Vincent Cho and Geoffrey Lieu
Department of Management and Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
Keywords: Innovation diffusion, electronic patient record.
Abstract: This paper proposes a study on the underlying factors affecting the adoption, routinization and infusion of
electronic patient record in the clinics of Hong Kong. We suggest using a focus group to identify the
potential antecedents for the three stages of innovation diffusion (adoption, routinization and infusion).
Then a theoretical framework based on the antecedents and their impact on innovation diffusion will be
layout. It will be verified upon a survey sending to the medical practitioners in Hong Kong.
We are well into the digital information age. Digital
communications and information resources affect
almost every aspect of our lives – business, finance,
education, government and entertainment. Clinical
practice is highly information intensive, but it is one
of the few areas of our society where computer
access to information has had only limited success.
Most IT practices in health care by physicians
have been applied to office management in areas
related to accounting of the business, and the
scheduling on patients’ booking. The adoption of
Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) - medical
computerized systems that organize the information
on a patient’s treatment, diagnosis and results from
laboratory and other testing – appears limited. The
possibility of instant, universal access to up-to-the-
minute, accurate patient information is a goal that is
actively sought throughout health services
organizations. It is increasingly recognized that
EPRs bring along the quality benefits of electronic
documentation and viewing, prescription and test
ordering, care management reminders, and
messaging, among other medical systems. Thus,
EPRs are important tools for improving patient
safety and quality of care, especially by promoting
the practice of evidence-based medicine.
Despite this potential for quality improvement,
however, few physician practices use EPRs.
Nevertheless, interest in EPRs is substantial. A
recent survey in 2005 indicated that among 1061
respondents to a random sampling of members of
the Medical Group Management Association in US,
one in five said they were using an EPR and 40
percent of those without one told they plan to
acquire the technology within the next two year.
Clearly, the EPR is of growing importance for many
physician practices.
In face of adoption barriers, there has been much
research outlining the healthcare system’s move
towards EPRs for example (Ross and Lin, 2003;
Tachinardi et al. 2001; Van’t Riet et al., 2001).
However, most of these studies are US based. This
study attempts to investigate the facilitating and
inhibiting factors that affect health care practitioners
to adopt EPRs in Hong Kong; to understand the
health care practitioners on their attitude and
knowledge towards EPRs in health care practice and
to explore the existing utilization and future
intention on EPRs in private sector of the health care
To predict acceptance of technology, a number of
intention-based theories have evolved, i.e. the theory
of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991), theory of
reasoned action (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975) and the
technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989; Davis et
al. 1989). According to these theories, user beliefs
and attitudes about IT influence adoption and usage
behaviours. With few exceptions, however, most
studies using these theories have ignored the
temporal dimension and the antecedent variables
Cho V. and Lieu G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 421-424
DOI: 10.5220/0001904704210424
that may affect beliefs and attitudes at different
stages of the adoption process. Those that have,
stress its importance and the need for further study.
For example, Venkatesh and Davis (2000) report
that the same variables had different effects at
different stages of the adoption process, and
Fichman and Kemerer (1999) emphasize the need to
capture the time of deployment instead of, or in
addition to, time of acquisition as the bases for
diffusion modeling, driven the observed pattern of
cumulative adoptions varies depending on which
event in the assimilation process (i.e. acquisition or
deployment) is treated as the adoption event.
Further, Agarwal and Prasad (1997) support this
view that intention-based models may not explain
user adoption behavior at the different stages of the
adoption process.
Based on this evidence, the current study
considers the Rogers’ (1995) stage-based diffusion
of innovation model to be the most appropriate to
guide its investigation of the formation and change
over time of user attitudes and subsequent
acquisition and deployment decisions.
Everett Rogers defines diffusion as “the process
by which an innovation is communicated through
certain channels over time among the members of a
social system” (Rogers, 1983, p.5) where innovation
has been described as an idea, material, or artifact
perceived to be new by the relevant unit of adoption
(Zaltman, Duncan, and Holbek, 1973). There are
two types of communication channels have been
influential in diffusing technology – mass media
channels and interpersonal channels. Mass media are
radio, television, newspapers, and so on, which
enable a source of one or a few individuals to reach
an audience of many. And interpersonal channels are
face to face, telephone, and personal networks. In his
review of innovation diffusion, Rogers (1995)
reported mass media channels were most influential
in introducing potential adopters to an innovation,
whereas interpersonal channels were more
influential in subsequent stages.
Innovation diffusion research postulates that
many different outcomes are of interest in
technology adoption, including the initial adoption,
the subsequent routinization and infusion of the
innovation. This view is consistent with the stage
model as proposed and empirically validated by
Cooper and Zmud (1990). These stages of
implementation (as shown below) are not
necessarily sequential, and should be considered
activities that may occur in parallel (Cooper &
Zmud 1990):
Initiation – Analyzing organizational needs
and potential IT solutions
Adoption – Negotiating to get
organizational backing for IT
Adaptation – Developing, installing and
maintaining the IT application,
revising/developing organizational
procedures, training of end-users
Acceptance – Inducing the organizational
members to use the technology
Routinization – Encouraging the use of the
IT application as a normal activity
Infusion – Effective use of the technology
results in the intended benefits (increased
organizational effectiveness) of the IT
being obtained.
Initiation, adoption and adaptation require both
managerial and end-user input and buy-in, and the
remaining three stages require necessary dialogues
between organizational members for progression
through each stage to occur. Additionally, it is
widely recognized that successful implementation
depends upon gaining organizational members’,
targeted as end-users of the innovation, appropriate
and committed use of an innovation (Leonard-
Barton and Deschamps 1988; Klein and Sorra 1996).
It is through the development of a critical mass of
individual routinization and infusion that eventual
organizational infusion of an innovation is achieved
(Tornatzky and Fleischer 1990; Klein and Sorra
1996), and organizational benefits might then be
Based on the situation in Hong Kong’s clinical
practices, most private clinics are either solo
practices or partnerships of a few medical doctors
that are small in size. Thus the respective process on
EPR initiation, adaptation and acceptance are rather
straight forward. In this regard, we would like to
focus our study on the other three different stages:
adoption, routinization and infusion on EPRs in
supporting medical practice.
The measure on adoption is based on whether
the organization has implemented any EPR.
Routinization is measured by the usage of the EPR
according to the daily tasks of a clinic. Infusion is
measured by the extent of the EPR being integrated
with other internal systems within the clinic or
external systems outside the clinic. Moreover, the
antecedents on these three essential stages will be
ICE-B 2008 - International Conference on e-Business
A trivial approach to study different stages of a
clinic would be longitudinal tracing, but this takes
years on the data collection. Nevertheless, we
assume different clinics have different extents on the
diffusion stages. Some earlier adopters would be
more focused on infusion at current moment while
some late adopters are still struggling with the
routinization of the EPR practice. Thus a cross
sectional approach would be adequate for
understanding on the diffusion situation of EPRs in
Hong Kong. Moreover, we suppose most clinics are
not purely on a single stage of the EPR diffusion,
they would be 70% adopting on the EPR, with 50%
routnizing the EPR practice and 5% infusing the
EPR with their daily tasks. In this regard, cross-
sectional approach would make more sense to have
the overall picture.
Data for this study will be firstly gathered in a
focus group interview from which the possible
antecedents and measurements on adoption,
routinization, and infusion will be determined. A
structured questionnaire will be constructed based
on the literature with amendments from the focus
group to fit the Hong Kong medical practice. The
questionnaire will be pilot tested, revised if
necessary, and then sent extensively by mail to
private sector doctors. From the survey, the
respondent (the principle doctor who hosts the
clinic) will be asked about the current usage on EPR
which consists of the three dimensions on the extent
of adoption, routinization, and infusion. The
respondent will then evaluate the importance of
some pre-defined antecedents on the three respective
dimensions of usage. Some open-ended questions
will be supplemented any other antecedents not to be
The Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA)
has available to the public on the Internet a directory
of its members by clinical specialty and geographic
location. This list includes essentially all registered
private practice doctors in Hong Kong, estimated at
about 4,000 in total.
As the data collection instrument will be a
mailed questionnaire, we will randomly sample
2,000 doctors listed in the HKMA directory. For the
replied respondent, we will mail a $50 Park’N shop
couple (for the first 400 respondents) and a summary
of our finding as a reward.
We shall obtain the means, standard deviations, and
bivariate correlations for all data used to analyze
predictions of all variables. We intend to perform a
factor analysis on the reasons for adopting new
technologies as well as those for not adopting these
technologies. A multiple ordinary least squares
(OLS) regression analysis will be the primary
statistical technique to be employed in our study. We
shall control for complementarities in the variables
and also check whether control variables will have
any significant influence on the data.
With our results on the survey, we will understand
the facilitating and inhibiting factors as well as the
existing practice of EPRs in Hong Kong private
clinic. This study will establish a theoretical
examination on the diffusion model and inject the
managerial insight on how to utilize the EPRs to a
greater extent.
This research was supported in part by The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University under grant number A-
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