A System for Generating and Processing Semantically-Enhanced
Archival eContent
Ioan Salomie, Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Cristina Pop
Sorin Suciu, Tudor Vlad and Ioana Iacob
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 15 C. Daicoviciu Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Archival domain model, Knowledge acquisition, Historical domain ontology, Semantic annotation,
Semantic query, Reasoning.
Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of generating and processing of eContent from archives and digital
libraries. We present a system that adds semantic mark-up to the content of historical documents, thus
enabling document and knowledge retrieval as response to semantic queries. The system functionality
follows two main workflows: eContent generation and knowledge acquisition on one hand and knowledge
processing and retrieval on the other hand. Within the first workflow, the relevant domain information is
extracted from documents written in natural languages, followed by semantic annotation and domain
ontology population. In the second workflow, ontologically guided queries trigger reasoning processes that
provide relevant search results.
Most of the existing archives-related information is
written in natural language and is available in large
amounts, distributed in archives and digital libraries.
Although content management systems capable of
dealing with distributed data exist for years, making
them able to process natural language documents is
still a challenge. Documents in natural language
human readable format contain unstructured and
heterogeneous information, which makes it hard for
machines to automatically process their contents.
Our system addresses these challenges by
adopting Semantic Web techniques in the context of
archive management. We add a layer of machine-
processing semantics over the content of raw
documents contained in the archives by using (semi)
automated knowledge acquisition. The machine-
processable semantics, captured in a domain
knowledge base, is further used as support for
intelligent searches that provide the most relevant
results to agent queries. These relevant results
represent documents, information and knowledge
related to the semantics of the keywords specified in
the queries.
In this context, our system offers a solution for
managing domain-specific archival data. Our system
was specialized to generate archival eContent, to
semantically enhance and process it, from the
available medieval documents regarding the history
of Transylvania. For the semantic enhancement of
the documents we have built an ontology core of
concepts and relations, which is continuously
expanded as new documents are processed.
Historians and archivists can use the system to find
relevant documents, information and knowledge.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, we introduce related work. Section 3
presents our generic model of the archival domain.
The proposed system architecture is presented in
Section 4, while the associated workflows are
described in Section 5 and Section 6. Section 7
contains a case study that illustrates the system's
functionality in the context of historical archives.
The paper ends with our conclusions and future
work proposals.
The OntoPop methodology provides a single-step
Salomie I., Dinsoreanu M., Pop C., Suciu S., Vlad T. and Iacob I.
ARHINET - A System for Generating and Processing Semantically-Enhanced Archival eContent.
DOI: 10.5220/0001833401510158
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
solution for (i) semantically annotating the content
of documents and (ii) populating the ontology with
the new instances found in the documents
(Amardeilh, 2007). The solution uses domain-
specific knowledge acquisition rules which link the
results obtained from the information extraction
tools to the ontology elements, thus creating a more
formal representation (RDF or OWL) of the
document content (Amardeilh, 2006). The OntoPop
methodology has certain limitations regarding the
resolving of synonyms on one hand and the
resolving of multiple instances with the same lexical
representation on the other hand. In this paper, we
address the identified limitations by extending the
OntoPop methodology with new processing steps
before populating the ontology.
SOBA is a system designed to create a soccer
specific knowledge base from heterogeneous sources
(Buitelaar et al., 2006). The system performs (i)
automatic document retrieval from the Web, (ii)
linguistic annotation and information extraction
using the Heart-of-Gold approach (Schäfer, 2007)
and (iii) mapping of the annotated document parts
on ontology elements (Buitelaar et al., 2006). Our
approach performs information extraction from
unstructured text and document annotation for a
specific domain and uses reasoning on the ontology
to infer properties for the newly added instances.
Ontea performs semi-automatic annotation using
regular expressions combined with lemmatization
and indexing mechanisms (Laclavik et al., 2007).
The methodology was implemented and tested on
English and Slovak content. Our system was
designed to process multilingual documents,
including Latin languages, and so far it has provided
good results for a corpus of Romanian documents,
by using resources specific to the Romanian
This paper proposes a generic representation of the
archival domain as illustrated in Figure 1. The
archival domain is modelled starting from the raw
medieval documents provided by the Cluj County
National Archives (CCNA, 2008). These documents
are hand written and contain many embellishments,
making them hard to be automatically processed.
Due to this difficulty, in our case studies we have
used document summaries generated by the
archivists (see Figure 2).
Within our model, the central element is the
document. Documents belong to a specific domain
such as the historical domain or the medical domain.
In our research we have used the historical archival
domain, formally represented as domain knowledge
by means of domain ontology (concepts and
relations) and rules. Documents can be obtained
from several data sources like external databases,
Web sites or digitized manuscripts.
Figure 1: The archival domain model.
The document content (see Figure 2) is expressed
in natural language in an unstructured manner. In
our case study, the document content actually
represents a summary of the associated original
document. Several documents may be related to one
another by referring information about the same
topics even if they are not containing the same
lexical representations (e.g. names, events, etc.). The
document also features a set of technical data, such
as the date of issue, archival fund or catalogue
number. In the case of the document shown in
Figure 2, the technical data specifies the document
number (“235”), the language in which the raw
document was written (“Latin”) and the edition in
which the original document has appeared
(“Zimmermaan-Werner 1892 –I, nr.169”).
When searching in the archival documents it is
important to identify all documents that are related
to a specified topic. To enable information retrieval
from all relevant documents, the domain knowledge
is used to add a semantic mark-up level to the
documents content.
Figure 2: Example of a document which contains technical
data and the summary of the original archival document.
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The domain knowledge core (domain ontology
and rules) is captured by processing and analyzing a
large repository of archival documents, focusing on
identifying their common concepts and
relationships. Next, based on information extraction
techniques applied on the raw documents, the
domain knowledge is enriched through instance
The system is structured on three interacting
processing layers: the raw data acquisition and
representation layer, the knowledge acquisition
layer and the knowledge processing and retrieval
layer. The layers and their associated resources and
processes are shown in Figure 3. The Primary
DataBase (PDB) is used for raw document
persistence, while the Knowledge Server (KS) is
used for learning and reasoning tasks.
The Raw Data Acquisition and Representation
layer provides support for collecting and storing data
in the Primary DataBase from multiple sources by
means of Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
techniques on raw documents, data import from
external databases or by means of the system’s
integrated user interface.
Figure 3: An overview of resources and processes.
The Knowledge Acquisition layer uses pattern-
matching to extract relevant data from the raw
documents. Based on the domain ontology and on a
set of semantic rules, the documents are then
semantically annotated. New concepts and instances
are identified and added to the domain ontology as a
result of this process.
The Knowledge Processing and Retrieval layer
enables ontologically-guided intelligent searches
over the annotated documents.
The system’s main workflows capture the
processing steps of the Knowledge Acquisition layer
and of the Knowledge Processing and Retrieval
The objective of the Knowledge Acquisition layer is
to extend the domain knowledge by identifying,
extracting and annotating the relevant domain-
specific information from the summaries of archival
documents (see Figure 4).
Knowledge Acquisition uses text mining
techniques (tokenization, pattern matching and data
structuring processes) applied in a pipeline fashion
over the documents’ content. Actually the
Knowledge Acquisition layer extends the OntoPop
(Amardeilh, 2006) (Amardeilh, 2007) methodology
with two additional processing steps. The first step,
synonyms population, is required for identifying and
processing ontology instances having several lexical
forms with the same meaning (i.e. they are
synonyms) in different documents. For example, the
names “Palostelek” present in one document and
“Paulusteleky” in another document have been
identified and further processed as synonyms. The
second step, homonym identification and
representation, deals with common lexical
representations for different instances. As an
example, the name “Mihai” may refer either to the
same person or to different persons in different
In the following, we describe the main activities
of the knowledge acquisition workflow.
Technical Data Extraction. This activity is
responsible for separating the document technical
data from its content (for technical data examples
see Section 3 and Figure 2).
Lexical Annotation. The objective of this activity is
to identify and annotate the relevant lexical elements
in the content based on pattern-matching rules. A
pattern matching rule defines relationship between
the lexical elements and their annotation elements.
The output of the lexical annotation activity consists
of annotated lexical data represented in a hierarchic
format of extracted words along with their
annotation elements according to the pattern
matching rule (see Figure 8 in the Case Study
ARHINET - A System for Generating and Processing Semantically-Enhanced Archival eContent
Section for an example).
Knowledge Extraction. The objective of
knowledge extraction activity is to use the domain
ontology in order to semantically annotate the
hierarchical structure of annotated lexical elements
obtained in the previous activity. This activity is
supported by a set of mapping rules. Each mapping
rule defines (i) ways of associating the annotated
lexical elements to ontology concepts and (ii) a set
of actions for populating the ontology with instances
and relations. The result of the knowledge extraction
activity is an RDF structure stored in a file
associated to the original document content (see
Figures 10 and 11 in the Case Study Section for
Figure 4: Knowledge acquisition.
Ontology Population and Management. Ontology
population activity integrates the new instances,
synonyms, homonyms and properties identified in
the knowledge extraction activity into the domain
ontology. By using a dictionary of synonyms, the
domain ontology is populated with all the synonyms
of an instance. The OWL-Lite ontology
representation allows synonym definition through
the “sameAs” property, which specifies that an
instance X is equivalent with another instance Y. To
address the problem of homonyms we defined a
distance function that takes as arguments the
document technical data, attributes and relations of
the ontology-stored potential instances and the
current instance being verified for the homonymous
relationship. If the computed function value exceeds
a certain threshold we consider that the two
instances are identical, otherwise they are
Figure 5: Example of logical inference rules.
Ontology management activities aim (i) to infer
new relations and properties as a result of ontology
modification due to previous population processes
and (ii) to preserve ontology consistency. For the
inferring of new properties we have used the Jess
rule engine (Sandia National Laboratories, 2008).
For example, in a newly processed document we
have identified the new instance “Mihail” and its
associated property “hasFather” having the range
“Albert de Juc”. After populating the ontology with
this information, the Jess rule engine infers the
inverse property “hasSon” with the domain “Albert
de Juc” and the range “Mihail”. To enable these
logical inferences, the Jess rule engine requires
SWRL (Horrocks et al., 2004) rules to be defined on
the domain ontology. An example of ontology
associated SWRL rules is illustrated in Figure 5. The
first rule defines the “hasSon” relation between two
persons as the inverse of the “hasFather” relation
between the same persons. The second rule shows
that the “hasBrother” relation between two persons
is symmetrical.
The aim of the knowledge processing and retrieval
layer is to provide support for intelligent queries that
enable searching for the most relevant information
available in archival documents. Document
searching is performed at two levels: one level relies
on the technical data, which narrows the set of
documents, while the other level relies on the
semantic meaning of the user input query. The user
input query triggers a complex reasoning process
that includes synonym search, logical inferences and
subclass / super class searches. As a result, the set of
query relevant documents is identified and new
Person(?s) ^ Person(?f) ^ hasSon(?f, ?s) -> hasFather(?s, ?f)
Person(?p) ^ Person(?b) ^ hasBrother(?p, ?b)
-> hasBrother(?b, ?p)
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
query relevant knowledge may be generated. We
used the Jess rule engine and a set of SQWRL
(SQWRL, 2008) rules as the main tools for
knowledge processing and retrieval.
Usually, in historical documents, several terms,
such as person or location names, have different
representations around a common root and it is
essential to identify all documents containing these
synonyms. To address this problem, the initial
search query is improved to search for instances
connected by the “sameAs” property, thus enhancing
the search process. Figure 6 presents an example of
a SQWRL enhanced query that enables synonym
search. The query searches in the ontology a person
that is Magister (“magistru”), taking in consideration
all the possible representations (synonyms) of the
person’s name.
Figure 6: Search query example.
The initial search query is further improved by
considering a sub-tree of the ontology that contains
the searched concept (class). For example, if the
instance “Transylvania” belonging to the ontology
concept “Principality” is the search key, the query is
refined to enable searching for the instances of its
super class “TerritorialDivision”.
The system proposed in this paper was used for
developing and processing semantically enhanced
archival eContent from documents capturing the
history of Transylvania, starting from the medieval
period. The historical documents have been obtained
from the Cluj County National Archives (CCNA,
2008). The original documents are found in Latin,
Hungarian, German and Romanian. Each document
is associated with a document summary in
Romanian which highlights the events and
participants. These summaries were used in our
system as the raw documents, the main source of
An example of such a document summary which
will be used for further exemplification throughout
this section is presented in Figure 7. In English, this
summary reads: “Carol Robert, the king of Hungary,
Figure 7: Medieval document summary.
donates to Mihail and Nicolae, the sons of Albert of
Juk, the Palostelek domain and the Imbuz (Omboz)
forest, in the Dabaca County, for their faithful
military services carried out together with the
magister Stefan, against Moise, a rebel against the
Figure 8: The core of the domain ontology.
In order to specialize the generic knowledge
acquisition workflow presented in Figure 4 for the
historical domain, we have used a corpus of several
documents for creating (i) a core for the historical
domain ontology, (ii) a set of specific pattern-
matching rules for the annotation of the lexical
elements and (iii) a set of mapping rules between the
annotated lexical elements and ontological concepts.
Figure 8 presents the core of the domain
ontology that was manually created by using the
Protégé Ontology Editor (Horridge et al., 2007),
based on the analysis of several raw documents.
We created the set of specific pattern-matching rules
for the annotation of lexical elements as JAPE
grammars (Tablan et al., 2004). A JAPE grammar
groups in phases the rules that specify actions to be
performed when certain patterns are matched. Such
a JAPE rule can be seen in Figure 9. The rule
searches for instances of the child–parent
relationship by looking for specific linguistic
construction patterns. The presented rule,
Person(?p0) ^ rdfs:label(?p0, ?p0_name)
^ sameAs(?p0,?p0s) ^ rdfs:label(?p0s, ?p0s_name)
^ hasTitle(?p0,?ha0) ^ rdfs:label(?ha0,"magistru")
-> sqwrl:selectDistinct(?p0s_name, "Person")
ARHINET - A System for Generating and Processing Semantically-Enhanced Archival eContent
Figure 9: Example of a JAPE rule
CandidateKinship_XSonOfY, finds phrasal patterns
of the form “X son of Y”, in order to, annotate the
lexical elements X and Y as Person, Person
Collection (several persons connected by commas
and conjunctions) or Complex Person (a lexical
construct consisting of a name and a title).
For the identification of proper names in the raw
documents, we used an existing Romanian gazetteer
(Tablan et al., 2004), that provides lists of Romanian
words. We have enriched the gazetteer with
additional lists that contain information specific to
the addressed historical periods, such as events,
kinship relations, titles, estates, etc.
Within the process of annotating the lexical
elements, the raw document is passed along with the
gazetteer lists through the pipeline of JAPE
grammars for extracting and structuring the relevant
information. Inside this process, the JAPE grammars
are used with the ANNIE (Tablan et al., 2004)
information extraction system integrated in our
system using the GATE API (Tablan et al., 2004).
Figure 10: Information extraction results.
For the raw document shown in Figure 7, the
identified lexical elements are presented in Figure
10a. The result of the annotation of the lexical
elements is the XML file shown in Figure 10b. It
contains a hierarchic structure of the identified
lexical elements that are further semantically
annotated by using a set of mapping rules (see
Figure 11). Each mapping rule associates to a
specific pattern defined in the XML file (i) a set of
ontology concepts that semantically annotate the
lexical elements and (ii) a set of operations that need
to be performed on the ontology in order to store the
identified information (instance population,
definition of properties and relations).
In the mapping rule shown in Figure 11, for the
lexical tag Kinship_XSonOfY, the child elements X
and Y are semantically annotated with the ontology
concept Person. The mapping rule also specifies the
actions of (i) adding X and Y as instances of Person
into the ontology and (ii) defining the hasFather
relation between the two instances.
For the currently processed raw document, the
Phase: Kinship_XSonOfY
Input: Lookup Token SpaceToken TempPerson Title
Options: control = appelt
({Token.kind == punctuation, Token.string == ","} |
(SPACE {Token.string == "si"}))?
({Token.kind == punctuation, Token.string == ","} |
{Token.string == "si"})?
({TitleComplex} | {Title})
Rule: CandidateKinship_XSonOfY
({Token.kind == punctuation, Token.string == ","})?
{Lookup.majorType == kinship_relations}
({Token.string == "lui"}
):kinship -->
:kinship.Kinship_XSonOfY =
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 11: Example of a mapping rule.
knowledge extraction process also generates an RDF
file (see Figure 12) that contains RDF statements
capturing the semantic annotations of the document.
Figure 12: Example of RDF file.
After processing several documents within the
knowledge acquisition workflow, the domain
ontology is populated with new instances and
properties (see Figures 8 and 13).
Figure 14 illustrates an example of a semantic
query that aims to search all documents that provide
information about the territorial division
“Palostelek”. Most of the archival documents related
to Transylvania may contain names and terms
written in different forms because of linguistic and
and phonetic influences (Romanian, Hungarian,
German or Slavic). Consequently, the location name
“Palostelek” may also appear as “Paulusteleky”.
Similarly, the location name “Juc” may appear as
“Szuc”, “Suzuluk”, “Zuk” or “Suk”.
Figure 13: Ontology population results.
Figure 14: Query example.
When performing queries about a term, like
“Palostelek”, it is essential to also identify all
documents about “Paulusteleky” and other possible
formats. This problem is solved within the synonym
search functionality implemented as part of the
knowledge processing and retrieval workflow (see
Section 6).
The whole set of relevant document contents
obtained after executing the query illustrated in
Figure 14 is presented in Figure 15.
Figure 15: Query results.
TerritorialDivision(?t0) ^ rdfs:label(?t0, ?t0_name)
^ swrlb:contains(?t0_name, "Palostelek")
^ sameAs(?t0,?t0s) ^ rdfs:label(?t0s, ?t0s_name)
-> sqwrl:selectDistinct(?t0s_name, TerritorialDivision")
<rule id="10">
<aobject child="yes" index="0">Person</aobject>
<aobject child="yes" index="1">Person</aobject>
<aobject index="1">Person</aobject>
ARHINET - A System for Generating and Processing Semantically-Enhanced Archival eContent
The present paper proposes a generic model of the
archival domain and offers a technical solution for
generating, semantically enhancing and processing
archival eContent. The solution follows two main
workflows: knowledge acquisition and knowledge
processing and retrieval. Within the knowledge
acquisition workflow we extend the OntoPop
methodology by adding two processing steps that
regard synonym and homonym population.
Reasoning techniques applied in knowledge
processing and retrieval enable ontology-guided
intelligent queries aiming at the identification of
relevant documents and knowledge.
For future work, we intend to extend our system
to enable ontologically-guided natural language
query processing and multilingual transparency.
Moreover, the domain ontology will be
automatically extended with new knowledge
extracted from documents.
This work was supported by the ArhiNet project
within the framework of the “Research of
Excellence” program initiated by the Romanian
Ministry of Education and Research.
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WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies