Paivi Iskanius
RaaheUnit, University of Oulu, Rantakatu 5,Raahe, Finland
Raija Halonen
CISC, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Department of Information Processing Science, University of Oulu, Finland
Matti Mottonen
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Keywords: Enterprise resource planning, ERP, Small enterprises, SME.
Abstract: This paper investigates the role of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the context of small and
medium size enterprises (SMEs). The paper reports on research findings from a case study that has been
conducted in 14 SMEs, operating in steel manufacturing and woodworking. By dividing the enterprises into
three different groups; medium-sized, small, and micro enterprises, this study provides a richer
understanding of enterprise size related issues in motivations, risks and challenges of ERP adoption.
This paper investigates the role of enterprise
resource planning (ERP) systems in the context of
small and medium enterprises (SMEs). ERP systems
are enterprise-wide software packages that provide
fully integrated business processes with shared data
and visibility, and thereby hold the potential of
greatly enhancing organizational performance and
establishing competitive advantage (Davenport,
This case study is carried out in 14 SMEs
operating in steel manufacturing and woodworking.
By dividing enterprises into three different groups;
medium-sized, small, and micro enterprises, the
study provides a richer understanding of enterprise
size related issues in motivations, risks and
challenges of ERP adoption. According to European
Commission, medium-sized enterprises employ less
than 250 persons and an annual turnover is not
exceeding 50 M€, and/or an annual balance sheet
total is not exceeding 43 M€; small enterprises
employ less than 50 persons and an annual turnover
and/or an annual balance sheet total is less than 10
M€; and micro enterprises employ less than 10
persons and an annual turnover and/or an annual
balance sheet total is less than 2 M€.
Most of large enterprises (LEs) worldwide have
already adopted ERP systems and SMEs are
increasingly following the suit (Bernroider and
Koch, 2001). In 1998, 27 % of European midsize
enterprises across all counties and industries had
installed ERP software in one or more functional
areas, and the ERP software penetration was
estimated to rise to 56 % by the year 2000. The
expected penetration rates were especially high in
Northern European countries, as in Finland, where
the rate was estimated to be about 70 % (Van
Everdingen et al., 2000).
There are some reasons for this trend, including
a saturation of the LE market, increasing
possibilities and need for the integration of systems
between organizations, and the availability of
relatively inexpensive hardware (Gable and Stewart,
1999). However, SMEs use ERP systems mainly for
the finance/accounting functions and many advanced
features, such as production planning and
scheduling, typically have not been explored
(Muscatello et al., 2003).
The ERP research has so far concentrated on
LEs and the findings cannot easily be extended to
Iskanius P., Halonen R. and Mottonen M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages 5-10
DOI: 10.5220/0001856600050010
SMEs because of their particular characteristics
(Laukkanen et al., 2007). The needs, operating
requirements, logistics fulfillment and financial
capabilities of SMEs are vastly different from that of
LEs (Huin, 2004). Recently, the ERP research on
SMEs has received more attention (e.g. Gable and
Stewart, 1999, Van Everdingen, et al., 2000;
Bernroider and Leseure, 2005, Raymond &
Uwizeyemungu, 2007). Also this study contributes
to the ERP research in the context of SMEs and
provides insights that may have been overlooked in
previous research.
ERP systems, when successfully assimilated into an
enterprise, can provide both operational and strategic
benefits, and enforce a discipline of best practice and
consultancy. ERP systems can significantly improve
information flow, streamline processes and hence
develop the enterprise’s efficiency and its
competitive advantage. (Van Everdingen, et al.,
2000; Bernroider and Leseure, 2005, Raymond &
Uwizeyemungu, 2007).
The main motivations for ERP use are seen as
the production of real-time data shared across the
organisation and consequently the integration and
automation of business processes (Gupta, 2000).
According to Botta-Geboulaz and Millet (2005),
technology motivations (system not Y2K compliant,
disparate systems, poor quality/visibility of
information, business process or system not
integrated, difficult to integrate acquisitions ad
inability to support growth) and operational
motivations (poor or uncompetitive business
performance, cost structure too high, not responsive
enough to customers or suppliers, complex,
ineffective business processes, inability to support
new business strategies, business becoming global,
and inconsistent business processes) motivates
enterprises towards ERP use. Overall, improving
productivity, competitive advantage, and customer
demands are the top three business drivers for
companies with ERPs (Scott and Shepherd, 2002).
Especially SMEs adopt ERP systems with the
goal of replacing inefficient standalone legacy
systems, increasing communications between
business functions, increasing information
processing efficiencies, improving customer
relations, and improving overall decision making
(Cereola, 2008).
Laukkanen et al. (2007) indicate that significant
differences exist between SMEs (medium-size,
small, micro enterprises) and LEs in ERP adoption.
Specifically, the findings suggest that SMEs
experience more knowledge constraints than LEs in
ERP adoption. Also, SMEs differ from LEs in
important ways affecting their information-seeking
practices that impact information and technology
(IT) adoption. These differences include lack of
information systems management, concentration of
information-gathering responsibilities to a small
number of individuals, lower levels of resources
available for information-gathering, and in the
quantity and quality of available environmental
information (Buonanno et al., 2005). Thus, SMEs
need different characteristics from ERP systems.
Today, some ERP vendors have taken up the
gauntlet and have been moving their attention
toward SMEs (Gable and Stewart, 1999) by offering
simplified and cheaper solutions from both the
organizational and technological points of view, pre-
configured systems based on best-practices at a
fraction of the cost originally required and promising
short implementation times.
Poba-Nzaou et al. (2008) identifies six main
dimensions of risk in ERP implementation, namely,
organizational, business-related, technological,
entrepreneurial, contractual and financial risks.
Organizational risk derives from the environment in
which the system is adopted. Business-related risk
derives from the enterprise’s post-implementation
models, artefacts, and processes with respect to their
internal and external consistency. Technological risk
is related to the information processing technologies
required to operate the ERP system – for example
the operating system, database management system,
client/server technology and network.
Entrepreneurial or managerial risk is related to the
attitude of the owner-manager or management team,
while contractual risk derives from relations with
partners and financial risk from cash-flow
difficulties, resulting in an inability to pay license
fees or upgrading costs, for example. (Poba-Nzaou
et al., 2008)
Also individuals’ knowledge and skills may turn
out problematic. When exploring change and
uncertainty in SME environments with ERP, Koh
and Simpson (2005) discover lack of knowledge and
expertise in how modification, feedback and
management should be made and organized to
enable ERP systems to support production planning
and control.
To minimize the risk of implementing ERP
systems, Markus and Tanis (2000) have
recommended the application of a risk management
plan at the implementation stage. Consequently,
Bernroider and Leseure (2005) suggest that major
mistakes are made in the early stages of the ERP,
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
even prior to the implementation process. Kliem
(2000), however, emphasizes the efficiency of risk
management when it is introduced at the earliest
possible opportunity in the life cycle of the system in
question, when planning issues are most important
and the criteria for system selection are determined.
Research Setting
This case study was carried out in the SMEs
operating in steel manufacturing and woodworking
in the Raahe region, Finland during 6/2007–8/2008.
A specific web questionnaire was designed to find
out the current state of ERP use in SMEs. The
survey was executed through the Webropol software
(www.webropol.com). Besides the basic company
information, the survey included questions related to
organisational performance and business processes;
problems in electronic data transfer; experiences of
ERP use and challenges/risks to implement them. In
addition, the survey included questions of change
management and IT knowledge of the personnel. In
this paper, the results of survey are divided into four
theme areas of Motivation, Problems, Risks, and
The return rate was 27.5%, in total, 14
enterprises responded out of 51 industrial SMEs.
The number of employees in the case enterprises
varied from 5–9 to over 100, and the annual turnover
between € 0.6–15 million. Four (28,5%) of the case
enterprises were medium-size, four (28,5%) were
small, and six (43%) were micro enterprises.
Totally, ten (72%) case enterprises had an ERP
system in function, half of which were off-the-shelf
software packages and half company-specific,
tailored systems. However, only one of these
enterprises had a fully functioning system and five
informed that they have serious difficulties in ERP
use. All medium-size enterprises had either an ERP
system in function or an ERP development project
ongoing. Two small enterprises had an ERP system
in function; however, with problems. One small
enterprise had an ongoing ERP development project.
Other small enterprises aim to start an ERP
development project within two years. Two micro
enterprises had an ERP system; however, one of
them had problems with the implementation. One
micro enterprise aimed to start an ERP development
project within two years. Three micro enterprises
stated that acquiring ERP is not a current issue or
that they do not need one at all. These enterprises
were all small companies with 5–9 employees, and
they saw that compared to the costs, the benefits of
the system would remain small.
All case enterprises were subcontractors. Also,
almost all of them had their own subcontractors.
Typically, SMEs had outsourced distribution
(including transport), production, marketing,
maintenance, and repair and support operations.
Also, financial management and accounting services
were often purchased or leased.
All case enterprises worked in the global
markets, directly or through the focal company’s
value chain. Over 75% of case enterprises had large
customers, also international customers. Over 60%
of enterprises had SMEs customers, also
international customers.
3.2 Motivation for ERP use
In the questionnaire, the enterprises were expected
to choose out of 19 alternatives the most significant
factors they require from ERP systems. They were
also asked what motivations for change and
expectations and development targets they had for
ERP systems. The alternatives were assessed on the
scale ‘insignificant’, ‘some significance’,
‘significant’ and ‘very significant’. Based on the
replies, there were six alternatives to which ten
companies answered ‘significant’ or ‘very
significant’. Of these alternatives, integrating
operations, eliminating unproductive work and
enhancing process monitoring are related to
increasing cost-effectiveness.
Factors related to quality and quality
improvement was considered as the primary
development target. Process monitoring, and
sourcing and sharing information were also raised as
significant development targets of ERP.
Insignificant factors as regards the development of
ERP were change and improving change
management, reducing the time-to-market, reducing
the number of terms, expanding the product range,
and reducing the costs of product development.
The enterprises were also asked, what central
development operations they were going to execute
in the near future (1-2 years) or later. In the near
future, all of the enterprises were planning to
execute development operations to improve
production quality. They expected ERP systems to
provide assistance in their quality improvement
processes. Another important development target for
the near future was to improve machinery and tools.
According to most of the respondents, management
development projects would take place later.
Motivation for ERP use in the different size enterpirses
Finding and sharing
Improving planning
possibilities for
Digitisation of
doc ume nts
Reducing time-to-
Improvement the
change management
unproductive work
Mi cr o Small Me dium-s i z e
Figure 1: Motivation for ERP use.
The respondents viewed customer relationship
management important, and ten of them considered
it as a near-future development target. When
comparing the near-future development targets of
different-sized companies, it could be noted that the
small enterprises had stronger pressures for product
development than the larger ones. This could also be
seen in the enterprises’ motivation to improve
planning procedures and customer-specific
flexibility. The medium-size enterprises were more
interested in goals and strategies as well as internal
information flow. Organizing production and staff
cooperation were development targets in the near
future for most of the enterprises. Several companies
also mentioned staff competence as one of their
development targets.
The survey revealed that motivation for ERPs
are about the same regardless of the size of the
enterprise. Figure 1 illustrates responses to eight
issues related with pressures and expectations for
EPRs, namely, 1) Finding and sharing information in
a dispersed environment; 2) Standardizing
operational processes; 3) Improving planning
procedures; 4) Increasing customer-based tailoring;
5) Digitalization of documents; 6) Reducing the
time-to-market; 7) Managing and decreasing costs of
change processes; and 8) Eliminating unproductive
work. The highest line displays motivation of
medium-size enterprises, and, respectively, the two
crossing lines show responses from small and micro
enterprises. The lines expose that the larger the
enterprise is, the more significant motivation for
ERP use is.
Digitalising documents was perceived important
in medium-size enterprises whereas the smaller
enterprises did not value it much. Moreover,
eliminating unproductive work was found significant
in all enterprises.
3.3 Risks of ERP use
The case enterprises had several different and
different-aged IT systems in function. New ERP
systems were often expensive, and enterprises
wanted to receive all possible benefits that even a
poor system could produce. New IT/ERP systems
were usually acquired as off-the-shelf software
packages, which were often purchased from
different suppliers, that meant that they included
multiple, overlapping system modules that
performed the same tasks.
This could be clearly seen also in the answers of
the surveyed enterprises. Utilising same information
and same database in different IT systems could
successfully be done only in two case enterprises.
The other enterprises could not utilise the
information in different systems at all, or that they
could do it only partially. Different IT/ERP systems
or modules had similar properties, and they partly
overlapped in 45.5% of enterprises. None of the case
enterprises had automatic information exchange
between them and their subcontractors’ or clients’
systems, and only one enterprise had partial
The greatest problems of current operational
mode and information processing aroused from data
transfer. In 33.3% of enterprises, the necessary
information was not transferred between various
IT/ERP systems. In addition, the enterprises reported
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the lack of the users’ knowledge/education.
Maintaining the various systems was also seen as a
reasonable problem in nine (64%) case enterprises.
The main problems of ERP use were as follows:
the lack of adequate planning information,
ineffective project steering systems, piled-up work,
up-to-date load information, material-related
operations, the lack of a functioning ERP system,
material resource planning, up-to-date information
exchange/relevance between planning and
production, changes in delivery times made by
customers, and availability of material resources.
The enterprises were asked to assess the level of
risks produced by ERP solutions to their business
processes on the scale ‘great’, ‘reasonable’ and
‘small’. Ten (71%) of case enterprises considered
the impacts of system breakdowns and malfunctions
on their customers as the greatest risks. Six (43%)
enterprises considered operation failures resulting
from technical difficulties as a great risk.
The enterprises viewed as small risks chaining of
production, dependence on other enterprises, and
losing a contract because they had a wrong kind of a
IT system or they did not have one at all. The
aforementioned risks as well as other risks resulting
from cooperation relationships were typical in
subcontracting enterprises.
Another risk factor was the lack of IT
competence. Often, users and developers did not
have time or competence to implement an ERP
system. This risk was actualized in one of the
respondent enterprises. Resistance to change was
also a risk factor. The existence of change resistance
was acknowledged in the case enterprises and could
clearly be seen in the survey.
3.4 Challenges of ERP use
The enterprises chose out of six alternatives the
greatest challenges that ERP systems caused for
their business processes. The alternatives were
assessed on the scale ‘small’, ‘reasonable’, ‘great’.
Seven (50%) enterprises viewed as their greatest
challenge in implementing an ERP system the
change it induced in their operational practices. Six
(43%) enterprises considered the staff’s readiness
and willingness to learn new things challenging as
regards implementing an ERP system. In addition,
enterprises found actualizing and measuring the
benefits of an ERP project challenging. Three
enterprises saw them as great and one enterprise as
reasonable challenges.
Increase in the interdependence between
different operations and difficulties in pinpointing
the problem areas were considered as reasonable
challenges. However, the small companies with less
than 20 employees considered them greater
challenges than the companies with over 20
employees did. The large companies were more
challenged by changes in operational practices than
the companies with less than 20 employees were.
From the surveyed enterprises, seven (50%)
enterprises considered the lack of skills in using
ERP systems as the most significant problem as
regards electric data transfer. Four (28,5%)
enterprises saw development of the systems and lack
of experience related to it as problematic. Lack of
standards, however, was not brought up in any
enterprises. Some enterprises were unsure of the
system’s usefulness and their own IT competence.
Most problems in the data transfer between interest
groups, customers, subcontractors, prime
contractors, and network partners resulted from
incompatibility of different systems. In addition, the
companies saw the problems in the connection speed
and connection breaks as problematic. Furthermore,
the staff’s willingness and readiness to adopt new
systems and resistance to change related to it were
also strongly emphasized.
The benefits of electric data transfer were most
visible in a dispersed environment where the produc-
ers and the users of product information were phys-
ically far apart each other. Six case enterprises
operated under one roof, which meant that in almost
half of the respondents’ cases, the knowledge
producers and users were physically close to each
other. In the rest eight case enterprises, different
operations were physically in different places: in
different departments, buildings, industrial areas,
geographical locations, and even countries.
In this study, the focus was to investigate the role of
ERP systems in (SMEs. To correspond to the focus,
a case study of 14 SMEs was carried out.
The findings of the study response to the
suggestion by Laukkanen et al. (2007) about not
considering small and medium-sized enterprises as
one homogenous group, but acknowledging the
differences between these two groups of companies
in future research. This study showed that among
SMEs, smaller enterprises valued more product
development than medium-size enterprises did in
relation to ERP systems. Further, small and micro
enterprises were more motivated to improve
planning procedures and customer-specific
flexibility whereas medium-size companies were
more interested in goals and strategies as well as
internal information flow.
Regarding to the size of enterprises, some
differences were found in the motivations and
expectations for ERPs, too. In overall, medium-size
enterprises perceived the measures more significant
than the smaller ones. Especially digitalising
documents was perceived more important in
medium-size enterprises compared to the smaller
Differing from prior research (e.g. Davenport,
1998; Scott & Shepherd, 2003; Botta-Geboulaz &
Miller, 2005), the respondents in the study assessed
factors related to quality and quality improvement as
the primary development targets. An interesting
finding was the importance of IT competence, and
especially communication skills of the system
vendor’s expert when choosing a new ERP system,
while the maintenance price that forms more than
half of the total cost of the system was not
considered a decision factor at all. On the other
hand, the enterprises tried to stick with old systems
and receive all the possible benefits that even a poor
system could produce. When purchased, the new
ERP system was usually an off-the-self software
package without any tailoring and often from
different suppliers, thus causing overlapping system
modules and producing problems with information
relevancy between different systems.
Lack of knowledge was perceived problematic in
all but one case enterprise. This verifies findings of
Koh and Simpson (2005), which highlighted
problems with scarce knowledge especially in
In all, one can conclude that the need of ERP
systems is understood in SMEs but ERP adoption is
not yet as penetrated as it is in LEs. Furthermore, to
noticing differences between SMEs and LEs, the
research highlighted differences also in the SMEs .
As such, the current study offered interesting
new knowledge concerning current status of
utilisation of ERP in SMEs. While this empirical
study also showed existing differences in the group
of SME, it serves as a prior study for future research
on later ERP penetration in SMEs.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems