A Multiple-Case Study
Alexander Stocker
and Klaus Tochtermann
Institute for Networked Media, Joanneum Research, Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Know-Center, Inffeldgasse 21a, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Keywords: Knowledge management, Knowledge transfer, Enterprise, Wiki, Value, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0.
Abstract: We present the results of our explorative multiple-case study investigating concept, implementation and
utilization of internal wikis in three Austrian enterprises. We collected all data during structured interviews
with internal knowledge management experts responsible for the wiki implementation and from online
surveys of non-executives employees being users. Our contribution was highly motivated from the
continuing discussion on Corporate Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 and unfortunately, the lack of well-
grounded empirical studies by contrast. We feel that challenges and benefits of Web 2.0 technologies and
applications for the enterprise are just starting to be systematically explored.
Weblogs, wikis and social media platforms are very
successful on the web. Including Wikipedia,
Facebook, MySpace and many more, they formed
participative environments, allowing everybody to
easily create, share and modify content with very
limited technical expertise. Suchlike Web-2.0-
platforms steadily lowered the barrier to share
knowledge on the web and account for rich sources
for knowledge acquisition.
Motivated from their observations on knowledge
sharing on the web, enterprises slowly begin to
acknowledge the value of Web 2.0 principles and
technologies. The adoption of Web 2.0 was
supposed to lead to manifold business advantages
for various application domains. The ability of Web
2.0 most notably wikis and weblogs, supporting both
corporate knowledge workers and their practices,
had even been awarded with another buzz-word –
Enterprise 2.0 (McAfee, 2006). While weblogs may
serve as a new media for corporate communication
(Kosonen et.al, 2007), wikis illustrate lightweight
web based authoring tools supporting collaborative
content creation in the enterprise.
Cunningham (Cunningham, 2001) defined a wiki
as ‘a freely expandable collection of interlinked web
pages, a hypertext system for storing and modifying
information [and] a database, where each page is
easily edited by any user’. The phenomenal growth
of Wikipedia in users and content inspired many
organisations to experiment with wiki-communities.
Unfortunately, our literature review showed that
very few had been reported about the concrete use of
wikis in the enterprise, yet. The International
Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym) published just one
paper on corporate wikis (Majchrzak et.al, 2006) in
its five years history.
We reviewed the following papers presenting
empirical studies on corporate wikis: Danis and
Singer (Danis and Singer, 2008) conducted a
longitudinal study of a wiki-based application
deployed in a 900 member research organization.
They found out that wiki-articles resulted in a
greater transparency but as a technology the wiki not
always provided fully appropriate affordances.
Hasan and Pfaff (Hasan and Pfaff, 2007)
investigated a single case of wiki-rejection, thereby
discussing challenges and opportunities when
adopting a wiki to manage corporate knowledge.
Management concerns dealt with flattening of
organizational hierarchies and the too innovative
wiki approach towards knowledge acquisition versus
their familiar centralized approach. Social concerns
dealt with openness to vandalism, missing
recognition for authorship and the poor quality
assurance of wiki information. Surveying 168
corporate wiki users from different enterprises,
Majchrzak, Wagner and Yates (Majchrzak et.al,
2006) found out that enterprise wikis enhanced
reputation, made work easier and helped the
organization to improve its processes. Wikis
Stocker A. and Tochtermann K. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002273200050012
particularly helped their organizations to improve
workflows, increased collaboration efficiency and
knowledge reuse and identified new business
opportunities. Farell, Kellogg and Thomas (Farell
et.al, 2008) studied the use of wikis within IBM,
requesting all IBM wiki owners to describe their
benefits. They found out that wikis were primarily
used as collaboration spaces for teams but also to
support small ad-hoc groups as well as large
communities and collectives. McAfee (McAfee,
2006) investigated the use of wikis in the investment
bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, furthermore
discussing the ability of wikis (portals) to replace
email (channels) for certain issues, reducing
information overload.
2.1 A Multiple-case Study Approach
The corporate adoption of Wikis has rarely been
analyzed in academic literature and benefits from
intraorganizational wikis are just starting to be
explored. We still do not fully understand process,
context and the specific phenomena to be observed
when wikis are used (Danis and Singer, 2008). This
particular circumstance allows multiple-case studies
to be very fruitful (Eisenhardt, 1989), (Miles and
Hubermann, 1984) when aiming at the discovery of
novel constructs to achieve theoretical advances.
Table 1: Key figures of investigated cases.
Alpha Beta Gamma
Number of
2900 250 750
business unit
Potential Wiki
200 250 750
Wiki users
70 180 100
1,5 2 2
Wiki purpose
Wiki target
All All
We therefore built upon a multiple-case study of
three Austrian enterprises, adopting wikis to
facilitate intra organizational knowledge transfer.
All three investigated enterprises operated in
different environments, which may affect the
conducted study in various ways. Identifying
common patterns and differences across cases is the
aim of our paper. Table 1 summarizes their main
characteristics of the three case companies – Alpha,
Beta and Gamma which had completed the roll out
of their wiki to at least one and a half years before
the start of our research.
To understand the full context that is how and
why benefits from the implemented wikis had been
gained and which, our paper must provide sufficient
information about the context, i.e. the starting point
for the wiki, its implementation phase and the
perceived value gain.
2.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Our study uses both quantitative and qualitative data
in order to create a valid study following the
requirements of the respective literature (Eisenhardt,
1989) enabling triangulation of evidence. We
diligently applied two data collection techniques:
Conducting structured interviews with internal
wiki experts in the first step, we asked them 40
questions about the degree of organizational
suffering requesting a new solution, their
implementation strategy and
their perceived impact
for individuals and organization, as differentiated in
the (first) Delone and McLean model for
information systems success (Delone and McLean,
2003). The interviews lasted between two and three
hours, each. We documented our qualitative
empirical results in three reports sent to our
interviewees to comment upon and ensure all details
to be interpreted correctly, ensuring construct
validity (Yin, 1984).
Responding to the request from academic
literature on knowledge management (Han and
Vittal, 2006), we also emphasized on knowledge
sharing from a non-executive employee’s
perspective. We therefore surveyed ~150 non-
executive employees being regular knowledge
workers (Drucker, 1959), utilizing wikis in their
daily business in a second step. Our online
questionnaire included 17 questions on reading and
writing behaviour, (knowledge) work practices,
motivation for reading and editing articles, and
perceived benefits and obstacles. In one case of very
low wiki usage, we requested additional information
from non-wiki users. Analysing the quantitative data
collected, we compiled three 20-25 pages reports
aimed to guide executive employees in deriving
better strategies to optimize their wiki utilization.
Summarized, we wanted to find our, how and why
enterprises used a wiki and with what results. We
therefore outlined the following guiding research
questions for our study:
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
How do enterprises use wikis to support
employees in their daily business?
Which motivation drives corporate knowledge
workers to utilize wikis?
What values are generated for individuals and
the organization?
Which success factors determine effective and
efficient wiki-projects?
Each of these questions was analyzed highlighting
the variety of answers across the cases.
3.1 Qualitative Results
3.1.1 Case Alpha
We explored the Austrian subsidiary of a large-scale
multinational enterprise, developing highly
innovative technical parts for automotive industry
and industrial electronics. We probed an internal
Wiki-based solution implemented by the local
support department, henceforth called SD. This
solution was aimed to foster knowledge transfer
within SD and beyond on the entire site, employing
about 200 employees mainly occupied with research
and development.
Starting Point. Because of the high degree of
innovation of the conducted research, secrecy was
the utmost principle. Hence researchers operating in
different project teams were separated from each
other by entrance restrictions. SD supported
researchers and developers by providing guidance in
all technical and methodical issues. Each department
member was respectively responsible for a whole
group of researchers. Due to the decentralized
working environments, knowledge transfer within
SD was suboptimal: Internal face-to-face meetings
were limited, yielding to heavy email-traffic and
continuous reinventions of the wheel.
An electronic database was considered to raise
efficiency and effectiveness of SD’s core
responsibilities. The goal was to facilitate
knowledge transfer within SD and to raise the
interconnectedness between department members. A
wiki should help to collect and document support
relevant knowledge and transfer it to all relevant
knowledge seekers.
SD’s manager expected the wiki as the most
suitable platform for knowledge transfer, referring to
wiki-typical simplicity, perceived acceptance as
observed from Wikipedia, special functionality of
wikis, platform independence, and first and foremost
the well-known wiki-principles, allowing every
person to read and quickly edit articles at the same
time. MediaWiki was favoured as Wiki-Software,
because of its high degree of popularity and its proof
of scalability.
Wiki-introduction. The Wiki was introduced top-
down by SD’s manager, who directly reported to the
local site manager who gave the project the
necessary commitment.
Respective MediaWiki-knowledge was available
at the local site and no formal requirement
engineering process was run trough. However first
properties and structures had been eagerly discussed
within internal group meetings, but no strict
definitions arose. The creation of wiki articles was
supposed to happen bottom-up. A strong
involvement of SD in content creation should to lead
to a lively Wiki. To assure immediate adoption,
some relevant content was also migrated from
another repository.
Although the Wiki was based upon the
requirements of SD, all employees at the local site
were able to both read and edit Wiki-pages. Wiki-
users had to be logged in by providing their real
names, anonymous editing was strictly forbidden,
and only administrators were explicitly allowed to
delete Wiki-pages.
A series of actions had been taken to raise both
awareness and acceptance. The wiki was officially
introduced within an SD jour-fixe. Furthermore,
SD’s manager personally introduced the wiki and its
goals and forecasted benefits in all other local
departments. Relevant employees and opinion
leaders were personally invited to actively
participate and stimulate others.
The Wiki allowed access to articles on tool-
specific and methodical support for all in research
and development. With the knowledge provided by
the wiki, researchers and developers were able to
focus their creative potential on the design of
products. Applying wiki-knowledge, they could
learn how to transform a quick idea into a
commercial product.
Wiki-knowledge was organized by tasks and
topics. Categories were used for meta-description
and structuring of articles. However, when
documenting knowledge, employees should avoid
building too hierarchical structures. Such structures
were supposed to increase complexity. An
enterprise-wide roll out of the wiki as a global
support tool was cancelled, fearing the increase of
complexity and information overload.
Results after 1,5 years of Wiki Adoption.
Approximately 500 wiki-articles, periodically
utilized by around 70 local employees, 15 of them
highly involved in editing, had been created in one
and a half years. Based upon a current server-log,
the wiki had been accessed about 130.000 times
since its roll-out and wiki articles had been edited
about 10.000 times. These numbers signalize a very
lively wiki.
The wiki was primarily intended to stimulate and
foster knowledge transfer between SD members, but
it soon became clear that even researchers
themselves could benefit much from action. So far
they were mainly supported via face-to-face
meetings, telephone-calls and emails by SD. As one
SD member had always been personally present
within a group of researchers and developers,
researchers and developers hesitated in active wiki-
participation. From an individual perspective, it
became more effective to directly request guidance
from SD, than to retrieve specific information from
the wiki. While it was well known that researchers
and developers always shared their knowledge on
personal request, they lacked motivation to make
their knowledge explicit in electronic databases.
Researchers even requested SD members to
document ideas on behalf of them, stated doubts
including “usage is very time-consuming”, “the wiki
is too complicated”, “I am too lazy”, “I can directly
ask SD”, or “I lack time”. The degree of raising ones
social or professional reputation by editing wiki-
articles was perceived to be very low.
One important individual value gained from the
wiki was the simple and easy to use full-text search,
allowing quick guidance for emerging problems.
Second, wiki articles incorporated formulations of
both problems and their solutions on a very basic –
easy to understand – level, which was adequate to
the special needs of researchers. Another benefit
dealt with the satisfying level of transparency gained
on support knowledge and respective knowledge
As a web-based solution the wiki ensured easy
access without any special authorizations. However,
the most important organizational value from the
wiki was the rise of efficiency and effectiveness in
SD’s core business, providing tool-specific and
methodological support for researchers and
The following success-factors had been
explicitly named by the interviewees:
A sufficient number of wiki-articles must exist
right from start for employees to perceive and
accept the wiki as their useful knowledge base.
The roll-out of the wiki must occur on a broad
user base, requiring a handful convinced users
who stimulate others in personal face-to-face
The ‘built-in’ simplicity of wikis rather a
minimum requirement than a success factor.
3.1.2 Case Beta
We explored the Austrian subsidiary of a world-
wide engineering group employing about 250
persons delivering manifold engineering services.
We probed an internal wiki conceptualized and
implemented by a two person core-team responsible
for knowledge management. The new solution was
intended to support most notably technical project
staff in knowledge documentation and learning
within their periodic phases of low workload.
Furthermore it should provide a central base for
knowledge about processes relevant for the
administrative staff.
Starting Point. As the company was lacking an
editorial intranet, documents and templates were
mainly stored in complex hierarchical folders on
file-system level or not accessible at all within a
central database. These aspects limited the ability of
employees to document and share their project-
specific technical knowledge.
In daily business, technical employees
periodically returned to the headquarters from
customer projects, using phases of low workload to
prepare for upcoming projects. Prior to the wiki
implementation, a lot of knowledge flew through the
enterprise and not being absorbed by organizational
or technical knowledge management measures.
Furthermore, the management required a proper
solution for documenting administrative processes
within an electronic database to support the
administrative staff.
A former manager was able to observe a
successful wiki-implementation at a customer’s site,
aiming to document and share technical knowledge
in a simple and effective way in analogy to
Wikipedia. Reflecting on his own enterprise, he
found a suchlike tool very advantageous for project
staff to explicate, codify and share their knowledge.
Such a wiki would enable technical project-staff to
grow a knowledge base for all project relevant
technical knowledge.
Based upon this initial situation, the main goal of
the introduced wiki was to document all technical
knowledge emerging from external projects or
elsewhere perceived to be useful for further projects.
Second, the wiki should be designed to document all
process relevant knowledge to support the
administrative staff, too.
Wiki-introduction. Perspective (www.high-beyond
.com) was chosen as wiki-software: Simple
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
WYSIWYG (‘what you see is what you get’) editing
of pages, integrated file-system and document
search, improved support of attachments, and active
directory integration served as the main reasons.
While the implementation of the wiki had
followed a top-down strategy driven by a department
manager, the creation of articles was aimed to result
bottom up. The wiki was divided into two sections:
The first section was dedicated to represent the
knowledge of the technical staff – based on an
enterprise-wide saying that ‘all technical and
organizational knowledge unable to be found via
google in less than two minutes’ should be
documented in the wiki. The second section dealt
with administrative issues and covered all various
forms, templates and process descriptions. All wiki-
users were automatically logged in with their real
names, not allowing any anonymous editing.
The wiki had been implemented without external
help by the two person wiki core-team, consisting of
a technician and a sales representative. First wiki-
structures and properties had been conceptualized in
lively discussions with employees from various
departments. While the core team was manually
editing quite a number of wiki articles for
administrative staff only marginal content was
collected to support technicians.
Results after 2 Years of Wiki Adoption. From the
perspective of our interviewees the wiki served as
the appropriate solution for knowledge transfer,
documentation and sharing, if properly targeted. All
250 employees in the enterprise were able to both
read and edit most of the wiki articles. Though,
some sections, including administrative and project
spaces, had access restrictions.
About 180 employees utilized the knowledge
provided in the technical section, consisting of about
500 wiki-articles incorporating two gigabyte of text
and 20 gigabyte of videos. However, only 15-20
employees coming from projects were able to use
the wiki at the same time, i.e. document and share
technical knowledge within the wiki, as access from
customer sites was not supported. From studying
wiki-log-files the enterprise furthermore learned that
on an average 15 wiki-articles were updated daily.
Overall 20 technicians very intensively created wiki-
articles assuring a lively wiki with up-to-date
The technical section had been strongly co-
developed by the staff: In the beginning, some of
them documented articles on a particular topic or
technology having a private interest. But they soon
realized the potential value of making their private
knowledge professionally useable. Henceforth the
wiki reflected all technical competencies of the
enterprise: Project managers were able to accurately
acquire their project-staff based on an author-content
relationship. It should also be noted that editorial
efforts in the technical section were minimal, only
dealing with the reassignment of articles to certain
Unfortunately, the administrative section was the
problem child. Although intensive internal
marketing activities had been conducted, the
administrative staff hesitated to use the wiki and
refused to update wiki articles. Most of the non-
technical articles had been created by a former wiki
core-team member, who left the enterprise. After his
exit the up-to-datedness of wiki articles continuously
declined, now rendering most of them useless.
Observing obstacles and barriers for wiki
utilization, the core-team found out that technical
staff was much more willing to ‘suffer’ from the
additional work load triggered by the wiki. Non
technical staff always complained about its lower
comfort compared to their well-known office tools.
Technical staff perceived a higher value gain, most
notably because of the faster and more structured
access to project relevant technical knowledge.
Articles within the technical section allowed not
only access to textual content but also to (software)
tools located on file-system level. On an
organizational level, the wiki simplified
collaboration amongst (technical) employees.
Technical staff also managed to use their idle
capacities to transfer knowledge.
A huge obstacle accompanying wiki adoption
was the fact that employees only recognized its
value after having intensively used it. Unfortunately,
communicating this special aspect of social software
to employees is extremely challenging. A successful
adoption of portals, like a wiki, must always be
accompanied by a change in employee behaviour.
To achieve this, much management attention is
required: Putting a ‘gentle pressure’ on employees
will facilitate the emergence of effective wiki
The following success-factors had been
explicitly named by the interviewees:
Wikis require a dedicated and very optimistic
core team in charge of all activities having
reasonable time.
Wikis require a corporate culture privileging
open communication
Management commitment and management
attention are a must have, a company wide wiki
may not be the initiative of a single person or
Future wiki-users have to be integrated into
conception and implementation from the start.
3.1.3 Case Gamma
We explored a major Austrian IT service provider
employing more than 750 people. We probed an
internal wiki intended to serve as an electronic
knowledge base in analogy to Wikipedia. The new
solution was aimed to support everybody by
providing stable, long-term knowledge, periodically
required by employees.
Starting Point. Since the foundation of the
company a plethora of internal databases partly
containing redundant knowledge had emerged.
Hence opinions were voiced demanding a more
centralized environment. A 10 persons group
responsible for knowledge management bear the
idea to deploy a knowledge management tool based
on user generated content. The group was very much
attracted by the wiki-principles, which allowed
everybody to contribute to a central platform in a
self organized way. They perceived Wikipedia as the
archetype of a corporate wiki.
The aim of the introduced wiki was to develop a
centralized electronic knowledge base involving all
employees in content creation. This to develop
company-wide encyclopaedia was designed to
contain a precisely defined set on topics and articles
as well as most prevalent abbreviations and short
terms for products and services used in daily
business. Such knowledge was not available in a
centralized platform yet. Besides, the wiki should
only contain long-term knowledge. Such wiki-
knowledge was intended to be accessed without any
Wiki-introduction. The wiki had been introduced
two years ago without external consultancy.
However, some implementation support was
provided by an affiliate company. JSP-wiki
(www.jspwiki.org) was chosen as wiki-software, as
expert knowledge was available. The wiki project
team consisted of four selected members of the
group responsible for knowledge management. The
project team designed first wiki-structures and
edited some content. Intranet articles, flyers and
news tickers were disseminated to facilitate the
acceptance of the wiki. The wiki project was also
formally approved by the company management.
The wiki-group very strictly defined, which
knowledge was allowed to flow into the wiki: basic
information on customers, projects, technology,
expertise as well as information about the enterprise
and the knowledge management group. The wiki
contained glossaries, frequently used terms, project-
names and explanations, descriptions of the
departments, customer names and abbreviations.
Meeting minutes, project relevant knowledge,
knowledge related to interpersonal communication,
news and specific reports were not intended to be
part of the wiki as parallelisms of the wiki to the
existing editorial intranet had to be avoided.
Results after Two Years of Wiki Adoption. The
majority of the targeted employees still hesitate to
use the wiki: 10 employees most notably managers
as well as members of the knowledge management
group take frequently use of it. A second group,
larger in number, still perceived the wiki as a
valuable tool but reflected that adopting such a tool
affords a lot of voluntariness being the obstacle for a
broader wiki-adoption. Therefore, they rarely edited
and only sporadically read wiki-articles. The largest
group of employees did not use the wiki at all.
The project-staff responsible for the wiki
introduction conceptualized the wiki as a fast-
selling- item. But after two years of wiki adoption
they learned that the majority of employees lacked
confidence in operating such a tool. However,
surveying non-wiki users, we found that there are far
more aspects slowing down the wiki success: Most
of the wiki articles are merely relevant for the daily
work assignments. Answering employees did not
perceive an added value from the wiki. Furthermore,
the aim of the wiki was perceived to be too broad
and should be narrowed down.
Though wiki-users perceived wiki articles as
being helpful in their daily business, many of them
hardly used the wiki. They stumbled upon its very
challenging handling, most notably the
uncomfortable editor and the complicated wiki-
syntax. On an organizational level, the wiki
increased the transparency on knowledge. Collecting
and documenting information seemed to work fine
from the perspective of the wiki group. However,
only few articles had been collaboratively edited,
numerous wiki-revisions were only to be found on
the main pages.
Though the corporate culture was perceived to
be very participative, employees sensed many
obstacles to edit wiki content, most notably because
of their lacking anonymity. Some employees had
problems to understand the wiki-structure when
trying to publish articles.
The following success-factors had been explicitly
named by the interviewees:
It is crucial for wiki-success to acquire first-
movers motivating others to participate.
Wikis have to be rolled out with articles to
motivate employees to participate.
Though being social software, wikis require
very intensive internal marketing activities.
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 2: Overview of cases studies.
Case Alpha Case Beta Case Gamma
Status quo
Lacking knowledge transfer
in R&D support department
Lacking knowledge documentation
and learning
Certain knowledge was not available
in centralized base
Wiki goal
Centralized and lively knowledge base
Document and share technical and
administrative knowledge
Develop a centralized electronic
knowledge base
Introduction Support Wiki (MediaWiki)
Wiki for technical and administrative
staff (Perspective)
Wiki for all employees (JSP-Wiki)
Raised efficiency and effectiveness
of support
Simpler search and retrieval
of problem descriptions
Facilitated technical knowledge sharing
Better exploitation of phases
of low workload
Improved collection and
documentation of information
Provide sufficient wiki-articles right
from start
Roll-out wikis on broad employee basis
Acquire convinced users who motivate
Dedicated and optimistic wiki-team
having reasonable time
Corporate culture privileging open
Management commitment and attention
Acquire first-movers motivating others
to participate
Roll-out with sufficient wiki-articles
Perform intensive internal marketing
Wiki users have to perceive the value of a wiki
right on from the start.
3.2 Quantitative Results
Surveying altogether 150 non-executive employees
from our three cases, we were able to validate results
from the conducted expert-interviews. In this
section, we present selected results on reading and
writing behaviour, type and frequency of wiki-
contribution, business-relevant information sources,
rationale to read and edit articles, individual and
collective impact, and perceived obstacles of wiki
Knowledge about reading and writing
behaviour allows measuring the success of wiki
implementations. Although the knowledge sharing
dilemma (Cabrera and Cabrera, 2002) could be
overcome on the web, mainly due to the manifold
number of potential knowledge sharers, our study
revealed that situation in companies is still different:
Reading behaviour clearly differs across cases, but
the relationship between reading and editing wiki-
articles is quite similar: Only a very small fraction of
employees counted for regular edits. We interpret
observed differences in wiki usage by referring on
the different nature of our three cases. While Alpha
and Beta demonstrated more precisely defined
business-cases, clearly stating goal, context, target
groups and expected impact for users and collective,
Gamma remains much more ambiguous as
especially our survey of wiki deniers revealed.
The lower editing behaviour in Alpha as
compared to Beta can be explained by the precisely
defined, but lower in size, target group responsible
for wiki articles in Alpha. The strength of Beta was
the successful development of a lively enterprise
wide wiki: The high affinity of wiki users, most
notably technicians, seemed to stimulate regular
reading and editing practices.
Surveying on type and frequency of wiki-
contributions, we found out that minor edits of
existing articles and creation of new articles prevail.
Correcting grammar and spelling, reverting articles
using the revision history, restructuring articles and
commenting articles were clearly outnumbered.
Surveying on enterprise-wide sources of
information relevant to daily business, non-
executive employees of Alpha and Beta clearer
perceived the wiki counting to them. In Gamma,
wiki-information seemed to bypass the demands of
information seekers. Interestingly, employees of
Beta seemed to prefer archives and portals including
web, document-management and file-server towards
channels, including telephone, email and face-to-
face conversations. In Alpha and Gamma traditional
media prevailed as sources for business-relevant
Finding relevant information, facilitating one’s
individual work and observing what is happening
within the enterprise accounted for the main reasons
to use the wiki. To actively counteract email- and
face-to-face-meeting overloads hardly stimulated
wiki usage. However, such aspects were considered
to come along with enterprise wikis in the literature
(McAfee, 2006). Furthermore and contrary to the
literature (McAfee, 2006) private issues seemed to
play a minor role in all three cases.
The main motives for non-executive employees
to actively participate in article creation were a
perceived value of their own wiki-contributions, the
expectation of individual benefits from the wiki and
the stimulation of colleagues to actively participate
in content creation. As already known from the
classical knowledge management literature
(Davenport and Prusack, 1998), reciprocity seemed
to play a very crucial role along with wiki
knowledge sharing.
Surveyed on the individual value gained from wiki
usage, non-executive employees in Alpha and Beta
perceived the wiki had in some extent helped them
to perform business tasks quicker, finally facilitating
their knowledge work. However, to a much lesser
extent, they were able to raise their social and
professional states. Gamma’s Non-executive emplo-
yees seemed to be quite less supported by the wiki.
Surveyed on the collective value for team and/or
organization gained from the wiki, employees
noticed an improvement of knowledge transfer and a
boost in work performance in Alpha and Beta. In
Beta the wiki also led to improved collaboration.
The Wiki in Gamma seemed to generate only
marginal advantages for the organization.
Surveyed on perceived obstacles of successful
wiki adoptions employees identified few employees
creating articles, few created articles, unequal write
access, and time consuming editing and retrieval of
knowledge to belong to those. Interestingly,
conflicts between wiki editors regarding the content
of an article, and the transparency wikis entailed,
were not considered to be major obstacles.
Investigating three different cases of enterprise wikis
enabled us to gain many findings. Taking a closer
look at the business perspective, our studies revealed
that enterprises have difficulties to map their
business goals towards the goals of their wikis.
Though enterprises may easily understand manifold
original benefits coming along with wikis as new
knowledge transfer tools, they often fail to generate
a concrete value. There is still a large gap between
the knowledge management/transfer view and the
business view, which has to be overcome in order to
fully exploit the potential wikis bear.
We hold that corporate wikis have to solve a
clearly specified problem situation which is crucial
to the core business and relevant for the work
practices of employees. Without taking a clear
business perspective, enterprises are limited to
reason on a knowledge management level, especially
when surveyed on goals and benefits. Therefore they
will highlight soft benefits including generation of
transparency on knowledge or the deployment of a
central and easily accessible knowledge base.
However, it must be the utmost principle to precisely
understand that there is a business problem, which
has to be tackled before implementing a wiki. Our
future work will aim to concretise differences
between the business view and the knowledge view
and suggest measures to overcome this gap.
The Know-Center is funded within the Austrian
COMET Program - Competence Centers for
Excellent Technologies - under the auspices of the
Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation
and Technology, the Austrian Federal Ministry of
Economy, Family and Youth and by the State of
Styria. COMET is managed by the Austrian
Research Promotion Agency FFG.
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KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing