Maurizio Adriano Strangio
Department of Mathematics, University of Rome “Roma Tre”, Italy
Qualified Digital Signatures, Key Agreement Protocols.
The European Commission Directive 1999/99/EC aims to provide a community-wide framework for the use
of electronic signatures and thus for promoting electronic trade and communication among the member states.
The directive introduces the notion of “qualified” digital certificates as a means to maintain legal effects of
digital data that are analogous to those of paper-based signatures. To this end, proofs of (physical) identity and
possession (of the private key) are fundamental requirements that must be fulfilled by the requester during the
public key enrollment process.
Digital signatures are often employed as secure buildings blocks in key agreement protocols that use public
key authentication. The need for the rigorous analysis of such protocols has recently emerged; there are
currently several formal models of distributed computing that may serve for this purpose. However, we point
out these models employ rather trivial or unpractical approaches in the modeling of the procedures and policies
employed by certification authorities.
We believe that usage of qualified certificates not only should represent the standard practice for CAs in order
to sustain secure electronic commerce (and in general all forms of secure communication) but also represents
the first step towards the domain of a global PKI.
Symmetric key algorithms have a troublesome short-
coming the need to generate and distribute a se-
cret key to the parties who wish to privately commu-
nicate. Furthermore, keys must be exchanged prior to
any communication by making use of a (out-of-band)
secret channel and not via a public network.
With public key cryptography, in a network of n
principals, each party needs only to distribute a public
key to her n 1 peers so the total number of keys to
manage is O(n), rather than O(n
However, with asymmetric key algorithms public
keys can be easily exposed (since they are delivered
in unencrypted form) therefore a principal using the
wrong key may be totally unaware that a malicious
party is posing as her intended peer. As the result,
public keys must be certified in a separate process
prior to any communication, possibly by a trusted
third party; for the parties willing to communicate
this is logically equivalent to having an authenticated
channel available to distribute the public keys in order
to receive assurance of each others purported identity.
In practice, this service is provided by a Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) which is an arrangement that
entails a trusted third party (a.k.a. certification author-
ity — CA) fulfilling a notary function by binding the
public key (and a set of informative attributes) to the
owner of the corresponding private key. The outcome
of the process is a digital certificate (e.g. X.509v3),
signed by the authority itself, that provides undis-
putable evidence of the true identity of the principal
holding the private key/public key pair.
While this approach is technically straightfor-
ward, the management (e.g. operation and funding)
of a PKI can become quite intricate (see (Ellison and
Schneier, 2000) for an overview of the difficulties that
may be encountered) so that the public key validation
process may be almost as difficult as distributing se-
cret keys (after all symmetric key cryptography has
been profitably employed since the era of Ceasar).
Whether a CA may be regarded as trustworthy
(which ultimately is a decision of the relying party)
is a major concern and is not just a matter of con-
sidering certain distinguishing elements such as the
reputation or the nationality of the CA. It turns out
that there are other requirements that must be satis-
fied and often these are not clearly stated in the CA
Adriano Strangio M. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 334-338
DOI: 10.5220/0001909203340338
policies (e.g. in the Certification Practice Statements
CPS) or, even worse, not even completely under-
stood. For this reason, in some countries (e.g. Italy)
there are government agencies entitled to perform the
final accreditation of CAs (which are also subjected
to periodic inspections to verify full compliance with
the law).
In fact, the main thesis of this paper is
that a “physical proof-of-identity” and “proof-of-
possession” are both mandatory to maintain the legal
status of digital signatures. With a physical proof-
of-identity the certificate requester must provide cor-
roborative evidence of her identity (e.g. an id-card)
in a “face-to-face” registration procedure at the reg-
istration authority (RA). With a proof-of-possession
the subscriber must prove he exerts (exclusive) con-
trol over the private key corresponding to the public
key undergoing the certification.
Although the “physical” identification process is
often perceived as an unduly burden by most sub-
scribers (although it is essentially identical to apply-
ing for a driving license) it is beneficial for a number
of reasons:
- it discourages from making use of PKIs for crim-
inal activity;
- facilitates law enforcement agencies in the
prosecution of the crimes related to signa-
ture/encryption schemes (e.g. identity theft,
- is also valuable for assessing the trustworthiness
of individuals.
On the one hand, the proof-of-possession require-
ment has been the subject of many discussions (see
(Asokan et al., 2003; Lauter and Mityagin, 2006))
with the majority of PKI standards firmly encourag-
ing its use (observe that when the CA generates the
public/private key pairs this requirement is immedi-
ately fulfilled). On the other hand, many CAs will
issue certificates offering different levels of identity
assurance; a physical proof-of-identity is required for
the certificates that are used in applications that need
to establish the purported identity of the subscriber
with certainty (e.g. commercial transactions); this is
opposed to certificates issued with email addresses
used as identification credentials (which are suitable
for non critical applications).
However, often an explicit indication of how the
subscriber was identified is omitted from the certifi-
cate attributes thus opening subtle vulnerabilities in
its use (the relying party may unwillingly omit to per-
form any validity checks).
We stress that a proof-of-possession merely im-
plies that the applicant has access to the private key
corresponding to the target public key; therefore a
physical proof-of-identity is essential for the legal
recognition of digital signatures.
CA policies often refer to the PKCS#10 standard
(PCKS#10v1.7, 2000) which describes a syntax for
certification requests; an entity applying for a cer-
tificate may be prompted by the RA to digitally sign
an electronic “certificate request” that will be subse-
quently conveyed to the CA for the final certificate
handout. Such an arrangement subsumes a proof-of-
possession. Surprisingly, the standard also includes
the provision for requests using paper forms; this im-
plies that CAs should define alternative means in their
policies for the requester to prove knowledge of the
private key.
The European Commission Directive 1999/99/EC
(European-Parliament, 1999) aims to provide a com-
munity framework for the use of electronic signatures
and thus for promoting electronic trade and commu-
nication among the member states.
In particular, the legal recognition of electronic
signatures entails the use of advanced electronic
signatures based on “qualified certificates”, which
are created by secure (signature-creation) devices
(e.g. tamper-proof standard-compliant devices such
as smart cards holding the private key), to ensure they:
(a) satisfy the same legal requirements of hand-
written signatures on paper-based data (refer to
the definition of advanced electronic signature in
the Directive);
(b) are admissible as evidence in a court of law.
The majority of European member countries have al-
ready embodied the directive in their legal systems
(civil laws).
Qualified certificates are certificates that com-
ply with the rules contained in Annexes I and II of
the aforementioned Directive and appear to satisfy
both the proof-of-possession (Annex I, letter (e)) and
proof-of-identity (Annex I, letter (c)) requirements as
we discussed in the preceding section.
Under such arrangements we call the resulting
certificates “strong qualified certificates”; as opposed
to “weak qualified certificates” which may be sup-
plied by CAs that do not strictly comply with both
the above requirements (e.g., consider a CA perform-
ing a proof-of-identity by means of an on-line zero-
knowledge identification protocol).
Digital signature schemes (and other public key en-
cryption schemes) are often employed as secure
building blocks in key establishment protocols that
use public key authentication for the purpose of en-
suring the parties involved in the communication that
the session key was established with the intended peer
and not with an impostor. Once a session key is avail-
able, the data exchanged is authenticated and undis-
closed against third parties thus allowing secure com-
munications over an insecure network.
Traditionally, cryptographic protocol security has
been a matter of perceived confidence supported by
heuristic proof arguments and by the protocol surviv-
ing many years of public scrutiny. More recently, the
approach has changed and the priority has switched
to developing formal proof frameworks. In this con-
text, a main line of research employs complexity-
theoretic models for distributed network computing
and is dedicated to key establishment protocols (Bel-
lare and Rogaway, 1993; Blake-Wilson and Menezes,
1998; Shoup, 1999; Bellare et al., 2000; Canetti and
Krawczyk, 2001; LaMacchia et al., 2006; Diffie et al.,
1992). Such models employ both private and public
key cryptographic techniques.
In the above models most of the fine level details
of PKIs are abstracted away; while in principle this
is a reasonable approach (we already mentioned that
PKIs are an intricate subject on their own) we often
see that important topics such as the key registration
procedures and policies employed by CAs are disre-
garded by many authors. We believe that such issues
are not only tightly related to the correct operation
of the protocol but may also eventually lead to (legal)
disputes among the participants and therefore must be
appropriately settled.
As a starting point for our discussion, let us recall
three public key registration procedures commonly
encountered in the literature (LaMacchia et al., 2006):
a. Honest key registration. All parties (including
those controlled by the adversary) follow the key
generation procedures honestly and register the
resulting public keys before engaging in any com-
munications. The adversary can corrupt parties
only after key registration has completed;
b. Proof-of-possession. An authority performs some
validity check upon public key registration. In
particular, a party is required to prove knowledge
of the corresponding secret key. The adversary
can register public keys for corrupted parties at
any time;
c. Arbitrary key registration. Parties can register ar-
bitrary public keys (even the same key as some
other party) without any validity checks. The ad-
versary can register public key for corrupted par-
ties at any time.
We comment that case c. is unrealistic since it is ex-
tremely unlikely that a CA will ever accept to enroll
public keys for which the requester has not provided
any validity check; the minimum requirement is veri-
fying the identity of the applicant.
Item a. exemplifies the behavior one would nor-
mally expect from honest principals holding valid cer-
tificates. The case of interest here is the compromise
of the private key of a principal whether or not he is
aware of this fact (the adversary may be able to subtly
obtain a copy of the private key).
The proof-of-possession requirement invoked by
item b. is not sufficient to achieve adequate levels
of security (as discussed above); we have already
pointed out that without a proof-of-identity CAs will
not issue certificates. We nowelaborate further on this
Lauter and Mityagin (Lauter and Mityagin, 2006)
have recently presented protocol KEA+ that, as op-
posed to the original version (KEA), is resilient to un-
known key share (UKS) attacks; as a countermeasure,
they suggest to include the identities of the protocol
participants as arguments of the key derivation func-
tion (KDF) and also claim that the above countermea-
sure avoids the need for a proof-of-possession.
Recall that a UKS attack involves a (man-in-the-
middle) adversary, posing as a legitimate party (say
C) in a protocol run between honest parties (say A
and B), that is able to convince one party (e.g. A) to
accept her identity (C) while the peer (B) is unaware
of this fact (i.e. B thinks he’s interacting with A). This
vulnerability is regarded of interest whether or not the
adversary is able to have the attacked party accept a
chosen session key.
We believe there are two issues that are over-
looked in their arguments. Firstly, the adversary must
provide a valid proof-of-identity;therefore, unless she
is willing to reveal her true identity (otherwise she
must be able to perfectly disguise herself and also of-
fer a counterfeit id card indeed a non trivial task),
she may be liable of being legally pursued for her ac-
tions in a court of law. Observe also that the (physical)
proof-of-identity policy rules out the well known on-
line UKS attack described by Kaliski (Kaliski, 2001)
against the MQV protocol (Law et al., 2003) (notice
that in this attack the adversary is able to have the tar-
get party accept a chosen session key).
Secondly, the lack of a proof-of-possession (albeit
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
not being necessary for a protocol to resist UKS at-
tacks) implies loss of the non-repudiation property for
digital signatures; at a later time the signer can even-
tually deny having participated in the protocol run
(and therefore having established a particular session
key with a peer).
We may conclude that the KEA+ protocol (and
many others alike) are not suitable for electronic trade
and commerce and at best can be used within the
realm of a corporate domain for the exchange of data
between employees (the proof-of-possession would
be satisfied anyway since the keys are generated and
managed in house).
From the above remarks we see that the primary
sources of concern derive from the legal implica-
tions involved in electronic data processing facilities
(which constitute the underlying principles of the Eu-
ropean Directive).
The lessons learned are twofold:
- strong qualified certificates are necessary to pre-
vent legal disputes;
- if legality is not a concern peers may use weak
qualified certificates.
Therefore, relying parties must be able to verify cer-
tificate policies of the CA to determine whether the
certificates are suitable and trustworthy for a particu-
lar application.
As a consequence, CAs should also have clearly
stated policies for appropriately setting certificate at-
tributes; for example, in strong qualified certificates
the X.509v3 Key Usage extension (RFC3280, 2000)
should always specify only one use for the public key
(namely for signature validation) and have the non re-
pudiation bit asserted.
We mention the recent attempt of Boldyreva et al
(Boldyreva et al., 2007) to set out rigorous models of
the public key enrollment process with a CA. In par-
ticular, they show that a simple challenge-response
interactive protocol suffices to fulfill the proof-of-
possession requirement. Notice that a fundamental
assumption in their work is the existence of an authen-
tic channel between the user and the CA; although (as
the authors admit) it would be otherwise difficult to
establish any reasonable security claim this hypothe-
sis enormously reduces the practical usefulness of the
registration protocols (e.g. running it on an open net-
work environment is risky similar arguments apply
to the proof-of-possessionprotocolsfound in the tech-
nical literature for the Internet (RFC2875, 2000)). As
a possible enhancement to the registration protocols,
one may consider the CA assigning a unique trans-
action key TK to the subscriber when the physical
proof-of-identity is performed; the TK may be used
only once either as a shared session key (provided it
is cryptographicallystrong enough say, at least 128
bits) or as an access token to be included as an argu-
ment of the registration protocol on the user side (and
verified by the CA) thus providing an authenticated
communication channel.
In this paper we have (re)affirmed the need for CAs
to require mandatory proofs of identity and posses-
sion (of the private key) from subscribers requesting
digital certificates for public keys in order to preserve
the legal status of the associated signature schemes.
We have also reviewed the notion of qualified certifi-
cates as introduced by the European community di-
rective 1999/99/EC (European-Parliament, 1999). As
far as electronic documents are concerned (e.g. con-
tracts) the directive says that all member states should
ensure that advanced electronic signatures (i.e. signa-
tures that are linked to qualified certificates) must be
given the same legal effect as paper-based signatures
and are thus form valid evidence in court trials.
We have also pointed out that formal models of
distributed computing, where the security of key es-
tablishment protocols using public key authentica-
tion is evaluated, often adopt a rather trivial approach
when considering public key enrollment procedures.
Our main thesis is that large-scale CAs (offering
national or international cross-borderservices) should
only offer qualified certificates (with the appropriate
proofs established) whether they are relative to digi-
tal signatures used to sign documents or employed as
building blocks in key establishment or other crypto-
graphic protocols. Other types of certificates, which
we have broadly classified as weak qualified certifi-
cates, only grant a limited degree of security (assur-
ance) with no legal effects and can be eventually used
in particular domains (e.g. the PKI used in a home-
banking system).
Although (in principle) one could choose the
appropriate certificate depending on the application
(among those offered by a CA) there would be signif-
icant benefits if all the players involved could assume
that certificates delivered an equivalent degree of as-
surance rather than having to rely on non-standard
policies. To this end, it would be desirable that strong
qualified certificates be adopted as a universal stan-
dard for digital signatures, thus delivering further im-
pulse to the development of interoperable world-wide
The author is grateful to the reviewers for their helpful
comments and suggestions.
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ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business