Sybren de Kinderen, Jaap Gordijn and Hans Akkermans
The Network Institute, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Commercial services, Service bundling, Customer dialogue, Computational reasoning, Ontologies.
We propose a method, e
service , to reason about satisfying customer needs in the context of a wide choice of
multi-supplier ICT service bundles. Our method represents customer needs, their ensuing consequences, and
the services that realize those consequences in a service catalogue. This catalogue is then used by a reasoner,
which elicits customer needs, computes their consequences, and automatically matches these consequences
with services offered by suppliers. The e
service method has been implemented and tested in software to
demonstrate its feasibility.
Commercial ICT services, such as VoIP, bandwidth,
email, web hosting, etc., are electronic, i.e. they can
be ordered by the customer online and provisioned
by the suppliers online. Usually, services never come
alone: customers typically need an ICT service bun-
dle to satisfy their needs. Moreover, these services
can be obtained from multiple competing suppliers.
So, the customer has to decide online about the best
selection both in terms of the offered services and
of their supplier. In this paper, we show how this
customer-driven decision process can be facilitated
by automatic reasoning and match-making tools that
bridge the gap between general customer needs and
actual ICT services on offer. The key idea to enable
this is to employ a Propose/Critique/Modify (PCM)
problem-solving method (Motta, 1999) that iterates a
number of times through a knowledge-based dialogue
with the customer, so as to gradually and mutually ad-
just solutions (services) to problems (needs).
2 THE e
service ONTOLOGY
We use a running motivating example of a customer
who wants to communicate with family abroad, and
employs hosted email as a solution to do so. We then
show how this example can be represented by using
our e
service ontology for service need and service
bundle modeling. This ontology considers two dif-
Depends on
Core enhancing
Contained in
Optional bundling
Has 1...N
Has 0...1
Core enhancing
Optional bundling
Figure 1: Ontology used for reasoning about service
bundling from the customer perspective.
ferent perspectives: the customer perspective (section
2.1), and the supplier perspective (section 2.2).
2.1 Customer Perspective Ontology
The customer perspective in the e
service ontology is
presented in Figure 1; for an overview of its back-
ground ideas, see (de Kinderen and Gordijn, 2008).
Below, we summarize the key concepts and relation-
Need. A need represents a problem statement or
goal, independently from a solution direction (Arndt,
1978). EXAMPLE: A customer may have a need
‘communicate with family abroad’. Note that this
need does not yet include a notion of a solution.
Consequence. A consequence is anything that results
from consuming (a combination of) valuable service
properties (Gutman and Reynolds, 1988).
de Kinderen S., Gordijn J. and Akkermans H. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0001985001310136
Functional consequence. A functional consequence
represents the functional goal that can be achieved
through consumption of a service that has a certain
valuable property. EXAMPLE: A functional conse-
quence from the want ‘email’ is ‘send and receive
Quality consequence. A quality consequence
expresses qualitive properties of functional conse-
quences in customer terminology. EXAMPLE: The
consequences‘small mailboxand ‘large mailbox’ are
quality consequences of the functional consequence
‘send and receive text’.
Relations in this part of the ontology are:
Specified by. A need is specified by zero or more
consequences. The consequences - as results of a ser-
vice - show how a need is satisfied. EXAMPLE: The
consequences ‘send and receive text’ and ‘hear and
speak voice’ are ways to satisfy the need ‘communi-
cate with family abroad’.
Core enhancing/Optional bundling. Consequences
can be value-enhancing with respect to a core conse-
quence. To acquire the enhancing consequence, the
core consequence must also be acquired. An optional
bundling relation between two consequences A and B
indicates that consequence B can add value to con-
sequence A, but that consequence B can also be ac-
quired separately from A. EXAMPLE: As an exam-
ple of core/enhancing consequences, the consequence
‘reduce reception of unwanted text messages’ adds
value to the consequence ‘send and receive text’.
A consequence depends on one or more other con-
sequences. This relation states that one consequence
cannot be acquired without another consequence. EX-
AMPLE: ‘Use at any site with connectivity’ and ‘lo-
cal’ (e.g. indicating a pre-configured PC) are two con-
sequences indicating the location from where send
and receive text’ can be used.
A consequence may consist of one or more other
consequences. Such consequence laddering (Gutman
and Reynolds, 1988) can be used to specify abstract
consequences into more concrete consequences until
a sufficiently detailed consequence is found for which
solutions can be offered. EXAMPLE: ‘send and re-
ceive text’can be specified by the consequences ‘send
text’ and ‘receive text’.
Want. A want is a specific, supplier-independent
solution that is commercially feasible to be provi-
sioned on its own. However, as a want indicates a
solution available in the market, at least one supplier
should be willing to provide the solution. Wants,
interpreted as supplier-independent solutions, can be
typically found in existing service taxonomies such as
the NAPCS. Relations in this part of the ontology are:
A want has one or more consequences. These con-
Figure 2: Example for supply-side concepts: resources, ser-
vice ports and service interfaces.
sequences are used to state how the want, being a ser-
vice that can be provisioned commercially by a sin-
gle supplier, satisfies a need. EXAMPLE: the want
‘email’ has the consequence ‘send and receive text’,
which in turn is a way to satisfy the need ‘communi-
cate with family abroad’.
A want is in a Core-Enhancing relationship with
zero or more other wants. The Core-Enhancing re-
lationship indicates that for a certain want A, pro-
vided that want A is acquired, there exist wants B that
could add value to A. This relationship exists also be-
tween consequences; the same relation is relevant on
the level of wants, as these wants actually package
sets of consequences available in the market. Analo-
gously, a want may be in an Optional Bundling re-
lationship with zero or more other wants. EXAM-
PLE: The value-enhancing want ‘Spam filtering’ is
in a Core-Enhancing relationship with the basic want
‘email’, since there is no business logic in acquiring
a spam filter without an email service. The Core En-
hancing relationship between consequences indicates
why a spam filter want adds value to an email want.
Scale. In e
service we use scales to cluster related
quality consequences. We use two well-known types
of scales:
Nominal. A nominal scale indicates that a relation-
ship exists between quality consequences, but intro-
duces no ordering or ranking on these consequences.
EXAMPLE: ‘use at any site with connectivity’ and
‘local’ are nominal categories that indicate email ac-
cess options. The preference for either one depends
on the customer.
Ordinal. An ordinal scale introduces an ordering
on consequences such that it is possible to state that
consequence X is better than Y (but not how much it
is better). EXAMPLE: Defining 0.2 GB as a ‘small
mailbox’ and > 2 GB as a ‘large mailbox’ yields an
ordinal scale for the size of an email box.
2.2 Supplier Perspective Ontology
The e
service supplier ontology is depicted in Figure
2 using an example ICT service. For a detailed dis-
cussion of this ontology, see (Baida, 2006).
Consequence. A consequence is anything that results
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
from consuming (a combination of) valuable service
properties (Gutman and Reynolds, 1988). Similar to
the customer perspective ontology, there exist sev-
eral supply-side types of consequences and of rela-
tions between consequences. Since consequences are
used both in the customer and supplier perspective of
service , they form the glue between both ontologi-
cal perspectives. Hence, the concept of consequences
is the ontological as well as reasoning keyin matching
customer needs to supply-side services on offer.
Service Property. A service property is a supplier-
specific attribute. Relations in this part of the ontol-
ogy are:
Realized by: A consequence is realized by one
or more service properties. EXAMPLE: The conse-
quence ‘send and receive text’ is realized by the ser-
vice properties ‘protocol=POP3’ and ‘upspeed = 256
kbps’ and ‘downspeed=512 kbps’, all provided by the
supplier (say) KPN.
A service property is always part of a supplier-
specific resource. The distinction that we make be-
tween a service property and a resource is that a re-
source can be provisioned on its own commercially,
while a property cannot. A property is therefore al-
ways part of a resource. EXAMPLE: consider that the
service properties ‘upspeed = 256 kbps’ and ‘down-
speed= 512 kbps’ from KPN are part of the resource
‘KPN IP access’. Here, up- and downspeed from
KPN can only be delivered in combination with IP
access from KPN.
A resource is always attached to one or more ser-
vice ports. In turn, each service port is always part of
exactly one service interface. EXAMPLE: consider
the KPN IP access service in Figure 2. Here, one sees
that the resource IP access is attached to a service port
(the arrowhead), which in turn is part of the service
interface of the IP access bundle. The service inter-
face indicates the actual bundling of resources from
a (multi-)supplier perspective: all resources should
be exchanged between the customer and supplier, or
none at all. So, by considering the KPN-IP-access in-
terface of our example, you know that you will also
have to give up customer lock-in and a certain fee
since these additional resources are attached to the
other ports in this interface.
The important point here is that consequences also
exist at the supply side. We furthermore assume that
consequences ensuing from a supply-side service cat-
alogue are expressed in a marketing vocabulary that
represents the customer perspective. This is crucial
for the match-making process, discussed below.
How to derive a service bundle, given a customer
need? The high-level reasoning process is shown in
Figure 3. We have implemented this reasoning pro-
cess in a software tool for demonstration and valida-
tion purposes.
Choose need
Choose consequences Find service bundles
Trade-off positive/negative consequences
[not ok,
adjust reqs]
Select bundle
Desired consequences
Consequences per bundle
[no bundle found ]
[no more value-
enhancing wants]
Figure 3: The generic reasoning structure of the e
3.1 Needs & Functional Consequences
Starting from a customer need, we derive an initial
set of consequences specifying this need. In the cus-
tomer perspective ontology (section 2.1), we do this
by expanding the relation specified by’ from a sin-
gle need to one or more consequences specifying this
need. First we focus on functional consequences only,
since a functional consequence shows (partly) what
goals can be achieved by a service and so shows how a
service can satisfy a need. The reasoning process first
asks the customer to choose a particular consequence
(via prioritization) and then checks whether the se-
lected consequence ‘consists of other, more detailed,
consequences. If so, the customer is again asked to
make a choice after which, for all chosen and implied
consequences, the reasoning process again reviews
whether considered consequences ‘consist of other
consequences. This continues until no more ‘consist
of relationships are found. This process is also called
‘laddering’and is a well-knownpractice from market-
ing theory (Gutman and Reynolds, 1988).
Next, our e
service tool derivesone or more wants
that this consequence is a part of. Here, the assump-
tion is that the experts that created the service cata-
logue used for the reasoning process have defined so-
lutions upfront for detailed (i.e. leaf) consequences.
Then, using this want as a starting point, the reason-
ing mechanism derives additional consequences that
are also part of the want. Thus, this first step is a kind
of bootstrapping process to find a highly ranked con-
sequence, and it continues by evaluating wants (that
includes this consequences) to ensure that needs elic-
itation is grounded in services that are in fact available
on the market (i.e., wants).
Case Example. We start with the need: ‘communi-
cate with someone over a distance’. By following the
relation ‘specified by’, we derive the functional con-
sequences send and receive text’ and ‘hear and speak
voice’. Let’s assume that the customer chooses ‘send
and receive text’. Subsequently, we look whether
this consequence is specified further by reviewing
whether a ‘consists of’ relationship exists. When we
look at the service catalogue used for this specific case
(Figure 4) we see that ‘send and receive text’ is not
specified further. Next, we derive the want that con-
tains ‘send and receive text’. For this simple case, the
only want containing ‘send and receive text’ is ‘email
access’. Then, our tool derives all possible functional
consequences from the want ‘email access’; in this
case we derive, next to ‘send and receive text’, also
the consequence ‘use for newsletter’. Thus, the con-
sumer is presented with the group of consequences
‘send and receive text’, which the tool indicates as a
solution result satisfying the need ‘communicate over
a distance’, but also the additional possibility ‘use for
3.2 Choose Additional Consequences
When a particular functional consequence is selected,
we derive its quality consequences by following the
relation depends on in our customer ontology. These
quality consequences are then grouped by scale by
(1) deriving, for each quality consequence, its scale
by following the relation ‘has’ between quality con-
sequence and scale and (2) grouping together quality
consequences that are defined on the same scale.
Now that the conseqeunces are grouped per scale,
we let the customer decide, per scale, on consequence
prioritization. Depending on the type of scale (recall
that different types of scales exist, e.g., nominal or
ordinal) the customer is presented with two different
prioritization tasks: (1) When consequences are de-
fined on a nominal scale, the customer is asked to as-
sign to each of the consequences an importance value
ranging from 1 (unimportant) to 10 (must-have, i.e.
the offered service bundle should always include this
consequence); (2) When consequences are defined on
Customized domain
over a
E-mail access VoIP
Send and
receive text
Hear and
speak voice
Access type
* Local
* Use at any site
with IP-access
Mailbox size
* Large mailbox
* Small mailbox
Need Want
Use for
personalized e-
mail address
Figure 4: Customer catalogue for the email example.
an ordinal scale, the customer is asked to assign a
preference ordering to the scale only and not to the
consequences in the scale. For the scoring of conse-
quences, we use the ranking from best to worse which
is inherent to an ordinal scale. How we convert this
best-to-worse ranking of consequences into a score, is
discussed in the next step (compose and rank service
bundles, see below). Finally, by default, the selected
functional consequence receives an importance rank-
ing of ‘10’ (must have). We can now use the customer
preferences expressed in terms of their consequences
to compose the appropriate service bundles.
Case Example. By following the relation depends
on, we infer that there are four quality consequences
that depend on the functional consequence ‘send and
receive text’: ‘small mailbox’, ‘large mailbox’, ‘lo-
cal’ and ‘use at any site with connectivity’ (cf. Fig-
ure 4). These quality consequences are grouped per
scale, resulting in two scales of two quality conse-
quences each: (1) the ordinal scale mailbox size with
the quality consequences ‘small mailbox’ and ‘large
mailbox’ and (2) the nominal scale ‘access type’ with
the quality consequences ‘local’ and use at any site
with connectivity’. Now, the customer is asked to pri-
oritize the consequences from these scales. For the
nominal scale access type’, our tool presents the con-
sequences ‘local’ and ‘use at any site with connectiv-
ity’. Say, the customer gives the score 1’ to ‘local’
and the score ‘8’ to ‘use at any site with connectivity’,
since s/he wants to be able to communicate from any-
where. Next, the customer is asked to assign an im-
portance ranking to the ordinal scale ‘mailbox size’.
Suppose s/he attaches an importance ranking of ‘3’ to
this scale, since the size of a mailbox is of little impor-
tance for satisfying his/her need: ‘communicate with
family abroad’. Finally, by default, the importance
ranking ‘10’ is attached to the consequence ‘send and
receive text’ since this is the selected functional con-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Composing Service Bundles
After this customer dialogue, we first match the set
of consequences desired by the customer to conse-
quences defined from a supplier’s perspective. We can
do this because (cf. section 2.2) the concept and the-
ory of consequences provides the bridging connection
between the customer and supply sides for the match-
making process. The computational result of this con-
sequence matching is a subset of supply-side conse-
quences that, together with the prioritization scores
provided by the customer, can be used to reason about
(1) finding (composing) service bundles and (2) rank-
ing service bundles according to prioritization scores.
We first search for those service bundles that can
satisfy all ‘must-have’ consequences. To find these
bundles, we search for: (1) the supplier-specific ser-
vice properties jointly satisfying the consequence; (2)
supplier-specific resources that contain these prop-
erties; and finally (3) bundles that contain these re-
sources. Depending on the scale type, we evaluate on
the basis of the consequences in hand whether a bun-
dle can satisfy all consequences from nominal scales
that are marked as must-haves, and contains at least
one consequence from each ordinal scale marked as a
Case Example. From the previous step, we have
the functional consequence send and receive text’
with importance ‘10’ and four quality consequences:
‘small mailbox’ and large mailbox from the scale
‘mailbox size’ (the latter with an importance rank-
ing of 3) and ‘local’ (importance 1) and ‘use at any
site with connectivity’ (importance 8) from the scale
‘access type’. These are matched to all supply- side
consequences, see Figure 5. Next, we find the bun-
dles that satisfy the must-have consequence ‘send
and receive text’. For this, we first find all possible
sets of supplier-specific service properties satisfying
this consequence. An example in this case could be
‘POP3’ or ‘upspeed= 128 kbps’. These service prop-
erties belong to the resources ‘email access (KPN)’
and ‘IP access KPN’ which are attached to two ser-
vice ports of the bundle ‘KPN email bundle’ (Fig-
ure 5). ‘KPN email bundle’ is therefore satisfying all
must-have consequences and hence can be considered
further, as is the case with all other bundles shown in
this figure since they can all provide the consequence
‘send and receive text’.
3.4 Ranking Service Bundles
The next step is to rank the found relevant bundles.
For this, we convert the best-to-worse ordinal rank-
ing of consequences to a numerical ranking, by using
the Rank-Order Centroid method (ROC, (Barron and
Barrett, 1996)). Additionally, we need to provide a
score to indicate whether a consequence defined on
a nominal scale is present in a service bundle. This
score we provide in a binary way: if a consequence is
present in a bundle it scores 1, else 0.
Now that we have numerical values to express
consequence scores and as well as importance scores
from the customer, we calculate a ranking score for
each service bundle by using the multi-attribute scor-
ing formula SB
j= 1
, where SB
is the rank-
ing score for service bundle i, w
is the importance
ranking of consequence j as provided by the cus-
tomer, and v
is the numerical value for the conse-
quence j of service bundle i. After having calcu-
lated to what extent a service bundle fits with cus-
tomer preferences, we find for each bundle additional
consequences that a customer also must acquire. For
each service bundle we then obtain service ports ad-
ditional to those already found by reviewing their ser-
vice interface. Taking these additional service ports
as a starting point we then derive consequences by
using the process of finding service ports based upon
consequences described before, only then in reverse.
Case Example. To rank the bundles, we calculate
a score for the consequences defined on the ordinal
‘mailbox size’ scale. Using ROC, we derive the score
0.75 for the consequence ‘large mailbox’ and 0.25 for
the consequence ‘small mailbox’. Now, we calculate
a ranking score for each of the possible bundles by us-
ing the above multi-attribute formula, and then com-
pute its full set of consequences. For example, in the
case of the KPN g-mail bundle, we find two additional
service ports: one containing the resource ‘fee’ with
a service property of EUR 20’, the other contain-
ing the resource ‘lock-in’ with a service property of
‘12 months’. From this, we derive the consequences
‘IP-access fee’ and ‘lock-in’. With the consequences
already found, we finally arrive at the following full
set of consequences for the KPN g-mail bundle: send
and receive text, large mailbox, access mail at any site
with connectivity, IP access fee, lock-in.
3.5 Trade-off Decision Making
Next, we present the found bundles in a ranking to the
customer, together with a specification of the conse-
quences received from a bundle and the consequences
s/he has to give up to acquire a bundle. Furthermore,
the tool shows a specification in terms of a pricing
model (cf. (de Miranda, 2006)). The customer has
the option to either select a bundle from the ranking
or, in case s/he finds the costs incurred for the bundles
too high, to go back to the step ‘choose consequences’
Figure 5: Supplier catalogue for email example.
and change his/her requirements.
For the selected bundle, we consider possible
value-enhancing wants for that bundle. As in the step
‘choose consequence’, the customer makes a choice
based on a combination of a want (the solution) and
a consequence (why the solution is valuable). Then,
we iterate again through the steps described above to
derive a set of possible service bundles, only now for
the value-enhancing wants.
Our general claim and contribution is that it is pos-
sible to have automated support that helps bridging
the gap between the customer and supplier perspec-
tives on complex service bundles. We have prac-
tically demonstrated this for a case of ICT service
bundles. Although these two perspectives are funda-
mentally different, and are therefore associated with
differing ontologies and vocabularies, match-making
is possible through the introduced marketing the-
ory concept of consequences (Gutman and Reynolds,
1988). On this basis, a Propose/Critique/Modify
problem-solving method (Motta, 1999) intertwined
with a customer-driven dialogue system employing
existing decision theory, is helpful in selecting and
composing ICT service bundles on the supply side
that match expressed general needs on the customer
side. More specifically, when ranking service bun-
dles, we use a combination of the compensatory de-
cision technique of (Barron and Barrett, 1996) and
the non-compensatory decision technique MoSCoW
from DSDM (Stapleton, 1997). We have imple-
mented the presented reasoning processes in our
service software tool. The services and needs are
ontologically described as an RDF dataset that com-
plies with the e
service RDF schema. The reason-
ing process has been implemented as a Java program
using an RDF service catalogue that is the basis of
the structured knowledge-driven interactive dialogue
with the customer.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems