Proposal of an Architecture P2P for Digital Cities Creation
André M. Panhan, Denys G. Santos and Leonardo S. Mendes
Communication Networks Laboratory, Communications Department, Eletrical and Computer Engineering Faculty
University of Campinas – UNICAMP - Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz"- Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP - Brazil
Keywords: Digital Cities, Middleware, Open Access Metropolitan Networks.
Abstract: The term digital cities do not have a precise definition. The number of digital cities, whose development
started from the 90s, is constantly growing. Motivated by the increase of these cities, this paper describes
architecture for digital cities environment as a proposal to create a middleware for the interconnection of the
various segments of society. This middleware is structured in a Platform for P2P networks, also known as
DHT, with emphasis in the JXTA modified protocol.
Also known as Virtual City, Digital City, Intelligent
City and other names, digital cities represent a kind
of projection of a city in the digital world and
emerge as one of the forces that may contribute to
space organization (Silvia, 2002).
The digital cities can have many definitions. In
(Silvia, 2002), it is defined that digital cities are
people, systems and institutions that remain
connected through a digital communication
infrastructure. In digital cities, one uses real cities as
reference for their digital counterpart, aiming at
developing social relations of different purposes.
These include one or more of the items cited below.
- Creation of political and cultural spaces for
people and groups manifestation;
- Creation of communication channels between
individuals and groups;
- Creation of communication and negotiation
channels between municipal government and
- Favoring a greater identification from the
visitors with the reference city;
- Creation of a collection of information from
many different species and easily accessible
on the reference city.
Digital Cities, as defined by Graham (Graham,
2007), can serve as a tool to improve communication
between citizens and local government, stimulating
many activities that promote new opportunities to
the citizens, as we identify below.
"... virtual cities are electronic spaces, generally
based on the World Wide Web, which were
developed to connect, in an explicit way, the
development schedules of each city. These virtual
cities are working as political tool for a variety of
urban plans and objectives: global urban marketing,
stimulus to business and consumption, improving
communications between citizens and local
governments, increase the local enterprise
competitiveness, greater local economies integration
and the rebirth of civic and local culture." (Graham,
Motivated by the increased number of digital
cities developed during the 90s, this article presents
an architecture for digital cities environments and a
proposal to create a middleware based on a DHT
structure to people, groups and services (public and
private) interconnections for this proposed
M. Panhan A., G. Santos D. and S. Mendes L. (2008).
PROPOSAL OF AN ARCHITECTURE FOR DIGITAL CITIES CREATION - Proposal of an Architecture P2P for Digital Cities Creation.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 89-92
DOI: 10.5220/0001910900890092
In (Yamaoka, 2006) it is defined a minimal set of
assumptions, policies and technical specifications
that rules the use of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) by the government, establishing
the conditions for interaction. This middleware
emphasizes the JXTA modified protocol, extending
the interoperability traditional models in government
for other society segments as citizens, companies
and the third sector. Our proposition is developed
based on these minimal premises.
Figure 1: Interaction with digital cities and segments
The proposed architecture establishes rules on
the following areas responsible for the
interoperability of various society segments,
Interconnection, Security, Access Media and
organization and Information exchange.
For each of these areas we specify components,
for which standards are established.
2.1 Interconnection
The segment "Interconnection" establishes the rules
for enterprises (such as service or commercial
companies) and governments to interconnect
themselves upon the local network, which can be a
metropolitan network, a community network, or
even the Internet. This segment also treats the
interoperation rules of enterprises and governments
with the citizen. In this segment are defined
Electronics Message Transport, Electronics Message
Safely Content, Intercommunication LAN/ WAN
and Transportation.
2.2 Security
This segment deals with the proposed architecture
ICT security aspects that should be considered for
Digital Cities creation. We treat in this segment
security IP patterns, encryption, System
Development and Network Services.
2.3 Access Media
In the segment Access Media one explains issues
relating to devices standards, which are used to
access the services offered by Digital Cities. We also
define how devices must be treated. Some of these
devices are computers, mobile phones, hand-helds
and digital television, for example.
2.4 Organization and Information
This segment deals with aspects related to the
processing and transfer of information among
services offered by Digital Cities. It includes
components for data exchange, data processing, data
definition and Standards Database Catalogue (SDC).
Information distribution for these situations requires
the construction of suitable metadata structures for
each of the cases above.
Clearly defined policies and specifications for
interoperability and information management are
key issues for providing the enterprise connection
among citizen, enterprise, government and service
providers. The Digital City is designed as a basic
structure for the government strategy and business in
the several business scenarios (B2B, B2C, B2G,
G2G, G2C and C2C). This approach allows the
rationalization of investments in ICT, through the
sharing, reuse and exchange of technology
Enterprises, government and services providers
information resources are valuable economic assets.
By ensuring that information or service can be
quickly located and exchanged between the public
and private sectors, keeping the privacy obligations
and security, one encourages and stimulates local
Nowadays, most of the countries of world
recognize the needs for high investments in
developing universal access to multiservice
networks for all citizens. Economic analyses show
that universal services cause a direct and almost
immediate increase in GNP. Its also understood that
universal access to services, particularly when we
talk about e-Gov services, can only be achieved
through the creation of virtual (and, sometimes, real)
local networks (or Digital Cities). In creating the
Digital Cities one is primarily concerned with
establishing policies development, procedures and
standards for ICT, mounting dedicated structures to
reach local interoperability and seeking better
quality provision services at reduced costs. The
existence of a middleware as a foundation for
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
electronic services creation is a pre-requisite for
better services provision at a reduced cost for all the
actors of the Digital City.
Figure 2: Proposal of Architecture for Digital Cities.
A modern knowledge society requires the
development of integrated and interoperable
intelligent systems, which must work in a safe and
consistent environment. These requirements cannot
be attained unless a common interoperable
standardized environment is established. The
middleware, whose architecture is shown in Figure
3, is also the solution for this exigency. This
architecture covers the information exchange
between the services offered by all society segments.
To create the Middleware, we propose to add an
abstract slice on JXTA architecture. This slice will
be acting as an access control to digital cities
3.1 Structure
The basic structure to the proposed middleware is
based on the JXTA overlay network topology as can
be seen in Théodoloz (2004), or in Traversat (2003).
This model creates a network of Randezvous servers
to establish interconnection links among these, and
forming a complete graph, where each server is a
vertex and the connections are the edges.
In a JXTA network each server has a complete
and updated list of connected peers. Therefore, it is
possible that the search for a service in the network
be performed in a linear order when the network
servers are consistent. Otherwise, when an
inconsistency is found in the server’s network,
another mechanism must be activated to return the
identifier of a peer in time n.
Figure 3 represent the proposed architecture for
middleware model described in this paper. In this
architecture the Rx peers provide routing, the Ex
peers services and the Px peers access to the
interaction portal of Digital City.
Figure 3: Proposal of Architecture for Middleware.
Another relevant element to build a Digital City
is the creation of a protocol of multiple connections
to the peers connected to the network. In order to use
the multi-connection resources already available in
the JXTA architecture and seeking to make an
efficient use of the network and maintain its
workload low, it is proposed the creation of an
abstraction layer that keeps the peer connected to
only one Digital City. However, the protocol allows
the peer to make connections to other peers and
other Digital Cities without loosing the main
connection. This resource allows that the peer uses
services from other digital cities and, at the same
time, allows other digital cities to access its services.
To provide this resource, the abstraction layer
cannot treat the peer identifier like it is treated in the
JXTA architecture. In the proposed abstraction
layer, the peer identification must be done using a
pair of identifiers (GPID, PRID), where GPID is the
group identifier and PRID is the peer identifier.
3.2 Security
In a corporative or government communication
environment, data security is an extremely important
issue both in storage and transport of information.
To provide security in the operations of data
applications and transactions, one can use resources
offered by the JXTA API. This resource has a set of
algorithms that provide a base to security control in
the applications developed using this API.
Cities Creation
3.3 Digital City Directory
To maintain a consistent identifier services list in the
digital cities network, one can create agents
associated to the digital city portals and systems
interfaces. These agents can perform periodic
searches in the network to look for active services
and to map these services with an appropriate
description. With this map, the creation, ordering
and availability of data are responsibility of the
respective digital city through their portals and
access interfaces.
The concept of Digital City can be easily explained
how a user makes use of the digital city environment
to plan and contract a travel to a congress in another
The citizen enters in the portal a make
authentication. Authentication done, the citizen
makes them registration and makes a payment with a
credit card. As the bank system also was developed
within digital city architecture, the congress page
makes a request to the bank system with totally
transparent to the user.
After registration, the citizen chooses a hotel in
the city of the congress, buy the airplanes tickets and
rent a car, paying all of this in the same bank
Although these actions performed by the citizen
are familiar to the common user of the Internet, the
Internet users are not able to follow, and even
interfere in the process. In the Digital City, the user
is able to perform all these activities by accessing
only one page and yet follows all the process that
happening behind the scenes.
The creation of digital cities provides
communication channels to facilitate and improve
the relations between citizens and government,
citizen and enterprises, and enterprises and
government. This communication environment is
suitable to head these relationships because the
sophisticated identification, authentication and
security offered by the digital city middleware. For
the authenticated user, the digital city can provide an
environment rich in information and services.
The DHTs proposed in this work has as one of its
main characteristics the separation between
identifier and locator. This feature provides superior
mobility and improves security. Another important
feature of this DHT is the service doesn’t have
mapped in a physical address. The service can be
mapped in a simple name, allowing an improved
transparency with respect to migration.
To provide interoperability among different
digital cities without creating inconsistency or
service address replication, the creation of the
abstraction layer proposed in this paper is
The work presented here has been developed under
the umbrella of the projects “Municipal Infovia – An
Open Access Network for Cities” and “SIGM – An
Integrated e-Gov Environment for Cities”. These
projects have been supported in part by the
governments of the cities of São José do Rio Preto,
Pedreira, Penápolis, and Campinas, São Paulo State,
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business