discussions when needed.
In a second stage, we worked with both the
documentary and human resources described earlier.
We tried to account for every piece of information -
be it documentary-based or interview-based - by
addressing issues such as “Why does this piece of
information need to be used?” “Why does this action
need to be taken?” This enables the observer to first
get acquainted with the information and then to
build his own knowledge before redefining it in
order to convey it and make it as communicable as
possible for the designer. This stage is known as the
codification stage. At that point, in-depth
discussions with the designer are necessary in order
to enrich the codification of the information.
Finally, the validation stage enables the observer
to ensure that the information is fully understood
and properly rewritten.
The discussions with the designers took place at
four specific levels:
first, the industrial field level – which involved
introducing the industry and the technical
second, the project level – issues regarding
people involved in the project and how it is
carried out were addressed;
third, the module level - which is used in
overhead cranes;
and finally, the component level (the
components are parts of the modules).
The content of the interviews with the designers
became more and more accurate as the technical
documents were analysed and as explanations about
the information analysed were made necessary.
3.3 Observations
In this paper, we will not go in great details on all
the observations we have made for two years but
rather focus on a particular issue which illustrates
the results we present in section 4.
Existing information
(technical data, reports,…)
Special machine designers
(Mechanical engineer)
End truck
Hoist motion
Translation motion
Figure 2: A typical overhead crane.
Figure 2 shows an overhead crane that is under
study in the company. The crane is composed of:
a structure - usually known as the frame -
composed of an end truck and a trolley
designed with steel giders that are
mechanically welded;
a translation motion system that allows the
motion between the end truck and the
a direction motion system that allows the
motion between the trolley and the end truck;
the hoist system.
The hoist system consists in rolling a wire rope
on a rope drum. As this system proved quickly a key
module in handling nuclear loads and as it is the
“know-how” of the company, we decided to put the
emphasis on this module. Besides analysing the
design of the “hoist system”, we also analysed the
design of a number of its components.
Shell of the drum
Rotative axis of the drum
Right hub
Left hub
Welded seams
Figure 3: Schematic design of the drum.
We only focus now on a key design rule for the
welded rope drum. This drum is made up of a
cylindrical hollowed shell and two cylindrical hub
flanges jointed to the shell as shown by figure 3. The
hub flanges are fit into the drum shaft.
Each of the two welded seams shown in figure 3
plays a major role for the drum design. All the
mechanical power developed by the drum shaft is
transmitted to the handled load through these joints.
Two categories of welded seam designs are
achieved: the welded butt seam and the welded T-
joint, as shown by figure 4. Both categories of
welded seams are not similar. As for the mechanical
strength is concerned, the welded butt joint is much
stronger than the T-joint. However, the welded butt
joint is much more difficult to achieve. As the shell
of the drum and the hub flange have to be processed,
as they also require more specific machining before
welding and need to be precisely positioned, the
welded butt joint proved more costly than the
welded T-joint.
Welded butt seam with a
double-V preparation
Shell of the drum
Rotative axis of the drum
Shell of the drum
Rotative axis of the drum
Welded T-joint with a
single-V preparation
Left hub
Figure 4: Two categories of welded seams.
After having described the field study, we will
now present the results achieved so far regarding the
“Knowledge Management” in our industrial context.
Our field observations make it possible to highlight
some results of interest. These are structured around
three key issues: the identification of recurrences,
the role of technical experts, and the importance of
rules at the interface of expertise.
4.1 Many Recurrences
We first notice that in spite of the unique nature of
each project, the special machine design process
shows many recurrences:
at the customer level and the associated
requirements. The response to an invitation to
tender and the proposed technical solutions are
widely linked with the customer under
Left hub
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
consideration. It is known for example that for
the customer X a Y-type drum is required;
at the level of the approach to be used in
carrying out a new design study. In view of the
wealth of information, the uncertainties of a
project, the standards to be met, the designer
has the ability to develop an approach which,
on the whole, will be repeated over the
following projects, or whose specificities can be
at the level of the architecture and of the
different modules of the system. For example,
all the handling equipments that we analysed
involve the same technology: a wire rope is
used to hang the load. The design of the hoist
module is repeated over the projects;
at the component level. For example, it was
observed that the hoist module always includes
a rope drum, a geared motor, a braking device,
a wire rope and a tackle block.
While these recurrences are more particularly
observed between the different design projects, some
others also exist at the inside of the projects. The
welded seam shown in the previous section is an
example of such recurrence. Defining a welded seam
is a common situation within a handling equipment
design. Welded seams are even a crucial issue in the
special machine domain which widely involves this
assembling technology.
In a special machine context, the existence of
these numerous and multi-level recurrences was far
than obvious. It is to be noticed that the designers
themselves were unaware of that at the beginning of
our study. This result is of great importance to
legitimise and to adjust the codification part of our
knowledge management strategy.
4.2 The Key Role of Technical Experts
During the observations, it also rapidly became
apparent that some of the participants in the
handling equipment design have a special role in the
process. Regarding the design of the drum for
example, three people were involved in the main
technical decisions: the experienced designer, the
engineering analyst, and the metallurgist. All are
known by their colleagues to be particularly skilled
in their domain. They are considered as experts and
take part in the design process in different ways:
they carry out their own design tasks, as the
other stakeholders of the design do;
they define the design approach which fits at
best with the requirements of the current
project. They put the project on the right track;
they provide the design teams with technical
advice when needed.
In order to achieve that, they mobilize different
kinds of knowledge, and more particularly:
knowledge in relation with regulation
(standards in force and, above all, action rules
that they built to use these standards);
technical knowledge (principles of solutions,
design rules, limitations…). An example is the
design rules they use to define the welded
seams for the drum;
knowledge in relation with the customers and
their expectations;
knowledge of the previous projects. This
includes the lessons learnt.
As for the recurrences previously pointed out, the
existence of these experts and the role they play are
of major interest for defining the knowledge
management approach. This participates in locating
the crucial engineering knowledge. This also gives
some elements for defining the required knowledge
networks (personalisation strategy).
4.3 Needs for a Collaborative Device
Considering the different kinds of welded seams
described in section 3.3, each of the three experts we
previously pointed out uses the same explicit rule:
the welded seam between the shell of the drum and
the hub flange must be a welded butt seam. But it
came out from the discussions that their related
knowledge was not the same:
from the design office expert point of view,
compared with a welded T-joint, a welded butt
seam improves the joint mechanical strength.
This gets rid of stress concentration areas which
could lead to a material breaking point;
from the engineering analyst point of view, the
strength of a welded butt seam is calculable
because of the material continuity between the
drum and the hub flange. As there is no
continuity with a welded T-joint it is impossible
to have a reliable modelling for strength
from the metallurgist point of view, welding
crack initiation occurs when hydrogen atoms
are included in the welding. Welding
techniques exist to avoid embedding such
particles. But ultrasound or X-ray checking is
necessary after welding operations for
certification. Only a welded butt seam can be
checked by ultrasound or X-ray checking.
Therefore, while the action rule seems to be the
same, its justification by each expert is different. As
we attended to this work, a common and shared
welding design rule emerged from our instigation:
A welded butt seam will be used when this welded
seam has to be checked. Such choice will make it
possible to validate the calculation hypothesis of
material continuity”.
An important corollary appeared immediately: “If
the specifications list or the calculation code do not
require checking the welded seam, then a less
expensive welded T-joint has to be chosen”.
This example shows that our presence as
observer (and knowledge management actor) gave
the experts the opportunity to share and define a
design rule at the interface of the three expertises.
An autonomous collaborative building of such a rule
requires a device (including areas, tools, methods…)
enabling experts to share their points of view. The
role of such a device is to help experts in
personalisation and codification strategies. We could
make the hypothesis of the relevance of the rule
justification as a means to support these strategies.
While the welding issue was the example we use
in this paper to put forward the necessity of a device
to allow codification and personalisation strategies,
we met other design situations (crane structure, hoist
system) where it could also be relevant.
In this paper, the analysis of a company producing
special machines has been conducted in order to
envisage how feasible knowledge management in
such context is. After discussing briefly the concepts
of information and knowledge and analysing the
present strategies relevant to implement a crucial
knowledge management approach, the context and
the investigations carried out have been described.
The observation analysis led us to some results
showing that a knowledge management approach is
relevant in the context of special machines.
First, in spite of the unique nature of each
project, the existence of numerous and multi-level
recurrences has been observed. This result is of great
importance to legitimise and to adjust the knowledge
management strategy.
Second, the recognized existence of experts and
the role they play are of major interest for defining
the knowledge management approach. This
participates in locating the crucial engineering
knowledge and gives some elements for defining the
required knowledge networks.
Third, we showed the necessity of a collaborative
device to allow codification and personalisation
strategies because it has been proved that different
experts in the same company should explicit
differently the same design rule.
To sum up, for knowledge management in a context
of special machine design, it is necessary to identify
expert people and crucial engineering knowledge, to
point out the recurrences and their level, and to give
means at disposal for confrontation between experts.
With this aim in view, works are in progress to
develop such an adapted collaborative device.
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing