Fotini Patsioura, Spyros Kitsiou and Angelos Markos
Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 156 Egnatia Str., Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: e-Health, e-Government, Evaluation, Criteria, Hospital, Websites.
Abstract: Hospital web sites need to operate as effective web resources of information and interactive communication
mediums to address the multifaceted requirements of their main stakeholders, (i.e. patients, healthy citizens,
healthcare professionals and local communities). In case of public hospitals, web sites should also be
considered as a mean to provide governmental electronic services. The main objective of this study is to
provide an evaluation framework for hospital web sites. The proposed framework focuses on three main
criteria: information, communication and electronic services. A total of 53 Greek hospital web sites within
the Public Sector were evaluated based on a 67-item scale. The main findings of the study were the
following: (a) the majority of the web sites in the analysis failed to support necessary web-based
transactions between the institutions and their stakeholders (b) web sites are lacking important features
regarding provision of information and communication practices. Improvements on interaction and
information quality are necessary in order for the institutions to provide a viable and useful online
environment for patients and citizens.
Direct healthcare providers need to deliver
satisfactory services in a specialized field which
involves a great number of stakeholders with
different concerns, needs and requirements. So far,
hospitals’ policies have been focused on providing
health and medical services to the public. Limited
attention has been given on their responsibility to
provide useful, accurate health information of high
quality to their key publics mainly by facilitating
interactive communication with patients, citizens,
physicians and community services.
To date, hospitals are turning increasingly
towards the Internet and develop their own web
presence in order to enhance the provision of
information and also employ interpersonal and
interactive communication practices. Moreover,
public and private health institutions acknowledge
the importance of building relationships with current
or potential patients by providing a friendly and
functional online environment. In this setting, public
hospitals should go one step forward taking into
account their authority in providing and supporting
governmental or public electronic services such as
provision of documentation, facilitation of routine
transactions (e.g. appointment scheduling, billing
procedure handling) and gathering of valuable
feedback in order to evaluate the quality of their
overall services. Internet-based consumer services
provided through hospital web sites are necessary to
improve relationship management, citizens’
convenience and patient care, but also required in
order to enhance the operation of these web sites as
a complete public marketing instrument.
Many evaluation instruments on hospital and
public sector web sites were examined and analysed.
Most of them focus on information content and
communication aspects. Little research has been
conducted regarding their capability to provide
interactive and transactional services. This study
aims at providing an evaluation framework for
hospital web sites that examines their overall
performance as reliable information web resources
and advanced interactive and transactional e-service
mediums. It should be mentioned that the proposed
framework mainly focuses on the capabilities of
hospital web sites to meet the requirements and
needs mainly of their key stakeholders (i.e. patients
and citizens). It is in the authors’ opinion that this
approach should provide better understanding and
analysis of the hospital web sites’ multidimensional
Patsioura F., Kitsiou S. and Markos A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 223-229
DOI: 10.5220/0002194402230229
Mukherjee & McGinnis (2007) discussed how
important is for healthcare providers to utilize the
internet and the new technologies in order to
improve healthcare services, further implement their
facilities, and also support two main activities of
their stakeholders on the Internet, information
searches and communication requests. For hospitals,
web sites are the key platform to accomplish
information provision and communication services
outside their facilities. Research has shown that
people searching for heath care information are
becoming more demanding and sophisticated with
regards to information and web site quality (Bodkin
and Miaoulis, 2007). Although hospitals have paid
attention to this trend, limited action has been
undertaken to take advantage of the Internet
capabilities in order to meet their stakeholders’
requirements and needs and deliver technologically
useful services.
The analysis of current situation by evaluating
private and public hospitals’ web sites is essential in
order to identify the gaps and improve their overall
performance. Most research on this field is focused
on information quality and usability issues. Norum
(2001) evaluated cancer related hospital web sites
based on information provision (general and contact
information) and web sites accessibility aspects
(browser presence and English version web site).
Randeree and Rao (2004) provided an evaluation
instrument for American hospital web sites using
eight key criteria factors: access, audience, accuracy,
timeliness, content, authority and privacy to assess
both the presentation and transaction of information,
but also the functionality of the web sites. Results
derived from this study revealed significant gaps in
terms of information accuracy, currency and
customisation. Hospital web sites’ content remains a
major issue, especially when consumers of
healthcare information on the internet remain
sceptical towards the source of information
(Huntington et al, 2004).
Nevertheless, hospital web sites should fulfil
objectives beyond the delivery of accurate and
trustworthy information. Gruca & Wakefield (2004)
emphasize on the importance of communication
processes in facilitating information transactions
between institutions and patients or other
stakeholders. Provision of multiple communication
channels such as electronic mail, online forms, and
discussion forums are necessary to establish direct
personal interaction and satisfy current or potential
patients who expect an easy way to contact their
physicians or other facilities within the hospital.
According to Smith (1997) a friendly interaction
environment for users of hospitals’ web sites should
be considered as an essential online service by the
providers. For hospitals the utilisation of the Internet
is the only money-saving way to “bring patients and
services and clinicians closer together” and most
significantly to build patient relationships in many
ways that have not been possible before (Lewers,
2003). While building relationships is an essential
goal for corporate and commercial web sites
(Keating et al, 2003; Boisvert & Caron, 2006), in
case of hospitals’ web sites it remains an
underestimated element. So far, limited academic
research was conducted to determine the quality of
communication processes delivered to health
consumers on the Internet by hospitals’ web sites.
In terms of web site evaluation, it is apparent that
previous research regarding hospitals’ web sites is
affected by the commercial web sites’ evaluation
research. Criteria like design, accessibility,
readability, interactivity, navigation and content
have been widely used in the past for health related
and hospitals’ web sites (Smith, 1997; Liddell, 2005;
Randeree & Rao, 2004; Llinas et al, 2007). Although
useful, this approach could be inadequate to produce
complete measures as it fails to take under
consideration the electronic services aspect. In the
future, more and more hospitals will invest on
electronic services through their web site to support
functions and activities such as information search,
appointment scheduling, problem solving policies,
billing and payment procedures. For private
hospitals this action is necessary in order to enhance
their consumers’ satisfaction, while for public
hospitals is mandatory as part of their authentication
towards standards approval procedures (Ancarani,
2005). In both cases, electronic services are the next
step to enhance web sites’ performance while
engendering health care consumers’ support.
The main objective was to develop a conceptual
framework that can be used in the evaluation of the
overall performance of Hospitals’ web site towards
the multiple objectives of their establishment.
Hospitals websites should ultimately provide
healthcare consumers with the ability to perform the
following main activities: gather accurate and
reliable information for decision-making purposes,
contact and interact either online or directly with the
hospital’s medical and administrative personnel, and
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
last but not least, perform a range of online
transactional and interactive activities.
Based on that, the proposed framework identifies
two key categories for hospitals’ web site evaluation
based on healthcare consumers’ needs and
requirements, defined in table 1:
Communication and Transaction
Table1: Criteria categories.
Information. According to Jadad et al (2001), in the
new age of e-healthcare, academic, professional and
governmental health organisations need to
communicate health information from institutions to
patients’ home. In case of hospital web sites, the
provision of information has a dual purpose. Firstly,
to enable decision-making toward the selection of
the most appropriate provider and specific medical
services. Secondly, to serve as a reliable source of
either general or specific health information, in order
to improve health and assist consumers in the
management of their own health. Previous research
addressed the issue of citizens’ and consumers’ trust
on healthcare information (Huntington et al, 2004).
Patients should be free of concerns and
insecurities when gathering information about the
hospital or general healthcare information. In health
consumers’ mind, trustworthy healthcare
information comes when visiting a recognised
institution (Lin & Umoh, 2001). A recent study,
conducted by the Health On the Net Foundation
(Health On the Net Foundation, 2004), revealed that
approximately 75% of American and European
patients and healthcare professionals prefer to search
and obtain information from hospital-sponsored
However, it is equally important and should be in
web site developers’ concern to facilitate the
gathering and selection of accurate and validated
health information by the citizens in terms of
usability issues. Therefore, the proposed framework,
regarding the information content focuses on the
following main criteria groups: (1) hospital generic
information (2) hospital specific information (3)
health information, (3) currency of information, (4)
disclosure of credentials (for the organisation, and
(5) links to external resources.
Communication and Transaction. A virtual
environment is effective in terms of communication
when online consumers’ or citizens feel the
familiarity and personal attention of face-to-face
communication. Especially, for hospitals’ web sites
communication between current or future patients
and physicians will strengthen the hospital’s
relationship marketing policy. The Internet
facilitates interactive transactions and interpersonal
communication with the use of a variety of
technologies and practices. The provision of
multiple communication channels is a means for
accomplishing direct personal interaction with
limited effort and time. When evaluating a hospital’s
web site, it is vital to examine its capabilities to
respond to consumers’ inquiries and allow their
direct contact with the hospital’s medical,
managerial or administrative services. The proposed
framework investigates the provision of adequate
contact and communication information and the
site’s capability to facilitate direct, interactive and
personal communication.
Regarding the aspect of transactions, in
commercial web sites online transactions services
are provided to support online customers throughout
their overall shopping experience (Zeithaml et al,
2002). In the public sector, online transaction
services encompass supportive activities, including
provision of information and documentation,
complaints management, and sometimes more
specific transactions such as supplies handling,
contracting and billing (Ancarani, 2005). With
regards to hospitals, Gruca and Wakefield (2002),
along with others (Llinas et al., 2008; Gallant et al.,
2007; Zingmond et al., 2001) describe online
transactions as the capabilities of hospital websites
to facilitate interactive communication between the
institutions and their stakeholders (e.g. via online
forms, online forums, support groups, chat boards,
etc.) or more sophisticated such as online
appointment scheduling, online reporting of clinical
test results, online payments and management
requests. Hospitals should go one step forward
taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the
Internet and the information and communication
technologies in general with the aim to deliver
services electronically to hospitals’ main
stakeholders. Facilitation of information search and
selection, web site personalization, the delivery of
Web site’s capability to provide
adequate information about the hospital
and general health
and Transaction
Web site’s capability to facilitate direct
communication among the hospital and
health consumers and enable interactive
transactions to enhance consumer
documents electronically, fully online transactions
such as billing procedures and payment processes
are some of the facilitating and supportive services
that should be the evolution of a transactional and
interactive online hospital website environment.
Therefore, the proposed framework, regarding
the aspects of communication and transactions
focuses on the following main criteria groups: (1)
contact and communication content, (2) interaction
and transaction mechanisms, (3) user support and
ease of use.
Based on the above discussion, Figure 1
illustrates the proposed evaluation framework. Each
of the two aforementioned criteria categories that
comprise the proposed evaluation framework are
further analysed in 9 criteria groups. These 9 groups
encompass a range of web site features to support
the evaluation of hospital websites.
Figure 1: Evaluation Framework.
Between June and July of 2008, a thorough
evaluation study to assess the information and
transactional features of Greek Hospital Web Sites
was carried out.
For the identification of public hospital websites,
we used the online national directory of the
Greek Health Ministry. When no hospital website
was identified, a telephone call was made to the
hospital to confirm that there was no website.
Based on the 9 criteria groups of the evaluation
framework, an instrument comprising of 67 explicit
evaluation criteria were developed and utilized for
the assessment of the websites. The websites were
evaluated based on the presence (1) or absence (2) of
each criterion. This approach was chosen by the
authors to minimize subjectivity by the evaluators
during the assessment process. The two authors of
this paper (F.P. and S.K.) carefully examined the
websites using a standard browser (Internet
Explorer, Microsoft) and completed the evaluation
instrument during their in-depth visit in order to
provide reliable results.
For the final database and the recording of the
results the authors used Microsoft Excel 2003 and
the SPSS version 15 for statistical analysis.
Next, to assess the reliability of the instrument,
coefficients of internal consistency were used.
Precisely, internal consistency was tested by
calculating Cronbach’s alpha for the dichotomous
items of the information and the interaction-
transactional criteria groups. Table 2 presents the
reliability results, which generally establish the
correctness of the proposed measurement structure.
The Cronbach’s alpha values for the two criteria
groups that were used in the study are very
satisfactory and generally establish the correctness
of the instrument structure and thus the structure of
the proposed evaluation framework.
Table 2: Reliability Results (Cronbach’s alpha).
Criteria Categories Cronbach alpha
Information criteria groups (6)
0.804 (41) **
Interaction and Transaction
criteria groups (3) *
0.701 (26) **
*Number of criteria groups
** Number of items/criteria
Out of the 131 public hospitals that operate in the
context of the Greek public healthcare system, a
total of 57 hospital web sites (43,5%) were
identified. Of the 57 public hospitals, 39 were
general hospitals (68,4%), 6 (10,5%) were operating
both as primary care health centres and general
hospitals, 5 were teaching hospitals (8,8%), and 7
(12,3%) were specialty hospitals. Regarding their
size in terms of clinical beds, 10 hospitals (17,5%)
were small in size (25-100 beds), 13 (22,8%) were
small to medium size hospitals ranging from 101-
250 beds, 29 (50,9%) hospitals were medium to
large (251-750 beds), and 5 hospitals were large
(8,8%) having more than 750 clinical beds.
Information. On the first criteria group of the
information category, which evaluated the presence
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
or absence of “general hospital information”, the
vast majority of the websites consistently reported
information about the history (93%), the location
(77%), and the size (65%) of the organization in
terms of number of beds. Also, 65% of the websites
provided information about the structure of the
organization by illustrating their organizational
chart. Many hospitals take advantage of the web to
apprise visitors with current news and
announcements (65%) about the institution. On the
other hand, it was found that most hospital websites
fail to guide visitors on how to get to the hospital by
making available information on transportation
means (28%) and lodging or travelling, including
maps and directions (35%). For large hospitals in
large cities that often have many locations,
numerous buildings and, perhaps multiple entrances
for the same buildings this was considered to be an
important limitation.
Regarding the second group, which encompasses
criteria on specific hospital information that play an
important role in the decision making process of
health consumers towards the selection of the most
appropriate provider, it was found that specific
information regarding the range and type of clinical
and administrative departments and services were
present at the majority of the web sites, 92% and
74% of the times respectively. However, basic
information regarding the clinical personnel of the
hospital (e.g. physicians and nurses) such as
directory lists with names and specialties were
present less than half of the times. Moreover,
important information about physicians’ background
and experience was significantly limited (2%).
Information about hospitalization guidelines such as
admission procedures (37%), necessary documents
(40%) and information about insurance coverage or
plans (28%) were also found at low frequencies.
These results are considered to be very
disappointing. According to Clines and Haynes
(2001), information about core competencies of
physicians, hospital specialties, insurance coverage,
and general hospitalization guidelines can influence
consumers, in terms of decision making and
selection of the most appropriate healthcare provider
based on their situation. Also, a recent study
undertaken by Gallant et al (2007) found that access
to physicians’ information, reputation, and
background experience can encourage the creation
of trust, which is considered to be a vital aspect of a
hospital’s relationship with its public (Hesse et al.,
2005). Therefore, the aforementioned results
demonstrate that Greek hospital websites fail to
create basic elements of trust with their current and
potential customers.
Health information access is also considered to
be an important service that hospital web sites can
provide to their uses. Unfortunately, the vast
majority of the Greek hospital websites that were
surveyed did not provide any kind of either general
or specific health information. Only 28% had a
devoted section for consumer health information
regarding specific diseases, research studies or
consumer-oriented educational material.
Concerning currency of information, less than a
third (29%) of the websites in the sample provide
dates of last page updates and only 16% of them
provide dates of page creation. This is an important
drawback taking into account that visitors need to be
certain at all times about the currency of specific
information such as visiting hours, hospitalization
costs, health information and duty hours of hospitals.
As regards to disclosure of credentials,
unfortunately only 5% of the evaluated websites
include information on credentials or certifications
of services about the institution (e.g. markers of
excellence, awards, quality credentials, ISO, EFQM,
etc.) Such low levels demonstrate that the majority
of Greek healthcare organisations do not fully
comprehend the vital significance of credibility
appraisal toward the development of consumers’
trust. Moreover, it is also a negative observation that
only 35% of the websites provide information about
the participation of the institution in scientific
studies and its research contribution which could
enhance the institution’s image on the community.
Links to other health care websites or general
health information sites were provided only by less
than half of the surveyed hospitals (37%), while the
frequency of links to other healthcare organizations
was also low (32%). However, having external links
to health and medical information is considered to
be an important feature that hospital websites should
have, in order to strengthen their usefulness.
Communication & Transaction. As for contact
and communication content, findings reveal that
most of the websites provide adequate
communication information to facilitate direct and
interpersonal contact with the institution’s faculty
but mainly about traditional communication
channels (telephone, fax). Specifically, almost all
websites (93%) provide a general phone number and
63% of them include a fax number. In addition,
telephone numbers of administration employees
(68%) and physicians (65%) are often included.
However, communication via e-email is not
supported by the majority of the websites. Almost
half of the websites (45%) do not include a central
email address. Additionally, physicians e-mail
addresses are included only on 19% of the websites
and employees’ email addresses are provided by
38%. Finally, it is worth mentioning that regarding
scheduling appointments, 72% of the websites in the
sample include the phone numbers of outpatient
Interaction and Transaction mechanisms were
unfortunately scarce or absent in the vast majority of
the hospital websites. Specifically, it was found that
only 37% provided a central online communication
form to address consumers’ inquiries about hospital
services, while near 10% included online forms to
enable interpersonal communication with physicians
(9%) and administration employees (12%).
Moreover, there was almost a complete absence of
personalization features (5%) that could enable the
provision of targeted information, content or
services to the website users. Personalization
features can encourage the commitment of the
audience toward the hospital website and the
organization itself, while also according to Gallant et
al (2007) “providing a personalized website for
indivinduals, upon either logging into or automatic
recognition of user arrival, can increase the
usefulness of a website for its audience”. Only 5%
of the websites incorporate real-time interaction
mechanisms such as discussion forums or chat-
boards to enable direct online communication and
exchange of views between the hospital and the
consumers or even among consumers. Also, none of
the websites in the sample provide any kind of
advanced transaction mechanisms for online
appointment scheduling, settling of financial
accounts (e.g. online service payments), and online
access of medical test results.
Regarding “user support and ease of use”
criteria which examine the presence of basic
functionality and usability features and tools, results
show the lack of significant mechanisms that support
ease of navigation and access. Specifically, only 3%
of the websites include a “help” page, and only 5%
provide information on browser compatibility.
Almost a third of the web sites provide a search
engine to facilitate information gathering and less
than 5% support advance search engine features.
Furthermore, less that half (38%) include a site map
on their webpage. With respect to accessibility, only
32% of the websites support a second language
version (i.e. English). Bearing in mind that Greece is
considered to be a frequent travel destination for
many tourists around the world, this is considered to
be a significant limitation for Greek hospital web
This research presents a conceptual framework to
evaluate the overall performance of Hospitals
websites focusing on the following aspects,
information services, communication services and
transaction services. The proposed framework was
empirically tested in Greek Public Hospital websites.
Findings revealed that less than half of the Greek
Public Hospitals have invested in establishing a
virtual presence. Moreover, the vast majority of
current hospitals’ web sites are mainly informative
but lacking significant information to enable
decision making by Greek health consumers on
choosing a health provider. With respect to
communication services, it is evident from the
results that direct and interpersonal contact by
traditional media (i.e. telephone, fax) is facilitated,
while interactive and real-time communication with
physicians or administration employees through
internet based technologies is scarcely incorpotered.
Moreover, not one hospital website supports
transactions services to enable online routine and
other activities fullfillement in a web-based virtual
environment. The European Union in the “Green
Paper on Public Sector Information in the
Information Society” has defined e-services concept
for public governmental websites in order to provide
a set of standards and classifications to improve
information, communication and transaction services
by governmental and public websites (European
Commission, 1998). Also, a “Certification
Framework for Public Administration, Sites and
Portals” was developed by the governmental
organisation of “Information Society” on behalf of
Greek Ministry of Interior in order to specify a set of
directions and standards to support effective e-
government portals design and development but
mainly to improve e-governmental services. In
Greece, an “e-Health Consumer Trends survey”
undertaken by the Institute of Computer Science in
2005, found that 54.2% of the Internet users go
online to search for information about Health and
Illnesses (H&I) (Chronaki, et al. 2006, 2007).
Moreover, 59% for H&I make their decision
whether to consult a health professional partly based
on information found on the Internet. Bearing in
mind, that Greek public hospitals remain the main
governmental authority to provide citizens with
health and medical services, it is vital that
ICE-B 2009 - International Conference on E-business
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